
Pyrex admin. Leaked

Jun 2nd, 2015
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Lua 46.38 KB | None | 0 0
  1. --[[
  3. Leaked by CLarramore from the Pyrex Developer Team.
  4. Pyrex developers...
  7. well...
  9. I have gotten another version of pyrex admin
  11. so...
  13. k
  15. ~CLarramore from Pyrex Developer Team.
  20.     1.)Fetures Will Not Work Unless HTTP Service Is On!
  21.     2.)Control+f and type in Ranking. You Can Edit Them with your prefrences.
  22.     3.)If you want to help develop this admin pm any developer.
  23.     4.)Report bugs to any developer.
  24.     5.)You Can Customize your tablet color and shape.
  25.     7.)Enjoy!
  27.     ~Pyrex Developer Team.
  28. ]]
  31. --Removing--
  32. wait()
  33. script.Parent = nil
  34. script.Name = 'PyrexAdmin'
  35. -----------------
  36. for _, Model in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  37.         if string.find(Model.Name, 'PyrexModel:') then
  38.                 Model:Destroy()
  39.         end
  40. end
  42. ------------------
  43. Players = game:GetService('Players')
  44. Lighting = game:GetService('Lighting')
  45. Workspace = game:GetService('Workspace')
  46. ------------------
  47. Pyrex = {
  48. Services = {};
  49. Settings = {};
  50. Functions = {};
  51. Commands = {};
  52. Bet1 = '!';
  53. Bet2 = ';';
  54. Bet3 = '-'
  55. }
  56. -----------
  57. DeveloperKind = "1"
  58. -----------
  59. --Services--
  60. ------------------
  61. Pyrex.Services.RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
  62. Pyrex.Services.MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
  63. Pyrex.Services.HttpService = game:GetService('HttpService')
  64. -----------------
  65. --Command model
  66. -----------------
  67. --Pyrex.CmdModel = Pyrex.Services.MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(214887536).Description
  68. ------------------
  69. --ADMINS--
  70. ------------------
  71. Pyrex.Ranked = {}
  72. Pyrex.Pri_List = {}
  73. Pyrex.PrivateServer_Enabled = false
  74. Pyrex.Logs_Service = {}
  75. Pyrex.Gui_Service = {}
  76. ------------------
  77. --FUNCTIONS--
  78. ------------------
  79. Pyrex.Functions.Output = function(Player,Color,Text,ColorOverride,Func)
  80.         pcall(function()
  81.         if Player.Character then
  82.         local PlayerModel = nil
  83.         if Workspace:FindFirstChild('PyrexModel:'..Player.Name) then
  84.                 PlayerModel = Workspace:FindFirstChild('PyrexModel:'..Player.Name)
  85.         else
  86.                 PlayerModel ="Model", workspace)
  87.                 PlayerModel.Name = 'PyrexModel:'..Player.Name
  88.         end
  89.         --
  90.         local Tablet ="Part")
  91.         local TabletMesh
  92.         if Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Type'] == 'Tablet' then
  93.                 TabletMesh ='BlockMesh', Tablet)
  94.         elseif Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Type'] == "Sphere" then
  95.                 TabletMesh ='SpecialMesh', Tablet)
  96.                 TabletMesh.MeshType = 'Sphere'
  97.                 elseif Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Type'] == "Block" then
  98.                 TabletMesh ="BlockMesh",Tablet)
  99.         end
  100.         TabletMesh.Name = 'TabletMesh'
  101.         TabletMesh.Scale =,0,0)
  102.         Tablet.FormFactor = "Custom"
  103.         Tablet.Transparency = 0.5
  104.         if Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Type'] == 'Tablet' then
  105.                 Tablet.Size =,5,0.2)
  106.         elseif Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Type'] == 'Sphere' then
  107.                 Tablet.Size =,2,2)
  108.                 elseif Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Type'] == 'Block' then
  109.       ,2.3,2.3)
  110.     end
  111.         Tablet.CanCollide = false
  112.         Tablet.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  113.         Tablet.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  114.         Tablet.Anchored = true
  115.         Tablet.Name = "PyrexTablet:"..Player.Name
  116.         Tablet.Locked = true
  117.         Tablet.CFrame = Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  118.         if ColorOverride == true then
  119.                 Tablet.BrickColor =
  120.         else
  121.                 Tablet.BrickColor =[Player.Name]['Color'])
  122.         end
  123.         local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Tablet)
  124.         Billboard.Adornee = Tablet
  125.         Billboard.Enabled = true
  126.         Billboard.Active = true
  127.         Billboard.Size =, 1, 1,1)
  128.         Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 1.5, 0)
  129.         local point ="PointLight",Tablet)
  130.             point.Brightness = 1/0
  131.             point.Color = Tablet.BrickColor.Color
  132.             point.Range = 10
  133.         local TL ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  134.         TL.Text = Text
  135.         TL.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  136.         TL.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  137.         TL.FontSize = "Size18"
  138.         TL.Font = "ArialBold"
  139.         TL.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  140.         local Button ='ClickDetector', Tablet)
  141.         Button.MaxActivationDistance = 100
  142.         if ColorOverride == true then
  143.                 TL.TextColor3 =
  144.         else
  145.                 if Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name] then
  146.                         TL.TextColor3 =[Player.Name]['Color']).Color
  147.                 end
  148.         end
  149.         Tablet.Parent = PlayerModel
  150.         coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  151.         wait(0.5)
  152.         for i=1, 10 do
  153.                 TabletMesh.Scale = TabletMesh.Scale +,0.1,0.1)
  154.                 wait()
  155.         end
  156.         end))
  157.         --
  159.         Button.MouseClick:connect(function(Clicker)
  160.                 if Clicker == Player then
  161.                         if Func ~= nil then
  162.                                 Func(Player)
  163.                         else
  164.                                 coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  165.                                         for i=1, 10 do
  166.                                                 TabletMesh.Scale = TabletMesh.Scale +,-0.1,-0.1)
  167.                                                 wait()
  168.                                         end
  169.                                 Tablet:Destroy()
  170.                                 end))
  171.                         end
  172.                 end
  173.         end)
  174.         end
  175.         end)
  176. end
  177. --
  178. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd = function(Name, Cmd, Desc, Rank, Ext, Func)
  179.         Pyrex.Commands[Cmd] = {['Name'] = Name, ['Command'] = Cmd, ['Description'] = Desc, ['Rank'] = Rank,['Extensions'] = Ext, ['Function'] = Func}
  180. end
  181. --
  182. Pyrex.Functions.Chatted = function(Player,Text)
