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- import*;
- import java.applet.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import java.lang.Math;
- // Phew! That works without any red lines, and now we need to give our package
- // a name, extent it to an Applet and implement both a Mouse Listener and a
- // Motion Listener too, as so:
- public class SketchPad extends Applet
- implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ActionListener, KeyListener
- {
- // Right, we're in to the program now. Let's declare some variables which
- // we'll need to use later on.
- // These first variables I tried to declare as booleans, but Java sux almost
- // as much as Adobe ActionScript.
- // What these do is give us conditions later on.
- int Fill,Rect,Oval,RoundRect,Swirl,Str;
- // The following variables set up some mathematics stuff for the Swirly
- // brush:
- int MX,MY;
- double T=0;
- // Here is something for the KeyTyped routine if you're entering text
- // onto the canvas:
- int A,Z,TX,TY;
- // Now, just in case you want to type something on the package, there'll have
- // to be a String type thingymebob in the program somewhere, hence we need
- // to declare that right about now:
- String S$="";
- // Right, now the above will set a condition to draw different shapes,
- // which will either be filled or not. The following two are used to set
- // the main parameters for the shape size:
- int XAxis,YAxis;
- // and now we have two sets of RGB values, the first set is for the background
- // colour and the second is for the foreground colour, ie, what you pain with:
- int R,G,B,R1,G1,B1;
- // Specifically, when there's been a change to the background value,
- // we need to tell it later to stop it over-writing what's been drawn
- // already, so let's set an integer for a condition later on:
- int BackChange;
- // These two integers will pass the set width and height through them:
- int width,height;
- // This is to set what part of the screen you may draw from, because of the
- // buttons at the top, we have 86 scan-lines used:
- int MinX,MinY;
- // We need a quick help file too, so we'll set up an integer to test for that
- // condition:
- int Help;
- // Okay, let's add some kick-ass buttons:
- Button Fill1=new Button("Fill on/off");
- Button Rect1=new Button("Rectangle");
- Button Oval1=new Button("Oval");
- Button RoundRect1=new Button("Rounded rect");
- Button Swirl1=new Button("Swirl");
- Button Str1=new Button("Text");
- Button Help1=new Button("Help");
- // Mint, and now we need to have some input boxes, and we also need to
- // label them up, don't we...??? or something :-P
- TextField RedFore=new TextField("255",3);
- Label label_RedFore=new Label("Red Foreground:");
- TextField GreenFore=new TextField("255",3);
- Label label_GreenFore=new Label("Green Foreground:");
- TextField BlueFore=new TextField("255",3);
- Label label_BlueFore=new Label("Blue Foreground:");
- TextField RedBack=new TextField("000",3);
- Label label_RedBack=new Label("Red Background:");
- TextField GreenBack=new TextField("000",3);
- Label label_GreenBack=new Label("Green Background:");
- TextField BlueBack=new TextField("000",3);
- Label label_BlueBack=new Label("Blue Background:");
- TextField BW=new TextField("30",4);
- Label label_BW=new Label("Brush Width:");
- TextField BH=new TextField("30",4);
- Label label_BH=new Label("Brush Height:");
- // Now here is where we declare our back buffer and main canvas:
- Image backbuffer;
- Graphics backg;
- // Okay, we need to initialize the above variables and set things in action:
- public void init()
- {
- // As you can see, we're using the variables above, one is on and
- // zero is off, like in a boolean that I couldn't get to work!
