

Aug 29th, 2019
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  2. -- This script has been converted to FE by iPxter
  5. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
  6. local Player,Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = owner
  7. do
  8. print("FE Compatibility code by Mokiros | Translated to FE by iPxter")
  9. script.Parent = Player.Character
  11. --RemoteEvent for communicating
  12. local Event ="RemoteEvent")
  13. Event.Name = "UserInput_Event"
  15. --Fake event to make stuff like Mouse.KeyDown work
  16. local function fakeEvent()
  17. local t = {_fakeEvent=true,Connect=function(self,f)self.Function=f end}
  18. t.connect = t.Connect
  19. return t
  20. end
  22. --Creating fake input objects with fake variables
  23. local m = {Target=nil,,KeyUp=fakeEvent(),KeyDown=fakeEvent(),Button1Up=fakeEvent(),Button1Down=fakeEvent()}
  24. local UIS = {InputBegan=fakeEvent(),InputEnded=fakeEvent()}
  25. local CAS = {Actions={},BindAction=function(self,name,fun,touch,...)
  26. CAS.Actions[name] = fun and {Name=name,Function=fun,Keys={...}} or nil
  27. end}
  28. --Merged 2 functions into one by checking amount of arguments
  29. CAS.UnbindAction = CAS.BindAction
  31. --This function will trigger the events that have been :Connect()'ed
  32. local function te(self,ev,...)
  33. local t = m[ev]
  34. if t and t._fakeEvent and t.Function then
  35. t.Function(...)
  36. end
  37. end
  38. m.TrigEvent = te
  39. UIS.TrigEvent = te
  41. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,io)
  42. if plr~=Player then return end
  43. if io.isMouse then
  44. m.Target = io.Target
  45. m.Hit = io.Hit
  46. else
  47. local b = io.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  48. if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  49. return m:TrigEvent(b and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up")
  50. end
  51. for _,t in pairs(CAS.Actions) do
  52. for _,k in pairs(t.Keys) do
  53. if k==io.KeyCode then
  54. t.Function(t.Name,io.UserInputState,io)
  55. end
  56. end
  57. end
  58. m:TrigEvent(b and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",io.KeyCode.Name:lower())
  59. UIS:TrigEvent(b and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",io,false)
  60. end
  61. end)
  62. Event.Parent = NLS([==[
  63. local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  64. local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event")
  66. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  67. local input = function(io,a)
  68. if a then return end
  69. --Since InputObject is a client-side instance, we create and pass table instead
  70. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=io.KeyCode,UserInputType=io.UserInputType,UserInputState=io.UserInputState})
  71. end
  72. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(input)
  73. UIS.InputEnded:Connect(input)
  75. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  76. local h,t
  77. --Give the server mouse data 30 times every second, but only if the values changed
  78. --If player is not moving their mouse, client won't fire events
  79. while wait(1/30) do
  80. if h~=Mouse.Hit or t~=Mouse.Target then
  81. h,t=Mouse.Hit,Mouse.Target
  82. Event:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=t,Hit=h})
  83. end
  84. end]==],Player.Character)
  85. Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = m,m,UIS,CAS
  86. end
  94. print'shit'
  110. wait(1)
  111. --By Rufus14
  113. local rhandclone = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder"]:Clone()
  114. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Right Shoulder"]:Remove()
  115. local rhandweld ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso)
  116. rhandweld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  117. rhandweld.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  118. rhandweld.C0 =, 0, 0, 1, -1.6395192e-43, 0, -1.6395192e-43, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  119. local lhandclone = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder"]:Clone()
  120. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Left Shoulder"]:Remove()
  121. local lhandweld ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso)
  122. lhandweld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  123. lhandweld.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"]
  124. lhandweld.C0 =, 0, 0, 1, -1.6395192e-43, 0, -1.6395192e-43, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  125. local llegclone = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Left Hip"]:Clone()
  126. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Left Hip"]:Remove()
  127. local llegweld ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso)
  128. llegweld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  129. llegweld.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Leg"]
  130. llegweld.C0 =, -1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  131. local rlegclone = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Right Hip"]:Clone()
  132. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Right Hip"]:Remove()
  133. local rlegweld ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso)
  134. rlegweld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  135. rlegweld.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"]
  136. rlegweld.C0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0)
  137. local rootjointclone = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint:Clone()
  138. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint:Remove()
  139. local humanoidrootpart ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso)
  140. humanoidrootpart.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  141. humanoidrootpart.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  142. local heed = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso["Neck"]:Clone()
  143. local headweld ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso)
  144. headweld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  145. headweld.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head
  146. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0 *,1.5,0)
  147. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Neck:Remove()
  148. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 25
  149. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  150. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
  151. Sound0 ="Sound")
  152. Sound0.Volume = 5
  153. Sound0.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head
  154. Sound0.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1103329236"
  155. Sound0.Looped = true
  156. Sound0:Play()
  157. canwalk = true
  158. howmuch = 0
  159. hittd = false
  160. function change(key)
  161. if key == "w" or key == "a" or key == "s" or key == "d" then
  162. howmuch = howmuch + 1
  163. end
  164. end
  165. function otherchange(key)
  166. if key == "w" or key == "a" or key == "s" or key == "d" then
  167. howmuch = howmuch - 1
  168. end
  169. end
  170. mouse.KeyDown:connect(change)
  171. mouse.KeyUp:connect(otherchange)
  172. --By Rufus14
  173. mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  174. using = false
  175. hittd = false
  176. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  177. local txtfag ="BillboardGui", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head)
  178. txtfag.Adornee = suckadick
  179. txtfag.Name = "kys nigga"
  180. txtfag.Size =, 0, 1.2, 0)
  181. txtfag.StudsOffset =, 3, 0)
  182. local textfag ="TextLabel", txtfag)
  183. textfag.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  184. textfag.FontSize = "Size8"
  185. textfag.TextScaled = true
  186. textfag.TextTransparency = 0
  187. textfag.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  188. textfag.TextTransparency = 0
  189. textfag.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  190. textfag.Font = "Cartoon"
  191. textfag.TextStrokeColor3 =, 1, 0)
  192. v ="Part")
  193. v.Name = "ColorBrick"
  194. v.Parent = part
  195. v.FormFactor = "Symmetric"
  196. v.Anchored = true
  197. v.CanCollide = false
  198. v.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  199. v.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  200. v.Size =, 5, 3)
  201. v.Transparency = 0.7
  202. v.BrickColor = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.BrickColor
  203. v.Transparency = 1
  204. textfag.TextColor3 = v.BrickColor.Color
  205. textfag.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
  206. v.Shape = "Block"
  207. textfag.Text = "Script By Rufus14"
  208. wait(2)
  209. textfag.Text = "lol"
  210. wait(0.3)
  211. textfag.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Name.." The Brutal Anti-Furry"
  212. function sandbox(var,func)
  213. local env = getfenv(func)
  214. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  215. __index = function(self,k)
  216. if k=="script" then
  217. return var
  218. else
  219. return env[k]
  220. end
  221. end,
  222. })
  223. setfenv(func,newenv)
  224. return func
  225. end
  226. cors = {}
  227. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  228. Model0 ="Model")
  229. Part1 ="Part")
  230. Weld2 ="Weld")
  231. Part3 ="Part")
  232. Decal4 ="Decal")
  233. Decal5 ="Decal")
  234. Model0.Name = "Flagloldiefurshits"
  235. Model0.Parent = mas
  236. Part1.Name = "Stick"
  237. Part1.Parent = Model0
  238. Part1.Material = Enum.Material.Wood
  239. Part1.BrickColor ="Dark orange")
  240. Part1.Rotation =, 0, 126)
  241. Part1.Shape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder
  242. Part1.Size =, 0.319999993, 0.839999914)
  243. Part1.CFrame =, 3.40531874, -51.7842827, -0.58777535, -0.809025586, 0, 0.809025586, -0.58777535, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  244. Part1.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  245. Part1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  246. Part1.Color =, 0.372549, 0.207843)
  247. Part1.Position =, 3.40531874, -51.7842827)
  248. Part1.Orientation =, 0, 126)
  249. Part1.Color =, 0.372549, 0.207843)
  250. Weld2.Parent = Part1
  251. Weld2.C0 =, 1.69616222, 0.00998687744, -2.56299973e-06, 1.00000119, 0, -1.00000119, -2.56299973e-06, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  252. Weld2.Part0 = Part1
  253. Weld2.Part1 = Part3
  254. Part3.Name = "Flag"
  255. Part3.Parent = Model0
  256. Part3.BrickColor ="Really black")
  257. Part3.Rotation =, 0, 36)
  258. Part3.Size =, 2.10000038, 0.0700000003)
  259. Part3.CFrame =, 3.81048417, -51.7742958, 0.809026122, -0.587772548, 0, 0.587772548, 0.809026122, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  260. Part3.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  261. Part3.Color =, 0, 0)
  262. Part3.Position =, 3.81048417, -51.7742958)
  263. Part3.Orientation =, 0, 36)
  264. Part3.Color =, 0, 0)
  265. Decal4.Parent = Part3
  266. Decal4.Texture = "rbxassetid://1150731665"
  267. Decal5.Name = "Decal1"
  268. Decal5.Parent = Part3
  269. Decal5.Texture = "rbxassetid://1150731665"
  270. Decal5.Face = Enum.NormalId.Back
  271. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  272. v.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character
  273. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  274. end
  275. mas:Destroy()
  276. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  277. spawn(function()
  278. pcall(v)
  279. end)
  280. end
  281. weld ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso)
  282. weld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  283. weld.Part1 = Part1
  284. weld.C0 =, 0.405305624, 0.555713654, -0.58777535, -0.809025586, -5.23747954e-22, 0.809025586, -0.58777535, 3.13253081e-22, -5.61275872e-22, -2.39603033e-22, 1)
  285. local punch ="Sound", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  286. punch.Volume = 3
  287. punch.SoundId = "rbxassetid://131237241"
  288. punch.TimePosition = 0
  289. local FILTHYPRANK ="Sound", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Head"])
  290. FILTHYPRANK.Volume = 10
  291. FILTHYPRANK.SoundId = "rbxassetid://676845644"
  292. FILTHYPRANK.TimePosition = 3.6
  293. local thunder ="Sound", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  294. thunder.Volume = 3
  295. thunder.SoundId = "rbxassetid://130818250"
  296. thunder.TimePosition = 0.4
  297. local meme ="Sound", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  298. meme.Volume = 3
  299. meme.SoundId = "rbxassetid://138677306"
  300. local gore ="Sound", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  301. gore.Volume = 4
  302. gore.SoundId = "rbxassetid://429400881"
  303. gore.TimePosition = 0
  304. canbefps = false
  305. function switchfps(key)
  306. key = key:lower()
  307. if key == "z" then
  308. if canbefps then
  309. canbefps = false
  310. else
  311. canbefps = true
  312. end
  313. end
  314. end
  315. mouse.KeyDown:connect(switchfps)
  316. function fps()
  317. if canbefps then
  318. workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.CFrame *,0,-0.9)
  319. end
  320. end
  321. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(fps)
  322. function tentaclekick(key)
  323. if key == "f" and not using then
  324. using = true
  325. canwalk = false
  326. for i = 0,0.7 , 0.05 do
  327. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.97511852, -0.684444427, 1, 7.09343726e-27, -1.96394811e-26, -1.65597681e-26, 0.829041839, -0.55919075, 1.19149551e-26, 0.55919075, 0.829041839),i)
  328. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.69545364, 1.02498245, 1, 8.33037116e-27, -8.30512761e-27, 1.84277907e-27, 0.587786973, 0.809019029, 1.17634938e-26, -0.809019029, 0.587786973),i)
  329. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.150976658, -0.603237152, 1, -3.70407732e-22, -4.55732897e-22, -2.65674116e-22, 0.406738937, -0.913547099, 5.23749266e-22, 0.913547099, 0.406738907),i)
  330. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.150976658, -0.603237152, 1, -3.70407732e-22, -4.55732897e-22, -2.65674116e-22, 0.406738937, -0.913547099, 5.23749266e-22, 0.913547099, 0.406738907),i)
  331. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 1.80491375e-26, -5.65455497e-27, -1.84277907e-26, 0.866028428, -0.499996245, -4.08945493e-27, 0.499996245, 0.866028428):inverse(),i)