  183.         if string.find(Text,Pyrex.Bet1) and string.sub(string.find(Text,Pyrex.Bet1), 1) == '1' then
  184.                 if string.find(Text,Pyrex.Bet2) then
  185.                         local Start = string.sub(string.find(Text,Pyrex.Bet1),1)
  186.                         local End = string.sub(string.find(Text,Pyrex.Bet2),1)
  187.                         local Ext = string.find(string.sub(Text,1),Pyrex.Bet3)
  188.                         local Arg
  189.                         local DoFunc
  190.                         local Cmd = string.sub(Text,Start+1,End-1)
  191.                         local ExtArg
  192.                         if Ext then
  193.                                 Arg = string.sub(Text,End+1,Ext-1)
  194.                                 ExtArg = string.sub(Text,Ext+1)
  195.                         else
  196.                                 Arg = string.sub(Text,End+1,string.len(Text))
  197.                         end
  198.                         if Pyrex.Commands[Cmd] then
  199.                                 DoFunc = Pyrex.Commands[Cmd].Function
  200.                                 if ExtArg then
  201.                                         if Pyrex.Commands[Cmd]['Extensions'][ExtArg] ~= nil then
  202.                                                 DoFunc = Pyrex.Commands[Cmd]['Extensions'][ExtArg]['Func']
  203.                                         else
  204.                                                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player,'Really red','Unknown extension (ERROR 002)', true,nil)
  205.                                         end
  206.                                 end
  207.                                 if Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name] and Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank >= Pyrex.Commands[Cmd]['Rank'] then
  208.                                         DoFunc(Player, Arg)
  209.                                 else
  210.                                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player,'Really red','Insignificant permissions (ERROR 003)', true,nil)
  211.                                 end
  212.                         else
  213.                                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player,'Really red','Unknown command (ERROR 001)', true,nil)
  214.                         end
  215.                 end
  216.         end
  217. end
  218. --
  219. Pyrex.Functions.Rank = function(Player,Color,Type,Desc,Rank)
  220.         Pyrex.Ranked[Player] = {
  221.                 ['Rank'] = Rank;
  222.                 ['Color'] = Color;
  223.                 ['Type'] = Type;
  224.                 ['Name'] = Player;
  225.                 ['Desc'] = Desc
  226.         }
  227. end
  228. Pyrex.Functions.ConnectPlayer = function(Player)
  229.                 if Pyrex.PrivateServer_Enabled and not Pyrex.Pri_List[Player.Name] then
  230.                         Pyrex.Functions.Kick(Player)
  231.                         return nil
  232.                 end
  234.         Player.Chatted:connect(function(Text)
  235.                 Pyrex.Functions.Chatted(Player, Text)
  236.         end)
  237.         if Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name] then
  238.                 if Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Rank'] >= 0 then
  239.                         print('Player already ranked')
  240.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player, 'Lime green', 'You are rank '..Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Rank'],false,nil)
  241.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player, 'Really red', 'Welcome To PyrexAdmin: ',Player.Name)
  242.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player, 'Really red', 'Say !cmds/ for list of commands')
  243.                 else
  244.                         Pyrex.Functions.Kick(Player)
  245.  for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  246.  if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  247. wait(.3)--Player wont se-e that pyrex is banning them
  248. Pyrex.Functions.Output(v, 'Really red', Player.Name..' |PYREX| Banned Player Has Tried Join Server', false)
  249. Pyrex.Functions.Output(v, 'White','Click To See Why User Was Banned',false,function()
  250. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(v)
  251. Pyrex.Functions.Output(v, 'Bright red', "|PYREX| "..Player.Name.." was banned for: "..Pyrex.Ranked[Player.Name]['Desc'], false)
  252. wait(3)
  253. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(v)
  254. end)
  255.                                                       end
  256.                                             end
  257.                 end
  258.         else
  259.                 Pyrex.Functions.Rank(Player.Name, tostring(BrickColor.random()), 'Block', 'Player',0)
  260.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player, 'Lime green', 'You are rank 0',true)
  261.       Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player, 'Really red', 'Welcome To PyrexAdmin',Player.Name)
  262. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Player, 'Really red', 'Say !cmds/ for list of commands')
  263.         end
  264. end
  265. ---Kick plr and stuff
  266. Pyrex.Functions.Kick = function(Plr)
  267.         local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(Plr,{string.rep("Ty, m8",2e5+5)})
  268.         delay(3,function()
  269.                 pcall(function()
  270.                         h:remove()
  271.                 end)
  272.         end)
  273. end
  275. Pyrex.Functions.ShowSettings = function(Plr,Spkr)
  277.         if Pyrex.Ranked[Plr.Name]['Rank'] <= Pyrex.Ranked[Spkr.Name]['Rank'] - 1 then
  278.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Spkr)
  279.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Spkr, 'Royal purple', 'Rank: '..Pyrex.Ranked[Plr.Name]['Rank'], false, function()
  280.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Spkr)
  281.                         for i=1, Pyrex.Ranked[Spkr.Name]['Rank'] do
  282.                                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Spkr, 'Reddish brown', 'Set rank to '..i,false,function()
  283.                                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Spkr)
  284.                                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Spkr, 'Bright blue', Plr.Name.."'s rank has been set to "..i,true)
  285.                                         Pyrex.Ranked[Plr.Name]['Rank'] = i
  286.                                 end)
  287.                         end
  288.                 end)
  289.         else
  290.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Spkr, 'Really red', 'Unable to set rank (ERROR 003)', true)
  291.         end
  292. end
  293. --
  294. Pyrex.Functions.GetRanked = function(Self)
  295.         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Self)
  296.         for i,v in pairs(Pyrex.Ranked) do
  297.                 wait()
  298.                  Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', v['Name']..' ('..v['Rank']..')',false,function()
  299.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Self)
