
BOII Dvars and SendServerCommands //Cleaned

Sep 18th, 2013
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  1. aim_aimAssistRangeScale
  2. aim_autoAimRangeScale
  3. aim_target_closest_first
  4. aim_input_graph_enabled
  5. aim_input_graph_debug
  6. aim_input_graph_index
  7. aim_turnrate_pitch
  8. aim_turnrate_pitch_ads
  9. aim_turnrate_yaw
  10. aim_turnrate_yaw_ads
  11. aim_linkto_autorecenter_rate
  12. aim_linkto_autorecenter_delay
  13. aim_accel_turnrate_enabled
  14. aim_accel_turnrate_debug
  15. aim_accel_turnrate_lerp
  16. aim_slowdown_enabled
  17. aim_slowdown_debug
  18. aim_slowdown_region_width
  19. aim_slowdown_region_height
  20. aim_slowdown_region_extended_width
  21. aim_slowdown_region_extended_height
  22. aim_slowdown_pitch_scale
  23. aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads
  24. aim_slowdown_yaw_scale
  25. aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads
  26. aim_autoaim_lerp
  27. aim_autoaim_enabled
  28. aim_autoaim_debug
  29. aim_autoaim_region_width
  30. aim_autoaim_region_height
  31. aim_automelee_enabled
  32. aim_automelee_debug
  33. aim_automelee_lerp
  34. aim_automelee_region_width
  35. aim_automelee_region_height
  36. aim_automelee_range
  37. aim_automelee_move_limit
  38. aim_automelee_move_limit_range
  39. aim_automelee_move_limit_angle
  40. aim_autobayonet_range
  41. aim_view_sensitivity_override
  42. tu_aim_automelee_fix
  43. aim_lockon_enabled
  44. aim_lockon_debug
  45. aim_lockon_deflection
  46. aim_alternate_lockon_deflection
  47. aim_lockon_strength
  48. aim_alternate_lockon_strength
  49. aim_lockon_pitch_strength
  50. aim_alternate_lockon_pitch_strength
  51. aim_lockon_region_width
  52. aim_lockon_region_height
  53. aim_alternate_lockon_region_width
  54. aim_alternate_lockon_region_height
  55. aim_scale_view_axis
  56. aim_assist_script_disable
  57. aim_assist_min_target_distance
  58. aim_resist_pitch_enabled
  59. aim_resist_yaw_enabled
  60. aim_resist_view_threshold
  61. aim_assist/view_input_%d
  62. AimTarget_GetTagPos:
  63. aim_target_sentient_radius
  64. aim_target_sentient_half_height
  65. aim_target_frustum_expand_fast_updates
  66. aim_target_frustum_min_distance
  67. aim_target_alternate_frustum_min_distance
  68. aim_target_aim_tag_fast_update_interval
  69. aim_target_aim_tag_slow_update_interval
  70. aim_target_ignore_team_checking
  71. aim_target_fixed_actor_size
  72. aim_target_smp
  73. AimTarget_GetTagPos:
  74. AimTarget_GetTagPos:
  75. AimTarget_ProcessEntity
  76. AimTarget_ProcessEntityCmd
  77. aim_target
  78. aim_target
  79. aim
  80. target
  81. IDLE
  83. WALK
  84. RUN
  87. SPRINT
  89. MANTLE_UP_
  90. MANTLE_UP_
  91. MANTLE_UP_
  92. MANTLE_UP_
  93. MANTLE_UP_
  94. MANTLE_UP_
  95. MANTLE_UP_
  101. STUMBLE
  104. SWIM
  105. DTP_MOVE
  108. NONE
  109. FORWARD
  111. LEFT
  112. RIGHT
  113. FRONT
  114. BACK
  115. NORMAL
  118. MELEE
  121. FIRE
  122. SUICIDE
  123. GAS
  124. FALLING
  125. STAND
  126. CROUCH
  127. PRONE
  128. DEATH
  130. JUMP
  131. LAND
  135. RELOAD
  142. RUN_TO_IDLE
  147. FLINCH
  154. DTP_LAND
  161. FLARED
  164. LEGS
  165. TORSO
  166. BOTH
  167. MG
  168. RIFLE
  169. MG
  170. SMG
  171. SPREAD
  172. PISTOL
  173. GRENADE
  175. TURRET
  177. ITEM
  180. HIP
  181. ADS
  182. RAISED
  183. UP
  184. DOWN
  188. TURNED
  189. FEMALE
  191. BAYONET
  192. DRIVER
  193. GUNNER
  194. GUNNER
  195. GUNNER
  196. GUNNER
  203. SIDE_LEFT
  205. REAR
  206. DEFAULT
  207. TANK
  212. MOUNTED
  217. DMGTYPE
  218. STANCE
  220. FIRING
  222. SLOPE
  223. PERK
  231. EVENT
  232. CAC
  233. defines
  234. animations
  235. canned_animations
  236. statechanges
  237. events
  238. forceload
  239. BH
  240. %s:
  241. (%s,
  242. line
  243. %i)
  244. %s
  245. BG_AnimationIndexForString:
  246. unknown
  247. player
  248. animation
  249. '%s'
  250. BG_AnimationForString:
  251. unknown
  252. player
  253. animation
  254. '%s'
  255. BG_IndexForString:
  256. unknown
  257. token
  258. '%s'
  259. BG_StringForIndex:
  260. index
  261. out
  262. of
  263. range
  264. (%i,
  265. max
  266. is
  267. %i)
  268. BG_CopyStringIntoBuffer:
  269. out
  270. of
  271. buffer
  272. space
  273. Player
  274. animation
  275. index
  276. %i
  277. out
  278. of
  279. to
  280. %i
  281. range
  282. }
  283. BG_ParseCommands:
  284. BG_ParseCommands:
  285. %vehicle_name
  286. BG_ParseCommands:
  287. %vehicle_name
  289. BG_ParseCommands:
  290. tag
  291. name
  292. turn_to_turret
  293. throw_grenade
  294. grenadeAnim
  295. allowMovementInterrupt
  296. allowReloadInterrupt
  297. weaponTimeScale
  298. weaponDelayScale
  299. animrate'
  300. BG_ParseConditionBits:
  302. BG_ParseConditions:
  303. BG_AnimParseAnimScript
  304. vehicle_anim_type
  305. BG_GetAnimString:
  306. BG_GetAnimationForIndex:
  307. animation
  308. tree
  309. '%s'
  310. defineStrings
  311. defaultattachment
  312. attachmentType
  313. locNone
  314. locHelmet
  315. locHead
  316. locNeck
  317. locTorsoUpper
  318. locTorsoMid
  319. locTorsoLower
  320. locRightArmUpper
  321. locRightArmLower
  322. locRightHand
  323. locLeftArmUpper
  324. locLeftArmLower
  325. locLeftHand
  326. locRightLegUpper
  327. locRightLegLower
  328. locRightFoot
  329. locLeftLegUpper
  330. locLeftLegLower
  331. locLeftFoot
  332. locGun
  333. viewModel
  334. viewModelAdditional
  335. viewModelADS
  336. worldModel
  337. worldModelAdditional
  338. viewModelTag
  339. worldModelTag
  340. viewModelOffsetX
  341. viewModelOffsetY
  342. viewModelOffsetZ
  343. viewModelOffsetPitch
  344. viewModelOffsetYaw
  345. viewModelOffsetRoll
  346. worldModelOffsetX
  347. worldModelOffsetY
  348. worldModelOffsetZ
  349. worldModelOffsetPitch
  350. worldModelOffsetYaw
  351. worldModelOffsetRoll
  352. viewModelAddOffsetX
  353. viewModelAddOffsetY
  354. viewModelAddOffsetZ
  355. viewModelAddOffsetPitch
  356. viewModelAddOffsetYaw
  357. viewModelAddOffsetRoll
  358. worldModelAddOffsetX
  359. worldModelAddOffsetY
  360. worldModelAddOffsetZ
  361. worldModelAddOffsetPitch
  362. worldModelAddOffsetYaw
  363. worldModelAddOffsetRoll
  364. hideTags
  365. camo
  366. disableBaseWeaponAttachment
  367. disableBaseWeaponClip
  368. overrideBaseWeaponAttachmentOffsets
  369. viewModelOffsetBaseAttachmentX
  370. viewModelOffsetBaseAttachmentY
  371. viewModelOffsetBaseAttachmentZ
  372. worldModelOffsetBaseAttachmentX
  373. worldModelOffsetBaseAttachmentY
  374. worldModelOffsetBaseAttachmentZ
  375. altWeapon
  376. DualWieldWeapon
  377. adsOverlayShader
  378. adsOverlayShaderLowRes
  379. adsOverlayReticle
  380. firstRaiseTime
  381. altRaiseTime
  382. altDropTime
  383. reloadAmmoAdd
  384. reloadStartAdd
  385. segmentedReload
  386. idleAnim
  387. idleAnimLeft
  388. emptyIdleAnim
  389. emptyIdleAnimLeft
  390. fireIntroAnim
  391. fireAnim
  392. fireAnimLeft
  393. holdFireAnim
  394. lastShotAnim
  395. lastShotAnimLeft
  396. flourishAnim
  397. flourishAnimLeft
  398. detonateAnim
  399. rechamberAnim
  400. meleeAnim
  401. meleeAnimEmpty
  402. meleeAnim
  403. meleeAnim
  404. meleeAnim
  405. meleeChargeAnim
  406. meleeChargeAnimEmpty
  407. reloadAnim
  408. reloadAnimRight
  409. reloadAnimLeft
  410. reloadEmptyAnim
  411. reloadEmptyAnimLeft
  412. reloadStartAnim
  413. reloadEndAnim
  414. reloadQuickAnim
  415. reloadQuickEmptyAnim
  416. raiseAnim
  417. dropAnim
  418. firstRaiseAnim
  419. altRaiseAnim
  420. altDropAnim
  421. quickRaiseAnim
  422. quickDropAnim
  423. emptyRaiseAnim
  424. emptyDropAnim
  425. sprintInAnim
  426. sprintLoopAnim
  427. sprintOutAnim
  428. sprintInEmptyAnim
  429. sprintLoopEmptyAnim
  430. sprintOutEmptyAnim
  431. lowReadyInAnim
  432. lowReadyLoopAnim
  433. lowReadyOutAnim
  434. contFireInAnim
  435. contFireLoopAnim
  436. contFireOutAnim
  437. crawlInAnim
  438. crawlForwardAnim
  439. crawlBackAnim
  440. crawlRightAnim
  441. crawlLeftAnim
  442. crawlOutAnim
  443. crawlEmptyInAnim
  444. crawlEmptyForwardAnim
  445. crawlEmptyBackAnim
  446. crawlEmptyRightAnim
  447. crawlEmptyLeftAnim
  448. crawlEmptyOutAnim
  449. deployAnim
  450. breakdownAnim
  451. nightVisionWearAnim
  452. nightVisionRemoveAnim
  453. adsFireAnim
  454. adsLastShotAnim
  455. adsRechamberAnim
  456. adsUpAnim
  457. adsDownAnim
  458. adsUpOtherScopeAnim
  459. adsFireIntroAnim
  460. dtp_in
  461. dtp_loop
  462. dtp_out
  463. dtp_empty_in
  464. dtp_empty_loop
  465. dtp_empty_out
  466. slide_in
  467. mantleAnim
  468. sprintCameraAnim
  469. dtpInCameraAnim
  470. dtpLoopCameraAnim
  471. dtpOutCameraAnim
  472. mantleCameraAnim
  473. fireSound
  474. fireSoundPlayer
  475. loopFireSound
  476. loopFireSoundPlayer
  477. loopFireEndSound
  478. loopFireEndSoundPlayer
  479. startFireSound
  480. stopFireSound
  481. startFireSoundPlayer
  482. stopFireSoundPlayer
  483. lastShotSound
  484. lastShotSoundPlayer
  485. killcamStartFireSound
  486. killcamStartFireSoundPlayer
  487. viewFlashEffect
  488. worldFlashEffect
  489. tracerType
  490. enemyTracerType
  491. adsDofStart
  492. adsDofEnd
  493. overrideLeftHandIK
  494. overrideLeftHandProneIK
  495. ikLeftHandOffsetF
  496. ikLeftHandOffsetR
  497. ikLeftHandOffsetU
  498. ikLeftHandRotationP
  499. ikLeftHandRotationY
  500. ikLeftHandRotationR
  501. ikLeftHandProneOffsetF
  502. ikLeftHandProneOffsetR
  503. ikLeftHandProneOffsetU
  504. ikLeftHandProneRotationP
  505. ikLeftHandProneRotationY
  506. ikLeftHandProneRotationR
  507. PlayerLevelStats
  508. PlayerSessionStats
  509. dtp_max_slide_duration
  510. dtp_max_slide_addition
  511. dtp_startup_delay
  512. dtp_post_move_pause
  513. dtp_fall_damage_min_height
  514. dtp_fall_damage_max_height
  515. dtp_exhaustion_window
  516. dtp_min_speed
  517. door_breach_weapondrop
  518. dtp_new_trajectory
  519. dtp_new_trajectory_multiplier
  520. dtp_max_apex_duration
  521. TEAM_FREE
  522. TEAM_AXIS
  527. TEAM_DEAD
  528. jump_height
  529. jump_stepSize
  530. jump_slowdownEnable
  531. jump_ladderPushVel
  532. jump_spreadAdd
  533. player_mantle_root
  534. player_mantle_up_
  535. player_mantle_up_
  536. player_mantle_up_
  537. player_mantle_up_
  538. player_mantle_up_
  539. player_mantle_up_
  540. player_mantle_up_
  541. player_mantle_over_high
  542. player_mantle_over_mid
  543. player_mantle_over_low
  544. mantle_enable
  545. mantle_debug
  546. mantle_check_range
  547. mantle_check_radius
  548. mantle_check_angle
  549. mantle_check_glass_extra_range
  550. mantle_view_yawcap
  551. mantle_weapon_height
  552. mantle_weapon_anim_height
  553. vehicle_push_during_mantle
  554. hatch_mantle_up
  555. hatch_mantle_fwd
  557. bg_viewKickScale
  558. bg_viewKickMax
  559. bg_viewKickMin
  560. bg_viewKickRandom
  561. bg_movingPlatformPitchScale
  562. bg_chargeShotAutoDischargeDelay
  563. bg_chargeShotDischargeWhenQueueReachesMax
  564. bg_chargeShotDamageIncreasePerBullet
  565. bg_chargeShotViewKickIncreasePerBullet
  566. bg_chargeShotQueueTime
  567. bg_chargeShotPenetrationMultiplier
  568. bg_chargeShotMaxBulletsInQueue
  569. bg_chargeShotFireWhenQueueReachesMax
  570. bg_chargeShotUseOneAmmoForMultipleBullets
  571. bg_chargeShotAutoFireDelay
  572. bg_chargeShotMaxViewKick
  573. bg_chargeShotCenterSpeedReductionPerBullet
  574. bg_chargeShotMinCenterSpeed
  575. bg_chargeShotMaxBulletQueueOnEMP
  576. player_view_pitch_up
  577. player_view_pitch_down
  578. player_lean_shift
  579. player_lean_shift_crouch
  580. player_lean_rotate
  581. bg_weaponForcedLowOffset
  582. bg_weaponForcedLowPistolsOffset
  583. bg_weaponForcedLowMaxAngles
  584. bg_weaponForcedLowMaxAnglesPistolsOffset
  585. player_lean_rotate_crouch
  586. bg_ladder_yawcap
  587. bg_prone_yawcap
  588. bg_foliagesnd_minspeed
  589. bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed
  590. bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval
  591. bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval
  592. bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval
  593. scr_friendlyfire
  594. bg_fallDamageMinHeight
  595. bg_fallDamageMaxHeight
  596. friction
  597. stopspeed
  598. cg_ufo_scaler
  599. bg_swingSpeed
  600. bg_proneSwingSpeed
  601. bg_legYawTolerance
  602. bg_legYawCrouchTolerance
  603. bg_legYawProneTolerance
  604. bg_viewBobAmplitudeSprinting
  605. bg_viewBobAmplitudeDtp
  606. bg_viewBobAmplitudeSwimming
  607. bg_viewBobAmplitudeStanding
  608. bg_viewBobAmplitudeStandingAds
  609. bg_viewBobAmplitudeDucked
  610. bg_viewBobAmplitudeDuckedAds
  611. bg_viewBobAmplitudeProne
  612. bg_viewBobAmplitudeRoll
  613. bg_bobMax
  614. bg_forceDurationOverride
  615. bg_blendTimeOverride
  616. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeSprinting
  617. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeDtp
  618. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeSwimming
  619. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeStanding
  620. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeDucked
  621. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeProne
  622. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRoll
  623. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRiding
  624. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeBaseLaser
  625. bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRollLaser
  626. bg_weaponBobMax
  627. bg_weaponBobLag
  628. bg_weaponBobFrequencySwimming
  629. bg_weaponBobHeavyWeaponScalar
  630. bg_forceExplosiveBullets
  631. bg_weaponOffscreenReloadScale
  632. bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold
  633. bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed
  634. bg_forceAnimOverrideTimerCheck
  635. bg_playerAnimStanceAllowMovementInteruptTime
  636. disableLookAtEntityLogic
  637. player_breath_hold_time
  638. player_breath_gasp_time
  639. player_breath_fire_delay
  640. player_breath_gasp_scale
  641. player_breath_hold_lerp
  642. player_breath_gasp_lerp
  643. player_breath_snd_lerp
  644. player_breath_snd_delay
  645. player_scopeExitOnDamage
  646. player_adsExitDelay
  647. player_move_factor_on_torso
  648. player_debugHealth
  649. player_sustainAmmo
  650. player_clipSizeMultiplier
  651. player_lastStandBleedoutTime
  652. player_lastStandBleedoutTimeNoRevive
  653. revive_time_taken
  654. player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime
  655. player_reviveTriggerRadius
  656. player_revivePlayerListCycleTime
  657. bg_vsmode_hud
  658. player_enableShuffleAnims
  659. player_animRunThreshhold
  660. player_animWalkThreshhold
  661. player_runbkThreshhold
  662. player_moveThreshhold
  663. player_footstepsThreshhold
  664. player_runThreshhold
  665. player_knockbackMoveThreshhold
  666. player_sprintThreshhold
  667. player_waterSpeedScale
  668. player_sliding_friction
  669. player_sliding_wishspeed
  670. player_sliding_velocity_cap
  671. player_strafeSpeedScale
  672. player_backSpeedScale
  673. player_strafeAnimCosAngle
  674. player_slopeAnimAngle
  675. player_spectateSpeedScale
  676. player_enduranceSpeedScale
  677. player_zombieSprintSpeedScale
  678. player_zombieSpeedScale
  679. player_sprintForwardMinimum
  680. player_sprintSpeedScale
  681. player_sprintUnlimited
  682. player_sprintTime
  683. player_sprintMinTime
  684. player_sprintRechargePause
  685. player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale
  686. player_sprintCameraBob
  687. player_turnAnims
  688. player_bayonetLaunchProof
  689. player_bayonetLaunchDebugging
  690. player_bayonetLaunchZCap
  691. player_standingViewHeight
  692. player_disableWeaponsOnVehicle
  693. player_lookAtEntityAllowChildren
  694. player_dmgtimer_timePerPoint
  695. player_dmgtimer_maxTime
  696. player_dmgtimer_minScale
  697. player_dmgtimer_stumbleTime
  698. player_dmgtimer_flinchTime
  699. shellshock_loop
  700. shellshock_loop_silent
  701. shellshock_end
  702. shellshock_end_abort
  703. default
  704. player_meleeRange
  705. player_meleeWidth
  706. player_meleeHeight
  707. player_meleeInterruptFrac
  708. player_zombieMeleeRange
  709. player_zombieMeleeWidth
  710. player_zombieMeleeHeight
  711. player_bayonetRange
  712. player_bayonetTargetDist
  713. bg_gravity
  714. bg_lowGravity
  715. player_swimTime
  716. player_swimDamage
  717. player_swimDamagerInterval
  718. player_viewLockEnt
  719. player_viewRateScale
  720. player_forceRedCrosshair
  721. bullet_penetrationMinFxDist
  722. bullet_ricochetBaseChance
  723. cg_cinematicFullscreen
  724. dog_MeleeDamage
  725. dog_turn_angle
  726. dog_turn_angle
  727. dog_turn_min_goal_dist
  728. vehLockTurretToPlayerView
  729. vehLocationalVehicleSeatEntry
  730. vehicle_riding
  731. vehicle_selfCollision
  732. bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthWorld
  733. bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightWorld
  734. bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthVM
  735. bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightVM
  736. bg_disableWeaponPlantingInWater
  737. bg_plantInWaterDepth
  738. bg_gunXOffset
  739. bg_slopeFrames
  740. disable_rope
  741. vehicle_sounds_cutoff
  742. footstep_sounds_cutoff
  743. disable_drone_footsteps
  744. waterbrush_entity
  745. playerPushAmount
  746. scr_player_sprinttime
  747. scr_dynamic_source_loading
  748. turret_placement_trace_maxs
  749. turret_placement_trace_mins
  750. bg_aqs
  751. bg_aqsStyle
  752. bg_ads
  753. shock/%s
  754. shock
  755. shock/default
  756. shock
  757. spiderbot
  758. @
  759. wheel
  760. motorcycle
  761. tank
  762. plane
  763. boat
  764. artillery
  765. helicopter
  769. first
  770. chase
  771. view
  772. strafe
  773. horse
  774. oldtank
  775. plane_wingsuit
  776. plane_jetwing
  777. Unknown
  778. vehicle
  779. type
  780. [%s]
  781. Unknown
  782. vehicle
  783. camera
  784. mode
  785. [%s]
  786. Unknown
  787. traction
  788. type
  789. [%s]
  790. axis
  791. allies
  792. neutral
  793. unknown
  794. team
  795. '%s',
  796. should
  797. be
  798. axis,
  799. allies,
  800. or
  801. neutral
  802. Bad
  803. vehicle
  804. field
  805. type
  806. %i
  807. specialty_additionalprimaryweapon
  808. specialty_altmelee
  809. specialty_armorpiercing
  810. specialty_armorvest
  811. specialty_brutestrength
  812. specialty_bulletaccuracy
  813. specialty_bulletdamage
  814. specialty_bulletflinch
  815. specialty_deadshot
  816. specialty_detectexplosive
  817. specialty_endurance
  818. specialty_extraammo
  819. specialty_fastads
  820. specialty_fastmantle
  821. specialty_fastmeleerecovery
  822. specialty_fastreload
  823. specialty_fastweaponswitch
  824. specialty_flakjacket
  825. specialty_holdbreath
  826. specialty_intruder
  827. specialty_longersprint
  828. specialty_pin_back
  829. specialty_quickrevive
  830. specialty_rof
  831. specialty_scavenger
  832. specialty_stalker
  833. specialty_trespasser
  834. specialty_unlimitedsprint
  835. perk_weapSwitchMultiplier
  836. perk_weapSpreadMultiplier
  837. perk_weapReloadMultiplier
  838. perk_weapRateMultiplier
  839. perk_weapAdsMultiplier
  840. perk_weapMeleeMultiplier
  841. perk_weapTossMultiplier
  842. perk_weapEquipmentUseMultiplier
  843. perk_extraBreath
  844. perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier
  845. perk_grenadeDeath
  846. frag_grenade_short_mp
  847. perk_sprintMultiplier
  848. perk_grenadeTossBackTimer
  849. perk_killstreakReduction
  850. perk_killstreakMomentumMultiplier
  851. perk_killstreakDeathPenaltyMultiplier
  852. perk_delayExplosiveTime
  853. perk_disarmExplosiveTime
  854. perk_speedMultiplier
  855. perk_deathStreakCountRequired
  856. perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplier
  857. perk_healthRegenMultiplier
  858. perk_damageKickReduction
  859. perk_shellShockReduction
  860. perk_mantleReduction
  861. perk_interactSpeedMultiplier
  862. perk_throwbackInnerRadius
  863. perk_flakJacket
  864. perk_flakJacket_hardcore
  865. perk_fireproof
  866. perk_armorPiercing
  867. perk_dogsAttackGhost
  868. perk_blackbirdShowsGpsJammer
  869. perk_fastLadderClimbMultiplier
  870. perk_marksmanEnemyNameFadeIn
  871. perk_marksmanEnemyNameFadeOut
  872. perk_gpsjammer_min_speed
  873. perk_gpsjammer_min_distance
  874. perk_gpsjammer_time_period
  875. perk_gpsjammer_graceperiods
  876. perk_gpsjammer_alpha
  877. perk_gpsjammer_fade_time
  878. perk_nottargetedbyai_min_speed
  879. perk_nottargetedbyai_graceperiod
  880. perk_scavenger_clip_multiplier
  881. perk_scavenger_lethal_proc
  882. perk_scavenger_tactical_proc
  884. All
  885. stances
  886. (standing
  887. &
  888. crouching)
  889. disallowed
  890. for
  891. linked
  892. player
  893. Allstancesdisallowedforplayer
  894. gjk_trace_query
  895. gjk_trace_collide
  896. customClass
  897. %d
  898. grouplist
  899. CacLoadout
  900. weapon_smg
  901. weapon_assault
  902. weapon_cqb
  903. weapon_lmg
  904. weapon_sniper
  905. weapon_pistol
  906. weapon_launcher
  907. weapon_special
  908. weapon_shotgun
  909. weapon_explosive
  910. weapon_grenade
  911. weapon_masterkey
  912. weapon_grenadelauncher
  913. weapon_flamethrower
  914. specialty
  915. specialgrenade
  916. inventory
  917. head
  918. headgear
  919. body
  920. miscweapon
  921. feature
  922. perk_slot
  923. killstreak
  933. CUSTOM_LA
  937. ANGOLA
  938. MYANMAR
  942. KARMA
  943. PANAMA
  944. YEMEN
  946. LA
  947. HAITI
  948. primary
  949. secondary
  950. primarygrenade
  951. primaryattachmenttop
  952. primaryattachmentbottom
  953. primaryattachmenttrigger
  954. primaryattachmentmuzzle
  955. primaryattachmentgunperk
  956. primarycamo
  957. secondaryattachmenttop
  958. secondaryattachmentbottom
  959. secondaryattachmenttrigger
  960. secondaryattachmentmuzzle
  961. secondaryattachmentgunperk
  962. secondarycamo
  963. specialty
  964. specialty
  965. specialty
  966. specialty
  967. specialty
  968. specialty
  969. specialty
  970. specialty
  971. specialty
  972. specialty
  973. specialty
  974. specialty
  975. primarygrenadecount
  976. specialgrenadecount
  977. defaultClasses
  978. attachments
  979. BG_UnlockablesGetItemIndexFromName
  980. weapon_null
  981. perks_none
  982. sp/unlockmappingsp
  983. challengesComplete
  984. sp/levelLookup
  985. last_campaign_level
  987. campaignCompleted
  988. global_purchasedfacepaint
  989. %sattachment%s
  990. cacLoadout
  991. twentytwenty
  992. equipClass
  993. equipClassAttachment
  994. equipDefaultClass
  995. equipDefaultItemToSlot
  996. uiEquipDefaultClass
  997. clearItemNew
  998. clearAllAttachmentsForItem
  999. clearAttachmentForItemAtPoint
  1000. buildItemListForSlotName
  1001. buildItemListForGroup
  1002. buildItemListForGroupForWeaponTable
  1003. buildItemListForGroupName
  1004. buildItemListForSlotNameAndGroup
  1005. allItemsUnlocked
  1006. allItemsPurchased
  1007. vehanim_enable
  1008. vehanim_debug
  1009. type
  1010. remoteControl
  1011. bulletDamage
  1012. armorPiercingDamage
  1013. grenadeDamage
  1014. projectileDamage
  1015. projectileSplashDamage
  1016. heavyExplosiveDamage
  1017. cameraMode
  1018. autoRecenterOnAccel
  1019. thirdPersonDriver
  1020. thirdPersonUseVehicleRoll
  1021. thirdPersonCameraPitchVehicleRelative
  1022. thirdPersonCameraHeightWorldRelative
  1023. thirdPersonCameraHeightMin
  1024. thirdPersonCameraPitchMin
  1025. thirdPersonCameraRange
  1026. thirdPersonCameraHeight
  1027. thirdPersonCameraPitch
  1028. thirdPersonCameraMinPitchClamp
  1029. thirdPersonCameraMaxPitchClamp
  1030. cameraAlwaysAutoCenter
  1031. cameraAutoCenterLerpRate
  1032. cameraAutoCenterMaxLerpRate
  1033. thirdPersonCameraSpringDistance
  1034. thirdPersonCameraSpringTime
  1035. thirdPersonCameraHandbrakeTurnRateInc
  1036. cameraRollFraction
  1037. cameraFOV
  1038. viewInfluence
  1039. tagPlayerOffsetX
  1040. tagPlayerOffsetY
  1041. tagPlayerOffsetZ
  1042. killcamCollision
  1043. killcamDist
  1044. killcamZDist
  1045. killcamMinDist
  1046. killcamZTargetOffset
  1047. killcamFOV
  1048. killcamNearBlur
  1049. killcamNearBlurStart
  1050. killcamNearBlurEnd
  1051. killcamFarBlur
  1052. killcamFarBlurStart
  1053. killcamFarBlurEnd
  1054. isDrivable
  1055. numberOfSeats
  1056. numberOfGunners
  1057. driverControlledGunPos
  1058. seatSwitchOrder
  1059. seatSwitchOrder
  1060. seatSwitchOrder
  1061. seatSwitchOrder
  1062. seatSwitchOrder
  1063. seatSwitchOrder
  1064. seatSwitchOrder
  1065. seatSwitchOrder
  1066. seatSwitchOrder
  1067. seatSwitchOrder
  1068. seatSwitchOrder
  1069. texureScrollScale
  1070. wheelRotRate
  1071. extraWheelRotScale
  1072. wheelChildTakesSteerYaw
  1073. enterRadiusDriver
  1074. enterRadiusGunner
  1075. enterRadiusGunner
  1076. enterRadiusGunner
  1077. enterRadiusGunner
  1078. maxSpeed
  1079. maxSpeedVertical
  1080. accel
  1081. accelVertical
  1082. rotRate
  1083. rotAccel
  1084. collisionDamage
  1085. collisionSpeed
  1086. suspensionTravel
  1087. maxBodyPitch
  1088. maxBodyRoll
  1089. heliCollisionScalar
  1090. viewPitchOffset
  1091. tiltFromAccelerationPitch
  1092. tiltFromAccelerationRoll
  1093. tiltFromDecelerationPitch
  1094. tiltFromDecelerationRoll
  1095. tiltFromVelocityPitch
  1096. tiltFromVelocityRoll
  1097. tiltSpeedPitch
  1098. tiltSpeedRoll
  1099. tracerOffsetForward
  1100. tracerOffsetUp
  1101. turretWeapon
  1102. turretHorizSpanLeft
  1103. turretHorizSpanRight
  1104. turretVertSpanUp
  1105. turretVertSpanDown
  1106. turretHorizResistLeft
  1107. turretHorizResistRight
  1108. turretVertResistUp
  1109. turretVertResistDown
  1110. turretRotRate
  1111. turretClampPlayerView
  1112. turretLockTurretToPlayerView
  1113. gunnerWeapon
  1114. gunnerWeapon
  1115. gunnerWeapon
  1116. gunnerWeapon
  1117. gunnerRotRate
  1118. passengerHorizSpanLeft
  1119. passengerHorizSpanRight
  1120. passengerVertSpanUp
  1121. passengerVertSpanDown
  1122. passengerHorizSpanLeft
  1123. passengerHorizSpanRight
  1124. passengerVertSpanUp
  1125. passengerVertSpanDown
  1126. passengerHorizSpanLeft
  1127. passengerHorizSpanRight
  1128. passengerVertSpanUp
  1129. passengerVertSpanDown
  1130. passengerHorizSpanLeft
  1131. passengerHorizSpanRight
  1132. passengerVertSpanUp
  1133. passengerVertSpanDown
  1134. passengerHorizSpanLeft
  1135. passengerHorizSpanRight
  1136. passengerVertSpanUp
  1137. passengerVertSpanDown
  1138. passengerHorizSpanLeft
  1139. passengerHorizSpanRight
  1140. passengerVertSpanUp
  1141. passengerVertSpanDown
  1142. turretSpinSnd
  1143. turretStopSnd
  1144. wheelRoadNoiseSnd
  1145. wheelSlidingSnd
  1146. wheelPeelingOutSnd
  1147. futzSnd
  1148. futzBlend
  1149. skidSpeedMin
  1150. skidSpeedMax
  1151. animType
  1152. animSet
  1153. scriptedAnimationEntry
  1154. mantleAngleFront
  1155. mantleAngleBack
  1156. mantleAngleLeft
  1157. mantleAngleRight
  1158. driverHideTag
  1159. extraWheelLeft
  1160. extraWheelRight
  1161. extraWheelLeft
  1162. extraWheelRight
  1163. mod
  1164. tag
  1165. mod
  1166. tag
  1167. mod
  1168. tag
  1169. mod
  1170. tag
  1171. dmod
  1172. dtag
  1173. dmod
  1174. dtag
  1175. dmod
  1176. dtag
  1177. dmod
  1178. dtag
  1179. deathModel
  1180. enemyModel
  1181. modelSwapDelay
  1182. exhaustFx
  1183. oneExhaust
  1184. treadFxAsphalt
  1185. treadFxBark
  1186. treadFxBrick
  1187. treadFxCarpet
  1188. treadFxCeramic
  1189. treadFxCloth
  1190. treadFxConcrete
  1191. treadFxCushion
  1192. treadFxDefault
  1193. treadFxDirt
  1194. treadFxFlesh
  1195. treadFxFoliage
  1196. treadFxFruit
  1197. treadFxGlass
  1198. treadFxGrass
  1199. treadFxGravel
  1200. treadFxIce
  1201. treadFxMetal
  1202. treadFxMud
  1203. treadFxPaintedMetal
  1204. treadFxPaper
  1205. treadFxPlaster
  1206. treadFxPlastic
  1207. treadFxRock
  1208. treadFxRubber
  1209. treadFxSand
  1210. treadFxSnow
  1211. treadFxWater
  1212. treadFxWood
  1213. deathFxName
  1214. deathFxTag
  1215. deathFxSound
  1216. lightFxName
  1217. lightFxTag
  1218. lightFxName
  1219. lightFxTag
  1220. lightFxName
  1221. lightFxTag
  1222. lightFxName
  1223. lightFxTag
  1224. FriendlyLightFxName
  1225. FriendlyLightFxTag
  1226. EnemyLightFxName
  1227. EnemyLightFxTag
  1228. radiusDamageMin
  1229. radiusDamageMax
  1230. radiusDamageRadius
  1231. shootShock
  1232. shootRumble
  1233. deathQuakeScale
  1234. deathQuakeDuration
  1235. deathQuakeRadius
  1236. rumbleType
  1237. rumbleScale
  1238. rumbleDuration
  1239. rumbleRadius
  1240. rumbleBaseTime
  1241. rumbleAdditionalTime
  1242. healthDefault
  1243. healthMin
  1244. healthMax
  1245. team
  1246. boostAccelMultiplier
  1247. boostDuration
  1248. boostSpeedIncrease
  1249. addToCompass
  1250. addToCompassEnemy
  1251. compassIcon
  1252. gasButton
  1253. reverseBrakeButton
  1254. handBrakeButton
  1255. attackButton
  1256. attackSecondaryButton
  1257. moveUpButton
  1258. moveDownButton
  1259. switchSeatButton
  1260. boostButton
  1261. steerGraph
  1262. accelGraph
  1263. isNitrous
  1264. isFourWheelSteering
  1265. useCollmap
  1266. radius
  1267. minHeight
  1268. maxHeight
  1269. noDirectionalDamage
  1270. max_fric_tilt_angle
  1271. max_fric_tilt
  1272. fakeBodyStabilizer
  1273. vehHelicopterBoundsRadius
  1274. vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd
  1275. vehHelicopterDecelerationSide
  1276. vehHelicopterDecelerationUp
  1277. vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes
  1278. vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw
  1279. vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt
  1280. vehHelicopterTiltMomentum
  1281. vehHelicopterQuadRotor
  1282. vehHelicopterAccelTwardsView
  1283. maxRotorArmMovementAngle
  1284. maxRotorArmRotationAngle
  1285. vehHelicopterMaintainHeight
  1286. vehHelicopterMaintainMaxHeight
  1287. vehHelicopterMaintainHeightLimit
  1288. vehHelicopterMaintainHeightAccel
  1289. vehHelicopterMaintainHeightMinimum
  1290. vehHelicopterMaintainHeightMaximum
  1291. vehHelicopterMaintainCeilingMinimum
  1292. joltVehicle
  1293. joltVehicleDriver
  1294. joltMaxTime
  1295. joltTime
  1296. joltWaves
  1297. joltIntensity
  1298. autoHandbrakeMinSpeed
  1299. nitrous_steer_angle_max
  1300. nitrous_steer_angle_speed_scale
  1301. nitrous_steer_speed
  1302. nitrous_body_mass
  1303. nitrous_wheel_radius
  1304. nitrous_susp_adj
  1305. nitrous_susp_spring_k
  1306. nitrous_susp_damp_k
  1307. nitrous_susp_hard_limit
  1308. nitrous_susp_min_height
  1309. nitrous_tire_damp_hand
  1310. nitrous_tire_damp_brake
  1311. nitrous_tire_damp_coast
  1312. nitrous_tire_fric_brake
  1313. nitrous_tire_fric_hand_brake
  1314. nitrous_tire_fric_fwd
  1315. nitrous_tire_fric_side
  1316. nitrous_roll_stability
  1317. nitrous_pitch_stability
  1318. nitrous_roll_resistance
  1319. nitrous_yaw_resistance
  1320. nitrous_upright_strength
  1321. nitrous_tilt_fakey
  1322. nitrous_traction_type
  1323. nitrous_peel_out_max_speed
  1324. nitrous_tire_fric_side_max
  1325. nitrous_reverse_scale
  1326. nitrous_water_speed_max
  1327. nitrous_water_accel_max
  1328. nitrous_water_turn_accel
  1329. nitrous_water_turn_speed_max
  1330. nitrous_boat_ebrake_power
  1331. nitrous_bbox_min_x
  1332. nitrous_bbox_min_y
  1333. nitrous_bbox_min_z
  1334. nitrous_bbox_max_x
  1335. nitrous_bbox_max_y
  1336. nitrous_bbox_max_z
  1337. nitrous_mass_center_offset_x
  1338. nitrous_mass_center_offset_y
  1339. nitrous_mass_center_offset_z
  1340. nitrous_buoyancybox_min_x
  1341. nitrous_buoyancybox_min_y
  1342. nitrous_buoyancybox_min_z
  1343. nitrous_buoyancybox_max_x
  1344. nitrous_buoyancybox_max_y
  1345. nitrous_buoyancybox_max_z
  1346. nitrous_boat_speed_rise
  1347. nitrous_boat_speed_tilt
  1348. nitrous_boat_motor_offset_x
  1349. nitrous_boat_motor_offset_y
  1350. nitrous_boat_motor_offset_z
  1351. nitrous_boat_side_fric
  1352. nitrous_boat_forward_fric
  1353. nitrous_boat_vertical_fric
  1354. nitrous_drive_on_walls
  1355. nitrous_linear_drag_scale
  1356. nitrous_angular_drag_scale
  1357. nitrous_jump_force
  1358. p_driveby_sound_radius
  1359. s_driveby_sound_radius
  1360. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1361. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1362. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1363. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1364. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1365. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1366. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1367. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1368. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1369. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1370. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1371. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1372. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1373. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1374. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1375. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1376. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1377. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1378. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1379. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1380. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1381. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1382. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1383. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1384. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1385. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1386. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1387. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1388. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1389. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1390. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1391. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1392. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1393. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1394. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1395. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1396. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1397. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1398. p_drive_by_sound_apex
