
Get all Site 'n Server

Feb 2nd, 2018
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  1. <?
  2. /*
  3. # Title : Get All Site N' Server
  4. # Coded By : xSecurity
  5. # Homepage :
  6. # Greets 2 : b0x !
  7. */
  8. echo "<form method='POST'>
  9. <b><font face='Tahoma' size='5'>
  10. <title>Get All Site N' Server</title>
  11. </font></b>
  12. <style type='text/css'>
  13. a:link {color:#CC0000;}
  14. a:visited {color:blue;}
  15. a:hover {color:silver;}
  16. a:active {color:#0000FF;}
  17. a:link { text-decoration: none }
  18. </style>
  19. <body text='#FFFFFF' bgcolor='#000000' style='text-align: left'>
  20. <p align='left' dir='ltr'><b><font face='Tahoma' size='4'># Get All Site N'
  21. Server</font></b></p>
  22. <p align='left' dir='ltr'><font face='Tahoma' size='2'>IP : </font>
  23. <font size='5' face='Tahoma'> <input name='ip' value='' style='font-family: Tahoma; color: #CC0000; border: 1px dotted #CC0000'></font><font face='Tahoma' size='2'> </font>
  24. <font face='Tahoma' size='5'><font size='5'>
  25. <input type='submit' name='ok' value='Get Site' style='font-family: Tahoma; color: #CC0000; border: 1px dotted #CC0000'></font><font face='Tahoma' size='2'> </font> </font></p>";
  26. if($_POST['ok']) {
  27. $ip = $_POST['ip'];
  28. $ge = @file_get_contents("$ip");
  29. preg_match_all('/<td*>(.*?)<\/td>/Uis',$ge,$site);
  30. foreach($site[0] as $krz){
  31. echo "
  32. <table border='1' width='30%' style='font-family: Tahoma; color: silver; border: 1px dashed white'>
  33. <tr>$krz</tr>
  34. </table>";
  35. } }
  36. echo "<p style='text-align: center'><font face='Verdana' size='1'>Coded By :
  37. <font color='#CC0000'>xSecurity</font> | Homepage : <font color='#CC0000'>
  38. <a href='' style='text-decoration: none'>
  39. <font color='#CC0000'></font></a></font> | Greets To :
  40. <font color='#CC0000'>b0x</font></font></p>";
  41. ?>
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