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it unlocks many cool features!
- After grid!
- 0.013446
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182763 , price = 13446
- local new order
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- {"code":"200 OK","data":{"listenKey":"020552f955b487028ed4e4408e6612fae452ca3718ae44ddc342d15929aa16a5"}}
- [Error] new_order: OK(http error: 400), with request: {"timestamp":"1711096183288","recvWindow":"5000","price":"0.013446","newClientOrderId":"1711096182763","quantity":"367.600000","type":"LIMIT_MAKER","side":"SELL","symbol":"LOTTUSDT"}
- Complete
- 0.012166
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182764 , price = 12166
- local new order
- id = 1711096182764 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.013447
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182765 , price = 13447
- local new order
- id = 1711096182765 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182764 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.012165
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182766 , price = 12165
- local new order
- id = 1711096182766 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182765 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182764 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- {"params":["spot@private.orders.v3.api","","spot@private.account.v3.api","spot@public.limit.depth.v3.api@LOTTUSDT@20"],"method":"SUBSCRIPTION"}
- no "c" parameter: {"code":"0","msg":",spot@public.limit.depth.v3.api@LOTTUSDT@20,spot@private.orders.v3.api,spot@private.account.v3.api","id":"0"}
- Complete
- 0.013448
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182767 , price = 13448
- local new order
- id = 1711096182767 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182766 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182765 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182764 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182766 , price = 12165
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.012164
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182768 , price = 12164
- local new order
- id = 1711096182768 , price = 0.012164
- id = 1711096182767 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182766 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182765 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182764 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182767 , price = 13448
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 1711096183478 Orders posted.
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- Account order event
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- 1711096189479 Previous mid price: 0.012806
- 1711096189479 Posting...
- 1711096189479 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.012807, spread ticks: 1280
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 13446 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.012807 367.600000
- grid 0.010887 684.170000
- grid 0.012808 490.140000
- grid 0.010886 912.320000
- grid 0.012809 612.670000
- grid 0.010885 1140.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182768 0.012164
- 1711096182767 0.013448
- 1711096182766 0.012165
- 1711096182765 0.013447
- 1711096182764 0.012166
- 1711096182763 0.013446
- id = 1711096182763
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182763
- In grid!scaled price = 12166 scaled_ qty = 61225
- grid 0.012807 367.600000
- grid 0.010887 684.170000
- grid 0.012808 490.140000
- grid 0.010886 912.320000
- grid 0.012809 612.670000
- grid 0.010885 1140.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182768 0.012164
- 1711096182767 0.013448
- 1711096182766 0.012165
- 1711096182765 0.013447
- 1711096182764 0.012166
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- Account order event
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- grid 0.010887 684.170000
- grid 0.012808 490.140000
- grid 0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER0.010886 912.320000
- grid ""update_time": 1711096189534}
- 0.012809 612.670000
- grid 0.010885 1140.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182768 0.012164
- 1711096182767 0.013448
- 1711096182766 0.012165
- 1711096182765 0.013447
- id = 1711096182765
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182765
- In grid!scaled price = 12165 scaled_ qty = 81640
- grid 0.012807 367.600000
- grid 0.010887 684.170000
- grid 0.012808 490.140000
- grid 0.010886 912.320000
- grid 0.012809 612.670000
- grid 0.010885 1140.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182768 0.012164
- 1711096182767 0.013448
- 1711096182766 0.012165
- id = 1711096182766
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182766
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 13448 scaled_ qty = 61266
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- grid 0.010887 684.170000
- grid 0.012808 490.140000
- grid 0.010886 912.320000
- grid 0.012809 612.670000
- grid 0.010885 1140.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182768 0.012164
- 1711096182767 0.013448
- id = 1711096182767
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182767
- Account order event
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- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 12164 scaled_ qty = 102058
- grid 0.012807 367.600000
- grid 0.010887 684.170000
- grid 0.012808 490.140000
- grid 0.010886 912.320000
- grid 0.012809 612.670000
- grid 0.010885 1140.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182768 0.012164
- id = 1711096182768
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182768
- After grid!
- 0.012807
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182769 , price = 12807
- local new order
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182768 , price = 0.012164
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
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- [Error] new_order: OK(http error: 400), with request: {"timestamp":"1711096189634","recvWindow":"5000","price":"0.012807","newClientOrderId":"1711096182769","quantity":"367.600000","type":"LIMIT_MAKER","side":"SELL","symbol":"LOTTUSDT"}
- Complete
- 0.010887
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182770 , price = 10887
- local new order
- id = 1711096182770 , price = 0.010887
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.012808
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182771 , price = 12808
- local new order
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- id = 1711096182770 , price = 0.010887
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
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- Account order event
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- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.010886
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182772 , price = 10886
- local new order
- id = 1711096182772 , price = 0.010886
- id = 1711096182771 , price = 0.012808
- id = 1711096182770 , price = 0.010887
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.012809
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182773 , price = 12809
- local new order
- id = 1711096182773 , price = 0.012809
- id = 1711096182772 , price = 0.010886
- id = 1711096182771 , price = 0.012808
- id = 1711096182770 , price = 0.010887
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
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- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.010885
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182774 , price = 10885
- local new order
- id = 1711096182774 , price = 0.010885
- id = 1711096182773 , price = 0.012809
- id = 1711096182772 , price = 0.010886
- id = 1711096182771 , price = 0.012808
- id = 1711096182770 , price = 0.010887
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182773 , price = 12809
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 1711096189826 Orders posted.
