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- Public Function Replace_IIF_with_CASE(ByVal strInput As String) As String
- ' Parse the passed string and find the first "IIF(" and parse it into
- ' a standard T-SQL CASE WHEN statement. If a nested IIF is found,
- ' recurse and call this function again.
- '
- ' Ben Sacherich - May 2016 - Feb 2017
- '
- ' This supports:
- ' IIF() embedded anywhere in the input string.
- ' Nested IIF() statements.
- ' The input string containing multiple IIF() statements on the same level.
- ' Strings between open and close IIF parenthesis that contains literal commas or commas for other functions.
- ' Example: IIF(a=1, nz(b,0) , Left('xy,z',2))
- '
- ' Be aware:
- ' This does not optimize the CASE statement in places where a nested IIF could
- ' be written as a single CASE statement.
- ' It will fail if text inside IIF() contains the pipe character |. If you
- ' need to process statements with this character, modify this routine
- ' to use another temporary character for |.
- '
- ' Try these in the Immediate window:
- ' ? Replace_IIF_with_CASE("IIF(a=1, nz(b,0) , Left('xy,z',2))")
- ' ? Replace_IIF_with_CASE("IIf(x='one',IIf(Abs(Z)=1,2,3),'three')")
- ' ? Replace_IIF_with_CASE("IIF(a=1,'1st)', '2nd)')")
- ' ? Replace_IIF_with_CASE("SELECT Name, IIF(Gender='M', 'Boy', 'Girl') FROM Students")
- '
- ' BS 2/24/2017: After never getting the RegEx to work and getting advice that it
- ' was too complex, I developed a new method that does not use RegEx.
- '
- ' How this works:
- ' Find "IIF(" in the passed string. Return original string if not found.
- ' Search for the matching closing parenthesis.
- ' When the match is found, recurse and make sure an "IIF(" is not nested.
- ' After recursing, replace the IIF with a CASE statement.
- ' xxxxx Use a regular expression to find the commas inside the IIF that
- ' xxxxx are not contained within single quotes or parenthesis.
- ' - Once I find the inner part of an IIF this will use the Split function
- ' to delimit by commas "," into an array.
- ' - Then it looks at each array element. If it contains an odd number of
- ' single or double quote characters or different number of opening and
- ' closing parenthesis, it combines the array element part with the next
- ' part and tests again.
- ' - When there are matched single/double quotes and equivalent number of
- ' parenthesis it holds that part and appends the "|" character. This
- ' means that it has identified one of the 3 parameters that is passed
- ' to the IIF function.
- ' - Then it splits the string by the "|" character into three pieces
- ' and builds the CASE statement.
- ' Continue searching the passed string for another occurrence of "IIF(" (not nested).
- '
- ' Old issues that should now be resolved:
- ' String containing open or close parenthesis inside of quotes (as a literal).
- ' This is a problem if they are unpaired inside the IIF function.
- ' Example: IIF(a=1,'1st)', '2nd)')
- ' I had this working until I started using RegEx to exclude commas
- ' within function calls like "Left('abc',2)".
- ' An error will be returned in the string if this condition is found.
- '
- '
- '
- Dim lngFuncStart As Long
- Dim lngPosition As Long
- Dim intStack As Integer
- Dim strFunction As String
- Dim strChar As String
- Dim strQuoteChar As String
- Dim bolInQuotes As Boolean
- Dim strSplit() As String
- Dim ReturnValue As String
- Dim bolHint As Boolean
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- strFunction = "IIF("
- strQuoteChar = "'" ' Define the style of quotes to look for and exclude.
- bolInQuotes = False ' We are currently not inside quotes.
- lngFuncStart = InStr(1, strInput, strFunction, vbTextCompare)
- If lngFuncStart > 0 Then
- lngFuncStart = lngFuncStart + Len(strFunction)
- intStack = 1
- lngPosition = lngFuncStart
- Do While lngPosition <= Len(strInput)
- ' Use a WHILE loop instead of a FOR loop because the current and end positions will change inside the loop.
- strChar = Mid(strInput, lngPosition, 1)
- If strChar = strQuoteChar Then
- bolInQuotes = Not bolInQuotes
- ' Move on to the next character
- ElseIf bolInQuotes = False Then
- ' We are currently not inside quotes.
- Select Case strChar
- Case ")"
- ' Closing a group
- intStack = intStack - 1
- Case "("
- ' Starting new group
- intStack = intStack + 1
- End Select
- If intStack = 0 Then ' Found closing parenthesis.