  300.                         if Pyrex.Ranked[Self.Name]['Rank'] > v['Rank'] then
  301.                                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', 'Set rank', false, function()
  302.                                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Self)
  303.                                         for i=-1, Pyrex.Ranked[Self.Name]['Rank'] do
  304.                                                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', 'Set rank to '..i, false,function()
  305.                                                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Self)
  306.                                                         v['Rank'] = i
  307.                                                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', v['Name'].."'s rank has been set to "..i, true)
  308.                                                 end)
  309.                                         end
  310.                                 end)
  311.                         end
  312.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', 'Name: '..v['Name'], false)
  313.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', 'Desc: '..v['Desc'], false)
  314.                                             Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Add to Pri', false, function()
  315.                                                                                                               Pyrex.Pri_List[v['Name']] = true
  316.                                                                                                               end)
  317.                         if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v['Name']) then
  318.                                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', 'AccountAge: '['Name']).AccountAge, false)
  319.                                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Self, 'Bright blue', 'UserID: '['Name']).userId, false)
  321.                         end
  322.                 end)
  323.         end
  324. end
  325. --
  326. Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer = function(Self, Arg)
  327.         local ToReturn = {}
  328.         if string.lower(Arg) == 'all' then
  329.                 for i,v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  330.                         table.insert(ToReturn, v)
  331.                 end
  332.         elseif string.lower(Arg) == 'me' then
  333.                 ToReturn  = {Self}
  334.         elseif string.lower(Arg) == 'others' then
  335.                 for i,v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  336.                         if v ~= Self then
  337.                         table.insert(ToReturn, v)
  338.                         end
  339.                 end
  340.         elseif string.lower(Arg) == 'random' then
  341.                 local Player = Players:GetChildren()[math.random(1,#Players:GetChildren())]
  342.                 table.insert(ToReturn, Player)
  343.         else
  344.                 local Arg = string.lower(Arg)
  345.                 for i,v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  346.                         if string.find(string.lower(v.Name), Arg) then
  347.                                 table.insert(ToReturn, v)
  348.                                 break
  349.                         end
  350.                 end
  351.         end
  352.         return ToReturn
  353. end
  354. --
  355. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss = function(Plr)
  356.         pcall(function()
  357.                         for _, Tablet in pairs(Workspace:FindFirstChild('PyrexModel:'..Plr.Name):GetChildren()) do
  358.                         local TabletMesh = Tablet.TabletMesh
  359.                         coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  360.                                         for i=1, 10 do
  361.                                                 TabletMesh.Scale = TabletMesh.Scale +,-0.1,-0.1)
  362.                                                 wait()
  363.                                         end
  364.                                 Tablet:Destroy()
  365.                                 end))
  366.                         end
  367.                         end)
  368. end
  369. --
  370. Pyrex.Functions.ShowCommands = function(Plr)
  371.         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  372.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank 0 commands', false,function()
  373.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  374.         for _, Cmd in pairs(Pyrex.Commands) do
  375.                 if Cmd['Rank'] <= 0 then
  376.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Grey', Cmd['Name'], false, function()
  377.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  378.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command name: '..Cmd['Name'], false)
  379.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command description: '..Cmd['Description'],false)                
  380.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank required: '..Cmd['Rank'], false)
  381.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Usage: '..Pyrex.Bet1..Cmd['Command']..Pyrex.Bet2, false)
  382.                 end)
  383.                 end
  384.         end
  385.         end)
  386.         --
  387.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank 1 commands', false,function()
  388.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  389.         for _, Cmd in pairs(Pyrex.Commands) do
  390.                 if Cmd['Rank'] <= 1 then
  391.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Grey', Cmd['Name'], false, function()
  392.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  393.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command name: '..Cmd['Name'], false)
  394.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command description: '..Cmd['Description'],false)                
  395.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank required: '..Cmd['Rank'], false)
  396.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Usage: '..Pyrex.Bet1..Cmd['Command']..Pyrex.Bet2, false)
  397.                 end)
  398.                 end
  399.         end
  400.         end)
  401.         --
  402.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank 2 commands', false,function()
  403.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  404.         for _, Cmd in pairs(Pyrex.Commands) do
  405.                 if Cmd['Rank'] <= 2 then
  406.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Grey', Cmd['Name'], false, function()
  407.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  408.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command name: '..Cmd['Name'], false)
  409.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command description: '..Cmd['Description'],false)                
  410.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank required: '..Cmd['Rank'], false)
  411.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Usage: '..Pyrex.Bet1..Cmd['Command']..Pyrex.Bet2, false)
  412.                 end)
