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- ; Userlist System Version: 3.8
- ; By: xplo Mail:
- ; Net: @ #mircscripting
- ; I hope you accepted the on LOAD events
- ; If not you HAVE to type this command --> /mkdir database
- ; Its in this folder all the files will be saved.
- alias x return $readini($+(database\,#,.ini),$1,$wildsite)
- on *:JOIN:#:{
- if ($x(blacklist)) && ($me isop $chan) { ban # $nick | kick # $nick User is blacklisted from # | halt }
- if ($x(shitlist)) && ($me isop $chan) { ban # $nick | kick # $nick User is blacklisted from # | halt }
- if ($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, infoline, $address($nick,2))) {
- if ($nick == $me) { return }
- msg $chan ***( $+ $nick $+ ) $readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, infoline, $address($nick,2))
- }
- if ($x(opjoin) && $x(voicejoin)) { mode $chan +o+v $nick $nick | halt }
- if ($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, opjoin, $address($nick,2)) == 1) { mode $chan +o $nick | halt }
- if ($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, voicejoin, $address($nick,2)) == 1) { mode $chan +v $nick | halt }
- }
- on *:KICK:#:{
- if ($nick == $me) { halt }
- if ($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, protect, $address($knick,2)) == 1) {
- ban -k $chan $nick $knick is Protected
- }
- }
- on *:ban:#:{
- if ($nick == $me) { halt }
- if ($bnick == $nick) { halt }
- if ($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, protect, $address($bnick,2)) == 1) {
- mode $chan -bo+b $banmask $nick $address($nick,2)
- kick $chan $nick $bnick is Protected
- }
- }
- on *:DEOP:#:{
- if ($nick == $me) { halt }
- if ($opnick == $nick) { halt }
- if ($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, keepop, $address($opnick,2)) == 1) {
- mode $chan -o+o $nick $opnick
- }
- }
- alias saylevels {
- msg $chan Levels for $1 with this mask :: $address($1,2)
- msg $chan $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, opjoin, $address($1,2)),3+autoop,4-autoop) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, voicejoin, $address($1,2)),3+autovoice,4-autovoice) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, keepop, $address($1,2)),3+Keepop,4-keepop) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, bot, $address($1,2)),3+bot,4-bot) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, protect, $address($1,2)),3+protect,4-protect)
- }
- alias echolevels {
- echo $color(notice) -a Levels for $$1 with this mask :: $address($$1,2)
- echo $color(notice) -a $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, opjoin, $address($$1,2)),3+autoop,4-autoop) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, voicejoin, $address($$1,2)),3+autovoice,4-autovoice) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, keepop, $address($$1,2)),3+Keepop,4-keepop) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, bot, $address($$1,2)),3+bot,4-bot) $&
- $iif($readini(database\ $+ $chan $+ .ini, protect, $address($$1,2)),3+protect,4-protect)
- }
- menu nicklist {
- Userlist
- .Add
- ..Op:writeini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) opjoin $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Added $$1 To Op list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2) | mode $chan +o $$1
- ..Voice:writeini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) voicejoin $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Added $$1 To Voice list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2) | mode $chan +v $$1
- ..KeepOp:writeini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) keepop $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Added $$1 To KeepOp list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2) | mode $chan +o $$1
- ..Protect:writeini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) protect $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Added $$1 To protect list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- ..Bot:writeini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) bot $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Added $$1 To Bot list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- ..Blacklist
- ...Local:writeini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) blacklist $address($$1,2) $$?="Blacklist Reason?" | ban # $address($$1,2) | kick # $$1 You are blacklisted from # | echo -a Added $$1 To Blacklist on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- ...Global:writeini database\blacklist.ini shitlist $address($$1,2) $$?="Blacklist Reason?" | ban # $address($$1,2) | kick # $$1 You are blacklisted from # | echo -a Added $$1 To Blacklist on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- .Remove
- ..Op:remini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) opjoin $address($$1,2) | echo -a Removed $$1 From Op list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2) | mode $chan -o $$1
- ..Voice:remini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) voicejoin $address($$1,2) | echo -a Removed $$1 From Voice list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2) | mode $chan -v $$1
- ..KeepOp:remini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) KeepOp $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Removed $$1 From KeepOp list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- ..Protect:remini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) protect $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Removed $$1 From protect list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- ..Bot:remini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) bot $address($$1,2) 1 | echo -a Removed $$1 From Bot list on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- .Level $$1
- ..Echo:echolevels $$1
- ..Say #:saylevels $$1
- }
- menu channel {
- Userlist
- .Blacklist
- ..Global:writeini database\shitlist.ini blacklist $$?="*!*" $$?="Blacklist Reason?" | ban # $address($$1,2) | echo -a Added $$1 To Blacklist on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- ..Local:writeini $+(database\,$chan,.ini) blacklist $address($$1,2) $$?="Blacklist Reason?" | ban # $address($$1,2) | echo -a Added $$1 To Blacklist on $chan with this host: $address($$1,2)
- .Clear # 's database
- ..Are you sure?
- ...Yes:remove -b $+(database\,$chan,.ini) | echo $color(notice) -at Database for # is deleted. $fulldate
- ...No: echo -a Moron?
- }
- on *:LOAD:{
- echo -a Userlist v3.1+client Succesfully loaded
- mkdir database
- }
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