- Fill=1;Oval=0;Rect=0;RoundRect=0;Swirl=0;Str=1;
- // Right, now to set the default RGB values:
- R=0;G=0;B=0;R1=255;G1=255;B1=255;
- // Okay, so we have to set the defaule value for the
- // condition to say that the background has been changed:
- BackChange=0;
- // Now let's set the minimum parameters that can be drawn to:
- MinX=0;MinY=86;
- // Okays, so now we needs to the the default size of the brush painty
- // bit that will be 'drawn' on the canvas:
- XAxis=30;YAxis=30;
- // Here is where we get the width and height of the canvas:
- width=getSize().width;height=getSize().height;
- // Now, as we have buttons at the top, we need to add MinY to the
- // canvas height:
- height=height+MinY;
- // Right, so those Swirly variables above need to do something now:
- MX=width/2;
- MY=height/2;
- // Let's set the default help value:
- Help=0;
- // So we need to create a back buffer at the same width and height:
- backbuffer=createImage(width,height);
- // And of course we call the image *from* the back buffer!!!111ONE
- backg=backbuffer.getGraphics();
- // First, we need to add white to the background of the buttons and
- // stuff:
- backg.setColor(new Color(255,255,255));
- backg.fillRect(MinX,0,width,MinY);
- // So, we tell the program to set the background colour, sending it
- // to the above sub-routine, drawing a rectangle of the same size
- // and using the default background RGB colour:
- backg.setColor(new Color(R,G,B));
- backg.fillRect(MinX,MinY,width,height);
- // Now I see where this is going, we need to set the foreground colour
- // here:
- backg.setColor(new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- // Right, now let's have a look at them buttons!
- Fill1.addActionListener(this);
- add(Fill1);
- Rect1.addActionListener(this);
- add(Rect1);
- Oval1.addActionListener(this);
- add(Oval1);
- RoundRect1.addActionListener(this);
- add(RoundRect1);
- Swirl1.addActionListener(this);
- add(Swirl1);
- // Okay, this button (Str1) not only has a mouse action, but also
- // needs the KeyListener to be added because you type afterwards.
- // If you don't add the KeyListener to this button, then you can
- // click on it but not type afterwards :-| Took me ages to work out
- // and then I thought "What if I..." and blimey! It worked :D
- Str1.addActionListener(this);
- Str1.addKeyListener(this);
- add(Str1);
- // And before the text input boxes, we need the help button:
- Help1.addActionListener(this);
- add(Help1);
- // Right, now let's add the text fields:
- // And let's not forget to tell Java that they are both 'Actionable'
- // and 'Typeable' (hoping that this works:
- add(label_RedFore);RedFore.addActionListener(this);RedFore.addKeyListener(this);add(RedFore);
- add(label_GreenFore);GreenFore.addActionListener(this);GreenFore.addKeyListener(this);add(GreenFore);
- add(label_BlueFore);BlueFore.addActionListener(this);BlueFore.addKeyListener(this);add(BlueFore);
- add(label_RedBack);RedBack.addActionListener(this);RedBack.addKeyListener(this);add(RedBack);
- add(label_GreenBack);GreenBack.addActionListener(this);GreenBack.addActionListener(this);add(GreenBack);
- add(label_BlueBack);BlueBack.addActionListener(this);BlueBack.addActionListener(this);add(BlueBack);
- add(label_BW);BW.addActionListener(this);BW.addActionListener(this);add(BW);
- add(label_BH);BH.addActionListener(this);BH.addActionListener(this);add(BH);
- // As this is an 'object' we need to add the mouse listeners to 'this'
- addMouseListener(this);
- addMouseMotionListener(this);
- // Okay, so here's a bit of an anomoly in Java - because you've got a
- // MouseListener and MouseMotionListener active, an Applet can't focus
- // on the two things at once - because it sux - so we need to remind
- // it to set its' focus to different things, like the keyboard. You do
- // this with the following before adding the KeyListener:
- setFocusable(true);
- addKeyListener(this);
- }
- public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent e)
- {
- // Okays, so let's show the status of X and Y axis, innit
- int x=e.getX();
- int y=e.getY();
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, mouse at: "+x+" "+y);
- e.consume();
- }
- public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
- {
- int x=e.getX();
- int y=e.getY();
- if (Str==1 && y>MinY)
- {
- TX=x;
- TY=y;
- S$="";
- repaint();
- e.consume();
- return;
- }
- // As above, but this is a mouse click-and-drag rather than a single
- // click :-)
- if (y<MinY)
- {
- return;
- }
- backg.setColor(new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- // And now we need to decide what's going to be drawn, so if the
- // read integer is 1 then that means do it, like drawing rectangles
- // and if Fill is 1 then it does a fill, otherwise you get an outline:
- if (RoundRect==1 && Fill==1)
- {
- backg.fillRoundRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis,XAxis/2,YAxis/2);
- }
- if (RoundRect==1 && Fill==0)
- {
- backg.drawRoundRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis,XAxis/2,YAxis/2);
- }
- if (Rect==1 && Fill==1)
- {
- backg.fillRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- if (Rect==1 && Fill==0)
- {
- backg.drawRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- if (Oval==1 && Fill==1)
- {
- backg.fillOval(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- if (Oval==1 && Fill==0)
- {
- backg.drawOval(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- // This bit writes something to the status bar:
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, mouse at: "+x+" "+y);
- // Now let's clear the area behind the buttons, just in case:
- backg.setColor(new Color(255,255,255));
- backg.fillRect(MinX,0,width,MinY);
- // Now we call a repaint and consume this mouse action or it'll repeat.