  1399. p_drive_by_sound_name
  1400. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1401. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1402. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1403. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1404. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1405. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1406. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1407. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1408. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1409. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1410. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1411. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1412. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1413. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1414. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1415. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1416. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1417. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1418. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1419. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1420. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1421. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1422. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1423. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1424. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1425. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1426. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1427. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1428. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1429. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1430. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1431. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1432. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1433. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1434. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1435. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1436. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1437. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1438. s_drive_by_sound_apex
  1439. s_drive_by_sound_name
  1440. doFootSteps
  1441. isSentient
  1442. idleRpms
  1443. maxRpms
  1444. maxTorque
  1445. brakingCoeff
  1446. onLoadFadeInStart
  1447. onLoadFadeInEnd
  1448. offLoadFadeOutStart
  1449. offLoadFadeOutEnd
  1450. loadScale
  1451. loadSmooting
  1452. throttleLag
  1453. pitchScale
  1454. on_engsnd_name
  1455. on_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1456. on_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1457. on_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1458. on_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1459. on_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1460. on_engsnd_name
  1461. on_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1462. on_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1463. on_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1464. on_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1465. on_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1466. on_engsnd_name
  1467. on_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1468. on_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1469. on_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1470. on_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1471. on_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1472. on_engsnd_name
  1473. on_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1474. on_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1475. on_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1476. on_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1477. on_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1478. on_engsnd_name
  1479. on_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1480. on_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1481. on_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1482. on_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1483. on_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1484. off_engsnd_name
  1485. off_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1486. off_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1487. off_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1488. off_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1489. off_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1490. off_engsnd_name
  1491. off_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1492. off_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1493. off_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1494. off_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1495. off_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1496. off_engsnd_name
  1497. off_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1498. off_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1499. off_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1500. off_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1501. off_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1502. off_engsnd_name
  1503. off_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1504. off_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1505. off_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1506. off_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1507. off_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1508. off_engsnd_name
  1509. off_engsnd_fade_in_start
  1510. off_engsnd_fade_in_end
  1511. off_engsnd_fade_out_start
  1512. off_engsnd_fade_out_end
  1513. off_engsnd_pitch_ref
  1514. numGears
  1515. loopLastGear
  1516. gear_min_rpm
  1517. gear_max_rpm
  1518. gear_ratio
  1519. gear_min_rpm
  1520. gear_max_rpm
  1521. gear_ratio
  1522. gear_min_rpm
  1523. gear_max_rpm
  1524. gear_ratio
  1525. gear_min_rpm
  1526. gear_max_rpm
  1527. gear_ratio
  1528. gear_min_rpm
  1529. gear_max_rpm
  1530. gear_ratio
  1531. gear_min_rpm
  1532. gear_max_rpm
  1533. gear_ratio
  1534. gear_min_rpm
  1535. gear_max_rpm
  1536. gear_ratio
  1537. gear_min_rpm
  1538. gear_max_rpm
  1539. gear_ratio
  1540. gear_min_rpm
  1541. gear_max_rpm
  1542. gear_ratio
  1543. gear_min_rpm
  1544. gear_max_rpm
  1545. gear_ratio
  1546. csvInclude
  1547. antennaSpringK
  1548. antennaDamp
  1549. antennaLength
  1550. antennaGravity
  1551. antennaSpringK
  1552. antennaDamp
  1553. antennaLength
  1554. antennaGravity
  1555. vehicle/%s
  1556. bullet_small
  1557. bullet_large
  1558. bullet_ap
  1559. bullet_xtreme
  1560. shotgun
  1561. grenade_bounce
  1562. rifle_grenade
  1563. rocket_explode
  1564. projectile_dud
  1565. mortar_shell
  1566. tank_shell
  1567. info/bullet_penetration_sp
  1568. bullet
  1569. penetration
  1571. barretm_highvzoom_sp
  1572. %i
  1573. acog
  1574. dualclip
  1575. dualoptic
  1576. dw
  1577. extbarrel
  1578. extclip
  1579. extramags
  1580. fastads
  1581. fastreload
  1582. fmj
  1583. gl
  1584. grip
  1585. holo
  1586. ir
  1587. is
  1588. longbreath
  1589. mk
  1590. mms
  1591. rangefinder
  1592. reflex
  1593. rf
  1594. sf
  1595. silencer
  1596. stackfire
  1597. stalker
  1598. steadyaim
  1599. swayreduc
  1600. tacknife
  1601. vzoom
  1602. top
  1603. bottom
  1604. trigger
  1605. muzzle
  1606. gunperk
  1607. attachment
  1608. weaponoption
  1609. tag
  1610. emblem
  1611. reticle
  1612. lens
  1613. reticle_color
  1614. sv
  1615. sp/challengeTable
  1616. csv
  1617. compatibleAttachments
  1618. sp/attachmenttable
  1619. csv
  1620. standingWeapdef
  1621. '%s'
  1622. for
  1623. weapon
  1624. '%s'
  1625. 'weapon,sp/%s'
  1626. crouchingWeapdef
  1627. '%s'
  1628. for
  1629. weapon
  1630. '%s'
  1631. 'weapon,sp/%s'
  1632. proneWeapdef
  1633. 'weapon,sp/%s'
  1634. dualwield
  1635. attachment
  1636. '%s'
  1637. ak_gl_sp
  1639. bullet
  1640. grenade
  1641. projectile
  1642. binoculars
  1643. gas
  1644. bomb
  1645. mine
  1646. melee
  1647. riotshield
  1648. rifle
  1649. mg
  1650. smg
  1651. spread
  1652. pistol
  1653. rocketlauncher
  1654. turret
  1655. non-player
  1656. item
  1657. Killstreak
  1658. Alt
  1659. Stored
  1660. Weapon
  1661. pistol
  1662. spread
  1663. primary
  1664. offhand
  1665. altmode
  1666. dwlefthand
  1667. Full
  1668. Auto
  1669. Single
  1670. Shot
  1671. -Round
  1672. Burst
  1673. -Round
  1674. Burst
  1675. -Round
  1676. Burst
  1677. -Round
  1678. Burst
  1679. Stacked
  1680. Fire
  1681. Minigun
  1682. Charge
  1683. Shot
  1684. Jetgun
  1685. bottom
  1686. top
  1687. left
  1688. dp
  1689. ptrs
  1690. lmg
  1691. none
  1692. small
  1693. medium
  1694. large
  1695. bullet_small
  1696. bullet_large
  1697. bullet_ap
  1698. bullet_xtreme
  1699. shotgun
  1700. grenade_bounce
  1701. grenade_explode
  1702. rifle_grenade
  1703. rocket_explode
  1704. rocket_explode_xtreme
  1705. projectile_dud
  1706. mortar_shell
  1707. tank_shell
  1708. bolt
  1709. blade
  1710. rocket
  1711. flashbang
  1712. dud
  1713. smoke
  1714. heavy
  1715. explosive
  1716. fire
  1717. napalmblob
  1718. shrapnel
  1719. span
  1720. crosshair
  1721. stand
  1722. duck
  1723. prone
  1724. None
  1725. Frag
  1726. Grenade
  1727. Smoke
  1728. Grenade
  1729. Flash
  1730. Grenade
  1731. Gear
  1732. Supply
  1733. Drop
  1734. Marker
  1735. Lethal
  1736. grenade
  1737. Tactical
  1738. grenade
  1739. Equipment
  1740. Specific
  1741. use
  1742. Pip-On-A-Stick
  1743. Bouncing
  1744. Diamond
  1745. Missile
  1746. Lock
  1747. Sidewinder
  1748. Hellfire
  1749. Javelin
  1750. Ballistic
  1751. WireGuided
  1752. TVGuided
  1753. Drone
  1754. HeatSeeking
  1755. Don't
  1756. stick
  1757. Stick
  1758. to
  1759. all
  1760. Stick
  1761. to
  1762. all,
  1763. except
  1764. ai
  1765. and
  1766. clients
  1767. Stick
  1768. to
  1769. ground
  1770. Stick
  1771. to
  1772. ground,
  1773. maintain
  1774. yaw
  1775. Stick
  1776. to
  1777. flesh
  1778. Rotate
  1779. both
  1780. axis,
  1781. grenade
  1782. style
  1783. Rotate
  1784. one
  1785. axis,
  1786. blade
  1787. style
  1788. Rotate
  1789. like
  1790. a
  1791. cylinder
  1792. Turret
  1793. Scope
  1794. Magazine
  1795. ShortMagazine
  1796. Shotgun
  1797. Rocket
  1798. Beltfed
  1799. AltWeapon
  1800. Single
  1801. Dual
  1802. Barrel
  1803. Dual
  1804. Barrel
  1805. Alternate
  1806. Quad
  1807. Barrel
  1808. Quad
  1809. Barrel
  1810. Alternate
  1811. Quad
  1812. Barrel
  1813. Double
  1814. Alternate
  1815. displayName
  1816. AIOverlayDescription
  1817. modeName
  1818. playerAnimType
  1819. gunModel
  1820. gunModel
  1821. gunModel
  1822. gunModel
  1823. gunModel
  1824. gunModel
  1825. gunModel
  1826. gunModel
  1827. gunModel
  1828. gunModel
  1829. gunModel
  1830. gunModel
  1831. gunModel
  1832. gunModel
  1833. gunModel
  1834. gunModel
  1835. handModel
  1836. hideTags
  1837. notetrackSoundMap
  1838. idleAnim
  1839. idleAnimLeft
  1840. emptyIdleAnim
  1841. emptyIdleAnimLeft
  1842. fireIntroAnim
  1843. fireAnim
  1844. fireAnimLeft
  1845. holdFireAnim
  1846. lastShotAnim
  1847. lastShotAnimLeft
  1848. flourishAnim
  1849. flourishAnimLeft
  1850. detonateAnim
  1851. rechamberAnim
  1852. meleeAnim
  1853. meleeAnimEmpty
  1854. meleeAnim
  1855. meleeAnim
  1856. meleeAnim
  1857. meleeChargeAnim
  1858. meleeChargeAnimEmpty
  1859. reloadAnim
  1860. reloadAnimRight
  1861. reloadAnimLeft
  1862. reloadEmptyAnim
  1863. reloadEmptyAnimLeft
  1864. reloadStartAnim
  1865. reloadEndAnim
  1866. reloadQuickAnim
  1867. reloadQuickEmptyAnim
  1868. raiseAnim
  1869. dropAnim
  1870. firstRaiseAnim
  1871. altRaiseAnim
  1872. altDropAnim
  1873. quickRaiseAnim
  1874. quickDropAnim
  1875. emptyRaiseAnim
  1876. emptyDropAnim
  1877. sprintInAnim
  1878. sprintLoopAnim
  1879. sprintOutAnim
  1880. sprintInEmptyAnim
  1881. sprintLoopEmptyAnim
  1882. sprintOutEmptyAnim
  1883. lowReadyInAnim
  1884. lowReadyLoopAnim
  1885. lowReadyOutAnim
  1886. contFireInAnim
  1887. contFireLoopAnim
  1888. contFireOutAnim
  1889. crawlInAnim
  1890. crawlForwardAnim
  1891. crawlBackAnim
  1892. crawlRightAnim
  1893. crawlLeftAnim
  1894. crawlOutAnim
  1895. crawlEmptyInAnim
  1896. crawlEmptyForwardAnim
  1897. crawlEmptyBackAnim
  1898. crawlEmptyRightAnim
  1899. crawlEmptyLeftAnim
  1900. crawlEmptyOutAnim
  1901. deployAnim
  1902. breakdownAnim
  1903. nightVisionWearAnim
  1904. nightVisionRemoveAnim
  1905. adsFireAnim
  1906. adsLastShotAnim
  1907. adsRechamberAnim
  1908. adsUpAnim
  1909. adsDownAnim
  1910. adsUpOtherScopeAnim
  1911. adsFireIntroAnim
  1912. dtp_in
  1913. dtp_loop
  1914. dtp_out
  1915. dtp_empty_in
  1916. dtp_empty_loop
  1917. dtp_empty_out
  1918. slide_in
  1919. mantleAnim
  1920. sprintCameraAnim
  1921. dtpInCameraAnim
  1922. dtpLoopCameraAnim
  1923. dtpOutCameraAnim
  1924. mantleCameraAnim
  1925. script
  1926. weaponType
  1927. weaponClass
  1928. penetrateType
  1929. impactType
  1930. inventoryType
  1931. fireType
  1932. clipType
  1933. barrelType
  1934. offhandClass
  1935. offhandSlot
  1936. viewFlashEffect
  1937. worldFlashEffect
  1938. barrelCooldownEffect
  1939. barrelCooldownMinCount
  1940. viewFlashOffsetF
  1941. viewFlashOffsetR
  1942. viewFlashOffsetU
  1943. worldFlashOffsetF
  1944. worldFlashOffsetR
  1945. worldFlashOffsetU
  1946. pickupSound
  1947. pickupSoundPlayer
  1948. ammoPickupSound
  1949. ammoPickupSoundPlayer
  1950. projectileSound
  1951. pullbackSound
  1952. pullbackSoundPlayer
  1953. fireSound
  1954. crackSound
  1955. whizbySound
  1956. fireSoundPlayer
  1957. loopFireSound
  1958. loopFireSoundPlayer
  1959. loopFireEndSound
  1960. loopFireEndSoundPlayer
  1961. startFireSound
  1962. stopFireSound
  1963. killcamStartFireSound
  1964. startFireSoundPlayer
  1965. stopFireSoundPlayer
  1966. killcamStartFireSoundPlayer
  1967. lastShotSound
  1968. lastShotSoundPlayer
  1969. emptyFireSound
  1970. emptyFireSoundPlayer
  1971. meleeSwipeSound
  1972. meleeSwipeSoundPlayer
  1973. meleeHitSound
  1974. meleeMissSound
  1975. rechamberSound
  1976. rechamberSoundPlayer
  1977. reloadSound
  1978. reloadSoundPlayer
  1979. reloadEmptySound
  1980. reloadEmptySoundPlayer
  1981. reloadStartSound
  1982. reloadStartSoundPlayer
  1983. reloadEndSound
  1984. reloadEndSoundPlayer
  1985. rotateLoopSound
  1986. rotateLoopSoundPlayer
  1987. rotateStopSound
  1988. rotateStopSoundPlayer
  1989. deploySound
  1990. deploySoundPlayer
  1991. finishDeploySound
  1992. finishDeploySoundPlayer
  1993. breakdownSound
  1994. breakdownSoundPlayer
  1995. finishBreakdownSound
  1996. finishBreakdownSoundPlayer
  1997. detonateSound
  1998. detonateSoundPlayer
  1999. nightVisionWearSound
  2000. nightVisionWearSoundPlayer
  2001. nightVisionRemoveSound
  2002. nightVisionRemoveSoundPlayer
  2003. raiseSound
  2004. raiseSoundPlayer
  2005. firstRaiseSound
  2006. firstRaiseSoundPlayer
  2007. altSwitchSound
  2008. altSwitchSoundPlayer
  2009. adsRaiseSoundPlayer
  2010. adsLowerSoundPlayer
  2011. putawaySound
  2012. putawaySoundPlayer
  2013. overheatSound
  2014. overheatSoundPlayer
  2015. adsZoomSound
  2016. shellCasing
  2017. shellCasingPlayer
  2018. bounceSound
  2019. standMountedWeapdef
  2020. crouchMountedWeapdef
  2021. proneMountedWeapdef
  2022. viewShellEjectEffect
  2023. worldShellEjectEffect
  2024. viewLastShotEjectEffect
  2025. worldLastShotEjectEffect
  2026. viewShellEjectOffsetF
  2027. viewShellEjectOffsetR
  2028. viewShellEjectOffsetU
  2029. worldShellEjectOffsetF
  2030. worldShellEjectOffsetR
  2031. worldShellEjectOffsetU
  2032. viewShellEjectRotationP
  2033. viewShellEjectRotationY
  2034. viewShellEjectRotationR
  2035. worldShellEjectRotationP
  2036. worldShellEjectRotationY
  2037. worldShellEjectRotationR
  2038. reticleCenter
  2039. reticleSide
  2040. reticleCenterSize
  2041. reticleSideSize
  2042. reticleMinOfs
  2043. activeReticleType
  2044. standMoveF
  2045. standMoveR
  2046. standMoveU
  2047. standRotP
  2048. standRotY
  2049. standRotR
  2050. duckedOfsF
  2051. duckedOfsR
  2052. duckedOfsU
  2053. duckedMoveF
  2054. duckedMoveR
  2055. duckedMoveU
  2056. duckedSprintOfsF
  2057. duckedSprintOfsR
  2058. duckedSprintOfsU
  2059. duckedSprintRotP
  2060. duckedSprintRotY
  2061. duckedSprintRotR
  2062. duckedSprintBobH
  2063. duckedSprintBobV
  2064. duckedSprintScale
  2065. sprintOfsF
  2066. sprintOfsR
  2067. sprintOfsU
  2068. sprintRotP
  2069. sprintRotY
  2070. sprintRotR
  2071. sprintBobH
  2072. sprintBobV
  2073. sprintScale
  2074. lowReadyOfsF
  2075. lowReadyOfsR
  2076. lowReadyOfsU
  2077. lowReadyRotP
  2078. lowReadyRotY
  2079. lowReadyRotR
  2080. rideOfsF
  2081. rideOfsR
  2082. rideOfsU
  2083. rideRotP
  2084. rideRotY
  2085. rideRotR
  2086. dtpOfsF
  2087. dtpOfsR
  2088. dtpOfsU
  2089. dtpRotP
  2090. dtpRotY
  2091. dtpRotR
  2092. dtpBobH
  2093. dtpBobV
  2094. dtpScale
  2095. mantleOfsF
  2096. mantleOfsR
  2097. mantleOfsU
  2098. mantleRotP
  2099. mantleRotY
  2100. mantleRotR
  2101. slideOfsF
  2102. slideOfsR
  2103. slideOfsU
  2104. slideRotP
  2105. slideRotY
  2106. slideRotR
  2107. duckedRotP
  2108. duckedRotY
  2109. duckedRotR
  2110. proneOfsF
  2111. proneOfsR
  2112. proneOfsU
  2113. proneMoveF
  2114. proneMoveR
  2115. proneMoveU
  2116. proneRotP
  2117. proneRotY
  2118. proneRotR
  2119. strafeMoveF
  2120. strafeMoveR
  2121. strafeMoveU
  2122. strafeRotP
  2123. strafeRotY
  2124. strafeRotR
  2125. posMoveRate
  2126. posProneMoveRate
  2127. standMoveMinSpeed
  2128. duckedMoveMinSpeed
  2129. proneMoveMinSpeed
  2130. posRotRate
  2131. posProneRotRate
  2132. standRotMinSpeed
  2133. duckedRotMinSpeed
  2134. proneRotMinSpeed
  2135. worldModel
  2136. worldModel
  2137. worldModel
  2138. worldModel
  2139. worldModel
  2140. worldModel
  2141. worldModel
  2142. worldModel
  2143. worldModel
  2144. worldModel
  2145. worldModel
  2146. worldModel
  2147. worldModel
  2148. worldModel
  2149. worldModel
  2150. worldModel
  2151. attachViewModel
  2152. attachViewModel
  2153. attachViewModel
  2154. attachViewModel
  2155. attachViewModel
  2156. attachViewModel
  2157. attachViewModel
  2158. attachViewModel
  2159. attachWorldModel
  2160. attachWorldModel
  2161. attachWorldModel
  2162. attachWorldModel
  2163. attachWorldModel
  2164. attachWorldModel
  2165. attachWorldModel
  2166. attachWorldModel
  2167. attachViewModelTag
  2168. attachViewModelTag
  2169. attachViewModelTag
  2170. attachViewModelTag
  2171. attachViewModelTag
  2172. attachViewModelTag
  2173. attachViewModelTag
  2174. attachViewModelTag
  2175. attachWorldModelTag
  2176. attachWorldModelTag
  2177. attachWorldModelTag
  2178. attachWorldModelTag
  2179. attachWorldModelTag
  2180. attachWorldModelTag
  2181. attachWorldModelTag
  2182. attachWorldModelTag
  2183. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2184. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2185. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2186. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2187. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2188. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2189. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2190. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2191. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2192. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2193. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2194. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2195. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2196. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2197. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2198. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2199. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2200. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2201. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2202. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2203. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2204. attachViewModelOffsetX
  2205. attachViewModelOffsetY
  2206. attachViewModelOffsetZ
  2207. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2208. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2209. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2210. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2211. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2212. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2213. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2214. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2215. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2216. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2217. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2218. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2219. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2220. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2221. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2222. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2223. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2224. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2225. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2226. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2227. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2228. attachWorldModelOffsetX
  2229. attachWorldModelOffsetY
  2230. attachWorldModelOffsetZ
  2231. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2232. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2233. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2234. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2235. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2236. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2237. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2238. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2239. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2240. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2241. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2242. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2243. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2244. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2245. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2246. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2247. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2248. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2249. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2250. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2251. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2252. attachViewModelOffsetPitch
  2253. attachViewModelOffsetYaw
  2254. attachViewModelOffsetRoll
  2255. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2256. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2257. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2258. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2259. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2260. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2261. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2262. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2263. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2264. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2265. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2266. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2267. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2268. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2269. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2270. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2271. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2272. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2273. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2274. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2275. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2276. attachWorldModelOffsetPitch
  2277. attachWorldModelOffsetYaw
  2278. attachWorldModelOffsetRoll
  2279. ignoreAttachments
  2280. stowedModelOffsetsF
  2281. stowedModelOffsetsR
  2282. stowedModelOffsetsU
  2283. stowedModelOffsetsPitch
  2284. stowedModelOffsetsYaw
  2285. stowedModelOffsetsRoll
  2286. worldClipModel
  2287. rocketModel
  2288. mountedModel
  2289. AdditionalMeleeModel
  2290. fireTypeIcon
  2291. hudIcon
  2292. hudIconRatio
  2293. indicatorIcon
  2294. indicatorIconRatio
  2295. ammoCounterIcon
  2296. ammoCounterIconRatio
  2297. ammoCounterClip
  2298. startAmmo
  2299. ammoDisplayName
  2300. ammoName
  2301. clipName
  2302. maxAmmo
  2303. clipSize
  2304. shotCount
  2305. sharedAmmoCapName
  2306. sharedAmmoCap
  2307. unlimitedAmmo
  2308. ammoCountClipRelative
  2309. sharedAmmo
  2310. jamFireTime
  2311. overheatWeapon
  2312. overheatRate
  2313. cooldownRate
  2314. overheatEndVal
  2315. coolWhileFiring
  2316. fuelTankWeapon
  2317. tankLifeTime
  2318. damage
  2319. minDamage
  2320. maxDamageRange
  2321. minDamageRange
  2322. damage
  2323. damage
  2324. damage
  2325. damage
  2326. damageRange
  2327. damageRange
  2328. damageRange
  2329. damageRange
  2330. damageDuration
  2331. damageInterval
  2332. playerDamage
  2333. meleeDamage
  2334. minPlayerDamage
  2335. destabilizationRateTime
  2336. destabilizationCurvatureMax
  2337. destabilizeDistance
  2338. fireDelay
  2339. meleeDelay
  2340. meleeChargeDelay
  2341. spinUpTime
  2342. spinDownTime
  2343. spinRate
  2344. spinLoopSound
  2345. spinLoopSoundPlayer
  2346. startSpinSound
  2347. startSpinSoundPlayer
  2348. stopSpinSound
  2349. stopSpinSoundPlayer
  2350. applySpinPitch
  2351. introFireTime
  2352. introFireLength
  2353. fireTime
  2354. lastFireTime
  2355. rechamberTime
  2356. rechamberBoltTime
  2357. holdFireTime
  2358. burstFireDelay
  2359. detonateTime
  2360. detonateDelay
  2361. meleeTime
  2362. meleeChargeTime
  2363. reloadTime
  2364. reloadShowRocketTime
  2365. reloadEmptyTime
  2366. reloadAddTime
  2367. reloadEmptyAddTime
  2368. reloadQuickAddTime
  2369. reloadQuickEmptyAddTime
  2370. reloadStartTime
  2371. reloadStartAddTime
  2372. reloadEndTime
  2373. reloadQuickTime
  2374. reloadQuickEmptyTime
  2375. dropTime
  2376. raiseTime
  2377. altDropTime
  2378. altRaiseTime
  2379. quickDropTime
  2380. quickRaiseTime
  2381. firstRaiseTime
  2382. emptyRaiseTime
  2383. emptyDropTime
  2384. sprintInTime
  2385. sprintLoopTime
  2386. sprintOutTime
  2387. lowReadyInTime
  2388. lowReadyLoopTime
  2389. lowReadyOutTime
  2390. contFireInTime
  2391. contFireLoopTime
  2392. contFireOutTime
  2393. dtpInTime
  2394. dtpLoopTime
  2395. dtpOutTime
  2396. crawlInTime
  2397. crawlForwardTime
  2398. crawlBackTime
  2399. crawlRightTime
  2400. crawlLeftTime
  2401. crawlOutFireTime
  2402. crawlOutTime
  2403. slideInTime
  2404. deployTime
  2405. breakdownTime
  2406. nightVisionWearTime
  2407. nightVisionWearTimeFadeOutEnd
  2408. nightVisionWearTimePowerUp
  2409. nightVisionRemoveTime
  2410. nightVisionRemoveTimePowerDown
  2411. nightVisionRemoveTimeFadeInStart
  2412. fuseTime
  2413. aifuseTime
  2414. lockOnRadius
  2415. lockOnSpeed
  2416. requireLockonToFire
  2417. noAdsWhenMagEmpty
  2418. avoidDropCleanup
  2419. stackFire
  2420. stackFireSpread
  2421. stackFireAccuracyDecay
  2422. stackSound
  2423. autoAimRange
  2424. aimAssistRange
  2425. aimAssistRangeAds
  2426. mountableWeapon
  2427. aimPadding
  2428. enemyCrosshairRange
  2429. crosshairColorChange
  2430. moveSpeedScale
  2431. adsMoveSpeedScale
  2432. sprintDurationScale
  2433. idleCrouchFactor
  2434. idleProneFactor
  2435. gunMaxPitch
  2436. gunMaxYaw
  2437. swayMaxAngle
  2438. swayLerpSpeed
  2439. swayPitchScale
  2440. swayYawScale
  2441. swayHorizScale
  2442. swayVertScale
  2443. swayShellShockScale
  2444. adsSwayMaxAngle
  2445. adsSwayLerpSpeed
  2446. adsSwayPitchScale
  2447. adsSwayYawScale
  2448. adsSwayHorizScale
  2449. adsSwayVertScale
  2450. meleeChargeRange
  2451. rifleBullet
  2452. armorPiercing
  2453. boltAction
  2454. shotsBeforeRechamber
  2455. useAltTagFlash
  2456. useAntiLagRewind
  2457. isCarriedKillstreakWeapon
  2458. aimDownSight
  2459. rechamberWhileAds
  2460. reloadWhileAds
  2461. adsViewErrorMin
  2462. adsViewErrorMax
  2463. clipOnly
  2464. canUseInVehicle
  2465. noDropsOrRaises
  2466. cookOffHold
  2467. adsFire
  2468. cancelAutoHolsterWhenEmpty
  2469. suppressAmmoReserveDisplay
  2470. laserSight
  2471. laserSightDuringNightvision
  2472. bayonet
  2473. dualWield
  2474. hideThirdPerson
  2475. explodeOnGround
  2476. throwBack
  2477. retrievable
  2478. dieOnRespawn
  2479. noThirdPersonDropsOrRaises
  2480. continuousFire
  2481. useAsMelee
  2482. antiQuickScope
  2483. noPing
  2484. forceBounce
  2485. useDroppedModelAsStowed
  2486. noQuickDropWhenEmpty
  2487. keepCrosshairWhenADS
  2488. useOnlyAltWeaoponHideTagsInAltMode
  2489. altWeaponAdsOnly
  2490. altWeaponDisableSwitching
  2491. killIcon
  2492. killIconRatio
  2493. flipKillIcon
  2494. dpadIcon
  2495. dpadIconRatio
  2496. noAmmoOnDpadIcon
  2497. noPartialReload
  2498. segmentedReload
  2499. noADSAutoReload
  2500. reloadAmmoAdd
  2501. reloadStartAdd
  2502. attachmentUnique
  2503. altWeapon
  2504. DualWieldWeapon
  2505. grenadeWeapon
  2506. dropAmmoMin
  2507. dropAmmoMax
  2508. dropClipAmmoMin
  2509. dropClipAmmoMax
  2510. blocksProne
  2511. silenced
  2512. dualMag
  2513. infrared
  2514. tvguided
  2515. airburstWeapon
  2516. perks
  2517. perks
  2518. isRollingGrenade
  2519. useBallisticPrediction
  2520. isValuable
  2521. isTacticalInsertion
  2522. isReviveWeapon
  2523. bUseRigidBodyOnVehicle
  2524. showIndicator
  2525. explosionRadius
  2526. explosionRadiusMin
  2527. indicatorRadius
  2528. explosionInnerDamage
  2529. explosionOuterDamage
  2530. damageConeAngle
  2531. projectileSpeed
  2532. projectileSpeedRelativeUp
  2533. projectileSpeedUp
  2534. projectileSpeedForward
  2535. projectileTakeParentVel
  2536. projectileActivateDist
  2537. projectileLifetime
  2538. timeToAccelerate
  2539. projectileCurvature
  2540. projectileModel
  2541. projExplosionType
  2542. projExplosionEffect
  2543. projExplosionEffectForceNormalUp
  2544. projExplosionEffect
  2545. projExplosionEffectForceNormalUp
  2546. projExplosionEffect
  2547. projExplosionEffectForceNormalUp
  2548. projExplosionEffect
  2549. projExplosionEffectForceNormalUp
  2550. projExplosionEffect
  2551. projExplosionEffectForceNormalUp
  2552. projExplosionSound
  2553. projDudEffect
  2554. projDudSound
  2555. projImpactExplode
  2556. sentientImpactExplode
  2557. explodeWhenStationary
  2558. bulletImpactExplode
  2559. mortarShellSound
  2560. tankShellSound
  2561. stickiness
  2562. rotateType
  2563. hasDetonator
  2564. plantable
  2565. timedDetonation
  2566. noCrumpleMissile
  2567. rotate
  2568. keepRolling
  2569. holdButtonToThrow
  2570. offhandHoldIsCancelable
  2571. freezeMovementWhenFiring
  2572. lowAmmoWarningThreshold
  2573. explosionTag
  2574. bDisallowAtMatchStart
  2575. isCameraSensor
  2576. isAcousticSensor
  2577. isLaserSensor
  2578. isHoldUseGrenade
  2579. parallelDefaultBounce
  2580. parallelAsphaltBounce
  2581. parallelBarkBounce
  2582. parallelBrickBounce
  2583. parallelCarpetBounce
  2584. parallelCeramicBounce
  2585. parallelClothBounce
  2586. parallelConcreteBounce
  2587. parallelCushionBounce
  2588. parallelDirtBounce
  2589. parallelFleshBounce
  2590. parallelFoliageBounce
  2591. parallelFruitBounce
  2592. parallelGlassBounce
  2593. parallelGrassBounce
  2594. parallelGravelBounce
  2595. parallelIceBounce
  2596. parallelMetalBounce
  2597. parallelMudBounce
  2598. parallelPaintedMetalBounce
  2599. parallelPaperBounce
  2600. parallelPlasterBounce
  2601. parallelPlasticBounce
  2602. parallelRockBounce
  2603. parallelRubberBounce
  2604. parallelSandBounce
  2605. parallelSnowBounce
  2606. parallelWaterBounce
  2607. parallelWoodBounce
  2608. parallelRiotShieldBounce
  2609. perpendicularDefaultBounce
  2610. perpendicularAsphaltBounce
  2611. perpendicularBarkBounce
  2612. perpendicularBrickBounce
  2613. perpendicularCarpetBounce
  2614. perpendicularCeramicBounce
  2615. perpendicularClothBounce
  2616. perpendicularConcreteBounce
  2617. perpendicularCushionBounce
  2618. perpendicularDirtBounce
  2619. perpendicularFleshBounce
  2620. perpendicularFoliageBounce
  2621. perpendicularFruitBounce
  2622. perpendicularGlassBounce
  2623. perpendicularGrassBounce
  2624. perpendicularGravelBounce
  2625. perpendicularIceBounce
  2626. perpendicularMetalBounce
  2627. perpendicularMudBounce
  2628. perpendicularPaintedMetalBounce
  2629. perpendicularPaperBounce
  2630. perpendicularPlasterBounce
  2631. perpendicularPlasticBounce
  2632. perpendicularRockBounce
  2633. perpendicularRubberBounce
  2634. perpendicularSandBounce
  2635. perpendicularSnowBounce
