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- /*
- Created by Fabrizio Di Vittorio ( -
- Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Fabrizio Di Vittorio.
- All rights reserved.
- This file is part of FabGL Library.
- FabGL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- FabGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with FabGL. If not, see <>.
- */
- /*
- * Optional SD Card connections:
- * MISO => GPIO 16
- * MOSI => GPIO 17
- * CLK => GPIO 14
- * CS => GPIO 13
- *
- * To change above assignment fill other paramaters of FileBrowser::mountSDCard().
- */
- #include <Preferences.h>
- #include "fabgl.h"
- #include "fabutils.h"
- #include "src/machine.h"
- // Flash and SDCard configuration
- #define FORMAT_ON_FAIL true
- #define SPIFFS_MOUNT_PATH "/flash"
- // Display controller (textual or bitmapped)
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 8'' disk images (338K)
- // CP/M 2.2
- #include "disks/CPM22/cpm22_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/games_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/turbopascal3_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/wordstar3_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/wordstar4_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/multiplan_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/dbaseii_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/BDSC_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM22/langs_dsk.h"
- // CP/M 1.4
- #include "disks/CPM14/cpm141_dsk.h"
- // CP/M 3
- #include "disks/CPM3/cpm3_disk1_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM3/cpm3_disk2_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/CPM3/cpm3_build_dsk.h"
- // Altair DOS
- // MEMORY SIZE? [insert "64"]
- // INTERRUPTS? [press ENTER]
- // HIGHEST DISK NUMBER? [insert "1"]
- // HOW MANY DISK FILES? [insert "4"]
- // HOW MANY RANDOM FILES? [insert "4"]
- #include "disks/AltairDOS/DOS_1_dsk.h"
- #include "disks/AltairDOS/DOS_2_dsk.h"
- // Basic
- // MEMORY SIZE? [press ENTER]
- // LINEPRINTER? [insert "C"]
- // HOW MANY FILES? [press ENTER]
- #include "disks/basic/basic5_dsk.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Mini disk images (76K)
- // CP/M 2.2
- #include "minidisks/CPM22/cpm22_disk1_minidsk.h"
- #include "minidisks/CPM22/cpm22_disk2_minidsk.h"
- // Basic (need i8080 CPU)
- // MEMORY SIZE? [press ENTER]
- // LINEPRINTER? [insert "C"]
- // HIGHEST DISK NUMBER? [insert "0"]
- // HOW MANY FILES? [insert "3"]
- // HOW MANY RANDOM FILES? [insert "2"]
- #include "minidisks/basic/basic300_5F_minidisk.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Disks configuration
- // Enable this when using 8'' disk images ("disks" folder)
- #define DISKFORMAT Disk_338K
- // Enable this when using minidisk images ("minidisk" folder)
- //#define DISKFORMAT MiniDisk_76K
- // Specify which disk image or file name assign to drives
- #define DRIVE_A cpm22_dsk // A: read only
- #define DRIVE_B games_dsk // B: read only
- #define DRIVE_C "diskC.dsk" // C: read/write
- #define DRIVE_D "diskD.dsk" // D: read/write
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // consts
- constexpr int DefaultCPU = 1; // 0 = i8080, 1 = Z80
- constexpr int DefaultTermIndex = 2; // Default: "ADM-31"