- repaint();
- e.consume();
- }
- public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent e)
- {
- // As above, but this is a mouse click-and-drag rather than a single
- // click :-)
- int x=e.getX();
- int y=e.getY();
- if (y<MinY)
- {
- return;
- }
- backg.setColor(new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- if (RoundRect==1 && Fill==1)
- {
- backg.fillRoundRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis,XAxis/2,YAxis/2);
- }
- if (RoundRect==1 && Fill==0)
- {
- backg.drawRoundRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis,XAxis/2,YAxis/2);
- }
- if (Rect==1 && Fill==1)
- {
- backg.fillRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- if (Rect==1 && Fill==0)
- {
- backg.drawRect(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- if (Oval==1 && Fill==1)
- {
- backg.fillOval(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- if (Oval==1 && Fill==0)
- {
- backg.drawOval(x-(XAxis/2),y-(YAxis/2),XAxis,YAxis);
- }
- // Okay, now let's try to add the Swirly brush code:
- if (Swirl==1)
- {
- backg.setColor(new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- int DX=x-MX;
- int DY=y-MY;
- T+=Math.sqrt(DX*DX+DY*DY)/20;
- if(T>2*Math.PI)
- {
- T-=2*Math.PI;
- }
- backg.drawLine(x,y,x+(int)(15*Math.cos(T)),y+(int)(15*Math.sin(T)));
- MX=x;
- MY=y;
- }
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, mouse at: "+x+" "+y);
- // Now let's clear the area behind the buttons, just in case:
- backg.setColor(new Color(255,255,255));
- backg.fillRect(MinX,0,width,MinY);
- repaint();
- e.consume();
- }
- public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e)
- {
- if (Str!=1)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Okay, let's get the keyboard input :-)
- char C$=e.getKeyChar();
- Z=C$;
- A=S$.length();
- // We need to check two conditions, one is whether or not there has
- // been a keypress, and the other is to check the integer value of
- // that keypress to make sure that it's not equal to 8, which is
- // the delete key!
- if(C$!=KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED && Z!=8 && Z!=32 && Z!=10)
- {
- S$=S$+C$;
- Z=C$;
- backg.setColor(new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- backg.drawString(S$,TX,TY);
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Key value is ("+Z+")");
- repaint();
- e.consume();
- }
- // Right, so what do we do if the delete key is pressed?
- // Well, here's a good one, let's take the value of the background
- // colour and redraw the string first, this makes it invisible,
- // and then let's make the string one character less before redrawing
- // it onto the screen, thus elimenating the last char, ie, the one
- // that has been deleted. Magic!
- else
- if(Z==8 && A>0)
- {
- backg.setColor (new Color(R,G,B));
- backg.drawString(S$,TX,TY);
- S$=S$.substring(0,A-1);
- backg.setColor (new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- backg.drawString(S$,TX,TY);
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Key value is ("+Z+")");
- repaint();
- e.consume();
- }
- else
- // For some reason, I had an anomoly with the space, because
- // if you press space after clicking on the text button,
- // what happens is that you've pressed the button again and
- // it seems to reset the parameters, so we need a work-around
- // which physically adds a space to the string S$:
- if(Z==32)
- {
- S$=S$+" ";
- Z=C$;
- backg.setColor(new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- backg.drawString(S$,TX,TY);
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Key value is ("+Z+")");
- repaint();
- e.consume();
- }
- else
- // And this is if you hit return, but there is one condition
- // which will stop you going off the canvas, list this:
- if(Z==10 && (TY-28<=height-MinY))
- // Of course, there's an ofset of 28 because we add
- // 14 to the Y axis for each carriage return, so in
- // other words, 14 is added to TY if it's smaller than
- // the bottom of the canvas - do the maths! Okay, it
- // doesn't seem to work, but in theory it should.
