
Breath of the Wild - Cooking Effect Guide

Mar 24th, 2017
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  1. When cooking, there are four kinds of ingredients: food, additives, critters, and monster parts.
  2. To create a meal, you must include at least one food, no critters/monster parts, and optionally additives.
  3. To create an elixir, you must include at least one critter and monster part, and optionally food/additives.
  5. Food is fruit, mushrooms, vegetables, meat, honey, eggs, milk, nuts, fish, snails, and crabs.
  6. Additives are rice, wheat, sugar, butter, goron spice, rock salt, monster extract, star fragments, and dragon drops.
  7. Critters are butterflies, dragonflies, crickets, beetles, fireflies, frogs, and lizards.
  8. Monster parts are everything that drops from a monster, including ancient parts but not dragon drops.
  11. The healing power of a meal or elixir is the sum of its components, except for gold heart food which always heals fully. The duration is also the sum of the components, however elixirs are given a 30 second bonus for each monster part. The odds of a crit are the maximum of the components, although it seems the odds are never zero.
  13. The strength of a meal or elixir's effect is determined by sum of the levels of its ingredients, as follows:
  14. * AttackUp, DefenseUp, MovingSpeed: 5+ for strength 2, 7+ for strength 3
  15. * Fireproof: 7+ for strength 2
  16. * Quietness: 6+ for strength 2, 9+ for strength 3
  17. * ResistCold, ResistHot: 6+ for strength 2
  18. * ResistElectric: 4+ for strength 2, 6+ for strength 3
  19. * ExGutsMaxUp: complicated, but maxes out at 20+ for 2 bonus stamina wheels
  20. * GutsRecover: complicated, but maxes out at 11+ for 3 stamina wheels
  21. * LifeMaxUp: one gold heart per level
  24. Getting a critical cook will randomly apply one of the following to the dish, out of those that are applicable:
  25. * boost effect strength by 1
  26. * boost red hearts by 3
  27. * boost effect duration by 5 minutes
  29. Monster Extract is a special case, and will randomly modify the properties of a food, sometimes dramatically.
  30. Fairies are another special case, and will create Fairy Tonic no matter what, which heals but has no other effect.
  31. The listed duration of each additive only applies to the first of that type of additive you use, any additional additives of the same type will always be 30 seconds, no matter what.
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. AttackUp Lv. 1 (50 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Bladed Rhino Beetle
  36. AttackUp Lv. 1 (50 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Mighty Thistle
  37. AttackUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Mighty Bananas
  38. AttackUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Razorshroom
  39. AttackUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Mighty Carp
  40. AttackUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Razorclaw Crab
  41. AttackUp Lv. 3 (50 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Mighty Porgy
  42. DefenseUp Lv. 1 (50 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Armoranth
  43. DefenseUp Lv. 1 (50 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Rugged Rhino Beetle
  44. DefenseUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Fortified Pumpkin
  45. DefenseUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Ironshroom
  46. DefenseUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Armored Carp
  47. DefenseUp Lv. 2 (50 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Ironshell Crab
  48. DefenseUp Lv. 3 (50 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Armored Porgy
  49. ExGutsMaxUp Lv. 1 (0 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Endura Shroom
  50. ExGutsMaxUp Lv. 2 (0 seconds), 4 hearts, 0% crit chance - Tireless Frog
  51. ExGutsMaxUp Lv. 4 (0 seconds), 4 hearts, 0% crit chance - Endura Carrot
  52. Fireproof Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Fireproof Lizard
  53. Fireproof Lv. 2 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Smotherwing Butterfly
  54. GutsRecover Lv. 1 (0 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Restless Cricket
  55. GutsRecover Lv. 1 (0 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Stamella Shroom
  56. GutsRecover Lv. 2 (0 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Bright-Eyed Crab
  57. GutsRecover Lv. 2 (0 seconds), 4 hearts, 0% crit chance - Courser Bee Honey
  58. GutsRecover Lv. 4 (0 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Staminoka Bass
  59. GutsRecover Lv. 6 (0 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Energetic Rhino Beetle
  60. LifeMaxUp Lv. 1 (0 seconds), 4 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hearty Truffle
  61. LifeMaxUp Lv. 2 (0 seconds), 4 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hearty Bass
  62. LifeMaxUp Lv. 3 (0 seconds), 5 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hearty Radish
  63. LifeMaxUp Lv. 3 (0 seconds), 6 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hearty Blueshell Snail
  64. LifeMaxUp Lv. 4 (0 seconds), 6 hearts, 0% crit chance - Big Hearty Truffle
  65. LifeMaxUp Lv. 4 (0 seconds), 6 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hearty Durian
  66. LifeMaxUp Lv. 4 (0 seconds), 8 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hearty Lizard
  67. LifeMaxUp Lv. 4 (0 seconds), 8 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hearty Salmon
  68. LifeMaxUp Lv. 5 (0 seconds), 8 hearts, 0% crit chance - Big Hearty Radish
  69. MovingSpeed Lv. 1 (60 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hightail Lizard
  70. MovingSpeed Lv. 1 (60 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Rushroom
  71. MovingSpeed Lv. 1 (60 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Swift Carrot
  72. MovingSpeed Lv. 2 (60 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hot-Footed Frog
  73. MovingSpeed Lv. 2 (60 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Swift Violet
  74. MovingSpeed Lv. 2 (60 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Fleet-Lotus Seeds
  75. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Monster Extract
  76. None Lv. 0 (60 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Rock Salt
  77. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Apple
  78. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hylian Shroom
  79. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Wildberry
  80. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 10 hearts, 0% crit chance - Fairy
  81. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hyrule Bass
  82. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hyrule Herb
  83. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Palm Fruit
  84. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Raw Bird Drumstick
  85. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Raw Meat
  86. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Sanke Carp
  87. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 3 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hard-Boiled Egg