  413.                 end
  414.         end
  415.         end)
  416.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank 3 commands', false,function()
  417.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  418.         for _, Cmd in pairs(Pyrex.Commands) do
  419.                 if Cmd['Rank'] <= 3 then
  420.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Grey', Cmd['Name'], false, function()
  421.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  422.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command name: '..Cmd['Name'], false)
  423.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command description: '..Cmd['Description'],false)                
  424.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank required: '..Cmd['Rank'], false)
  425.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Usage: '..Pyrex.Bet1..Cmd['Command']..Pyrex.Bet2, false)
  426.                 end)
  427.                 end
  428.         end
  429.         end)
  430.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank 4 commands', false,function()
  431.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  432.         for _, Cmd in pairs(Pyrex.Commands) do
  433.                 if Cmd['Rank'] <= 4 then
  434.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Grey', Cmd['Name'], false, function()
  435.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  436.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command name: '..Cmd['Name'], false)
  437.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command description: '..Cmd['Description'],false)                
  438.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank required: '..Cmd['Rank'], false)
  439.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Usage: '..Pyrex.Bet1..Cmd['Command']..Pyrex.Bet2, false)
  440.                 end)
  441.                 end
  442.         end
  443.         end)
  444.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank 5 commands', false,function()
  445.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  446.         for _, Cmd in pairs(Pyrex.Commands) do
  447.                 if Cmd['Rank'] <= 5 then
  448.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Grey', Cmd['Name'], false, function()
  449.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  450.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command name: '..Cmd['Name'], false)
  451.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Command description: '..Cmd['Description'],false)                
  452.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Rank required: '..Cmd['Rank'], false)
  453.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Usage: '..Pyrex.Bet1..Cmd['Command']..Pyrex.Bet2, false)
  454.                 end)
  455.                 end
  456.         end
  457.         end)
  458.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Bright blue', 'You are rank '..Pyrex.Ranked[Plr.Name]['Rank'], true,nil)
  459. end
  460. --
  461. Pyrex.Functions.SearchSongs = function(Name,Plr)
  462.         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  463.         local Get = Pyrex.Services.HttpService:GetAsync(''..Name)
  464.         local Songs = Pyrex.Services.HttpService:JSONDecode(Get)
  465.         local i = 1
  466.         repeat
  467.                 local SongName  = string.gsub(Songs[i].Name,"&#39;","'")
  468.                 local ID = Songs[i].AssetId
  469.                 local SongDesc = Songs[i].Description
  470.                 local Creator = Songs[i].Creator
  471.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'White',SongName,false,function()
  472.                         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  473.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Royal purple','Song name::'..SongName, false,nil)
  474.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Royal purple','Description::'..SongDesc, false,nil)
  475.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Royal purple','Creator::'..Creator, false,nil)
  476.                Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Sound Settings', true,function()
  477.                Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  479.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Current Sound Pitch = 2', true,function()
  480.                 Sound.Pitch = 2
  481.                        end)
  482.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Current Sound Pitch = 1', true,function()
  483.                 Sound.Pitch = 1
  484.                 end)
  485.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','High Volume', true,function()
  486.                     Sound.Volume = 10
  487.                 end)
  488.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Normal Volume', true,function()
  489.                     Sound.Volume = 1
  490.                 end)
  491.             end)
  493.                 Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Really red','Stop Sounds', true,function()
  494.                     Sound:Stop()
  495.                        end)
  497.                         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'White','Play', true,function()
  498.                              Sound ='Sound')
  499.                                 Sound.SoundId = ''..ID
  500.                                 Sound:Play()
  501.                                 Sound.Parent = workspace
  502.                                 wait()
  503.                                 Sound:Play()
  504.                         end)
  505.                 end)
  506.                 wait()
  507.                 i = i + 1
  508.         until i == 20 or i == #Songs
  509. end
  510. -------Pri list function-------
  511. Pyrex.Functions.PrivateServer = function(Plr)
  513.         for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  514.                 if not Pyrex.Pri_List[v.Name] then
  515.                           Pyrex.Functions.Kick(v)
  516.                   end
  517.         end
  518.         Pyrex.PrivateServer_Enabled = true
  519. end
  520. --
  521. Pyrex.Functions.ShowPri_List = function(Plr)
  522.         Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  524.         for i,v in pairs(Pyrex.Pri_List) do
  525.                   Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Bright blue', i, true, function()
  526.             Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  527.             Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Really red', 'Remove '..i..' from Pri_List', true, function()
  528.                 Pyrex.Pri_List[i] = nil
  529.                         Pyrex.Functions.ShowPri_List(Plr)
  530.             end)
  531.             Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Bright red', 'Back', true, function()
  532.                 Pyrex.Functions.ShowPri_List(Plr)
  533.             end)
  534.               end)
  535.           end
  537. end
  539. ----------------------------------------------
  540. Pyrex.Functions.DDC = function(Plr)
  542. Wait();
  543. for i = 3,232233 do
  544. if Plr ~= nil then
  545."Message",Plr:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui')).Text = 'Pyrex DDC'
  546. end
  547. end