- {
- TY=TY+14;
- Z=C$;
- // Okay, so let's clear S$ or that will be drawn to
- // the next line
- S$="";
- backg.setColor(new Color(R1,G1,B1));
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Key value is ("+Z+")");
- repaint();
- e.consume();
- }
- }
- public void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent keyEvent)
- {
- }
- public void keyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent keyEvent)
- {
- }
- // Yo! This is where the buttons *should* work, one hopes.
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- {
- // Integers to change here are as follows:
- // Fill (for whether it's draw or fill), Oval for a rounded
- // brush, Rect for a square brush, RoundRect for square with rounded
- // sides, swirl for the swirly brish (to be added) and finally
- // Str for text input to canvas
- // First, we'll check for fill on or not:
- if (e.getSource()==Fill1 && Fill==1)
- {
- Fill=0;
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Fill is now OFF");
- repaint();
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==Fill1 && Fill==0)
- {
- Fill=1;
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Fill is now ON");
- repaint();
- return;
- }
- // Now, we'll have a look if the square brush has been selected:
- //Rect1, Oval1, RoundRect1, Swirl1, String1
- if (e.getSource()==Rect1)
- {
- Rect=1;Oval=0;RoundRect=0;Swirl=0;Str=0;
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Rectangle brush selected");
- repaint();
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==Oval1)
- {
- Rect=0;Oval=1;RoundRect=0;Swirl=0;Str=0;
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Rectangle brush selected");
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==RoundRect1)
- {
- Rect=0;Oval=0;RoundRect=1;Swirl=0;Str=0;
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Rounded-edged rectangle brush selected");
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==Swirl1)
- {
- Rect=0;Oval=0;RoundRect=0;Swirl=1;Str=0;
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, Swirl brush selected");
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==Str1)
- {
- Rect=0;Oval=0;RoundRect=0;Swirl=0;Str=1;
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, text brush selected");
- return;
- }
- // Let's see if the help button has been pressed:
- if (e.getSource()==Help1)
- {
- Help=1;
- return;
- }
- // Okay, so here we need to check if the RGB value entered is valid (ie, between 0 and 255)
- // convert it into an Integer and store it in the relevane variable.
- // There is also a condition to check whether or not the text brush is selected because you can't
- // enter a value into the text field whilst that is switched on or you'll be entering the number
- // onto the canvas, which is what we don't want.
- if (e.getSource()==RedFore && Integer.parseInt(RedFore.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(RedFore.getText())<256 && Str!=1)
- {
- R1=Integer.parseInt(RedFore.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, red foreground colour value changed");
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==GreenFore && Integer.parseInt(GreenFore.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(GreenFore.getText())<256 && Str!=1)
- {
- G1=Integer.parseInt(GreenFore.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, green foreground colour value changed");
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==BlueFore && Integer.parseInt(BlueFore.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(BlueFore.getText())<256 && Str!=1)
- {
- B1=Integer.parseInt(BlueFore.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, blue foreground colour value changed");
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==RedBack && Integer.parseInt(RedBack.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(RedBack.getText())<256 && Str!=1)
- {
- R=Integer.parseInt(RedBack.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, red background colour value changed");
- BackChange=1;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==GreenBack && Integer.parseInt(GreenBack.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(GreenBack.getText())<256 && Str!=1)
- {
- G=Integer.parseInt(GreenBack.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, green background colour value changed");
- BackChange=1;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==BlueBack && Integer.parseInt(BlueBack.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(BlueBack.getText())<256 && Str!=1)
- {
- B=Integer.parseInt(BlueBack.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, blue background colour value changed");
- BackChange=1;
- }
- // Okay, now let's deal with the brush width and height:
- if (e.getSource()==BW && Integer.parseInt(BW.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(BW.getText())<256)
- {
- XAxis=Integer.parseInt(BW.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, brush width value changed");
- return;
- }
