
Southwest Florida Beta Car list

Sep 8th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. aDbs = Super
  2. dHCat = Sedan
  3. fExp = SUV
  4. fExpPolice = Police
  5. fExpPoliceUnd = Police
  6. fF150 = Pickup
  7. fMusGT = Coupe
  8. hPas = SUV
  9. lAven = Super
  10. lGall = Super
  11. mGt = Super
  12. mS3 = Hatchback
  13. rrSport = SUV
  14. tCamry = Sedan
  15. tFj = SUV
  16. tGT86 = Coupe
  17. tSA80 = Classic
  18. tSA90 = Coupe
  19. tTacoma = Pickup
  20. bM4 = Coupe
  21. dRamRebel = Pickup
  22. jWran = SUV
  23. cCam = Coupe
  24. jGlad = Pickup
  25. jWran4 = SUV
  26. lHuraP = Super
  27. mE63S = Sedan
  28. aRS5 = Coupe
  29. bFSp = Sedan
  30. cC8 = Coupe
  31. gG70 = Sedan
  32. cCTS5 = Sedan
  33. jGCT = SUV
  34. mGTR = Super
  35. pHuay = Hyper
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