- constexpr int MaxTermIndex = 7; // Max: "Legacy ANSI"
- constexpr int DefaultKbdLayIndex = 2; // Default: "UK"
- const char * ColorsStr[] = { "Green/Black", "Yellow/Black", "White/Black", "Black/White", "Yellow/Blue", "Black/Yellow" };
- const Color TextColors[] = { Color::BrightGreen, Color::BrightYellow, Color::BrightWhite, Color::Black, Color::BrightYellow, Color::Black };
- const Color BackColors[] = { Color::Black, Color::Black, Color::Black, Color::BrightWhite, Color::Blue, Color::BrightYellow };
- constexpr int DefaultColorsIndex = 0; // Default: Green/Black
- constexpr int MaxColorsIndex = 5;
- // globals
- //fabgl::VGATextController DisplayController;
- fabgl::ILI9341Controller DisplayController;
- #else
- fabgl::VGAVGAController DisplayController;
- #endif
- fabgl::PS2Controller PS2Controller;
- fabgl::Terminal Terminal;
- #define TFT_SCK 18
- #define TFT_MOSI 23
- #define TFT_CS 5
- #define TFT_DC 22
- #define TFT_RESET 21
- Machine altair;
- Mits88Disk diskDrive(&altair, DISKFORMAT);
- SIO SIO0(&altair, 0x00);
- SIO SIO1(&altair, 0x10);
- SIO SIO2(&altair, 0x12);
- Preferences preferences;
- // base path (can be SPIFFS_MOUNT_PATH or SDCARD_MOUNT_PATH depending from what was successfully mounted first)
- char const * basepath = nullptr;
- void setTerminalColors()
- {
- int colorsIndex = preferences.getInt("colors", DefaultColorsIndex);
- Terminal.setForegroundColor(TextColors[colorsIndex]);
- Terminal.setBackgroundColor(BackColors[colorsIndex]);
- }
- // shown pressing PAUSE
- void emulator_menu()
- {
- bool resetRequired = false;
- for (bool loop = true; loop; ) {
- diskDrive.flush();
- Terminal.write("\r\n\n\e[97m\e[40m ** Emulator Menu **\e[K\r\n\e[K\n");
- Terminal.write( "\e[93m Z \e[37m Reset\e[K\n\r");
- Terminal.write( "\e[93m S \e[37m Send Disk to Serial\e[K\n\r");
- Terminal.write( "\e[93m R \e[37m Get Disk from Serial\e[K\n\r");
- Terminal.write( "\e[93m F \e[37m Format FileSystem\e[K\n\r");
- Terminal.printf("\e[93m U \e[37m CPU: \e[33m%s\e[K\n\r", preferences.getInt("CPU", DefaultCPU) == 1 ? "Z80" : "i8080");
- Terminal.printf("\e[93m P \e[37m Real CPU Speed: \e[33m%s\e[K\n\r", preferences.getBool("realSpeed", false) ? "YES" : "NO");
- Terminal.write("\e[6A"); // cursor UP
- Terminal.printf("\t\t\t\t\t\e[93m T \e[37m Terminal: \e[33m%s\e[K\n\r", SupportedTerminals::names()[preferences.getInt("termEmu", DefaultTermIndex)] );
- Terminal.printf("\t\t\t\t\t\e[93m K \e[37m Keyboard Layout: \e[33m%s\e[K\n\r", SupportedLayouts::names()[preferences.getInt("kbdLay", DefaultKbdLayIndex)] );
- Terminal.printf("\t\t\t\t\t\e[93m G \e[37m CRT Mode: \e[33m%s\e[K\n\r", preferences.getBool("emuCRT", false) ? "YES" : "NO");
- #endif
- Terminal.printf("\t\t\t\t\t\e[93m C \e[37m Colors: \e[33m%s\e[K\n\r", ColorsStr[preferences.getInt("colors", DefaultColorsIndex)] );
- Terminal.write( "\t\t\t\t\t\e[93m O \e[37m Reset Configuration\e[K\n\r");
- Terminal.write("\n\n\e[97mPlease select an option (ENTER to exit): \e[K\e[92m");
- int ch = toupper(;
- Terminal.write(ch);
- Terminal.write("\n\r");
- switch (ch) {
- // 1. Send a disk image to Serial Port
- // 2. Receive a disk image from Serial Port
- case 'S':
- case 'R':
- {
- Terminal.write("Select a drive (A, B, C, D...): ");
