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- <!--
- book theme and pages coded by skye for
- - normalize css by
- - fonts:
- google fonts
- - like button & video resizing by @shythemes
- - embed audio css and hide empty answers script by @gukthemes
- - css photosets by
- - dark mode by
- - icons by
- - npf audio posts by
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- margin:1rem 0;
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- const themeToggleButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".theme-toggle");
- themeToggleButtons.forEach((btn) => {
- btn.addEventListener("click", function () {
- // Add theme-transition class for smooth transitions
- document.documentElement.classList.add("theme-transition");
- // Retrieve the current theme and determine the target theme
- let currentTheme = document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-theme");
- let targetTheme = (currentTheme === "light") ? "dark" : "light";
- // Remove theme-transition class after a short delay
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- document.documentElement.classList.remove("theme-transition");
- }, 50);
- // Set the data-theme attribute and store in local storage
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", targetTheme);
- localStorage.setItem("theme", targetTheme);
- });
- });
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
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