  2636. perpendicularWaterBounce
  2637. perpendicularWoodBounce
  2638. perpendicularRiotShieldBounce
  2639. projTrailEffect
  2640. projectileRed
  2641. projectileGreen
  2642. projectileBlue
  2643. guidedMissileType
  2644. maxSteeringAccel
  2645. projIgnitionDelay
  2646. projIgnitionEffect
  2647. projIgnitionSound
  2648. tagFx_preparationEffect
  2649. tagFlash_preparationEffect
  2650. adsTransInTime
  2651. adsTransOutTime
  2652. adsIdleAmount
  2653. adsIdleSpeed
  2654. adsZoomFov
  2655. adsZoomFov
  2656. adsZoomFov
  2657. adsZoomInFrac
  2658. adsZoomOutFrac
  2659. adsOverlayShader
  2660. adsOverlayShaderLowRes
  2661. adsOverlayReticle
  2662. adsOverlayInterface
  2663. adsOverlayWidth
  2664. adsOverlayHeight
  2665. adsOverlayAlphaScale
  2666. adsBobFactor
  2667. adsViewBobMult
  2668. holdBreathToSteady
  2669. adsAimPitch
  2670. adsCrosshairInFrac
  2671. adsCrosshairOutFrac
  2672. adsReloadTransTime
  2673. adsGunKickReducedKickBullets
  2674. adsGunKickReducedKickPercent
  2675. adsGunKickPitchMin
  2676. adsGunKickPitchMax
  2677. adsGunKickYawMin
  2678. adsGunKickYawMax
  2679. adsGunKickAccel
  2680. adsGunKickSpeedMax
  2681. adsGunKickSpeedDecay
  2682. adsGunKickStaticDecay
  2683. adsViewKickPitchMin
  2684. adsViewKickPitchMax
  2685. adsViewKickMinMagnitude
  2686. adsViewKickYawMin
  2687. adsViewKickYawMax
  2688. adsRecoilReductionRate
  2689. adsRecoilReductionLimit
  2690. adsRecoilReturnRate
  2691. adsViewKickCenterSpeed
  2692. adsViewKickCenterDuckedScale
  2693. adsViewKickCenterProneScale
  2694. adsSpread
  2695. antiQuickScopeTime
  2696. antiQuickScopeScale
  2697. antiQuickScopeSpreadMultiplier
  2698. antiQuickScopeSpreadMax
  2699. antiQuickScopeSwayFactor
  2700. hipSpreadStandMin
  2701. hipSpreadDuckedMin
  2702. hipSpreadProneMin
  2703. hipSpreadMax
  2704. hipSpreadDuckedMax
  2705. hipSpreadProneMax
  2706. hipSpreadDecayRate
  2707. hipSpreadFireAdd
  2708. hipSpreadTurnAdd
  2709. hipSpreadMoveAdd
  2710. hipSpreadDuckedDecay
  2711. hipSpreadProneDecay
  2712. hipReticleSidePos
  2713. hipIdleAmount
  2714. hipIdleSpeed
  2715. hipGunKickReducedKickBullets
  2716. hipGunKickReducedKickPercent
  2717. hipGunKickPitchMin
  2718. hipGunKickPitchMax
  2719. hipGunKickYawMin
  2720. hipGunKickYawMax
  2721. hipGunKickAccel
  2722. hipGunKickSpeedMax
  2723. hipGunKickSpeedDecay
  2724. hipGunKickStaticDecay
  2725. hipViewKickPitchMin
  2726. hipViewKickPitchMax
  2727. hipViewKickMinMagnitude
  2728. hipViewKickYawMin
  2729. hipViewKickYawMax
  2730. hipViewKickCenterSpeed
  2731. leftArc
  2732. rightArc
  2733. topArc
  2734. bottomArc
  2735. accuracy
  2736. aiSpread
  2737. playerSpread
  2738. maxVertTurnSpeed
  2739. maxHorTurnSpeed
  2740. minVertTurnSpeed
  2741. minHorTurnSpeed
  2742. pitchConvergenceTime
  2743. yawConvergenceTime
  2744. suppressionTime
  2745. maxRange
  2746. animHorRotateInc
  2747. playerPositionDist
  2748. stance
  2749. useHintString
  2750. dropHintString
  2751. horizViewJitter
  2752. vertViewJitter
  2753. cameraShakeScale
  2754. cameraShakeDuration
  2755. cameraShakeRadius
  2756. explosionCameraShakeScale
  2757. explosionCameraShakeDuration
  2758. explosionCameraShakeRadius
  2759. fightDist
  2760. maxDist
  2761. aiVsAiAccuracyGraph
  2762. aiVsPlayerAccuracyGraph
  2763. locNone
  2764. locHelmet
  2765. locHead
  2766. locNeck
  2767. locTorsoUpper
  2768. locTorsoMid
  2769. locTorsoLower
  2770. locRightArmUpper
  2771. locRightArmLower
  2772. locRightHand
  2773. locLeftArmUpper
  2774. locLeftArmLower
  2775. locLeftHand
  2776. locRightLegUpper
  2777. locRightLegLower
  2778. locRightFoot
  2779. locLeftLegUpper
  2780. locLeftLegLower
  2781. locLeftFoot
  2782. locGun
  2783. fireRumble
  2784. meleeImpactRumble
  2785. reloadRumble
  2786. explosionRumble
  2787. tracerType
  2788. enemyTracerType
  2789. adsDofStart
  2790. adsDofEnd
  2791. scanSpeed
  2792. scanAccel
  2793. scanPauseTime
  2794. flameTableFirstPerson
  2795. flameTableThirdPerson
  2796. mmsWeapon
  2797. mmsInScope
  2798. mmsFOV
  2799. mmsAspect
  2800. mmsMaxDist
  2801. ikLeftHandIdlePosF
  2802. ikLeftHandIdlePosR
  2803. ikLeftHandIdlePosU
  2804. ikLeftHandOffsetF
  2805. ikLeftHandOffsetR
  2806. ikLeftHandOffsetU
  2807. ikLeftHandRotationP
  2808. ikLeftHandRotationY
  2809. ikLeftHandRotationR
  2810. usingLeftHandProneIK
  2811. ikLeftHandProneOffsetF
  2812. ikLeftHandProneOffsetR
  2813. ikLeftHandProneOffsetU
  2814. ikLeftHandProneRotationP
  2815. ikLeftHandProneRotationY
  2816. ikLeftHandProneRotationR
  2817. ikLeftHandUiViewerOffsetF
  2818. ikLeftHandUiViewerOffsetR
  2819. ikLeftHandUiViewerOffsetU
  2820. ikLeftHandUiViewerRotationP
  2821. ikLeftHandUiViewerRotationY
  2822. ikLeftHandUiViewerRotationR
  2823. parentWeaponName
  2824. doGibbing
  2825. maxGibDistance
  2826. altScopeADSTransInTime
  2827. altScopeADSTransOutTime
  2828. meleeSwipeEffect
  2829. meleeImpactEffect
  2830. meleeImpactNoBloodEffect
  2831. throwBackType
  2832. camo
  2833. customFloat
  2834. customFloat
  2835. customFloat
  2836. customBool
  2837. customBool
  2838. customBool
  2839. flameVar_streamChunkGravityStart
  2840. flameVar_streamChunkGravityEnd
  2841. flameVar_streamChunkMaxSize
  2842. flameVar_streamChunkStartSize
  2843. flameVar_streamChunkEndSize
  2844. flameVar_streamChunkStartSizeRand
  2845. flameVar_streamChunkEndSizeRand
  2846. flameVar_streamChunkDistScalar
  2847. flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayScale
  2848. flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayVelMax
  2849. flameVar_streamChunkSpeed
  2850. flameVar_streamChunkDecel
  2851. flameVar_streamChunkVelocityAddScale
  2852. flameVar_streamChunkDuration
  2853. flameVar_streamChunkDurationScaleMaxVel
  2854. flameVar_streamChunkDurationVelScalar
  2855. flameVar_streamChunkSizeSpeedScale
  2856. flameVar_streamChunkSizeAgeScale
  2857. flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalStart
  2858. flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalEnd
  2859. flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMinLifeFrac
  2860. flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMaxLifeFrac
  2861. flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFrac
  2862. flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracStart
  2863. flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracEnd
  2864. flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFrac
  2865. flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracStart
  2866. flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracEnd
  2867. flameVar_streamChunkRotationRange
  2868. flameVar_streamSizeRandSinWave
  2869. flameVar_streamSizeRandCosWave
  2870. flameVar_streamDripsChunkInterval
  2871. flameVar_streamDripsChunkMinFrac
  2872. flameVar_streamDripsChunkRandFrac
  2873. flameVar_streamSmokeChunkInterval
  2874. flameVar_streamSmokeChunkMinFrac
  2875. flameVar_streamSmokeChunkRandFrac
  2876. flameVar_streamChunkCullDistSizeFrac
  2877. flameVar_streamChunkCullMinLife
  2878. flameVar_streamChunkCullMaxLife
  2879. flameVar_streamFuelSizeStart
  2880. flameVar_streamFuelSizeEnd
  2881. flameVar_streamFuelLength
  2882. flameVar_streamFuelNumSegments
  2883. flameVar_streamFuelAnimLoopTime
  2884. flameVar_streamFlameSizeStart
  2885. flameVar_streamFlameSizeEnd
  2886. flameVar_streamFlameLength
  2887. flameVar_streamFlameNumSegments
  2888. flameVar_streamFlameAnimLoopTime
  2889. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadius
  2890. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadiusFlutter
  2891. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightR
  2892. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightG
  2893. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightB
  2894. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterR
  2895. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterG
  2896. flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterB
  2897. flameVar_fireLife
  2898. flameVar_fireLifeRand
  2899. flameVar_fireSpeedScale
  2900. flameVar_fireSpeedScaleRand
  2901. flameVar_fireVelocityAddZ
  2902. flameVar_fireVelocityAddZRand
  2903. flameVar_fireVelocityAddSideways
  2904. flameVar_fireGravity
  2905. flameVar_fireGravityEnd
  2906. flameVar_fireMaxRotVel
  2907. flameVar_fireFriction
  2908. flameVar_fireEndSizeAdd
  2909. flameVar_fireStartSizeScale
  2910. flameVar_fireEndSizeScale
  2911. flameVar_fireBrightness
  2912. flameVar_dripsLife
  2913. flameVar_dripsLifeRand
  2914. flameVar_dripsSpeedScale
  2915. flameVar_dripsSpeedScaleRand
  2916. flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZ
  2917. flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZRand
  2918. flameVar_dripsVelocityAddSideways
  2919. flameVar_dripsGravity
  2920. flameVar_dripsGravityEnd
  2921. flameVar_dripsMaxRotVel
  2922. flameVar_dripsFriction
  2923. flameVar_dripsEndSizeAdd
  2924. flameVar_dripsStartSizeScale
  2925. flameVar_dripsEndSizeScale
  2926. flameVar_dripsBrightness
  2927. flameVar_smokeLife
  2928. flameVar_smokeLifeRand
  2929. flameVar_smokeSpeedScale
  2930. flameVar_smokeVelocityAddZ
  2931. flameVar_smokeGravity
  2932. flameVar_smokeGravityEnd
  2933. flameVar_smokeMaxRotation
  2934. flameVar_smokeMaxRotVel
  2935. flameVar_smokeFriction
  2936. flameVar_smokeEndSizeAdd
  2937. flameVar_smokeStartSizeAdd
  2938. flameVar_smokeOriginSizeOfsZScale
  2939. flameVar_smokeOriginOfsZ
  2940. flameVar_smokeFadein
  2941. flameVar_smokeFadeout
  2942. flameVar_smokeMaxAlpha
  2943. flameVar_smokeBrightness
  2944. flameVar_smokeOriginOffset
  2945. flameVar_collisionSpeedScale
  2946. flameVar_collisionVolumeScale
  2947. name
  2948. heat
  2949. drips
  2950. streamFuel
  2951. streamFuel
  2952. streamFlame
  2953. streamFlame
  2954. flameOffLoopSound
  2955. flameIgniteSound
  2956. flameOnLoopSound
  2957. flameCooldownSound
  2958. y
  2959. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  2960. mp/playeranimtypes
  2961. txt
  2962. Couldn't
  2963. load
  2964. file
  2965. '%s'
  2966. BG_AnimParseAnimScript
  2967. Player
  2968. anim
  2969. type
  2970. array
  2971. size
  2972. exceeded
  2973. revivee
  2974. sniper
  2975. briefcase
  2976. rearclipsniper
  2977. Exceeded
  2979. weapon
  2980. class
  2981. weapon
  2982. overlay
  2983. reticle
  2984. Unknown
  2985. weapon
  2986. inventory
  2987. Unknown
  2988. weapon
  2989. clip
  2990. type
  2991. "%s"
  2992. Unknown
  2993. weapon
  2994. barrel
  2995. penetration
  2996. type
  2997. "%s"
  2998. "%s"
  2999. in
  3000. "%s"
  3001. Unknown
  3002. offhand
  3003. class
  3004. Unknown
  3005. offhand
  3006. slot
  3007. playerAnimType
  3008. activeReticleType
  3009. Unknown
  3010. guided
  3011. missile
  3012. type
  3013. weapon
  3014. stickiness
  3015. Unknown
  3016. weapon
  3017. rotate
  3018. type
  3019. Unknown
  3020. weapon
  3021. ads
  3022. overlay
  3023. interface
  3024. Unknown
  3025. ammoCounter
  3026. Damagerangedistanceswentbackwardsforweapon
  3027. enable_global_wind
  3028. enable_grass_wind
  3029. wind_global_vector
  3030. wind_global_low_altitude
  3031. wind_global_hi_altitude
  3032. wind_global_low_strength_percent
  3033. wind_leaf_scale
  3034. wind_grass_gustinterval
  3035. wind_grass_scale
  3036. wind_grass_tension
  3037. wind_grass_gust_speed
  3038. wind_grass_gust_radius
  3039. wind_grass_gust_strength
  3040. wind_grass_gust_distance
  3041. wind_debug_display
  3042. tree_bend
  3043. tree_random
  3044. tree_frequency
  3045. CG_UpdateWind
  3046. tag_weapon_right
  3047. CG_Actor_Update_LookAtEntity
  3048. j_spine
  3049. weaponParam
  3050. ammoCounterHide
  3051. actionSlotsHide
  3052. lowAmmoWarningColor
  3053. lowAmmoWarningColor
  3054. lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor
  3055. lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor
  3056. lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor
  3057. lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor
  3058. cg_fuelHudVersion
  3059. ui_right_ammo_width
  3060. ui_ammo_stock_width
  3061. [{+actionslot_carousel}]
  3062. %i
  3063. satchel_charge_sp
  3067. low
  3068. ammo
  3069. warning
  3070. generic_human
  3071. no_gfutz
  3072. clouds/%s
  3073. cloud
  3074. addCloudLayer
  3075. compass
  3076. compassMaxRange
  3077. compassMinRange
  3078. compassMinRadius
  3079. compassSoundPingFadeTime
  3080. compassClampIcons
  3081. compassRadarPingFadeTime
  3082. compassRadarUpdateTime
  3083. compassRadarUpdateFastTime
  3084. compassSatelliteStaticImageFadeTime
  3085. compassSatellitePingFadeTime
  3086. compassStaticImageUpdateTime
  3087. compassSatelliteScanTime
  3088. compassRadarLineThickness
  3089. compassLocalRadarUpdateTime
  3090. compassLocalRadarRadius
  3091. compassObjectiveWidth
  3092. compassObjectiveHeight
  3093. compassObjectiveNearbyDist
  3094. compassObjectiveMinDistRange
  3095. compassObjectiveDetailDist
  3096. compassObjectiveMinHeight
  3097. compassObjectiveMaxHeight
  3098. compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange
  3099. compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ
  3100. compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed
  3101. compassEnemyFootstepEnabled
  3102. compassShowEnemies
  3103. compassForcePlayerIcon
  3104. compassGridEnabled
  3105. compassGridRows
  3106. compassGridCols
  3107. compassGridAlign
  3108. typeWriterCodLetterFXTime
  3109. popInLetterFXTime
  3110. redactionDisplayTime
  3111. redactionFadeDuration
  3112. redactionStartStrokeTime
  3113. redactionStrokeTime
  3114. shoutcastSelectedClient
  3115. shoutcastHighlightedClient
  3116. compassEnableColorBlindPlayerIcons
  3117. cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness
  3118. cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth
  3119. cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight
  3120. cg_hudMapPlayerWidth
  3121. cg_hudMapPlayerHeight
  3122. cg_hudMapBorderWidth
  3123. cg_showZombieControls
  3124. Compass
  3125. ownerdraw
  3126. mp/gridPointsTable
  3127. cod_fadein
  3128. cg_noclip
  3129. cg_ufo
  3130. cg_moviecamera
  3131. pause
  3132. viewpos
  3133. toggleactivemap
  3134. fade
  3135. silence
  3136. cg_shellshock
  3137. cg_shellshock_load
  3138. cg_shellshock_save
  3139. playrumble
  3140. recorder_togglePlayback
  3141. recorder_memResize
  3142. recorder_gotoTime
  3143. Health
  3144. weaponinfo
  3145. weaponinfo_lowdef
  3146. sprintMeter
  3147. offhandinfo
  3148. objectiveinfo
  3149. voiceMenu
  3150. Friend
  3151. Name
  3152. devgui
  3153. CG_AddSceneTracerBeams
  3154. gfx_fxt_fx_distortion_water_droplet
  3155. CG_GenerateSceneVerts
  3156. fonts/smallDevFont
  3157. extrabigfont
  3158. wwwww
  3159. %ifps
  3160. %ims(sv)
  3161. objective
  3162. text
  3163. CG_DrawOverheadNames
  3164. voice_on_xboxlive
  3165. voice_on
  3166. CG_ScanForCrosshairEntity
  3167. CG_DrawNames
  3168. CG_DrawFriendlyNames
  3169. CG_DrawCrosshair
  3170. tag_weapon_right
  3171. anim_gunhand = "left"
  3172. anim_gunhand = "right"
  3173. step_
  3174. dogstep_
  3175. footstep_
  3176. sound_
  3177. weaponParam
  3178. CG_Turret
  3179. CG_General
  3180. CG_Player
  3181. CG_Corpse
  3182. CG_Actor
  3183. CG_ActorSpawner
  3184. CG_Missile
  3185. CG_ScriptMover
  3186. CG_ZBarrer
  3187. CG_Vehicle
  3188. CG_Fx
  3189. CG_LoopFx
  3190. CG_PrimaryLight
  3191. R_Stream_ProcessHintEntity
  3192. CG_DObjCalcBone
  3193. CL_SaveClientData
  3194. CL_CommitClientData
  3195. CG_AddPacketEntities
  3196. WriteField:
  3197. Destructible
  3198. (%i)
  3200. dobj_tag
  3201. dobj_bone
  3202. killicondied
  3203. hud_obit_death_suicide
  3204. hud_obit_knife
  3205. hud_obit_death_grenade_round
  3206. killiconheadshot
  3207. hud_obit_death_falling
  3208. hud_obit_death_crush
  3209. CG_Obituary:
  3210. target
  3211. out
  3212. of
  3213. range
  3214. AI
  3220. weapon
  3221. has
  3222. been
  3223. precached
  3224. dtp_rumble
  3225. Unknown
  3226. event:
  3228. waypointIconWidth
  3229. waypointIconHeight
  3230. waypointOffscreenPointerWidth
  3231. waypointOffscreenPointerHeight
  3232. waypointOffscreenPointerDistance
  3233. waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha
  3234. waypointOffscreenPadLeft
  3235. waypointOffscreenPadRight
  3236. waypointOffscreenPadTop
  3237. waypointOffscreenPadBottom
  3238. waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners
  3239. waypointOffscreenCornerRadius
  3240. waypointOffscreenScaleLength
  3241. waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest
  3242. waypointDistScaleRangeMin
  3243. waypointDistScaleRangeMax
  3244. waypointDistScaleSmallest
  3245. waypointDistFade
  3246. waypointTimeFade
  3247. waypointSplitscreenScale
  3248. waypointTweakY
  3249. hudElemPausedBrightness
  3250. waypointPlayerOffsetProne
  3251. waypointPlayerOffsetCrouch
  3252. waypointPlayerOffsetStand
  3253. waypointMaxDrawDist
  3254. uid_hudelem_maxscale
  3255. uid_hudelem_minscale
  3256. uid_hudelem_maxheight
  3257. uid_hudelem_minheight
  3259. %s(%s)
  3261. [{
  3262. }]
  3263. hudelem
  3264. string%i:%i:%i%i:%i%i:%i:%i%i%i:%i%i&&%gneedle%s%im%im
  3265. CG_DrawdHudElems
  3266. RB_AddWaypoints
  3267. RB_DrawWaypoints
  3268. laserRange
  3269. laserRangePlayer
  3270. laserLightRangePlayer
  3271. laserRadius
  3272. laserFadeADS
  3273. laserLightWithoutNightvision
  3274. laserLightBodyTweak
  3275. laserLightRadius
  3276. laserLightBeginOffset
  3277. laserLightEndOffset
  3278. laserEndOffset
  3279. laserFlarePct
  3280. laserDebug
  3281. laserRange_alt
  3282. laserRadius_alt
  3283. laserLightRadius_alt
  3284. laserFlarePct_alt
  3285. laserAlpha
  3286. CG_FreeLocalEntity:
  3287. not
  3288. active
  3289. cg_entitiesArray
  3290. cgDC
  3291. cgArray
  3292. cgsArray
  3293. cg_viewModelArray
  3294. cg_attachmentsArray
  3295. cg_weaponsArray
  3296. cg_destructibles
  3297. ikStatesArray
  3298. cg_rangeFinderDefaultColor
  3299. cg_rangeFinderActiveColor
  3300. cg_rangeFinderMinEnemySpottingDist
  3301. cg_rangeFinderPlayerTargetSize
  3302. cg_rangeFinderActiveWidth
  3303. cg_rangeFinderActiveHeight
  3304. cg_rangeFinderDiamondIndicator
  3305. cg_rangeFinderDiamondSize
  3306. cg_sonarAttachmentBlur
  3307. cg_sonarAttachmentMaxDist
  3308. cg_sonarAttachmentSpeedDelay
  3309. cg_sonarAttachmentFadeFriendlies
  3310. cg_sonarAttachmentHideFriendlies
  3311. cg_sonarAttachmentEmpFade
  3312. cg_sonarAttachmentPulseInterval
  3313. cg_sonarAttachmentPulseTime
  3314. cg_sonarAttachmentMaxSpeed
  3315. cg_sonarAttachmentDistanceFactor
  3316. cg_sonarAttachmentFullscreenMaxDist
  3317. cg_infraredBlur
  3318. cg_infraredBlurTime
  3319. cg_forceInfrared
  3320. cg_infraredFriendFoeDebug
  3321. cg_infraredFriendlies
  3322. cg_InfraredFadeoutTime
  3323. cg_weaponHeat
  3324. cg_infraredUseDefaultMaterial
  3325. cg_BallisticArc_BeginWidth
  3326. cg_BallisticArc_EndWidth
  3327. cg_BallisticArc_Offset
  3328. cg_BallisticArc_MinBounces
  3329. cg_BallisticArc_MaxBounces
  3330. cg_VelocityArrow_RateOfChange
  3331. cg_VelocityArrow_MaxSegmentLength
  3332. cg_VelocityArrow_MinSegmentLength
  3333. cg_BallisticArc_DrawDelay
  3334. cg_BallisticArc_ForceHitIndicator
  3335. g_debugLocHit
  3336. g_debugLocHitTime
  3337. cg_useColorControl
  3338. cg_colorSaturation
  3339. cg_colorTemp
  3340. cg_colorHue
  3341. cg_colorScale
  3342. vehNPCThrottleMultiplier
  3343. cg_streamLowDetailCamos
  3344. cg_opticAttachmentViewmodelSwitch
  3345. metalstorm_mms_sp
  3346. updateVehicleBindings
  3347. is_visible
  3348. scale_children
  3349. x
  3350. y
  3351. width
  3352. height
  3353. font
  3354. color
  3355. alpha
  3356. label
  3357. x_anchor
  3358. y_anchor
  3359. rotatevelocity
  3360. uidwindow
  3361. material
  3362. start_angle
  3363. end_angle
  3364. presentation
  3365. presentation_rate
  3366. x_alignment
  3367. y_alignment
  3368. fontstyle
  3369. fontscale
  3370. columns
  3371. rows
  3372. default
  3373. bigfixed
  3374. smallfixed
  3375. objective
  3376. big
  3377. small
  3378. extrabig
  3379. extrasmall
  3380. normal
  3381. shadowed
  3382. shadowedmore
  3383. teletype
  3384. redact
  3385. decode
  3386. codteletype
  3387. scrolling
  3388. left
  3389. center
  3390. right
  3391. top
  3392. bottom
  3393. "%s"
  3394. is
  3395. not
  3396. a
  3397. valid
  3398. value
  3399. for
  3400. hudelem
  3401. field
  3402. "%s"
  3403. Should
  3404. be
  3405. one
  3406. of:
  3407. %s
  3408. font
  3409. scale
  3410. was
  3411. %g;
  3412. should
  3413. be
  3414. out
  3415. of
  3416. menu
  3417. items
  3418. NONE
  3419. ALL
  3420. hud_fade_stance
  3421. hud_health_startpulse_injured
  3422. hud_health_startpulse_critical
  3423. hud_health_pulserate_injured
  3424. hud_health_pulserate_critical
  3425. hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart
  3426. hud_healthOverlay_pulseStop
  3427. hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_toAlphaAdd
  3428. hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_pulseDuration
  3429. hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_toAlphaMultiplier
  3430. hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_pulseDuration
  3431. hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_toAlphaMultiplier
  3432. hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_pulseDuration
  3433. hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_fromAlpha
  3434. hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_toAlpha
  3435. hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_pulseDuration
  3436. cg_drawTalk
  3437. vehInfoHide
  3438. hud_gasMaskOverlay
  3439. $default
  3441. lowerstance
  3442. raisestance
  3443. INT_STAND
  3444. INT_CROUCH
  3445. INT_PRONE
  3448. +activate
  3452. +frag
  3453. KEY_USE
  3454. Hint
  3455. String
  3457. %s
  3458. +breath_sprint
  3459. +melee_breath
  3460. +holdbreath
  3462. +melee
  3465. +gostand
  3466. +moveup
  3467. +usereload
  3469. +smoke
  3471. +attack
  3473. %d
  3474. MPH
  3475. game
  3476. message
  3487. voice_on
  3488. God
  3489. mode
  3490. enabled
  3491. God
  3492. mode
  3493. disabled
  3494. Demigod
  3495. mode
  3496. enabled
  3497. Demigod
  3498. mode
  3499. disabled
  3500. UFO
  3501. mode
  3502. enabled
  3503. UFO
  3504. mode
  3505. disabled
  3506. Next
  3507. Weapon
  3508. Previous
  3509. Weapon
  3510. Give
  3511. all
  3512. Camera
  3513. lock
  3514. enabled
  3515. Camera
  3516. lock
  3517. disabled
  3518. Lookspring
  3519. enabled
  3520. Lookspring
  3521. disabled
  3522. LOCK
  3523. SYNC
  3524. ammo_counter_single
  3525. Player
  3526. anim
  3527. children
  3528. heroLightingR
  3529. heroLightingG
  3530. heroLightingB
  3531. slide_rumble
  3532. weapon
  3533. visibility
  3534. view_damage
  3535. }
  3536. }|CG_DoControllers
  3537. CG_PostDObjCalcSkel
  3538. CG_DObjCalcPose
  3539. range
  3540. fadeWithDistance
  3541. broadcast
  3543. "%s"
  3544. see
  3545. console
  3546. pullout_small
  3547. "precacheRumble"
  3549. …$origin
  3550. angles
  3551. weapon
  3552. targetname
  3553. type
  3554. model
  3555. eflags
  3556. eflags
  3557. gpr
  3558. team
  3559. name
  3560. species
  3561. isdog
  3562. isbigdog
  3563. vehicletype
  3564. vehicleclass
  3565. treadfxnamearray
  3566. exhaustfxname
  3567. oneexhaust
  3568. shootshock
  3569. shootrumble
  3570. rumbletype
  3571. rumblescale
  3572. rumbleduration
  3573. rumbleradius
  3574. rumblebasetime
  3575. rumbleadditionaltime
  3576. deathfxname
  3577. deathfxtag
  3578. deathfxsound
  3579. lightfxnamearray
  3580. lightfxtagarray
  3581. friendlylightfxname
  3582. friendlylightfxtag
  3583. enemylightfxname
  3584. enemylightfxtag
  3585. print
  3586. printd
  3587. assert
  3588. assertmsg
  3589. debugbreak
  3590. array
  3591. arrayremovevalue
  3592. arrayremoveindex
  3593. arrayinsert
  3594. arraycombine
  3595. arraycopy
  3596. isinarray
  3597. spawnstruct
  3598. println
  3599. iprintlnbold
  3600. line
  3601. box
  3602. debugstar
  3603. pixbeginevent
  3604. pixendevent
  3605. clienthassnapshot
  3606. getsystemtime
  3607. getservertime
  3608. getmapcenter
  3609. getarraykeys
  3610. getfirstarraykey
  3611. getnextarraykey
  3612. getlastarraykey
  3613. getprevarraykey
  3614. splitargs
  3615. bullettrace
  3616. tracepoint
  3617. setthirdperson
  3618. getlocalclientpos
  3619. getlocalclienteyepos
  3620. getlocalclientangles
  3621. getmaxlocalclients
  3622. getactivelocalclients
  3623. localclientactive
  3624. issplitscreenhost
  3625. issplitscreen
  3626. aimingatfriendly
  3627. randomint
  3628. randomfloat
  3629. randomintrange
  3630. randomfloatrange
  3631. sin
  3632. cos
  3633. tan
  3634. asin
  3635. acos
  3636. atan
  3637. int
  3638. float
  3639. istring
  3640. min
  3641. max
  3642. floor
  3643. ceil
  3644. sqrt
  3645. lerpfloat
  3646. lerpvector
  3647. getminbitcountfornum
  3648. isstring
  3649. isarray
  3650. vectorfromlinetopoint
  3651. pointonsegmentnearesttopoint
  3652. distance
  3653. distanced
  3654. distancesquared
  3655. length
  3656. lengthsquared
  3657. closer
  3658. vectordot
  3659. vectorcross
  3660. vectornormalize
  3661. vectorlerp
  3662. combineangles
  3663. absangleclamp
  3664. projectdtod
  3665. forwardrotatearoundupbyangle
  3666. getsubstr
  3667. tolower
  3668. strtok
  3669. issubstr
  3670. makelocalizedstring
  3671. spawnfakeent
  3672. deletefakeent
  3673. setfakeentorg
  3674. spawn
  3675. spawnplane
  3676. getent
  3677. getentbynum
  3678. getentarray
  3679. getlocalplayers
  3680. getlocalplayer
  3681. isalive
  3682. getweaponammoclip
  3683. isthrowinggrenade
  3684. ismeleeing
  3685. isswitchingweapons
  3686. isonturret
  3687. usefootsteptable
  3688. usefootstepfxtable
  3689. scriptcallbackonfootstepevent
  3690. setdemolockonvalues
  3691. tablelookup
  3692. tablelookupistring
  3693. tablelookuprownum
  3694. tablelookupcolumnforrow
  3695. tablelookupfindcoreasset
  3696. getweaponmodel
  3697. loadfx
  3698. playfx
  3699. playloopedfx
  3700. stopfx
  3701. isfxplaying
  3702. bullettracer
  3703. disableimpactmarks
  3704. enableimpactmarks
  3705. triggerfx
  3706. visionsetnaked
  3707. visionsetnakedlerp
  3708. getvisionsetnaked
  3709. setripplewave
  3710. playloopsound
  3711. stoploopsound
  3712. playsound
  3713. soundplaying
  3714. deactivatereverb
  3715. setreverb
  3716. setsoundvolume
  3717. setsoundpitch
  3718. setsoundvolumerate
  3719. setsoundpitchrate
  3720. stopsound
  3721. getrealtime
  3722. getplaybacktime
  3723. getknownlength
  3724. setgroupsnapshot
  3725. setglobalfutz
  3726. setambientsnapshot
  3727. setambientsidechainduck
  3728. sethealthsnapshot
  3729. setlevelfadesnapshot
  3730. scalespeed
  3731. soundsetmusicstate
  3732. soundloopemitter
  3733. setsoundcontext
  3734. soundstoploopemitter
  3735. soundlineemitter
  3736. soundstoplineemitter
  3737. getsoundname
  3738. getsoundcount
  3739. issoundloop
  3740. stoplocalsound
  3741. soundtimescale
  3742. allocatesoundrandoms
  3743. createsoundrandom
  3744. allocatemixerlights
  3745. ismixerlightbehaviorhardcoded
  3746. ismixerbehaviorhardcoded
  3747. precacherumble
  3748. playrumbleonposition
  3749. getdebugdvar
  3750. getdebugdvarint
  3751. getdebugdvarfloat
  3752. setdvarbool
  3753. setdvarfloat
  3754. setdvarint
  3755. setdvar
  3756. setsaveddvar
  3757. ismaturecontentenabled
  3758. isstereoon
  3759. openfile
  3760. closefile
  3761. fprintln
  3762. fprintfields
  3763. freadln
  3764. fgetarg
  3765. uidsetwindow
  3766. playbink
  3767. stopbink
  3768. getbinklength
  3769. isbinkfinished
  3770. isinvehicle
  3771. sessionmodeisonlinegame
  3772. sessionmodeisprivateonlinegame
  3773. sessionmodeisprivate
  3774. sessionmodeissystemlink
  3775. sessionmodeiszombiesgame
  3776. gamemodeismode
  3777. gamemodeisusingxp
  3778. gamemodeisusingstats
  3779. isps
  3780. ispc
  3781. isxenon
  3782. getsurfacestrings
  3783. findstaticmodelindex
  3784. hidestaticmodel
  3785. unhidestaticmodel
  3786. getfootstepstrings
  3787. footstepdonothing
  3788. footstepdoeverything
  3789. footstepdosound
  3790. footstepdofootstepfx
  3791. newmaterialelem
  3792. newtextelem
  3793. newradialmaterialelem
  3794. deleteelem
  3795. setcolorelem
  3796. moveelem
  3797. rotateelem
  3798. elemvirtualtophysical
  3799. elemphysicaltovirtual
  3800. argusgetui
  3801. argusgetorigin
  3802. argussetvisible
  3803. argussetstacked
  3804. argussetdistance
  3805. argussetbracket
  3806. argussetattach
  3807. argussetoffset
  3808. argussetfaderate
  3809. argusforcedrawbracket
  3810. luiload
  3811. luishow
  3812. luihide
  3813. luievent
  3814. luienable
  3815. luidisable
  3816. isluienabled
  3817. suienable
  3818. suidisable
  3819. setambientpackage
  3820. setambientroomcontextengine
  3821. forceambientroom
  3822. forceambientpackage
  3823. createqrcode
  3824. deleteqrcode
  3825. ropepulse
  3826. getcamposbylocalclientnum
  3827. getcamanglesbylocalclientnum
  3828. demoisanyfreemovecamera
  3829. demoismoviecamera
  3830. demoiseditcamera
  3831. demoisdollycamera
  3832. delete
  3833. forcedelete
  3834. earthquake
  3835. isplayingloopsound
  3836. setsoundentcontext
  3837. setloopstate
  3838. makelight
  3839. getlightcolor
  3840. setlightcolor
  3841. getlightintensity
  3842. setlightintensity
  3843. getlightradius
  3844. setlightradius
  3845. getlightfovinner
  3846. getlightfovouter
  3847. setlightfovrange
  3848. getlightexponent
  3849. setlightexponent
  3850. makelightslave
  3851. makemixerlight
  3852. activatemixer
  3853. setmixerlightbehavior
  3854. setmixerbehavior
  3855. setmixerexploderid
  3856. setmixerlightparam
  3857. setmixerparam
  3858. setmixerlrrampspeed
  3859. setmixerrlrampspeed
  3860. setmixerlightintensity
  3861. setmixerlightcolor
  3862. setmixerlightexponent
  3863. setmixerlightradius
  3864. setmixerlightfovrange
  3865. setmixerlightrotatetime
  3866. setmixerspinmodels
  3867. setmixerlightmodels
  3868. getentnum
  3869. getentitynumber
  3870. setmodel
  3871. setscale
  3872. settargethighlight
  3873. attach
  3874. istouching
  3875. getspeed
  3876. getvelocity
  3877. underwater
  3878. isplayer
  3879. islocalplayer
  3880. isai
  3881. hasdobj
  3882. setcompassicon
  3883. launchragdoll
  3884. show
  3885. hide
  3886. setmaterialoverride
  3887. clearmaterialoverride
  3888. setsteptriggersound
  3889. clearsteptriggersound
  3890. getmovementtype
  3891. isinsideheightlock
  3892. isgrenadedud
  3893. getcharacterindex
  3894. linkto
  3895. unlink
  3896. islocalplayerviewlinked
  3897. getthrottle
  3898. getbrake
  3899. getmaxspeed
  3900. getsteering
  3901. getmaxreversespeed
  3902. islocalclientdriver
  3903. getlocalclientdriver
  3904. getwheelsurface
  3905. ispeelingout
  3906. iswheelsliding
  3907. iswheelcolliding
  3908. getlocalgunnerangles
  3909. setstunned
  3910. isdriving
  3911. rotatepitch
  3912. rotateyaw
  3913. rotateroll
  3914. rotateto
  3915. moveto
  3916. movegravity
  3917. movex
  3918. movey
  3919. movez
  3920. rotatevelocity
  3921. playrumbleonentity
  3922. playrumblelooponentity
  3923. stoprumble
  3924. startpoisoning
  3925. stoppoisoning
  3926. ispoisoned
  3927. setwatchstyle
  3928. getstance
  3929. getweaponposfrac
  3930. getcontrollertype
  3931. getwiiuremotepointerposition
  3932. islocalplayerweaponviewonlylinked
  3933. getcampos
  3934. getcamangles
  3935. useanimtree
  3936. hasanimtree
  3937. clearanim
  3938. clearanimlimited
  3939. setanim
  3940. setanimlimited
  3941. setanimrestart
  3942. setanimlimitedrestart
  3943. setflaggedanim
  3944. setflaggedanimlimited
  3945. setflaggedanimrestart
  3946. setflaggedanimlimitedrestart
  3947. animscripted
  3948. animflaggedscripted
  3949. setanimknob
  3950. setanimknoblimited
  3951. setanimknobrestart
  3952. setanimknoblimitedrestart
  3953. setanimknoball
  3954. setanimknoballlimited
  3955. setanimknoballrestart
  3956. setanimknoballlimitedrestart
  3957. setflaggedanimknob
  3958. setflaggedanimknoblimited
  3959. setflaggedanimknobrestart
  3960. setflaggedanimknoblimitedrestart
  3961. setflaggedanimknoball
  3962. setflaggedanimknoballrestart
  3963. getanimtime
  3964. setanimtime
  3965. getanimcurrframecount
  3966. setentityanimrate
  3967. getentityanimrate
  3968. animgetchildat
  3969. animgetnumchildren
  3970. map_material
  3971. set_filter_pass_material
  3972. set_filter_pass_enabled
  3973. set_filter_pass_quads
  3974. set_filter_pass_constant
  3975. set_filter_bit_flag
  3976. set_overlay_enabled
  3977. set_overlay_material
  3978. set_overlay_constant
  3979. setinfraredvisionset
  3980. setsonarenabled
  3981. forceinfraredmaterialsstreaming
  3982. setambienttrigger
  3983. geteye
  3984. geteyeapprox
  3985. getlocalclientnumber
  3986. mapshaderconstant
  3987. setshaderconstant
  3988. setviewmodelrenderflag
  3989. cincaptureenablealpha
  3990. cincapturedisablealpha
  3991. setforcenotsimple
  3992. string
  3993. too
  3994. long
  3995. centity
  3996. field
  3997. %s
  3998. is
  3999. read-only
  4000. vehicle
  4001. player
  4002. general
  4003. missile
  4004. zbarrier
  4005. scriptmover
  4006. turret
  4007. plane
  4008. actor
  4009. vehicles
  4010. vehicleclass
  4011. can
  4012. only
  4013. be
  4014. used
  4015. on
  4016. vehicles
  4017. treadfxnamearray
  4018. can
  4019. only
  4020. be
  4021. used
  4022. on
  4023. vehicles
  4024. Fake
  4025. ent
  4026. is
  4027. not
  4028. in
  4029. use!