- char drive = toupper(;
- if (ch == 'S') {
- Terminal.printf("\n\rSending drive %c...\n\r", drive);
- diskDrive.sendDiskImageToStream(drive - 'A', &Serial);
- } else if (ch == 'R') {
- Terminal.printf("\n\rReceiving drive %c...\n\r", drive);
- diskDrive.receiveDiskImageFromStream(drive - 'A', &Serial);
- }
- break;
- }
- // Format FileSystem
- case 'F':
- Terminal.write("Formatting filesystem removes RW disks and resets the Altair. Are you sure? (Y/N)");
- if (toupper( == 'Y') {
- Terminal.write("\n\rFormatting...");
- Terminal.flush();
- FileBrowser::format(FileBrowser::getDriveType(basepath), 0);
- resetRequired = true;
- }
- break;
- // Reset
- case 'Z':
- Terminal.write("Resetting the Altair. Are you sure? (Y/N)");
- if (toupper( == 'Y')
- ESP.restart();
- break;
- // Real CPU speed
- case 'P':
- preferences.putBool("realSpeed", !preferences.getBool("realSpeed", false));
- altair.setRealSpeed(preferences.getBool("realSpeed", false));
- break;
- // Emulate CRT
- case 'G':
- preferences.putBool("emuCRT", !preferences.getBool("emuCRT", false));
- resetRequired = true;
- break;
- // CPU
- case 'U':
- preferences.putInt("CPU", preferences.getInt("CPU", DefaultCPU) ^ 1);
- resetRequired = true;
- break;
- // Terminal emulation
- case 'T':
- {
- int termIndex = preferences.getInt("termEmu", DefaultTermIndex) + 1;
- if (termIndex > MaxTermIndex)
- termIndex = 0;
- preferences.putInt("termEmu", termIndex);
- Terminal.setTerminalType((TermType)termIndex);
- break;
- }
- // Keyboard layout
- case 'K':
- {
- int kbdLayIndex = preferences.getInt("kbdLay", DefaultKbdLayIndex) + 1;
- if (kbdLayIndex >= SupportedLayouts::count())
- kbdLayIndex = 0;
- preferences.putInt("kbdLay", kbdLayIndex);
- PS2Controller.keyboard()->setLayout(SupportedLayouts::layouts()[kbdLayIndex]);
- break;
- }
- // Colors
- case 'C':
- {
- int colorsIndex = preferences.getInt("colors", DefaultColorsIndex) + 1;
- if (colorsIndex > MaxColorsIndex)
- colorsIndex = 0;
- preferences.putInt("colors", colorsIndex);
- break;
- }
- // Reset configuration
- case 'O':
- preferences.clear();
- resetRequired = true;
- break;
- default:
- loop = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (resetRequired) {
- Terminal.write("Reset required. Reset now? (Y/N)");
- if (toupper( == 'Y') {
- diskDrive.detachAll();
- ESP.restart();
- }
- }
- Terminal.localWrite("\n");
- setTerminalColors();
- }
- void setup()
- {
- preferences.begin("altair8800", false);
- Serial.begin(115200);
- // setup Keyboard (default configuration)
- PS2Controller.begin(PS2Preset::KeyboardPort0);
- // setup VGA (default configuration with 64 colors)
- // DisplayController.begin();
- // if (preferences.getBool("emuCRT", false))
- // DisplayController.setResolution(VGA_640x200_70HzRetro);
- // else
- // DisplayController.setResolution(VGA_640x200_70Hz);
- DisplayController.begin(TFT_SCK, TFT_MOSI, TFT_DC, TFT_RESET, TFT_CS, TFT_SPIBUS);
- DisplayController.setResolution(TFT_240x320);
- DisplayController.setOrientation(fabgl::TFTOrientation::Rotate90);
- // uncomment to adjust screen alignment and size
- //DisplayController.shrinkScreen(5, 0);
- //DisplayController.moveScreen(-1, 0);
- Terminal.begin(&DisplayController);
- Terminal.connectLocally(); // to use, available(), etc..
