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- Added Samrux's sleeker backsprites for Metalynx.
- Animated Archilles' shiny front sprite, and made a minor coloration adjustment to the shiny mega's backsprite.
- Magikarp's nuclear sprites are working now.
- Removed a stray pixel on Aromatisse's backsprites.
- Nuclear Actan now has its own backsprite.
- Partially implemented gender differences for Pokémon that should have had them but didn't. Dimorphism is fully added for Magikarp, Gyarados, and Fafninter; and partially added for Gligar, Buizel, and Floatzel. The latter three do not yet have dimorphic backsprites.
- Added full body backsprites for nuclear Costraw, as well as the following shinies: Buizel, Gligar, Gliscor, Mismagius, Theriamp, Chupacho, and Pufluff.
- Added shiny sprites for Brailip, Brainoar, Flaaffy, and the following nuclear forms: Magikarp, Gyarados, Costraw, Trawpint, Gligar, Gliscor, Tubjaw, Tubareel, Nupin, Gellin, and Actan.
- Several shinies had color inconsistencies between the front and back sprites. These have been fixed. The affected shinies are as follows: Owten, Glavinug, S51-A, Unymph, Titanice, Ratsy, and Lanthan.
- Several shinies of canon Pokémon were inconsistent with their canon colorations. These have been fixed. The affected shinies are as follows: Mankey, Flaaffy, Spritzee, Aromatisse, and Sylveon.
- Repositioned the following shinies and nuclears to be consistent with their normal sprites: Kinetmunk, Gararewl, Grozard, Terlard, Tofurang, Fortog, Folerog, Smore, Pahar, Baaschaf, S51, Nucleon, Masking, Dramsama, Colarva, Fafurr, and Shrimputy. Some of the changes are barely noticeable, but for Pokémon like Grozard it makes a world of difference.
- Fixed color inconsistencies in Feliger's and Nucleon's icons.
- Fixed the animation errors in Pajay's and Laissure's icons.
- Fixed some weird artifacting in Mankey's and Sylveon's icons.
- Added shiny icons for all obtainable Pokémon except Tubjaw, Tubareel, and corrupted nuclears. PhantoonNigjht is currently working on those.
- TM94 Dazzling Gleam now has the fairy TM colors. It previously looked like a psychic-type TM.
- Sachet now has the proper sprite instead of using the Whipped Dream image.
- Fixed the trade and summary sprites for the Lure and Nuclear Balls to be consistent with how they look in the bag. And the Nuclear Ball actually appears on the summary screen in the first place now.
- Partially implemented battle animations for the Apricorn balls. They have their intended appearance while being thrown, but still look like normal Poké Balls while shaking.
- The Baykal berries have been recolored to not look exactly the same as certain canon berries. They still have the same base sprites, but it's something. I also added tree sprites for them, but I haven't actually tested to see if those are working.
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