

Nov 6th, 2018
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  1. Hi, My name is Zachary Zacharias, and I am the zookeeper at the zoo here in Goron City, and I'm here today participating in the fundraiser. Our zoo is greatly in need of some additional resources to help house and feed the animals, and continue to provide a wonderful opportunity for the children in the city of Goron. To help me here today, I've brought one of our animals with me. This is Tommy Turtle, from the zoo. Tommy is one of the outstanding attractions that many children come to see here. Obviously, they feed Tommy, you can see how large he is. He is far beyond the size of an ordinary turtle. In spite of the fact that he seems well fed, most of our animals are not, and we do need addition help buying food and helping to shelter the animals. So I'd ask you, please, if you're here in Goron City, just stop by the zoo, say hello to Tommy and some of our other fine animals, and we'd appreciate very much a donation to help us keep the zoo going. Thank you!
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