
weird boar hunt

Jan 28th, 2024
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  1. "The same man"; he says that the teeth of the dead boar killed Ancaeus. They say that Atalanta was the first to throw a javelin at it.
  2. "Storthynx" primarily refers to anything ending in a sharp point, but here it refers to the pig's tooth. "Dedoupos": if it means "killer", as I write, it should be interpreted as such: as "dedoupos" and being carried by the sound "the killer" and about to kill him, Ancaeus "defended himself" and punished him by "striking him relentlessly" on his groin. But to write "killer" is foolish in the case of Ancaeus, for Atalanta shot him, and Meleager killed him by striking him on the forehead with his boar-killing spear. Ancaeus did nothing noble against him, except that, raising his axe to strike him, he was killed by a blow from him. So it should be interpreted in the case of Ancaeus, but in the case of Meleager thus, which is the deepest and my own thought. "The same storthynx" and either the boar "dedoupos" killed "the killer" either Meleager "defended himself by striking relentlessly the top of his ankle" either his ankle and foot of the "dancer" and fastest warrior. Not that the boar struck him around his feet, he said this, but he says this charmingly and wittily, that he defended himself by binding his foot and making him unable to walk because he was killed in such a way. For having taken the boar's head with Atalanta and the skin as a prize, he gives it as a first-fruit offering.
  4. Author: Tzetzes
  5. Source: Ad Lycophronem
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