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- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
- from matplotlib.path import Path
- import matplotlib.lines as lines
- import matplotlib.patches as patches
- import matplotlib.colors as colors
- import matplotlib.hatch as mhatch
- fathatch_path_vertices = [
- [-0.5, -0.45],
- [-0.5, -0.5],
- [-0.375, -0.5],
- [-0.5, -0.375],
- [-0.5, -0.45],
- [-0.5, 0],
- [-0.5, -0.125],
- [-0.125, -0.5],
- [0.125, -0.5],
- [-0.5, 0.125],
- [-0.5, 0],
- [-0.5, 0.45],
- [-0.5, 0.375],
- [0.375, -0.5],
- [0.5, -0.5],
- [0.5, -0.375],
- [-0.375, 0.5],
- [-0.5, 0.5],
- [-0.5, 0.45],
- [0, 0.5],
- [-0.125, 0.5],
- [0.5, -0.125],
- [0.5, 0.125],
- [0.125, 0.5],
- [0, 0.5],
- [0.45, 0.5],
- [0.375, 0.5],
- [0.5, 0.375],
- [0.5, 0.5],
- [0.45, 0.5],
- ]
- fathatch_path_cmds = [
- Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- ]
- fat_left_hatch_path = patches.Path(
- [[x, y] for x, y in fathatch_path_vertices],
- fathatch_path_cmds,
- )
- fat_right_hatch_path = patches.Path(
- [[-x, y] for x, y in fathatch_path_vertices],
- fathatch_path_cmds,
- )
- class FatLHatch(mhatch.Shapes):
- filled = True
- size = 1.0
- path = fat_left_hatch_path
- def __init__(self, hatch, density):
- self.num_rows = 2 * (hatch.count('C')) # * density
- self.shape_vertices = self.path.vertices
- self.shape_codes =
- mhatch.Shapes.__init__(self, hatch, density)
- class FatRHatch(mhatch.Shapes):
- filled = True
- size = 1.0
- path = fat_right_hatch_path
- def __init__(self, hatch, density):
- self.num_rows = 2 * (hatch.count('c')) # * density
- self.shape_vertices = self.path.vertices
- self.shape_codes =
- mhatch.Shapes.__init__(self, hatch, density)
- def lin_fn(x):
- # Linear reconstruction filter
- return (x + 1 if x < 0 else 1 - x) if -1 < x < 1 else 0
- def lanczos(x, a):
- # Lanczos reconstruction filter with size parameter a, a positive integer
- #
- # a = 1 is useless. Larger values increasingly emulate the normalised sinc
- # function. (Lanczos is just the normalised sinc function windowed with the
- # horizontally scaled central lobe of another normalised sinc function.)
- return (np.sinc(x) * np.sinc(x / a)) if -a < x < a else 0
- def lanczos_fn(a):
- # Return a 1-argt lanczos function tailored with a specific size parameter.