  4030. assert
  4031. fail:
  4032. %s
  4033. assert
  4034. fail
  4035. Debug
  4036. Break
  4037. RandomInt
  4038. parm
  4039. must
  4040. be
  4041. positive
  4042. integer
  4043. RandomIntRange
  4044. range
  4045. must
  4046. be
  4047. positive
  4048. integer
  4049. Scr_RandomFloatRange
  4050. range
  4051. must
  4052. be
  4053. positive
  4054. float
  4055. The
  4056. two
  4057. points
  4058. on
  4059. the
  4060. line
  4061. must
  4062. be
  4063. different
  4064. from
  4065. each
  4066. other
  4067. Line
  4068. segment
  4069. must
  4070. not
  4071. have
  4072. zero
  4073. length
  4074. CScr_Distance
  4075. GScr_GetMinBitCountForNum:
  4076. parm
  4077. must
  4078. be
  4079. positive
  4080. integer
  4081. fx/
  4082. effect
  4083. name
  4084. should
  4085. start
  4086. after
  4087. the
  4088. 'fx'
  4089. folder
  4090. loadedfx
  4091. could
  4092. not
  4093. find
  4094. effect
  4095. %s
  4096. -
  4097. ensure
  4098. that
  4099. effect
  4100. is
  4101. precached
  4102. in
  4103. the
  4104. server
  4105. script,
  4106. and
  4107. included
  4108. in
  4109. appropriate
  4110. CSVs
  4111. forward
  4112. and
  4113. up
  4114. vectors
  4115. are
  4116. the
  4117. same
  4118. direction
  4119. or
  4120. exact
  4121. opposite
  4122. directions
  4123. not
  4124. successfully
  4125. loaded
  4126. %s
  4127. (effect
  4128. =
  4129. %s)
  4130. playLoopedFx
  4131. called
  4132. with
  4133. (
  4134. )
  4135. up
  4136. direction
  4137. playLoopedFx
  4138. called
  4139. with
  4140. (
  4141. )
  4142. forward
  4143. direction
  4144. playLoopedFx
  4145. called
  4146. with
  4147. repeat
  4148. <
  4149. seconds
  4150. non-primitive
  4151. animation
  4152. has
  4153. no
  4154. concept
  4155. of
  4156. length
  4157. default
  4158. SetDvar
  4159. Dvar
  4160. %s
  4161. has
  4162. an
  4163. invalid
  4164. dvar
  4165. name
  4166. Invalid
  4167. Dvar
  4168. set:
  4169. %s
  4170. -
  4171. Menu-Writable
  4172. Dvars
  4173. can
  4174. be
  4175. changed
  4176. by
  4177. script
  4178. in
  4179. menu
  4180. levels'
  4181. Invalid
  4182. Dvar
  4183. set:
  4184. %s
  4185. -
  4186. Internal
  4187. Dvars
  4188. cannot
  4189. be
  4190. changed
  4191. by
  4192. script
  4193. Use
  4194. 'setsaveddvar'
  4195. to
  4196. alter
  4197. SAVED
  4198. internal
  4199. dvars
  4200. Cannot
  4201. set
  4202. saved
  4203. dvar
  4204. on
  4205. client
  4206. side
  4207. with
  4208. a
  4209. string
  4210. value
  4211. SetSavedDvar():
  4212. The
  4213. dvar
  4214. "%s"
  4215. does
  4216. not
  4217. exist
  4218. SetSavedDvar
  4219. can
  4220. only
  4221. be
  4222. called
  4223. on
  4224. dvars
  4225. with
  4226. the
  4227. SAVED
  4228. flag
  4229. set
  4230. playsound:
  4231. invalid
  4232. fade
  4233. value
  4234. %f
  4235. it
  4236. must
  4237. be
  4238. between
  4239. and
  4240. seconds
  4241. not
  4242. an
  4243. entity
  4244. playloopsound:
  4245. invalid
  4246. fade
  4247. value
  4248. %f
  4249. it
  4250. must
  4251. be
  4252. between
  4253. and
  4254. seconds
  4255. stoploopsound:
  4256. invalid
  4257. fade
  4258. value
  4259. %f
  4260. it
  4261. must
  4262. be
  4263. between
  4264. and
  4265. seconds
  4266. playloopsound:
  4267. entity
  4268. %d
  4269. had
  4270. NaN
  4271. position
  4272. %s
  4273. attenuationRate
  4274. cannot
  4275. be
  4276. NAN
  4277. pitchRate
  4278. cannot
  4279. be
  4280. NAN
  4281. Mixer
  4282. lights
  4283. Mixers
  4284. MixerNotifyList
  4285. Sound
  4286. Randoms
  4287. setsoundvolume
  4288. cannot
  4289. be
  4290. NAN
  4291. setsoundpitch
  4292. cannot
  4293. be
  4294. NAN
  4295. setsoundvolumerate
  4296. cannot
  4297. be
  4298. NAN
  4299. setsoundpitchrate
  4300. cannot
  4301. be
  4302. NAN
  4303. snd_enveffectsprio_level
  4304. snd_enveffectsprio_shellshock
  4305. priority
  4306. must
  4307. be
  4308. 'snd_enveffectsprio_level'
  4309. or
  4310. 'snd_enveffectsprio_shellshock'
  4311. Parameter
  4312. (%s)
  4313. must
  4314. be
  4315. an
  4316. array
  4317. divide
  4318. by
  4319. cannot
  4320. cast
  4321. %s
  4322. to
  4323. int
  4324. cannot
  4325. cast
  4326. %s
  4327. to
  4328. float
  4329. cannot
  4330. cast
  4331. %s
  4332. to
  4333. istring
  4334. script_model
  4335. script_origin
  4336. free
  4337. axis
  4338. IsAlive
  4339. param
  4340. isn't
  4341. an
  4342. entity
  4343. IsAlive
  4344. called
  4345. on
  4346. the
  4347. wrong
  4348. kind
  4349. of
  4350. entity
  4351. CScript
  4352. localized
  4353. string
  4354. human
  4355. zombie
  4356. zombie_dog
  4357. dog
  4358. bigdog
  4359. species
  4360. isdog
  4361. isbigdog
  4362. GetThrottle
  4363. GetBrake
  4364. GetMaxSpeed
  4365. GetSteerFactor
  4366. GetMaxReverseSpeed
  4367. CScrCmd_IsDriving
  4368. CScrCmd_IsLocalPlayerWeaponViewOnlyLinked
  4369. CScrCmd_IsLocalPlayerViewLinked
  4370. CScrCmd_IsLocalClientDriver
  4371. IsLocalClientDriver
  4372. CScrCmd_GetLocalClientDriver
  4373. GetLocalClientDriver
  4374. CScrCmd_GetWheelSurface
  4375. GetWheelSurface
  4376. Validwheelnamesare:
  4377. [front_left,
  4378. front_right,
  4379. back_left,
  4380. back_right,
  4381. middle_left,
  4382. middle_right]
  4383. none
  4384. IsWheelSliding
  4385. not
  4386. called
  4387. on
  4388. a
  4389. wheeled
  4390. vehicle
  4391. IsWheelColliding
  4392. not
  4393. called
  4394. on
  4395. a
  4396. wheeled
  4397. vehicle
  4398. GetLocalGunnerAngles
  4399. GetLocalGunnerAngles
  4400. IsPeelingOut
  4401. CSCRIPT:
  4402. %s
  4403. extracamconfig
  4404. isdeprecated
  4405. CScr_PlayFXInternal
  4406. CScr_PlayFX:
  4407. invalid
  4408. effect
  4409. id
  4410. %d
  4411. playFx
  4412. called
  4413. with
  4414. (
  4415. )
  4416. forward
  4417. direction
  4418. playFx
  4419. called
  4420. with
  4421. (
  4422. )
  4423. up
  4424. direction
  4425. key
  4426. is
  4427. not
  4428. internally
  4429. a
  4430. string
  4431. getent
  4432. used
  4433. with
  4434. more
  4435. than
  4436. one
  4437. entity
  4438. Rumble
  4439. %s
  4440. needs
  4441. to
  4442. be
  4443. precached
  4444. in
  4445. server
  4446. script,
  4447. before
  4448. it's
  4449. refered
  4450. to
  4451. in
  4452. client
  4453. script
  4454. unknown
  4455. rumble
  4456. name
  4457. '%s'
  4458. CScr_BulletTrace
  4459. CScr_TracePoint
  4460. GameModeIsMode:
  4461. usage
  4462. GameModeIsMode(
  4463. <mode
  4464. )
  4465. GameModeIsMode:
  4466. Invalid
  4467. argument
  4468. %i
  4469. Not
  4470. a
  4471. valid
  4472. gamemode
  4473. entity
  4474. wasn't
  4475. created
  4476. with
  4477. 'newFx'
  4478. Could
  4479. not
  4480. create
  4481. QR
  4482. code
  4483. Codes
  4484. cannot
  4485. exceed
  4486. bytes
  4487. and
  4488. must
  4489. conform
  4490. to
  4491. JISx
  4492. close_all
  4493. slide_activated
  4494. menuName
  4495. slide_deactivated
  4496. controller
  4497. SetModelcanonlybecalledonascriptmovermodel
  4498. '%s'
  4499. tag_origin
  4500. failed
  4501. to
  4502. attach
  4503. model
  4504. '%s'
  4505. Function
  4506. can
  4507. only
  4508. be
  4509. called
  4510. on
  4511. a
  4512. 'light'
  4513. entity
  4514. Function
  4515. =
  4516. radius
  4517. (%g)
  4518. outer
  4519. fov
  4520. must
  4521. be
  4522. in
  4523. the
  4524. range
  4525. of
  4526. to
  4527. outer
  4528. fov
  4529. in
  4530. client
  4531. movegravity
  4532. command:
  4533. %f
  4534. %f
  4535. %f
  4536. GetCamPos
  4537. GetCamAngles
  4538. CScr_SetAnimKnobInternal
  4539. SetAnimKnob*:
  4541. SetAnimKnobAll*:
  4542. brush/cylinder/box
  4543. entities
  4544. USAGE:
  4545. ent
  4546. map_material(
  4547. <material
  4548. index
  4549. -
  4550. ,
  4551. <material
  4552. name)
  4553. USAGE:
  4554. ent
  4555. set_filter_pass_material(
  4556. <filterindex
  4557. -,
  4558. <passindex
  4559. -,
  4560. <materialindex
  4561. -,
  4562. <targetindex
  4563. -,
  4564. <samplerindex
  4565. -,
  4566. <samplerindex
  4567. -
  4568. )
  4569. USAGE:
  4570. ent
  4571. set_filter_pass_material(
  4572. <filterindex
  4573. -,
  4574. <passindex
  4575. -,
  4576. <materialindex
  4577. -,
  4578. <targetindex
  4579. -,
  4580. <samplerindex
  4581. -,
  4582. <samplerindex
  4583. -
  4584. )
  4585. -
  4586. no
  4587. material
  4588. at
  4589. that
  4590. index
  4591. USAGE:
  4592. ent
  4593. set_filter_pass_enabled(
  4594. <filterindex
  4595. -,
  4596. <passindex
  4597. -,
  4598. <enabled
  4599. true/false
  4600. )
  4601. USAGE:
  4602. ent
  4603. set_filter_pass_quads(
  4604. <filterindex
  4605. -,
  4606. <passindex
  4607. -,
  4608. <passquads
  4609. -
  4610. )
  4611. USAGE:
  4612. ent
  4613. set_filter_pass_constant(
  4614. <filterindex
  4615. -,
  4616. <passindex
  4617. -,
  4618. <constantindex
  4619. -,
  4620. <value
  4621. )
  4622. USAGE:
  4623. ent
  4624. set_filter_pass_constant(
  4625. <filterindex
  4626. -,
  4627. <bitindex
  4628. -,
  4629. <setOrClear
  4630. -
  4631. )
  4632. USAGE:
  4633. ent
  4634. set_overlay_material(
  4635. <overlayIndex
  4636. -,
  4637. <materialindex
  4638. -,
  4639. <sortindex
  4640. -
  4641. )
  4642. USAGE:
  4643. ent
  4644. set_overlay_material(
  4645. <overlayIndex
  4646. -,
  4647. <materialindex
  4648. -,
  4649. <sortindex
  4650. -
  4651. )
  4652. -
  4653. no
  4654. material
  4655. at
  4656. that
  4657. index
  4658. USAGE:
  4659. ent
  4660. set_overlay_constant(
  4661. <overlayindex
  4662. -,
  4663. <constantindex
  4664. -,
  4665. <value
  4666. )
  4667. USAGE:
  4668. ent
  4669. set_overlay_enabled(
  4670. <overlayindex
  4671. -,
  4672. <enable
  4673. true/false
  4674. )
  4675. You
  4676. can
  4677. only
  4678. call
  4679. GetLocalClientNumber
  4680. on
  4681. players
  4682. MakeMixerLight
  4683. 'makelight'
  4684. command
  4685. Failed
  4686. light
  4687. is
  4688. at(%f,%f,%f)
  4689. '%s'
  4690. not
  4691. precached
  4692. Spin
  4693. model
  4694. '%s'
  4695. not
  4696. precached Light behavior
  4697. '%s'
  4698. -
  4699. %i
  4700. %f
  4701. %f
  4702. %f
  4703. script_noteworthy
  4704. classname
  4705. actor_
  4706. default_st_person
  4707. default_rd_person
  4708. default_st_person_quiet
  4709. default_rd_person_quiet
  4710. default_rd_person_loud
  4711. default_ai
  4712. sp_%s_footstepfxtable
  4713. footstepfxtable
  4714. aitype/clientscripts/%s
  4715. main
  4716. precache
  4717. entity
  4718. has
  4719. no
  4720. model
  4721. defined
  4722. (%g
  4723. %g
  4724. %g)
  4725. tag
  4726. '%s'
  4727. does
  4728. not
  4729. exist
  4730. in
  4731. model
  4732. '%s'
  4733. (or
  4734. any
  4735. attached
  4736. submodels)
  4737. script_struct
  4738. node_pathnode
  4739. script_label
  4740. random
  4741. looper
  4742. script_brushmodel
  4743. light
  4744. spawnflags
  4745. pl#
  4746. A
  4747. A
  4748. A
  4749. CG_DoTouchTriggers
  4751. radiant
  4752. txt
  4753. origin_animate_jnt
  4754. sv_hostname
  4755. g_gametype
  4756. com_maxclients
  4757. mapname
  4758. sv_privateClientsForClients
  4759. configstring
  4761. cmd
  4762. mr
  4763. %i
  4764. bad
  4765. cmd
  4766. mr
  4767. %i
  4768. noop
  4769. main
  4770. Health
  4771. stance
  4772. sprintMeter
  4773. weaponinfo
  4774. weaponinfo_lowdef
  4775. offhandinfo
  4776. Compass
  4777. heatinfo
  4778. objectiveinfo
  4779. uin_objective_updated
  4781. uin_objective_completed
  4783. uin_objective_failed
  4784. objective_text
  4785. string
  4786. game
  4787. message
  4788. update
  4789. complete
  4790. failed
  4792. ^%s
  4795. PlayerLevelStats
  4796. challengesComplete
  4800. controller
  4801. immediate
  4802. data
  4803. announcement
  4804. message
  4805. bold
  4806. game
  4807. message
  4808. death
  4809. illegal
  4810. type
  4811. in
  4812. arg
  4813. list
  4814. amb_fire_manager_
  4815. amb_fire_manager_
  4816. amb_fire_manager_
  4817. amb_fire_manager_
  4818. amb_fire_manager_
  4819. amb_fire_manager_
  4820. amb_fire_manager_
  4821. amb_fire_manager_
  4822. snd_boat_current_rpm
  4823. snd_boat_rpm_scalar
  4824. snd_boat_using_lerp_rpm
  4825. snd_boat_lerp_rpm
  4826. snd_boat_engine_off
  4827. snd_throttle_time_held_down
  4828. snd_throttle_reduce_vol
  4829. snd_boat_rpm_idle_fout_start
  4830. snd_boat_rpm_idle_end
  4831. snd_boat_rpm_low_start
  4832. snd_boat_rpm_low_fin_end
  4833. snd_boat_rpm_low_fout_start
  4834. snd_boat_rpm_low_end
  4835. snd_boat_rpm_med_start
  4836. snd_boat_rpm_med_fin_end
  4837. snd_boat_rpm_med_fout_start
  4838. snd_boat_rpm_med_end
  4839. snd_boat_rpm_high_start
  4840. snd_boat_rpm_high_fin_end
  4841. snd_boat_pitch_idle_min
  4842. snd_boat_pitch_idle_max
  4843. snd_boat_pitch_low_min
  4844. snd_boat_pitch_low_max
  4845. snd_boat_pitch_med_min
  4846. snd_boat_pitch_med_max
  4847. snd_boat_pitch_high_min
  4848. snd_boat_pitch_high_max
  4849. snd_boat_water_slow_min
  4850. snd_boat_water_idle_max
  4851. snd_boat_water_fast_min
  4852. snd_boat_water_slow_max
  4853. snd_boat_water_pitch_max
  4854. snd_minigun_loop_start
  4855. snd_minigun_pitch_start
  4856. snd_minigun_pitch_end
  4857. snd_jetgun_loop_start
  4858. snd_jetgun_pitch_start
  4859. snd_jetgun_pitch_end
  4860. sl
  4861. %i
  4862. %i
  4863. CG_GetSoundEntityOrientation
  4864. cod_ads
  4865. cod_menu
  4866. plr_stance
  4867. e
  4868. crouch
  4869. d
  4870. CG_UpdateLoopingFireSounds
  4871. CG_SoundUpdateAmbient
  4872. ringoff_plr
  4873. qclassname
  4874. origin
  4875. angles
  4876. model
  4877. targetname
  4878. FX
  4879. LIGHT
  4881. ZBARRIER
  4882. SOUND
  4884. TRIGGER
  4885. MISC
  4886. CG_Spawn:
  4887. no
  4888. free
  4889. fake
  4890. entities
  4891. wait
  4892. width
  4893. width
  4894. not
  4895. specified
  4896. for
  4897. trigger_box
  4898. at
  4899. (%g
  4900. %g
  4901. %g)
  4902. length
  4903. length
  4904. not
  4905. specified
  4906. for
  4907. trigger_box
  4908. at
  4909. (%g
  4910. %g
  4911. %g)
  4912. height
  4913. height
  4914. not
  4915. specified
  4916. for
  4917. trigger_box
  4918. at
  4919. (%g
  4920. %g
  4921. %g)
  4922. radius
  4923. radius
  4924. not
  4925. specified
  4926. for
  4927. trigger_radius
  4928. at
  4929. (%g
  4930. %g
  4931. %g)
  4932. height
  4933. not
  4934. specified
  4935. for
  4936. trigger_radius
  4937. at
  4938. (%g
  4939. %g
  4940. %g)
  4941. spawnflags
  4942. script_model
  4943. script_origin
  4944. script_brushmodel
  4945. destructibledef
  4946. clientside
  4947. trigger_multiple
  4948. trigger_radius
  4949. trigger_box
  4950. trigger_once
  4951. occlusion_override
  4952. undertow_volume
  4953. force
  4954. CG_NewString:
  4955. len
  4956. =
  4957. %i
  4958. %i
  4959. CG_Vehicle_UpdateAntennas
  4960. CG_AllocClientVehicle
  4961. tag_steering_wheel
  4962. CG_Vehicle_PreControllers
  4963. %s_%s
  4964. CG_UpdateVehicleSounds
  4965. vehHudTargetSize
  4966. vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferLeft
  4967. vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferRight
  4968. vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferTop
  4969. vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferBottom
  4970. ent
  4971. offs
  4972. mat
  4973. offmat
  4974. s
  4975. X
  4976. ô
  4977. =LÌÍ?@
  4978. cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Angles
  4979. cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Freqs
  4980. cameraShakeRemoteMissile_SpeedRange
  4981. cg_missile_FOV
  4982. fx/
  4983. Turret
  4984. has
  4985. no
  4986. bone:
  4987. tag_player
  4988. CG_UpdateEntInfo
  4989. update
  4990. ik
  4991. timing
  4992. client
  4993. %i
  4994. %i:
  4995. DynEntCl_ProcessEntities
  4996. view
  4997. values
  4998. remaining
  4999. fx
  5000. draw
  5001. D
  5002. CG_ProcessSnapshots
  5003. player
  5004. input
  5005. player
  5006. state
  5007. view
  5008. anim
  5009. wait
  5010. aim
  5011. assist
  5012. cg_moviecamera
  5013. …˜r_filmEnable
  5014. vc_LIB
  5015. vc_LIG
  5016. vc_LIW
  5017. vc_LOB
  5018. vc_LOW
  5019. vc_RGBH
  5020. vc_RGBL
  5021. vc_YH
  5022. vc_YL
  5023. vc_RS
  5024. vc_RE
  5025. vc_SMR
  5026. vc_SMG
  5027. vc_SMB
  5028. vc_MMR
  5029. vc_MMG
  5030. vc_MMB
  5031. vc_HMR
  5032. vc_HMG
  5033. vc_HMB
  5034. vc_FGM
  5035. vc_FSM
  5036. vc_FBM
  5037. r_primaryLightUseTweaks
  5038. r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength
  5039. r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength
  5040. r_filmLut
  5041. r_reviveFX_enable
  5042. r_reviveFX_edgeColorTemp
  5043. r_reviveFX_edgeSaturation
  5044. r_reviveFX_edgeScale
  5045. r_reviveFX_edgeContrast
  5046. r_reviveFX_edgeOffset
  5047. r_reviveFX_edgeMaskAdjust
  5048. r_reviveFX_edgeAmount
  5049. snd_masterRingmod
  5050. snd_reverbRingmod
  5051. snd_hiFilter
  5052. snd_lowFilter
  5053. r_sunFlareTint
  5054. r_postEmissiveBrightening
  5055. *nightVisionFadeInOutTime
  5056. nightVisionPowerOnTime
  5057. nightVisionDisableEffects
  5058. flareDisableEffects
  5059. showVisionSetDebugInfo
  5060. %s
  5061. %i
  5062. %f
  5063. %f
  5064. %f
  5065. %f
  5066. %f
  5067. %f
  5068. %f
  5069. %f
  5070. vision/%s
  5071. vision
  5072. vision/default
  5073. vision
  5074. infrared
  5075. tvguided_sp
  5076. flare
  5077. laststand
  5078. death
  5079. low_health
  5080. creek__water
  5081. default
  5082. cod_fadein
  5083. fhj
  5084. ED
  5085. tag_hud
  5086. %
  5087. weaponoptions
  5088. weaponParam
  5089. weaponParam
  5090. weaponParam
  5091. weaponParam
  5092. tag_weapon_left
  5093. cg_gun_x
  5094. cg_gun_y
  5095. cg_gun_z
  5096. cg_gun_move_f
  5097. cg_gun_move_r
  5098. cg_gun_move_u
  5099. cg_gun_ofs_f
  5100. cg_gun_ofs_r
  5101. cg_gun_ofs_u
  5102. cg_gun_rot_p
  5103. cg_gun_rot_y
  5104. cg_gun_rot_r
  5105. cg_gun_move_rate
  5106. cg_gun_move_minspeed
  5107. cg_gun_rot_rate
  5108. cg_gun_rot_minspeed
  5109. cg_cullBullets
  5110. cg_minCullBulletDist
  5111. cg_cullBulletAngle
  5112. cg_weaponSimulateFireAnims
  5113. tu_turret_mark_rate
  5114. root
  5116. CG_RegisterWeapon:
  5118. laser_on
  5119. laser_off
  5120. j
  5121. o
  5122. dobj
  5123. default
  5124. cod_hold_breath
  5125. CG_UpdateMinigunTurretSounds
  5126. CG_UpdateJetgunSounds
  5127. BulletTrace
  5128. CG_SimulateBullet
  5129. CG_SimulateBulletFire_Internal
  5130. CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin:
  5131. %i
  5132. CG_EjectWeaponBrass:
  5133. ent-weapon
  5134. =
  5135. BG_GetNumWeapons()
  5136. scriptVector
  5137. scriptVector
  5138. plr_veh_gren_fire
  5139. controller
  5140. vehicle_type
  5141. reload_time
  5142. CG_SndWeaponFire
  5143. _large
  5144. %s_%s
  5145. CG_SndPingAutoSim
  5146. CG_WeaponFireSingle
  5147. CG_FireWeapon
  5148. CG_FireWeapon:
  5149. weapon
  5150. BG_GetNumWeapons()
  5151. CG_FakeFireWeapon:
  5152. weapon
  5153. BG_GetNumWeapons()
  5154. snd_autoSim
  5155. riotshield_impact
  5156. CG_SetupWeaponConfigString:
  5157. defaultweapon
  5158. cg_clipmovetoentities
  5159. CG_PointTraceToEntity
  5160. cg_pointtracetoentities
  5161. CG_TraceCapsule
  5162. CG_TracePoint
  5163. CG_AreaEntities
  5167. emblem_slug_%d
  5168. con_gameMsgWindow%dMsgTime
  5169. con_gameMsgWindow%dLineCount
  5170. con_gameMsgWindow%dScrollTime
  5171. con_gameMsgWindow%dFadeInTime
  5172. con_gameMsgWindow%dFadeOutTime
  5173. con_gameMsgWindow%dSplitscreenScale
  5174. con_typewriterColorBase
  5175. cl_deathMessageWidth
  5176. chatmodepublic
  5177. clear
  5178. con_echo
  5180. hud_status_dead
  5184. CG_COOPMessage:
  5185. CL_CoopMessagePrint:
  5186. uin_typewriter
  5187. uin_pulse_text_delete
  5188. uin_pulse_text_type
  5189. ÒA_RSTICK_X
  5190. A_RSTICK_Y
  5191. A_LSTICK_X
  5192. A_LSTICK_Y
  5193. A_RTRIGGER
  5194. A_LTRIGGER
  5195. VA_SIDE
  5196. VA_FORWARD
  5197. VA_UP
  5198. VA_YAW
  5199. VA_PITCH
  5200. VA_ATTACK
  5201. MAP_LINEAR
  5203. bindaxis
  5204. unbindallaxis
  5205. bindaxis
  5206. CL_GamepadEvent:
  5207. úcl_nodelta
  5208. tu_rdPersonSpecateFix
  5209. centerview
  5210. +moveup
  5211. -moveup
  5212. +movedown
  5213. -movedown
  5214. +left
  5215. -left
  5216. +right
  5217. -right
  5218. +forward
  5219. -forward
  5220. +back
  5221. -back
  5222. +lookup
  5223. -lookup
  5224. +lookdown
  5225. -lookdown
  5226. +strafe
  5227. -strafe
  5228. +moveleft
  5229. -moveleft
  5230. +moveright
  5231. -moveright
  5232. +speed
  5233. -speed
  5234. +attack
  5235. -attack
  5236. +melee
  5237. -melee
  5238. +holdbreath
  5239. -holdbreath
  5240. +melee_breath
  5241. -melee_breath
  5242. +frag
  5243. -frag
  5244. +smoke
  5245. -smoke
  5246. +breath_sprint
  5247. -breath_sprint
  5248. +activate
  5249. -activate
  5250. +reload
  5251. -reload
  5252. +usereload
  5253. -usereload
  5254. +leanleft
  5255. -leanleft
  5256. +leanright
  5257. -leanright
  5258. +prone
  5259. -prone
  5260. +stance
  5261. -stance
  5262. +mlook
  5263. -mlook
  5264. toggleads
  5265. leaveads
  5266. +throw
  5267. -throw
  5268. +speed_throw
  5269. -speed_throw
  5270. +toggleads_throw
  5271. -toggleads_throw
  5272. +gas
  5273. -gas
  5274. +reverse
  5275. -reverse
  5276. +handbrake
  5277. -handbrake
  5278. lowerstance
  5279. raisestance
  5280. togglecrouch
  5281. toggleprone
  5282. goprone
  5283. gocrouch
  5284. +gostand
  5285. -gostand
  5286. +sprint
  5287. -sprint
  5288. +red
  5289. -red
  5290. +green
  5291. -green
  5292. +blue
  5293. -blue
  5294. +yellow
  5295. -yellow
  5296. +specNext
  5297. -specNext
  5298. +specPrev
  5299. -specPrev
  5300. +toggleSpec
  5301. -toggleSpec
  5302. hud_spectator
  5303. CyclePrev
  5304. Flash
  5305. SpectatorName
  5306. spectatingPlayerCard
  5307. spectatingPlayerSlide
  5308. StartRight
  5309. CycleNext
  5310. StartLeft
  5311. SpecViewToggle
  5316. +actionslot
  5317. -actionslot
  5318. +actionslot
  5319. -actionslot
  5320. +actionslot
  5321. -actionslot
  5322. +actionslot
  5323. -actionslot
  5324. t
  5325. t
  5326. v
  5327. v
  5328. +togglePrev
  5329. -togglePrev
  5330. +melee_zoom
  5331. -melee_zoom
  5332. +changezoom
  5333. -changezoom
  5334. +weapnext_inventory
  5335. -weapnext_inventory
  5336. ke
  5337. ke
  5338. +vehicleattack
  5339. -vehcileattack
  5340. +vehicleattacksecond
  5341. -vehicleattacksecond
  5342. +vehicleboost
  5343. -vehicleboost
  5344. +vehiclemoveup
  5345. -vehiclemoveup
  5346. +vehiclemovedown
  5347. -vehiclemovedown
  5348. +switchseat
  5349. -switchseat
  5350. togglemenu
  5351. e
  5352. ic
  5353. togglescores
  5354. &
  5355. "
  5356. '
  5357. (
  5358. -
  5359. _
  5360. ^BPSButtonX^
  5361. ^BPSButtonCircle^
  5362. ^BPSButtonSquare^
  5363. ^BPSButtonTriangle^
  5364. ^BPSButtonShoulderL^
  5365. ^BPSButtonShoulderR^
  5366. ^BPSButtonStart^
  5367. ^BPSButtonSelect^
  5368. ^BPSButtonStickAnimatedL^
  5369. ^BPSButtonStickAnimatedR^
  5370. ^BPSButtonTrigR^
  5371. ^BPSButtonTrigL^
  5372. ^BPSButtonDpadU^
  5373. ^BPSButtonDpadD^
  5374. ^BPSButtonDpadL^
  5375. ^BPSButtonDpadR^
  5376. \%s
  5377. %s
  5378. \%s
  5379. rcon
  5380. clear
  5381. quit
  5382. kill
  5383. cmd
  5384. say
  5385. say_team
  5386. "%s"
  5387. say
  5388. "%s"
  5389. <KEY
  5390. NOT
  5391. FOUND
  5392. <OUT
  5393. OF
  5394. RANGE
  5395. bind
  5396. %s
  5397. "
  5398. bind
  5399. %s
  5400. "
  5401. %s
  5402. bind
  5403. bind
  5404. unbind
  5405. unbind
  5406. unbindall
  5407. unbindall
  5408. bindlist
  5409. TAB
  5410. ENTER
  5411. ESCAPE
  5412. SPACE
  5414. UPARROW
  5418. ALT
  5419. CTRL
  5420. SHIFT
  5421. CAPSLOCK
  5422. F
  5423. F
  5424. F
  5425. F
  5426. F
  5427. F
  5428. F
  5429. F
  5430. F
  5431. F
  5432. F
  5433. F
  5434. INS
  5435. DEL
  5436. PGDN
  5437. PGUP
  5438. HOME
  5439. END
  5440. MOUSE
  5441. MOUSE
  5442. MOUSE
  5443. MOUSE
  5444. MOUSE
  5445. MWHEELUP
  5447. BUTTON_A
  5448. BUTTON_B
  5449. BUTTON_X
  5450. BUTTON_Y
  5455. DPAD_UP
  5456. DPAD_DOWN
  5457. DPAD_LEFT
  5458. DPAD_RIGHT
  5459. APAD_UP
  5460. APAD_DOWN
  5461. APAD_LEFT
  5462. APAD_RIGHT
  5463. AUX
  5464. AUX
  5465. AUX
  5466. AUX
  5467. AUX
  5468. AUX
  5469. AUX
  5470. AUX
  5471. AUX
  5472. AUX
  5473. AUX
  5474. AUX
  5475. AUX
  5476. AUX
  5477. AUX
  5478. AUX
  5479. KP_HOME
  5480. KP_UPARROW
  5481. KP_PGUP
  5483. KP_
  5485. KP_END
  5487. KP_PGDN
  5488. KP_ENTER
  5489. KP_INS
  5490. KP_DEL
  5491. KP_SLASH
  5492. KP_MINUS
  5493. KP_PLUS
  5494. KP_NUMLOCK
  5495. KP_STAR
  5496. KP_EQUALS
  5497. PAUSE
  5499. COMMAND
  5500. KEY_TAB
  5501. KEY_ENTER
  5502. KEY_ESCAPE
  5503. KEY_SPACE
  5509. KEY_ALT
  5510. KEY_CTRL
  5511. KEY_SHIFT
  5513. KEY_F
  5514. KEY_F
  5515. KEY_F
  5516. KEY_F
  5517. KEY_F
  5518. KEY_F
  5519. KEY_F
  5520. KEY_F
  5521. KEY_F
  5522. KEY_F
  5523. KEY_F
  5524. KEY_F
  5525. KEY_INS
  5526. KEY_DEL
  5527. KEY_PGDN
  5528. KEY_PGUP
  5529. KEY_HOME
  5530. KEY_END
  5531. KEY_MOUSE
  5532. KEY_MOUSE
  5533. KEY_MOUSE
  5534. KEY_MOUSE
  5535. KEY_MOUSE
  5538. KEY_BUTTON_A
  5539. KEY_BUTTON_B
  5540. KEY_BUTTON_X
  5541. KEY_BUTTON_Y
  5550. KEY_DPAD_UP
  5554. KEY_APAD_UP
  5558. KEY_AUX
  5559. KEY_AUX
  5560. KEY_AUX
  5561. KEY_AUX
  5562. KEY_AUX
  5563. KEY_AUX
  5564. KEY_AUX
  5565. KEY_AUX
  5566. KEY_AUX
  5567. KEY_AUX
  5568. KEY_AUX
  5569. KEY_AUX
  5570. KEY_AUX
  5571. KEY_AUX
  5572. KEY_AUX
  5573. KEY_AUX
  5574. KEY_KP_HOME
  5576. KEY_KP_PGUP
  5578. KEY_KP_
  5580. KEY_KP_END
  5582. KEY_KP_PGDN
  5583. KEY_KP_ENTER
  5584. KEY_KP_INS
  5585. KEY_KP_DEL
  5586. KEY_KP_SLASH
  5587. KEY_KP_MINUS
  5588. KEY_KP_PLUS
  5590. KEY_KP_STAR
  5592. KEY_PAUSE
  5595. CL_CharEvent
  5596. CS_CODINFO
  5599. CS_TARGETS
  5603. CS_MODELS
  5609. CL_RunNetworkFrame
  5610. CL_Live_LeaveParty
  5611. =
  5613. skip_level
  5614. localhost
  5615. connect
  5616. %s
  5617. popup_xboxlive_partyended
  5619. silentfail
  5620. CL_Live_UpdatePartyState
  5621. lui_loader
  5622. getchallenge
  5623. protocol
  5624. %i
  5625. netfieldchk
  5626. sessionmode
  5627. challenge
  5628. invited
  5629. xuid
  5630. qport
  5631. connect
  5633. stats
  5634. CL_CheckForResend:
  5635. bad
  5636. connstate
  5637. white
  5638. console
  5639. spinner_wedge
  5640. consoleFont
  5641. pe
  5647. hostquit
  5649. %s
  5652. v
  5653. vt
  5654. relay
  5655. RA
  5656. b
  5657. newClientState
  5658. challengeResponse
  5659. connectResponse
  5660. connectResponseMigration
  5661. statresponse
  5662. infoResponse
  5663. statusResponse
  5664. disconnect
  5665. echo
  5666. keyAuthorize
  5667. t
  5668. error
  5669. loadingnewmap
  5670. fastrestart
  5671. clients
  5672. clientConnections
  5673. clients
  5674. outPackets
  5675. clients
  5676. snapshots
  5677. clients
  5678. parseEntities
  5679. clients
  5680. parseClients
  5681. clients
  5682. parseActors
  5683. clients
  5684. parseMatchStates
  5685. CL_PacketEvent
  5687. userinfo
  5688. "%s"
  5689. CL_RunOncePerClientFrame
  5690. t
  5691. CL_UpdateColor
  5692. CL_CheckUserinfo
  5693. CL_CheckForResend
  5694. CL_CheckTimeout
  5695. CL_UpdateInGameState
  5696. CL_SetCGameTime
  5697. CL_CreateCmdsDuringConnection
  5698. CL_SendCmd
  5699. GamerProfile_ProcessDelayedWrite
  5700. Session_StartGameSession
  5701. %s
  5702. %s
  5703. %icanthear
  5704. %i
  5705. execcontrollerbindings
  5706. xshowfriendslist
  5707. xmuteplayer
  5708. ui_animate
  5709. ui_resetSelectedPlayerXuid
  5710. setenv
  5711. cmd
  5712. configstrings
  5713. clientinfo
  5714. logo
  5715. showip
  5716. startMultiplayer
  5717. startSingleplayer
  5718. startZombies
  5719. selectStringTableEntryInDvar
  5720. resetStats
  5721. disableallbutprimaryclients
  5722. disableallclients
  5723. setclientbeingusedandprimary
  5724. setclientbeingusedandprimaryandactive
  5725. setclientbeingused
  5726. setclientbeingusedandactive
  5727. setclientnotbeingused
  5728. setclientprimary
  5729. signclientout
  5730. LoadGump
  5731. FlushGump
  5732. FlushGumps
  5733. setupviewport
  5734. xstartpartyhost
  5735. xstartparty
  5736. xstartprivateparty
  5737. xstartlocalprivateparty
  5738. xstopparty
  5739. xstoppartykeeptogether
  5740. xstopprivateparty
  5741. xstopallparties
  5742. xpartyswitchlobbies
  5743. xpartygo
  5744. xpartyveto
  5745. xupdatepartymappacks
  5746. xupdatepartystate
  5747. xsessionupdate
  5748. xpartyready
  5749. xsessionupdateprivacy
  5750. localservers
  5751. xshowgamercard
  5752. ui_keyboard
  5753. editclanname
  5754. xpartydisbandafterround
  5755. voicefail
  5756. forcevoicefail
  5757. signclientin
  5758. xplaylistchoosegame
  5759. xplaylistchoosepreviousgame
  5760. connect
  5761. reconnect
  5762. checkinvite
  5763. sendinstantmessage
  5764. clearKeyStates
  5765. %igetinfo
  5766. xxx
  5767. CL_LoadGump
  5768. called
  5769. with
  5770. NULL
  5771. as
  5772. gump
  5773. name
  5774. updategamerprofile
  5775. nu
  5776. r
  5777. m_pitch
  5778. m_yaw
  5779. m_forward
  5780. m_side
  5781. m_filter
  5782. cl_mouseAccel
  5783. cl_freelook
  5784. cl_motdString
  5785. cl_ingame
  5786. password
  5787. mortarStrikesLeft
  5788. player_name
  5789. Unknown
  5790. Soldier
  5791. rate
  5792. systemlink
  5793. cl_timeout
  5794. cl_connectTimeout
  5795. cl_connectionAttempts
  5796. doublescreen
  5797. splitscreen
  5798. splitscreen_playerCount
  5799. tu_noProfileWriteSleep
  5800. cl_profileWriteLimiter
  5801. Remote
  5802. PS
  5803. hostname
  5804. ts
  5805. game
  5806. gametype
  5807. nettype
  5808. minping
  5809. maxping
  5810. ff
  5811. kc
  5812. hw
  5813. isInGame
  5814. mod
  5815. hostaddr
  5816. secid
  5817. seckey
  5818. %d
  5819. pslots
  5820. pused
  5821. prslots
  5822. prused
  5823. D
  5824. xshowgamercardbyclientnumingame
  5825. xshowgamercardbyname
  5826. xshowrecentplayersgamercard
  5827. xaddfriend
  5828. xsigninlive
  5829. xsigninguest
  5830. xsignin
  5831. xsignout
  5832. sendInvite
  5833. gameInvitesReceived
  5834. acceptInvite
  5835. joinplayersessionbyxuid
  5836. dwAcceptInvite
  5837. declineInvite
  5838. ,
  5839. %d
  5840. controller_inserted
  5841. er
  5842. controller_removed
  5844. ql
  5845. q|svc_nop
  5846. svc_gamestate
  5847. svc_configstring
  5848. svc_gameinformation
  5849. svc_baseline
  5850. svc_entitycache
  5851. svc_dynentstate
  5852. svc_destructiblestate
  5853. svc_ropestate
  5854. svc_glassstatesvc_serverCommand
  5855. svc_download
  5856. svc_snapshot
  5857. svc_servercommands
  5858. CL_ParsePacketClients:
  5859. CL_ParsePacketActors:
  5860. sv_cheats
  5861. %f
  5862. %f
  5863. %f
  5865. CL_ParseGamestate
  5866. %i
  5867. ReadGameStates
  5868. CL_ParseServerMessage
  5869. CL_ParseServerMessage
  5870. startSingleplayer
  5871. normalfont
  5873. SCR_DrawScreenField:
  5874. clcState
  5875. CL_UpdateUIVisibilityBits
  5876. lighting
  5877. fresnel
  5878. gamenotify
  5879. boldgame
  5880. objnotify
  5881. subtitle
  5882. obituary
  5883. coop
  5884. logonly
  5885. cononly
  5886. system
  5887. network
  5888. task
  5889. gfx
  5890. d
  5891. file
  5892. ui
  5893. ai
  5894. anim
  5895. physics
  5896. fx
  5897. pt
  5898. tl
  5899. perf
  5900. ui
  5901. client
  5902. server
  5903. playerweap
  5904. live
  5905. fromscript
  5906. n
  5907. ldrboards
  5908. ddl
  5909. spu
  5910. userprofile
  5911. presence
  5912. rumble
  5913. unlockables
  5914. voip
  5915. http
  5916. gfwl
  5917. ipak
  5918. webm
  5919. prober
  5920. mipster
  5921. social
  5922. dcache
  5923. streamer
  5924. scheduler
  5925. matchrecord
  5926. migrate
  5927. gamenotify
  5928. obituary
  5929. coopinfo
  5930. con_gameMsgWindow%dFilter
  5931. Space-separated
  5932. updategamerprofile
  5933. con_hidechannel*;
  5934. con_showchannel*
  5935. Channel
  5936. name
  5937. too
  5938. long
  5939. in
  5940. specified
  5941. list:
  5942. "%s"
  5943. std
  5944. con_channellist
  5945. con_showchannel
  5946. con_hidechannel
  5947. con_visiblechannellist
  5949. Ëactive
  5950. qos
  5951. dedicated
  5952. goodping
  5953. notrecent
  5954. notblisted
  5955. fun
  5956. xlping
  5957. minplayers
  5958. mingeo
  5959. noclan
  5961. netcode
  5963. netchecksum
  5965. nothosting
  5967. gameending
  5969. inprogress
  5971. oldplaylist
  5973. newplaylist
  5975. full
  5977. anonfull
  5978. unbalanced
  5979. nofunds
  5981. password
  5983. banned
  5984. @EXE_BANNED
  5985. creating
  5986. playlistid
  5987. changelist
  5988. clear
  5989. start_search
  5990. start_merge
  5991. restart_search
  5992. start_invite
  5993. start_newlobby
  5994. no_results
  5995. test
  5996. %ijoinParty
  5997. %iechoreq
  5998. %i
  5999. %imasterreq
  6000. autoagree
  6001. disagreement
  6002. agreement
  6004. next_stage
  6005. merge_exhausted
  6006. search_failed
  6007. qos_complete
  6008. associate_failed
  6009. connected
  6010. handshake_timeout
  6011. host_failed
  6012. client_connected
  6013. client_failed
  6014. client_timeout
  6015. clients_timeout
  6016. client_agree
  6017. newlobby
  6018. go
  6019. partyaccept
  6020. partyJoinFailed
  6021. echoresponse
  6022. newsessioninfo
  6023. %imasterreply
  6024. echoreply
  6025. masterreq
  6026. masterreply
  6027. goodwords
  6028. csv
  6029. safeArea_horizontal
  6030. safeArea_vertical
  6031. ui_safearea
  6033. xmodelpieces
  6034. physpreset
  6035. physconstraints
  6036. xanim
  6037. xmodel
  6038. pixelshader
  6039. vertexshader
  6040. techset
  6041. image
  6042. d
  6043. sound_patch
  6044. col_map_sp
  6045. col_map_mp
  6046. com_map
  6047. game_map_sp
  6048. game_map_mp
  6049. map_ents
  6050. gfx_map
  6051. lightdef
  6052. ui_map
  6053. fonticon
  6054. menufile
  6055. menu
  6056. localize
  6057. on
  6058. weapondef
  6059. weaponvariant
  6060. weaponfull
  6061. nt
  6062. attachmentunique
  6063. weaponcamo
  6064. snddriverglobals
  6065. fx
  6066. impactfx
  6067. aitype
  6068. mptype
  6069. mpbody
  6070. mphead
  6071. character
  6072. xmodelalias
  6073. rawfile
  6074. stringtable
  6075. leaderboarddef
  6076. xGlobals
  6077. glasses
  6078. texturelist
  6079. emblemset
  6080. scriptparsetree
  6081. keyvaluepairs
  6082. memoryblock
  6083. addon_map_ents
  6084. tracer
  6085. skinnedverts
  6086. qdb
  6087. slug
  6088. footsteptable
  6089. ng
  6090. assetlist
  6091. report
  6092. depend
  6093. PHEEBs
  6094. sha
  6095. Read
  6096. error
  6097. of
  6098. file
  6099. '%s'
  6100. DB_ERR:%d
  6101. %s
  6104. clump
  6105. DB_DecompressIOStream
  6106. DB_DecompressIOStreamWorker
  6107. TAff
  6108. TAffu
  6109. TAsvu
  6110. client
  6111. executable
  6112. (version
  6113. %d,
  6114. expecting
  6115. %d)
  6116. db_auth_edge
  6117. DB_LoadGump
  6118. DB_LoadXAssets
  6119. DB_LoadGump
  6120. DB_LoadGump
  6121. runtime_virtual
  6122. runtime_physical
  6123. delay_virtual
  6124. delay_physical
  6125. virtual
  6126. physical
  6127. streamer_reserve
  6128. FFOTD
  6129. database/db_memory
  6130. cpp
  6131. Could
  6132. not
  6133. allocate
  6134. %
  6135. f
  6136. MB
  6137. of
  6138. type
  6139. '%s'
  6140. for
  6141. zone
  6142. '%s'
  6143. needed
  6144. an
  6145. additional
  6146. default
  6147. defaultdestructible
  6148. void
  6149. $default
  6150. black
  6151. hlsl
  6152. transform_only
  6153. hlsl
  6154. $white
  6155. light_dynamic
  6156. fonts//consolefont
  6157. fonticon/defaultFontIcon
  6158. csv
  6159. ui/default
  6160. menu
  6161. default_menu
  6163. defaultweapon
  6164. defaultattachment
  6165. defaultcamo
  6166. misc/missing_fx
  6167. mp/defaultStringTable
  6168. csv
  6169. DEFAULT_LB
  6170. common_scripts/default
  6171. defaultvehicle
  6172. defaulttracer
  6173. common_mp
  6174. frontend
  6175. zm_transit
  6176. zm_nuked
  6177. zm_highrise
  6178. zm_transit_dr
  6179. zm_prison
  6180. zm_buried
  6181. zm_transit_tm
  6182. zm_tomb
  6183. frontend_patch
  6184. zm_transit_patch
  6185. zm_nuked_patch
  6186. zm_highrise_patch
  6187. zm_transit_dr_patch
  6188. zm_prison_patch
  6189. zm_buried_patch
  6190. zm_transit_tm_patch
  6191. zm_tomb_patch
  6192. g_copyInfo
  6193. exceeded
  6194. Exceeded
  6195. limit
  6196. of
  6197. %d
  6198. '%s'
  6199. assets
  6200. Could
  6201. not
  6202. allocate
  6203. asset
  6204. -
  6205. increase
  6207. Couldn't
  6208. find
  6209. the
  6210. bsp
  6211. for
  6212. this
  6213. map
  6214. Please
  6215. build
  6216. the
  6217. fast
  6218. file
  6219. associated
  6220. with
  6221. %s
  6222. and
  6223. try
  6224. again
  6225. Could
  6226. not
  6227. load
  6228. default
  6229. asset
  6230. '%s'
  6231. for
  6232. asset
  6233. type
  6234. '%s'
  6235. Tried
  6236. to
  6237. load
  6238. asset
  6239. '%s'
  6240. Material
  6241. %s
  6242. is
  6243. placed
  6244. in
  6245. a
  6246. gump
  6247. fastfile
  6248. Please
  6249. move
  6250. it
  6251. to
  6252. the
  6253. level
  6254. fastfile
  6255. Attempting
  6256. to
  6257. override
  6258. asset
  6259. '%s'
  6260. from
  6261. zone
  6262. '%s'
  6263. with
  6264. zone
  6265. '%s'
  6266. texturelist/%s
  6267. csv
  6268. %s/%s%s%s
  6269. maps/so_
  6270. ddbsp
  6271. _mp_
  6272. maps/mp/%s
  6273. maps/%s
  6274. gump_name%u
  6275. restore_gump_name
  6276. type
  6277. %s
  6278. is
  6279. not
  6280. a
  6281. valid
  6282. asset
  6283. type:
  6284. see
  6285. g_assetNames
  6286. in
  6287. db_assetnames
  6288. h
  6289. %s/%s
  6290. Max
  6291. zone
  6292. count
  6293. exceeded
  6294. Could
  6295. not
  6296. load
  6297. default
  6298. asset
  6299. for
  6300. asset
  6301. type
  6302. '%s'
  6303. (%s)
  6304. loadzone
  6305. listdefaultassets
  6306. listassetpool
  6307. dumpmateriallist
  6308. dumpmodels
  6309. reportunused
  6310. %s%s_loc
  6311. %s_patch
  6312. %s_patch%s
  6313. xGlobalsSingleton
  6314. common_zombie
  6315. prefetch
  6316. ff
  6317. _load
  6318. _patch
  6319. ERROR:
  6320. Could
  6321. not
  6322. find
  6323. zone
  6324. '%s'
  6325. _xpatch
  6326. code_pre_gfx
  6327. code_post_gfx
  6328. dev
  6329. patch
  6330. patch_loc
  6331. patch_ui_loc
  6332. patch_ui
  6333. ui
  6334. common
  6335. ffotd
  6336. _%d%s
  6337. %s%s%s%s%s
  6338. _tu
  6339. _
  6340. %s%s
  6341. Failed
  6342. to
  6343. create
  6344. database
  6345. thread
  6346. g_XAnimPartsPool
  6347. g_XModelPool
  6348. g_MaterialPool
  6349. g_GfxImagePool
  6350. g_WeaponVariantDefPool
  6351. g_WeaponAttachmentPool
  6352. g_WeaponAttachmentUniquePool
  6353. g_WeaponCamoPool
  6354. g_assetEntryPool
  6355. ë$set
  6356. get
  6357. increment
  6358. ddlParentMetatable
  6359. ddlArrayMetatable
  6360. ddlLeafMetatable
  6361. DDL
  6362. root
  6363. for
  6364. version
  6365. %d
  6366. {size
  6367. %d}
  6368. DDL
  6369. parent
  6370. element
  6371. {bit
  6372. %d}
  6373. ##DDL
  6375. ERROR##
  6376. DDL
  6377. array
  6378. of
  6379. %d
  6380. elements
  6381. {bit
  6382. %d}
  6383. DDL_LUI_ArrayIteratorClosure
  6384. %u
  6385. %llu
  6386. DDL
  6387. leaf:
  6388. %s
  6389. {bit
  6390. %d}
  6391. __index
  6392. DDL_LUI_ParentIndex
  6393. DDL_LUI_ArrayIndex
  6394. __len
  6395. DDL_LUI_ArrayLen
  6396. DDL_LUI_ArrayIterator
  6397. ddlpairs
  6398. sendInstantMessage
  6399. sTü
  6400. getMailHeader
  6401. sU
  6402. (
  6403. getMailBody
  6404. sUl
  6405. sendMessage
  6406. sUœ
  6407. processNotifications
  6408. sUÌ
  6409. @
  6410. ,
  6411. <Attempt
  6412. to
  6413. unregister
  6414. a
  6415. non-existant
  6416. common
  6417. addr
  6418. group
  6419. %s
  6420. cod-stun
  6421. us
  6422. demonware
  6423. net
  6424. cod-stun
  6425. eu
  6426. demonware
  6427. net
  6428. cod-stun
  6429. jp
  6430. demonware
  6431. net
  6432. cod-stun
  6433. au
  6434. demonware
  6435. net
  6436. dwPrintAddrs
  6437. No
  6438. free
  6439. addr
  6440. handle
  6441. groups
  6442. Attempted
  6443. to
  6444. register
  6445. an
  6446. endpoint
  6447. with
  6448. an
  6449. unregistered
  6450. security
  6451. ID
  6452. No
  6453. free
  6454. common
  6455. addr
  6456. slots
  6457. in
  6458. group
  6459. Attempted
  6460. to
  6461. deregister
  6462. an
  6463. endpoint
  6464. with
  6465. an
  6466. unregistered
  6467. security
  6468. ID
  6469. Attempted
  6470. to
  6471. deregister
  6472. common
  6473. addr
  6474. that
  6475. was
  6476. not
  6477. registered
  6478. dwReadStats
  6479. sX
  6480. dwWriteStats
  6481. sXT
  6482. File
  6483. dwReadFileByID
  6484. sX”
  6485. ð
  6486. è
  6487. rInfo
  6488. e
  6489. dwGetFileMetadata
  6490. sXø
  6491. eList
  6492. dwWriteFile
  6493. sYD
  6494. 'âBD_NO_ERROR
  6529. BD_TEAM_FULL
  6605. BD_NO_FILE
  6805. Unknown
  6806. bdLobbyErrorCode
  6808. dynEnt_bulletForce
  6809. dynEnt_explodeForce
  6810. dynEnt_explodeUpbias
  6811. dynEnt_explodeSpinScale
  6812. dynEnt_explodeMinForce
  6813. dynEnt_explodeMaxEnts
  6814. dynEnt_spawnedLimit
  6815. destructibles/fx_dest_fire_trail_sm
  6816. Bad
  6817. Light
  6818. constraint
  6819. at
  6820. (%g
  6821. %g
  6822. %g)
  6823. linked
  6824. to
  6825. entity
  6826. at
  6827. (%g
  6828. %g
  6829. %g)
  6830. dyn_clipmovetrace
  6831. process
  6832. dyn
  6833. ents
  6834. dyn_pointtrace
  6835. DynEntCl_DynEntImpactEvent
  6836. ??¿??¿¿¿j_head
  6837. j_neck
  6838. j_spineupper
  6839. j_spinelower
  6840. j_elbow_ri
  6841. j_elbow_le
  6842. j_wrist_ri
  6843. j_wrist_le
  6844. j_knee_ri
  6845. j_knee_le
  6846. j_ankle_ri
  6847. j_ankle_le
  6848. tag_weapon_left
  6849. DynEntCl_EntityImpactEvent
  6850. invalid
  6851. clutter
  6852. destruct
  6853. dynEntPieces_velocity
  6854. dynEntPieces_angularVelocity
  6855. dynEntPieces_impactForce
  6856. dynEnt_damageRadiusScale
  6857. dynEnt_shouldCullEntitiesForSplitscreen
  6858. FX_ProcessActionsPPU
  6859. fx_draw_sprite_geo
  6860. fx_draw_trail_geo
  6861. fx_elemsetup
  6862. fx_alloc
  6863. fx_add_surfs
  6864. fx_marks_alloc
  6865. fx_marks_draw
  6866. fx_freeze
  6867. fx_debugBolt
  6868. fx_count
  6869. fx_visMinTraceDist
  6870. fx_profile
  6871. fx_mark_profile
  6872. fx_drawClouds
  6873. fx_priority_debug
  6874. fx_priority_enable
  6875. fx_occlusion_query_profile
  6876. fx_occlusion_max_player_count
  6877. fx_draw_weapon_tags
  6878. fx_use_ground_entity
  6879. fx_marks_range
  6880. fx_show_names_range
  6881. wait
  6882. fx_add_mark
  6883. FX_ImpactMark_Generate
  6884. FX_ImpactMark
  6885. FX_CreateImpactMark
  6886. fx_add_mark
  6887. FX_MarksGridUpdate
  6888. fx_marks_draw
  6889. FX_SortEffects
  6890. fx_systemPool
  6891. fx_systemBufferPool
  6892. fx_marksSystemPool
  6893. FX_SpawnEffect
  6894. FX_WaitForFxSpawnWorkers
  6895. wait
  6896. fx_spawn
  6897. ch
  6898. FX_SortEffectsForDraw
  6899. FX_AddNonSpriteDrawSurfs
  6900. FX_RewindTo
  6901. all
  6902. brief
  6903. combat
  6904. movement
  6905. state
  6906. invalid
  6907. dont_change
  6908. motion
  6909. enemy
  6910. enemy_or_motion
  6911. enemy_or_motion_sidestep
  6912. goal
  6913. too
  6914. many
  6915. actors
  6916. in
  6917. bsp
  6918. file
  6919. Tried
  6920. to
  6921. force
  6922. spawning
  6923. of
  6924. an
  6925. AI
  6926. when
  6927. all
  6928. AI
  6929. slots
  6930. are
  6931. used
  6932. by
  6933. undeletable
  6934. AI
  6935. classname
  6936. actor_
  6937. prethink
  6938. domove
  6939. updateanglesanddelta
  6940. updateoriginandangles
  6941. postthink
  6942. ActorThink
  6943. none
  6944. (code)
  6945. (pos
  6946. deltas)
  6947. angle_deltas
  6948. gravity
  6949. (noclip)
  6950. nogravity
  6951. zonly_physics
  6952. (nophysics)
  6953. point_relative
  6954. slide
  6955. Entity
  6956. noname
  6957. health:
  6958. MISS
  6959. HIT
  6960. minDistForceFaceEnemy
  6961. dontavoidplayer
  6962. pushPlayer
  6963. physics
  6964. animmode
  6965. script:
  6966. Invulnerable
  6967. Covering
  6968. fire
  6969. Ignore
  6970. suppression
  6971. Suppressed
  6972. Move
  6973. Suppressed
  6974. IN
  6975. BADPLACE: %s
  6976. AWARENESS: %f
  6977. NONE
  6978. YES-Normal
  6979. Yes-ReallyBad
  6981. FLAG:
  6982. %s
  6983. ON
  6984. OFF
  6985. IGNOREME
  6986. FLAG:
  6987. %s
  6988. PACIFIST
  6989. FLAG:
  6990. %s
  6991. GoalRadius:
  6992. %
  6993. f
  6994. Actor_FindPathToGoalDirect
  6995. findpathtogoal
  6996. No
  6997. 'AI
  6998. vs
  6999. AI'
  7000. accuracy
  7001. graph
  7002. for
  7003. weapon
  7004. '%s'
  7005. No
  7006. 'AI
  7007. vs
  7008. Player'
  7009. accuracy
  7010. graph
  7011. for
  7012. weapon
  7013. '%s'
  7014. SetAnimScript:
  7015. %s
  7016. Actor
  7017. SetAnim
  7018. ClearAnim
  7019. ClearAnimStrict
  7020. scripedanimthink
  7021. customanimthink
  7022. animcustom
  7023. anonymous
  7024. bad
  7025. places
  7026. must
  7027. have
  7028. a
  7029. duration
  7030. fleethink
  7031. badplace_flee
  7032. Actor_BigDog_Exposed_Think
  7033. exposed
  7034. Âp
  7035. Bp
  7036. ÂH
  7037. BH
  7038. Â
  7039. B
  7040. coverarrivalthink
  7041. cover_arrival
  7042. deaththink
  7043. h
  7044. %i
  7045. dogexposedthink
  7046. Unable
  7047. to
  7048. find
  7049. AI
  7050. event
  7051. for
  7052. [%s]
  7053. Max
  7054. listeners
  7055. exceeded;
  7056. entity
  7057. id:
  7058. %d
  7059. ¸footstep
  7060. footsteplite
  7061. new_enemy
  7062. pain
  7063. react
  7064. death
  7065. explosion
  7066. grenade_ping
  7067. projectile_ping
  7068. gunshot
  7069. silenced_shot
  7070. bullet
  7071. bullet_react
  7072. projectile_impact
  7073. badplacearc
  7074. badplacelimitedarc
  7075. reallybadplacearc
  7076. badplacevolume
  7077. noncombatthink
  7078. noncombat_move
  7079. noncombat_stop
  7080. flashbanged
  7081. exposed
  7082. exposed_combat
  7083. exposed_reacquire_move
  7084. exposed_reacquire_done
  7085. exposed_flashbanged
  7086. exposed_reaction
  7087. type
  7088. isdog
  7089. isbigdog
  7090. accuracy
  7091. perfectaim
  7092. ignorelocationaldamage
  7093. lookforward
  7094. lookright
  7095. lookup
  7096. fovcosine
  7097. fovcosinebusy
  7098. maxsightdistsqrd
  7099. sightlatency
  7100. ignoreclosefoliage
  7101. followmin
  7102. followmax
  7103. interval
  7104. teammovewaittime
  7105. damagetaken
  7106. damagedir
  7107. damageyaw
  7108. damagelocation
  7109. damageweapon
  7110. damagemod
  7111. nextallowedreacttime
  7112. reactorigin
  7113. proneok
  7114. walkdist
  7115. desiredangle
  7116. pacifist
  7117. pacifistwait
  7118. newenemyreactionpos
  7119. newenemyreaction
  7120. newenemyreactiondistsq
  7121. goodenemyonly
  7122. ignoreexplosionevents
  7123. ignoresuppression
  7124. suppressionwait
  7125. suppressionduration
  7126. suppressionstarttime
  7127. suppressionmeter
  7128. name
  7129. weapon
  7130. secondaryweapon
  7131. primaryweapon
  7132. sidearm
  7133. dontavoidplayer
  7134. grenadeawareness
  7135. grenade
  7136. grenadeweapon
  7137. grenadeammo
  7138. grenadethrowback
  7139. favoriteenemy
  7140. highlyawareradius
  7141. allowpain
  7142. blockingpain
  7143. allowdeath
  7144. diequietly
  7145. minpaindamage
  7146. forceragdollimmediate
  7147. delayeddeath
  7148. providecoveringfire
  7149. doingambush
  7150. combatmode
  7151. canflank
  7152. iswounded
  7153. alertlevel
  7154. alertlevelint
  7155. allowreact
  7156. useable
  7157. ignoretriggers
  7158. pushable
  7159. ikpriority
  7160. dropweapon
  7161. drawoncompass
  7162. activatecrosshair
  7163. groundtype
  7164. scriptstate
  7165. lastscriptstate
  7166. statechangereason
  7167. anim_pose
  7168. goalradius
  7169. goalheight
  7170. goalpos
  7171. nodeoffsetpos
  7172. ignoreforfixednodesafecheck
  7173. fixednode
  7174. fixednodesaferadius
  7175. pathstartpos
  7176. pathgoalpos
  7177. pathrandompercent
  7178. usechokepoints
  7179. stopanimdistsq
  7180. lastenemysightpos
  7181. pathenemylookahead
  7182. pathenemyfightdist
  7183. meleeattackdist
  7184. movemode
  7185. usecombatscriptatcover
  7186. safetochangescript
  7187. keepclaimednode
  7188. keepclaimednodeifvalid
  7189. coversearchinterval
  7190. keepnodeduringscriptedanim
  7191. nododgemoveleanamount
  7192. badplaceawareness
  7193. nogrenadereturnthrow
  7194. goodshootpos
  7195. goodshootposvalid
  7196. throwbackgrenadekilledoriginalowner
  7197. flashbangimmunity
  7198. lookaheaddir
  7199. lookaheaddist
  7200. lookaheadnodepos
  7201. prevanimdelta
  7202. exposedduration
  7203. requestarrivalnotify
  7204. engagemindist
  7205. engageminfalloffdist
  7206. engagemaxdist
  7207. engagemaxfalloffdist
  7208. turnrate
  7209. finalaccuracy
  7210. noattackeraccuracymod
  7211. maxfaceenemydist
  7212. stairsstate
  7213. facemotion
  7214. threatbias
  7215. node
  7216. prevnode
  7217. enemy
  7218. scriptenemy
  7219. scriptenemytag
  7220. syncedmeleetarget
  7221. ignoreme
  7222. ignoreall
  7223. maxvisibledist
  7224. surprisedbymedistsq
  7225. ignoreforfriendlyfire
  7226. health
  7227. maxhealth
  7228. targetname
  7229. classname
  7230. spawnflags
  7231. modelBaseForFields:
  7232. invalid
  7233. fields[]
  7234. unknown
  7235. type
  7236. '%s',
  7237. should
  7238. be
  7239. human,
  7240. dog,
  7241. bigdog,
  7242. zombie,
  7243. zombie_dog
  7244. actor
  7245. field
  7246. %s
  7247. clamped
  7248. from
  7249. %g
  7250. to
  7251. actor
  7252. field
  7253. %s
  7254. clamped
  7255. from
  7256. %g
  7257. to
  7258. actor
  7259. field
  7260. %s
  7261. is
  7262. read-only
  7263. radius
  7264. must
  7265. be
  7266. =
  7267. Can't
  7268. find
  7269. weapon
  7270. [%s]
  7271. It
  7272. probably
  7273. needs
  7274. to
  7275. be
  7276. precached
  7277. unknown
  7278. alert
  7279. level
  7280. '%s'
  7281. unknown
  7282. combat
  7283. mode
  7284. '%s',
  7285. should
  7286. be
  7287. cover,
  7288. no_cover,
  7289. ambush_nodes_only,
  7290. ambush,
  7291. exposed_nodes_only
  7292. or
  7293. any_exposed_nodes_only
  7294. entnum
  7295. %d
  7296. is
  7297. attempting
  7298. to
  7299. change
  7300. anim_pose
  7301. from
  7302. "%s"
  7303. to
  7304. "%s"
  7305. but
  7306. %s
  7307. was
  7308. not
  7309. called
  7310. ExitProne
  7311. EnterProne
  7312. int
  7313. short
  7314. byte
  7315. float
  7316. string
  7317. vector
  7318. entnum
  7319. actor
  7320. sentient
  7321. clientnum
  7322. pathnode
  7323. actorgroup
  7324. actor_
  7325. list
  7326. delete
  7327. all
  7328. axis
  7329. allies
  7330. neutral
  7331. genericsuspend
  7333. (%i)
  7334. exceeded
  7335. checkGrenadeThrow:
  7336. method
  7337. must
  7338. be
  7339. 'min
  7340. energy',
  7341. 'min
  7342. time',
  7343. or
  7344. 'max
  7345. time'
  7346. -
  7347. value
  7348. passed
  7349. in
  7350. was
  7351. %s
  7352. ai
  7353. classname
  7354. '%s'
  7355. at
  7356. (%g
  7357. %g
  7358. %g)
  7359. finished
  7360. the
  7361. grenade
  7362. return
  7363. script
  7364. without
  7365. throwing
  7366. a
  7367. grenade
  7368. grenade_flee
  7369. grenade_takecover
  7370. grenade_cower
  7371. grenade_combat
  7372. grenade_coverattack
  7373. grenade_acquire
  7374. grenade_throwback
  7375. pathpredictiontrace
  7376. Path_FindPath
  7377. negotiationthink
  7378. negotiation
  7379. painthink
  7380. Actor_Physics
  7381. reaction_influence_enabled
  7382. reaction_influence_debug
  7383. reactthink
  7384. startcoverarrival
  7385. starttraversearrival
  7386. melee
  7387. reacquirestep
  7388. findreacquirenode
  7389. getreacquirenode
  7390. usereacquirenode
  7391. findreacquiredirectpath
  7392. trimpathtoattack
  7393. reacquiremove
  7394. findreacquireproximatepath
  7395. flagenemyunattackable
  7396. clearpitchorient
  7397. setpitchorient
  7398. setlookatanimnodes
  7399. setlookat
  7400. setlookatyawlimits
  7401. stoplookat
  7402. cansee
  7403. seerecently
  7404. lastknowntime
  7405. lastknownpos
  7406. maymovetopoint
  7407. maymovefrompointtopoint
  7408. teleport
  7409. withinapproxpathdist
  7410. ispathdirect
  7411. allowedstances
  7412. isstanceallowed
  7413. traversemode
  7414. animmode
  7415. orientmode
  7416. getorientmode
  7417. getmotionangle
  7418. shouldfacemotion
  7419. clearmovehistory
  7420. getmovehistoryaverage
  7421. getanglestolikelyenemypath
  7422. lerpposition
  7423. predictoriginandangles
  7424. predictanim
  7425. gethitenttype
  7426. gethityaw
  7427. getgroundenttype
  7428. isdeflected
  7429. animcustom
  7430. canattackenemynode
  7431. getpathlength
  7432. calcpathlength
  7433. getnegotiationstartnode
  7434. getnegotiationendnode
  7435. canseepathgoal
  7436. checkprone
  7437. pushplayer
  7438. setgoalnode
  7439. setgoalpos
  7440. setgoalentity
  7441. setgoalvolume
  7442. setgoalvolumeauto
  7443. getgoalvolume
  7444. cleargoalvolume
  7445. setfixednodesafevolume
  7446. getfixednodesafevolume
  7447. clearfixednodesafevolume
  7448. isingoal
  7449. setruntopos
  7450. clearruntopos
  7451. nearnode
  7452. nearclaimnode
  7453. nearclaimnodeandangle
  7454. atdangerousnode
  7455. getenemyinfo
  7456. clearenemy
  7457. setentitytarget
  7458. clearentitytarget
  7459. setpotentialthreat
  7460. clearpotentialthreat
  7461. getperfectinfo
  7462. setflashbangimmunity
  7463. setflashbanged
  7464. getflashbangedstrength
  7465. isknownenemyinradius
  7466. isknownenemyinvolume
  7467. settalktospecies
  7468. allowpitchangle
  7469. knockback
  7470. getdeltaturnyaw
  7471. finishactordamage
  7472. calclookaheadpos
  7473. setengagementmindist
  7474. setengagementmaxdist
  7475. isinscriptedstate
  7476. startscriptedanim
  7477. checkcoverexitposwithpath
  7478. shoot
  7479. shootblank
  7480. startshoot
  7481. stopshoot
  7482. updateplayersightaccuracy
  7483. findshufflecovernode
  7484. isshufflecovernode
  7485. findnearbycovernode
  7486. findcovernodeatlocation
  7487. findbestcovernodes
  7488. findcovernode
  7489. findbestcovernode
  7490. getcovernode
  7491. usecovernode
  7492. setaimanims
  7493. aimatpos
  7494. enterprone
  7495. exitprone
  7496. setproneanimnodes
  7497. updateprone
  7498. canshoot
  7499. canshootenemy
  7500. dropweapon
  7501. dropscavengeritem
  7502. forceteleport
  7503. issuppressionwaiting
  7504. issuppressed
  7505. ismovesuppressed
  7506. isgrenadepossafe
  7507. checkgrenadethrow
  7508. checkgrenadelaunch
  7509. checkgrenadelaunchpos
  7510. firegrenadelauncher
  7511. throwgrenade
  7512. pickupgrenade
  7513. useturret
  7514. stopuseturret
  7515. canuseturret
  7516. setturretanim
  7517. getturret
  7518. beginprediction
  7519. endprediction
  7520. trackscriptstate
  7521. dumphistory
  7522. checkgrenadethrowpos
  7523. startactorreact
  7524. getdroptofloorposition
  7525. ActorCmd_StartScriptedAnim
  7526. ActorCmd_StartCoverArrival
  7527. ActorCmd_StartTraverseArrival
  7528. ActorCmd_CheckCoverExitPosWithPath
  7529. ActorCmd_Shoot
  7530. ActorCmd_Shoot
  7531. accuracy
  7532. mod
  7533. must
  7534. be
  7535. nonnegative
  7536. ActorCmd_ShootBlank
  7537. ShootBlank()
  7538. only
  7539. works
  7540. with
  7541. bullet
  7542. weapons
  7543. Using
  7544. weapon
  7545. [%s]
  7546. ActorCmd_StartShoot
  7547. ActorCmd_StopShoot
  7548. ActorCmd_Melee
  7549. ActorCmd_UpdatePlayerSightAccuracy
  7550. updatesightaccuracy
  7551. ActorCmd_FindShuffleCoverNode
  7552. ActorCmd_IsShuffleCoverNode
  7553. ActorCmd_FindNearbyCoverNode
  7554. ActorCmd_FindCoverNodeAtLocation
  7555. ActorCmd_FindCoverNode
  7556. ActorCmd_FindCoverNode
  7557. ActorCmd_FindBestCoverNode
  7558. ActorCmd_FindBestCoverNode
  7559. ActorCmd_FindBestCoverNodes
  7560. ActorCmd_GetCoverNode
  7561. ActorCmd_UseCoverNode
  7562. cannot
  7563. change
  7564. node
  7565. when
  7566. using
  7567. fixedNode
  7568. mode
  7569. cannot
  7570. change
  7571. node
  7572. when
  7573. keepclaimednode
  7574. is
  7575. set
  7576. ActorCmd_ReacquireStep
  7577. ActorCmd_FindReacquireNode
  7578. ActorCmd_GetReacquireNode
  7579. ActorCmd_UseReacquireNode
  7580. ActorCmd_FindReacquireDirectPath
  7581. ActorCmd_FindReacquireProximatePath
  7582. ActorCmd_TrimPathToAttack
  7583. TrimPathToAttack
  7584. may
  7585. only
  7586. called
  7587. after
  7588. calling
  7589. FindReacquireDirectPath
  7590. or
  7591. FindReacquireProximatePath
  7592. ActorCmd_ReacquireMove
  7593. ReacquireMove
  7594. may
  7595. only
  7596. called
  7597. after
  7598. calling
  7599. FindReacquireDirectPath
  7600. or
  7601. FindReacquireProximatePath
  7602. ActorCmd_FlagEnemyUnattackable
  7603. ActorCmd_SetAimAnims
  7604. ActorCmd_AimAtPos
  7605. ActorCmd_EnterProne
  7606. Must
  7607. call
  7608. SetProneAnimNodes
  7609. before
  7610. calling
  7611. EnterProne
  7612. ActorCmd_ExitProne
  7613. ActorCmd_SetProneAnimNodes
  7614. Down
  7615. angle
  7616. (parameter
  7617. )
  7618. must
  7619. be
  7620. set
  7621. to
  7622. be
  7623. less
  7624. than
  7625. Up
  7626. angle
  7627. (parameter
  7628. )
  7629. must
  7630. be
  7631. set
  7632. to
  7633. be
  7634. greater
  7635. than
  7636. ActorCmd_UpdateProne
  7637. ActorCmd_ClearPitchOrient
  7638. ActorCmd_SetPitchOrient
  7639. ActorCmd_SetLookAtAnimNodes
  7640. ActorCmd_SetLookAt
  7641. LookAt
  7642. Called
  7643. without
  7644. setLookAtAnimNodes
  7645. being
  7646. called
  7647. first
  7648. ActorCmd_SetLookAtYawLimits
  7649. ActorCmd_StopLookAt
  7650. ActorCmd_CanShoot
  7651. ActorCmd_CanShoot
  7652. Couldn't
  7653. find
  7654. %s
  7655. in
  7656. entity
  7657. %d
  7658. tag_flash
  7659. ActorCmd_CanShootEnemy
  7660. CanShootEnemy()
  7661. called
  7662. with
  7663. no
  7664. enemy
  7665. set
  7666. for
  7667. entity
  7668. %d
  7669. ActorCmd_CanSee
  7670. ActorCmd_CanSee
  7671. ActorCmd_SeeRecently
  7672. ActorCmd_SeeRecently
  7673. ActorCmd_LastKnownTime
  7674. ActorCmd_LastKnownTime
  7675. 'LastKnownTime'
  7676. must
  7677. be
  7678. call
  7679. on
  7680. sentients
  7681. ActorCmd_LastKnownPos
  7682. ActorCmd_DropWeapon
  7683. none
  7684. unknown
  7685. weapon
  7686. '%s'
  7687. in
  7688. dropWeapon
  7689. ActorCmd_dropScavengerItem
  7690. ActorCmd_MayMoveToPoint
  7691. MayMoveToPoint
  7692. ActorCmd_MayMoveFromPointToPoint
  7693. MayMoveFromPointToPoint
  7694. ActorCmd_Teleport
  7695. ActorCmd_ForceTeleport
  7696. ActorCmd_WithinApproxPathDist
  7697. ActorCmd_IsPathDirect
  7698. ActorCmd_AllowedStances
  7699. invalid
  7700. stance
  7701. '%s'
  7702. in
  7703. allowedStances()
  7704. no
  7705. allowed
  7706. stances
  7707. given
  7708. ActorCmd_IsStanceAllowed
  7709. invalid
  7710. stance
  7711. '%s'
  7712. in
  7713. isStanceAllowed()
  7714. ActorCmd_IsSuppressionWaiting
  7715. ActorCmd_IsSuppressed
  7716. ActorCmd_IsMoveSuppressed
  7717. ActorCmd_IsGrenadePosSafe
  7718. ActorCmd_CheckGrenadeThrow
  7719. ActorCmd_CheckGrenadeThrowPos
  7720. ActorCmd_ThrowGrenade
  7721. cannot
  7722. call
  7723. 'throwGrenade'
  7724. before
  7725. calling
  7726. 'checkGrenadeThrow'
  7727. except
  7728. in
  7729. grenade
  7730. return
  7731. scripts
  7732. Missing
  7733. tag
  7734. [%s]
  7735. on
  7736. entity
  7737. [%d]
  7738. (%s)
  7739. Actor
  7740. [%s]
  7741. doesn't
  7742. have
  7743. a
  7744. grenade
  7745. weapon
  7746. set
  7747. checkgrenadelaunch:
  7748. invalid
  7749. weapon
  7750. for
  7751. entity
  7752. %d
  7753. checkgrenadelaunch:
  7754. grenade
  7755. launcher
  7756. speed
  7757. must
  7758. be
  7759. ActorCmd_CheckGrenadeLaunch
  7760. ActorCmd_CheckGrenadeLaunchPos
  7761. ActorCmd_FireGrenadeLauncher
  7762. cannot
  7763. call
  7764. 'firegrenadelauncher'
  7765. before
  7766. calling
  7767. 'checkGrenadeThrow'
  7768. except
  7769. in
  7770. grenade
  7771. return
  7772. scripts
  7773. Missing
  7774. tag
  7775. [%s]
  7776. on
  7777. entity
  7778. [%d]
  7779. ActorCmd_PickUpGrenade
  7780. ActorCmd_UseTurret
  7781. can
  7782. only
  7783. use
  7784. a
  7785. turret
  7786. ActorCmd_Knockback
  7787. ActorCmd_StopUseTurret
  7788. ActorCmd_CanUseTurret
  7789. ActorCmd_TraverseMode
  7790. traverseMode
  7791. must
  7792. be
  7793. 'gravity',
  7794. 'nogravity',
  7795. or
  7796. 'noclip'
  7797. ActorCmd_AnimMode
  7798. illegal
  7799. call
  7800. to
  7801. animmode()
  7802. ActorCmd_OrientMode
  7803. cannot
  7804. face
  7805. (,
  7806. ,
  7807. *)
  7808. orientMode
  7809. must
  7810. be
  7811. 'face
  7812. angle',
  7813. 'face
  7814. current',
  7815. 'face
  7816. direction',
  7817. 'face
  7818. enemy',
  7819. 'face
  7820. enemy
  7821. or
  7822. motion',
  7823. 'face
  7824. goal',
  7825. 'face
  7826. motion',
  7827. 'face
  7828. point',
  7829. or
  7830. 'face
  7831. default'
  7832. 'face
  7833. direction'
  7834. and
  7835. 'face
  7836. point'
  7837. take
  7838. a
  7839. second
  7840. argument
  7841. that
  7842. is
  7843. a
  7844. vector
  7845. giving
  7846. the
  7847. way
  7848. to
  7849. face
  7850. 'face
  7851. angle'
  7852. takes
  7853. a
  7854. second
  7855. argument
  7856. that
  7857. is
  7858. a
  7859. yaw
  7860. angle
  7861. ActorCmd_GetOrientMode
  7862. code
  7863. script
  7864. Invalid
  7865. orient
  7866. mode
  7867. %s
  7868. requested!