  548. end
  549. ----------------------------------------------
  550. FullClean = function()
  551.         local Child = {}
  552.         local GetAllChildren = function(c)
  553.             for _,v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do
  554.                 ypcall(function()
  555.                     GetAllChildren(v)
  556.                     table.insert(Child, v)
  557.                 end)
  558.             end
  559.         end
  560.         for _,v in pairs(Pyrex.Services.Game:GetChildren()) do
  561.             ypcall(function()
  562.                 GetAllChildren(v)
  563.             end)
  564.         end
  565.         for _,v in pairs(Child) do
  566.             if not v:IsA("Player") and v.Name ~= "Backpack" and v.Name ~= "PlayerGui" and v.Name ~= "StarterGear" and v.Name ~= "SBGUI" and v.Name ~= "HealthGUI" and v.Name ~= "Output GUI" then
  567.                 v:remove()
  568.             end
  569.         end
  570.         CleanWorkspace()
  571.         Debug()
  572.         for _,v in pairs(Pyrex.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  573.             v:LoadCharacter()
  574.         end
  575.     end
  576.     Debug = function()
  577.         ypcall(function()
  578.             for _,v in pairs(Pyrex.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  579.                 if v:IsA('Message') or v:IsA('Hint') then
  580.                     ypcall(function()
  581.                         v.Text = ''
  582.                         v:Destroy()
  583.                     end)
  584.                 end
  585.                 if v:IsA('Terrain') then
  586.                     v:Clear()
  587.                 end
  588.             end
  589.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
  590.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay = '14:00:00'
  591.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.Brightness = 0.3
  592.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.ShadowColor =, 0.705882, 0.705882)
  593.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.Ambient =,1,1)
  594.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Top =, 0, 0)
  595.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom =, 0, 0)
  596.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient =, 0.6, 0.6)
  597.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.FogStart = 0
  598.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  599.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting.FogColor =, 0.752941, 0.752941)
  600.             Pyrex.Services.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  601.             Pyrex.Services.Teams:ClearAllChildren()
  602.             for _,v in pairs(Pyrex.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  603.                 v.Neutral = true
  604.             end
  605.         end)
  606.     end
  607. ----------------------------------------------
  608. function Shutdown()
  609. for i,v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  610. local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(v,{string.rep("Shutdown niga",2e5+5)})
  611. delay(1,function()
  612. pcall(function()
  613. h:remove()
  614. end)
  615. end)
  616. end
  617. end
  619. ----------------------------------------------
  621. Pyrex.Functions.Coat = function(Plr,col)
  623.   plyr = Plr
  624.   char = plyr.Character
  626.   local Coat ="Model", char)
  627.   Coat.Name = "Coat"
  629.   function NewCoatPart(size, p1, C0, C1, bcol)
  630.       local New ="Part", Coat)
  631.       New.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  632.       New.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  633.       local NWeld ="Weld", New)
  634.       New.FormFactor = "Custom"
  635.       New.Size = size
  636.       New.CanCollide = false
  637.       NWeld.Part0 = New
  638.       NWeld.Part1 = p1
  639.       NWeld.C0 = C0
  641.       New.BrickColor =
  643.       return New
  644.   end
  646.     local pin_id = ""
  647.   if plyr.Name == "GuestOfChaos" then
  648.       Coat_col = "White"
  649.   elseif plyr.Name == "BlackCodeLua" then
  650.       Coat_col = "Light blue"
  651.   elseif plyr.Name == "masterepico" then
  652.       Coat_col = "Bright bluish green"
  653.   else
  654.       Coat_col = BrickColor.Random().Name
  655.   end
  657.   local RightSleeve = NewCoatPart(, 2, 1.05), char["Right Arm"],, -.05, 0), nil, Coat_col)
  658.   local LeftSleeve = NewCoatPart(, 2, 1.05), char["Left Arm"],, -.05, 0), nil, Coat_col)
  659.   local RightTFlap = NewCoatPart(, 2.05, 1.05), char["Torso"],, 0, 0), nil, Coat_col)
  660.   local Pin = NewCoatPart(, .35, 1.2), char["Torso"],, -.5, 0), nil, Coat_col)
  661.   Pin.Transparency = 1
  662.   local dec ="Decal", Pin)
  663.   dec.Face = "Front"
  664.   dec.Texture = pin_id
  665.   local LeftTFlap = NewCoatPart(, 2.05, 1.05), char["Torso"],, 0, 0), nil, Coat_col)
  666.   local Back = NewCoatPart(, 2.05, .25), char["Torso"],, 0, -.4), nil, Coat_col)
  667.   local Bottom = NewCoatPart(, 2.05, .25), char["Torso"],, 2, -.4), nil, Coat_col)
  668.   Bottom.Name = "bot"
  669.   local RightLFlap = NewCoatPart(, 2.05, 1.05), char["Right Leg"],, 0, 0), nil, Coat_col)
  670.   local LeftLFlap = NewCoatPart(, 2.05, 1.05), char["Left Leg"],, 0, 0), nil, Coat_col)
  672.   local origC1 = Bottom.Weld.C1
  673.         local con
  674.   con = char.Humanoid.Running:connect(function(spd)
  675.                   if Bottom.Parent == nil or Coat.Parent == nil then con:disconnect() end
  676.       if spd > 0 then
  677.           Bottom.Weld.C1 = origC1 *, -.2, -.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), 0, 0)
  678.       else
  679.           Bottom.Weld.C1 = origC1
  680.       end
  681.   end)
  683. end
  684. --
  686. Lightning = function(Start,End,Times,Offset,Color,Thickness,Transparency)
  687.     local magz = (Start - End).magnitude local curpos = Start local trz = {-Offset,Offset}
  688.     for i=1,Times do
  689.         local li ="Part",workspace) li.TopSurface =0 li.BottomSurface = 0 li.Anchored = true  li.Transparency = Transparency or 0.4 li.BrickColor =
  690.         li.formFactor = "Custom" li.CanCollide = false li.Size =,Thickness,magz/Times) local ofz =[math.random(1,2)],trz[math.random(1,2)],trz[math.random(1,2)])
  691.         function touch(hit)
  692.                 if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
  693.                 hit.Parent:BreakJoints()
  694.                 end end li.Touched:connect(touch)
  695.                 local trolpos =,End)*,0,magz/Times).p+ofz
  696.         if Times == i then
  697.             local magz2 = (curpos - End).magnitude li.Size =,Thickness,magz2)
  698.             li.CFrame =,End)*,0,-magz2/2)
  699.         else
  700.             li.CFrame =,trolpos)*,0,magz/Times/2)
  701.         end
  702.         curpos = li.CFrame*,0,magz/Times/2).p game.Debris:AddItem(li,0.25)
  703.     end
  704. end
  708. ------------
  709. --Commands--
  710. ------------
  711. --Name, Command, Desc, Rank, Ext, Func
  712. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('SearchSongs', 'ss','Searches songs',1,{}, function(Plr,Arg)
  713.         Pyrex.Functions.SearchSongs(Arg,Plr)
  714. end)
