

Apr 8th, 2021
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  1. -- Kingtin Scripts for XenoBot.
  2. -- 5ba4207d14149e2110ede7d9ae78003e
  3. -- Script Changelog:
  6. -- 888 d8P d8b 888 d8b .d8888b. d8b 888
  7. -- 888 d8P Y8P 888 Y8P d88P Y88b Y8P 888
  8. -- 888 d8P 888 Y88b. 888
  9. -- 888d88K 888 88888b. .d88b. 888888 888 88888b. "Y888b. .d8888b 888d888 888 88888b. 888888 .d8888b
  10. -- 8888888b 888 888 "88b d88P"88b 888 888 888 "88b "Y88b. d88P" 888P" 888 888 "88b 888 88K
  11. -- 888 Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 "888 888 888 888 888 888 888 "Y8888b.
  12. -- 888 Y88b 888 888 888 Y88b 888 Y88b. 888 888 888 Y88b d88P Y88b. 888 888 888 d88P Y88b. X88
  13. -- 888 Y88b 888 888 888 "Y88888 "Y888 888 888 888 "Y8888P" "Y8888P 888 888 88888P" "Y888 88888P'
  14. -- 888 888
  15. -- Y8b d88P 888
  16. -- "Y88P" 888
  18. -- [General Settings]
  19. -- [Knight Version]
  21. generalSetup = {
  22. ["UsePotions"] = false, -- If you want to buy and use POTIONS. yes = true | no = false
  23. ["UseHealth"] = false, -- If you want to buy and use HEALTH POTIONS. yes = true | no = false
  24. ["UseAmmunition"] = false, -- If you want to buy and use AMMUNITION. yes = true | no = false
  25. ["UseRune"] = false, -- If you want to buy and use RUNES. yes = true | no = false
  26. ["UseSecondaryRune"] = false, -- If you want to buy and use a SECOND RUNE. yes = true | no = false
  27. ["CheckCapacity"] = false -- If you want to check and leave under certain CAPACITY. yes = true | no = false
  28. }
  30. generalSupplies = {
  31. ["PotionsName"] = "Mana Potion", -- Name of the POTION you want to use. Example: "Mana Potion", "Great Mana Potion", etc...
  32. ["PotionsAmount"] = 400, -- Amount of POTIONS to head HUNTING.
  33. ["PotionRefill"] = 100, -- Amount of POTIONS to head REFILLING.
  35. ["HealthName"] = "Ultimate Health Potion", -- Name of the POTION you want to use. Example: "Supreme Health Potion", "Great Spirit Potion", etc...
  36. ["HealthAmount"] = 200, -- Amount of POTIONS to head HUNTING.
  37. ["HealthRefill"] = 100, -- Amount of POTIONS to head REFILLING.
  39. ["AmmunitionName"] = "Crystalline Arrow", -- Name of the AMMUNITION you want to use. Example: "Prismatic Bolt", "Envenomed Arrow", etc...
  40. ["AmmunitionAmount"] = 400, -- Amount of AMMUNITION to head HUNTING.
  41. ["AmmunitionRefill"] = 100, -- Amount of AMMUNITION to head REFILLING.
  43. ["RuneName"] = "Sudden Death Rune", -- Name of the RUNE you want to use. Example: "Avalanche Rune", "Great Fireball Rune", etc...
  44. ["RuneAmount"] = 250, -- Amount of RUNES to head HUNTING.
  45. ["RuneRefill"] = 100, -- Amount of RUNES to head REFILLING.
  47. ["SecondaryRuneName"] = "Avalanche Rune", -- Name of the RUNE you want to use. Example: "Stoneshower Rune", "Great Fireball Rune", etc...
  48. ["SecondaryRuneAmount"] = 300, -- Amount of RUNES to head HUNTING.
  49. ["SecondaryRuneRefill"] = 100, -- Amount of RUNES to head REFILLING.
  51. ["CapacityAmount"] = 400 -- Amount of CAPACITY to head REFILLING.
  52. }
  54. -- [Randomly City Selector]
  56. cityRefill = {
  57. ["Ankrahmun"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Ankrahmun to refill.
  58. ["LibertyBay"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Liberty Bay to refill.