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- Account order event
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- 1711096195826 Previous mid price: 0.012807
- 1711096195826 Posting...
- 1711096195826 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.012807, spread ticks: 1280
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 12807 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182774 0.010885
- 1711096182773 0.012809
- 1711096182772 0.010886
- 1711096182771 0.012808
- 1711096182770 0.010887
- 1711096182769 0.012807
- id = 1711096182769
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182769
- In grid!scaled price = 10887 scaled_ qty = 68417
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182774 0.010885
- 1711096182773 0.012809
- 1711096182772 0.010886
- 1711096182771 0.012808
- 1711096182770 0.010887
- id = 1711096182770
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182770
- In grid!scaled price = 12808 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182774 0.010885
- 1711096182773 0.012809
- 1711096182772 0.010886
- 1711096182771 0.012808
- id = 1711096182771
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182771
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.448550","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182770,"create_time": 1711096189681,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.010887","quantity": "684.170000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096195926}
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 10886 scaled_ qty = 91232
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182774 0.010885
- 1711096182773 0.012809
- 1711096182772 0.010886
- id = 1711096182772
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182772
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 12809 scaled_ qty = 61266
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182774 0.010885
- 1711096182773 0.012809
- id = 1711096182773
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182773
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.847690","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182773,"create_time": 1711096189772,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.012809","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096196072}
- In grid!scaled price = 10885 scaled_ qty = 114050
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182774 0.010885
- id = 1711096182774
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182774
- After grid!
- 0.013447
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182775 , price = 13447
- local new order
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182774 , price = 0.010885
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "12.414340","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182774,"create_time": 1711096189803,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.010885","quantity": "1140.500000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096196099}
- [Error] new_order: OK(http error: 400), with request: {"timestamp":"1711096196098","recvWindow":"5000","price":"0.013447","newClientOrderId":"1711096182775","quantity":"367.600000","type":"LIMIT_MAKER","side":"SELL","symbol":"LOTTUSDT"}
- Complete
- 0.012167
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182776 , price = 12167
- local new order
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182776 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.013448
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182777 , price = 13448
- local new order
- id = 1711096182777 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182776 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182776 , price = 12167
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.448630","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182776,"create_time": 1711096196154,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.012167","quantity": "612.200000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096196165}
- Complete
- 0.012166
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182778 , price = 12166
- local new order
- id = 1711096182778 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182777 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182776 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182777 , price = 13448
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "6.591400","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182777,"create_time": 1711096196179,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013448","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096196189}
- Complete
- 0.013449
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182779 , price = 13449
- local new order
- id = 1711096182779 , price = 0.013449
- id = 1711096182778 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182777 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182776 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182778 , price = 12166
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.931470","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182778,"create_time": 1711096196201,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.012166","quantity": "816.330000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096196214}
- Complete
- 0.012165
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182780 , price = 12165
- local new order
- id = 1711096182780 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182779 , price = 0.013449
- id = 1711096182778 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182777 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182776 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 1711096196255 Orders posted.
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182779 , price = 13449
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "8.239790","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182779,"create_time": 1711096196224,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013449","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096196235}
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- Account order event
- !{"amount": "12.414380","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182780,"create_time": 1711096196246,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.012165","quantity": "1020.500000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096196257}
- 1711096202255 Previous mid price: 0.012807
- 1711096202255 Posting...
- 1711096202255 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.013084, spread ticks: 1308
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 13447 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011122 669.720000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011121 893.040000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011120 1116.400000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182780 0.012165
- 1711096182779 0.013449
- 1711096182778 0.012166
- 1711096182777 0.013448
- 1711096182775 0.013447
- id = 1711096182775
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182775
- In grid!scaled price = 12167 scaled_ qty = 61220
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011122 669.720000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011121 893.040000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011120 1116.400000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182780 0.012165
- 1711096182779 0.013449
- 1711096182778 0.012166
- 1711096182777 0.013448
- 1711096182775 0.013447
- 1711096182769 0.012807
- 1711096182776 0.012167
- id = 1711096182776
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182776
- In grid!scaled price = 13448 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011122 669.720000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011121 893.040000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011120 1116.400000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182780 0.012165
- 1711096182779 0.013449
- 1711096182778 0.012166
- 1711096182777 0.013448
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- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182777
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 12166 scaled_ qty = 81633
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011122 669.720000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011121 893.040000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011120 1116.400000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182780 0.012165
- 1711096182779 0.013449
- 1711096182778 0.012166
- id = 1711096182778
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182778
- Account order event
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- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 13449 scaled_ qty = 61266
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011122 669.720000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011121 893.040000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011120 1116.400000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182780 0.012165
- 1711096182779 0.013449
- id = 1711096182779
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182779
- In grid!scaled price = 12165 scaled_ qty = 102050
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011122 669.720000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011121 893.040000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011120 1116.400000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182780 0.012165
- id = 1711096182780
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182780
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "8.239790","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182779,"create_time": 1711096196224,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013449","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096202425}
- After grid!