  332. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  333. end
  334. FILTHYPRANK.TimePosition = 3.8
  335. FILTHYPRANK:Play()
  336. wait(0.6)
  337. local sensoryee ="Part", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"])
  338. sensoryee.Size =,1,1)
  339. sensoryee.CanCollide = false
  340. sensoryee.Transparency = 0
  341. sensoryee:BreakJoints()
  342. local weldsensor ="Weld", sensoryee)
  343. weldsensor.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"]
  344. weldsensor.Part1 = sensoryee
  345. weldsensor.C0 = weldsensor.C0 *,-0.5,0)
  346. local function tentacleshot(part)
  347. sensoryee:destroy()
  348. local humanoid = part.Parent:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  349. if humanoid then
  350. local canscan = true
  351. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  352. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  353. if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  354. if v.Handle:findFirstChild("Mesh") then
  355. if canscan and v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://188699722" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://170939831" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://135446047" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://335037790" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://361948302" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://1374148" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://112495973" or v.Name == "FoxTail" or v.Name == "Zootopia_FoxEars" or v.Name == "FurryCatTail" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Name == "ArcticFoxHead" then
  356. canscan = false
  357. hittd = true
  358. local furfaggrowl ="Sound", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  359. furfaggrowl.SoundId = "rbxassetid://534269232"
  360. furfaggrowl.Volume = 7
  361. furfaggrowl:Play()
  362. punch:Play()
  363. local rhandclone = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Right Shoulder"]:Clone()
  364. local rhandweld ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  365. rhandweld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  366. rhandweld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Right Arm"]
  367. rhandweld.C0 =, 0, 0, 1, -1.6395192e-43, 0, -1.6395192e-43, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  368. local lhandweld ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  369. lhandweld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  370. lhandweld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Left Arm"]
  371. lhandweld.C0 =, 0, 0, 1, -1.6395192e-43, 0, -1.6395192e-43, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  372. local llegclone = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Left Hip"]:Clone()
  373. local llegweld ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  374. llegweld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  375. llegweld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"]
  376. llegweld.C0 =, -1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  377. local rlegclone = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Right Hip"]:Clone()
  378. local rlegweld ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  379. rlegweld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  380. rlegweld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"]
  381. rlegweld.C0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0)
  382. local rootjointclone = humanoid.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint:Clone()
  383. local humanoidrootpart ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  384. humanoidrootpart.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.HumanoidRootPart
  385. humanoidrootpart.Part1 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  386. local heed = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Neck"]:Clone()
  387. local headweld ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  388. headweld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  389. headweld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent.Head
  390. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0 *,1.5,0)
  391. for i = 0,0.7 , 0.07 do
  392. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.44868422, -0.453197479, 1, -1.21169035e-27, -1.77209714e-26, 9.14779977e-27, 0.898803353, 0.438370585, 1.58529488e-26, -0.438370407, 0.898803115),i)
  393. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.74549341, -0.405010223, 1, 9.08231085e-23, -5.80211714e-22, -2.65675327e-22, 0.951063275, -0.309020281, 5.23751791e-22, 0.309020311, 0.951063037),i)
  394. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04146266, 0.317977905, 1, 2.83790199e-22, -5.14157122e-22, -2.65675327e-22, 0.999398291, 0.0348992832, 5.23751791e-22, -0.0348991863, 0.999398053),i)
  395. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, -0.249120951, -0.451892853, 0.743151546, -0.374165177, -0.554731011, 2.00528552e-06, 0.82904911, -0.559189737, 0.669127941, 0.415561259, 0.616110206),i)
  396. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, -0.124854803, -0.655277252, 0.559177101, 0.337202102, 0.757374227, 0.0866425484, 0.884781837, -0.457896292, -0.824514329, 0.321665913, 0.465533555),i)
  397. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, -1.90734863e-06, 0, 1, 3.5038046e-26, -5.8766982e-26, -1.03372333e-26, 0.927190065, 0.374597758, 6.76022241e-26, -0.374597758, 0.927190006),i)
  398. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  399. end
  400. wait(6)
  401. humanoid.Parent:BreakJoints()
  402. end
  403. end
  404. end
  405. end
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end
  409. sensoryee.Touched:connect(tentacleshot)
  410. for i = 0,0.7 , 0.07 do
  411. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.84595358, 0.746810913, 1, -6.61380983e-27, 1.04154883e-25, -4.31315925e-26, 0.882951677, 0.469469398, -9.49662312e-26, -0.469469309, 0.882951558),i)
  412. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.43540072, -1.26526642, 1, 2.01948392e-28, -3.07592644e-26, -2.91971503e-26, 0.309028178, -0.951055586, 9.39060022e-27, 0.951055467, 0.309028089),i)
  413. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.15097785, 0.536071777, 1, 5.85133651e-22, 5.01299648e-23, -2.65674166e-22, 0.374605715, 0.927186906, 5.23749266e-22, -0.927186787, 0.374605745),i)
  414. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.15097785, 0.536071777, 1, 5.85133651e-22, 5.01299648e-23, -2.65674166e-22, 0.374605715, 0.927186906, 5.23749266e-22, -0.927186787, 0.374605745),i)
  415. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, -1.90734863e-06, 0, 1, 3.5038046e-26, -5.8766982e-26, -1.03372333e-26, 0.927190065, 0.374597758, 6.76022241e-26, -0.374597758, 0.927190006):inverse(),i)
  416. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  417. end
  418. wait(0.2)
  419. sensoryee:destroy()
  420. FILTHYPRANK:Stop()
  421. canwalk = true
  422. using = false
  423. end
  424. end
  425. mouse.KeyDown:connect(tentaclekick)
  426. function attacc(key)
  427. key = key:lower()
  428. if key == "r" and not using then
  429. using = true
  430. canwalk = false
  431. for i = 0,1 , 0.02 do
  432. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  433. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  434. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.385421276, 0, 0.865490794, 0.500013113, 0.0302087422, 0.499708682, -0.866017878, 0.0174446627, 0.0348838717, -2.62477647e-06, -0.999391317),i)
  435. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.174765587, -0.502760172, 0.953806698, 0.298583031, 0.0331806801, -0.0622573979, 0.304501295, -0.950475156, -0.293899328, 0.904503822, 0.309024394),i)
  436. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  437. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  438. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  439. end
  440. canwalk = false
  441. armcanattack = true
  442. for i = 0,1 , 0.1 do
  443. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  444. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  445. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  446. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.455781698, -0.50786829, 0.481259376, -0.872816563, -0.0810915679, -0.0850538537, 0.0455768034, -0.995333314, 0.872439504, 0.485910654, -0.0523021407),i)
  447. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  448. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  449. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  450. end
  451. local function touched(part)
  452. local humanoid = part.Parent:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  453. if humanoid and armcanattack then
  454. canwalk = false
  455. hittd = true
  456. punch:Play()
  457. armcanattack = false
  458. humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  459. humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  460. for i = 1,5 do
  461. canwalk = false
  462. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  463. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  464. punchclone:Play()
  466. for i = 0,1 , 0.2 do
  467. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  468. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  469. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  470. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.455781698, -0.50786829, 0.481259376, -0.872816563, -0.0810915679, -0.0850538537, 0.0455768034, -0.995333314, 0.872439504, 0.485910654, -0.0523021407),i)
  471. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  472. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  473. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  474. end
  475. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  476. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  477. punchclone:Play()
  479. for i = 0,1 , 0.2 do
  480. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  481. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  482. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.566676855, -0.588714123, 0.326090425, 0.945334494, 0.00191744766, 0.0820002183, -0.0262649618, -0.996286333, -0.941772997, 0.325036645, -0.0860823616),i)
  483. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.461995363, -0.38648963, 0.618004739, -0.781325519, -0.0871556699, 0.618887961, 0.551870644, -0.558942437, 0.484814674, 0.291489393, 0.824611425),i)
  484. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  485. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  486. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  487. end
  488. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  489. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  490. punchclone:Play()
  492. end
  493. for i = 1,5 do
  494. canwalk = false
  495. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  496. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  497. punchclone:Play()
  499. for i = 0,1 , 0.35 do
  500. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  501. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  502. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  503. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.455781698, -0.50786829, 0.481259376, -0.872816563, -0.0810915679, -0.0850538537, 0.0455768034, -0.995333314, 0.872439504, 0.485910654, -0.0523021407),i)
  504. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  505. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  506. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  507. end
  508. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  509. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  510. punchclone:Play()
  512. for i = 0,1 , 0.35 do
  513. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  514. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  515. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.566676855, -0.588714123, 0.326090425, 0.945334494, 0.00191744766, 0.0820002183, -0.0262649618, -0.996286333, -0.941772997, 0.325036645, -0.0860823616),i)
  516. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.461995363, -0.38648963, 0.618004739, -0.781325519, -0.0871556699, 0.618887961, 0.551870644, -0.558942437, 0.484814674, 0.291489393, 0.824611425),i)
  517. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  518. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  519. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  520. end
  521. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  522. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  523. punchclone:Play()
  525. end
  526. for i = 1,5 do
  527. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  528. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  529. punchclone:Play()
  531. for i = 0,1 , 0.4 do
  532. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  533. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  534. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  535. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.455781698, -0.50786829, 0.481259376, -0.872816563, -0.0810915679, -0.0850538537, 0.0455768034, -0.995333314, 0.872439504, 0.485910654, -0.0523021407),i)
  536. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  537. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  538. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  539. end
  540. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  541. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  542. punchclone:Play()
  544. for i = 0,1 , 0.4 do
  545. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  546. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  547. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.566676855, -0.588714123, 0.326090425, 0.945334494, 0.00191744766, 0.0820002183, -0.0262649618, -0.996286333, -0.941772997, 0.325036645, -0.0860823616),i)
  548. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.461995363, -0.38648963, 0.618004739, -0.781325519, -0.0871556699, 0.618887961, 0.551870644, -0.558942437, 0.484814674, 0.291489393, 0.824611425),i)
  549. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  550. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  551. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  552. end
