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- // Practic1Lab1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- // ossp01.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
- //
- #include "pch.h"
- struct BPB {
- WORD sectorSize;
- BYTE clusterSize;
- WORD reservedSectors;
- BYTE fatCount;
- WORD rootSize;
- WORD totalSectors;
- BYTE media;
- WORD fatSize;
- WORD sectors;
- WORD heads;
- WORD hiddenLow;
- WORD hiddenHigh;
- BYTE largeTotalSectors[4];
- };
- struct bootRecord {
- BYTE jmpCommand[3];
- BYTE vendorName[8];
- BPB extendedBlock;
- BYTE drivePhysicalNumber;
- BYTE rezerved;
- BYTE symbolBrackets;
- BYTE volumeSerialNumber[4];
- BYTE volumeLabel[11];
- BYTE identifierFAT[8];
- BYTE bootCode[450];
- } boot;
- typedef struct root_Entries
- {
- BYTE short_FileName[11];
- BYTE fileAttributes;
- BYTE reserved;
- BYTE createTime_ms;
- WORD createTime;
- WORD createDate;
- WORD accessedDate;
- WORD clusterNumber_High;
- WORD modifiedTime;
- WORD modifiedDate;
- WORD firstClusterAddress_FAT12;
- DWORD sizeofFile;
- } root;
- void ScanBootSector();
- void ScanRoot();
- void ScanFat();
- WORD FAT[2880];
- BYTE Buffer[512 * 9];
- WORD* Val;
- HANDLE hDisk;
- int main()
- {
- hDisk = CreateFile(TEXT("C:\\Tmp\\Dos6.22.img"), // drive to open
- GENERIC_READ, // Access mode
- FILE_SHARE_READ, // Share Mode
- NULL, // Security Descriptor
- OPEN_EXISTING, // How to create
- 0, // File attributes
- NULL); // Handle to template
- if (hDisk != NULL)
- {
- ScanBootSector();
- ScanRoot();
- ScanFat();
- int cluster = 2619;
- int count = 1;
- while (FAT[cluster] != 0xfff)
- {
- printf("%6x\t", FAT[cluster]);
- cluster = FAT[cluster];
- count++;
- }
- printf("\n%d", count);
- }
- CloseHandle(hDisk);
- return 0;
- }
- void ScanFat() {
- DWORD dwBytesRead;
- WORD fatElement;
- int j = 0;
- SetFilePointer(hDisk, 512, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
- ReadFile(hDisk, Buffer, 512 * 9, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
- if (Buffer[0] != {
- printf("Error 1 \n");
- return;
- }
- //FAT table entries are packed so that two cluster entries occupy three bytes with the following general format :
- //yz Zx XY
- // where
- // xyz is the one pointer entry and
- // XYZ is the second pointer entry.
- // E.g., bytes :
- // 2d e0 02
- // refer to clusters 0x02d (45) and 0x02e (46)
- for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 512 * 9; i += 3, j += 2) {
- FAT[j] = (Buffer[i] + (Buffer[i + 1] << 8)) & 0x0FFF;
- FAT[j+1] = (Buffer[i + 1] + (Buffer[i + 2] << 8)) >> 4;
- }
- }
- void ScanRoot() {
- DWORD dwFilePointer;
- DWORD dwBytesRead;
- root stRoot;
- BYTE byteRoot[512];
- memset(&byteRoot, 0, 512);
- dwFilePointer = SetFilePointer(hDisk, (512 * 19), NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
- if (dwFilePointer == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)
- {
- // Deal with failure
- // . . .
- } // End of error handler
- int iSector = 19;
- BOOL bNoEntry = FALSE;
- // Iterate through root directory sectors
- do
- {
- if (!ReadFile(hDisk, byteRoot, 512, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
- {
- printf("Error in Reading Root Entry.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- BYTE *pByteRoot = byteRoot;
- // Iterate through 32 byte entries
- for (int i = 0; i < (512 / 32); i++)
- {
- ZeroMemory(&stRoot, 32);
- memcpy(&stRoot, pByteRoot, 32);
- // No entry beyond this used.
