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May 29th, 2013
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  1. [9:59:33 AM] Angel [Ashen]: You there?
  2. [10:09:51 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Yeah
  3. [10:11:03 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I'm gonna try to keep this short because I know we're all really tired of dealing with stuff
  4. [10:11:34 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I know you did it. I didn't want to remove you but had to, don't want many exceptions to the rule but
  5. [10:11:41 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I can make an exception
  6. [10:11:46 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Do you like staying with us?
  7. [10:12:23 AM] Marx Cartoonee: After all that drama I'm not quite so sure anymore
  8. [10:12:48 AM] Marx Cartoonee: That, and I wouldn't want to be an exception
  9. [10:12:58 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I did what I did fully aware of the consequences
  10. [10:13:20 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Yep, I know you did
  11. [10:13:50 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I didn't really want it to get that out of hand. I probably shouldn't have talked at all about it directly in KD, but it happened
  12. [10:14:18 AM] Angel [Ashen]: We were gonna gather opinions, chew on them, then talk to Gary, all three of us (me, cam, juush)
  13. [10:14:46 AM] Angel [Ashen]: but one of them was always off or tired or gary was idle or something, so by the time we were ready, KD got deleted
  14. [10:15:12 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Could've dealt with it more tactfully but eh
  15. [10:15:45 AM] Angel [Ashen]: If you promise not to leak anymore logs of course I can let you in again, because I do like you
  16. [10:16:01 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I'm sure you only did it because you thought it was right
  17. [10:16:14 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Remember when I said it hits close to home?
  18. [10:16:22 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Yeah
  19. [10:16:29 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Yeah, I was in the same situation as he was
  20. [10:16:37 AM] Marx Cartoonee: People talking behind my back
  21. [10:16:40 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Acting two-faced
  22. [10:16:54 AM] Marx Cartoonee: It wasn't a pleasant sight to revisit
  23. [10:17:30 AM] Angel [Ashen]: If I may ask how exactly were Cam and Josh dealing with things while I was offline?
  24. [10:17:53 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Can't say about Cam as I didn't see anything
  25. [10:17:58 AM] Marx Cartoonee: As for Josh
  26. [10:18:12 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I know what little I saw of him talking about his investigation
  27. [10:18:17 AM] Marx Cartoonee: And what Gaz told me
  28. [10:18:52 AM] Marx Cartoonee: When he confronted him about all the talking in the backroom
  29. [10:18:55 AM] Marx Cartoonee: And was ignored at first
  30. [10:18:58 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Lied to a second time
  31. [10:19:05 AM] Marx Cartoonee: And the third time told he wasn't entitled to know
  32. [10:19:10 AM] Angel [Ashen]: How did he lie?
  33. [10:19:17 AM] Marx Cartoonee: You'd have to ask Gaz
  34. [10:20:00 AM] Angel [Ashen]: We were honestly just having difficulty deciding how to deal with things, because we didn't necessarily want anyone to leave
  35. [10:20:17 AM] Angel [Ashen]: That said, people throwing ultimatums out for the billionth time made it... more than difficult
  36. [10:20:23 AM] Angel [Ashen]: lol
  37. [10:20:24 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I wanted to stay as passive as possible, so I didn't give you my input when you asked me before
  38. [10:20:32 AM] Marx Cartoonee: But if you still want it, I have a suggestion
  39. [10:20:41 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Of course
  40. [10:20:49 AM] Marx Cartoonee: KD is a group of friends, right?
