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- --====================================================================================
- -- ATC script made by GlitchDetector for Transport Tycoon
- -- Original Menu Script Author: Jonathan D @ Gannon
- --
- --
- --
- --====================================================================================
- function landMenu(data)
- for k,v in next, data do
- Citizen.Trace(tostring(k) .. ": " .. tostring(v))
- end
- TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "", {255, 0, 0}, "Function call: " .. data.Title)
- if data.extraData ~= nil then
- TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "", {255, 0, 0}, "extraData : " .. data.extraData)
- end
- end
- function takeoffMenu(data)
- landMenu(data)
- end
- function takeoffMarker(pos)
- createFlashingBlip(pos, 549, 30)
- end
- function landMarker(pos)
- createFlashingBlip(pos, 556, 30)
- end
- function createFlashingBlip(pos, blipid, time, col, override)
- TriggerServerEvent('atc:flashingBlip', pos, blipid, time, col or 46, override or 0)
- end
- function callATC(region, method, runway, p4, override)
- local msg = "^1%s ATC: ^r^3%s ^0is preparing ^1%s ^r^0at runway ^2%s"
- if p4 or 0 then
- msg = "^1%s ATC: ^r^3%s ^0is preparing ^1%s ^r^0at ^2%s"
- end
- local name = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
- msg = string.format(msg, region, name, method, runway)
- TriggerServerEvent('atc:message', msg, override or 0)
- end
- function takeoffLSIA(data)
- takeoffMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("L.S.I.A", "takeoff", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function takeoffSandy(data)
- takeoffMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Sandy Shores", "takeoff", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function takeoffZancudo(data)
- takeoffMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Zancudo", "takeoff", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function takeoffMcKenzie(data)
- takeoffMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("McKenzie", "takeoff", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function takeoffPaleto(data)
- takeoffMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Paleto Bay", "takeoff", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function takeoffPacific(data)
- takeoffMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Pacific Ocean", "takeoff", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function takeoffCarrier(data)
- takeoffMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Aircraft Carrier", "takeoff", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function landLSIA(data)
- landMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("L.S.I.A", "to land", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function landSandy(data)
- landMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Sandy Shores", "to land", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function landZancudo(data)
- landMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Zancudo", "to land", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function landMcKenzie(data)
- landMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("McKenzie", "to land", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function landPaleto(data)
- landMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Paleto Bay", "to land", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function landPacific(data)
- landMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Pacific Ocean", "to land", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function landCarrier(data)
- landMarker(data.extraData.pos)
- callATC("Aircraft Carrier", "to land", data.extraData.runway)
- end
- function sendLocation()
- local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}
- createFlashingBlip(pos, 307, 30, 4)
- end
- function emergencyLanding()
- local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- callATC("Emergency", "emergency landing", string.format("%i°N %i°E", math.floor(pos.y), math.floor(pos.x)), 0, true)
- pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}
- createFlashingBlip(pos, 556, 30, true)
- end
- function mayday()
- local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- callATC("Emergency", "emergency landing", string.format("%i°N %i°E", math.floor(pos.y), math.floor(pos.x)), 0, true)
- pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}
- createFlashingBlip(pos, 556, 30, true, true)
- end
- --====================================================================================
- -- Build Menu
- --====================================================================================
- Menu = {}
- Menu.item = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC Menu',
- ['Items'] = {