  88. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 3 hearts, 0% crit chance - Raw Bird Thigh
  89. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 3 hearts, 0% crit chance - Raw Prime Meat
  90. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 6 hearts, 0% crit chance - Raw Gourmet Meat
  91. None Lv. 0 (30 seconds), 6 hearts, 0% crit chance - Raw Whole Bird
  92. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Ancient Screw
  93. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Ancient Spring
  94. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Bokoblin Horn
  95. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Chuchu Jelly
  96. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hinox Toenail
  97. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Keese Wing
  98. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Lizalfos Horn
  99. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Lynel Horn
  100. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Moblin Horn
  101. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Octorok Tentacle
  102. None Lv. 0 (40 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Chickaloo Tree Nut
  103. None Lv. 0 (50 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Acorn
  104. None Lv. 0 (60 seconds), 0 hearts, 100% crit chance - Star Fragment
  105. None Lv. 0 (60 seconds), 1.25 hearts, 100% crit chance - Dinraal's Scale
  106. None Lv. 0 (60 seconds), 1.25 hearts, 100% crit chance - Farosh's Scale
  107. None Lv. 0 (60 seconds), 1.25 hearts, 100% crit chance - Naydra's Scale
  108. None Lv. 0 (60 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hylian Rice
  109. None Lv. 0 (60 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Tabantha Wheat
  110. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Ancient Gear
  111. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Ancient Shaft
  112. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Bokoblin Fang
  113. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Electric Keese Wing
  114. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Fire Keese Wing
  115. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Goat Butter
  116. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Hinox Tooth
  117. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Ice Keese Wing
  118. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Lizalfos Talon
  119. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Lynel Hoof
  120. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Moblin Fang
  121. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Molduga Fin
  122. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Octorok Eyeball
  123. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Red Chuchu Jelly
  124. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - White Chuchu Jelly
  125. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Yellow Chuchu Jelly
  126. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Cane Sugar
  127. None Lv. 0 (80 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Fresh Milk
  128. None Lv. 0 (90 seconds), 0 hearts, 10% crit chance - Goron Spice
  129. None Lv. 0 (90 seconds), 2 hearts, 10% crit chance - Bird Egg
  130. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Ancient Core
  131. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Bokoblin Guts
  132. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Giant Ancient Core
  133. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Hinox Guts
  134. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Icy Lizalfos Tail
  135. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Keese Eyeball
  136. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Lizalfos Tail
  137. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Lynel Guts
  138. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Moblin Guts
  139. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Molduga Guts
  140. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Octo Balloon
  141. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Red Lizalfos Tail
  142. None Lv. 0 (160 seconds), 0 hearts, 30% crit chance - Yellow Lizalfos Tail
  143. None Lv. 0 (180 seconds), 2 hearts, 100% crit chance - Dinraal's Claw
  144. None Lv. 0 (180 seconds), 2 hearts, 100% crit chance - Farosh's Claw
  145. None Lv. 0 (180 seconds), 2 hearts, 100% crit chance - Naydra's Claw
  146. None Lv. 0 (600 seconds), 2.5 hearts, 100% crit chance - Shard of Dinraal's Fang
  147. None Lv. 0 (600 seconds), 2.5 hearts, 100% crit chance - Shard of Farosh's Fang
  148. None Lv. 0 (600 seconds), 2.5 hearts, 100% crit chance - Shard of Naydra's Fang
  149. None Lv. 0 (1800 seconds), 3.75 hearts, 100% crit chance - Shard of Dinraal's Horn
  150. None Lv. 0 (1800 seconds), 3.75 hearts, 100% crit chance - Shard of Farosh's Horn
  151. None Lv. 0 (1800 seconds), 3.75 hearts, 100% crit chance - Shard of Naydra's Horn
  152. Quietness Lv. 1 (120 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Blue Nightshade
  153. Quietness Lv. 1 (120 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Sunset Firefly
  154. Quietness Lv. 1 (120 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Sneaky River Snail
  155. Quietness Lv. 2 (120 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Silent Shroom
  156. Quietness Lv. 2 (120 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Stealthfin Trout
  157. Quietness Lv. 3 (120 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Silent Princess
  158. ResistCold Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Summerwing Butterfly
  159. ResistCold Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Warm Safflina
  160. ResistCold Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Spicy Pepper
  161. ResistCold Lv. 2 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Warm Darner
  162. ResistCold Lv. 2 (150 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Sunshroom
  163. ResistCold Lv. 3 (150 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Sizzlefin Trout
  164. ResistElectric Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Electric Safflina
  165. ResistElectric Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Thunderwing Butterfly
  166. ResistElectric Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Voltfruit
  167. ResistElectric Lv. 2 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Electric Darner
  168. ResistElectric Lv. 2 (150 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Zapshroom
  169. ResistElectric Lv. 3 (150 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Voltfin Trout
  170. ResistHot Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Cool Safflina
  171. ResistHot Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Winterwing Butterfly
  172. ResistHot Lv. 1 (150 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Hydromelon
  173. ResistHot Lv. 2 (150 seconds), 0 hearts, 0% crit chance - Cold Darner
  174. ResistHot Lv. 2 (150 seconds), 1 hearts, 0% crit chance - Chillshroom
  175. ResistHot Lv. 3 (150 seconds), 2 hearts, 0% crit chance - Chillfin Trout
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