  715. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Commands', 'cmds','Shows all commands',0,{}, function(Plr)
  716.         Pyrex.Functions.ShowCommands(Plr)
  717. end)
  718. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Dismiss', 'dt','Dismisses tablets',0,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  719. if Workspace:FindFirstChild('PyrexModel:'..Plr.Name) then
  720. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  721. end
  722. end)
  725. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Smite','smite','smites a plr',2,{},function(Plr,Txt)
  726.         local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  727.         for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  728.                 if v and v.Character then
  729.                         Lightning(,50,0),v.Character.Torso.Position,3,math.random(-2.5,2.5),"New Yeller",.4,.4)
  730.               "Explosion",Workspace).Position=v.Character.Torso.Position
  731.                 end
  732.         end
  733. end)
  734. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Labcoat', 'coat','Gives yourself a labcoat.',3,{}, function(Plr,Arg)
  735.         --[[
  736.         local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  737.         for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  738.                 if v and v.Character and v.Character.Humanoid then
  739.                         Pyrex.Functions.Coat(v)
  740.                 end
  741.         end
  742.         ]]
  743.         if Plr and Plr.Character and Plr.Character.Humanoid then
  744.                   Pyrex.Functions.Coat(Plr,Arg)
  745.          end
  746. end)
  748. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Night', 'night','Makes Lighting 0',2,{}, function(Plr,Arg)
  749. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 0
  750. local Lighting = Game:GetService("Lighting")
  751.         Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
  752.         Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = 0
  753. end)
  755. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Day', 'day','Makes daytime',2,{}, function(Plr,Arg)
  756. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
  757. end)
  759. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('UnGod','ungod','ungods a plr',2,{},function(Plr,Txt)
  760.         local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  761.         for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  762.                 if v and v.Character and v.Character.Humanoid then
  763.                         v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
  764.                 end
  765.         end
  766. end)
  768. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('God','god','Gods a player',2,{},function(Plr,Txt)
  769.         local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  770.         for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  771.                 if v and v.Character and v.Character.Humanoid then
  772.                         v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  773.                 end
  774.         end
  775. end)
  777. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Ban','ban','bans someone',4,{},function(Plr,Txt)
  778.         local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  779.         for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  780.                 if v then
  781.                         Pyrex.Functions.Kick(v)
  782.                         Pyrex.Ranked[v.Name]['Rank'] = -1
  783.  Pyrex.Ranked[v.Name]['Desc'] = 'In Game Temp Ban.'
  784.  Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Banned '..v.Name, false)
  785.                 end
  786.         end
  787. end)
  788. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Kick','kick','Kicks someone',4,{},function(Plr,Txt)
  789.         local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  790.         for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  791.                 if v then
  792.                         Pyrex.Functions.Kick(v)
  793. wait(.50) --So user doesn't see
  794.  Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Kicked '..v.Name, false)
  795.                 end
  796.         end
  797. end)
  799. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('DDC','ddc','Disk driver crash',2,{},function(Plr,Txt)
  800.         local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  801.         for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  802.                 if v then
  803.     Pyrex.Functions.DDC(v)
  804.     end
  805. end
  806. end)
  808. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Private Server','pri','Creates a private server.',5,{},function(Plr,Arg)
  809.         if Pyrex.PrivateServer_Enabled ~= true then
  811.                   Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  812.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Cyan', 'Add all current players to Pri_List?', true, nil)
  814.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Yes', true, function()
  815.             for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  816.                 Pyrex.Pri_List[v.Name] = true
  817.             end
  818.             Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  819.             Pyrex.Functions.PrivateServer()
  820. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Really red', 'Pyrex Private Server Is Active', true, nil)
  821.         end)
  822.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Really red', 'No', true, function()
  823.             Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  824.             Pyrex.Functions.PrivateServer()
  825.                       wait(.85)
  826.                 end)
  828.           else
  830.                   Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Cyan', 'Pyrex Private Server currently running. Disable?', true, nil)
  831.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'Yes', true, function()
  832.                 for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  833.                         Pyrex.Pri_List[v.Name] = true
  834.                 end
  835.                 Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  836.                 Pyrex.PrivateServer_Enabled = false
  837.               end)
  838.              Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Really red', 'No', true, function()
  839.                   Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  840.               end)
  842.           end
  843. end)
  845. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Pri_List', 'prilist','Displays players allowed in private server',5,{}, function(Plr,Arg)
  846.         Pyrex.Functions.ShowPri_List(Plr)
  847. end)
  850. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Players','players','Shows all plrs',2,{},function(Plr,Txt)
  851.         Pyrex.Functions.GetRanked(Plr)
  852. end)
  853. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Disco','disco','Changes lighting to disco',1,{},function(Plr,Txt,Rnk)--Thx Nexure
  854. _G.nodisco =nil
  855. local function GetDiscoColor()
  856.         local hue = tick()
  857.         local section = hue % 1 * 3