- ' See if there is a nested match. ### Recursive ###
- ReturnValue = Replace_IIF_with_CASE(Mid(strInput, lngFuncStart, lngPosition - lngFuncStart))
- ' Begin parsing commas.
- strSplit() = Split(ReturnValue, ",")
- Dim strPart As String
- Dim strRebuilt As String
- Dim i As Integer
- strRebuilt = ""
- If UBound(strSplit()) > 2 Then ' There are more than 2 commas. Piece together the parts.
- strPart = strSplit(0)
- For i = 1 To UBound(strSplit)
- ' Debug.Print i, strPart, strRebuilt
- If UBound(Split(strPart, "'")) Mod 2 = 0 _
- And UBound(Split(strPart, """")) Mod 2 = 0 _
- And UBound(Split(strPart, "(")) = UBound(Split(strPart, ")")) Then
- ' Number of single quotes is Even or Zero (matched)
- ' Number of double quotes is Even or Zero (matched)
- ' Number of parenthesis is matched
- ' Add the "|" symbol where the IIF should have commas.
- strRebuilt = strRebuilt & "|" & strPart
- strPart = strSplit(i)
- Else
- strPart = strPart & "," & strSplit(i)
- End If
- Next
- ReturnValue = Mid(strRebuilt & "|" & strPart, 2)
- strSplit() = Split(ReturnValue, "|")
- End If
- If UBound(strSplit) = 2 Then
- ' IIF has 3 parameters and is the normal case.
- ' Check to see if this could be a good candiadate for the COALESCE() or ISNULL()
- ' functions instead of CASE WHEN.
- '
- If InStr(1, Trim(strSplit(0)), " IS NOT NULL", vbTextCompare) > 1 _
- Or InStr(1, Trim(strSplit(0)), " IS NULL", vbTextCompare) > 1 Then
- bolHint = True
- End If
- '--- Replace the IIF statement with CASE WHEN ---
- ' CASE statement help:
- ReturnValue = "(CASE WHEN " & Trim(strSplit(0)) & " THEN " & Trim(strSplit(1)) & " ELSE " & Trim(strSplit(2)) & " END)"
- If Right(Mid(strInput, 1, lngFuncStart - Len(strFunction) - 1), 2) = vbCrLf Then
- ' Don't bother to add a CrLf
- ' Stop
- Else
- ' Add a CrLf before the CASE statement to make identification easier.
- ' Comment this out if you don't want it added.
- ReturnValue = vbCrLf & ReturnValue
- End If
- If bolHint Then
- ' Add the hint to the SQL. You may want to disable this in your implementation.
- ReturnValue = ReturnValue & vbCrLf & "/* This CASE may be better using ISNULL() or COALESCE() */ "
- End If
- strInput = Mid(strInput, 1, lngFuncStart - Len(strFunction) - 1) & ReturnValue & Mid(strInput, lngPosition + 1)
- 'Debug.Print ReturnValue
- Else
- ' Something is wrong. Return the original IIF statement.
- ' Known issues:
- ' Text inside IIF() contained pipe character |
- ' Text contained unmatched parenthesis, maybe inside of a literal string like '1st)'
- ' Three parameters were not passed to the IIF()
- ReturnValue = "IIF(" & ReturnValue & ") /*### Unable to parse IIF() ###*/ "
- strInput = Mid(strInput, 1, lngFuncStart - Len(strFunction) - 1) & ReturnValue & Mid(strInput, lngPosition + 1)
- End If
- '--- Check to see if there is another function call following the one just addressed. ---
- lngFuncStart = InStr(lngFuncStart + Len(ReturnValue) - Len(strFunction), strInput, strFunction, vbTextCompare)
- If lngFuncStart > 0 Then
- ' Another IIF function call is at the same level as the one just processed.
- lngFuncStart = lngFuncStart + Len(strFunction)
- intStack = 1
- lngPosition = lngFuncStart
- Else
- ReturnValue = strInput
- Exit Do
- End If
- End If
- End If
- lngPosition = lngPosition + 1
- Loop
- Else
- ' Function not found in passed string.
- ReturnValue = strInput
- End If
- Replace_IIF_with_CASE = ReturnValue
- ExitHere:
- Exit Function
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "Error #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "in procedure Replace_IIF_with_CASE()" _
- & vbCrLf & "Input: " & strInput, vbExclamation, "Error"
- Resume ExitHere
- End Function
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