- if (e.getSource()==BH && Integer.parseInt(BH.getText())>-1 && Integer.parseInt(BH.getText())<256)
- {
- YAxis=Integer.parseInt(BH.getText());
- showStatus("Donkeysoft Sketchpad V2.0, brush height value changed");
- return;
- }
- if (BackChange==1)
- {
- backg.setColor(new Color(R,G,B));
- backg.fillRect(MinX,MinY,width,height);
- BackChange=0;
- }
- repaint();
- }
- // Okay, so this is there the back buffer is drawn to and syncronised
- public void update (Graphics g)
- {
- g.drawImage(backbuffer,0,0,this);
- if (Help==1)
- {
- int TempX=2, TempY=100, NewLine=14;
- g.setColor(new Color(0,0,0));
- g.fillRect(MinX,MinY,width,height);
- g.setColor (new Color(255,255,255));
- g.drawString ("Welcome to Donkeysoft's Sketchpad Applet, by Shaun Bebbington (C) MMX",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("This program is freeware, and the source code is available online",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("somewhere, so please feel free to have a play with it and make it do",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("more stuff. Okay, so here's a quick guide:",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("Starting from top-left, the Fill on/off button will allow you to draw",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("solid or outlined shapes that follow, which are rectangles, ovals,",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("or rectangles with rounded edges. The Swirl brush is some polite",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("mathematics, I've added it because I thought it looked good! By",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("clicking Text you will be able to enter text onto the canvas - just",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("click anywhere on the canvas and start typing. Obviously, you know",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("what help does. You are able to change the RGB values of the",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("foreground and background colours by entering a value in each between",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("zero and 255, giving 24-bit colour, have a play - it is fun! But",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("note that whenever you change the background colour, the whole canvas",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("is repainted to that colour and anything you've drawn is lost.",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("Entering a new brush width or height will change the relevant size",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("of the brush with exception to the text and swirl, again the minimum",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("value is zero and maximum is 255. You can not enter a new value to",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("any of the input boxes whilst you have the text brush selected",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("becuase you can't type on the canvas and in the text box at the same",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("Time. Also, *don't forget* to press enter after entering a new value or it",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("won't change.",TempX,TempY);
- TempY=TempY+NewLine;
- g.drawString ("Finally, and most importantly, have a look and the code and have fun! SB :-)",TempX,TempY);
- Help=0;
- }
- if (Str==1 && R1/2>0 && G1/2>0 && B1/2>0)
- {
- // Right, let's have a different colour for the text marker
- // than the text to make it a bit clearer:
- g.setColor(new Color (R1/2,G1/2,B1/2));
- g.drawLine(TX,TY,TX,TY-10);
- g.drawLine(TX,TY,TX+10,TY);
- }
- else
- if (Str==1 && (R1/2<=0 || G1/2<=0 || B1<=0))
- {
- // Right, well we can't do an RGB colour smaller than zero
- // so let's set the new colour to zero for each RGB value:
- g.setColor(new Color (0,0,0));
- g.drawLine(TX,TY,TX,TY-10);
- g.drawLine(TX,TY,TX+10,TY);
- }
- getToolkit().sync();
- }
- // This then updates (or flips) the back buffer so we can see the last
- // action added to the canvas, good, innit?
- public void paint (Graphics g)
- {
- update(g);
- }
- // All this crap here needed to be added to this program or Java doesn't
- // like it and it takes *hours* to work this out, even though it's not
- // actually doing anything whatsoever. I'd like to meet the sadistic
- // idiots who created all of these useless bits in Java, I'm sure it's
- // been created just to annoy people rather than being in any way
- // whatsoever helpful.
- public void mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
- {
- }
- public void mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
- {
- }
- public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
- {
- }
- public void mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
- {
- }
- }
- // This assignment was created by Shaun Bebbington to learn about them
- // Applets (c) 2010 Donkey Soft, version 2.0
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