  553. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  554. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  555. punchclone:Play()
  557. end
  558. for i = 1,20 do
  559. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  560. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  561. punchclone:Play()
  563. for i = 0,1 , 0.4 do
  564. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  565. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  566. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  567. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.455781698, -0.50786829, 0.481259376, -0.872816563, -0.0810915679, -0.0850538537, 0.0455768034, -0.995333314, 0.872439504, 0.485910654, -0.0523021407),i)
  568. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  569. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  570. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  571. end
  572. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  573. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  574. punchclone:Play()
  576. for i = 0,1 , 0.4 do
  577. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  578. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  579. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.566676855, -0.588714123, 0.326090425, 0.945334494, 0.00191744766, 0.0820002183, -0.0262649618, -0.996286333, -0.941772997, 0.325036645, -0.0860823616),i)
  580. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.461995363, -0.38648963, 0.618004739, -0.781325519, -0.0871556699, 0.618887961, 0.551870644, -0.558942437, 0.484814674, 0.291489393, 0.824611425),i)
  581. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  582. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  583. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  584. end
  585. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  586. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  587. punchclone:Play()
  589. end
  590. armcanattack = false
  591. canwalk = true
  592. using = false
  593. humanoid.Parent:BreakJoints()
  594. local boom ="Explosion", workspace)
  595. boom.Position = humanoid.Parent.Torso.Position
  596. boom.BlastRadius = 0.5
  597. local hitoof ="Sound", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  598. hitoof.SoundId = "rbxassetid://771324077"
  599. hitoof.Volume = 3
  600. hitoof.TimePosition = 5.1
  601. hitoof:Play()
  602. local explosion ="Sound", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  603. explosion.SoundId = "rbxassetid://130803364"
  604. explosion.Volume = 10
  605. explosion:Play()
  606. wait(1.5)
  607. explosion:Stop()
  608. hitoof:Stop()
  609. end
  610. end
  611. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"].Touched:connect(touched)
  612. armcanattack = false
  613. canwalk = true
  614. using = false
  615. end
  616. end
  617. mouse.KeyDown:connect(attacc)
  618. function kickthefurfag(key)
  619. if key == "g" and not using then
  620. using = true
  621. canwalk = false
  622. hittd = false
  623. local sensoryee1 ="Part", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"])
  624. sensoryee1.Size =,1,1)
  625. sensoryee1.CanCollide = false
  626. sensoryee1.Transparency = 0
  627. sensoryee1:BreakJoints()
  628. local weldsensor ="Weld", sensoryee1)
  629. weldsensor.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"]
  630. weldsensor.Part1 = sensoryee1
  631. weldsensor.C0 = weldsensor.C0 *,-0.5,0)
  632. local function kicked(part)
  633. sensoryee1:destroy()
  634. local humanoid = part.Parent:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  635. if humanoid then
  636. --canbefps = true
  637. hittd = true
  638. humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  639. humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  640. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  641. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  642. punch:Play()
  643. wait(0.5)
  644. for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do
  645. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.54277778, -0.552471161, 0.999394238, 0.0267358776, -0.0224312302, -2.599965e-06, 0.642803192, 0.766039133, 0.0348992571, -0.765574396, 0.642409086),i)
  646. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.97511852, -0.684444427, 1, 7.09343726e-27, -1.96394811e-26, -1.65597681e-26, 0.829041839, -0.55919075, 1.19149551e-26, 0.55919075, 0.829041839),i)
  647. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.69545364, 1.02498245, 1, 8.33037116e-27, -8.30512761e-27, 1.84277907e-27, 0.587786973, 0.809019029, 1.17634938e-26, -0.809019029, 0.587786973),i)
  648. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.150976658, -0.603237152, 1, -3.70407732e-22, -4.55732897e-22, -2.65674116e-22, 0.406738937, -0.913547099, 5.23749266e-22, 0.913547099, 0.406738907),i)
  649. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.150976658, -0.603237152, 1, -3.70407732e-22, -4.55732897e-22, -2.65674116e-22, 0.406738937, -0.913547099, 5.23749266e-22, 0.913547099, 0.406738907),i)
  650. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 1.80491375e-26, -5.65455497e-27, -1.84277907e-26, 0.866028428, -0.499996245, -4.08945493e-27, 0.499996245, 0.866028428):inverse(),i)
  651. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  652. end
  653. humanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame *,0,-3)
  654. humanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame =,game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position)
  655. wait(0.3)
  656. for i = 0,1 , 0.07 do
  657. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.54277778, -0.552471161, 0.999394238, 0.0267358776, -0.0224312302, -2.599965e-06, 0.642803192, 0.766039133, 0.0348992571, -0.765574396, 0.642409086),i)
  658. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.84595358, 0.746810913, 1, -6.61380983e-27, 1.04154883e-25, -4.31315925e-26, 0.882951677, 0.469469398, -9.49662312e-26, -0.469469309, 0.882951558),i)
  659. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.43540072, -1.26526642, 1, 2.01948392e-28, -3.07592644e-26, -2.91971503e-26, 0.309028178, -0.951055586, 9.39060022e-27, 0.951055467, 0.309028089),i)
  660. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.15097785, 0.536071777, 1, 5.85133651e-22, 5.01299648e-23, -2.65674166e-22, 0.374605715, 0.927186906, 5.23749266e-22, -0.927186787, 0.374605745),i)
  661. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.15097785, 0.536071777, 1, 5.85133651e-22, 5.01299648e-23, -2.65674166e-22, 0.374605715, 0.927186906, 5.23749266e-22, -0.927186787, 0.374605745),i)
  662. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, -1.90734863e-06, 0, 1, 3.5038046e-26, -5.8766982e-26, -1.03372333e-26, 0.927190065, 0.374597758, 6.76022241e-26, -0.374597758, 0.927190006):inverse(),i)
  663. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  664. end
  665. humanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame *,0,-4)
  666. humanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame =,game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position)
  667. --local rhandclonefur = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Right Shoulder"]:Clone()
  668. local rhandweldfur ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  669. rhandweldfur.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  670. rhandweldfur.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Right Arm"]
  671. rhandweldfur.C0 =, 0, 0, 1, -1.6395192e-43, 0, -1.6395192e-43, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  672. local lhandweldfur ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  673. lhandweldfur.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  674. lhandweldfur.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Left Arm"]
  675. lhandweldfur.C0 =, 0, 0, 1, -1.6395192e-43, 0, -1.6395192e-43, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  676. --local llegclone = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Left Hip"]:Clone()
  677. local llegweldfur ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  678. llegweldfur.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  679. llegweldfur.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"]
  680. llegweldfur.C0 =, -1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  681. --local rlegclone = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Right Hip"]:Clone()
  682. local rlegweldfur ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  683. rlegweldfur.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  684. rlegweldfur.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"]
  685. rlegweldfur.C0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0)
  686. --local rootjointclone = humanoid.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint:Clone()
  687. local humanoidrootpartfur ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  688. humanoidrootpartfur.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.HumanoidRootPart
  689. humanoidrootpartfur.Part1 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  690. --local heed = humanoid.Parent.Torso["Neck"]:Clone()
  691. local headweldfur ="Weld", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  692. headweldfur.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  693. headweldfur.Part1 = humanoid.Parent.Head
  694. headweldfur.C0 = headweld.C0 *,1.5,0)
  695. for i = 0,0.7 , 0.07 do
  696. headweldfur.C0 = headweldfur.C0:lerp(, 1.44868422, -0.453197479, 1, -1.21169035e-27, -1.77209714e-26, 9.14779977e-27, 0.898803353, 0.438370585, 1.58529488e-26, -0.438370407, 0.898803115),i)
  697. llegweldfur.C0 = llegweldfur.C0:lerp(, -1.74549341, -0.405010223, 1, 9.08231085e-23, -5.80211714e-22, -2.65675327e-22, 0.951063275, -0.309020281, 5.23751791e-22, 0.309020311, 0.951063037),i)
  698. rlegweldfur.C0 = rlegweldfur.C0:lerp(, -2.04146266, 0.317977905, 1, 2.83790199e-22, -5.14157122e-22, -2.65675327e-22, 0.999398291, 0.0348992832, 5.23751791e-22, -0.0348991863, 0.999398053),i)
  699. lhandweldfur.C0 = lhandweldfur.C0:lerp(, -0.249120951, -0.451892853, 0.743151546, -0.374165177, -0.554731011, 2.00528552e-06, 0.82904911, -0.559189737, 0.669127941, 0.415561259, 0.616110206),i)
  700. rhandweldfur.C0 = rhandweldfur.C0:lerp(, -0.124854803, -0.655277252, 0.559177101, 0.337202102, 0.757374227, 0.0866425484, 0.884781837, -0.457896292, -0.824514329, 0.321665913, 0.465533555),i)
  701. humanoidrootpartfur.C0 = humanoidrootpartfur.C0:lerp(, -1.90734863e-06, 0, 1, 3.5038046e-26, -5.8766982e-26, -1.03372333e-26, 0.927190065, 0.374597758, 6.76022241e-26, -0.374597758, 0.927190006),i)
  702. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  703. end
  704. for i = 0,1 , 0.04 do
  705. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  706. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  707. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.385421276, 0, 0.865490794, 0.500013113, 0.0302087422, 0.499708682, -0.866017878, 0.0174446627, 0.0348838717, -2.62477647e-06, -0.999391317),i)
  708. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.174765587, -0.502760172, 0.953806698, 0.298583031, 0.0331806801, -0.0622573979, 0.304501295, -0.950475156, -0.293899328, 0.904503822, 0.309024394),i)
  709. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  710. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  711. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  712. end
  713. for i = 0,0.8 , 0.1 do
  714. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  715. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  716. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  717. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.455781698, -0.50786829, 0.481259376, -0.872816563, -0.0810915679, -0.0850538537, 0.0455768034, -0.995333314, 0.872439504, 0.485910654, -0.0523021407),i)
  718. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  719. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  720. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  721. end
  722. punch:Play()
  723. for i = 0,0.7 , 0.07 do
  724. headweldfur.C0 = headweldfur.C0:lerp(, 1.50000215, 0, 0.766045749, -1.161559e-06, -0.642787516, 0.219843611, 0.939695835, 0.261998117, 0.60402292, -0.342014879, 0.719850183),i)
  725. llegweldfur.C0 = llegweldfur.C0:lerp(, -1.74549341, -0.405010223, 1, 9.08231085e-23, -5.80211714e-22, -2.65675327e-22, 0.951063275, -0.309020281, 5.23751791e-22, 0.309020311, 0.951063037),i)
  726. rlegweldfur.C0 = rlegweldfur.C0:lerp(, -2.04146266, 0.317977905, 1, 2.83790199e-22, -5.14157122e-22, -2.65675327e-22, 0.999398291, 0.0348992832, 5.23751791e-22, -0.0348991863, 0.999398053),i)
  727. lhandweldfur.C0 = lhandweldfur.C0:lerp(, -0.249120951, -0.451892853, 0.743151546, -0.374165177, -0.554731011, 2.00528552e-06, 0.82904911, -0.559189737, 0.669127941, 0.415561259, 0.616110206),i)
  728. rhandweldfur.C0 = rhandweldfur.C0:lerp(, -0.124854803, -0.655277252, 0.559177101, 0.337202102, 0.757374227, 0.0866425484, 0.884781837, -0.457896292, -0.824514329, 0.321665913, 0.465533555),i)
  729. humanoidrootpartfur.C0 = humanoidrootpartfur.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.829042554, -2.76325771e-08, 0.559185505, 0.116260171, 0.978148758, -0.172366142, -0.546966553, 0.207909778, 0.810926855):inverse(),i)
  730. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  731. end
  732. for i = 0,1 , 0.04 do
  733. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  734. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.48563504, -0.102214813, 1, 6.31088724e-30, -1.00974196e-28, -2.5243549e-29, 0.990270674, 0.139171436, -5.04870979e-29, -0.139171436, 0.990270674),i)
  735. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  736. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.00435209274, 0, 0.997564316, 0.0697554871, 0, -0.0697554871, 0.997564316, 0, 0, 2.5243549e-29, 1),i)
  737. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  738. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0157878399, 0, 0.990270674, -0.139171436, 5.04870979e-29, 0.139171436, 0.990270674, 2.01948392e-28, 1.00974196e-28, 2.27191941e-28, 1),i)
  739. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  740. end
  741. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  742. function sandbox(var,func)