  7869. ActorCmd_GetMotionAngle
  7870. GetMotionAngle
  7871. ActorCmd_ShouldFaceMotion
  7872. ShouldFaceMotion
  7873. ActorCmd_ClearMoveHistory
  7874. ClearMoveHistory
  7875. ActorCmd_GetMoveHistoryAverage
  7876. GetMoveHistoryAverage
  7877. ActorCmd_GetAnglesToLikelyEnemyPath
  7878. ActorCmd_SetTurretAnim
  7879. ActorCmd_GetTurret
  7880. ActorCmd_BeginPrediction
  7881. beginPrediction
  7882. already
  7883. called
  7884. ActorCmd_EndPrediction
  7885. endPrediction
  7886. already
  7887. called
  7888. ActorCmd_LerpPosition
  7889. cannot
  7890. lerp
  7891. position
  7892. if
  7893. animMode
  7894. is
  7895. not
  7896. 'nophysics'
  7897. ActorCmd_PredictOriginAndAngles
  7898. cannot
  7899. predict
  7900. when
  7901. linked
  7902. to
  7903. an
  7904. entity
  7905. cannot
  7906. predict
  7907. when
  7908. using
  7909. no
  7910. physics
  7911. ActorCmd_PredictAnim
  7912. ActorCmd_GetHitEntType
  7913. ActorCmd_GetHitYaw
  7914. nothing
  7915. was
  7916. hit
  7917. ActorCmd_GetGroundEntType
  7918. ActorCmd_IsDeflected
  7919. ActorCmd_trackScriptState
  7920. trackScriptState
  7921. should
  7922. only
  7923. be
  7924. called
  7925. on
  7926. script
  7927. state
  7928. transitions
  7929. Called
  7930. for
  7931. state
  7932. %s
  7933. from
  7934. state
  7935. %s
  7936. ActorCmd_DumpHistory
  7937. ScrCmd_animcustom
  7938. ScrCmd_CanAttackEnemyNode
  7939. ScrCmd_CanSeePathGoal
  7940. ScrCmd_GetPathLength
  7941. ScrCmd_CalcPathLength
  7942. ScrCmd_GetNegotiationStartNode
  7943. ScrCmd_GetNegotiationEndNode
  7944. ActorCmd_CheckProne
  7945. ActorCmd_PushPlayer
  7946. ActorCmd_SetGoalNode
  7947. ActorCmd_SetGoalPos
  7948. ActorCmd_SetGoalEntity
  7949. ActorCmd_SetGoalVolume
  7950. cannot
  7951. set
  7952. goal
  7953. volume
  7954. when
  7955. a
  7956. goal
  7957. entity
  7958. is
  7959. set
  7960. cannot
  7961. set
  7962. goal
  7963. volume
  7964. which
  7965. does
  7966. not
  7967. contain
  7968. goal
  7969. position
  7970. (goal
  7971. pt
  7972. %f,
  7973. %f,
  7974. %f)
  7975. ActorCmd_SetGoalVolumeAuto
  7976. ActorCmd_GetGoalVolume
  7977. ActorCmd_ClearGoalVolume
  7978. ActorCmd_SetFixedNodeSafeVolume
  7979. ActorCmd_GetFixedNodeSafeVolume
  7980. ActorCmd_ClearFixedNodeSafeVolume
  7981. ActorCmd_IsInGoal
  7982. ActorCmd_SetOverrideRunToPos
  7983. ActorCmd_ClearOverrideRunToPos
  7984. ActorCmd_NearNode
  7985. ActorCmd_NearClaimNode
  7986. ActorCmd_NearClaimNodeAndAngle
  7987. ActorCmd_AtDangerousNode
  7988. ActorCmd_GetEnemyInfo
  7989. ActorCmd_ClearEnemy
  7990. ActorCmd_SetEntityTarget
  7991. ActorCmd_ClearEntityTarget
  7992. ActorCmd_SetPotentialThreat
  7993. illegal
  7994. call
  7995. to
  7996. setpotentialthreat()
  7997. ActorCmd_ClearPotentialThreat
  7998. illegal
  7999. call
  8000. to
  8001. clearpotentialthreat()
  8002. ActorCmd_GetPerfectInfo
  8003. Entity
  8004. provided
  8005. to
  8006. GetPerfectInfo
  8007. is
  8008. not
  8009. a
  8010. sentient
  8011. ActorCmd_SetFlashBanged
  8012. ActorCmd_SetFlashbangImmunity
  8013. ActorCmd_GetFlashBangedStrength
  8014. ActorCmd_SetEngagementMinDist
  8015. Min
  8016. dist
  8017. falloff
  8018. must
  8019. be
  8020. <=
  8021. min
  8022. dist
  8023. [%f
  8024. <
  8025. %f]
  8026. ActorCmd_SetEngagementMaxDist
  8027. Max
  8028. dist
  8029. falloff
  8030. must
  8031. be
  8032. =
  8033. max
  8034. dist
  8035. [%f
  8036. %f]
  8037. ActorCmd_IsKnownEnemyInRadius
  8038. ActorCmd_IsKnownEnemyInVolume
  8039. ActorCmd_SetTalkToSpecies
  8040. ActorCmd_AllowPitchAngle
  8041. AllowPitchAngle()
  8042. called
  8043. on
  8044. non-actor
  8045. ActorCmd_GetDeltaTurnYaw
  8046. ActorCmd_finishActorDamage
  8047. ActorCmd_finishActorDamage
  8048. ActorCmd_StartActorReact
  8049. ActorCmd_GetDropToFloorPosition
  8050. GetDropToFloorPosition
  8051. supported
  8052. for
  8053. AI
  8054. only
  8055. ActorCmd_CalcLookaheadPos
  8056. ActorCmd_IsInScriptedState
  8057. Actor_SightTrace
  8058. Actor_CanShootEnemy
  8059. Actor_UpdateSight
  8060. sight
  8061. sight
  8062. Actor_UpdateLastEnemySightPos
  8063. touchents
  8064. SpectatorClientEndFrame
  8065. entity
  8066. (classname:
  8067. '%s')
  8068. does
  8069. not
  8070. currently
  8071. support
  8072. animscripted
  8073. animscripted(internal)
  8074. G_GetPlayerViewOrigin():
  8075. Couldn't
  8076. find
  8077. "tag_player"
  8078. on
  8079. player's
  8080. view-link
  8081. parent
  8082. UnnamedPlayer
  8083. \name\badinfo
  8084. cg_predictItems
  8085. name
  8086. clanAbbrev
  8087. clanID
  8088. No
  8089. sentient
  8090. for
  8091. player
  8092. password
  8093. none
  8095. disconnect
  8096. -
  8097. ClientDisconnect
  8098. ÀÀ
  8099. playername
  8100. kills
  8101. assists
  8102. downs
  8103. revives
  8104. headshots
  8105. nolean
  8106. nopronerotation
  8107. sessionteam
  8108. hasspyplane
  8109. hassatellite
  8110. score
  8111. sessionstate
  8112. statusicon
  8113. spectatorclient
  8114. currentspectatingclient
  8115. archivetime
  8116. psoffsettime
  8117. pers
  8118. usingturret
  8119. usingvehicle
  8120. vehicleposition
  8121. divetoprone
  8122. sprinting
  8123. groundentity
  8124. viewlockedentity
  8125. groundsurfacetype
  8126. lookatent
  8127. chargeshotlevel
  8128. player
  8129. field
  8130. %s
  8131. is
  8132. read-only
  8133. client
  8134. is
  8135. not
  8136. pointing
  8137. to
  8138. the
  8139. level
  8140. clients
  8141. array
  8142. '%s'
  8143. is
  8144. an
  8145. illegal
  8146. sessionstate
  8147. string
  8148. Must
  8149. be
  8150. playing,
  8151. dead,
  8152. spectator,
  8153. or
  8154. intermission
  8155. spectatorclient
  8156. can
  8157. only
  8158. be
  8159. set
  8160. to
  8161. -,
  8162. or
  8163. a
  8164. valid
  8165. client
  8166. number
  8167. giveweapon
  8168. updateweaponoptions
  8169. calcweaponoptions
  8170. dropitem
  8171. takeweapon
  8172. takeallweapons
  8173. purchaseitem
  8174. getitemstatus
  8175. isinmovemode
  8176. getcurrentweapon
  8177. getcurrentweaponclipammo
  8178. getcurrentoffhand
  8179. hasweapon
  8180. switchtoweapon
  8181. switchtooffhand
  8182. getlockonradius
  8183. getlockonspeed
  8184. givestartammo
  8185. givemaxammo
  8186. getfractionstartammo
  8187. getfractionmaxammo
  8188. isweaponoverheating
  8189. setorigin
  8190. setvelocity
  8191. setplayerangles
  8192. getplayerangles
  8193. getgunangles
  8194. setviewlockent
  8195. clearviewlockent
  8196. setplayerviewratescale
  8197. resetplayerviewratescale
  8198. getplayercamerapos
  8199. startcameratween
  8200. cameraactivate
  8201. camerasetposition
  8202. camerasetlookat
  8203. getplayerviewheight
  8204. getnormalizedmovement
  8205. getnormalizedcameramovement
  8206. gamepadusedlast
  8207. usebuttonpressed
  8208. usebuttonheld
  8209. changeseatbuttonpressed
  8210. attackbuttonpressed
  8211. fragbuttonpressed
  8212. secondaryoffhandbuttonpressed
  8213. inventorybuttonpressed
  8214. actionslotonebuttonpressed
  8215. actionslottwobuttonpressed
  8216. actionslotthreebuttonpressed
  8217. actionslotfourbuttonpressed
  8218. adsbuttonpressed
  8219. throwbuttonpressed
  8220. meleebuttonpressed
  8221. jumpbuttonpressed
  8222. stancebuttonpressed
  8223. buttonpressed
  8224. sprintbuttonpressed
  8225. gasbuttonpressed
  8226. reloadbuttonpressed
  8227. notifyoncommand
  8228. playerads
  8229. setviewmodel
  8230. showviewmodel
  8231. hideviewmodel
  8232. allowstand
  8233. allowcrouch
  8234. allowprone
  8235. allowlean
  8236. getvehicleoccupied
  8237. openmenu
  8238. openmainmenu
  8239. openmenunomouse
  8240. closemenu
  8241. closemainmenu
  8242. closeingamemenu
  8243. freezecontrols
  8244. freezecontrolsallowlook
  8245. disableusability
  8246. enableusability
  8247. b
  8248. setchannelvolumes
  8249. deactivatechannelvolumes
  8250. islookingat
  8251. e
  8252. isfiring
  8253. ng
  8254. ismeleecharged
  8255. ns
  8256. playlocalsound
  8257. nd
  8258. setautopickup
  8259. setweaponammoclip
  8260. setweaponammostock
  8261. getweaponrenderoptions
  8262. p
  8263. getweaponammostock
  8264. anyammoforweaponmodes
  8265. enablehealthshield
  8266. enabledeathshield
  8267. setclientdvar
  8268. setclientdvars
  8269. setclientprofilevar
  8270. playclientnapalm
  8271. setoffhandsecondaryclass
  8272. setoffhandprimaryclass
  8273. getoffhandsecondaryclass
  8274. beginlocationselection
  8275. endlocationselection
  8276. weaponlockstart
  8277. weaponlockfinalize
  8278. weaponlockfree
  8279. weaponlocktargettooclose
  8280. weaponlocknoclearance
  8281. allowads
  8282. allowjump
  8283. allowsprint
  8284. allowmelee
  8285. setspreadoverride
  8286. resetspreadoverride
  8287. beginlocationmortarselection
  8288. beginlocationcomlinkselection
  8289. setactionslot
  8290. disableweapons
  8291. enableweapons
  8292. disableweaponfire
  8293. enableweaponfire
  8294. enableweaponreload
  8295. disableweaponreload
  8296. disableoffhandweapons
  8297. enableoffhandweapons
  8298. disableweaponcycling
  8299. enableweaponcycling
  8300. nightvisionforceoff
  8301. getweaponslist
  8302. getweaponslistprimaries
  8303. setperk
  8304. hasperk
  8305. clearperks
  8306. unsetperk
  8307. enableinvulnerability
  8308. disableinvulnerability
  8309. forceviewmodelanimation
  8310. disableturretdismount
  8311. enableturretdismount
  8312. n
  8313. suicide
  8314. throwdownweapon
  8315. setspawnweapon
  8316. cleardamageindicator
  8317. finishplayerdamage
  8318. reviveplayer
  8319. setlaststandprevweap
  8320. undolaststand
  8321. iprintln
  8322. clientsyssetstate
  8323. setadswidthandlerp
  8324. resetadswidthandlerp
  8325. setclientuivisibilityflag
  8326. getclientuivisibilityflag
  8327. getscoremultiplier
  8328. setscoremultiplier
  8329. relinktoturret
  8330. carryturret
  8331. stopcarryturret
  8332. iscarryingturret
  8333. canplayerplaceturret
  8334. setplacementhint
  8335. linkguidedmissilecamera
  8336. unlinkguidedmissilecamera
  8337. linktomissile
  8338. unlinkfrommissile
  8339. setrank
  8340. startrevive
  8341. stoprevive
  8342. allowspectateteam
  8343. cloneplayer
  8344. setlowready
  8345. setforceads
  8346. setscripthintstring
  8347. allowpickupweapons
  8348. setloweredweapon
  8349. canplaceriotshield
  8350. setheldweaponmodel
  8351. setriotshieldfailhint
  8352. n
  8353. isplayeronsamemachine
  8354. playerknockback
  8355. GiveWeapon
  8356. called
  8357. with
  8358. an
  8359. invalid
  8360. model
  8361. variant:
  8362. %i,
  8363. valid
  8364. is
  8365. -
  8366. updateWeaponOptions
  8367. called
  8368. on
  8369. a
  8370. weapon
  8371. the
  8372. player
  8373. doesn't
  8374. have:
  8375. %s
  8376. ClientSysSetState
  8377. -
  8378. state
  8379. index
  8380. (%i)
  8381. out
  8382. of
  8383. bounds
  8384. (
  8385. -
  8386. %i)
  8387. ClientSysSetState
  8388. -
  8389. state
  8390. index
  8391. (%i)
  8392. unregistered
  8393. Use
  8394. ClientSysRegister
  8395. first
  8396. %c
  8397. %i
  8398. %s
  8399. Invalid
  8400. class
  8401. to
  8402. set
  8403. Secondary
  8404. offhand
  8405. to
  8406. gear
  8407. frag
  8408. Invalid
  8409. class
  8410. to
  8411. set
  8412. Primary
  8413. offhand
  8414. to
  8415. %s
  8416. is
  8417. not
  8418. a
  8419. valid
  8420. offhand
  8421. weapon
  8422. hud_visible
  8423. PlayerCmd_SetClientUIVisibilityFlag:
  8424. Couldn't
  8425. find
  8426. a
  8427. matching
  8428. bit
  8429. for
  8430. flag
  8431. name
  8432. :
  8433. %s
  8434. s
  8435. PlayerCmd_GetClientUIVisibilityFlag:
  8436. Couldn't
  8437. find
  8438. a
  8439. matching
  8440. bit
  8441. for
  8442. flag
  8443. name
  8444. :
  8445. %s
  8446. %c
  8447. %i
  8448. %c
  8449. %i
  8450. %f
  8451. %f
  8452. %f
  8453. %f
  8454. %f
  8455. %f
  8456. %c
  8457. %i
  8458. %i
  8459. %c
  8460. %i
  8461. %f
  8462. %f
  8463. %f
  8464. usage:
  8465. buttonPressed(<button
  8466. name)
  8467. USAGE:
  8468. notifyOnCommand()
  8469. is
  8470. not
  8471. a
  8472. valid
  8473. command
  8474. for
  8475. coop
  8476. usage:
  8477. setviewmodel(<model
  8478. name)
  8479. setspreadoverride:
  8480. spread
  8481. must
  8482. be
  8483. setspreadoverride:
  8484. spread
  8485. must
  8486. be
  8487. <
  8488. %d
  8489. Radius
  8490. of
  8491. location
  8492. selector
  8493. must
  8494. be
  8495. greater
  8496. than
  8497. zero
  8498. %c
  8499. IsPlayerOnSameMachine:
  8500. Player
  8501. must
  8502. be
  8503. passed
  8504. in
  8505. %c
  8506. %i
  8507. Trying
  8508. to
  8509. give
  8510. player
  8511. ammo
  8512. for
  8513. weapon
  8514. %s
  8515. that
  8516. they
  8517. are
  8518. not
  8519. holding
  8520. Client
  8521. Dvar
  8522. Value
  8523. %c
  8524. %s
  8525. "%s"
  8526. Client
  8527. Profile
  8528. Value
  8529. Profile
  8530. Variable
  8531. %s
  8532. has
  8533. an
  8534. invalid
  8535. name
  8536. %c
  8537. %f
  8538. %f
  8539. %f
  8540. %i
  8541. %c
  8542. %c
  8543. %c
  8544. %i
  8545. %c
  8546. %s
  8547. "%s"
  8548. Invalid
  8549. slot
  8550. (%i)
  8551. given,
  8552. expecting
  8553. -
  8554. %i
  8555. on
  8556. nightvision
  8557. Invalid
  8558. option:
  8559. expected
  8560. "weapon",
  8561. "altweapon",
  8562. or
  8563. "nightvision"
  8564. Unknown
  8565. perk:
  8566. %s
  8567. reload
  8568. NVG_up
  8569. NVG_down
  8570. Animation
  8571. name
  8572. "%s"
  8573. is
  8574. not
  8575. supported
  8576. by
  8577. this
  8578. function
  8579. PlayerCmd_FinishPlayerDamage
  8580. ts
  8581. deaths
  8582. LinkToMissile():
  8583. invalid
  8584. arguments
  8585. LinkToMissile():
  8586. entity
  8587. is
  8588. invalid
  8589. LinkToMissile():
  8590. entity
  8591. is
  8592. not
  8593. a
  8594. missile
  8595. LinkToMissile():
  8596. missile
  8597. entity
  8598. has
  8599. no
  8600. owner
  8601. LinkToMissile():
  8602. missile
  8603. entity
  8604. owner
  8605. is
  8606. not
  8607. this
  8608. player
  8609. LinkToMissile():
  8610. player's
  8611. controls
  8612. are
  8613. already
  8614. linked
  8615. LinkToMissile():
  8616. only
  8617. supported
  8618. for
  8619. hellfire
  8620. missile
  8621. guidance
  8622. LinkToMissile():
  8623. unable
  8624. to
  8625. link
  8626. player
  8627. to
  8628. missile
  8629. UnlinkFromMissile():
  8630. player
  8631. is
  8632. not
  8633. linked
  8634. to
  8635. a
  8636. missile
  8637. '%i'
  8638. is
  8639. an
  8640. illegal
  8641. rank
  8642. value
  8643. Must
  8644. be
  8645. less
  8646. than
  8647. %i
  8648. '%i'
  8649. is
  8650. an
  8651. illegal
  8652. prestige
  8653. value
  8654. Must
  8655. be
  8656. less
  8657. than
  8658. %i
  8659. team
  8660. must
  8661. be
  8662. "axis",
  8663. "allies",
  8664. "none",
  8665. or
  8666. "freelook"
  8667. Too
  8668. many
  8669. different
  8670. hintstring
  8671. values
  8672. Max
  8673. allowed
  8674. is
  8675. %i
  8676. different
  8677. strings
  8678. %c
  8680. %c
  8682. %i
  8683. %f
  8684. %f
  8685. %f
  8686. %f
  8687. %f
  8688. %f
  8689. %i
  8690. %f
  8691. %f
  8692. %f
  8693. %f
  8694. %f
  8695. %f
  8696. %f
  8697. %f
  8698. %f
  8699. 'sl'
  8700. client
  8701. command
  8702. received
  8703. with
  8704. %i
  8705. parameters
  8706. instead
  8707. of
  8708. 'sl'
  8709. client
  8710. command
  8711. received
  8712. with
  8713. entnum
  8714. %i
  8715. 'act'
  8716. client
  8717. command
  8718. received
  8719. with
  8720. %i
  8721. parameters
  8722. instead
  8723. of
  8724. th
  8725. weapons
  8726. ammo
  8727. allammo
  8728. Cmd_FollowCycle_f:
  8729. bad
  8730. dir
  8731. %i
  8732. %c
  8733. "
  8734. %s
  8735. "
  8736. %c
  8737. "GAME_USAGE
  8738. :
  8739. setviewpos
  8740. x
  8741. y
  8742. z
  8743. yaw"
  8744. %c
  8745. "GAME_USAGE
  8746. :
  8747. jumptonode
  8748. nodenum
  8749. "
  8750. %c
  8751. "GAME_USAGE
  8752. nodenum
  8753. must
  8754. be
  8755. =
  8756. and
  8757. <
  8758. %i
  8759. "
  8760. bad
  8761. ^
  8762. ^
  8763. ^
  8764. GAME_DEAD
  8766. %c
  8767. "
  8769. %s
  8770. %s
  8771. %s
  8772. %s
  8773. %c%c%s"
  8774. say;%d;%d;%s;%s
  8775. EXE_ALL
  8776. say
  8777. follownext
  8778. followprev
  8779. mr
  8780. sl
  8781. fogswitch
  8782. act
  8783. jumptonode
  8784. cameraInterrupt
  8785. on
  8786. give
  8787. take
  8788. setviewpos
  8789. printentities
  8790. ai
  8791. where
  8792. helmet
  8793. neck
  8794. torso_upper
  8795. torso_mid
  8796. torso_lower
  8797. right_arm_upper
  8798. left_arm_upper
  8799. right_arm_lower
  8800. left_arm_lower
  8801. right_hand
  8802. left_hand
  8803. right_leg_upper
  8804. left_leg_upper
  8805. right_leg_lower
  8806. left_leg_lower
  8807. right_foot
  8808. left_foot
  8809. gun
  8810. ld
  8811. info/ai_lochit_dmgtable
  8812. hitloc
  8813. damage
  8814. table
  8816. Error
  8817. parsing
  8818. hitloc
  8819. damage
  8820. table
  8821. %s
  8822. Unknown
  8823. means
  8824. of
  8825. death
  8826. "%s"
  8827. player_die
  8828. G_DamageNotify
  8829. @
  8830. ™™šAltitude
  8831. and
  8832. yaw
  8833. are
  8834. both
  8835. controlled
  8836. by
  8837. the
  8838. thumbstick
  8839. Altitude:
  8840. thumbstick
  8841. Yaw:
  8842. bumper
  8843. buttons
  8844. Altitude:
  8845. bumper
  8846. buttons
  8847. Yaw:
  8848. thumbstick
  8849. vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold
  8850. vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone
  8851. vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone
  8852. vehHelicopterScaleMovement
  8853. vehHelicopterYawAltitudeControls
  8854. vehHelicopterSoftCollisions
  8855. vehHelicopterInvertUpDown
  8856. vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick
  8857. vehHelicopterTiltFromViewangles
  8858. vehHelicopterPathTransitionTime
  8859. vehHelicopterFreeLook
  8860. vehHelicopterDefaultPitch
  8861. vehHelicopterRotDecel
  8862. vehHelicopterMinHeightLockOffset
  8863. vehHelicopterMaxHeightLockOffset
  8864. vehHelicopterLookaheadTime
  8865. vehPlaneAssistedFlying
  8866. vehPlaneConventionalFlight
  8867. vehPlaneSpeedControl
  8868. vehPlanePlayerAvoidance
  8869. vehPlaneTurnAssistDecayRate
  8870. x
  8871. y
  8872. z
  8873. e
  8874. alignx
  8875. aligny
  8876. horzalign
  8877. vertalign
  8878. r
  8879. a
  8880. l
  8881. sort
  8882. foreground
  8883. hidewhendead
  8884. hidewheninkillcam
  8885. hidewhenindemo
  8886. immunetodemogamehudsettings
  8887. immunetodemofreecamera
  8888. hidewhileremotecontrolling
  8889. hidewheninmenu
  8890. hidewheninscope
  8891. fadewhentargeted
  8892. fontstyled
  8893. fontduseglowcolor
  8894. glowcolor
  8895. glowalpha
  8896. middle
  8897. om
  8898. al
  8899. subleft
  8900. fullscreen
  8901. noscale
  8902. alignto
  8903. center_safearea
  8904. user_left
  8905. user_center
  8906. user_right
  8907. subtop
  8908. alignto
  8909. user_top
  8910. user_bottom
  8911. settext
  8912. clearalltextafterhudelem
  8913. setshader
  8914. settargetent
  8915. cleartargetent
  8916. settimer
  8917. settimerup
  8918. settenthstimer
  8919. settenthstimerup
  8920. setclock
  8921. setclockup
  8922. setvalue
  8923. setwaypoint
  8924. fadeovertime
  8925. scaleovertime
  8926. moveovertime
  8927. destroy
  8928. setpulsefx
  8929. setcoddecodefx
  8930. setredactfx
  8931. settypewriterfx
  8932. gettextwidth
  8933. setperks
  8934. changefontscaleovertime
  8935. f:HudElemStringunknowntextstyle
  8936. '%s',
  8937. should
  8938. be
  8939. normal,
  8940. shadowed,
  8941. or
  8942. shadowedmore
  8943. out
  8944. of
  8945. hudelems
  8946. Debug
  8947. hudelems
  8948. are
  8949. not
  8950. built
  8951. into
  8952. this
  8953. exe
  8954. not
  8955. a
  8956. client
  8957. not
  8958. a
  8959. hud
  8960. element
  8961. Hud
  8962. elem
  8963. doesn't
  8964. reference
  8965. any
  8966. text
  8967. Make
  8968. sure
  8969. to
  8970. call
  8971. setText
  8972. before
  8973. using
  8974. clearAllTextAfterHudElem
  8975. USAGE:
  8976. <hudelem
  8977. setShader("materialname"[,
  8978. optional_width,
  8979. optional_height]);
  8980. width
  8981. %i
  8982. <
  8983. height
  8984. %i
  8985. <
  8986. time
  8987. %g
  8988. should
  8989. be
  8990. duration
  8991. %g
  8992. should
  8993. be
  8994. setTimer
  8995. setTimerUp
  8996. setTenthsTimer
  8997. setTenthsTimerUp
  8998. setClock
  8999. setClockUp
  9000. fade
  9001. time
  9002. %g
  9003. <=
  9004. fade
  9005. time
  9006. %g
  9007. scale
  9008. time
  9009. %g
  9010. <=
  9011. scale
  9012. time
  9013. %g
  9014. move
  9015. time
  9016. %g
  9017. <=
  9018. move
  9019. time
  9020. %g
  9021. Time
  9022. (%i)
  9023. must
  9024. be
  9025. greater
  9026. than
  9027. zero
  9028. SetPulseFX
  9029. called
  9030. on
  9031. a
  9032. non-client
  9033. entity
  9034. hud
  9035. element
  9036. GetTextWidth
  9037. called
  9038. on
  9039. a
  9040. non
  9041. text
  9042. type
  9043. hud
  9044. elem
  9045. weapon_%s
  9046. %c
  9048. %c
  9050. %s"
  9051. %c
  9053. %s"
  9054. %c
  9055. "%i"
  9056. %c
  9058. %s"
  9059. SaveRegisteredWeapons:
  9060. Too
  9061. many
  9062. weapon
  9063. configstrings
  9064. Max
  9065. is
  9066. %i
  9067. %i
  9068. %s
  9069. %i
  9070. %i
  9071. %s
  9072. Too
  9073. many
  9074. different
  9075. hintstring
  9076. values
  9077. on
  9078. weapons
  9079. Max
  9080. allowed
  9081. is
  9082. %i
  9083. different
  9084. strings
  9085. n
  9086. G_AddSpawnVarToken:
  9088. G_ParseSpawnVars:
  9089. found
  9090. %s
  9091. when
  9092. expecting
  9093. {
  9094. G_ParseSpawnVars:
  9095. EOF
  9096. without
  9097. closing
  9098. brace
  9099. G_ParseSpawnVars:
  9100. closing
  9101. brace
  9102. without
  9103. data
  9104. G_ParseSpawnVars:
  9106. G_NewString:
  9107. len
  9108. =
  9109. %i
  9110. %i
  9111. (%i
  9112. %i
  9113. %i)
  9114. :
  9115. lookahead
  9116. only
  9117. :
  9118. lookahead
  9119. next
  9120. node
  9121. :
  9122. predicted
  9123. lookahead
  9124. next
  9125. node
  9126. on
  9127. y
  9128. Regular
  9129. Double
  9130. Wide
  9131. Quadrotor
  9132. angola
  9133. myanmar
  9134. afghanistan
  9135. nicaragua
  9136. pakistan
  9137. karma
  9138. panama
  9139. yemen
  9140. blackout
  9141. la
  9142. haiti
  9143. gamename
  9144. Call
  9145. of
  9146. Duty®
  9147. gamedate
  9148. May
  9149. g_reloading
  9150. g_TeamIcon_Allies
  9151. faction__usmc
  9152. g_TeamIcon_Axis
  9153. faction__arab
  9154. g_TeamIcon_Free
  9155. g_TeamIcon_Spectator
  9156. g_TeamName_Allies
  9158. g_TeamName_Axis
  9159. GAME_AXIS
  9160. g_player_maxhealth
  9161. player_damageMultiplier
  9162. player_radiusDamageMultiplier
  9163. player_meleeDamageMultiplier
  9164. player_takeDirectDamageInVehicles
  9165. player_maxGrenadeCatchHeight
  9166. player_throwbackInnerRadius
  9167. player_throwbackOuterRadius
  9168. g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed
  9169. g_speed
  9170. g_knockback
  9171. bullet_penetrationEnabled
  9172. bullet_multikill_shots
  9173. allow_zombies_german
  9174. g_debugaccuracy
  9175. g_ai
  9176. g_spawnai
  9177. ai_corpseCount
  9178. ai_noDodge
  9179. ai_pathMomentum
  9180. ai_pathNegotiationOverlapCost
  9181. ai_pathChokePointCost
  9182. ai_pathRandomPercent
  9183. ai_playerADS_LOSRange
  9184. ai_playerLOSRange
  9185. ai_playerLOSHalfWidth
  9186. ai_playerLOSMinTime
  9187. ai_playerADSTargetTime
  9188. ai_debugPlayerLOS
  9189. ai_friendlySuppression
  9190. ai_friendlySuppressionDist
  9191. ai_friendlyFireBlockDuration
  9192. ai_playerNearAccuracy
  9193. ai_playerNearRange
  9194. ai_playerFarAccuracy
  9195. ai_playerFarRange
  9196. ai_threatUpdateInterval
  9197. ai_foliageSeeThroughDist
  9198. ai_coverScore_dangerousNode
  9199. ai_coverSearchInterval
  9200. ai_coverScore_coverType
  9201. ai_coverScore_distance
  9202. ai_coverScore_engagement
  9203. ai_coverScore_nodeAngle
  9204. ai_coverScore_playerLos
  9205. ai_coverScore_priority
  9206. ai_coverScore_targetDir
  9207. ai_coverScore_visibility
  9208. ai_coverScore_flanking
  9209. ai_coverFlankMaxAngle
  9210. ai_coverFlankDistToCover
  9211. ai_coverFlankCheckRad
  9212. ai_accuracyDistScale
  9213. ai_accuracy_attackerCountDecrease
  9214. ai_accuracy_attackerCountMax
  9215. g_playerTrailTime
  9216. ai_disableSpawn
  9217. g_debugLocDamage
  9218. g_debugLocDamageEntity
  9219. t
  9220. e
  9221. g_friendlyNameDist
  9222. g_friendlyfireDist
  9223. melee_debug
  9224. radius_damage_debug
  9225. crossbow_impaleProjectileSlowdown
  9226. kill_slomo_time
  9227. player_deathInvulnerableTime
  9228. player_deathInvulnerableToMelee
  9229. player_deathInvulnerableToProjectile
  9230. hud_drawHUD
  9231. t
  9232. ht
  9233. turretPlayerAvoidScale
  9234. g_banzai_max_target_distance
  9235. g_banzai_player_fov_buffer
  9236. g_banzai_flank_attack
  9237. ai_meleeRange
  9238. ai_meleeWidth
  9239. ai_meleeHeight
  9240. ai_meleeDamage
  9241. ai_maxAttackerCount
  9242. scr_dof_enable
  9243. pe
  9244. cmp
  9245. g_synchronousClients
  9246. g_log
  9247. devOutput/games_mp
  9248. log
  9249. g_logSync
  9250. g_logTimeStampInSeconds
  9251. g_password
  9252. g_banIPs
  9253. g_maxDroppedWeapons
  9254. g_motd
  9255. g_allowVote
  9256. g_TeamColor_MyTeam
  9257. g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam
  9258. g_compassShowEnemies
  9259. g_clientSideLinkingEnabled
  9260. g_useholdspawndelay
  9261. g_redCrosshairs
  9262. g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer
  9263. g_actorAndVehicleAntilag
  9264. g_actorAndVehicleAntilagDebug
  9265. g_loadScripts
  9266. g_debugDamage
  9267. g_debugBullets
  9268. g_vehicleDrawPath
  9269. g_vehicleDrawSplines
  9270. g_vehicleDebug
  9271. vehGunnerSplashDamage
  9272. g_vehiclePlaneCurveTime
  9273. g_quadrotorFlyHeight
  9274. g_avoidEnabled
  9275. g_entinfo
  9276. g_entinfo_type
  9277. g_entinfo_AItext
  9278. g_entinfo_maxdist
  9279. g_entinfo_scale
  9280. g_drawEntBBoxes
  9281. g_drawGrenadeHints
  9282. g_instaKill
  9283. ai_trackSpawn
  9284. ai_showCount
  9285. ai_showNodes
  9286. ai_showNodesDist
  9287. ai_showNearestNode
  9288. ai_showAmbushNodes
  9289. ai_showNodeDrawType
  9290. ai_showVisData
  9291. ai_showVisDataDist
  9292. ai_showCoverScore
  9293. ai_debugCoverTool
  9294. ai_debugCoverToolUpdatePos
  9295. ai_debugCoverArrivals
  9296. ai_debugCoverArrivalsTool
  9297. ai_debugCoverArrivalsToolShowNodes
  9298. ai_debugCoverArrivalsToolRadius
  9299. ai_debugCoverArrivalsToolType
  9300. ai_debugMelee
  9301. ai_debugCoverEntityNum
  9302. ai_showBadPlaces
  9303. ai_showDodge
  9304. ai_debugMayMove
  9305. ai_showPotentialThreatDir
  9306. ai_moveOrientMode
  9307. ai_showSuppression
  9308. ai_debugAnimscript
  9309. ai_debugCodeState
  9310. ai_debugGunBlocked
  9311. scr_overrideLevel
  9312. ai_eventDistFootstep
  9313. ai_eventDistFootstepLite
  9314. ai_eventDistNewEnemy
  9315. ai_eventDistPain
  9316. ai_eventDistReact
  9317. ai_eventDistDeath
  9318. ai_eventDistExplosion
  9319. ai_eventDistGrenadePing
  9320. ai_eventDistProjPing
  9321. ai_eventDistGunShot
  9322. ai_eventDistSilencedShot
  9323. ai_eventDistBullet
  9324. ai_eventDistBulletRunning
  9325. ai_eventDistProjImpact
  9326. ai_eventDistBadPlace
  9327. ai_showPaths
  9328. ai_showPathFindNodes
  9329. ai_showFailedPaths
  9330. ai_debugFindPath
  9331. ai_debugFindPathDirect
  9332. ai_debugFindPathWidth
  9333. ai_debugFindPathLock
  9334. ai_debugAnimDeltas
  9335. ai_debugGrenadeFailSafe
  9336. ai_debugGrenadeHintArc
  9337. ai_reactFeature
  9338. ai_ShowCanshootChecks
  9339. ai_useCoverInfluencer
  9340. ai_debugCoverSelection
  9341. ai_showClaimedNode
  9342. ai_debugTargets
  9343. ai_debugThreatSelection
  9344. ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots
  9345. ai_debugAccuracy
  9346. ai_debugClaimedNodes
  9347. ai_showRegion
  9348. ai_showVolume
  9349. ai_showBadThreats
  9350. ai_showLastKnownEnemyPos
  9351. ai_debugEntIndex
  9352. g_no_script_spam
  9353. g_dumpAnims
  9354. g_dumpAnimsNetwork
  9355. ai_monitorNeedsKeys
  9356. g_dumpAnimsCommands
  9357. g_dumpAnimsReduceSpam
  9358. g_aiEventDump
  9359. ai_turnRate
  9360. ai_useFacingTranslation
  9361. ai_useLeanRunAnimations
  9362. ai_useBetterLookahead
  9363. ai_slowdownMinYawDiff
  9364. ai_slowdownMaxYawDiff
  9365. ai_slowdownMinRate
  9366. ai_slowdownRateBlendFactor
  9367. ai_angularYawEnabled
  9368. ai_angularYawAccelRate
  9369. ai_angularYawDecelFactor
  9370. ai_turnAnimAngleThreshold
  9371. ai_runAnimUpdateFrequency
  9372. ai_trim_path_zigzags
  9373. ai_turnPredictionType
  9374. ai_enableMoveLookAt
  9375. g_destructibleCutoffDistance
  9376. g_earthquakeEnable
  9377. g_enteqDelay
  9378. g_enteqEnable
  9379. g_enteqDist
  9380. pickupPrints
  9381. ik_distanceCull
  9382. ik_distanceCullDist
  9383. war_fastweaponSwitch
  9384. Failed
  9385. to
  9386. load
  9387. weapons
  9389. %c
  9390. %i
  9391. %i
  9392. %c
  9393. %i
  9394. disconnect
  9395. spdevmap
  9396. %s
  9397. spmap
  9398. %s
  9399. autosave\%s
  9400. cinematic
  9401. %s
  9402. loadgame_continue
  9403. NULL
  9404. ent
  9405. think
  9406. server:
  9407. (level
  9408. time:%d)
  9409. %c
  9410. %c
  9411. %c
  9412. SERVER:
  9413. G_RunFrame
  9414. SERVER:
  9415. G_RunFrame
  9416. SERVER:
  9417. Script
  9418. Update
  9419. SERVER:
  9420. G_RunFrame
  9421. SERVER:
  9422. G_RunFrame
  9423. SERVER:
  9424. G_RunFrame
  9425. SERVER:
  9426. G_RunFrame
  9427. SERVER:
  9428. G_RunFrame
  9429. SERVER:
  9430. G_RunFrame
  9431. SERVER:
  9432. G_RunFrame
  9433. update
  9434. corpses
  9435. SERVER:
  9436. G_RunFrame
  9437. s
  9438. m
  9439. es
  9440. ds
  9441. s
  9442. ay
  9443. off
  9444. )
  9445. n
  9446. all
  9447. ents
  9448. /
  9449. draw
  9450. lines
  9451. /
  9452. draw
  9453. info
  9454. selected
  9455. ent
  9456. /
  9457. draw
  9458. lines
  9459. /
  9460. draw
  9461. info
  9462. selected
  9463. ent
  9464. /
  9465. draw
  9466. info
  9467. all
  9468. ents
  9469. /
  9470. draw
  9471. goal
  9472. lines
  9473. and
  9474. radii
  9475. selected
  9476. ent
  9477. /
  9478. draw
  9479. goal
  9480. lines
  9481. and
  9482. radii
  9483. script
  9484. models
  9485. considered
  9486. for
  9487. network
  9488. selected
  9489. ent
  9490. /
  9491. animation
  9492. tree
  9493. selected
  9494. ent
  9495. /
  9496. cover
  9497. node
  9498. selection
  9499. AI
  9500. only
  9501. Vehicle
  9502. only
  9503. Trigger
  9504. only
  9505. ?