- return lambda x: lanczos(x, a)
- def resample(values, new_x_posns, filter_fn, support):
- result = []
- n = len(values)
- a = max(0, -support[0])
- b = max(0, support[1])
- for x1 in new_x_posns:
- x = n * x1
- rng = range(
- int(np.floor(x)) + support[0] + 1,
- int(np.floor(x)) + support[1] + 1
- )
- s = sum(values[np.clip(i, 0, n - 1)] * filter_fn(x - i) for i in rng)
- result.append(s)
- return result
- def resample_lanczos2(values, new_x_posns):
- result = resample(values, new_x_posns, lanczos_fn(2), (-2, 2))
- return result
- def hit_fn(r0, ver):
- # Re = R_0 (1 - X.E)
- return (1 - 1 / r0) / ver
- def soft_edge_grad_image(colour):
- c = colors.to_rgba(colour)
- ramp = [0.2, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95]
- x = ramp + [1.0] + list(reversed(ramp))
- n = len(x)
- c3 = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(c[:3]), (n, 1))
- alpha = np.atleast_2d(np.array(x)).T * c[3]
- im = np.expand_dims(np.hstack([c3, alpha]), 0)
- return im
- def main():
- r0_max = 20
- mhatch._hatch_types.append(FatLHatch)
- mhatch._hatch_types.append(FatRHatch)
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5.5, 7.0))
- ax = plt.axes()
- ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1))
- ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10))
- ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5))
- plt.xlim(0, r0_max)
- plt.ylim(0, 105)
- # ~ P = [
- # ~ (1, 0.0),
- # ~ (1.25, 0.20),
- # ~ (1.6, 0.375),
- # ~ (2.0, 0.50),
- # ~ (2.5, 0.60),
- # ~ (4.0, 0.75),
- # ~ (5.0, 0.80),
- # ~ (8.0, 0.875),
- # ~ (10.0, 0.90),
- # ~ (12.5, 0.92),
- # ~ (16.0, 0.9375),
- # ~ (20.0, 0.95),
- # ~ ]
- legend_patches = []
- labels = []
- num_subdivs = 10
- x = np.linspace(0, r0_max, r0_max * num_subdivs, endpoint=True)[1:]
- lp100 = dict(
- color = 'black',
- linewidth = 1.5,
- )
- lp10 = dict(
- color = 'black',
- linewidth = 0.6,
- )
- lp5 = dict(
- color = 'black',
- linewidth = 0.3,
- linestyle = "dashed"
- )
- for ver_pc in [65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100]:
- if ver_pc == 100:
- lparams = lp100
- else:
- lparams = lp10 if ver_pc % 10 == 0 else lp5
- label = "{}%".format(ver_pc)
- y = [100 * hit_fn(x_i, ver_pc/100) for x_i in x]
- ax.plot(x, y, label=label, **lparams)
- legend_patches.append(lines.Line2D([], [], **lp100))
- labels.append("VE = 100%")
- legend_patches.append(lines.Line2D([], [], **lp10))
- labels.append("VE 10% multiple")
- legend_patches.append(lines.Line2D([], [], **lp5))
- labels.append("VE 5% multiple")
- y = [100 * hit_fn(x_i, 1) for x_i in x]
- curve_points = np.vstack([x, y]).T
- upper_clip_path = patches.Polygon(
- np.vstack([curve_points, [[r0_max, 100], [0, 100]]]),
- closed=True, transform=ax.transData,
- )
- lower_clip_path = patches.Polygon(
- np.vstack([curve_points, [[r0_max, 0], [0, 0]]]),
- closed=True, transform=ax.transData,
- )
- D = {
- 'influenza': dict(
- label = "Influenza",
- r0_span = [1.0, 2.0],
- colour = "red",
- ),
- 'sars': dict(
- label = "SARS",
- r0_span = [2.0, 4.0],
- colour = "#00cc55",
- ),
- 'polio': dict(
- label = "Polio",
- r0_span = [5.0, 7.0],
- colour = "#0066ee",
- ),
- 'chickenpox': dict(
- label = "Chickenpox",
- r0_span = [10.0, 12.0],
- colour = "orange",
- ),
- 'measles': dict(
- label = "Measles",
- r0_span = [12.0, 18.0],
- colour = "#ff00cc",
- ),
- 'urcovid19': dict(
- label = "Covid-19 (Ancestral)",
- r0_span = [2.3, 3.5],
- colour = "#ffdd00",