  743. local env = getfenv(func)
  744. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  745. __index = function(self,k)
  746. if k=="script" then
  747. return var
  748. else
  749. return env[k]
  750. end
  751. end,
  752. })
  753. setfenv(func,newenv)
  754. return func
  755. end
  756. cors = {}
  757. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  758. Part0 ="Part")
  759. SpecialMesh1 ="SpecialMesh")
  760. Part0.Parent = mas
  761. Part0.Rotation =, -90, 0)
  762. Part0.Size =, 0.590000093, 0.520000041)
  763. Part0.CFrame =, 1.93281543, 34.3707199, -5.06630215e-07, -4.61939294e-07, -1.00000072, -2.38420171e-07, 1.00000286, -5.51347796e-07, 1.00000191, -2.38416533e-07, 1.99676788e-06)
  764. Part0.Position =, 1.93281543, 34.3707199)
  765. Part0.Orientation =, -90, 0)
  766. Part0.CanCollide = false
  767. SpecialMesh1.Parent = Part0
  768. SpecialMesh1.MeshId = "rbxassetid://442337985"
  769. SpecialMesh1.Scale =, 0.300000012, 0.300000012)
  770. SpecialMesh1.TextureId = "rbxassetid://442337993"
  771. SpecialMesh1.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  772. SpecialMesh1.Scale =, 0.300000012, 0.300000012)
  773. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  774. v.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character
  775. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  776. end
  777. mas:Destroy()
  778. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  779. spawn(function()
  780. pcall(v)
  781. end)
  782. end
  783. Part0:BreakJoints()
  784. local welddl ="Weld", Part0)
  785. welddl.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  786. welddl.Part1 = Part0
  787. welddl.C0 =, -1.06721604, -1.0592804, 1.19219067e-07, -4.84290979e-07, -1.00000036, -1.19210583e-07, 1.00000143, -5.28995145e-07, 1.00000095, -1.19207265e-07, 1.3709174e-06)
  788. for i = 0,1 , 0.02 do
  789. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  790. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  791. --lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.385421276, 0, 0.865490794, 0.500013113, 0.0302087422, 0.499708682, -0.866017878, 0.0174446627, 0.0348838717, -2.62477647e-06, -0.999391317),i)
  792. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.174765587, -0.502760172, 0.953806698, 0.298583031, 0.0331806801, -0.0622573979, 0.304501295, -0.950475156, -0.293899328, 0.904503822, 0.309024394),i)
  793. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  794. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  795. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  796. end
  797. for i = 0,0.8 , 0.1 do
  798. welddl.C0 = welddl.C0:lerp(, -1.75397778, -0.0924315453, -0.0348965228, -0.999374568, -0.00571133196, 0.99939096, -0.0348971486, 3.4943223e-06, -0.000202797353, -0.00570772588, 0.999983847),i)
  799. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  800. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  801. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  802. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.777726173, -0.51766777, 0.524389982, -0.809043169, 0.265451282, 0.020352006, -0.299755126, -0.953799188, 0.851234913, 0.505565226, -0.14072293),i)
  803. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  804. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  805. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  806. end
  807. humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  808. humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  809. humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  810. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  811. if v.ClassName == "Weld" then
  812. v:destroy()
  813. end
  814. end
  815. canwalk = true
  816. canbefps = false
  817. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 25
  818. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = 50
  819. using = false
  820. Part0:Destroy()
  821. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Health") then
  822. humanoid.Parent.Health:Remove()
  823. humanoid.Health = 0.001
  824. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  825. if v.ClassName == "Part" then
  826. for q,w in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  827. if w.ClassName == "Part" then
  828. w:destroy()
  829. end
  830. end
  831. end
  832. end
  833. end
  834. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  835. humanoid.Parent.Torso.Velocity = mouse.Hit.lookVector * 35
  836. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  837. if v.ClassName == "Motor6D" then
  838. if v.Name == "Neck" then
  840. else
  841. v:destroy()
  842. end
  843. end
  844. end
  845. end
  846. humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  847. humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  848. humanoid.Health = 0
  849. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Right Arm") then
  850. local attachment ="Attachment", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  851. attachment.Position =, 1, 0)
  852. local ball ="BallSocketConstraint", humanoid.Parent)
  853. ball.Attachment0 = humanoid.Parent["Right Arm"].RightShoulderAttachment
  854. ball.Attachment1 = attachment
  855. local collidepartofleftleg ="Part", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  856. collidepartofleftleg.Name = "Bone"
  857. collidepartofleftleg.Size =,1.4,0.8)
  858. collidepartofleftleg.Transparency = 1
  859. collidepartofleftleg:BreakJoints()
  860. local weeld ="Weld", collidepartofleftleg)
  861. weeld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Right Arm"]
  862. weeld.Part1 = collidepartofleftleg
  863. weeld.C0 = weeld.C0 *,-0.3,0)
  864. end
  865. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Left Arm") then
  866. local attachment ="Attachment", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  867. attachment.Position =, 1, 0)
  868. local ball ="BallSocketConstraint", humanoid.Parent)
  869. ball.Attachment0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso.LeftCollarAttachment
  870. ball.Attachment1 = humanoid.Parent["Left Arm"].LeftShoulderAttachment
  871. local collidepartofleftleg ="Part", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  872. collidepartofleftleg.Name = "Bone"
  873. collidepartofleftleg.Size =,1.4,0.8)
  874. collidepartofleftleg.Transparency = 1
  875. collidepartofleftleg:BreakJoints()
  876. local weeld ="Weld", collidepartofleftleg)
  877. weeld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Left Arm"]
  878. weeld.Part1 = collidepartofleftleg
  879. weeld.C0 = weeld.C0 *,-0.3,0)
  880. end
  881. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Right Leg") then
  882. local attachment ="Attachment", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  883. attachment.Position =, -1, 0)
  884. local ball ="BallSocketConstraint", humanoid.Parent)
  885. ball.Attachment0 = humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"].RightFootAttachment
  886. ball.Attachment1 = attachment
  887. humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"].RightFootAttachment.Position =, 1, 0)
  888. local collidepartofleftleg ="Part", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  889. collidepartofleftleg.Name = "Bone"
  890. collidepartofleftleg.Size =,1.4,0.8)
  891. collidepartofleftleg.Transparency = 1
  892. collidepartofleftleg:BreakJoints()
  893. local weeld ="Weld", collidepartofleftleg)
  894. weeld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"]
  895. weeld.Part1 = collidepartofleftleg
  896. weeld.C0 = weeld.C0 *,-0.3,0)
  897. end
  898. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Left Leg") then
  899. local attachment ="Attachment", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  900. attachment.Position =, -1, 0)
  901. local ball ="BallSocketConstraint", humanoid.Parent)
  902. ball.Attachment0 = humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"].LeftFootAttachment
  903. ball.Attachment1 = attachment
  904. humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"].LeftFootAttachment.Position =, 1, 0)
  905. local collidepartofleftleg ="Part", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  906. collidepartofleftleg.Name = "Bone"
  907. collidepartofleftleg.Size =,1.4,0.8)
  908. collidepartofleftleg.Transparency = 1
  909. collidepartofleftleg:BreakJoints()
  910. local weeld ="Weld", collidepartofleftleg)
  911. weeld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"]
  912. weeld.Part1 = collidepartofleftleg
  913. weeld.C0 = weeld.C0 *,-0.3,0)
  914. end
  915. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Head") then
  916. local attachment ="Attachment", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  917. attachment.Position =, -0.5, 0)
  918. humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment.Visible = false
  919. humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment.Position = humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment.Position +,0,0)
  920. local ball ="HingeConstraint", humanoid.Parent)
  921. ball.Attachment0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment
  922. ball.Attachment1 = attachment
  923. local collidepartofleftleg ="Part", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  924. collidepartofleftleg.Name = "Bone"
  925. collidepartofleftleg.Size =,0.3,0.5)
  926. collidepartofleftleg.Transparency = 1
  927. collidepartofleftleg:BreakJoints()
  928. local weeld ="Weld", collidepartofleftleg)
  929. weeld.Part0 = collidepartofleftleg
  930. weeld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Head"]
  931. if humanoid.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild("Neck") then
  932. humanoid.Parent.Torso.Neck:destroy()
  933. end
  934. end
  935. end
  936. end
  937. sensoryee1.Touched:connect(kicked)
  938. for i = 0,1 , 0.08 do
  939. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.96817839, 3.81469727e-06, 0.939697921, 0.342017353, -1.15483999e-07, -0.342018157, 0.939700484, -1.54780309e-06, 4.20854008e-07, -1.4939601e-06, 1.00000584),i)
  940. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -0.901816607, 3.81469727e-06, -0.241916299, -0.970304012, -1.15483999e-07, 0.970306754, -0.241916746, -1.54780309e-06, -1.47389744e-06, 4.86491388e-07, 1.00000584),i)
  941. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.126835346, 0, 0.913546026, 0.406735331, 1.15483552e-07, -0.406735331, 0.913546026, 1.54779377e-06, 5.24042946e-07, -1.46095226e-06, 1),i)
  942. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.407135487, 0, -0.694653988, -0.719348252, -1.15483999e-07, 0.719350696, -0.694655538, -1.54780309e-06, -1.03318553e-06, 1.1582564e-06, 1.00000584),i)
  943. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.0323647447, 0.374601871, -0.926624477, -0.013075971, 0.927188933, 0.374372125, 0.999392211, 5.49364394e-08, 0.0349063426):inverse(),i)
  944. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.50000882, 0, 0.0349099413, 5.30404058e-08, -0.999393761, -1.5450081e-06, 1.00000596, -1.07041799e-07, 0.999396384, -1.54780309e-06, 0.0349102654),i)
  945. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  946. end
  947. wait(0.2)
  948. sensoryee1:destroy()
  949. if not hittd then
  950. using = false
  951. canwalk = true
  952. end
  953. end
  954. end
  955. mouse.KeyDown:connect(kickthefurfag)
  956. function begone(key)
  957. key = key:lower()
  958. if key == "y" and not using then
  959. using = true
  960. canwalk = false
  961. local fuckingnormies ="Sound", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head)
  962. fuckingnormies.SoundId = "rbxassetid://854345294"
  963. fuckingnormies.TimePosition = 2
  964. fuckingnormies.Volume = 10
  965. fuckingnormies:Play()
  966. for i = 0,1 , 0.02 do
  967. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  968. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  969. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.385421276, 0, 0.865490794, 0.500013113, 0.0302087422, 0.499708682, -0.866017878, 0.0174446627, 0.0348838717, -2.62477647e-06, -0.999391317),i)
  970. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.174765587, -0.502760172, 0.953806698, 0.298583031, 0.0331806801, -0.0622573979, 0.304501295, -0.950475156, -0.293899328, 0.904503822, 0.309024394),i)
  971. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.139189512, 1.09557003e-26, -0.990273237, -1.2369339e-27, 1, 1.11828922e-26, 0.990273237, 9.87653853e-28, 0.139189512),i)
  972. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.469474792, 3.65180045e-27, 0.882945895, -1.41359339e-27, 1, -3.38430072e-27, -0.882945895, 3.40717422e-28, 0.469474792),i)
  973. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  974. end
  975. wait(1)
  976. for i = 0,1 , 0.1 do
  977. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.07911205, 0, 0.994522691, 0.104521893, -2.48146847e-24, -0.1045219, 0.994522572, -6.61724926e-24, 0, 0, 1),i)
  978. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.04811049, 0, 0.98480922, -0.173640087, 7.03582031e-15, 0.173640057, 0.984809279, 1.01514464e-15, -7.10520713e-15, 2.21976022e-16, 1),i)
  979. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.310893774, -0.014090538, -0.173835039, 0.984309137, 0.0302081201, 0.984702349, 0.173369259, 0.0174435899, 0.0119327214, 0.0327783301, -0.999389052),i)
  980. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.455781698, -0.50786829, 0.481259376, -0.872816563, -0.0810915679, -0.0850538537, 0.0455768034, -0.995333314, 0.872439504, 0.485910654, -0.0523021407),i)
  981. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.309020996, -9.73868278e-27, 0.951055288, -1.41867004e-26, 1, 1.48494745e-26, -0.951055288, -1.80811326e-26, 0.309020996),i)
  982. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 0.207920238, 1.15615454e-26, -0.978142679, -1.08547261e-27, 1, 9.90178208e-27, 0.978142679, -2.77679039e-27, 0.207920238),i)
  983. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  984. end
  985. meme:Play()
  986. meme.Volume = 6
  987. thunder.TimePosition = 0.4
  988. thunder:Play()
  989. thunder.Volume = 6
  990. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  991. function sandbox(var,func)
  992. local env = getfenv(func)
  993. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  994. __index = function(self,k)