  59. ["GrayIsland"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Gray Island to refill.
  60. ["Svargrond"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Ankrahmun to refill.
  61. ["PortHope"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Port Hope to refill.
  62. ["Yalahar"] = true -- ; Character will go to Yalahar to refill.
  63. }
  64. cityDeposit = {
  65. ["Ankrahmun"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Ankrahmun to deposit.
  66. ["LibertyBay"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Liberty Bay to deposit.
  67. ["Yalahar"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Yalahar to deposit.
  68. ["Edron"] = true, -- ; Character will go to Edron to deposit.
  69. ["Svargrond"] = true -- ; Character will go to Svargrond to deposit.
  70. }
  72. -- [Backpacks]
  73. -- Universal Backpack System ; It will open all the containers inside main backpack in the order below.
  74. -- #0 - Main Backpack ; Main Backpack
  75. -- #1 - Loot Backpack ; Backpack where loot goes to.
  76. -- #2 - Stackeables Backpack ; Backpack where stackeables and creature products goes to.
  77. -- #3 - Supplies Backpack ; Backpack where supplies are moved to.
  78. -- #4 - Extra Backpack ; Backpack where often multi-tool/rope/shovel/pick/rings and other utilities are on.
  82. -- [Withdrawal Settings]
  84. withdrawerSetup = {
  85. ["withdrawalItem"] = false, -- ; Do you want to withdraw certain item from depot? yes = true | no = false
  86. ["itemWithdrawn"] = "Dwarven Ring", -- ; Name of the item to be withdrawn from depot. Example: "Energy Ring", "Gill Necklace", etc...
  87. ["itemAmount"] = 5, -- ; Amount of items to be withdrawn.
  88. ["itemDepot"] = 10, -- ; Depot Slot where the item to be withdrawn it's located on.
  89. ["itemContainer"] = 4, -- ; Item container to be moved to. (Extra Backpack by Default)
  90. ["withdrawSecondItem"] = false, -- ; Do you want to withdraw a second certain item from depot? yes = true | no = false
  91. ["secondItem"] = "Garlic Necklace", -- ; Name of the second item to be withdrawn from depot. Example: "Prismatic Ring", "Gill Necklace", etc...
  92. ["secondItemAmount"] = 2, -- ; Amount of second item to be withdrawn.
  93. ["secondItemDepot"] = 10, -- ; Depot Slot where the second item to be withdrawn it's located on.
  94. ["secondItemContainer"] = 4, -- ; Item container to be moved to. (Extra Backpack by Default)
  95. }
  97. -- [Loot Seller]
  98. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. -- [ If fixed city on Thais it will sell loot in 4 NPCs - Below] --
  100. -- [ It will not sell loot in Alesar at Thais to avoid traps ] --
  101. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. lootSeller = {
  103. ["sellLoot"] = true, -- ; Will sell loot once hunt is done *Before going to deposit* yes = true | no = false
  104. ["rashidLocation"] = "fixed", -- ; Where's Rashid? (real/fixed) *Fixed means he's always in one of the seven cities!*
  105. ["rashidCity"] = "Thais" -- ; If you're using fixed option in rashid, set which city it is here. Examples: "Thais", "PortHope", "LibertyBay"
  106. }
  108. -- [Extras]
  110. extraSettings = {
  111. ["AntiDrunk"] = true, -- ; Character will equip a dwarven ring and un-equip once drunkness is over. yes = true | no = false
  112. ["staminaLogout"] = 14, -- ; Stamina hours that character will logout.
  113. ["LevelReached"] = 0, -- ; Character will logout once certain level has been reached.
  114. ["SkillTrain"] = "club", -- ; Skill to train when character goes to offline training statues in order to logout. (club | axe | sword | magic | distance)
  115. ["EnemyList"] = false, -- ; Do you want to detect when an enemy goes into your screen range? yes = true | no = false
  116. ["EnemyName"] = {"Player One", "Player Two", "Player Three"}, -- ; Player names that you want to get receive alert from.