  9506. ?
  9507. ?
  9508. ?NA
  9509. %i
  9510. %i
  9511. :
  9512. %s
  9513. :
  9514. %i
  9515. :
  9516. %s
  9517. _spawn
  9518. %i:
  9519. %s
  9520. (%i
  9521. +
  9522. %i)
  9523. gs
  9524. missileHellfireMaxSlope
  9525. missileHellfireUpAccel
  9526. missileJavClimbHeightDirect
  9527. missileJavClimbHeightTop
  9528. missileJavClimbAngleDirect
  9529. missileJavClimbAngleTop
  9530. missileJavClimbCeilingDirect
  9531. missileJavClimbCeilingTop
  9532. missileJavTurnRateDirect
  9533. missileJavTurnRateTop
  9534. missileJavAccelClimb
  9535. missileJavAccelDescend
  9536. missileJavSpeedLimitClimb
  9537. missileJavSpeedLimitDescend
  9538. missileJavTurnDecel
  9539. missileJavClimbToOwner
  9540. missileDroneClimbHeightDirect
  9541. missileDroneClimbHeightTop
  9542. missileDroneClimbAngleDirect
  9543. missileDroneClimbAngleTop
  9544. missileDroneClimbCeilingDirect
  9545. missileDroneClimbCeilingTop
  9546. missileDroneTurnRateDecent
  9547. missileDroneTurnRateAscent
  9548. missileDroneTurnRateAvoidance
  9549. missileDroneTurnRateSmallAdjustments
  9550. missileDroneflattenRollRatio
  9551. missileDroneDistanceAvoidance
  9552. missileDroneDistanceAvoidanceSec
  9553. missileDroneDistSqTargetAvoidanceDisabled
  9554. missileDroneTurnMaxRoll
  9555. missileDroneTurnMaxRollChange
  9556. missileDroneTurnMaxRate
  9557. missileDroneAccelClimb
  9558. missileDroneAccelDescend
  9559. missileDroneSpeedLimitClimb
  9560. missileDroneSpeedLimitDescend
  9561. missileDroneClimbMaxDist
  9562. missileDroneTurnDecel
  9563. missileDroneSpeedMin
  9564. missileDroneClimbToOwner
  9565. missileWaterMaxDepth
  9566. missileTVGuidedStickDeadzone
  9567. missileTVGuidedTurnRate
  9568. missilePlantableSize
  9569. missileMolotovBlobNum
  9570. missileMolotovBlobTime
  9571. missileTVGuidedBoost
  9572. missileTVGuidedBoostSpeedUp
  9573. missileTVGuidedBoostSpeedDown
  9574. missileTVGuidedMaxRollAngle
  9575. missileTVGuidedTurningRollAccel
  9576. missileTVGuidedFlatteningRollAccel
  9577. missileTVGuidedMPSpecific
  9578. grenadeRestThreshold
  9579. grenadeRollingEnabled
  9580. grenadeFrictionLow
  9581. grenadeFrictionHigh
  9582. grenadeFrictionMaxThresh
  9583. grenadeBumpFreq
  9584. grenadeBumpMag
  9585. grenadeBumpMax
  9586. grenadeWobbleFreq
  9587. grenadeWobbleFwdMag
  9588. grenadeWobbleSideMag
  9589. grenadeWobbleSideDamp
  9590. grenadeCurveMax
  9591. grenadeBounceRestitutionMax
  9592. airburstAdjustDistance
  9593. j_knee_ri
  9594. ??Ran
  9595. out
  9596. of
  9597. attractor/repulsors
  9598. Max
  9599. allowed:
  9600. %i
  9601. maxDist
  9602. must
  9603. be
  9604. greater
  9605. than
  9606. zero
  9607. Invalid
  9608. attractor
  9609. or
  9610. repulsor
  9611. Projectile_DroneSteering
  9612. @
  9614. HINT_SEAT
  9619. G_MoverPush
  9620. cursorhint
  9622. hintstring
  9623. Too
  9624. many
  9625. different
  9626. hintstring
  9627. key
  9628. values
  9629. on
  9630. trigger_use
  9631. entities
  9632. Max
  9633. allowed
  9634. is
  9635. %i
  9636. different
  9637. strings
  9638. JAN
  9639. FEB
  9640. MAR
  9641. APR
  9642. MAY
  9643. JUN
  9644. JUL
  9645. AUG
  9646. SEP
  9647. OCT
  9648. NOV
  9649. DEC
  9652. %s
  9654. WriteField:
  9655. entity
  9656. out
  9657. of
  9658. range
  9659. (%i)
  9660. WriteField:
  9661. client
  9662. out
  9663. of
  9664. range
  9665. (%i)
  9666. WriteField:
  9667. actor
  9668. out
  9669. of
  9670. range
  9671. (%i)
  9672. WriteField:
  9673. sentient
  9674. out
  9675. of
  9676. range
  9677. (%i)
  9678. WriteField:
  9679. vehicle
  9680. out
  9681. of
  9682. range
  9683. (%i)
  9684. WriteField:
  9685. turret
  9686. out
  9687. of
  9688. range
  9689. (%i)
  9690. WriteField:
  9691. Destructible
  9692. out
  9693. of
  9694. range
  9695. (%i)
  9696. WriteField:
  9697. unknown
  9698. field
  9699. type
  9700. ReadField:
  9701. entity
  9702. out
  9703. of
  9704. range
  9705. (%i)
  9706. ReadField:
  9707. client
  9708. out
  9709. of
  9710. range
  9711. (%i)
  9712. ReadField:
  9713. actor
  9714. out
  9715. of
  9716. range
  9717. (%i)
  9718. ReadField:
  9719. sentient
  9720. out
  9721. of
  9722. range
  9723. (%i)
  9724. ReadField:
  9725. vehicle
  9726. out
  9727. of
  9728. range
  9729. (%i)
  9730. ReadField:
  9731. turret
  9732. out
  9733. of
  9734. range
  9735. (%i)
  9736. ReadField:
  9737. destructible
  9738. out
  9739. of
  9740. range
  9741. (%i)
  9742. ReadField:
  9743. animscript
  9744. out
  9745. of
  9746. range
  9747. (%i)
  9748. ReadField:
  9749. unknown
  9750. field
  9751. type
  9752. %s
  9753. %i,
  9754. %i
  9755. G_LoadWeaponCue:
  9756. entity
  9757. out
  9758. of
  9759. range
  9760. (%i)
  9761. defaultactor
  9762. G_SaveMainState
  9763. G_SaveMainState
  9764. save
  9765. gump
  9766. %s
  9767. G_SaveMainState
  9768. no
  9769. loaded
  9770. gump
  9771. G_SaveMainState
  9772. Save
  9773. Entities
  9774. Save
  9775. Clients
  9776. Save
  9777. Actors
  9778. Save
  9779. Sentients
  9780. Save
  9781. Vehicles
  9782. G_SaveMainState
  9783. G_SaveMainState
  9784. G_SaveMainState
  9785. BG_SaveFlameSystem
  9786. G_SaveLevelBGS
  9787. G_SaveBaselines
  9788. G_SaveTimedDamage
  9789. GlassSv_Save
  9790. Scr_SavePost
  9791. G_SaveMainState
  9792. G_SaveMainState
  9793. G_SaveInitState
  9794. G_SaveMainState
  9795. SaveMemory_FinalizeSave
  9796. %c
  9797. The
  9798. save
  9799. file
  9800. has
  9801. become
  9802. corrupted
  9803. G_LoadBaselines:
  9804. entitynum
  9805. out
  9806. of
  9807. range
  9808. (%i,
  9809. MAX
  9810. =
  9811. %i)
  9812. G_LoadEntityCache:
  9813. entitynum
  9814. out
  9815. of
  9816. range
  9817. (%i,
  9818. MAX
  9819. =
  9820. %i)
  9821. PlayerSessionStats
  9822. deaths
  9823. intelFound
  9824. INTEL_%d
  9825. challengeCompletion
  9826. CHALLENGE_%d
  9827. challengeCounters
  9828. G_LoadMainState
  9829. send
  9830. loadgump
  9831. cmd
  9832. %s
  9833. G_LoadMainState
  9834. no
  9835. gump
  9836. has
  9837. been
  9838. saved
  9839. %d
  9840. G_LoadGame:
  9841. entitynum
  9842. out
  9843. of
  9844. range
  9845. (%i,
  9846. MAX
  9847. =
  9848. %i)
  9849. G_LoadGame:
  9850. clientnum
  9851. out
  9852. of
  9853. range
  9854. G_LoadGame:
  9855. animcmd
  9856. num
  9857. out
  9858. of
  9859. range
  9860. (%i,
  9861. MAX
  9862. =
  9863. %i)
  9864. G_LoadGame:
  9865. savegame
  9866. '%s'
  9867. was
  9868. saved
  9869. with
  9870. different
  9871. script
  9872. files
  9873. %s
  9874. animscripts/%s
  9875. end_script
  9876. at
  9877. concealment_crouch
  9878. concealment_prone
  9879. concealment_stand
  9880. l
  9881. cover_crouch
  9882. cover_left
  9883. cover_pillar
  9884. cover_prone
  9885. cover_right
  9886. cover_stand
  9887. h
  9888. grenade_return_throw
  9889. init
  9890. t
  9891. move
  9892. scripted
  9893. stop
  9894. r
  9895. animscripts/scripted
  9896. animscripts/init_mode_sp
  9897. dog_combat
  9898. dog_death
  9899. dog_init
  9900. dog_pain
  9901. dog_move
  9902. dog_scripted
  9903. dog_stop
  9904. dog_flashed
  9905. bigdog/bigdog_combat
  9906. bigdog/bigdog_death
  9907. bigdog/bigdog_init
  9908. bigdog/bigdog_pain
  9909. bigdog/bigdog_move
  9910. bigdog/bigdog_scripted
  9911. bigdog/bigdog_stop
  9912. bigdog/bigdog_flashed
  9913. mp\
  9914. maps/
  9915. animscripts/traverse/%s
  9916. GScr_LoadScriptsAndAnimsForEntities:
  9917. no
  9918. entities
  9919. e
  9920. r_
  9921. _hound
  9922. _bigdog
  9923. aitype/%s
  9924. spawner
  9925. misc_turret
  9926. fo
  9927. Could
  9928. not
  9929. find
  9930. script
  9931. '%s'
  9932. Could
  9933. not
  9934. find
  9935. label
  9936. '%s'
  9937. in
  9938. script
  9939. '%s'
  9940. maps/_callbacksetup
  9941. CodeCallback_SaveRestored
  9942. CodeCallback_StartGameType
  9943. CodeCallback_PlayerConnect
  9944. CodeCallback_PlayerDisconnect
  9945. CodeCallback_ActorSpawned
  9946. CodeCallback_ActorDamage
  9947. CodeCallback_PlayerDamage
  9948. CodeCallback_PlayerKilled
  9949. CodeCallback_ActorKilled
  9950. CodeCallback_PlayerRevive
  9951. CodeCallback_PlayerLastStand
  9952. CodeCallback_VehicleDamage
  9953. CodeCallback_ActorShouldReact
  9954. CodeCallback_FaceEventNotify
  9955. CodeCallback_DisconnectedDuringLoad
  9956. maps/_destructible
  9957. CodeCallback_DestructibleEvent
  9958. CodeCallback_MenuResponse
  9959. maps/gametypes/%s
  9960. CodeCallback_GlassSmash
  9961. codescripts/delete
  9962. codescripts/struct
  9963. initstructs
  9964. createstruct
  9965. findstruct
  9966. dthrow
  9967. rpc
  9968. createprintchannel
  9969. setprintchannel
  9970. print
  9971. println
  9972. iprintln
  9973. iprintlnbold
  9974. printd
  9975. line
  9976. linelist
  9977. box
  9978. circle
  9979. debugstar
  9980. sphere
  9981. getenterbutton
  9982. array
  9983. arrayremovevalue
  9984. arrayremoveindex
  9985. arrayinsert
  9986. arraycombine
  9987. arraycopy
  9988. isinarray
  9989. arraysort
  9990. getent
  9991. getentarray
  9992. tablelookup
  9993. tablelookupistring
  9994. tablelookuprownum
  9995. tablelookupcolumnforrow
  9996. tablelookupfindcoreasset
  9997. getnode
  9998. drawnode
  9999. getnodearray
  10000. getnodearraysorted
  10001. getanynodearray
  10002. getcovernodearray
  10003. getallnodes
  10004. getnodesinradius
  10005. getnodesinradiussorted
  10006. getnearestnode
  10007. getvisiblenode
  10008. nodesvisible
  10009. nodescanpath
  10010. canclaimnode
  10011. getvisiblenodes
  10012. setenablenode
  10013. linknodes
  10014. unlinknodes
  10015. nodesarelinked
  10016. dropnodetofloor
  10017. spawnpathnode
  10018. deletepathnode
  10019. setturretnode
  10020. unsetturretnode
  10021. setnodepriority
  10022. isnodeoccupied
  10023. getnodeowner
  10024. findpath
  10025. getreflectionlocs
  10026. getreflectionorigin
  10027. logstring
  10028. bbprint
  10029. bbpostdemostreamstatsforround
  10030. precachevehicle
  10031. getvehiclenode
  10032. setvehiclenodeenabled
  10033. getvehiclenodearray
  10034. getallvehiclenodes
  10035. gettimefromvehiclenodetonode
  10036. reconnectvehiclenodes
  10037. createtrack
  10038. getnumvehicles
  10039. setheliheightpatchenabled
  10040. getvehicletreadfxarray
  10041. getweaponfusetime
  10042. getweaponprojexplosionsound
  10043. doesweaponreplacespawnweapon
  10044. debugbreak
  10045. assert
  10046. assertmsg
  10047. adddebugcommand
  10048. ismp
  10049. isstring
  10050. isint
  10051. isfloat
  10052. isvec
  10053. isarray
  10054. isalive
  10055. isspawner
  10056. isplayer
  10057. isai
  10058. issentient
  10059. isgodmode
  10060. makedvarserverinfo
  10061. setdvar
  10062. setdvarint
  10063. gettime
  10064. sendaiscriptkeys
  10065. shouldmonitorai
  10066. is_ps
  10067. is_xenon
  10068. is_pc
  10069. is_wiiu
  10070. randomint
  10071. randomfloat
  10072. randomintrange
  10073. randomfloatrange
  10074. log
  10075. sin
  10076. cos
  10077. tan
  10078. asin
  10079. acos
  10080. atan
  10081. int
  10082. float
  10083. istring
  10084. min
  10085. max
  10086. floor
  10087. ceil
  10088. sqrt
  10089. pow
  10090. lerpfloat
  10091. lerpvector
  10092. difftrack
  10093. difftrackangle
  10094. getminbitcountfornum
  10095. vectorfromlinetopoint
  10096. pointonsegmentnearesttopoint
  10097. distance
  10098. distanced
  10099. distancedsquared
  10100. distancesquared
  10101. length
  10102. lengthsquared
  10103. closer
  10104. vectordot
  10105. vectorcross
  10106. vectornormalize
  10107. vectorlerp
  10108. combineangles
  10109. absangleclamp
  10110. absangleclamp
  10111. anglelerp
  10112. rotatepoint
  10113. sessionmodeisonlinegame
  10114. sessionmodeisprivateonlinegame
  10115. sessionmodeisprivate
  10116. sessionmodeissystemlink
  10117. sessionmodeiszombiesgame
  10118. gamemodeismode
  10119. gamemodeisusingxp
  10120. gamemodeisusingstats
  10121. getgametypesetting
  10122. setgametypesetting
  10123. issubstr
  10124. getsubstr
  10125. tolower
  10126. toupper
  10127. strtok
  10128. soundfade
  10129. playsoundatposition
  10130. setlocalprofilevar
  10131. setlocalprofilearrayvar
  10132. getlocalprofileint
  10133. getlocalprofilearrayint
  10134. getlocalprofilefloat
  10135. getlocalprofilestring
  10136. openfile
  10137. closefile
  10138. fprintln
  10139. fprintfields
  10140. freadln
  10141. fgetarg
  10142. execdevgui
  10143. getarraykeys
  10144. getfirstarraykey
  10145. getnextarraykey
  10146. getlastarraykey
  10147. getprevarraykey
  10148. uploadstats
  10149. registerxp
  10150. getclassindexfromname
  10151. getaiarray
  10152. getaispeciesarray
  10153. getfreeactorcount
  10154. getspawnerarray
  10155. getscriptmoverarray
  10156. getzbarrierarray
  10157. getitemarray
  10158. getcorpsearray
  10159. getspawnerteamarray
  10160. getvehiclespawnerarray
  10161. getvehiclearray
  10162. luinotifyevent
  10163. profilelog_begintiming
  10164. profilelog_endtiming
  10165. getstartorigin
  10166. getstartangles
  10167. disablegrenadesuicide
  10168. enablegrenadesuicide
  10169. activateclientexploder
  10170. deactivateclientexploder
  10171. getmissileowner
  10172. precacheleaderboards
  10173. addargus
  10174. removeargus
  10175. deployriotshield
  10176. getnumexpectedplayers
  10177. getnumconnectedplayers
  10178. forceyellowdot
  10179. disableyellowdot
  10180. allowcamerarotation
  10181. reloadonnunchuk
  10182. reloadonwiiumote
  10183. attach
  10184. detach
  10185. detachall
  10186. getattachsize
  10187. getattachmodelname
  10188. getattachtagname
  10189. getattachignorecollision
  10190. hidepart
  10191. runscriptonent
  10192. sendaiscriptvals
  10193. showpart
  10194. showallparts
  10195. playsoundtoplayer
  10196. getlightcolor
  10197. setlightcolor
  10198. getlightintensity
  10199. setlightintensity
  10200. getlightradius
  10201. setlightradius
  10202. getlightfovinner
  10203. getlightfovouter
  10204. setlightfovrange
  10205. getlightexponent
  10206. setlightexponent
  10207. areallmissionsatscore
  10208. isstartingclassdefault
  10209. isstartingclasseraappropriate
  10210. getnumchallengescomplete
  10211. hascompletedallgamechallenges
  10212. hasallintel
  10213. getdstat
  10214. getdstatarraycount
  10215. setdstat
  10216. adddstat
  10217. addweaponstat
  10218. addbonuscardstat
  10219. getsessstat
  10220. getsessstatarraycount
  10221. setsessstat
  10222. addsessstat
  10223. addplayerstat
  10224. addplayerstatwithgametype
  10225. addgametypestat
  10226. trackweaponfirenative
  10227. updatestatratio
  10228. addrankxp
  10229. addrankxpvalue
  10230. hasseasonpass
  10231. setempjammed
  10232. isempjammed
  10233. setspawnerteam
  10234. launch
  10235. setmovingplatformenabled
  10236. ismovingplatform
  10237. setviewmodelrenderflag
  10238. setdrawinfrared
  10239. setgpr
  10240. gamehistorystartmatch
  10241. gamehistoryfinishmatch
  10242. unlink
  10243. linkto
  10244. linktoblendtotag
  10245. enablelinkto
  10246. linktoupdateoffset
  10247. playerlinkto
  10248. playerlinktoblend
  10249. playerlinktodelta
  10250. playerlinkweaponviewtodelta
  10251. playerlinktoabsolute
  10252. playercamlinkto
  10253. playercamunlink
  10254. lerpviewangleclamp
  10255. setviewangleresistance
  10256. playerlinkedoffsetenable
  10257. playerlinkedoffsetdisable
  10258. playerlinkedsetusebaseangleforviewclamp
  10259. dontinterpolate
  10260. magicgrenadetype
  10261. startfadingblur
  10262. localtoworldcoords
  10263. worldtolocalcoords
  10264. setturretspinning
  10265. attachshieldmodel
  10266. detachshieldmodel
  10267. setscriptmoverflag
  10268. refreshshieldattachment
  10269. setcharacterindex
  10270. useplayerfootsteptable
  10271. setvisionsetforplayer
  10272. useservervisionset
  10273. setinfraredvision
  10274. getcontrollertype
  10275. setactorweapon
  10276. resetfov
  10277. KTrying
  10278. to
  10279. spawn
  10280. %s
  10281. at
  10282. position
  10283. (%
  10284. f,
  10285. %
  10286. f,
  10287. %
  10288. f)
  10289. will
  10290. place
  10291. it
  10292. outside
  10293. of
  10294. map
  10295. ranges
  10296. that
  10297. can
  10298. be
  10299. sent
  10300. across
  10301. the
  10302. network
  10303. Which
  10304. given
  10305. a
  10306. map
  10307. center
  10308. (%
  10309. f,
  10310. %
  10311. f,
  10312. %
  10313. f)
  10314. should
  10315. be
  10316. between
  10317. (%
  10318. f,
  10319. %
  10320. f,
  10321. %
  10322. f)
  10323. to
  10324. (%
  10325. f,
  10326. %
  10327. f,
  10328. %
  10329. f)
  10330. %c
  10331. %s
  10332. %s
  10333. parm
  10334. buffer
  10335. overflow
  10336. a%d
  10337. b%f
  10338. argument
  10339. type
  10340. unhandled
  10341. Forced
  10342. script
  10343. exception
  10344. Unable
  10345. to
  10346. create
  10347. new
  10348. channel
  10349. Maximum
  10350. number
  10351. of
  10352. channels
  10353. exeeded
  10354. Invalid
  10355. Print
  10356. Channel
  10357. Script
  10358. does
  10359. not
  10360. have
  10361. permission
  10362. to
  10363. print
  10364. to
  10365. this
  10366. channel
  10367. Game
  10368. Message
  10369. %s
  10370. "%s"
  10371. %c
  10372. contents
  10373. of
  10374. array
  10375. must
  10376. be
  10377. vectors
  10378. (%s)
  10379. contents
  10380. of
  10381. vector
  10382. array
  10383. are
  10384. too
  10385. large
  10386. (must
  10387. be
  10388. <=
  10389. %ld)
  10390. (%s)
  10391. line
  10392. list
  10393. assert
  10394. fail:
  10395. %s
  10396. assert
  10397. fail
  10398. Debug
  10399. Break
  10400. GScr_BBPostDemoStreamStatsForRound:
  10401. Invalid
  10402. round
  10403. number,
  10404. must
  10405. be
  10406. an
  10407. integer
  10408. Invalid
  10409. weapon
  10410. name
  10411. %s
  10412. Invalid
  10413. weapon
  10414. name
  10415. Dvar
  10416. %s
  10417. has
  10418. an
  10419. invalid
  10420. dvar
  10421. name
  10422. Dvar
  10423. Value
  10424. Invalid
  10425. Dvar
  10426. set:
  10427. %s
  10428. -
  10429. Menu-Writable
  10430. Dvars
  10431. can
  10432. be
  10433. changed
  10434. by
  10435. script
  10436. in
  10437. menu
  10438. levels
  10439. Invalid
  10440. Dvar
  10441. set:
  10442. %s
  10443. -
  10444. Internal
  10445. Dvars
  10446. cannot
  10447. be
  10448. changed
  10449. by
  10450. script
  10451. Use
  10452. 'setsaveddvar'
  10453. to
  10454. alter
  10455. SAVED
  10456. internal
  10457. dvars
  10458. entinfo
  10459. animscript
  10460. codestate
  10461. Invalid
  10462. number
  10463. of
  10464. arguments
  10465. for
  10466. SendAIScriptKeys
  10467. Invalid
  10468. channel
  10469. %s
  10470. given
  10471. to
  10472. SendAIScriptKeys
  10473. RandomInt
  10474. parm
  10475. must
  10476. be
  10477. positive
  10478. integer
  10479. RandomIntRange's
  10480. second
  10481. parameter
  10482. must
  10483. be
  10484. greater
  10485. than
  10486. the
  10487. first
  10488. Scr_RandomFloatRange's
  10489. second
  10490. parameter
  10491. must
  10492. be
  10493. greater
  10494. than
  10495. the
  10496. first
  10497. divide
  10498. by
  10499. %g
  10500. out
  10501. of
  10502. range
  10503. cannot
  10504. cast
  10505. %s
  10506. to
  10507. int
  10508. cannot
  10509. cast
  10510. %s
  10511. to
  10512. float
  10513. cannot
  10514. cast
  10515. %s
  10516. to
  10517. istring
  10518. GScr_GetMinBitCountForNum:
  10519. parm
  10520. must
  10521. be
  10522. positive
  10523. integer
  10524. The
  10525. two
  10526. points
  10527. on
  10528. the
  10529. line
  10530. must
  10531. be
  10532. different
  10533. from
  10534. each
  10535. other
  10536. Line
  10537. segment
  10538. must
  10539. not
  10540. have
  10541. zero
  10542. length
  10543. Parameter
  10544. (%s)
  10545. must
  10546. be
  10547. an
  10548. array
  10549. not
  10550. an
  10551. entity
  10552. getdstat:
  10553. entity
  10554. must
  10555. be
  10556. a
  10557. player
  10558. entity
  10559. AreAllMissionsAtScore:
  10560. takes
  10561. one
  10562. parameter
  10563. PlayerLevelStats
  10564. bestPlaythrough
  10565. levelScore
  10566. startingLoadout
  10567. challengesComplete
  10568. angola
  10569. myanmar
  10570. afghanistan
  10571. nicaragua
  10572. pakistan
  10573. karma
  10574. panama
  10575. yemen
  10576. blackout
  10577. la
  10578. haiti
  10579. HighestDifficulty
  10580. HasCompletedAllGameChallenges:
  10581. entity
  10582. must
  10583. be
  10584. a
  10585. player
  10586. entity
  10587. %c
  10588. %s
  10590. sp/levelLookup
  10591. csv
  10592. first_campaign_level
  10593. last_campaign_level
  10594. intelFound
  10595. get/setdstat:
  10596. path
  10597. is
  10598. too
  10599. deep
  10600. get/setdstat:
  10601. Expected
  10602. strings
  10603. or
  10604. integers
  10605. only
  10606. MoveToStatPath
  10607. could
  10608. not
  10609. build
  10610. stat
  10611. path
  10612. getdstat:
  10613. can't
  10614. find
  10615. stat
  10616. path
  10617. %f
  10618. %llu
  10619. getdstat:
  10620. stat
  10621. type
  10622. undefined
  10623. getsessstat:
  10624. entity
  10625. must
  10626. be
  10627. a
  10628. player
  10629. entity
  10630. setdstat:
  10631. entity
  10632. must
  10633. be
  10634. a
  10635. player
  10636. entity
  10637. setdstat:
  10638. trying
  10639. to
  10640. set
  10641. a
  10642. non
  10643. leaf
  10644. member
  10645. of
  10646. the
  10647. ddl
  10648. setdstat:
  10649. member
  10650. expects
  10651. a
  10652. string
  10653. or
  10654. bit
  10655. integer
  10656. only
  10657. For
  10658. regular
  10659. integers,
  10660. don't
  10661. use
  10663. setdstat:
  10664. Invalid
  10665. state
  10666. setdstat:
  10667. member
  10668. expects
  10669. a
  10670. string
  10671. or
  10672. a
  10673. bit
  10674. integer
  10675. Pass
  10676. the
  10677. value
  10678. in
  10680. setdstat:
  10681. member
  10682. does
  10683. not
  10684. accept
  10685. float
  10686. types
  10687. setdstat:
  10688. Only
  10689. string,
  10690. float
  10691. or
  10692. integer
  10693. values
  10694. are
  10695. acceptable
  10696. setsessstat:
  10697. entity
  10698. must
  10699. be
  10700. a
  10701. player
  10702. entity
  10703. setsessstat:
  10704. trying
  10705. to
  10706. set
  10707. a
  10708. non
  10709. leaf
  10710. member
  10711. of
  10712. the
  10713. ddl
  10714. setsessstat:
  10715. member
  10716. expects
  10717. a
  10718. string
  10719. or
  10720. bit
  10721. integer
  10722. only
  10723. For
  10724. regular
  10725. integers,
  10726. don't
  10727. use
  10729. setsessstat:
  10730. Invalid
  10731. state
  10732. setsessstat:
  10733. member
  10734. expects
  10735. a
  10736. string
  10737. or
  10738. a
  10739. bit
  10740. integer
  10741. Pass
  10742. the
  10743. value
  10744. in
  10746. setsessstat:
  10747. member
  10748. does
  10749. not
  10750. accept
  10751. float
  10752. types
  10753. setsessstat:
  10754. Only
  10755. string,
  10756. float
  10757. or
  10758. integer
  10759. values
  10760. are
  10761. acceptable
  10762. AddWeaponStat:
  10763. trying
  10764. to
  10765. set
  10766. a
  10767. non
  10768. leaf
  10769. member
  10770. of
  10771. the
  10772. ddl
  10773. AddWeaponStat:
  10774. Invalid
  10775. state
  10776. AddWeaponStat:
  10777. stat
  10778. type
  10779. undefined
  10780. addweaponstat:
  10781. Expected
  10782. floats
  10783. or
  10784. integers
  10785. only
  10786. UpdateStatRatio:
  10787. Expected
  10788. strings
  10789. or
  10790. integers
  10791. only
  10792. GetStatValue:
  10793. stat
  10794. type
  10795. undefined
  10796. StatValue
  10797. GetStatValue:
  10798. path
  10799. not
  10800. found
  10801. GetGameTypeStatValue:
  10802. path
  10803. not
  10804. found
  10805. SetStatFromState:
  10806. stat
  10807. type
  10808. undefined
  10809. UpdateStatRatio:
  10810. entity
  10811. must
  10812. be
  10813. a
  10814. player
  10815. entity
  10816. RegisterXP:
  10817. must
  10818. take
  10819. between
  10820. and
  10821. parameters
  10822. AddRankXP:
  10823. entity
  10824. must
  10825. be
  10826. a
  10827. player
  10828. entity
  10829. AddRankXP:
  10830. score
  10831. type
  10832. %s
  10833. not
  10834. found
  10835. AddRankXPValue:
  10836. entity
  10837. must
  10838. be
  10839. a
  10840. player
  10841. entity
  10842. HasSeasonPass:
  10843. entity
  10844. must
  10845. be
  10846. a
  10847. player
  10848. entity
  10849. AddPlayerStat:
  10850. path
  10851. not
  10852. found
  10853. lifetime_%s
  10854. ChallengeValue
  10855. AddPlayerStat:
  10856. entity
  10857. must
  10858. be
  10859. a
  10860. player
  10861. entity
  10862. AddPlayerStat:
  10863. Expected
  10864. strings
  10865. or
  10866. integers
  10867. only
  10868. AddPlayerStatWithGameType:
  10869. entity
  10870. must
  10871. be
  10872. a
  10873. player
  10874. entity
  10875. AddPlayerStatWithGameType:
  10876. Expected
  10877. strings
  10878. or
  10879. integers
  10880. only
  10881. AddDStat:
  10882. entity
  10883. must
  10884. be
  10885. a
  10886. player
  10887. entity
  10888. Non-player
  10889. entity
  10890. passed
  10891. to
  10892. UploadStats()
  10893. Distance
  10894. DistanceD
  10895. VectorDot
  10896. VectorCross
  10897. VectorNormalize
  10898. string
  10899. too
  10900. long
  10901. %c
  10902. %f
  10903. %i
  10904. sound
  10905. Invalid
  10906. profile
  10907. variable
  10908. name:
  10909. %s
  10910. Failed
  10911. to
  10912. set
  10913. profile
  10914. variable
  10915. %s[%d]
  10916. <-
  10917. %s
  10918. ArraySort:
  10919. array
  10920. contains
  10921. more
  10922. than
  10923. %d
  10924. entities
  10925. ArraySort:
  10926. array
  10927. can
  10928. only
  10929. contain
  10930. entities
  10931. GameModeIsMode:
  10932. Invalid
  10933. argument
  10934. %i
  10935. Not
  10936. a
  10937. valid
  10938. gamemode
  10939. SetEMPJammed:
  10940. Entity
  10941. must
  10942. be
  10943. a
  10944. player
  10945. entity
  10946. IsEMPJammed:
  10947. Entity
  10948. must
  10949. be
  10950. a
  10951. player
  10952. entity
  10953. unknown
  10954. species
  10955. '%s'
  10956. (should
  10957. be
  10958. human,
  10959. dog,
  10960. bigdog
  10961. or
  10962. all)
  10963. key
  10964. '%s'
  10965. does
  10966. not
  10967. internally
  10968. belong
  10969. to
  10970. entities
  10971. key
  10972. '%s'
  10973. does
  10974. not
  10975. internally
  10976. belong
  10977. to
  10978. generic
  10979. entities
  10980. no
  10981. team
  10982. was
  10983. specified
  10984. -
  10985. use
  10986. getspawnerarray
  10987. instead
  10988. Error
  10989. need
  10990. at
  10991. least
  10992. one
  10993. argument
  10994. for
  10995. LUINotifyEvent
  10996. LUI
  10997. NOTIFY
  10998. EVENT
  10999. ERROR:
  11000. Error
  11001. sending
  11002. LUI
  11003. notify
  11004. event:
  11005. LUI
  11006. event
  11007. name
  11008. (string)
  11009. is
  11010. not
  11011. precached
  11012. Argument
  11013. and
  11014. parameter
  11015. count
  11016. mismatch
  11017. args:
  11018. %d
  11019. paramters:
  11020. %d
  11021. %c
  11022. %d
  11023. %d
  11024. GScr_LUINotifyEvent:
  11025. Expected
  11026. Istrings
  11027. or
  11028. integers
  11029. only
  11030. LUINotifyEvent:
  11031. entity
  11032. must
  11033. be
  11034. a
  11035. player
  11036. entity
  11037. %c
  11038. %i
  11039. entity
  11040. type
  11041. '%s'
  11042. is
  11043. not
  11044. a
  11045. missile
  11046. precacheLeaderboards
  11047. must
  11048. be
  11049. called
  11050. before
  11051. any
  11052. wait
  11053. statements
  11054. in
  11055. the
  11056. gametype
  11057. or
  11058. level
  11059. script
  11060. %s
  11061. %s
  11062. Owner
  11063. entity
  11064. is
  11065. not
  11066. a
  11067. player
  11068. only
  11069. valid
  11070. on
  11071. players;
  11072. called
  11073. on
  11074. entity
  11075. %i
  11076. at
  11077. %
  11078. f
  11079. %
  11080. f
  11081. %
  11082. f
  11083. classname
  11084. %s
  11085. targetname
  11086. %s
  11087. <undefined
  11088. entity
  11089. has
  11090. no
  11091. model
  11092. cannot
  11093. find
  11094. part
  11095. '%s'
  11096. in
  11097. entity
  11098. model
  11099. cannot
  11100. find
  11101. part
  11102. '%s'
  11103. in
  11104. entity
  11105. model
  11106. '%s'
  11107. Invalid
  11108. channel
  11109. %s
  11110. given
  11111. to
  11112. SendAIScriptVals
  11113. Function
  11114. can
  11115. only
  11116. be
  11117. called
  11118. on
  11119. a
  11120. 'light'
  11121. entity;
  11122. actual
  11123. classname
  11124. is
  11125. '%s'
  11126. intensity
  11127. must
  11128. be
  11129. =
  11130. radius
  11131. must
  11132. be
  11133. =
  11134. radius
  11135. must
  11136. be
  11137. less
  11138. than
  11139. the
  11140. bsp
  11141. radius
  11142. (%g)
  11143. outer
  11144. fov
  11145. must
  11146. be
  11147. in
  11148. the
  11149. range
  11150. of
  11151. to
  11152. outer
  11153. fov
  11154. cannot
  11155. be
  11156. larger
  11157. than
  11158. the
  11159. fov
  11160. when
  11161. the
  11162. map
  11163. was
  11164. compiled
  11165. inner
  11166. fov
  11167. must
  11168. be
  11169. in
  11170. the
  11171. range
  11172. of
  11173. to
  11174. outer
  11175. fov
  11176. exponent
  11177. must
  11178. be
  11179. in
  11180. the
  11181. range
  11182. from
  11183. to
  11184. entity
  11185. %i
  11186. is
  11187. not
  11188. a
  11189. player
  11190. setspawnerteam
  11191. can
  11192. only
  11193. be
  11194. applied
  11195. to
  11196. AI
  11197. spawners
  11198. invalid
  11199. velocity
  11200. parameter
  11201. in
  11202. launch
  11203. command:
  11204. %f
  11205. %f
  11206. %f
  11207. ScrCmd_Unlink
  11208. entity
  11209. (classname:
  11210. '%s',
  11211. type:
  11212. '%s')
  11213. does
  11214. not
  11215. currently
  11216. support
  11217. linkTo
  11218. failed
  11219. to
  11220. link
  11221. entity
  11222. since
  11223. parent
  11224. has
  11225. no
  11226. model
  11227. failed
  11228. to
  11229. link
  11230. entity
  11231. since
  11232. parent
  11233. model
  11234. '%s'
  11235. is
  11236. invalid
  11237. failed
  11238. to
  11239. link
  11240. entity
  11241. since
  11242. tag
  11243. '%s'
  11244. does
  11245. not
  11246. exist
  11247. in
  11248. parent
  11249. model
  11250. '%s'
  11251. failed
  11252. to
  11253. link
  11254. entity
  11255. entity
  11256. (classname:
  11257. '%s',
  11258. type:
  11259. '%s')
  11260. does
  11261. not
  11262. currently
  11263. support
  11264. enableLinkTo
  11265. not
  11266. a
  11267. player
  11268. entity
  11269. This
  11270. function
  11271. only
  11272. supports
  11273. linking
  11274. to
  11275. tags
  11276. named
  11277. 'tag_player'
  11278. When
  11279. linking
  11280. player
  11281. with
  11282. auto
  11283. recenter
  11284. use
  11285. tag
  11286. angles
  11287. must
  11288. be
  11289. set
  11290. also
  11291. total
  11292. time
  11293. must
  11294. be
  11295. non
  11296. negative
  11297. acceleration
  11298. time
  11299. must
  11300. be
  11301. non
  11302. negative
  11303. deceleration
  11304. time
  11305. must
  11306. be
  11307. non
  11308. negative
  11309. accel
  11310. time
  11311. plus
  11312. decel
  11313. time
  11314. is
  11315. greater
  11316. than
  11317. total
  11318. time
  11319. Not
  11320. enough
  11321. parameters
  11322. Failed
  11323. to
  11324. link
  11325. entity
  11326. Not
  11327. an
  11328. entity
  11329. Not
  11330. a
  11331. player
  11332. entity
  11333. Incorrect
  11334. number
  11335. of
  11336. parameters
  11337. See
  11338. script
  11339. docs
  11340. Must
  11341. be
  11342. linked
  11343. to
  11344. an
  11345. entity
  11346. Angle
  11347. locked
  11348. to
  11349. linked
  11350. entity
  11351. View
  11352. clamp
  11353. is
  11354. model
  11355. '%s'
  11356. already
  11357. attached
  11358. to
  11359. tag
  11360. '%s'
  11361. failed
  11362. to
  11363. attach
  11364. model
  11365. '%s'
  11366. to
  11367. tag
  11368. '%s'
  11369. This
  11370. function
  11371. only
  11372. supports
  11373. player
  11374. entities
  11375. failed
  11376. to
  11377. detach
  11378. model
  11379. '%s'
  11380. from
  11381. tag
  11382. '%s'
  11383. Player
  11384. is
  11385. not
  11386. linked
  11387. Player
  11388. must
  11389. be
  11390. linked
  11391. using
  11392. PlayerLinkWeaponViewToDelta()
  11393. MagicGrenadeManual
  11394. invalid
  11395. weapon
  11396. type
  11397. specified
  11398. Time
  11399. must
  11400. be
  11401. positive
  11402. Blur
  11403. value
  11404. must
  11405. be
  11406. greater
  11407. than
  11408. setblur()
  11409. called
  11410. on
  11411. an
  11412. invalid
  11413. client
  11414. entity
  11415. %c
  11416. %i
  11417. %f
  11418. entity
  11419. type
  11420. '%s'
  11421. is
  11422. not
  11423. a
  11424. turret
  11425. or
  11426. vehicle
  11427. SetScriptMoverFlag:
  11428. Index
  11429. %i
  11430. out
  11431. of
  11432. range
  11433. (
  11434. -
  11435. %i)
  11436. Incorrect
  11437. number
  11438. of
  11439. parameters
  11440. %c
  11441. %s
  11442. %d
  11443. SetCharacterIndex
  11444. called
  11445. on
  11446. incompatible
  11447. entity
  11448. type
  11449. %s
  11450. UsePlayerFootstepTable
  11451. called
  11452. on
  11453. incompatible
  11454. entity
  11455. type
  11456. %s
  11457. none
  11458. bad
  11459. index
  11460. to
  11461. x
  11462. y
  11463. z
  11464. moveslide
  11465. stopmoveslide
  11466. w
  11467. ll
  11468. devaddpitch
  11469. devaddyaw
  11470. devaddroll
  11471. vibrate
  11472. ty
  11473. solid
  11474. notsolid
  11475. setcandamage
  11476. physicslaunch
  11477. setcheapflag
  11478. ignorecheapentityflag
  11479. rŸ¼
  11480. j
  11481. rŸÔ
  11482. k
  11483. rŸÜ
  11484. l
  11485. rŸä
  11486. m
  11487. rŸÄ
  11488. f
  11489. tüô
  11490. i
  11491. rŸ¬
  11492. s
  11493. rŸ|
  11494. p
  11495. L
  11496. rŸŒ
  11497. u
  11498. L
  11499. rŸœ
  11500. r
  11501. L
  11502. tý@
  11503. "
  11504. týP
  11505. !