  995. if k=="script" then
  996. return var
  997. else
  998. return env[k]
  999. end
  1000. end,
  1001. })
  1002. setfenv(func,newenv)
  1003. return func
  1004. end
  1005. cors = {}
  1006. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  1007. Model0 ="Model")
  1008. Part1 ="Part")
  1009. Part2 ="Part")
  1010. Model0.Name = "Beam"
  1011. Model0.Parent = mas
  1012. Part1.Name = "beemblue"
  1013. Part1.Parent = Model0
  1014. Part1.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1015. Part1.BrickColor ="Cyan")
  1016. Part1.Transparency = 0
  1017. Part1.Shape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder
  1018. Part1.Size =, 3.96000385, 3.96000171)
  1019. Part1.CFrame =, 2.43296385, 64.2700119, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  1020. Part1.Color =, 0.686275, 0.92549)
  1021. Part1.Position =, 2.43296385, 64.2700119)
  1022. Part1.Color =, 0.686275, 0.92549)
  1023. Part2.Name = "beem"
  1024. Part2.Parent = Model0
  1025. Part2.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1026. Part2.BrickColor ="Institutional white")
  1027. Part2.Transparency = 0
  1028. Part2.Shape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder
  1029. Part2.Size =, 3.96000385, 3.96000171)
  1030. Part2.CFrame =, 2.43296385, 64.2700119, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  1031. Part2.Color =, 0.972549, 0.972549)
  1032. Part2.Position =, 2.43296385, 64.2700119)
  1033. Part2.Color =, 0.972549, 0.972549)
  1034. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  1035. v.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character
  1036. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  1037. end
  1038. mas:Destroy()
  1039. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  1040. spawn(function()
  1041. pcall(v)
  1042. end)
  1043. end
  1044. Part1.Anchored = true
  1045. Part2.Anchored = true
  1046. Part1.CanCollide = false
  1047. Part2.CanCollide = false
  1048. local canrag = true
  1049. Part1.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.CFrame *,0,-5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,math.pi/2,0)
  1050. local function ragdolldafurfag(part)
  1051. local humanoid = part.Parent:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  1052. local ragdolled = part.Parent:findFirstChild("ragdolled")
  1053. if humanoid then
  1054. if humanoid.Parent.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  1055. --nothing
  1056. else
  1057. if ragdolled then
  1058. --nothing again
  1059. else
  1060. local raggd ="BoolValue", humanoid.Parent)
  1061. raggd.Name = "ragdolled"
  1062. humanoid.Name = "memes"
  1063. humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1064. humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  1065. humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  1066. local findlefthip = humanoid.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild("Left Hip")
  1067. if findlefthip then
  1068. findlefthip:Remove()
  1069. local glue ="Glue", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  1070. glue.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  1071. glue.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"]
  1072. glue.Name = "Left leg"
  1073. local collider ="Part", humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"])
  1074. collider.Position =,999,0)
  1075. collider.Size =, 1, 1)
  1076. collider.Shape = "Cylinder"
  1077. local weld ="Weld", collider)
  1078. weld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Left Leg"]
  1079. weld.Part1 = collider
  1080. weld.C0 =,-0.2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.pi/2)
  1081. collider.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1082. collider.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1083. collider.formFactor = "Symmetric"
  1084. glue.C0 =, -1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  1085. glue.C1 =, 1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  1086. collider.Transparency = 1
  1087. end
  1088. --
  1089. local findrighthip = humanoid.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Hip")
  1090. if findrighthip then
  1091. findrighthip:Remove()
  1092. local glue ="Glue", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  1093. glue.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  1094. glue.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"]
  1095. glue.Name = "Right leg"
  1096. local collider ="Part", humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"])
  1097. collider.Position =,999,0)
  1098. collider.Size =, 1, 1)
  1099. collider.Shape = "Cylinder"
  1100. local weld ="Weld", collider)
  1101. weld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Right Leg"]
  1102. weld.Part1 = collider
  1103. weld.C0 =,-0.2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.pi/2)
  1104. collider.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1105. collider.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1106. collider.formFactor = "Symmetric"
  1107. glue.C0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0)
  1108. glue.C1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0)
  1109. collider.Transparency = 1
  1110. end
  1111. --
  1112. local findrightshoulder = humanoid.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
  1113. if findrightshoulder then
  1114. findrightshoulder:Remove()
  1115. local glue ="Glue", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  1116. glue.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  1117. glue.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Right Arm"]
  1118. glue.Name = "Right arm"
  1119. local collider ="Part", humanoid.Parent["Right Arm"])
  1120. collider.Position =,999,0)
  1121. collider.Size =, 1, 1)
  1122. collider.Shape = "Cylinder"
  1123. local weld ="Weld", collider)
  1124. weld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Right Arm"]
  1125. weld.Part1 = collider
  1126. weld.C0 =,-0.2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.pi/2)
  1127. collider.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1128. collider.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1129. collider.formFactor = "Symmetric"
  1130. glue.C0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  1131. glue.C1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  1132. collider.Transparency = 1
  1133. end
  1134. --
  1135. local findleftshoulder = humanoid.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
  1136. if findleftshoulder then
  1137. findleftshoulder:Remove()
  1138. local glue ="Glue", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  1139. glue.Part0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso
  1140. glue.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Left Arm"]
  1141. glue.Name = "Left arm"
  1142. local collider ="Part", humanoid.Parent["Left Arm"])
  1143. collider.Position =,999,0)
  1144. collider.Size =, 1, 1)
  1145. collider.Shape = "Cylinder"
  1146. local weld ="Weld", collider)
  1147. weld.Part0 = humanoid.Parent["Left Arm"]
  1148. weld.Part1 = collider
  1149. weld.C0 =,-0.2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.pi/2)
  1150. collider.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1151. collider.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1152. collider.formFactor = "Symmetric"
  1153. glue.C0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  1154. glue.C1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  1155. collider.Transparency = 1
  1156. end
  1157. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Head") then
  1158. local attachment ="Attachment", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  1159. attachment.Position =, -0.5, 0)
  1160. humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment.Visible = false
  1161. humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment.Position = humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment.Position +,0,0)
  1162. local ball ="HingeConstraint", humanoid.Parent)
  1163. ball.Attachment0 = humanoid.Parent.Torso.NeckAttachment
  1164. ball.Attachment1 = attachment
  1165. local collidepartofleftleg ="Part", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  1166. collidepartofleftleg.Name = "Bone"
  1167. collidepartofleftleg.Size =,0.3,0.5)
  1168. collidepartofleftleg.Transparency = 1
  1169. collidepartofleftleg:BreakJoints()
  1170. local weeld ="Weld", collidepartofleftleg)
  1171. weeld.Part0 = collidepartofleftleg
  1172. weeld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent["Head"]
  1173. if humanoid.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild("Neck") then
  1174. humanoid.Parent.Torso.Neck:destroy()
  1175. end
  1176. end
  1177. end
  1178. end
  1179. end
  1180. end
  1181. Part1.Touched:connect(ragdolldafurfag)
  1182. local function changeposandsize()
  1183. for i = 1,200 do
  1184. Part1.Size = Part1.Size +,0.2,0.1)
  1185. Part2.Size = Part2.Size +,0.2,0.1)
  1186. Part1.CFrame = Part1.CFrame *,0,0)
  1187. Part2.CFrame = Part1.CFrame *,0,0)
  1188. Part1.Transparency = Part1.Transparency + 0.007
  1189. Part2.Transparency = Part2.Transparency + 0.007
  1190. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1191. end
  1192. Model0:destroy()
  1193. end
  1194. changeposandsize()
  1195. armcanattack = false
  1196. canwalk = true
  1197. using = false
  1198. end
  1199. end
  1200. mouse.KeyDown:connect(begone)
  1201. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  1202. function sandbox(var,func)
  1203. local env = getfenv(func)
  1204. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  1205. __index = function(self,k)
  1206. if k=="script" then
  1207. return var
  1208. else
  1209. return env[k]
  1210. end
  1211. end,
  1212. })
  1213. setfenv(func,newenv)
  1214. return func
  1215. end
  1216. cors = {}
  1217. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  1218. Soundo0 ="Sound")
  1219. Soundo0.Parent = mas
  1220. Soundo0.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1206917308"
  1221. Soundo0.Volume = 10
  1222. Soundo0.PlaybackSpeed = 1
  1223. Soundo0.Looped = true
  1224. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  1225. v.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  1226. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  1227. end
  1228. mas:Destroy()
  1229. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  1230. spawn(function()
  1231. pcall(v)
  1232. end)
  1233. end
  1234. function kysfurshit(key)
  1235. key = key:lower()
  1236. if key == "q" and not using then
  1237. using = true
  1238. hittd = false
  1239. canwalk = false
  1240. local canscan = true
  1241. textfag.Text = "fox faggotz"
  1242. for i = 0,1 , 0.04 do
  1243. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.241932347, -1.21926342e-26, -0.970292151, 6.1341824e-27, 1, -2.5243549e-27, 0.970292151, -3.11126741e-27, 0.241932347),i)
  1244. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5222218, -0.102214813, 0.0349053368, -8.60723958e-07, 0.999392927, -0.139084309, 0.990273297, 0.00485882163, -0.989666522, -0.139170289, 0.0345666632),i)
  1245. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0977787971, 0, 0.500008941, 0.866028607, -2.82727748e-27, -0.866028607, 0.500008941, -2.3224065e-27, -2.57484199e-27, 2.3224065e-27, 1),i)
  1246. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.622524977, -0.477272034, 0.499353766, -0.855162203, 0.139084026, 0.0396689773, -0.137795925, -0.989666998, 0.865489781, 0.499711245, -0.0348855592),i)
  1247. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1248. end
  1249. local sensoryee ="Part", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  1250. sensoryee.Size =,1,1)
  1251. sensoryee.CanCollide = false
  1252. sensoryee.Transparency = 0
  1253. sensoryee:BreakJoints()
  1254. local weldsensor ="Weld", sensoryee)
  1255. weldsensor.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  1256. weldsensor.Part1 = sensoryee
  1257. weldsensor.C0 = weldsensor.C0 *,-0.5,0)
  1258. local function hagotem(part)
  1259. sensoryee:destroy()
  1260. local humanoid = part.Parent:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  1261. if humanoid then
  1262. local canscan = true
  1263. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1264. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  1265. if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  1266. if v.Handle:findFirstChild("Mesh") then
  1267. if canscan and v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://188699722" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://170939831" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://135446047" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://335037790" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://361948302" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://1374148" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://112495973" or v.Name == "FoxTail" or v.Name == "Zootopia_FoxEars" or v.Name == "FurryCatTail" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Name == "ArcticFoxHead" then
  1268. canscan = false
  1269. hittd = true
  1270. --canbefps = true
  1271. local furfaggrowl ="Sound", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  1272. furfaggrowl.SoundId = "rbxassetid://133322522"
  1273. furfaggrowl.Volume = 10
  1274. local rip ="Sound", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  1275. rip.SoundId = "rbxassetid://132514715"
  1276. rip.Volume = 10
  1277. if humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  1278. humanoid.Parent.HumanoidRootPart:destroy()
  1279. humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  1280. humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  1281. else
  1282. humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1283. humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  1284. humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  1285. end
  1286. textfag.Text = "die from cancer"
  1287. local headfurfagweld ="Weld", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  1288. headfurfagweld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  1289. headfurfagweld.Part1 = humanoid.Parent.Head