  117. ["EnemyAlert"] = false, -- ; Do you want the bot to play an alarm when certain player enters your screen range? yes = true | no = false
  118. ["AutomaticCast"] = false, -- ; Do you want to automatically open cast upon loading the script? yes = true | no = false
  119. ["UsePassword"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use a specific password on your cast? yes = true | no = false
  120. ["CastPassword"] = "!cast password 123", -- ; Password to set on cast.
  121. ["CastCommand"] = "!cast on",-- ; Command to open cast. (It may change from different servers)
  122. ["ExitOnFrag"] = true, -- ; Do you want your character to exit after you take an injustified frag? yes = true | no = false
  123. ["HudColor"] = "light" -- ; HUD Avaible Colors: light - dark - orange - pink - green - blue - purple *Only working with MY HUD*
  124. }
  126. -- [Spawn Settings]
  128. spawnSettings = {
  129. ["SpawnShortcut"] = false, -- ; Character will go by the shortcut if you have the necessary quest. Example: Banuta - Lion Sanctum. yes = true | no = false
  130. ["LowerFloor"] = false, -- ; Character will hunt lower floor than current one. (Only if the script has such option *Check the script list at the bottom*) yes = true | no = false
  131. ["DeeperFloor"] = false, -- ; Character will hunt a deeper floor than the current one. Example: Current Floor = 7, Lower Floor = 8, Deeper = 9 yes = true | no = false
  132. ["LeftSide"] = false, -- ; Character will hunt the LEFT side of the spawn. (Only if the script has such option *Check the script list at the bottom*) yes = true | no = false
  133. ["RightSide"] = false, -- ; Character will hunt the RIGHT side of the spawn. (Only if the script has such option *Check the script list at the bottom*) yes = true | no = false
  134. }
  136. -- [Creature Settings]
  138. creatureSettings = {
  139. ["RingOnCreature"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use ring when certain amount of creatures on screen? yes = true | no = false
  140. ["NormalRing"] = "Crystal Ring", -- ; Name of the ring to equip when LOWER than the set creatures are on screen.
  141. ["CreatureRing"] = "Prismatic Ring", -- ; Name of the ring to equip when the SET creatures OR HIGHER are on screen.
  142. ["RingAmount"] = 1, -- ; Amount of creatures to equip the set up ring.
  143. ["AmuletOnCreature"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use a certain amulet when certain amount of creatures on screen? yes = true | no = false
  144. ["NormalAmulet"] = "Foxtail Amulet", -- ; Name of the ring to equip when LOWER than the set creatures are on screen.
  145. ["CreatureAmulet"] = "Gill Necklace", --; Name of the amulet to equip when the SET creatures OR higher are on screen.
  146. ["CreatureAmuletActive"] = 0, -- ; Write there the active amulet ID if it has one, leave it on 0 if it doesn't have an active ID.
  147. ["AmuletAmount"] = 1, -- ; Amount of creatures to equip the set up amulet.
  148. ["CreatureName"] = {"Rat", "Bug", "Rotworm"} -- Name of creatures to swap ring-amulet
  149. }
  151. -- [Sellable Items]
  153. itemList = {
  154. ["AlesarItems"] = ({"Serpent Sword", "Knight Axe", "Bonebreaker", "Dragon Hammer", "Dreaded Cleaver", "Giant Sword", "Haunted Blade", "Onyx Flail", "Ornamented Axe", "Skull Staff", "Titan Axe", "Knight Armor", "Warrior Helmet", "Knight Legs", "Tower Shield", "Vampire Shield"}),
  155. ["NahbobItems"] = ({"War Hammer", "Crown Shield", "Dragon Shield", "Guardian Shield", "Blue Robe", "Crown Armor", "Boots of Haste", "Dragon Lance", "Fire Sword", "Ice Rapier", "Glorious Axe", "Shadow Sceptre", "Butcher's Axe", "Angelic Axe", "Crown Helmet", "Crusader Helmet", "Royal Helmet", "Crown Legs"}),