- special_hatching = True,
- #hatch = r"//",
- hatch = r"C",
- ),
- 'covid19alpha': dict(
- #label = "Covid-19-\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}",
- label = "Covid-19 (Alpha)",
- r0_span = [4.0, 5.0],
- colour = "#ffdd00",
- special_hatching = True,
- #hatch = r"\\",
- hatch = r"CC",
- ),
- 'covid19delta': dict(
- label = "Covid-19 (Delta)",
- r0_span = [5.0, 8.0],
- colour = "#ffdd00",
- special_hatching = True,
- #hatch = r"///",
- hatch = r"c",
- ),
- }
- # ~ D = {
- # ~ 'lurgy': dict(
- # ~ label = "Lurgy",
- # ~ r0_span = [1.5, 8.0],
- # ~ colour = "red",
- # ~ ),
- # ~ }
- for key, drec in D.items():
- ver = 1
- band_alpha = 0.33
- r0_span = drec['r0_span']
- hit_span = [100 * hit_fn(x_i, ver) for x_i in r0_span]
- colour = drec.get('colour', None)
- label = drec.get("label", None)
- hatch=drec.get("hatch", None)
- if drec.get('special_hatching', False):
- # Special Covid-19 hatching
- v_xy = [
- (r0_span[0], 0),
- (r0_span[1], 0),
- (r0_span[1], 200),
- (r0_span[0], 200),
- ]
- vpatch = patches.Polygon(
- v_xy,
- facecolor=colour,
- closed=True,
- fill=False,
- edgecolor=colour,
- hatch=hatch,
- label=label,
- )
- vp = ax.add_patch(vpatch)
- vp.set_clip_path(lower_clip_path)
- h_xy = [
- (0, hit_span[0]),
- (r0_max, hit_span[0]),
- (r0_max, hit_span[1]),
- (0, hit_span[1]),
- ]
- hpatch = patches.Polygon(
- h_xy,
- facecolor=colour,
- closed=True,
- fill=False,
- edgecolor=colour,
- hatch=hatch,
- )
- hp = ax.add_patch(hpatch)
- hp.set_clip_path(upper_clip_path)
- lpatch = patches.Patch(
- facecolor=colour,
- fill=False,
- edgecolor=colour,
- hatch=hatch,
- label=label
- )
- legend_patches.append(lpatch)
- labels.append(label)
- else:
- # soft-edge bands
- image = soft_edge_grad_image(colour)
- vim = ax.imshow(
- image,
- aspect='auto',
- extent=(*r0_span, 0, 100),
- origin='lower',
- interpolation='bicubic',
- alpha=band_alpha,
- )
- vim.set_clip_path(lower_clip_path)
- gdivs = 40
- x = np.linspace(*r0_span, gdivs, endpoint=True)
- y = np.array([100 * hit_fn(x_i, ver) for x_i in x])
- xg = np.linspace(0, 1, gdivs, endpoint=True)
- yg = (y - hit_span[0]) / (hit_span[1] - hit_span[0])
- imx = np.interp(xg, yg, xg)
- row = image[0]
- row1 = np.array(resample_lanczos2(row, imx))
- row1 = np.clip(row1, 0, 1)
- image1 = np.swapaxes(np.expand_dims(row1, 0), 0, 1)
- him = ax.imshow(
- image1,
- aspect='auto',
- extent=(0, r0_max, *hit_span),
- origin='lower',
- interpolation='bicubic',
- alpha=band_alpha,
- )
- him.set_clip_path(upper_clip_path)
- lpatch = patches.Patch(
- facecolor=colour,
- edgecolor=None,
- label=label,
- alpha=band_alpha,
- )
- legend_patches.append(lpatch)
- labels.append(label)
- legend = ax.legend(
- legend_patches,
- labels,
- )
- plt.xlabel("Basic Reproduction Number ($R_0$)")
- plt.ylabel("Herd Immunity Threshold (%)")
- plt.title("Herd Immunity Threshold (of Total Population)\n"
- "for Selected Vaccine Efficacies", fontsize=15)
- major_gl_props = dict(
- color = 'black',
- linestyle = "solid",
- linewidth = 0.2,
- alpha = 0.5
- )
- minor_gl_props = dict(
- color = 'black',
- linestyle = "solid",
- linewidth = 0.2,
- alpha = 0.25
- )
- plt.grid(True, 'major', 'both', **major_gl_props)
- plt.grid(True, 'minor', 'both', **minor_gl_props)
- ax.set_axisbelow(True)
- plt.savefig("hit_covid19.png", dpi=300)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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