  1290. headfurfagweld.C0 =, -1.29444742, -0.873190403, -0.996955156, -0.0485438928, 0.0610030033, -0.0641870201, 0.0669786036, -0.995689929, 0.0442487523, -0.996576011, -0.0698903799)
  1291. furfaggrowl:Play()
  1292. furfaggrowl.TimePosition = 1
  1293. wait(1)
  1294. for i = 0,1 , 0.04 do
  1295. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.667919636, 0.0639152527, 0.0739268959, -0.95855093, 0.275169909, -0.02475233, -0.277602971, -0.960379243, 0.996955395, 0.0641870052, -0.044248756),i)
  1296. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1297. end
  1298. wait(1.4)
  1299. for i = 1,6 do
  1300. wait(0.1)
  1301. for i = 0,1 , 0.15 do
  1302. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  1303. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  1304. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.4344244, 0.102565765, 1.00000012, -1.10566744e-26, 3.04815854e-27, 1.14353277e-26, 0.970295191, -0.241921842, -2.61223027e-28, 0.241921738, 0.970297754),i)
  1305. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1306. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, -0.0218527317, 0.298622131, 1, 2.38743288e-22, 1.16448315e-22, -2.65628601e-22, 0.898784995, 0.438389838, 6.26162773e-28, -0.438389868, 0.898784935),i)
  1307. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 1.54031897, -0.202716827, 0.99939096, -0.0331876501, -0.0107830577, -0.0348742045, -0.960688651, -0.275429219, -0.00121831207, 0.275637507, -0.961260855),i)
  1308. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1309. end
  1310. for i = 0,1 , 0.15 do
  1311. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, -1.90734863e-06, 1.00069809, 0.999390602, 6.40860435e-07, -0.0349101759, -0.0242511462, 0.71933949, -0.694235682, 0.0251118187, 0.694659173, 0.718900979):inverse(),i)
  1312. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.18236089, -0.21427536, 1.00000012, 1.51461294e-27, 4.19042913e-27, -4.41762107e-27, 0.499996245, 0.866027534, -7.79938216e-28, -0.866027653, 0.499996305),i)
  1313. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.18106127, -0.0497360229, 1.00000012, 1.98161859e-27, -5.80601626e-27, -9.08767763e-27, 0.500005603, 0.866032362, -3.82406602e-27, -0.866032481, 0.500005662),i)
  1314. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.53122997, -0.198875427, 1.00000012, -1.209166e-26, -3.76759968e-27, 1.21169035e-26, 0.927188694, 0.374603868, -1.64222563e-27, -0.374603897, 0.927188814),i)
  1315. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, -0.0218527317, 0.298622131, 1, 2.38743288e-22, 1.16448315e-22, -2.65628601e-22, 0.898784995, 0.438389838, 6.26162773e-28, -0.438389868, 0.898784935),i)
  1316. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0502290726, -0.938224792, 0.999392748, 0.0233488977, -0.025931986, -0.0348734297, 0.642351151, -0.765616715, -0.00121889159, 0.766055882, 0.642774582),i)
  1317. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1318. end
  1319. local punchclone = punch:Clone()
  1320. punchclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  1321. punchclone:Play()
  1322. end
  1323. local goreclone = gore:Clone()
  1324. goreclone.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  1325. goreclone:Play()
  1326. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1327. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  1328. v:destroy()
  1329. end
  1330. if v.Name == "Head" then
  1331. v.Transparency = 1
  1332. end
  1333. end
  1334. if humanoid.Parent.Head:findFirstChild("face") then
  1335. humanoid.Parent.Head.face.Transparency = 1
  1336. end
  1337. for i = 1,math.random(10,15) do
  1338. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  1339. function sandbox(var,func)
  1340. local env = getfenv(func)
  1341. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  1342. __index = function(self,k)
  1343. if k=="script" then
  1344. return var
  1345. else
  1346. return env[k]
  1347. end
  1348. end,
  1349. })
  1350. setfenv(func,newenv)
  1351. return func
  1352. end
  1353. cors = {}
  1354. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  1355. local Part0 ="Part")
  1356. Part0.Name = "bl00d"
  1357. Part0.Parent = mas
  1358. Part0.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1359. Part0.BrickColor ="Maroon")
  1360. Part0.Size =, 0.0500000007, 1.12000048)
  1361. Part0.CFrame =, 1.14527643, 34.9399986, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  1362. Part0.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1363. Part0.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1364. Part0.Color =, 0, 0)
  1365. Part0.Position =, 1.14527643, 34.9399986)
  1366. Part0.Color =, 0, 0)
  1367. Part0.CFrame = humanoid.Parent.Head.CFrame *,1),math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1))
  1368. Part0:BreakJoints()
  1369. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  1370. v.Parent = humanoid.Parent
  1371. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  1372. end
  1373. mas:Destroy()
  1374. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  1375. spawn(function()
  1376. pcall(v)
  1377. end)
  1378. end
  1379. end
  1380. wait(1)
  1381. for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do
  1382. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1383. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, -0.0218527317, 0.298622131, 1, 2.38743288e-22, 1.16448315e-22, -2.65628601e-22, 0.898784995, 0.438389838, 6.26162773e-28, -0.438389868, 0.898784935),i)
  1384. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.241932347, -1.21926342e-26, -0.970292151, 6.1341824e-27, 1, -2.5243549e-27, 0.970292151, -3.11126741e-27, 0.241932347),i)
  1385. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5222218, -0.102214813, 0.0349053368, -8.60723958e-07, 0.999392927, -0.139084309, 0.990273297, 0.00485882163, -0.989666522, -0.139170289, 0.0345666632),i)
  1386. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0977787971, 0, 0.500008941, 0.866028607, -2.82727748e-27, -0.866028607, 0.500008941, -2.3224065e-27, -2.57484199e-27, 2.3224065e-27, 1),i)
  1387. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.622524977, -0.477272034, 0.499353766, -0.855162203, 0.139084026, 0.0396689773, -0.137795925, -0.989666998, 0.865489781, 0.499711245, -0.0348855592),i)
  1388. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1389. end
  1390. wait(0.2)
  1391. furfaggrowl:destroy()
  1392. headfurfagweld:destroy()
  1393. local vel ="BodyVelocity", humanoid.Parent.Torso)
  1394. vel.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1395. vel.Velocity = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame.rightVector * -math.random(400,469) +,2,0)
  1396. rip:Play()
  1397. for i = 0,1 , 0.06 do
  1398. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.469489127, 5.58134868e-26, 0.882937074, 6.51283563e-26, 1, -8.06026519e-26, -0.882937074, 1.03650012e-25, 0.469489127),i)
  1399. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5222218, -0.102214813, 0.469437033, 6.2015107e-07, -0.882963717, 0.122883834, 0.99026978, 0.0653332844, 0.874373734, -0.139172658, 0.464868218),i)
  1400. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.288009644, 0, 0.17366755, 0.984804034, 6.07514039e-13, -0.984804392, 0.173667595, 1.61679779e-13, 5.32907052e-14, -6.27053964e-13, 0.999999762),i)
  1401. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.581873178, -0.720844269, 0.932209134, -0.33412677, 0.139085978, 0.118962891, -0.080060333, -0.989665747, 0.341809034, 0.939121604, -0.0348842852),i)
  1402. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1403. end
  1404. wait(1)
  1405. for i = 0,0.3 , 0.004 do
  1406. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  1407. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.48563504, -0.102214813, 1, 6.31088724e-30, -1.00974196e-28, -2.5243549e-29, 0.990270674, 0.139171436, -5.04870979e-29, -0.139171436, 0.990270674),i)
  1408. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1409. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.00435209274, 0, 0.997564316, 0.0697554871, 0, -0.0697554871, 0.997564316, 0, 0, 2.5243549e-29, 1),i)
  1410. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  1411. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0157878399, 0, 0.990270674, -0.139171436, 5.04870979e-29, 0.139171436, 0.990270674, 2.01948392e-28, 1.00974196e-28, 2.27191941e-28, 1),i)
  1412. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1413. end
  1414. using = false
  1415. canwalk = true
  1416. end
  1417. end
  1418. end
  1419. end
  1420. end
  1421. end
  1422. end
  1423. sensoryee.Touched:connect(hagotem)
  1424. for i = 0,1 , 0.04 do
  1425. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.469489127, 5.58134868e-26, 0.882937074, 6.51283563e-26, 1, -8.06026519e-26, -0.882937074, 1.03650012e-25, 0.469489127),i)
  1426. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5222218, -0.102214813, 0.469437033, 6.2015107e-07, -0.882963717, 0.122883834, 0.99026978, 0.0653332844, 0.874373734, -0.139172658, 0.464868218),i)
  1427. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.288009644, 0, 0.17366755, 0.984804034, 6.07514039e-13, -0.984804392, 0.173667595, 1.61679779e-13, 5.32907052e-14, -6.27053964e-13, 0.999999762),i)
  1428. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.581873178, -0.720844269, 0.932209134, -0.33412677, 0.139085978, 0.118962891, -0.080060333, -0.989665747, 0.341809034, 0.939121604, -0.0348842852),i)
  1429. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1430. end
  1431. sensoryee:destroy()
  1432. if not hittd then
  1433. for i = 0,0.3 , 0.004 do
  1434. if canwalk and howmuch < 1 then
  1435. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  1436. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.48563504, -0.102214813, 1, 6.31088724e-30, -1.00974196e-28, -2.5243549e-29, 0.990270674, 0.139171436, -5.04870979e-29, -0.139171436, 0.990270674),i)
  1437. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1438. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.00435209274, 0, 0.997564316, 0.0697554871, 0, -0.0697554871, 0.997564316, 0, 0, 2.5243549e-29, 1),i)
  1439. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  1440. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0157878399, 0, 0.990270674, -0.139171436, 5.04870979e-29, 0.139171436, 0.990270674, 2.01948392e-28, 1.00974196e-28, 2.27191941e-28, 1),i)
  1441. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1442. end
  1443. end
  1444. using = false
  1445. canwalk = true
  1446. end
  1447. textfag.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Name.." The Brutal Anti-Furry"
  1448. end
  1449. end
  1450. mouse.KeyDown:connect(kysfurshit)
  1452. dancing = false
  1453. function switch(key)
  1454. key = key:lower()
  1455. if key == "m" then
  1456. if not dancing then
  1457. dancing = true
  1458. canwalk = false
  1459. Sound0:Stop()
  1460. Soundo0:Play()
  1461. while dancing do
  1462. for i = 0.3,0.46 , 0.015 do
  1463. if dancing then
  1464. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.48587704, 0.117996216, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.971754849, -0.235992551, 0, 0.235992551, 0.971754849),i)
  1465. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.965696573, 0.259673119, 0, -0.259673119, 0.965696573),i)
  1466. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.95006418, -0.312054634, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.950064242, -0.312054634, 0, 0.312054634, 0.950064301),i)
  1467. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.96244073, -0.271492958, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.962440372, -0.271492869, 0, 0.271492898, 0.962440431),i)
  1468. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.905787945, -0.292123914, 1, 0, 0, 0, -0.811575294, -0.584247589, 0, 0.584247708, -0.811575413),i)
  1469. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.902326107, -0.296873212, 1, 0, 0, 0, -0.804652274, -0.593746305, 0, 0.593746424, -0.804652333),i)
  1470. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1471. end
  1472. end
  1473. for i = 0.35,0.4 , 0.025 do
  1474. if dancing then
  1475. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.49878788, -0.0347967446, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.997575462, 0.0695933998, 0, -0.0695933998, 0.997575462),i)
  1476. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.996428847, -0.0844366103, 0, 0.0844366103, 0.996428847),i)
  1477. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.9939127, 0.110167503, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.993912935, 0.110167526, 0, -0.110167533, 0.993912995),i)
  1478. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.99822259, 0.0595921576, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.998222768, 0.0595921502, 0, -0.0595921502, 0.998222828),i)
  1479. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.276759148, -0.447396159, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.44648236, -0.894792259, 0, 0.894792318, 0.44648239),i)
  1480. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.278767586, -0.448392987, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.442464471, -0.896785915, 0, 0.896785975, 0.44246453),i)
  1481. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1482. end
  1483. end
  1484. for i = 0.3,0.46 , 0.015 do
  1485. if dancing then
  1486. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.49145174, -0.0920622349, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.982902825, 0.18412438, 0, -0.18412438, 0.982902825),i)
  1487. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.980066657, -0.198668674, 0, 0.198668674, 0.980066657),i)
  1488. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.97351623, 0.228617132, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.973516226, 0.228617072, 0, -0.228617072, 0.973516285),i)
  1489. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.97264862, 0.232279897, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.972648799, 0.232279852, 0, -0.232279852, 0.972648919),i)
  1490. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0977592468, 0.296988964, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.804481149, 0.593977869, 0, -0.593977928, 0.804481208),i)
