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- --Power Cycle Program (v3)
- -- with Text Timer Countdown and Key Press Cancel Functions
- -- by SemlerPDX Oct2015
- --Usage:
- -- Computer will turn on power to item(s) for desired time, then off, to better control fuel consumption.
- -- Connect redstone wiring from computer to power generator, or fuel supply output i.e. multi-block tank valve,
- -- or any redstone powered device such as lights or appliances.
- -- MUST Change variable below for PoweredSide to match side of computer that wiring extends from.
- --Optional Light:
- -- If you would like an indicator light to go on and off with this program, set LightConnected variable to true below.
- -- Also, change variable below for LightSide to match side of computer where wiring extends to the light.
- -- (cannot be same as power output side)
- local LightConnected = false
- local LightSide = "top" --MUST change to desired output side if used (top,bottom,left,right,back)
- --------------------
- --Customizable Power Side:
- local PoweredSide = "bottom" --MUST change to desired output side (top,bottom,left,right,back)
- local args = {...}
- local RequestedHours = args[1] or 0
- local RequestedMinutes = math.ceil(RequestedHours*60)
- local RemainingSeconds = math.floor(RequestedHours*60*60)
- local FunctionEnabled = 0
- -- F-ACK --
- if #args ~= 1 then
- print("<error419: syntax>")
- print("<ex: Power 4.75 (starts 4 hour 45 minute cycle)>")
- return
- end
- if LightSide == PoweredSide then
- print("<error420: lines 16 and 20 - same side>")
- print("<PoweredSide = "..tostring(PoweredSide).." and LightSide = "..tostring(LightSide)..">")
- return
- end
- if RequestedMinutes >= 1441 then
- print("<error421: power cycle duration too long>")
- print("<set requested hours to 24 or less>")
- return
- end
- if RequestedMinutes <= 0.9999 then
- print("<error422: power cycle duration too short>")
- print("<set requested hours more than zero minutes>")
- return
- end
- -- FUNCS --
- local function fset()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- local function ftimer(RemainingSeconds)
- local H = math.floor(RemainingSeconds/3600)
- local M = math.floor((RemainingSeconds % 3600)/60)
- local S = RemainingSeconds % 60
- fset()
- print(tostring(RequestedHours).." Hour Power Cycle Active")
- if H >= 1 then
- if H <= 9 then
- if M <= 9 then
- if S <= 9 then
- print("Time Remaining: 0",H,":0",M,":0",S,"")
- else
- print("Time Remaining: 0",H,":0",M,":",S,"")
- end
- else
- if S <= 9 then
- print("Time Remaining: 0",H,":",M,":0",S,"")
- else
- print("Time Remaining: 0",H,":",M,":",S,"")
- end
- end
- else
- if M <= 9 then
- if S <= 9 then
- print("Time Remaining: ",H,":0",M,":0",S,"")
- else
- print("Time Remaining: ",H,":0",M,":",S,"")
- end
- else
- if S <= 9 then
- print("Time Remaining: ",H,":",M,":0",S,"")
- else
- print("Time Remaining: ",H,":",M,":",S,"")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if M <= 9 then
- if S <= 9 then
- print("Time Remaining: 00:0",M,":0",S,"")
- else
- print("Time Remaining: 00:0",M,":",S,"")
- end
- else
- if S <= 9 then
- print("Time Remaining: 00:",M,":0",S,"")
- else
- print("Time Remaining: 00:",M,":",S,"")
- end
- end
- end
- print("(press any key to terminate)")
- end
- -- POWER ON --
- redstone.setOutput(PoweredSide,true)
- if LightConnected then
- redstone.setOutput(LightSide,true)
- end
- ---- Main Loop ----
- while RemainingSeconds ~= 0 do
- local function fcancel()
- local event, key = os.pullEvent("key")
- end
- local function fmain()
- ftimer(RemainingSeconds)
- RemainingSeconds = RemainingSeconds - 1
- sleep(1)
- end
- FunctionEnabled = parallel.waitForAny(fcancel,fmain)
- if FunctionEnabled == 1 then
- textutils.slowPrint("Cancelling Power Cycle...", 15)
- sleep(1.65)
- break
- end
- end
- -- POWER OFF --
- redstone.setOutput(PoweredSide,false)
- if LightConnected then
- redstone.setOutput(LightSide,false)
- end
- -- Evaluate Ending --
- if FunctionEnabled == 1 then --(1 = functions cancelled, 2 = standard function looped)
- local ElapsedHours = math.floor((RequestedHours*60*60 - RemainingSeconds)/3600)
- if ElapsedHours >= 1 then
- print(tostring(RequestedHours).." hour Power Cycle cancelled after "..tostring(ElapsedHours).." hour(s)")
- print("")
- sleep(0.75)
- else
- local ElapsedMinutes = math.ceil((RequestedHours*60*60 - RemainingSeconds)/60)
- print(tostring(RequestedHours).." hour Power Cycle cancelled after "..tostring(ElapsedMinutes).." minute(s)")
- print("")
- sleep(0.75)
- end
- else
- textutils.slowPrint("Completing Power Cycle...", 13)
- sleep(2)
- fset()
- if RequestedMinutes >= 60 then
- print(tostring(RequestedHours).." hour Power Cycle completed")
- print("")
- sleep(0.75)
- else
- print(tostring(RequestedMinutes).." minute Power Cycle completed")
- print("")
- sleep(0.75)
- end
- end
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