
So Liberals need attack

Aug 25th, 2024
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  1. I'll like finish this up later.
  4. When reagan nuked all the children was about this
  5. so how could you stop someone once they, the authorities,proved it couldn't be said a crime
  7. so every childs rights are better if in the hands of some Republican, which doesn't stop
  8. for aging
  9. THEN RFK is like if enough people go anti-vax, then they have to stop it because of rape.
  10. And Rape would pass on disease, but it doesn't matter, because seconds before it stopped
  11. mattering in American law, the standard was set at, by these laws the racial sodomy laws
  12. at bodily harm, and NOT grevious bodily harm, which sounds worse doesn't it, but as a legal
  13. term, include things like spitting on someone, and rape , or sexual assault, groping that precedes a robbery, and so forth, that was a deliberate choice of the law to be not that.
  14. You see we would have thought, they just got something wrong, they could change it.
  15. and then Reagan said no, it needs to stay this way, and all media could cry
  16. was censorship without bothering to explain why.
  17. But how could a puppet nuke anyone.
  22. Calvin had a sinner if it was himself
  23. And Hobbes and 2 and, I just forget the term, readers of Hobbers, except just now when I remember it;so um basically um the supreme court is effectively part of a communist religious dictatorship,
  24. now with petty dictator, to support it, former President Trump.
  25. proof. the shared dictatorship in spoken word, of lies about Orginalist, it's another sinner character, but has no single author, instead it's the Enlightment-pre-enlightment issue
  26. In fact forever, though re-electors, might not accept that they know why they are voting for him,
  27. to put a limit on it, so it's not strange when his base feels he's only teasing them.
  29. So Liberals need attack, because they should change the laws as they discover them in packages, and elsewhere, and would admit the laws are wrongdoing, and write it about, and they are
  30. written about in turn. and Reagan provided, the Reagan Adminstration, which provided the censorship
  31. First of comment then remarks, they were very good at it, soon the questions are pointless.
  32. Which is what he wants, that's the postwar industral complex.
  33. that while we know the need to destroy communisms with nuclear weapons should it come to it,
  34. we will keep the racial sodomy laws, until sodomy is no crime to a child that police can help with, and also forcible what is similar to rape, once that is understood the police can do less
  35. and the get with stopping crime that Americans care about. When he admits this, he feeling seem
  36. more "choose to care" , that Americans choose to care about, but what makes matters worse, the complex demands we the will allow, promotes a laize-le-fair, if our states succomb to the
  37. petty religious commmunism (small) dictatorships that China was rife with, and still should be
  38. when Reagan spoke; that we will allow it, Reagan decided this, he decided it for America and the United States to
  39. keep Racial Sodomy laws even though they hurt children just to know that they are that useless.
  40. OH -- I know this because how rampampt the adults were with their apologies.
  41. Yeah, you could get a job that way as child too.
  42. Accepting the apologies, and denying the need too.
  43. Of course some children, could apply with sarcasm, and share why.
  44. That because of the OPEC crisis our parents would stay at the hotels motels with the pools longer, longer than they
  45. otherwise would, and we had shared our fears and anxieties and jokes and things, and don't forget movies we loved, or would critize.
  46. And there's dicatorship that it's not -- existing spoken word dictatorship, that it's not, that that didn't happen.
  47. but why would you need a dictator without a country you should have no subjects whose ignorance you desire to exploit.
  50. Readers can draw their conclusions again for themselves.
  51. add they'd have to be in hosptical and found there, should they live, children,
  52. I negelected that part.
  54. secular sources receiving sin
  55. did not know they were receiving
  56. that crimininal socialolgies which has origins in the north hemispehre prenazi literatuere
  57. and students felt because secular source, and both Professor and peers are trusty worthy American
  58. especially from the the BIG DOCTOR SOCIOGIOUS colleges and univerity in the upper midwest
  60. but theres dictatrhip that this means Black somehow, the line above, if spoken, or otherwise shared.
  61. SO the Post war industrial complex is infected.
  62. With what; sin , sin from pre-nazi literature
  63. the worlds Pre-Nazi literature.
  64. And cowards refuse to see it.
  65. And industries that are concieted must cater to it, if they're America's media, and text book writers ( that media ), because why do they need a 3rd book that's worthless.
  67. I'll like finish this up later.
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