  1491. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0882134438, 0.283605695, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.823572338, 0.567211032, 0, -0.567211092, 0.823572397),i)
  1492. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1493. end
  1494. end
  1495. for i = 0.35,0.4 , 0.025 do
  1496. if dancing then
  1497. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.49878788, -0.0347967446, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.997575462, 0.0695933998, 0, -0.0695933998, 0.997575462),i)
  1498. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.996428847, -0.0844366103, 0, 0.0844366103, 0.996428847),i)
  1499. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.9939127, 0.110167503, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.993912935, 0.110167526, 0, -0.110167533, 0.993912995),i)
  1500. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.99822259, 0.0595921576, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.998222768, 0.0595921502, 0, -0.0595921502, 0.998222828),i)
  1501. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.276759148, -0.447396159, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.44648236, -0.894792259, 0, 0.894792318, 0.44648239),i)
  1502. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.278767586, -0.448392987, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.442464471, -0.896785915, 0, 0.896785975, 0.44246453),i)
  1503. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1504. end
  1505. end
  1506. end
  1507. else
  1508. Soundo0:Stop()
  1509. Sound0:Play()
  1510. dancing = false
  1511. canwalk = true
  1512. end
  1513. end
  1514. end
  1515. mouse.KeyDown:connect(switch)
  1516. function dontremove()
  1517. if Soundo0.Parent == nil then
  1518. Soundo0.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  1519. end
  1520. end
  1521. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(dontremove)
  1522. function cancerify()
  1523. local hum = mouse.Target.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1524. if hum then
  1525. if hum.Parent.Name == "Rufus14" then
  1527. else
  1528. textfag.Text = "get cancer"
  1529. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  1530. function sandbox(var,func)
  1531. local env = getfenv(func)
  1532. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  1533. __index = function(self,k)
  1534. if k=="script" then
  1535. return var
  1536. else
  1537. return env[k]
  1538. end
  1539. end,
  1540. })
  1541. setfenv(func,newenv)
  1542. return func
  1543. end
  1544. cors = {}
  1545. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  1546. local Accessory0 ="Accessory")
  1547. Part1 ="Part")
  1548. local SpecialMesh2 ="SpecialMesh")
  1549. Accessory0.Name = "Cancer"
  1550. Accessory0.Parent = mas
  1551. Part1.Name = "Handle"
  1552. Part1.Parent = Accessory0
  1553. Part1.Rotation =, 0, 0.0199999996)
  1554. Part1.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1555. Part1.Size =, 1.12999988, 1.1400001)
  1556. Part1.CFrame =, 31.6558571, -259.307831, 1, -0.000407999993, 0, 0.000407999993, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  1557. Part1.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  1558. Part1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  1559. Part1.Position =, 31.6558571, -259.307831)
  1560. Part1.Orientation =, 0, 0.0199999996)
  1561. SpecialMesh2.Parent = Part1
  1562. SpecialMesh2.MeshId = "rbxassetid://361948302"
  1563. SpecialMesh2.Scale =, 0.5, 0.5)
  1564. SpecialMesh2.TextureId = " "
  1565. SpecialMesh2.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  1566. SpecialMesh2.Scale =, 0.5, 0.5)
  1567. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  1568. v.Parent = hum.Parent
  1569. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  1570. end
  1571. mas:Destroy()
  1572. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  1573. spawn(function()
  1574. pcall(v)
  1575. end)
  1576. end
  1577. wait(1.5)
  1578. textfag.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Name.." The Brutal Anti-Furry"
  1579. end
  1580. end
  1581. end
  1582. mouse.Button1Down:connect(cancerify)
  1583. function attackflag(key)
  1584. if key == "e" and not using then
  1585. using = true
  1586. canwalk = false
  1587. textfag.Text = "go back to forest"
  1588. local sensoryee2 ="Part", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  1589. sensoryee2.Size =, 1, 1)
  1590. sensoryee2.CanCollide = false
  1591. sensoryee2.Transparency = 0
  1592. sensoryee2:BreakJoints()
  1593. local weldsensor ="Weld", sensoryee2)
  1594. weldsensor.Part0 = sensoryee2
  1595. weldsensor.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  1596. weldsensor.C0 =,0.5,0)
  1597. local function hagotem1(part)
  1598. sensoryee2:destroy()
  1599. local humanoid = part.Parent:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  1600. if humanoid then
  1601. local canscan = true
  1602. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1603. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  1604. if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  1605. if v.Handle:findFirstChild("Mesh") then
  1606. if canscan and v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://188699722" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://170939831" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://135446047" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://335037790" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://361948302" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://1374148" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://112495973" or v.Name == "FoxTail" or v.Name == "Zootopia_FoxEars" or v.Name == "FurryCatTail" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Name == "ArcticFoxHead" then
  1607. canscan = false
  1608. for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do
  1609. humanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame = humanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame:lerp( + 1,0,game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame.z + 1) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.pi/2,0,0),i)
  1610. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1611. end
  1612. humanoid.Parent.Torso.Anchored = true
  1613. for q,w in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1614. if w.ClassName == "Part" then
  1615. w.Anchored = true
  1616. end
  1617. end
  1618. end
  1619. end
  1620. end
  1621. end
  1622. end
  1623. end
  1624. end
  1625. sensoryee2.Touched:connect(hagotem1)
  1626. for i = 0,1 , 0.04 do
  1627. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.469489127, 5.58134868e-26, 0.882937074, 6.51283563e-26, 1, -8.06026519e-26, -0.882937074, 1.03650012e-25, 0.469489127),i)
  1628. --headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5222218, -0.102214813, 0.469437033, 6.2015107e-07, -0.882963717, 0.122883834, 0.99026978, 0.0653332844, 0.874373734, -0.139172658, 0.464868218),i)
  1629. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.288009644, 0, 0.17366755, 0.984804034, 6.07514039e-13, -0.984804392, 0.173667595, 1.61679779e-13, 5.32907052e-14, -6.27053964e-13, 0.999999762),i)
  1630. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.581873178, -0.720844269, 0.932209134, -0.33412677, 0.139085978, 0.118962891, -0.080060333, -0.989665747, 0.341809034, 0.939121604, -0.0348842852),i)
  1631. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1632. end
  1633. for i = 1,5 do
  1634. for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do
  1635. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, -1.48936939e-27, 1.31266455e-27, 1.1359597e-27, 0.9702968, 0.241918504, -1.61558713e-27, -0.241918504, 0.9702968):inverse(),i)
  1636. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2, 0, 1, 1.26217745e-29, 8.58280665e-28, -1.76704843e-28, 0.961263537, 0.275633663, -5.04870979e-28, -0.275633663, 0.961263537),i)
  1637. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1638. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -0.7634058, -0.96099472, 1, 1.14858148e-27, -1.71656133e-27, -1.38839519e-27, 0.951060057, -0.309013367, 1.31266455e-27, 0.309013367, 0.951060057),i)
  1639. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1640. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1641. end
  1642. local sensoryee ="Part", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  1643. sensoryee.Size =, 1, 1)
  1644. sensoryee.CanCollide = false
  1645. sensoryee.Transparency = 0
  1646. sensoryee:BreakJoints()
  1647. local weldsensor ="Weld", sensoryee)
  1648. weldsensor.Part0 = sensoryee
  1649. weldsensor.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"]
  1650. weldsensor.C0 =,0.5,0)
  1651. local function hagotem(part)
  1652. sensoryee:destroy()
  1653. local humanoid = part.Parent:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  1654. if humanoid then
  1655. local canscan = true
  1656. for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1657. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  1658. if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  1659. if v.Handle:findFirstChild("Mesh") then
  1660. if canscan and v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://188699722" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://170939831" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://135446047" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://335037790" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://361948302" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://1374148" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://112495973" or v.Name == "FoxTail" or v.Name == "Zootopia_FoxEars" or v.Name == "FurryCatTail" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Name == "ArcticFoxHead" then
  1661. canscan = false
  1662. hittd = true
  1663. humanoid.Health = humanoid.Health - math.random(20,25)
  1664. local furfaggrowl ="Sound", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  1665. furfaggrowl.SoundId = "rbxassetid://146163534"
  1666. furfaggrowl.Volume = 10
  1667. furfaggrowl:Play()
  1668. local rip ="Sound", humanoid.Parent.Head)
  1669. rip.SoundId = "rbxassetid://132514715"
  1670. rip.Volume = 10
  1671. textfag.Text = "kaboom"
  1672. punch:Play()
  1673. for i = 1,math.random(2,3) do
  1674. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  1675. function sandbox(var,func)
  1676. local env = getfenv(func)
  1677. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  1678. __index = function(self,k)
  1679. if k=="script" then
  1680. return var
  1681. else
  1682. return env[k]
  1683. end
  1684. end,
  1685. })
  1686. setfenv(func,newenv)
  1687. return func
  1688. end
  1689. cors = {}
  1690. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  1691. local Part0 ="Part")
  1692. Part0.Name = "bl00d"
  1693. Part0.Parent = mas
  1694. Part0.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1695. Part0.BrickColor ="Maroon")
  1696. Part0.Size =, 0.0500000007, 1.12000048)
  1697. Part0.CFrame =, 1.14527643, 34.9399986, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  1698. Part0.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1699. Part0.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1700. Part0.Color =, 0, 0)
  1701. Part0.Position =, 1.14527643, 34.9399986)
  1702. Part0.Color =, 0, 0)
  1703. Part0.CFrame = humanoid.Parent.Head.CFrame *,1),math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1))
  1704. Part0:BreakJoints()
  1705. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  1706. v.Parent = humanoid.Parent
  1707. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  1708. end
  1709. mas:Destroy()
  1710. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  1711. spawn(function()
  1712. pcall(v)
  1713. end)
  1714. end
  1715. end
  1716. end
  1717. end
  1718. end
  1719. end
  1720. end
  1721. end
  1722. end
  1723. sensoryee.Touched:connect(hagotem)
  1724. for i = 0,1 , 0.1 do
  1725. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 1.80491375e-26, -5.65455497e-27, -1.84277907e-26, 0.866028428, -0.499996245, -4.08945493e-27, 0.499996245, 0.866028428):inverse(),i)
  1726. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2, 0, 1, 1.26217745e-29, 8.58280665e-28, -1.76704843e-28, 0.961263537, 0.275633663, -5.04870979e-28, -0.275633663, 0.961263537),i)
  1727. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1728. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.82702696, -0.937412262, 1, -8.83524214e-28, 3.00398233e-27, 2.27191941e-27, 0.788023472, -0.615659177, -2.27191941e-27, 0.615659177, 0.788023472),i)
  1729. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1730. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1731. end
  1732. sensoryee:destroy()
  1733. sensoryee2:destroy()
  1734. end
  1735. for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do
  1736. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  1737. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.48563504, -0.102214813, 1, 6.31088724e-30, -1.00974196e-28, -2.5243549e-29, 0.990270674, 0.139171436, -5.04870979e-29, -0.139171436, 0.990270674),i)
  1738. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1739. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.00435209274, 0, 0.997564316, 0.0697554871, 0, -0.0697554871, 0.997564316, 0, 0, 2.5243549e-29, 1),i)
  1740. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  1741. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0157878399, 0, 0.990270674, -0.139171436, 5.04870979e-29, 0.139171436, 0.990270674, 2.01948392e-28, 1.00974196e-28, 2.27191941e-28, 1),i)
  1742. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1743. end
  1744. textfag.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Name.." The Brutal Anti-Furry"
  1745. canwalk = true
  1746. using = false
  1747. end
  1748. end
  1749. mouse.KeyDown:connect(attackflag)
  1750. function attackflag1(key)
  1751. if key == "t" and not using then
  1752. using = true
  1753. canwalk = false
  1754. textfag.Text = "lol rip"
  1755. local sensoryee2 ="Part", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"])
  1756. sensoryee2.Size =, 1, 1)
  1757. sensoryee2.CanCollide = false
  1758. sensoryee2.Transparency = 0
  1759. sensoryee2:BreakJoints()
  1760. local weldsensor ="Weld", sensoryee2)