  156. ["RashidItems"] = ({"Noble Axe", "Spellbook of Mind Control", "Sacred Tree Amulet", "Spiked Squelcher", "War Axe", "Platinum Amulet", "Silver Brooch", "Wand of Inferno", "Death Ring", "Gold Ingot", "Gold Ring", "Mastermind Shield","Emerald Bangle", "Ruby Necklace", "Buckle", "Shockwave Amulet", "Crystalline Armor", "Dragon Scale Mail", "Dwarven Armor", "Glacier Robe", "Golden Armor", "Hibiscus Dress", "Leopard Armor", "Lightning Robe", "Magma Coat", "Mammoth Fur Cape", "Paladin Armor", "Pirate Shirt", "Skullcracker Armor", "Swamplair Armor", "Terra Mantle", "Glacier Kilt", "Lightning Legs", "Magma Legs", "Mammoth Fur Shorts", "Pirate Knee Breeches", "Terra Legs", "Castle Shield", "Demon Shield", "Medusa Shield", "Norse Shield", "Scarab Shield", "Bonelord Helmet", "Glacier Mask", "Lightning Headband", "Magma Monocle", "Pirate Hat", "Skull Helmet", "Terra Hood", "Fur Boots", "Glacier Shoes", "Lightning Boots", "Magma Boots", "Patched Boots", "Pirate Boots", "Steel Boots", "Terra Boots", "Abyss Hammer", "Amber Staff", "Assassin Dagger", "Beastslayer Axe", "Berserker", "Chaos Mace", "Cranial Basher", "Demonrage Sword", "Dragon Slayer", "Dragonbone Staff", "Dreaded Cleaver", "Epee", "Guardian Halberd", "Hammer of Wrath", "Heavy Mace", "Heroic Axe", "Jade Hammer", "Mercenary Sword", "Nightmare Blade", "Relic Sword", "Ruthless Axe", "Vile Axe", "Demonbone Amulet", "Glacier Amulet", "Lightning Pendant", "Magma Amulet", "Terra Amulet", "Ring of the Sky"}),
  157. ["YamanItems"] = ({"Northwind Rod", "Terra Rod", "Underworld Rod", "Hailstorm Rod", "Springsprout Rod", "Terra Rod"}),
  158. ["JewelryShop"] = ({"Black Pearl", "Blue Crystal Shard", "Blue Crystal Splinter", "Brown Crystal Splinter", "Cyan Crystal Fragment", "Giant Shimmering Pearl", "Gold Ingot", "Green Crystal Fragment", "Green Crystal Splinter", "Hexagonal Ruby", "Onyx Chip", "Opal", "Prismatic Quartz", "Rainbow Quartz", "Small Amethyst", "Small Diamond", "Small Emerald", "Small Enchanted Amethyst", "Small Enchanted Emerald", "Small Enchanted Ruby", "Small Enchanted Sapphire", "Small Ruby", "Small Sapphire", "Small Topaz", "Tiger Eye", "Violet Crystal Shard", "White Pearl"}),
  159. ["EsrikItems"] = ({"Drakinata", "Draken Wristbands", "Zaoan Shoes", "Zaoan Armor", "Zaoan Legs", "Bone Shoulderplate", "Zaoan Robe"}),
  160. ["FlintItems"] = ({"glooth axe", "glooth blade", "rubber cap", "glooth club", "heat core", "glooth cape", "glooth amulet"}),
  161. ["HarounItems"] = ({"Wand of Defiance", "Wand of Inferno", "Wand of Starstorm", "Wand of Voodoo", "Wand of Cosmic Energy", "Wand of Draconia"})
  162. }
  164. -- [Task Maker]
  166. taskMaker = {
  167. ["DoTask"] = false, -- ; Do you want to report task when certain amount of creatures has been killed?
  168. ["GrizzlyTask"] = "Drakens", -- ; Task that you want to complete. (Drakens as default per example)
  169. ["CreatureAmount"] = 900, -- ; Amount of creatures to be killed in order to go report.
  170. ["CreatureName"] = "Draken Warmaster", -- ; Name of the creature you want to track. (Draken as default per example)
  171. ["CreatureName2"] = "Draken Spellweaver", -- ; Name of the creature you want to track. (Draken as default per example)
  172. ["CreatureName3"] = "Draken Elite", -- ; Name of the creature you want to track. (Draken as default per example)
  173. ["CreatureName4"] = "Draken Abomination" -- Name of the creature you want to track. (Draken as default per example)
  174. }
  176. -- [External Healing]
  179. externalHeal = {
  180. ["luaHealing"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use the lua for healing? (Faster healing than XenoBot)
  181. ["LowHealing"] = "Exura Ico", -- ; Low healing spell to use.