- 0.012821
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182781 , price = 12821
- local new order
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182780 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
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- [Error] new_order: OK(http error: 400), with request: {"timestamp":"1711096202440","recvWindow":"5000","price":"0.012821","newClientOrderId":"1711096182781","quantity":"367.600000","type":"LIMIT_MAKER","side":"SELL","symbol":"LOTTUSDT"}
- Complete
- 0.011122
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182782 , price = 11122
- local new order
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182782 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.012822
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182783 , price = 12822
- local new order
- id = 1711096182783 , price = 0.012822
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182782 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
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- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.011121
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- local new order
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- id = 1711096182783 , price = 0.012822
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182782 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
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- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.012823
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182785 , price = 12823
- local new order
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- id = 1711096182784 , price = 0.011121
- id = 1711096182783 , price = 0.012822
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182782 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
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- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.011120
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182786 , price = 11120
- local new order
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- id = 1711096182785 , price = 0.012823
- id = 1711096182784 , price = 0.011121
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- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182782 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
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- Account order event
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- Complete
- 1711096202700 Orders posted.
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- Account order event
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- 1711096208700 Previous mid price: 0.013084
- 1711096208700 Posting...
- 1711096208700 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.012806, spread ticks: 1280
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 12821 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.013446 367.600000
- grid 0.012166 612.250000
- grid 0.013447 490.140000
- grid 0.012165 816.400000
- grid 0.013448 612.670000
- grid 0.012164 1020.580000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182786 0.011120
- 1711096182785 0.012823
- 1711096182784 0.011121
- 1711096182783 0.012822
- 1711096182781 0.012821
- id = 1711096182781
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182781
- In grid!scaled price = 11122 scaled_ qty = 66972
- grid 0.013446 367.600000
- grid 0.012166 612.250000
- grid 0.013447 490.140000
- grid 0.012165 816.400000
- grid 0.013448 612.670000
- grid 0.012164 1020.580000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182786 0.011120
- 1711096182785 0.012823
- 1711096182784 0.011121
- 1711096182783 0.012822
- 1711096182781 0.012821
- 1711096182775 0.013447
- 1711096182782 0.011122
- id = 1711096182782
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182782
- In grid!scaled price = 12822 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.013446 367.600000
- grid 0.012166 612.250000
- grid 0.013447 490.140000
- grid 0.012165 816.400000
- grid 0.013448 612.670000
- grid 0.012164 1020.580000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182786 0.011120
- 1711096182785 0.012823
- 1711096182784 0.011121
- 1711096182783 0.012822
- id = 1711096182783
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- Account order event
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- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 11121 scaled_ qty = 89304
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- grid 0.012166 612.250000
- grid 0.013447 490.140000
- grid 0.012165 816.400000
- grid 0.013448 612.670000
- grid 0.012164 1020.580000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182786 0.011120
- 1711096182785 0.012823
- 1711096182784 0.011121
- id = 1711096182784
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182784
- Account order event
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- grid 0.012166 612.250000
- grid 0.013447 490.140000
- grid 0.012165 816.400000
- grid 0.013448 612.670000
- grid 0.012164 1020.580000
- Was not found
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- 1711096182786 0.011120
- 1711096182785 0.012823
- id = 1711096182785
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- Account order event
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- grid 0.013447 490.140000
- grid 0.012165 816.400000
- grid 0.013448 612.670000
- grid 0.012164 1020.580000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711096182786 0.011120
- id = 1711096182786
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711096182786
- Account order event
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- After grid!
- 0.013446
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182787 , price = 13446
- local new order
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- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- [Error] new_order: OK(http error: 400), with request: {"timestamp":"1711096209797","recvWindow":"5000","price":"0.013446","newClientOrderId":"1711096182787","quantity":"367.600000","type":"LIMIT_MAKER","side":"SELL","symbol":"LOTTUSDT"}
- Complete
- 0.012166
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182788 , price = 12166
- local new order
- id = 1711096182787 , price = 0.013446
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182788 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.013447
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182789 , price = 13447
- local new order
- id = 1711096182787 , price = 0.013446
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182788 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182789 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182788 , price = 12166
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.012165
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182790 , price = 12165
- local new order
- id = 1711096182790 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182787 , price = 0.013446
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182788 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182789 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182789 , price = 13447
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "6.590910","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711096182789,"create_time": 1711096209960,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013447","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x55bcfccf3c88","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711096209971}
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711096182790 , price = 12165
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.013448
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182791 , price = 13448
- local new order
- id = 1711096182791 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182790 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182787 , price = 0.013446
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182788 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182789 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.012164
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711096182792 , price = 12164
- local new order
- id = 1711096182792 , price = 0.012164
- id = 1711096182791 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711096182790 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711096182787 , price = 0.013446
- id = 1711096182781 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711096182788 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711096182775 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182769 , price = 0.012807
- id = 1711096182789 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711096182763 , price = 0.013446
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