- {['Title'] = 'L.S.I.A', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC L.S.I.A',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~3 / 21 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = landLSIA, ['extraData'] = {runway = '3 / 21 (JET)', pos = {x = -1484.241333, y = -2467.335449, z = 12.945147}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~30R / 12L ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = landLSIA, ['extraData'] = {runway = '30R / 12L (MAIN)', pos = {x = -1291.800293, y = -2973.775635, z = 12.944430}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~30L / 12R ~g~(Side)', ['Function'] = landLSIA, ['extraData'] = {runway = '30L / 12R (SIDE)', pos = {x = -1386.934204, y = -3114.256836, z = 12.944432}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~3 / 21 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = takeoffLSIA, ['extraData'] = {runway = '3 / 21 (JET)', pos = {x = -1484.241333, y = -2467.335449, z = 12.945147}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~30R / 12L ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = takeoffLSIA, ['extraData'] = {runway = '30R / 12L (MAIN)', pos = {x = -1291.800293, y = -2973.775635, z = 12.944430}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~30L / 12R ~g~(Side)', ['Function'] = takeoffLSIA, ['extraData'] = {runway = '30L / 12R (SIDE)', pos = {x = -1386.934204, y = -3114.256836, z = 12.944432}} },
- }
- }},
- {['Title'] = 'Sandy Shores', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC Sandy Shores',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~5 / 23 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = landSandy, ['extraData'] = {runway = '5 / 23 (JET)', pos = {x = 1500.337769, y = 3094.885986, z = 39.531616}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~26L / 8R ~g~(Side)', ['Function'] = landSandy, ['extraData'] = {runway = '26L / 8R (SIDE)', pos = {x = 1354.870361, y = 3088.605713, z = 39.534142}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~26R / 8L ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = landSandy, ['extraData'] = {runway = '26R / 8L (MAIN)', pos = {x = 1337.828125, y = 3151.860107, z = 39.414097}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~5 / 23 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = takeoffSandy, ['extraData'] = {runway = '5 / 23 (JET)', pos = {x = 1500.337769, y = 3094.885986, z = 39.531616}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~26L / 8R ~g~(Side)', ['Function'] = takeoffSandy, ['extraData'] = {runway = '26L / 8R (SIDE)', pos = {x = 1354.870361, y = 3088.605713, z = 39.534142}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~26R / 8L ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = takeoffSandy, ['extraData'] = {runway = '26R / 8L (MAIN)', pos = {x = 1337.828125, y = 3151.860107, z = 39.414097}} },
- }
- }},
- {['Title'] = 'Zancudo', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC Zancudo',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~33 / 15 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = landZancudo, ['extraData'] = {runway = '33 / 15 (JET)', pos = {x = -2480.605225, y = 3235.851807, z = 31.925560}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~30 / 12 ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = landZancudo, ['extraData'] = {runway = '30 / 12 (MAIN)', pos = {x = -2375.579834, y = 3070.625732, z = 31.825928}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~33 / 15 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = takeoffZancudo, ['extraData'] = {runway = '33 / 15 (JET)', pos = {x = -2480.605225, y = 3235.851807, z = 31.925560}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~30 / 12 ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = takeoffZancudo, ['extraData'] = {runway = '30 / 12 (MAIN)', pos = {x = -2375.579834, y = 3070.625732, z = 31.825928}} },
- }
- }},
- {['Title'] = 'McKenzie', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC McKenzie',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~25 / 7', ['Function'] = landMcKenzie, ['extraData'] = {runway = '25 / 7', pos = {x = 2030.718628, y = 4755.413574, z = 40.124157}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~25 / 7', ['Function'] = takeoffMcKenzie, ['extraData'] = {runway = '25 / 7', pos = {x = 2030.718628, y = 4755.413574, z = 40.124157}} },
- }
- }},