  182. ["LowHealing%"] = 95, -- ; Low healing percentage.
  183. ["MediumHealing"] = "Exura Ico", -- ; Medium healing spell to use.
  184. ["MediumHealing%"] = 85, -- ; Medium healing percentage.
  185. ["HighHealing"] = "Exura Gran Ico", -- ; Heavy spell to use.
  186. ["HighHealing%"] = 30, -- ; Heavy healing percentage.
  187. ["ManaPotion"] = 237, -- ; Mana Potion ID to use. *IT MUST BE ID, not name*
  188. ["ManaPotion%"] = 35, -- ; Mana potion percentage.
  189. ["HealthPotion"] = 23375, -- ; Health Potion ID to use. *IT MUST BE ID, not name*
  190. ["HealthPotion%"] = 85, -- ; Health potion percentage. (If you're mage, just put 0)
  191. ["rotwormStew"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use a rotworm stew when lower than certain health percentage? (It has to be on a visible backpack)
  192. ["rotwormStew%"] = 40, -- ; Health percentage to use rotworm stew on
  193. ["potBlackjack"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use a pot of blackjack when lower than certain health percentage? (It has to be on a visible backpack)
  194. ["potBlackjack%"] = 40, -- ; Health percentage to use pot of black jack
  195. ["blessedSteak"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use a blessed steak when lower than certain mana percentage? (It has to be on a visible backpack)
  196. ["blessedSteak%"] = 15 -- ; Mana percentage to use blessed steak on
  197. }
  199. -- [External Magic Shooter]
  201. whiteList = {"Character", "Name", "Characters"} -- Add here the players you want to ignore. (It will use area spells when such characters on screen!)
  203. safeDistance = 3 -- Distance from your character to use area spells.
  205. spells = {
  206. ["useMagicShooter"] = false, -- Do you want to use magic shooter?
  207. ["spell"] = "Exori Gran", -- This are non-safe spells to use.
  208. ["spell2"] = "Exori", -- This are non-safe spells to use.
  209. ["spell3"] = "Exori Ico", -- This are safe spells to use when player on screen.
  210. ["spell4"] = "Exori Hur", -- This are safe spells to use when player on screen.
  211. ["spell5"] = "Exori Gran Ico" -- This are safe spells to use when player on screen.
  212. }
  214. spellCount = {
  215. ["countSpell"] = 2, -- Amount of creatures to use spell (Exori Gran/Mas San/Mas Frigo/Mas Flam)
  216. ["countSpell2"] = 2, -- Amount of creatures to use spell (Exori/Mas San/Mas Frigo/Mas Flam)
  217. ["countSpell3"] = 1, -- Amount of creatures to use spell (Exori Ico/Gran Ico/Gran Frigo/Gran Flam/Gran Vis)
  218. ["countSpell4"] = 1, -- Amount of creatures to use spell (Exori Hur/Frigo/Flam/Vis/Tera)
  219. ["countSpell5"] = 1, -- Amount of creatures to use spell (Exori Gran Ico/Gran Ico/Gran Frigo/Gran Flam/Gran Vis)
  220. }
  222. spellDistance = {
  223. ["distanceSpell"] = 1, -- Distance from character to use spell (Exori Gran/Mas San/Mas Frigo/Mas Flam)
  224. ["distanceSpell2"] = 1, -- Distance from character to use spell (Exori/Mas San/Mas Frigo/Mas Flam)
  225. ["distannceSpell3"] = 1, -- Distance from character to use spell (Exori Ico/Gran Ico/Gran Frigo/Gran Flam/Gran Vis)
  226. ["distanceSpell4"] = 4, -- Distance from character to use spell (Exori Hur/Frigo/Flam/Vis/Tera)
  227. ["distanceSpell5"] = 1, -- Distance from character to use spell (Exori Gran Ico/Gran Ico/Gran Frigo/Gran Flam/Gran Vis)
  228. }
  230. spellSafe = {
  231. ["safeSpell"] = false, -- Use it when non-white listed players on screen. (Exori Gran/Mas San/Mas Frigo/Mas Flam)
  232. ["safeSpell2"] = false, -- Use it when non-white listed players on screen. (Exori/Mas San/Mas Frigo/Mas Flam)
  233. ["safeSpell3"] = true, -- Use it when non-white listed players on screen. (Exori Ico/Gran Ico/Gran Frigo/Gran Flam/Gran Vis)
  234. ["safeSpell4"] = true, -- Use it when non-white listed players on screen. (Exori Hur/Frigo/Flam/Vis/Tera)
  235. ["safeSpell5"] = true -- Use it when non-white listed players on screen. (Exori Gran Ico/Gran Ico/Gran Frigo/Gran Flam/Gran Vis)
  236. }
  238. spellAvoid = { -- Here you can add up to nine(9) safe coords that the bot will check, if you close to them, it will NOT use AREA spells.