  41. [10:22:15 AM] Angel [Ashen]: You see, Gary threw that out a lot last night when he was talking in TNOC, and before you start, I'd just like to say that when you successfully annoy nearly everyone in the room and then exclude yourself numerous times, you don't really get to act like you're a part of it anymore
  42. [10:22:28 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I'm not sure how else to word that, but I'm sure you get the point
  43. [10:22:40 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Yeah, I get it, but that's not what I'm asking
  44. [10:22:49 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Go on, then lol
  45. [10:22:57 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Right, so as a group of friends
  46. [10:23:10 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Wouldn't it make more sense to talk about things to eachother directly
  47. [10:23:19 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Instead of going to backrooms
  48. [10:23:37 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Making it seem like something more than it is
  49. [10:23:43 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Like in this particular scenario
  50. [10:23:49 AM] Marx Cartoonee: A lot of people wanted soda back
  51. [10:23:57 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Gaz didn't
  52. [10:24:08 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I wanted to speak to people individually and taking them into another room was the only way to do that
  53. [10:24:09 AM] Marx Cartoonee: A reasonable approach would have been asking him first of all
  54. [10:24:13 AM] Marx Cartoonee: If there was a way to work it out
  55. [10:24:21 AM] Marx Cartoonee: If he'd be willing to agree to let her back in
  56. [10:24:26 AM] Angel [Ashen]: We were going to ask
  57. [10:24:35 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Room got bombed before we could
  58. [10:24:47 AM] Marx Cartoonee: You were, yes, you made that clear enough
  59. [10:24:50 AM] Marx Cartoonee: What I'm saying is
  60. [10:24:57 AM] Marx Cartoonee: As a directly involved party in whatever happened
  61. [10:25:04 AM] Marx Cartoonee: He should have been one of the first ones involved
  62. [10:25:08 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Not the last
  63. [10:25:22 AM] Marx Cartoonee: It was already apparent that people wanted her back
  64. [10:25:44 AM] Angel [Ashen]: What I wanted to show him though was proof that nobody wanted anyone gone, either
  65. [10:25:59 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Everyone thought it was dumb as Hell, on both sides
  66. [10:26:32 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I'm not calling that into question
  67. [10:26:44 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Since I never knew anyone's intentions
  68. [10:26:47 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Just what I saw
  69. [10:26:55 AM] Marx Cartoonee: And what I saw seemed horribly off
  70. [10:27:08 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I'm sure it did
  71. [10:27:19 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Though you know, they were the only ones to come to me
  72. [10:27:27 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Through all of this Gary didn't say a single word to me
  73. [10:27:41 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Even when I came back initially, he didn't say anything
  74. [10:27:52 AM] Marx Cartoonee: He said he sent you a note, afaik
  75. [10:28:29 AM] Angel [Ashen]: The first note he sent me, he told me he was banning her
  76. [10:28:56 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Never asked, just stated he would, so I let it go
  77. [10:29:27 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Figured things would work themselves out, and dearly hoped they would, because my life's been wicked busy and chaotic
  78. [10:29:57 AM] Angel [Ashen]: We just moved again, this is like the seventh time we've moved in a year, lol
  79. [10:30:05 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Sheesh
  80. [10:30:58 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Anyway the next note he sent me, he mentioned that he didn't have his privs anymore, so I said I'd fix it
  81. [10:31:08 AM] Angel [Ashen]: When I went to do so, it was already fixed
  82. [10:31:10 AM] Angel [Ashen]: so
  83. [10:31:44 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I think he just horribly misunderstood things, and the entire room paid the price
  84. [10:32:25 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I responded to that note, not the other one, I never gave him permission to ban anyone
  85. [10:32:46 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I think it's silly to ban for something that trivial that happened in devart of all places, but that's just my opinion
  86. [10:33:46 AM] Marx Cartoonee: He said she shared something about his personal life, no?
  87. [10:34:46 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Not really, from what he showed me. All I saw was something that could've very easily be seen as either a joke or a vague statement to people who didn't know about it
  88. [10:35:06 AM] Angel [Ashen]: And if they did know about it, then I don't think any harm was done, because well... they already knew, you know?
  89. [10:35:55 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Did he send any other notes?
  90. [10:35:59 AM] Angel [Ashen]: No
  91. [10:36:10 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I remember him saying he sent more
  92. [10:36:18 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Let me see
  93. [10:37:06 AM] Angel [Ashen]: He sent me some this month, shortly before I returned, more about the same situation
  94. [10:37:25 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Man I can't even describe to you how speechless I was when I saw that shit was sitll going on
  95. [10:37:43 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I can honestly imagine
  96. [10:38:22 AM] Angel [Ashen]: The next note I got after those was from Cam and Josh, saying I was needed and that some sort of intervention was required
  97. [10:38:59 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I just asked him
  98. [10:39:06 AM] Marx Cartoonee: He says it wasn't vague
  99. [10:39:12 AM] Marx Cartoonee: And how she went on about it
  100. [10:39:20 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Do you have the logs still?