- {['Title'] = 'Paleto Bay', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC Paleto Bay',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~5 / 23 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = landPaleto, ['extraData'] = {runway = '5 / 23 (JET)', pos = {x = -380.410980, y = 6497.020508, z = 7.386814}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~7 / 25 ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = landPaleto, ['extraData'] = {runway = '7 / 25 (MAIN)', pos = {x = -587.827454, y = 6474.951660, z = 6.639785}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~5 / 23 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = takeoffPaleto, ['extraData'] = {runway = '5 / 23 (JET)', pos = {x = -380.410980, y = 6497.020508, z = 7.386814}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~7 / 25 ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = takeoffPaleto, ['extraData'] = {runway = '7 / 25 (MAIN)', pos = {x = -587.827454, y = 6474.951660, z = 6.639785}} },
- }
- }},
- {['Title'] = 'Pacific Ocean', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC Pacific Ocean',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~17 / 35 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = landPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '17 / 35 (JET)', pos = {x = 2907.530273, y = -980.678345, z = 7.899795}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~18 / ~y~36 ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = landPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '18 / 36 (MAIN)', pos = {x = 2996.983398, y = -992.581482, z = 7.899790}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~9 / ~y~27 ~g~(Side)', ['Function'] = landPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '9 / 27 (SIDE)', pos = {x = 3310.866455, y = -822.977173, z = 7.889794}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~4 / ~y~22 ~g~(Diagonal)', ['Function'] = landPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '4 / 22 (DIAG)', pos = {x = 3261.814941, y = -676.519897, z = 7.889794}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~17 / 35 ~b~(Jet)', ['Function'] = takeoffPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '17 / 35 (JET)', pos = {x = 2907.530273, y = -980.678345, z = 7.899795}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~18 / 36 ~r~(Main)', ['Function'] = takeoffPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '18 / 36 (MAIN)', pos = {x = 2996.983398, y = -992.581482, z = 7.899790}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~9 / 27 ~b~(Side)', ['Function'] = takeoffPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '9 / 27 (SIDE)', pos = {x = 3310.866455, y = -822.977173, z = 7.889794}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~4 / 22 ~b~(Diagonal)', ['Function'] = takeoffPacific, ['extraData'] = {runway = '4 / 22 (DIAG)', pos = {x = 3261.814941, y = -676.519897, z = 7.889794}} },
- }
- }},
- {['Title'] = 'Aircraft Carrier', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'ATC Carrier',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = '~g~Land ~y~CV-96', ['Function'] = landCarrier, ['extraData'] = {runway = 'CV-96', pos = {x = 3049.651367, y = -4702.908691, z = 13.837625}} },
- { ['Title'] = '~b~Takeoff ~y~CV-96', ['Function'] = takeoffCarrier, ['extraData'] = {runway = 'CV-96', pos = {x = 3049.651367, y = -4702.908691, z = 13.837625}} }
- }
- }},
- {['Title'] = '~y~Misc ATC', ['SubMenu'] = {
- ['Title'] = 'Misc ATC',
- ['Items'] = {
- { ['Title'] = 'Broadcast Location', ['Function'] = sendLocation},
- { ['Title'] = '~y~Emergency Landing', ['Function'] = emergencyLanding},
- { ['Title'] = '~r~Mayday', ['Function'] = mayday},
- }
- }},
- }
- }
- --====================================================================================
- -- Option Menu
- --====================================================================================
- Menu.backgroundColor = { 52, 73, 94, 196 }
- Menu.backgroundColorActive = { 22, 160, 134, 255 }
- Menu.tileTextColor = { 22, 160, 134, 255 }
- Menu.tileBackgroundColor = { 255,255,255, 255 }
- Menu.textColor = { 255,255,255,255 }
- Menu.textColorActive = { 255,255,255, 255 }
- Menu.keyOpenMenu = 99 -- TAB
- Menu.keyOpenMenu2 = 179 -- CONTROLLER SQUARE/X MMB
- Menu.keyUp = 172 -- PhoneUp
- Menu.keyDown = 173 -- PhoneDown
- Menu.keyLeft = 174 -- PhoneLeft || Not use next release Maybe
- Menu.keyRight = 175 -- PhoneRigth || Not use next release Maybe
- Menu.keySelect = 176 -- PhoneSelect
- Menu.KeyCancel = 177 -- PhoneCancel
- Menu.posX = 1 - 0.3
- Menu.posY = 1 - 0.7
- Menu.ItemWidth = 0.20
- Menu.ItemHeight = 0.03
- Menu.isOpen = false -- /!\ Ne pas toucher
- Menu.currentPos = {1} -- /!\ Ne pas toucher
- --====================================================================================
- -- Menu System
- --====================================================================================
- function Menu.drawRect(posX, posY, width, heigh, color)
- DrawRect(posX + width / 2, posY + heigh / 2, width, heigh, color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4])
- end
- function Menu.initText(textColor, font, scale)
- font = font or 0
- scale = scale or 0.35
- SetTextFont(font)
- SetTextScale(0.0,scale)
- SetTextCentre(true)
- SetTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- SetTextEdge(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- SetTextColour(textColor[1], textColor[2], textColor[3], textColor[4])
- SetTextEntry("STRING")
- end
- function Menu.draw()
- -- Draw Rect
- local pos = 0
- local menu = Menu.getCurrentMenu()
- local selectValue = Menu.currentPos[#Menu.currentPos]
- local nbItem = #menu.Items
- -- draw background title & title
- Menu.drawRect(Menu.posX, Menu.posY , Menu.ItemWidth, Menu.ItemHeight * 2, Menu.tileBackgroundColor)
- Menu.initText(Menu.tileTextColor, 4, 0.7)
- AddTextComponentString(menu.Title)
- DrawText(Menu.posX + Menu.ItemWidth/2, Menu.posY)
- -- draw bakcground items
- Menu.drawRect(Menu.posX, Menu.posY + Menu.ItemHeight * 2, Menu.ItemWidth, Menu.ItemHeight + (nbItem-1)*Menu.ItemHeight, Menu.backgroundColor)
- -- draw all items
- for pos, value in pairs(menu.Items) do
- if pos == selectValue then
- Menu.drawRect(Menu.posX, Menu.posY + Menu.ItemHeight * (1+pos), Menu.ItemWidth, Menu.ItemHeight, Menu.backgroundColorActive)
- Menu.initText(Menu.textColorActive)
- else
- Menu.initText(Menu.textColor)
- end
- AddTextComponentString(value.Title)
- DrawText(Menu.posX + Menu.ItemWidth/2, Menu.posY + Menu.ItemHeight * (pos+1))
- end
- end
- function Menu.getCurrentMenu()
- local currentMenu = Menu.item
- for i=1, #Menu.currentPos - 1 do
- local val = Menu.currentPos[i]
- currentMenu = currentMenu.Items[val].SubMenu
- end
- return currentMenu
- end
- function Menu.initMenu()
- Menu.currentPos = {1}
- end
- function Menu.keyControl()
- if IsControlJustPressed(1, Menu.keyDown) then
- local cMenu = Menu.getCurrentMenu()
- local size = #cMenu.Items
- local slcp = #Menu.currentPos
- Menu.currentPos[slcp] = (Menu.currentPos[slcp] % size) + 1
- elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, Menu.keyUp) then
- local cMenu = Menu.getCurrentMenu()
- local size = #cMenu.Items
- local slcp = #Menu.currentPos
- Menu.currentPos[slcp] = ((Menu.currentPos[slcp] - 2 + size) % size) + 1
- elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, Menu.KeyCancel) then
- table.remove(Menu.currentPos)
- if #Menu.currentPos == 0 then
- Menu.isOpen = false
- end
- elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, Menu.keySelect) then
- local cSelect = Menu.currentPos[#Menu.currentPos]
- local cMenu = Menu.getCurrentMenu()
- if cMenu.Items[cSelect].SubMenu ~= nil then
- Menu.currentPos[#Menu.currentPos + 1] = 1
- else
- if cMenu.Items[cSelect].Function ~= nil then
- cMenu.Items[cSelect].Function(cMenu.Items[cSelect])
- end
- if cMenu.Items[cSelect].Event ~= nil then
- TriggerEvent(cMenu.Items[cSelect].Event, cMenu.Items[cSelect])
- end
- if cMenu.Items[cSelect].Close == nil or cMenu.Items[cSelect].Close == true then
- Menu.isOpen = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- while true do
- Citizen.Wait(1)
- if IsPedInAnyPlane(GetPlayerPed(-1)) or IsPedInAnyHeli(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
- if IsControlJustPressed(1, Menu.keyOpenMenu) then
- Menu.initMenu()
- Menu.isOpen = not Menu.isOpen
- end
- if Menu.isOpen then
- Menu.draw()
- Menu.keyControl()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("atc:startFlashingBlip")
- AddEventHandler("atc:startFlashingBlip", function(pos, blipid, time, col, override)
- if IsPedInAnyPlane(GetPlayerPed(-1)) or IsPedInAnyHeli(GetPlayerPed(-1)) or (override) then
- local blip = AddBlipForCoord(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
- SetBlipSprite(blip, blipid)
- SetBlipColour(blip, col)
- SetBlipDisplay(blip, 8)
- SetBlipFlashes(blip, true)
- SetBlipFlashInterval(blip, 400)
- SetTimeout(time * 1000, function()
- RemoveBlip(blip)
- end)
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("atc:getMessage")
- AddEventHandler("atc:getMessage", function(msg, override)
- if IsPedInAnyPlane(GetPlayerPed(-1)) or IsPedInAnyHeli(GetPlayerPed(-1)) or (override) then
- TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "", {255, 0, 0}, msg)
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("atc:warning")
- AddEventHandler("atc:warning", function()
- msg = "~r~ATC WARNING:~y~ Your callout conflicts with another player's. ~n~Please make a visual check before proceeding."
- Citizen.Trace("Received ATC warning")
- TriggerEvent("gd_utils:oneliner", msg, 10)
- end)
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- local inAircraft = false
- while true do
- Wait(50)
- if not inAircraft and (IsPedInAnyPlane(GetPlayerPed(-1)) or IsPedInAnyHeli(GetPlayerPed(-1))) then
- SetNotificationTextEntry("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString("~w~Press ~g~TAB ~w~to open the ~y~ATC menu~w~.\nIt's ~r~mandatory ~w~to use when piloting!")
- DrawNotification(false, false)
- end
- inAircraft = (IsPedInAnyPlane(GetPlayerPed(-1)) or IsPedInAnyHeli(GetPlayerPed(-1)))
- end
- end)
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