  239. ["distanceCheck"] = 3, -- Range of distance from your coords to consider using AREA spells. (In sqms)
  240. ["areaX"] = 123, ["areaY"] = 456, ["areaZ"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  241. ["areaX2"] = 123, ["areaY2"] = 456, ["areaZ2"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  242. ["areaX3"] = 123, ["areaY3"] = 456, ["areaZ3"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  243. ["areaX4"] = 123, ["areaY4"] = 456, ["areaZ4"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  244. ["areaX5"] = 123, ["areaY5"] = 456, ["areaZ5"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  245. ["areaX6"] = 123, ["areaY6"] = 456, ["areaZ6"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  246. ["areaX7"] = 123, ["areaY7"] = 456, ["areaZ7"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  247. ["areaX8"] = 123, ["areaY8"] = 456, ["areaZ8"] = 7, -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  248. ["areaX9"] = 123, ["areaY9"] = 456, ["areaZ9"] = 7 -- You can use the command /pos to check your position, then just write the numbers in order.
  249. }
  251. -- [Creature Summon]
  253. creatureSummon = {
  254. ["summonCreature"] = false, -- ; Do you want to use your summon while hunting?
  255. ["summonSpell"] = "Utevo Gran Res Eq", -- ; Summon creature spell
  256. ["summonMana"] = 1000, -- Summon Mana Cost -- ; Summon creature mana spell cost
  257. ["summonCooldown"] = 1800, -- ; Summon creature cooldown (in seconds)
  258. ["summonExtraMana"] = 200 -- ; Safe extra mana to summon creature
  259. }
  261. -- [Self Clean]
  264. ["cleanPoision"] = false, -- ; Do you want to remove poision while lossing protection zone lock?
  265. ["cleanEnergy"] = false, -- ; Do you want to remove energy while lossing protection zone lock?
  266. ["cleanBurn"] = false, -- ; Do you want to remove fire while lossing protection zone lock?
  267. ["cleanCurse"] = false, -- ; Do you want to remove curse while lossing protection zone lock?
  268. ["cleanBleed"] = false -- ; Do you want to remove bleeding while lossing protection zone lock?
  269. }
  271. -- [Item Sorter]
  272. itemsSort = {"mana potion", "strong mana potion", "great mana potion", "ultimate mana potion", "great spirit potion", "ultimate spirit potion", "great health potion", "ultimate health potion", "supreme health potion", "crystalline arrow", "avalanche rune", "thunderstorm rune", "sudden death rune", "great fireball rune", "prismatic bolt", "garlic necklace"}
  274. -- [Avaible Commands]
  275. -- config -- Opens your configuration file.
  276. -- reload -- Reloads all your scripts modules.
  277. -- start -- Starts the bot (Targeting/Walker/Looter)
  278. -- stop -- Stops the bot (Targeting/Walker/Looter)
  279. -- bps -- Re-open your backpacks. (Closes all the containers and re-open)
  280. -- retry -- Retries to open your backpacks
  281. -- refill -- Sends your character to refill within next check (At spawn)
  282. -- logout -- Sends your character to offline training within next time it goes to deposit
  283. -- track -- Opens a channel that tracks all your private messages received
  284. -- loot -- Opens a channel that tracks your loot
  285. -- mson -- Turns ON magic shooter
  286. -- msoff -- Turns OFF magic shooter
  287. -- info -- Displays information
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