- if (stRoot.short_FileName[0] == 0x00)
- {
- // Stop iteration
- bNoEntry = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- // This if loops checks for file deletion
- // status
- if (stRoot.short_FileName[0] == 0xE5)
- {
- printf("First character of file after deletion :0x%x\n",
- stRoot.short_FileName[0]);
- printf("File status: Deleted.\n");
- }
- puts("File Name :");
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++)
- {
- putchar(stRoot.short_FileName[idx]);
- }
- putchar('\n');
- if (stRoot.fileAttributes & 0x01)
- printf("File Attribute : Read Only File\n");
- if (stRoot.fileAttributes & 0x02)
- printf("File Attribute : Hidden File\n");
- if (stRoot.fileAttributes & 0x04)
- printf("File Attribute : System File\n");
- if (stRoot.fileAttributes & 0x08)
- printf("File Attribute : Volume Label\n");
- if (stRoot.fileAttributes & 0x0f)
- printf("File Attribute : Long File Name\n");
- if (stRoot.fileAttributes & 0x10)
- printf("File Attribute : Directory\n");
- if (stRoot.fileAttributes & 0x20)
- printf("File Attribute : Archive\n");
- WORD nYear = (stRoot.createDate >> 9);
- WORD nMonth = (stRoot.createDate << 7);
- nMonth = nMonth >> 12;
- WORD nDay = (stRoot.createDate << 11);
- nDay = nDay >> 11;
- //printf("Create Date : %d/%d/%d\n", nDay, nMonth, (nYear + 1980));
- nYear = (stRoot.modifiedDate >> 9);
- nMonth = (stRoot.modifiedDate << 7);
- nMonth = nMonth >> 12;
- nDay = (stRoot.modifiedDate << 11);
- nDay = nDay >> 11;
- printf("Modification Date : %d/%d/%d\n", nDay, nMonth, (nYear + 1980));
- nYear = (stRoot.accessedDate >> 9);
- nMonth = (stRoot.accessedDate << 7);
- nMonth = nMonth >> 12;
- nDay = (stRoot.accessedDate << 11);
- nDay = nDay >> 11;
- //printf("Accessed Date : %d/%d/%d\n", nDay, nMonth, (nYear + 1980));
- printf("Start Cluster Address: %d\n",
- stRoot.firstClusterAddress_FAT12);
- printf("File Size : %d bytes\n",
- stRoot.sizeofFile);
- pByteRoot += 32;
- } // End of else
- }
- if (bNoEntry)
- break;
- else
- {
- iSector += 1;
- }
- }
- } while (iSector <= 33);
- }
- void ScanBootSector()
- {
- DWORD dwBytesRead;
- char str[128];
- unsigned short num1, num2;
- bool check;
- check = ReadFile(hDisk, (void *)&boot, sizeof(bootRecord), &dwBytesRead, NULL);
- if (!check) {
- printf("Error %d", GetLastError());
- }
- strncpy_s(str, (char *)boot.vendorName, 8);
- str[8] = '\0';
- printf("Vendor Name: %s\n", str);
- if (boot.drivePhysicalNumber >= 0x80)
- puts("Hard disk");
- else
- puts("Floppy disk");
- if (boot.symbolBrackets == '(')
- puts("Extended block present.");
- else
- puts("Extended block absent.");
- memcpy(&num1, boot.volumeSerialNumber, 2);
- memcpy(&num2, boot.volumeSerialNumber + 2, 2);
- printf("Serial num=%X-%X\n", num1, num2);
- strncpy_s(str, (char *)boot.volumeLabel, 11);
- str[11] = '\0';
- printf("Label: %s\n", str);
- strncpy_s(str, (char *)boot.identifierFAT, 8);
- str[8] = '\0';
- printf("Ident FAT: %s\n", str);
- //printf("%d", sizeof(struct param_bios));
- /*printf("Byte in sector = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.sectorSize);
- printf("Sector in cluster = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.clusterSize);
- printf("Reserved sector = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.reservedSectors);
- printf("FAT Count = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.fatCount);
- printf("root size = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.rootSize);
- printf("Total sector = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.totalSectors);
- printf("Media = %d\n",;
- printf("Fat size = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.fatSize);
- printf("Sectors = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.sectors);
- printf("Heads = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.heads);
- printf("hidden Low = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.hiddenLow);
- printf("hidden High = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.hiddenHigh);
- printf("largeTotal Sectors = %d\n", boot.extendedBlock.largeTotalSectors[4]);*/
- }
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