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- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- -- Core
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- local Find = function(Table) for i,v in pairs(Table or {}) do if typeof(v) == 'table' then return v end; end; end
- local Options = Find(({...})) or {
- Keybind = 'Home',
- Language = {
- UI = 'pt-br',
- Words = 'pt-br'
- },
- Experiments = { },
- Tempo = 2.5,
- Rainbow = false,
- }
- local Version = '1.5'
- local Parent = gethui() or game:GetService('CoreGui');
- local require = function(Name)
- return loadstring(game:HttpGet((''):format(Name)))()
- end
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- -- Services
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local Players = game:GetService('Players')
- local LP = Players.LocalPlayer
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- -- Modules
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- local UI = require("UI")
- local Notification = require("Notification")
- local Extenso = require("Modules/Extenso")
- local Character = require("Modules/Character")
- local RemoteChat = require("Modules/RemoteChat")
- local Request = require("Modules/Request")
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- -- Constants
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- local Char =
- local UIElements = UI.UIElements;
- local Threading;
- local FinishedThread = false;
- local Toggled = false;
- local Settings = {
- Keybind = Options.Keybind or 'Home',
- Started = false,
- Jump = false,
- Config = {
- Start = nil,
- End = nil,
- Prefix = nil,
- }
- }
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- -- Functions
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- local function ListenChange(Obj)
- if Obj:GetAttribute('OnlyNumber') then
- Obj:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Text'):Connect(function()
- Obj.Text = Obj.Text:gsub("[^%d]", "")
- end)
- end
- Obj.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- local CurrentText = Obj.Text
- if not CurrentText or string.match(CurrentText, "^%s*$") then return end
- Settings.Config[Obj.Parent.Name] = Obj.Text
- end)
- end
- local function EndThread(success)
- if Threading then
- if not FinishedThread then task.cancel(Threading) end
- Threading = nil
- FinishedThread = false
- Settings["Started"] = false
- if Notification then
- Notification:Notify(success and 6 or 12, nil, nil, nil)
- end
- end
- end
- local function DoJJ(n, prefix, jump)
- local success, extenso = Extenso:Convert(n)
- local prefix = prefix and prefix or ''
- if success then
- --> Em minha opiniao, esse codigo ta horrivel - Zv_yz
- if jump then Char:Jump() end
- if table.find(Options.Experiments, 'hell_jacks_2024_02-dev') then
- for i = 1, #extenso do
- if jump then Char:Jump() end
- RemoteChat:Send(('%s'):format(extenso:sub(i, i)))
- -- Tempo aleatório entre 1.5 e 2.7 segundos
- task.wait(math.random(1500, 2700) / 1000)
- end
- if jump then Char:Jump() end -- lol why 2
- RemoteChat:Send(('%s'):format(extenso .. prefix))
- elseif table.find(Options.Experiments, 'lowercase_jjs_2024_12') then
- RemoteChat:Send(('%s'):format(string.lower(extenso) .. prefix))
- else
- RemoteChat:Send(('%s'):format(extenso .. prefix))
- end
- end
- end
- local function StartThread()
- local Config = Settings.Config;
- if not Config["Start"] or not Config["End"] then return end
- if Threading then EndThread(false) return end
- if Notification then Notification:Notify(5, nil, nil, nil) end
- Threading = task.spawn(function()
- for i = Config.Start, Config.End do
- --> bro wth, this code looks so bad :sob: - Zv_yz
- if table.find(Options.Experiments, 'hell_jacks_2024_02-dev') then
- DoJJ(i, Config["Prefix"], Settings["Jump"])
- else
- task.spawn(DoJJ, i, Config["Prefix"], Settings["Jump"])
- end
- if i ~= tonumber(Config.End) then task.wait(math.random(1500, 2700) / 1000) end; -- Tempo aleatório aqui também
- end
- FinishedThread = true
- EndThread(true)
- end)
- end
- local function GetLanguage(Lang)
- local Success, Result = pcall(function()
- return require(('I18N/%s'):format(Lang))
- end)
- if Success then
- return Result
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function MigrateSettings()
- local Lang = Options['Language'];
- local Experiments = Options['Experiments'];
- if not Experiments then
- Options['Experiments'] = {};
- end
- if typeof(Lang) == 'string' then
- Options['Language'] = { UI = Lang, Words = Lang };
- end
- end
- MigrateSettings()
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- -- Main
- -- ══════════════════════════════════════
- UI:SetVersion(Version)
- UI:SetLanguage(Options.Language.UI)
- UI:SetRainbow(Options.Rainbow)
- UI:SetParent(Parent)
- Extenso:SetLang(GetLanguage(Options.Language.Words))
- if Notification then
- Notification:SetParent(UI.getUI())
- Notification:SetLang(GetLanguage(Options.Language.UI))
- end
- for i,v in pairs(UIElements["Box"]) do
- ListenChange(v)
- end
- UIElements["Circle"].MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if Toggled then
- Settings["Jump"] = false
- Toggled = false
- TweenService:Create(UIElements["Circle"],, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Position =, 0, 0.5, 0) }):Play()
- TweenService:Create(UIElements["Slide"],, { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(20, 20, 20) }):Play()
- else
- Settings["Jump"] = true
- Toggled = true
- TweenService:Create(UIElements["Circle"],, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Position =, 0, 0.5, 0) }):Play()
- TweenService:Create(UIElements["Slide"],, { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(37, 150, 255) }):Play()
- end
- end)
- UIElements["Play"].MouseButton1Up:Connect(function()
- if not Settings.Config["Start"] or not Settings.Config["End"] then return end
- if not Settings["Started"] then
- Settings["Started"] = true
- StartThread()
- else
- Settings["Started"] = false
- EndThread(false)
- end
- end)
- if Notification then
- Notification:SetupJJs(Options.Experiments)
- end
- Request:Post('')
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