  101. [10:39:30 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Well, you need to understand that he only showed me one line
  102. [10:39:40 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Ah
  103. [10:39:52 AM] Marx Cartoonee: See, that's what has me a bit worried now
  104. [10:40:03 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Had he showed me more, I could've better understood
  105. [10:40:08 AM] Angel [Ashen]: But he never did, even when I asked
  106. [10:40:24 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Apparently he showed everyone the same thing, so they formed opinions based on that
  107. [10:45:14 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Right, I found the snippet
  108. [10:46:06 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Also, this is the note that Cam and Josh sent me
  109. [10:46:11 AM] Angel [Ashen]:
  112. ----------
  113. Wizard-Kgalm said the following:
  115. ----------
  116. deviant-garde said the following:
  118. Hey, Ang. I already checked what was in your inbox, just so I know what's there waiting for you so we can set the stage for this. Basically, what's happened is, Darsh has stirred up some shit that we all thought was settled and done with, involving Mandi/sodalicious.
  120. Mandi was banned by Gaz after they had a falling out in #devart. He says he made a single joke about her looking older than she is, and she started endlessly making remarks about his life in front of everyone in retaliation, but Mandi claims that it happened much differently; that Gaz was being more antagonistic and she didn't say a lot of the things he claims. He's the only one who noted you about the situation despite objections being voiced by several other people, and I have no idea how much you were informed on the fallout that came from this.
  122. After Darsh brought the situation up again and things got heated between her and a few other people (Gaz, Josh, me), no one in the room besides Gaz seemed to agree that Mandi should remain banned after so much time has passed over a situation that happened outside the room, and we've come to an impasse. If Mandi is unbanned, then Gaz wants to leave the room (which he stated in the very beginning to us before he told you he wanted to ban her) and if Mandi stays banned, Darsh wants to leave (which she already threatened to do before and appears to be doing right now).
  124. Josh and I feel we should ban all three (Gaz, Darsh and Mandi) and force them to work something out in #SecretLab. They'll only be able to talk to the three of us there while we settle this, so nobody gets to say things in private to us (including complaining) regarding the intervention. The idea here is this: if they find a way to work things out with each other and peacefully coexist in the chatroom, all of them can come back; if any of them refuse to be reasonable, the others can be let back into KD and that particular person can stay out, being that chatting in there isn't important enough to them for them to work out their issues; if none of them want to work it out, they stay out of the room and stop stirring up drama over what should have been a trivial issue in the first place, making us mediate and investigate over a situation whose evidence was pure hearsay from the beginning.
  126. We don't know when the opportunity to host this intervention will be, but Josh and I don't want to have to pick between friends here and the whole situation has gotten out of hand. Let either of us know when we can actually hammer this shit out so an ultimate decision can be made.
  127. [10:48:11 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Josh and I feel we should ban all three (Gaz, Darsh and Mandi) and force them to work something out in #SecretLab. They'll only be able to talk to the three of us there while we settle this, so nobody gets to say things in private to us (including complaining) regarding the intervention.
  128. [10:48:20 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I'm thinking even that might have worked out better
  129. [10:50:02 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Probably, looking back
  130. [10:50:58 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Anyway
  131. [10:51:09 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Looking at what evidence Gaz had to offer
  132. [10:51:17 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I can see that it might seem trivial to some
  133. [10:51:26 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Whereas to others it might have some weight
  134. [10:51:39 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Like to me, Gaz' joke about her age seemed harmless
  135. [10:51:47 AM] Marx Cartoonee: While hers seemed more spiteful
  136. [10:51:57 AM] Marx Cartoonee: (This is disregarding the claims that she went on about it)
  137. [10:52:42 AM] Angel [Ashen]: My understanding is that he had called her the same thing before, and she told him to stop or something (don't quote me on this, I'm only recalling other words)
  138. [10:52:55 AM] Angel [Ashen]: So upon doing it again she likely took it more personally
  139. [10:53:17 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I can relate to both sides, shit like that's happened to all of us, I'm sure
  140. [10:53:43 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Which is why I'm not quite "getting" why it's any different from anything else that happens
  141. [10:54:35 AM] Angel [Ashen]: And I know he keeps saying that we should've only went to him for answers and that nobody else was involved so they don't matter etc. etc.
  142. [10:54:51 AM] Angel [Ashen]: But when you ban someone in another room like that, you make it everyone's business, you know?
