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- import module
- from module import function
- class classname(parentclass):
- def functionname(arg):
- return expr
- if expr:
- elif expr:
- else:
- ...
- for var in iterable:
- while expr:
- try:
- except Exception as var:
- with expr as var:
- raise Exception
- break
- continue
- pass
- del var
- assert expr
- yield expr
- lambda arguments: expr
- global var
- nonlocal var
- async
- def functionname(arg):
- await expr
- range(start, stop, step)
- in
- not in
- and
- or
- not
- len(obj)
- type(obj)
- str(obj)
- repr(obj)
- int(x, base)
- float(x)
- complex(real, imag)
- divmod(x, y)
- pow(x, y, z)
- round(number, ndigits)
- max(iterable, *args, key)
- min(iterable, *args, key)
- sum(iterable, start)
- any(iterable)
- all(iterable)
- sorted(iterable, key, reverse)
- reversed(sequence)
- enumerate(iterable, start)
- zip(*iterables)
- map(function, iterable, *iterables)
- filter(function, iterable)
- abs(x)
- chr(i)
- ord(c)
- bin(x)
- oct(x)
- hex(x)
- bool(x)
- bytearray(source, encoding, errors)
- bytes(source, encoding, errors)
- complex(real, imag)
- dict(mapping, **kwargs)
- dir(obj)
- frozenset(iterable)
- list(iterable)
- set(iterable)
- tuple(iterable)
- type(obj, base_type, dict)
- vars(obj)
- repr(obj)
- format(value, format_spec)
- hash(obj)
- memoryview(obj)
- property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)
- staticmethod(function)
- classmethod(function)
- isinstance(obj, classinfo)
- compile(source, filename, mode, flags=0, dont_inherit=False, optimize=-1)
- exec(source, globals=None, locals=None)
- eval(expr, globals=None, locals=None)
- globals()
- locals()
- vars()
- dir()
- help(obj)
- ascii(obj)
- repr(obj)
- input(prompt)
- print(*objs, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
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