  858.         local secondary = 0.5 * math.pi * (section % 1)
  859.         if section < 1 then
  860.                 return, 1 - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary))
  861.         elseif section < 2 then
  862.                 return - math.sin(secondary), 1, 1 - math.cos(secondary))
  863.         else
  864.                 return - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary), 1)
  865.         end
  866. end
  867. local con
  868. local function ChangeColor()
  869.         local Lighting = Game:GetService("Lighting")
  870.         local Color = GetDiscoColor()
  871.         Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
  872.         Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Color
  873.         Lighting.Ambient = Color
  874.         Lighting.FogEnd = 200
  875.         Lighting.FogColor = Color
  877.                 if _G.nodisco then
  878.                         con:disconnect()
  879.                 end
  880. end
  881. con = Game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(ChangeColor)
  882. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 0
  883. end)
  885. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('No disco', 'nodisco','Stops disco',1,{}, function(Plr,Arg)
  886. _G.nodisco = true
  887. local lite = game.Lighting
  888. lite.Ambient =
  889. lite.Brightness = 1
  890. lite.ColorShift_Bottom =
  891. lite.ColorShift_Top =
  892. lite.GlobalShadows = true
  893. lite.OutdoorAmbient =,127/255,127/255)
  894. lite.ShadowColor =,178/255,178/255)
  895. lite.GeographicLatitude = 41.733
  896. lite.TimeOfDay = 14
  897. lite.FogColor =,191/255,191/255)
  898. lite.FogEnd = 99999999
  899. lite.FogStart = 0
  900. end)
  902. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Ping', 'p','Pings your message',0,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  903. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  904. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green',Txt,false)
  905. wait(10)--Auto remove
  906. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  907. end)
  909. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('System Message', 'sm','System Message.',1,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  911.        Msg = Txt:gsub("\t"," ")
  912.         Msg = Txt:gsub("\n"," ")
  913.         Msg = ""..Txt
  914.         local v ="Message",workspace)
  915.         local Total = string.len(Txt)
  916.         local Max = 100
  917.         for i=0,#Msg,0.3 do
  918.             v.Text = (
  919.                 function()
  920.                     local Rtn = Msg:sub(0,i)
  921.                     repeat
  922.                         Rtn = Rtn .. tostring(string.char(math.random(48,57))) -- 37 127
  923.                     until #Rtn >= #Msg
  924.                     return Rtn:sub(1,#Rtn-1)
  925.                 end
  926.             )()
  927.             wait()
  928.         end
  929.         for i=1,math.random(4,6) do
  930.             v.Text = Txt:sub(Total-Max,Total).."_"
  931.             wait(0.5)
  932.             v.Text = Txt:sub(Total-Max,Total).."  "
  933.             wait(0.5)
  934.         end
  935.         for i=#Txt,0,-1 do
  936.             v.Text = Txt:sub(1,i)
  937.             wait()
  938.         end
  939.         v:remove()
  940.     end)
  942. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Credits', 'credits','Shows people who helped make pyrex',0,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  943. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  944. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Showing Pyrex Credits!',false)
  945. wait(2)
  946. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','GuestOfChaos',false)
  947. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','masterepico',false)
  948. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Toothpaste','supersonicfan111',false)
  949. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','W8X',false)
  950. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','ScriptToGame',false)
  951. end)
  953. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Pri Base', 'pbase','Makes a private Base',1,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  954. local m ="Model")
  955. m.Name = "Model"
  956. p1 ="Part", m)
  957. p1.Parent = workspace.Base
  958. p1.BrickColor ="Medium stone grey")
  959. p1.Material = Enum.Material.Grass
  960. p1.CFrame =, 0.5, -813.582947, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  961. p1.Anchored = true
  962. p1.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
  963. p1.Size =, 1, 769.72998)
  964. p1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  965. p2 ="Part", m)
  966. p2.BrickColor ="Medium stone grey")
  967. p2.Material = Enum.Material.Grass
  968. p2.CFrame =, 9.16999817, -785.641052, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  969. p2.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
  970. p2.Size =, 1, 2)
  971. p2.CanCollide = true
  972. m.Parent = game:service("Workspace")
  973. m:MakeJoints()
  974. Plr.Character.Torso.CFrame =, 9.17, -785.641)
  975. end)
  977. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Rejoin', 'rj','Rejoins Player',1,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  978. local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  979. repeat
  980. wait()
  981. until Plr:findFirstChild('Backpack')
  982. CreateLocalScript("game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(game.PlaceId)",Plr.Backpack)
  983. end)
  985. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Running Scripts', 'showscripts','Shows Running Scripts In Workspace',0,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  986. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  987. local AllScripts = {}
  988.     for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  989.         if v:IsA("Script") then
  990.             table.insert(AllScripts, v.Name)
  991.         end
  992.     end
  993.     if #AllScripts > 0 then
  994.         for _,v in pairs(AllScripts) do
  995.          Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'White',v)
  997.         end
  998.     else
  999.         Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Bright red','No Scripts Found')
  1000.     end
  1001. end)
  1003. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Dismiss All', 'dall','Removes All Players Tablets',0,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  1004.  for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1005.             Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(v)
  1006.         end
  1007. end)
  1009. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Start Time', 'stime','Shows how long pyrex took to load',0,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  1010.     Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  1011.     Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Bright red','Pyrex Admin Start Time:')
  1012. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Bright red',load_time)
  1013. end)
  1015. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Execute', 'exe','Executes, A Script VIA pyrex',5,{}, function(Plr, Txt)-- LoadString Needs To Be On!
