
Early draft

Feb 25th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Sling
  3. ten clubs are open tonight. The first is Dashum's. A sole proprietorship with about 70 frequents to the gang hole. Predictably, I mean. The nothings coming out are still fried by the amount whisey they intake. That frustrates a lot of people. To see them in an establishment they don't seem to belong. In fact somewhere in the midst of this place, there might not be much more room for them to come back again.
  5. Night Eyes is the second, a little place featuring live music and growling vocals. Nothing is said here without a throaty God damn. Being repulsive to so many it keeps it to a dull room of people just shouting and drinking over the others.
  7. The Cotoure means to have courage if you're to begin a night at that place. It resembles a black temple. The emotionless and empty goths venture in and out all night. No smoking. This estblishment has been here the longest.
  9. The Republic is the most sought after to get into. Unless you can avoid it to go to the others. Legends recently were validated in some of these bars.
  11. They've got trap doors, basements 4,5 even 6 levels deep. These aren't playgrounds. We're talking straight bikers, gangsters, mobsters and.. yep. Demons. They find Lucifer is their key to home and to happiness. Have I got a story for them. They've been waiting for the script to flip and their mania is just too far away to ridicule their Kingdoms.
  13. The doors are wide open for anyone to come in. Sometimes there's missing persons the next day tho. Not everyone comes out. Not ever.
  15. Dogs barking. Nothing left out there to eat. So they look at you, but you're not worth the effort. Still, exercising fear. This gentle town was never gentle.
  17. I hid in the corner, a speeder came through. Probably would've hit me. No one does enough to make sure these Devil masters ever get caught. Their sickness is my reprieval. This is the court I command. If I'm smart enough to recon who the innocents are, than there's hope for those in this town. Are they? If they don't have one of the 5 coats on their arm they are. The rest are all less than nice we'll say.
  19. We're not taking prisoners here. Me, and the innocents are going to need to come together and defeat this train without consequence. A thin line behind demons, civilians, and dealers of pain comes to leverage the morale and ethic left in this town. They'd rather not be here. And I'm going to need help. But I think that is the way it will be. There's no option. No rest for the wicked.
  21. By the time you read this, I've come far enough to give the Story Glyph a track through this part of the mazes beneath this place. The BlackHawk is a revenue cash cow. That's another one. One I'll start with. Just remember, as a citizen, you're definitely in this for the long haul. Help me. I might be in another maze. I feel the murderers inside these places need to be brought to justice. Whcih might mean some innocent lives, but they were trips in my head. And so, you got to get up and move it. Remove all doubt from yourself. We're going to have to keep moving through here. The Glyph will direct you where I've been. I don't know how reconstructed the battle field is with creatures and evil denizens. Tall tales? Not a one. I've been through.
  23. This is the coming of the Second Son. ANd I've only known all my life to be a forefront against evil. Praying is the key. But now, we're going deeper than I've ever prayed. We're going to make it no doubt and we're going to move quick as we can. to catch the most of these monsters come back to the front lines in their mazes. I don't know if I'll make it through the whole catacomb but it's sure this is not easy. I just hope. I hope and pray. To see daylight again.
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