  1761. weldsensor.Part0 = sensoryee2
  1762. weldsensor.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"]
  1763. weldsensor.C0 =,0.5,0)
  1764. local function hagotem1(part)
  1765. sensoryee2:destroy()
  1766. humanoidfurshit = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1767. if humanoidfurshit then
  1768. local canscan = true
  1769. for i,v in pairs(humanoidfurshit.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1770. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  1771. if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  1772. if v.Handle:findFirstChild("Mesh") then
  1773. if canscan and v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://188699722" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://170939831" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://135446047" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://335037790" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://361948302" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://1374148" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://112495973" or v.Name == "FoxTail" or v.Name == "Zootopia_FoxEars" or v.Name == "FurryCatTail" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Name == "ArcticFoxHead" then
  1774. canscan = false
  1775. for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do
  1776. humanoidfurshit.Parent.Torso.CFrame = humanoidfurshit.Parent.Torso.CFrame:lerp( + 1,0,game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame.z + -1) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.pi/2,0,0),i)
  1777. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1778. end
  1779. humanoidfurshit.Parent.Torso.Anchored = true
  1780. for q,w in pairs(humanoidfurshit.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1781. if w.ClassName == "Part" then
  1782. w.Anchored = true
  1783. end
  1784. end
  1785. end
  1786. end
  1787. end
  1788. end
  1789. end
  1790. end
  1791. end
  1792. sensoryee2.Touched:connect(hagotem1)
  1793. for i = 0,1 , 0.04 do
  1794. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 0.469489127, 5.58134868e-26, 0.882937074, 6.51283563e-26, 1, -8.06026519e-26, -0.882937074, 1.03650012e-25, 0.469489127),i)
  1795. --headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5222218, -0.102214813, 0.469437033, 6.2015107e-07, -0.882963717, 0.122883834, 0.99026978, 0.0653332844, 0.874373734, -0.139172658, 0.464868218),i)
  1796. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.288009644, 0, 0.17366755, 0.984804034, 6.07514039e-13, -0.984804392, 0.173667595, 1.61679779e-13, 5.32907052e-14, -6.27053964e-13, 0.999999762),i)
  1797. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.581873178, -0.720844269, 0.932209134, -0.33412677, 0.139085978, 0.118962891, -0.080060333, -0.989665747, 0.341809034, 0.939121604, -0.0348842852),i)
  1798. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1799. end
  1800. wait(0.3)
  1801. for i = 0,1 , 0.1 do
  1802. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, -1.48936939e-27, 1.31266455e-27, 1.1359597e-27, 0.9702968, 0.241918504, -1.61558713e-27, -0.241918504, 0.9702968):inverse(),i)
  1803. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2, 0, 1, 1.26217745e-29, 8.58280665e-28, -1.76704843e-28, 0.961263537, 0.275633663, -5.04870979e-28, -0.275633663, 0.961263537),i)
  1804. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1805. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -0.7634058, -0.96099472, 1, 1.14858148e-27, -1.71656133e-27, -1.38839519e-27, 0.951060057, -0.309013367, 1.31266455e-27, 0.309013367, 0.951060057),i)
  1806. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1807. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1808. end
  1809. local function hagotem(part)
  1810. if humanoidfurshit then
  1811. local canscan = true
  1812. for i,v in pairs(humanoidfurshit.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1813. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  1814. if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  1815. if v.Handle:findFirstChild("Mesh") then
  1816. if canscan and v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://188699722" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://170939831" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://135446047" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://335037790" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://361948302" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://1374148" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "rbxassetid://112495973" or v.Name == "FoxTail" or v.Name == "Zootopia_FoxEars" or v.Name == "FurryCatTail" or v.Handle.Mesh.MeshId == "" or v.Name == "ArcticFoxHead" then
  1817. canscan = false
  1818. hittd = true
  1819. humanoidfurshit.Parent:BreakJoints()
  1820. textfag.Text = "kaboom"
  1821. gore:Play()
  1822. for i,v in pairs(humanoidfurshit.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1823. if v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
  1824. v:destroy()
  1825. end
  1826. if v.Name == "Head" then
  1827. v.Transparency = 1
  1828. end
  1829. end
  1830. if humanoidfurshit.Parent.Head:findFirstChild("face") then
  1831. humanoidfurshit.Parent.Head.face.Transparency = 1
  1832. end
  1833. for i = 1,math.random(15,20) do
  1834. --Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4
  1835. function sandbox(var,func)
  1836. local env = getfenv(func)
  1837. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  1838. __index = function(self,k)
  1839. if k=="script" then
  1840. return var
  1841. else
  1842. return env[k]
  1843. end
  1844. end,
  1845. })
  1846. setfenv(func,newenv)
  1847. return func
  1848. end
  1849. cors = {}
  1850. mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  1851. local Part0 ="Part")
  1852. Part0.Name = "bl00d"
  1853. Part0.Parent = mas
  1854. Part0.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1855. Part0.BrickColor ="Maroon")
  1856. Part0.Size =, 0.0500000007, 1.12000048)
  1857. Part0.CFrame =, 1.14527643, 34.9399986, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
  1858. Part0.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1859. Part0.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1860. Part0.Color =, 0, 0)
  1861. Part0.Position =, 1.14527643, 34.9399986)
  1862. Part0.Color =, 0, 0)
  1863. Part0.CFrame = humanoidfurshit.Parent.Head.CFrame *,1),math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1))
  1864. Part0:BreakJoints()
  1865. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  1866. v.Parent = humanoidfurshit.Parent
  1867. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  1868. end
  1869. mas:Destroy()
  1870. for i,v in pairs(cors) do
  1871. spawn(function()
  1872. pcall(v)
  1873. end)
  1874. end
  1875. end
  1876. end
  1877. end
  1878. end
  1879. end
  1880. end
  1881. end
  1882. end
  1883. hagotem()
  1884. for i = 0,1 , 0.1 do
  1885. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 1.80491375e-26, -5.65455497e-27, -1.84277907e-26, 0.866028428, -0.499996245, -4.08945493e-27, 0.499996245, 0.866028428):inverse(),i)
  1886. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2, 0, 1, 1.26217745e-29, 8.58280665e-28, -1.76704843e-28, 0.961263537, 0.275633663, -5.04870979e-28, -0.275633663, 0.961263537),i)
  1887. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1888. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.82702696, -0.937412262, 1, -8.83524214e-28, 3.00398233e-27, 2.27191941e-27, 0.788023472, -0.615659177, -2.27191941e-27, 0.615659177, 0.788023472),i)
  1889. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0, 0.298294067, 1, 4.14517148e-22, -4.16016716e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.951056898, 0.30901596, 5.23747954e-22, -0.30901596, 0.951056898),i)
  1890. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1891. end
  1892. sensoryee2:destroy()
  1893. for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do
  1894. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  1895. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.48563504, -0.102214813, 1, 6.31088724e-30, -1.00974196e-28, -2.5243549e-29, 0.990270674, 0.139171436, -5.04870979e-29, -0.139171436, 0.990270674),i)
  1896. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1897. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.00435209274, 0, 0.997564316, 0.0697554871, 0, -0.0697554871, 0.997564316, 0, 0, 2.5243549e-29, 1),i)
  1898. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  1899. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0157878399, 0, 0.990270674, -0.139171436, 5.04870979e-29, 0.139171436, 0.990270674, 2.01948392e-28, 1.00974196e-28, 2.27191941e-28, 1),i)
  1900. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1901. end
  1902. textfag.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Name.." The Brutal Anti-Furry"
  1903. canwalk = true
  1904. using = false
  1905. end
  1906. end
  1907. mouse.KeyDown:connect(attackflag1)
  1908. while true do
  1909. if howmuch <= -1 then
  1910. howmuch = 0
  1911. end
  1912. if howmuch >= 4 then
  1913. howmuch = 0
  1914. end
  1915. if canwalk and howmuch < 1 then
  1916. for i = 0,1 , 0.01 do
  1917. if canwalk and howmuch < 1 then
  1919. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  1920. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.48563504, -0.102214813, 1, 6.31088724e-30, -1.00974196e-28, -2.5243549e-29, 0.990270674, 0.139171436, -5.04870979e-29, -0.139171436, 0.990270674),i)
  1921. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1922. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.00435209274, 0, 0.997564316, 0.0697554871, 0, -0.0697554871, 0.997564316, 0, 0, 2.5243549e-29, 1),i)
  1923. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  1924. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0157878399, 0, 0.990270674, -0.139171436, 5.04870979e-29, 0.139171436, 0.990270674, 2.01948392e-28, 1.00974196e-28, 2.27191941e-28, 1),i)
  1925. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1926. end
  1927. end
  1928. for i = 0,0.3 , 0.004 do
  1929. if canwalk and howmuch < 1 then
  1930. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0,0),i)
  1931. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5222218, -0.102214813, 1, 6.31088724e-30, -1.00974196e-28, -2.5243549e-29, 0.990270674, 0.139171436, -5.04870979e-29, -0.139171436, 0.990270674),i)
  1932. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.0409379, 0.23392868, 0.994522691, 0.104527831, 4.48272353e-09, -0.10395515, 0.989075184, 0.104526937, 0.0109259691, -0.103954434, 0.994521797),i)
  1933. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0409388542, 0, 0.997564316, 0.0697554871, 0, -0.0697554871, 0.997564316, 0, 0, 2.5243549e-29, 1),i)
  1934. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -2.06024575, -0.139556885, 0.997564077, -0.0693742931, 0.0072911568, 0.0697562397, 0.992102206, -0.104268931, 1.75914945e-08, 0.104523741, 0.994524658),i)
  1935. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.0523746014, 0, 0.990270674, -0.139171436, 5.04870979e-29, 0.139171436, 0.990270674, 2.01948392e-28, 1.00974196e-28, 2.27191941e-28, 1),i)
  1936. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1937. end
  1938. end
  1939. end
  1940. if canwalk and howmuch >= 1 then
  1941. if canwalk then
  1942. for i = 0,0.5 , 0.05 do
  1943. if canwalk and howmuch >= 1 then
  1945. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 1, -4.22829445e-28, 5.04870979e-28, -4.7962743e-28, 0.98481518, -0.173646927, 4.54383881e-28, 0.173646927, 0.98481518),i)
  1946. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, -0.0218505859, -0.207862854, 1, -2.65673535e-22, 5.23747954e-22, 1.5097504e-22, 0.978147745, 0.207910955, -5.67539301e-22, -0.207910955, 0.978147745),i)
  1947. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.35635376, 0.984832764, 1, -1.46412584e-27, -1.17303617e-26, 1.15615454e-26, -0.0348859876, 0.999391198, -1.61558713e-27, -0.999391198, -0.0348859876),i)
  1948. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.396968603, -0.897594452, 1, -2.59686077e-27, 2.57052452e-26, 2.58237777e-26, 0.0697625875, -0.99756366, 7.97269708e-28, 0.99756366, 0.069762595),i)
  1949. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.81869507, -0.922622681, 1, -1.72713825e-22, -5.61306619e-22, -2.65673535e-22, 0.719345152, -0.694654465, 5.23747954e-22, 0.694656253, 0.719344676),i)
  1950. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.365714312, 0.961071014, 0.9993909, -0.00121776958, -0.0348753184, 0.0348965712, 0.0348958485, 0.998781562, 7.18205513e-07, -0.999390185, 0.0349170938),i)
  1951. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1952. end
  1953. end
  1954. end
  1955. if canwalk then
  1956. for i = 0,0.5 , 0.05 do
  1957. if canwalk and howmuch >= 1 then
  1959. headweld.C0 = headweld.C0:lerp(, 1.5, 0, 1, -4.22829445e-28, 5.04870979e-28, -4.7962743e-28, 0.98481518, -0.173646927, 4.54383881e-28, 0.173646927, 0.98481518),i)
  1960. humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(, -0.0218505859, -0.00492095947, 1, -2.65673535e-22, 5.23747954e-22, 1.5097504e-22, 0.978147686, 0.20791094, -5.67539301e-22, -0.20791094, 0.978147686),i)
  1961. llegweld.C0 = llegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.86941528, -0.882217407, 1, -6.4421537e-26, 9.04728795e-26, 1.09784194e-25, 0.694650829, -0.71934706, -1.64587939e-26, 0.71934706, 0.694650829),i)
  1962. lhandweld.C0 = lhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.335239649, 1.03072357, 1, 3.69729388e-23, 2.6307918e-22, -2.65664548e-22, 0.139171526, 0.99026835, 0, -0.99026829, 0.139171541),i)
  1963. rlegweld.C0 = rlegweld.C0:lerp(, -1.35365295, 1.16508484, 1, 5.03939593e-22, 3.01560673e-22, -2.65673358e-22, -0.0697558299, 0.997564077, 5.237476e-22, -0.997564077, -0.0697558299),i)
  1964. rhandweld.C0 = rhandweld.C0:lerp(, 0.313182116, -0.842372894, 0.9993909, 0.00364707294, -0.034706641, -0.0348764732, 0.0696690381, -0.996960342, -0.00121800881, 0.997563541, 0.0697537959),i)
  1965. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1966. end
  1967. end
  1968. end
  1969. end
  1970. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait()
  1971. end
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