  1016. local Func,Error = loadstring(Txt)
  1017.         getfenv(Func).print = function(...) local Rtn = "" for _,v in pairs({...}) do Rtn = Rtn..tostring(v).."\t" end Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Bright red',Rtn) end
  1018.         getfenv(Func).Speaker = Plr
  1020.         if Error == nil then
  1021.             coroutine.wrap(function()
  1022.                 Func()
  1023.             end)()
  1024. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green','Script Ran!')
  1025.  else
  1026. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Really red','[ScriptRun Error]~Script Did Not Run!')
  1027. end
  1028. end)
  1030. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Shutdown', 'sd','ShutsDown Server',2,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  1031. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Really red', 'Yes', true, function()
  1032. wait(2)
  1033. Shutdown()
  1034. end)
  1035. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr, 'Lime green', 'No', true, function()
  1036. Pyrex.Functions.Output(Plr,'Lime green','ShutDown Was Aborted!')
  1037. wait(3)
  1038. Pyrex.Functions.Dismiss(Plr)
  1039. end)
  1040. end)
  1043. Pyrex.Functions.NewCmd('Btools', 'btool','Btools players',2,{}, function(Plr, Txt)
  1044. local plrs = Pyrex.Functions.FindPlayer(Plr, Txt)
  1045. for i,v in pairs(plrs) do
  1046. local toolm ="HopperBin", v.Backpack) toolm.Name = "Move" toolm.BinType = "GameTool"
  1047. local toolc ="HopperBin", v.Backpack) toolc.Name = "Clone" toolc.BinType = "Clone"
  1048. local toold ="HopperBin", v.Backpack) toold.Name = "Delete" toold.BinType = "Hammer"
  1049. end
  1050. end)
  1051. -----CreateLocalScript-----
  1052. function CreateLocalScript(Source,Parent)
  1053.     if Source == nil then Source = "" end
  1054.     if Parent == nil then Parent ="Model")  Parent.Name = "PyrexParent" end
  1055.     if newLocalScript ~= nil then
  1056.         return newLocalScript(Source,Parent)
  1057.     elseif NewLocalScript ~= nil then
  1058.         return NewLocalScript(Source,Parent)
  1059.     elseif LocalScript ~= nil then
  1060.         local NS = LocalScript:Clone()
  1061.         pcall(function() NS:ClearAllChildren() end)
  1062.         NS.Name = "LocalScript"
  1063.         for i,v in pairs(Sources) do
  1064.                 local NSSource ="StringValue",NS)
  1065.                 NSSource.Name = i
  1066.                 NSSource.Value = Source
  1067.                 end
  1068.         --NS.Disabled = true
  1069.         NS.Parent = Parent
  1070.         --wait()
  1071.         NS.Disabled = false
  1072.         return NS
  1073.     else
  1074.         return false
  1075.     end
  1076. end
  1077. ------------------
  1078. --EndLoops--
  1079. ------------------
  1081. local starttime = tick()
  1082. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1083. Pyrex.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:connect(function()
  1084.         for _,PlayerModel in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1085.                 if string.find(PlayerModel.Name, 'PyrexModel:') then
  1086.                 local Player = Players:FindFirstChild(string.sub(PlayerModel.Name,12))
  1087.                 if Player then
  1088.                 for i = 1, #PlayerModel:GetChildren() do
  1089.                 ypcall(function()
  1090.                 local pos = nil
  1091.                 ypcall(function()
  1092.                 pos = Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  1093.                 end)
  1094.                 local x = math.sin(time()/#PlayerModel:GetChildren() + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerModel:GetChildren()*i) * (#PlayerModel:GetChildren()+6)
  1095.                 local z = math.cos(time()/#PlayerModel:GetChildren() + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerModel:GetChildren()*i) * (#PlayerModel:GetChildren()+6)
  1096.                 local cPos = PlayerModel:GetChildren()[i].Position
  1097.                 local ePos =, 0, z) + (pos.p or, -5, 0))
  1098.                 local nPos = (ePos-cPos)*.25
  1099.                 cPos = cPos + nPos
  1100.                 local t = (tick() - starttime) % 360
  1101.                 local change = 1
  1102.                 PlayerModel:GetChildren()[i].CFrame =, (pos.p or, -5, 0))) * CFrame.Angles(2, 2, 2)
  1103.                 end)
  1104.                 end
  1105.                 end
  1106.                 end
  1107. end
  1108. end)
  1109. end))
  1111. -----------
  1112. --Ranking--
  1113. -----------
  1114. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('CLarramore','Bright orange','Sphere','Developer',5)
  1115. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('ScriptToGame','Bright orange','Block','Creator',5)
  1116. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('thedeathstroke2','Magenta','Block','Creator',5)
  1117. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('iLordVex','Purple','Block','Best Friend',5)
  1118. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('GuestOfChaos','Bright red','Tablet','Developer',5)
  1119. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('supersonicfan111','Teal','Tablet','Developer',5)
  1120. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('Player','Teal','Block','Studio Test',5)
  1121. ---Banned--- rank -1
  1122. Pyrex.Functions.Rank('Tokimonu','Teal','Tablet','Banned',-1)
  1124. -------------
  1125. --Ending--
  1126. -------------
  1127. for _, Player in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  1128.         Pyrex.Functions.ConnectPlayer(Player)
  1129. end
  1130. Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)
  1131.         Pyrex.Functions.ConnectPlayer(Player)
  1132. end)
  1133. load_time=tick()
  1135. print('Pyrex loaded')
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