
Chapter one part one scene one

Oct 3rd, 2020
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  1. The bedsheets felt grainy and rough to the touch, but its warmth gave comfort against the winter cold. The early sunshine broke through the open window; its rays, like prickling needles, pinched the skin. The cold even forced the punctual roosters to be silent and asleep in their coops. The children were fast asleep and there was no loud roughhousing or any chaos anywhere on the farm. The Miss’s slumbering face laid in bed, next to Kazuya and he had woken up a while ago admiring her. Even in sleep her pale face, decorated with pink lips, and a small nose looked beyond any compare. Kazuya, overwhelmed by the perfection of the scene, couldn’t help himself and brought his lips closer to kiss hers.
  3. “Is this heaven? Or have you finally decided to sell the children to the circus.”
  5. “This is your heaven, mister Kazuya? I shudder at what your hell looks like.” The sleeping beauty retorted. Her lips kissed back, but her eyes were still closed. The idea of an early rise didn’t entertain her, and she wiggled under the sheets covering her face from the bright light.
  7. “Come make me my breakfast, my dear wife. I need to wakeup Melody, and prepare her the long journey. Oh and tell Jack to take the cow to the village. Old Bessie was feeling under the weather yesterday.” Kazuya threw back his side of the covers, and stretched his arms wide apart.
  9. “Are you really doing it?” She peeked out of the sheets. Her scarlet eyes filled with sorrow and concern. Her white soft fingers pinching the edge of his grey shirt’s sleeves. Kazuya tried to gently peel away her grip, but her trembling fingers pushed away his rough hands.
  11. “Isn’t there any place closer than Elental? Maybe the priest in the next town over could help us.”
  13. “Maria, you know we can’t do that. Jack insists on joining the military, which will happen over my dead body. At least Melody…Our daughter will have a better future with proper education. You know how hard life is without it. And besides Jeremy is a trusted friend. He has assured me that all of her needs will be taken care of during her stay in the hostels.”
  15. “But she is girl. She doesn’t need education if we find her a proper suitor by the time she comes of age. And if she inherits your divine knowledge about the world, she could make a living of it.”
  17. “Maria!” Kazuya barely kept his voice from rising and tore away his arm from her grip. The thought of pawning off their only daughter irritated him to no end, but after a a few moments of silence he recomposed himself. He knew she only wanted the best for their daughter, and as a woman, who herself was almost sold off by her parents, she knew the feeling of helplessness in this cruel world. And Kazuya also knew for a fact that his divine knowledge was unique to him. He let out an anxious sigh and said:
  19. “We will not turn our little girl into a piece of furniture to decorate the house of a rich Lord. She is ours, and we will do our best for her sake. She needs to learn from a famous institution or else no one will employ her. Please try and understand.” He wrapped his long arms around her trembling body. His slender, soft fingers, ran along the length of her golden locks. It was the only way Kazuya
  20. knew how to calm her down. And it seemed to work. His gentle strokes seized her trembling and she dug into his warm embrace.
  22. Kazuya’s height was nothing out of the ordinary, but he was much taller than Maria. And so every time he would hug her small and frail body, it would almost get enveloped by his embrace. Her hair smelt of vanilla scented shampoo, her and his favorite. A deep breath of it soothed his troubled mind. Kazuya tried to put up a brave front but he was just as worried about his daughter as he was. But he knew that the future of his daughter was worth all the pain in the world, and nothing could convince him otherwise.
  24. “Please promise me that you will keep her safe.” Maria took a moment to collect her scattered thoughts, and stared into his eyes. Kazuya knew that she wouldn’t settle for anything else other than absolute guarantee that he will keep their daughter safe. Her scarlet eyes searched his brown eyes for confirmation, and finally Kazuya broke his stern look.
  26. “I promise to do everything in my power to keep our daughter safe.”
  28. “Good, I will go to the alter to make an offering for your safe travels.”
  30. “You know I don't believe in those things.” Kazuya offended by her resorting to divine protection, chuckled and said, “I know these lands like the back of my hand. It would take an act of God to stop me from reaching Elental. ” He pumped his chest with his fists.
  32. “You really are my hero, mister Kazuya…”
  34. “Maria! What is happening to you. Wait, no…”
  36. Her small figure slowly melted in his embrace, and her golden locks disintegrated between his fingers. The sweet smell of vanilla, and the soft touch of her tender body disappeared. Water spewed in from the cracks and holes in the wooden walls. The ceiling flew away and a torrent of water forced the straining wooden walls to cave in from the sheer pressure. Kazuya, still baffled by what had occurred, could not brace himself and was carried away by the strong currents. His hands reaching out to anything he could grab. But nothing he did could stop him from getting smacked around by the quagmire of rushing water. His breath ran out, and the world soon disappeared from his sight.
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