- Terminal.setBackgroundColor(Color::Black);
- Terminal.setForegroundColor(Color::BrightGreen);
- Terminal.loadFont(&fabgl::FONT_6x10);
- Terminal.clear();
- Terminal.enableCursor(true);
- }
- void loop()
- {
- Terminal.write("Initializing filesystem...\r");
- Terminal.flush();
- if (FileBrowser::mountSDCard(FORMAT_ON_FAIL, SDCARD_MOUNT_PATH))
- basepath = SDCARD_MOUNT_PATH;
- else if (FileBrowser::mountSPIFFS(FORMAT_ON_FAIL, SPIFFS_MOUNT_PATH))
- basepath = SPIFFS_MOUNT_PATH;
- // setup disk drives
- diskDrive.attachReadOnlyBuffer(0, DRIVE_A);
- diskDrive.attachReadOnlyBuffer(1, DRIVE_B);
- Terminal.write("Creating Disk C... \r");
- Terminal.flush();
- diskDrive.attachFile(2, (String(basepath) + String("/") + String(DRIVE_C)).c_str());
- Terminal.write("Creating Disk D... \r");
- Terminal.flush();
- diskDrive.attachFile(3, (String(basepath) + String("/") + String(DRIVE_D)).c_str());
- // setup SIOs (Serial I/O)
- // TTY
- SIO0.attachStream(&Terminal);
- // CRT/Keyboard
- SIO1.attachStream(&Terminal);
- // Serial
- SIO2.attachStream(&Serial);
- // RAM
- altair.attachRAM(65536);
- // boot ROM
- altair.load(Altair88DiskBootROMAddr, Altair88DiskBootROM, sizeof(Altair88DiskBootROM));
- // menu callback (pressing PAUSE)
- altair.setMenuCallback(emulator_menu);
- setTerminalColors();
- Terminal.clear();
- // scrolling region (24 rows)
- Terminal.write("\e[1;24r");
- Terminal.write("\e[97m\e[44m");
- Terminal.write(" /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\e[K\r\n");
- Terminal.write(" A L T A I R 8 8 0 0 \e[K\r\n");
- Terminal.write(" \e[37mby Fabrizio Di Vittorio -\e[97m\e[K\r\n");
- Terminal.write(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */\e[K\r\n\e[K\n");
- Terminal.printf("\e[33mFree Memory :\e[32m %d bytes\e[K\r\n", heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_32BIT));
- int64_t total, used;
- FileBrowser::getFSInfo(FileBrowser::getDriveType(basepath), 0, &total, &used);
- Terminal.printf("\e[33mFile System :\e[32m %lld KiB used, %lld KiB free\e[K\r\n", used / 1024, (total - used) / 1024);
- Terminal.printf("\e[33mKbd Layout : \e[32m%s\e[K\r\n", SupportedLayouts::names()[preferences.getInt("kbdLay", DefaultKbdLayIndex)] );
- Terminal.printf("\e[33mCPU : \e[32m%s\e[92m\e[K\r\n\e[K\n", preferences.getInt("CPU", DefaultCPU) == 1 ? "Z80" : "i8080");
- Terminal.printf("Press \e[93mPAUSE\e[92m to display emulator menu\e[K\r\n");
- setTerminalColors();
- // setup keyboard layout
- int kbdLayIndex = preferences.getInt("kbdLay", DefaultKbdLayIndex);
- PS2Controller.keyboard()->setLayout(SupportedLayouts::layouts()[kbdLayIndex]);
- // setup terminal emulation
- int termIndex = preferences.getInt("termEmu", DefaultTermIndex);
- Terminal.setTerminalType((TermType)termIndex);
- // CPU speed
- altair.setRealSpeed(preferences.getBool("realSpeed", false));
- CPU cpu = (preferences.getInt("CPU", DefaultCPU) == 1 ? CPU::Z80 : CPU::i8080);
-, Altair88DiskBootROMRun);
- }
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