  143. [10:55:22 AM] Angel [Ashen]: It's no longer a personal issue, you've involved whoever's in the other room you banned them in, this case being KD
  144. [10:56:18 AM] Angel [Ashen]: So what we had to work with was a bunch of annoyed people who think it's stupid, and then two friends of ours who are both throwing out ultimatums forcing us to choose between them
  145. [10:57:19 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I thought it was really unfair, when I laid those points out plainly before myself
  146. [10:58:08 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Sure we could've dealt with it in many, many different ways, but in the end it never should've been ours to deal with
  147. [11:02:26 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Is him being demoted in TNOC in any way relevant to all this?
  148. [11:02:50 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Not really
  149. [11:03:14 AM] Angel [Ashen]: It is a bit, but when I spoke to Lomby, he said he had been thinking of demoting Gary for over a week
  150. [11:04:25 AM] Marx Cartoonee: So for different reasons then
  151. [11:05:13 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Last night especially got me because Lomby didn't deserve the shit Gary was giving him
  152. [11:05:30 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Sure Lomby's a bit... slow, shall I put it? But that doesn't make it okay
  153. [11:06:01 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I'm glad we managed to get him off of Lomby and onto us
  154. [11:06:22 AM] Angel [Ashen]: As soon as I saw what was happening I jumped right in. Otherwise I would've kept quiet and kept playing Skyrim
  155. [11:10:25 AM] Angel [Ashen]: At first keeping Lomby around was more of a pet-status thing, but I've started to actually care to some degree. Going to Lomby with my beliefs about Gary deleting KD was more out of concern than spite
  156. [11:11:17 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I know Gary got the wrong idea about it, and I just didn't have enough in me to address it properly
  157. [11:13:16 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I'm sure you know this is not the first time there have been issues like this involving Gaz, and each time is more exhausting than the last
  158. [11:13:30 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I don't know, actually
  159. [11:13:53 AM] Angel [Ashen]: o:
  160. [11:14:32 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Well there were several other times where he was having/started/whatever issues with other people like Dom and stuff like that
  161. [11:14:44 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Oh
  162. [11:14:49 AM] Marx Cartoonee: He told me about the Dom fights
  163. [11:14:53 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Said it was petty shit
  164. [11:14:56 AM] Angel [Ashen]: they didn't get blown out of proportion as far as this did but it was still worse each time
  165. [11:15:04 AM] Marx Cartoonee: And usually ended with not a single fuck given
  166. [11:15:54 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Yeah, no fucks from him, right? He seems to make quite an effort asserting that he doesn't give a fuck
  167. [11:16:15 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Which in itself kind of conflicts with him not giving a fuck... but I disgress
  168. [11:16:15 AM] Angel [Ashen]: lol
  169. [11:16:20 AM] Angel [Ashen]: digress*
  170. [11:20:02 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I was actually saying last night that I felt kind of sad that I didn't feel more when we were "speaking" with Gary in TNOC
  171. [11:20:20 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Because so much had gone on before that I just felt tired
  172. [11:21:40 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Anyway, you're free to make your decision. If you would like to stay with KD, of course I'll need you to promise me that you won't leak many more logs, but I assume that there won't be much to tell about, now, anyway
  173. [11:21:50 AM] Angel [Ashen]: We're all sick of this and just want to go about our normal shit
  174. [11:21:52 AM] Angel [Ashen]: lol
  175. [11:22:10 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I'll appeal my ban when I feel I really want to
  176. [11:22:18 AM] Marx Cartoonee: For now, I'm the guy that gets to talk to Gaz about this
  177. [11:22:26 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Aight man
  178. [11:22:33 AM] Angel [Ashen]: We still cool?
  179. [11:22:51 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Last thing I want is to lose another friend lol
  180. [11:23:04 AM] Angel [Ashen]: I know we're not super close or anything, but still
  181. [11:23:38 AM] Marx Cartoonee: I'm not gonna swear revenge or put gipsy curses on any of you, don't worry
  182. [11:23:46 AM] Angel [Ashen]: haha
  183. [11:23:48 AM] Marx Cartoonee: Unless anyone was talking smack after I was booted
  184. [11:23:52 AM] Marx Cartoonee: 8)
  185. [11:24:03 AM] Angel [Ashen]: Nah, of course not
  186. [11:24:17 AM] Marx Cartoonee: No curses, then
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