  11506. tý`
  11507. L
  11508. rhD
  11509. t
  11510. L
  11511. týl
  11512. LH
  11513. týt
  11514. LP
  11515. tý„
  11516. Ê
  11517. L(
  11518. tý”
  11519. Ë
  11520. L@
  11521. tý¤
  11522. L
  11523. tý´
  11524. g
  11525. L
  11526. )
  11527. ve
  11528. ve
  11529. e
  11530. entity
  11531. %i
  11532. is
  11533. not
  11534. a
  11535. script_brushmodel,
  11536. script_model,
  11537. script_origin,
  11538. or
  11539. light
  11540. y
  11541. invalid
  11542. velocity
  11543. parameter
  11544. in
  11545. movegravity
  11546. command:
  11547. %f
  11548. %f
  11549. %f
  11550. invalid
  11551. velocity
  11552. parameter
  11553. in
  11554. moveslide
  11555. command:
  11556. %f
  11557. %f
  11558. %f
  11559. Can't
  11560. put
  11561. a
  11562. brush
  11563. model
  11564. with
  11565. out
  11566. brushes
  11567. into
  11568. physics
  11569. Can't
  11570. put
  11571. an
  11572. entity
  11573. with
  11574. out
  11575. a
  11576. model
  11577. into
  11578. physics
  11579. classname
  11580. origin
  11581. model
  11582. spawnflags
  11583. target
  11584. targetname
  11585. count
  11586. health
  11587. dmg
  11588. angles
  11589. birthtime
  11590. script_linkname
  11591. script_noteworthy
  11592. maxhealth
  11593. anglelerprate
  11594. activator
  11595. takedamage
  11596. mins
  11597. maxs
  11598. info_grenade_hint
  11599. trigger_use
  11600. trigger_use_touch
  11601. trigger_multiple
  11602. trigger_hurt
  11603. trigger_once
  11604. trigger_disk
  11605. trigger_ik_playerclip_terrain
  11606. light
  11607. misc_turret
  11608. script_brushmodel
  11609. script_struct
  11610. spawn_manager
  11611. info_player_start
  11612. info_player_respawn
  11613. info_notnull
  11614. info_notnull_big
  11615. info_volume
  11616. trigger_radius
  11617. trigger_box
  11618. trigger_box_use
  11619. trigger_lookat
  11620. trigger_radius_use
  11621. trigger_damage
  11622. script_model
  11623. script_origin
  11624. script_vehicle
  11625. read
  11626. only
  11627. entity
  11628. field
  11629. width
  11630. length
  11631. height
  11632. script_label
  11633. random
  11634. looper
  11635. line_emitter
  11636. weapon_
  11637. destructibledef
  11638. clientside
  11639. dyn_
  11640. node_
  11641. info_vehicle_node
  11642. info_vehicle_node_rotate
  11643. info_vehicle_node_avoidance
  11644. info_intermission
  11645. actor_
  11646. zbarrier_
  11647. occlusion_override
  11648. undertow_volume
  11649. rope
  11650. heli_height_lock
  11651. glass
  11652. coop_
  11653. cannot
  11654. spawn
  11655. AI
  11656. directly;
  11657. use
  11658. spawners
  11659. instead
  11660. radiant
  11661. txt
  11662. not
  11663. an
  11664. entity
  11665. not
  11666. a
  11667. hudelem
  11668. key
  11669. is
  11670. not
  11671. internally
  11672. a
  11673. string
  11674. getent
  11675. used
  11676. with
  11677. more
  11678. than
  11679. one
  11680. entity
  11681. key
  11682. does
  11683. not
  11684. internally
  11685. belong
  11686. to
  11687. generic
  11688. entities
  11689. key
  11690. '%s'
  11691. does
  11692. not
  11693. internally
  11694. belong
  11695. to
  11696. entities
  11697. key
  11698. '%s'
  11699. does
  11700. not
  11701. internally
  11702. belong
  11703. to
  11704. generic
  11705. entities
  11706. Cannot
  11707. specify
  11708. an
  11709. origin
  11710. without
  11711. a
  11712. radius
  11713. Range
  11714. should
  11715. be
  11716. greater
  11717. than
  11718. Cannot
  11719. specify
  11720. an
  11721. direction
  11722. without
  11723. a
  11724. FOV
  11725. FOV
  11726. should
  11727. be
  11728. greater
  11729. than
  11730. Direction
  11731. length
  11732. must
  11733. be
  11734. greater
  11735. than
  11736. worldspawn
  11737. SP_worldspawn:
  11738. The
  11739. first
  11740. entity
  11741. isn't
  11742. 'worldspawn'
  11743. cod-sp
  11744. ambienttrack
  11745. n\%s
  11746. message
  11747. gravity
  11748. northyaw
  11749. skyboxmodel
  11750. ambient
  11751. diffuseFraction
  11752. sunLight
  11753. sunColor
  11754. %g
  11755. %g
  11756. %g
  11757. sunDirection
  11758. SpawnEntities:
  11759. no
  11760. entities
  11761. entitylist
  11762. at
  11763. Entity
  11764. %i
  11765. is
  11766. not
  11767. a
  11768. target
  11769. %i
  11770. Maximum
  11771. number
  11772. of
  11773. targets
  11774. exceeded
  11775. %i
  11776. %i
  11777. %i
  11778. s
  11779. r
  11780. FOV
  11781. must
  11782. be
  11783. positive
  11784. Incorrect
  11785. mode
  11786. name
  11787. passed
  11788. to
  11789. target_setAttackMode()
  11790. %i
  11791. is
  11792. not
  11793. a
  11794. valid
  11795. player
  11796. number
  11797. %s
  11798. %ƨ
  11799. %Æ°
  11800. %Æ°
  11801. %Æ°
  11802. %Æ°
  11803. %Æ°
  11804. %Æ°
  11805. %Æ°
  11806. %Æ°
  11807. %Æ°
  11808. %ƨ
  11809. %ƨ
  11810. %ƨ
  11811. %ƨ
  11812. %ƨ
  11813. }
  11814. wait
  11815. radius
  11816. radius
  11817. not
  11818. specified
  11819. for
  11820. trigger_radius
  11821. at
  11822. (%g
  11823. %g
  11824. %g)
  11825. height
  11826. height
  11827. not
  11828. specified
  11829. for
  11830. trigger_radius
  11831. at
  11832. (%g
  11833. %g
  11834. %g)
  11835. width
  11836. width
  11837. not
  11838. specified
  11839. for
  11840. trigger_box
  11841. at
  11842. (%g
  11843. %g
  11844. %g)
  11845. length
  11846. length
  11847. not
  11848. specified
  11849. for
  11850. trigger_box
  11851. at
  11852. (%g
  11853. %g
  11854. %g)
  11855. height
  11856. not
  11857. specified
  11858. for
  11859. trigger_box
  11860. at
  11861. (%g%g%g)
  11862. accumulate
  11863. threshold
  11865. %æ¸tag_weapon_right
  11866. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  11867. %s
  11868. "%s"
  11869. not
  11870. precached
  11871. G_FindConfigstringIndex:
  11872. overflow
  11873. (%d):
  11874. '%s'
  11875. localized
  11876. string
  11877. material
  11878. shader
  11879. model
  11880. '%s'
  11881. not
  11882. precached
  11883. G_ModelIndex:
  11884. overflow
  11885. effect
  11886. gcalcpose
  11887. G_DObjGetWorldTagMatrix
  11888. Missing
  11889. tag
  11890. [%s]
  11891. on
  11892. entity
  11893. [%d]
  11894. Missing
  11895. tag
  11896. [%s]
  11897. on
  11898. entity
  11899. [%d]
  11900. (%s)
  11901. General
  11902. G_Spawn:
  11903. no
  11904. free
  11905. entities
  11906. G_Spawn:
  11907. no
  11908. free
  11909. entities
  11910. vehicle
  11911. actor
  11912. issued
  11913. a
  11914. second
  11915. playsound
  11916. with
  11917. notification
  11918. string
  11919. before
  11920. the
  11921. first
  11922. finished
  11923. on
  11924. entity
  11925. %i
  11926. classname
  11927. %s
  11928. targetname
  11929. TEMP_ENTITY
  11930. vehicle_collision_prediction_time
  11931. entity
  11932. %i
  11933. is
  11934. not
  11935. a
  11936. script_vehicle
  11937. entity
  11938. %i
  11939. doesn't
  11940. have
  11941. a
  11942. script_vehicle
  11943. VEH_GetSeat():
  11944. Entity
  11945. not
  11946. a
  11947. vehicle
  11948. VEH_SetSeatOccupantEntNum():
  11949. Invalid
  11950. vehicle/seat
  11951. specification
  11952. VEH_IsSeatOccupied()
  11953. called
  11954. on
  11955. invalid
  11956. seat
  11957. position
  11958. defaultvehicle
  11959. Cannot
  11960. find
  11961. vehicle
  11962. info
  11963. for
  11964. 'defaultvehicle'
  11965. This
  11966. is
  11967. a
  11968. default
  11969. vehicle
  11970. info
  11971. that
  11972. you
  11973. should
  11974. have
  11975. Invalid
  11976. gunner
  11977. weapon
  11978. specified
  11979. for
  11980. [%s]
  11981. gunner
  11982. [%d][%s]
  11983. Missing
  11984. tag_flash_gunner%i
  11985. for
  11986. [%s]
  11987. Missing
  11988. %s
  11989. for
  11990. vehicle
  11991. %s
  11992. Player
  11993. vehicle
  11994. has
  11995. no
  11996. %s
  11997. Player
  11998. vehicle
  11999. has
  12000. no
  12001. tag_barrel
  12002. ?
  12003. Vehicle
  12004. type
  12005. has
  12006. to
  12007. be
  12008. plane
  12009. to
  12010. set
  12011. Roll
  12012. Can
  12013. not
  12014. set
  12015. roll
  12016. on
  12017. non
  12018. moving
  12019. plane
  12020. VEH_LinkPlayer:
  12021. No
  12022. valid
  12023. seat
  12024. to
  12025. attach
  12026. player
  12027. too
  12028. VEH_LinkPlayer:
  12029. Trying
  12030. to
  12031. use
  12032. vehicle
  12033. without
  12034. a
  12035. bone
  12036. [%s]
  12037. VEH_LinkPlayer:
  12038. Trying
  12039. to
  12040. get
  12041. in
  12042. seat
  12043. [%s]
  12044. that
  12045. is
  12046. already
  12047. occupied
  12048. VEH_LinkPlayer:
  12049. Player
  12050. is
  12051. already
  12052. using
  12053. a
  12054. vehicle
  12055. VEH_LinkPlayer:
  12056. Player
  12057. already
  12058. has
  12059. an
  12060. owner
  12061. VEH_LinkPlayer:
  12062. Cannot
  12063. link
  12064. to
  12065. vehicle
  12066. bone
  12067. [%s]
  12068. VEH_UnlinkPlayer:
  12069. Player
  12070. is
  12071. not
  12072. in
  12073. a
  12074. vehicle
  12075. seat
  12076. VEH_UnlinkPlayer:
  12077. Player
  12078. is
  12079. not
  12080. using
  12081. a
  12082. vehicle
  12083. or
  12084. turret
  12085. attached
  12086. to
  12087. vehicle
  12088. VEH_UnlinkPlayer:
  12089. Player
  12090. doesn't
  12091. have
  12092. an
  12093. owner
  12094. VEH_FinishedAnimating
  12095. VEH_SwitchClientToSeat
  12096. %c
  12097. %d
  12098. %d
  12099. Scr_Vehicle_Die
  12100. B
  12101. Hit
  12102. max
  12103. vehicle
  12104. count
  12105. [%d]
  12106. Can't
  12107. find
  12108. info
  12109. for
  12110. script
  12111. vehicle
  12112. [%s]
  12113. vehicle
  12114. '%s'
  12115. not
  12116. precached
  12121. G_VehiclePopOut:
  12122. Popout
  12123. disabled
  12124. G_VehiclePopOut:
  12125. Trying
  12126. to
  12127. use
  12128. vehicle
  12129. without
  12130. a
  12131. bone
  12132. [%d]
  12133. G_VehiclePopOut:
  12134. Cannot
  12135. link
  12136. to
  12137. vehicle
  12138. bone
  12139. [%d]
  12140. speed
  12141. cur:
  12142. %
  12143. f,
  12144. goal:
  12145. %
  12146. f
  12147. accel:
  12148. %
  12149. f
  12150. maxAccel
  12151. %
  12152. f
  12153. maxDecel
  12154. %
  12155. f
  12156. <%
  12157. f
  12158. %
  12159. f
  12160. %
  12161. f
  12162. distToGoal:
  12163. %
  12164. f
  12165. yaw
  12166. speed:
  12167. %
  12168. f,
  12169. goal:
  12170. %
  12171. f
  12172. yaw
  12173. accel:
  12174. %
  12175. f,
  12176. decel:
  12177. %
  12178. f
  12179. targetyaw
  12180. %
  12181. f,
  12182. current
  12183. %
  12184. f
  12185. goalyaw
  12186. %
  12187. f,
  12188. current
  12189. %
  12190. f
  12191. VEH_UpdateNitrousPosition
  12192. Scr_Vehicle_think
  12193. Scr_Vehicle_Die
  12194. A
  12195. vehicletype
  12196. 'ô
  12197. 'ÃØ
  12198. 'Ãü
  12199. 'Ĉ
  12200. 'Ã(
  12201. 'Ã@
  12202. 'Ĉ
  12203. 'Ĉ
  12204. 'Ĉ
  12205. 'Ĉ
  12206. 'Ĉ
  12207. 'Ĉ
  12208. 'Ĉ
  12209. 'ÄDtargetname
  12210. target
  12211. target
  12212. script_linkname
  12213. script_noteworthy
  12214. origin
  12215. angles
  12216. speed
  12217. radius
  12218. lookahead
  12219. tension
  12220. spawnflags
  12221. height
  12222. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  12223. %f
  12224. %f
  12225. %f
  12226. Vehicle
  12227. path
  12228. node
  12229. at(
  12230. %f,
  12231. %f,
  12232. %f
  12233. )
  12234. has
  12235. negative
  12236. speed
  12237. Hit
  12238. max
  12239. vehicle
  12240. path
  12241. node
  12242. count
  12243. [%d]
  12244. Vehicle
  12245. spline
  12246. path
  12247. node(
  12248. %f,
  12249. %f,
  12250. %f
  12251. )
  12252. found
  12253. with
  12254. no
  12255. name
  12256. Hit
  12257. max
  12258. vehicle
  12259. avoidance
  12260. node
  12261. count
  12262. [%d]
  12263. classname
  12264. info_vehicle_node_rotate
  12265. Not
  12266. a
  12267. vehicle
  12268. node
  12269. vehicle
  12270. node
  12271. field
  12272. is
  12273. read-only:
  12274. %s
  12275. key
  12276. is
  12277. not
  12278. internally
  12279. a
  12280. string
  12281. GetVehicleNode
  12282. used
  12283. with
  12284. more
  12285. than
  12286. one
  12287. node
  12288. Invalid
  12289. vehicle
  12290. node
  12291. passed
  12292. into
  12293. SetVehicleNodeEnabled
  12294. SetVehicleNodeEnabled
  12295. must
  12296. be
  12297. called
  12298. on
  12299. a
  12300. vehicle
  12301. path
  12302. node
  12303. with
  12304. the
  12305. path
  12306. node
  12307. flag
  12308. enabled
  12309. model
  12310. 'â´
  12311. 'áÜ
  12312. 'áÜ
  12313. 'ât
  12314. 'â¤
  12315. 'âÜ
  12316. 'âÜ
  12317. 'âÜ
  12318. 'âÄ
  12319. 'âÜ
  12320. 'âÜ
  12321. 'âÜ
  12322. 'âÜ
  12323. 'â´
  12324. 'ât
  12325. 'â¼
  12326. 'âÜ
  12327. 'âÜ
  12328. 'â´Aïÿÿÿà
  12329. ?attachpath
  12330. getattachpos
  12331. startpath
  12332. drivepath
  12333. pathmove
  12334. pathmoveclear
  12335. pathfixedoffset
  12336. pathfixedoffsetclear
  12337. pathvariableoffset
  12338. pathvariableoffsetclear
  12339. getpathfixedoffset
  12340. getpathvariableoffset
  12341. setdrivepathphysicsscale
  12342. setswitchnode
  12343. setspeed
  12344. setspeedimmediate
  12345. getspeed
  12346. getspeedmph
  12347. getgoalspeedmph
  12348. setbrake
  12349. getbrake
  12350. gethandbrake
  12351. getscriptbrake
  12352. setacceleration
  12353. setdeceleration
  12354. resumespeed
  12355. setyawspeed
  12356. setmaxpitchroll
  12357. setturningability
  12358. setjitterparams
  12359. setairresistance
  12360. getsteering
  12361. getthrottle
  12362. setphysangles
  12363. sethoverparams
  12364. joltbody
  12365. freevehicle
  12366. getwheelsurface
  12367. getvehicleowner
  12368. isvehicleusable
  12369. makevehicleusable
  12370. makevehicleunusable
  12371. usevehicle
  12372. setviewclamp
  12373. resetviewclamp
  12374. addvehicletocompass
  12375. removevehiclefromcompass
  12376. setvehiclelookattext
  12377. setneargoalnotifydist
  12378. setvehgoalpos
  12379. clearvehgoalpos
  12380. setplanegoalpos
  12381. setplanebarrelroll
  12382. setgoalyaw
  12383. cleargoalyaw
  12384. settargetyaw
  12385. cleartargetyaw
  12386. setlookatent
  12387. clearlookatent
  12388. takeplayercontrol
  12389. returnplayercontrol
  12390. setturrettargetvec
  12391. setturrettargetent
  12392. clearturrettarget
  12393. setgunnertargetvec
  12394. getgunnertargetvec
  12395. setgunnertargetent
  12396. cleargunnertarget
  12397. setgunnerturretontargetrange
  12398. getgunnertargetent
  12399. getgunneranimpitch
  12400. getgunneranimyaw
  12401. setvehweapon
  12402. fireweapon
  12403. firegunnerweapon
  12404. stopfireweapon
  12405. isturretready
  12406. setvehmaxspeed
  12407. getvehoccupants
  12408. getseatoccupant
  12409. getoccupantseat
  12410. setseatoccupied
  12411. seatgetweapon
  12412. getseatfiringorigin
  12413. getseatfiringangles
  12414. isgunnerfiring
  12415. disablegunnerfiring
  12416. finishvehicledamage
  12417. finishvehicleradiusdamage
  12418. isvehicleimmunetodamage
  12419. setdefaultpitch
  12420. cleardefaultpitch
  12421. getangularvelocity
  12422. setangularvelocity
  12423. setvehvelocity
  12424. cancelaimove
  12425. setvehicletype
  12426. getphysacceleration
  12427. setphysacceleration
  12428. drawtrajectory
  12429. setrotorspeed
  12430. getmaxspeed
  12431. setmantleenabled
  12432. setvehicleavoidance
  12433. getvehicleavoidance
  12434. vehcansee
  12435. vehseenrecently
  12436. vehclearenemy
  12437. vehsetentitytarget
  12438. vehclearentitytarget
  12439. getturretheatvalue
  12440. isvehicleturretoverheating
  12441. setpathtransitiontime
  12442. getvehicleavoidancenodes
  12443. makesentient
  12444. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  12445. entity
  12446. %i
  12447. is
  12448. not
  12449. a
  12450. script_vehicle
  12451. entity
  12452. %i
  12453. doesn't
  12454. have
  12455. a
  12456. script_vehicle
  12457. not
  12458. an
  12459. entity
  12460. precacheVehicle
  12461. must
  12462. be
  12463. called
  12464. before
  12465. any
  12466. wait
  12467. statements
  12468. in
  12469. the
  12470. level
  12471. script
  12472. Cannot
  12473. find
  12474. vehicle
  12475. info
  12476. for
  12477. [%s]
  12478. Can't
  12479. start
  12480. path
  12481. on
  12482. a
  12483. vehicle
  12484. that
  12485. hasn't
  12486. been
  12487. attached
  12488. Can't
  12489. start
  12490. physics
  12491. vehicles
  12492. on
  12493. path
  12494. until
  12495. the
  12496. physics
  12497. is
  12498. setup
  12499. Invalid
  12500. start
  12501. node
  12502. to
  12503. DrivePath
  12504. DrivePath
  12505. can
  12506. only
  12507. be
  12508. called
  12509. on
  12510. helicopters
  12511. and
  12512. physics
  12513. vehicles
  12514. The
  12515. script
  12516. brake
  12517. is
  12518. set
  12519. on
  12520. vehicle
  12521. that
  12522. is
  12523. tyring
  12524. to
  12525. drive
  12526. a
  12527. path
  12528. Can't
  12529. SetDrivePathPhysicsScale
  12530. until
  12531. the
  12532. physics
  12533. is
  12534. setup
  12535. SetDrivePathPhysicsScale
  12536. can
  12537. only
  12538. be
  12539. called
  12540. on
  12541. physics
  12542. vehicles
  12543. Cannot
  12544. set
  12545. negative
  12546. speed
  12547. on
  12548. vehicle
  12549. Acceleration/deceleration
  12550. must
  12551. be
  12552. SetBrake
  12553. can
  12554. only
  12555. be
  12556. called
  12557. on
  12558. nitrous
  12559. physics
  12560. vehicles
  12561. GetBrake
  12562. can
  12563. only
  12564. be
  12565. called
  12566. on
  12567. nitrous
  12568. physics
  12569. vehicles
  12570. GetHandBrake
  12571. can
  12572. only
  12573. be
  12574. called
  12575. on
  12576. nitrous
  12577. physics
  12578. vehicles
  12579. GetScriptBrake
  12580. can
  12581. only
  12582. be
  12583. called
  12584. on
  12585. nitrous
  12586. physics
  12587. vehicles
  12588. Cannot
  12589. set
  12590. negative
  12591. or
  12592. zero
  12593. acceleration
  12594. on
  12595. vehicle
  12596. Overshoot
  12597. must
  12598. be
  12599. in
  12600. to
  12601. range
  12602. Cannot
  12603. set
  12604. negative
  12605. yaw
  12606. speed
  12607. on
  12608. vehicle
  12609. Cannot
  12610. set
  12611. negative
  12612. yaw
  12613. acceleration
  12614. on
  12615. vehicle
  12616. Max
  12617. Pitch
  12618. Roll
  12619. only
  12620. valid
  12621. for
  12622. helicopters
  12623. and
  12624. planes
  12625. Cannot
  12626. set
  12627. negative
  12628. max
  12629. pitch
  12630. Cannot
  12631. set
  12632. negative
  12633. max
  12634. roll
  12635. Speed
  12636. fraction
  12637. must
  12638. be
  12639. between
  12640. [,]
  12641. Deceleration
  12642. can't
  12643. be
  12644. negative
  12645. Can't
  12646. free
  12647. vehicle
  12648. that
  12649. a
  12650. player
  12651. is
  12652. using
  12653. Vehicle
  12654. type
  12655. [%s]
  12656. has
  12657. no
  12658. wheels
  12659. Valid
  12660. wheel
  12661. names
  12662. are:
  12663. [front_left,
  12664. front_right,
  12665. back_left,
  12666. back_right,
  12667. middle_left,
  12668. middle_right]
  12669. Vehicle
  12670. has
  12671. no
  12672. middle
  12673. wheels
  12674. none
  12675. CMD_VEH_UseVehicle
  12676. ResetViewClamp:
  12677. Player
  12678. not
  12679. on
  12680. vehicle
  12681. tank
  12682. helicopter
  12683. plane
  12684. automobile
  12685. artillery
  12686. Unrecognized
  12687. vehicle
  12688. type
  12689. given,
  12690. "%s"
  12691. SetNearGoalNotifyDist
  12692. set
  12693. too
  12694. small
  12695. May
  12696. not
  12697. get
  12698. notify
  12699. Must
  12700. be
  12701. at
  12702. least
  12703. %g
  12704. Speed
  12705. and
  12706. acceleration
  12707. must
  12708. not
  12709. be
  12710. zero
  12711. before
  12712. setting
  12713. goal
  12714. pos
  12715. SetVehGoalPos
  12716. with
  12717. 'usePath'
  12718. can
  12719. only
  12720. be
  12721. called
  12722. on
  12723. helicopters
  12724. and
  12725. physics
  12726. vehicles
  12727. entity
  12728. %i
  12729. is
  12730. at
  12731. rest
  12732. (
  12733. speed
  12734. of
  12735. ),
  12736. new
  12737. speed
  12738. is
  12739. needed
  12740. to
  12741. make
  12742. plane
  12743. move
  12744. Invalid
  12745. gunner
  12746. index
  12747. set
  12748. in
  12749. SetGunnerTargetVec
  12750. Invalid
  12751. gunner
  12752. index
  12753. set
  12754. in
  12755. GetGunnerTargetVec
  12756. Invalid
  12757. gunner
  12758. index
  12759. set
  12760. in
  12761. SetGunnerTargetEnt
  12762. Invalid
  12763. gunner
  12764. index
  12765. set
  12766. in
  12767. ClearGunnerTarget
  12768. Invalid
  12769. gunner
  12770. index
  12771. set
  12772. in
  12773. SetGunnerTurretOnTargetRange
  12774. Invalid
  12775. gunner
  12776. index
  12777. set
  12778. in
  12779. GetGunnerTargetEnt
  12780. Invalid
  12781. gunner
  12782. index
  12783. set
  12784. in
  12785. GetGunnerAnimPitch
  12786. Invalid
  12787. gunner
  12788. index
  12789. set
  12790. in
  12791. GetGunnerAnimYaw
  12792. Can't
  12793. set
  12794. target
  12795. on
  12796. player's
  12797. vehicle
  12798. Vehicle
  12799. must
  12800. have
  12801. health
  12802. to
  12803. control
  12804. Invalid
  12805. entity
  12806. No
  12807. %s
  12808. for
  12809. [%s]
  12810. Invalid
  12811. weapon
  12812. specified
  12813. for
  12814. [%s]
  12815. Vehicles
  12816. only
  12817. support
  12818. bullet,
  12819. bomb,
  12820. gas,
  12821. grenade
  12822. and
  12823. projectile
  12824. weapons
  12825. No
  12826. tag_barrel
  12827. for
  12828. [%s]
  12829. Invalid
  12830. gunner
  12831. index
  12832. set
  12833. in
  12834. FireGunnerWeapon
  12835. Must
  12836. be
  12837. called
  12838. on
  12839. a
  12840. player
  12841. controlled
  12842. vehicle
  12843. Can
  12844. not
  12845. use
  12846. SetVehMaxSpeed
  12847. in
  12848. online
  12849. games
  12850. for
  12851. physics
  12852. vehicles
  12853. Invalid
  12854. seat
  12855. specified
  12856. for
  12857. vehicle
  12858. in
  12859. SetSeatOccupied
  12860. SetSeatOccupied
  12861. already
  12862. has
  12863. an
  12864. occupant
  12865. so
  12866. you
  12867. can't
  12868. call
  12869. set
  12870. occupied
  12871. SetSeatOccupied
  12872. is
  12873. either
  12874. occupied
  12875. by
  12876. a
  12877. player
  12878. or
  12879. not
  12880. set
  12881. occupied
  12882. by
  12883. the
  12884. script
  12885. Can't
  12886. get
  12887. firing
  12888. origin
  12889. for
  12890. a
  12891. seat
  12892. that
  12893. has
  12894. no
  12895. weapon
  12896. or
  12897. no
  12898. flash
  12899. tag
  12900. (seat
  12901. %i)
  12902. Can't
  12903. get
  12904. firing
  12905. angles
  12906. for
  12907. a
  12908. seat
  12909. that
  12910. has
  12911. no
  12912. weapon
  12913. or
  12914. no
  12915. flash
  12916. tag
  12917. (seat
  12918. %i)
  12919. entity
  12920. %i
  12921. is
  12922. not
  12923. a
  12924. sentient
  12925. Invalid
  12926. gunner
  12927. index
  12928. set
  12929. in
  12930. GetTurretHeatValue
  12931. ?
  12932. ¿
  12933. ?
  12934. ¿
  12935. ??¿??¿¿¿Weapon_GrenadeLauncher_Fire
  12936. Weapon_RocketLauncher_Fire
  12937. napalmblob_sp
  12938. No
  12939. tag_flash
  12940. for
  12941. vehicle
  12942. with
  12943. targetname
  12944. [%s]
  12945. Unknown
  12946. weapon
  12947. type
  12948. %i
  12949. for
  12950. %s
  12951. i
  12952. n
  12953. quick_launch_mode
  12954. gpad_rumble
  12955. session_rejoin
  12956. input_invertpitch
  12957. input_viewSensitivity
  12958. input_autoAim
  12959. team_indicator
  12960. ui_menuCamoUnlocks
  12961. ui_menuAttachUnlocks
  12962. cg_mature
  12963. cg_blood
  12964. gpad_buttonsConfig
  12965. gpad_sticksConfig
  12966. gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max
  12967. gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max
  12968. r_gamma
  12969. snd_menu_voice
  12970. snd_menu_music
  12971. snd_menu_sfx
  12972. snd_menu_master
  12973. snd_menu_cinematic
  12974. snd_menu_hearing_impaired
  12975. snd_menu_presets
  12976. snd_menu_speaker_setup
  12977. speaker_left_front
  12978. speaker_left
  12979. speaker_center
  12980. speaker_right_front
  12981. speaker_right
  12982. speaker_left_surround
  12983. speaker_left_surround_back
  12984. speaker_right_surround
  12985. speaker_right_surround_back
  12986. speaker_lfe
  12987. party_privacyStatus
  12988. geographicalMatchmaking
  12989. safeAreaTweakable_horizontal
  12990. safeAreaTweakable_vertical
  12991. demo_controllerConfig
  12992. cg_drawCrosshairD
  12993. start_in_d
  12994. mouseSensitivity
  12995. r_texFilterAnisoMin
  12996. flipped_control_config
  12997. commonInitialized
  12998. snd_shoutcast_voip
  12999. snd_shoutcast_game
  13000. colorblind_assist
  13001. com_first_time
  13002. cg_playerState
  13003. email_address
  13004. cg_subtitles
  13005. sv_lastSaveGame
  13006. g_gameskill
  13007. missionHighestDifficulty
  13008. missions_unlocked
  13009. takeCoverWarnings
  13010. bg_collectibles
  13011. skillSet
  13012. missionGlobals
  13013. input_targetAssist
  13014. cg_spectateThirdPerson
  13015. motd
  13016. playlist_leaguematch
  13017. playlist_wagermatch
  13018. playlist_playermatch
  13019. playlist_solomatch
  13020. cacLoadouts
  13021. lastLoadoutSystemlink
  13022. lastLoadoutOnline
  13023. lastLoadoutLeague
  13024. exeInitialized
  13025. loadoutInitialized
  13026. party_maxplayers
  13027. map
  13028. map_zm
  13029. gametype_zm
  13030. unlock_crumbs_zm
  13031. em
  13032. com_first_time_mission_select
  13033. shoutcaster_scorepanel
  13034. shoutcaster_nameplate
  13035. shoutcaster_perks
  13036. shoutcaster_inventory
  13037. shoutcaster_scorestreaks
  13038. shoutcaster_scorestreaksnotification
  13039. shoutcaster_minimap
  13040. shoutcaster_killfeed
  13041. shoutcaster_calloutcards
  13042. shoutcaster_teamscore
  13043. shoutcaster_playernotifications
  13044. shoutcaster_voipdock
  13045. shoutcaster_map_icon_colors
  13046. com_first_time_privategame_host_zm
  13047. eliteEmblemUploadRequested
  13048. eliteWelcomePopupShown
  13049. demo_shoutcaster_nameplate
  13050. elitePostMatchRecordLastUploadTime
  13051. eliteRegistrationPopupLastShownTime
  13052. eliteRegistrationPopupTimesShown
  13053. eliteRegistratonSigninCounter
  13054. shoutcaster_map_in_player_column
  13055. thumbstick_default
  13056. thumbstick_southpaw
  13057. thumbstick_legacy
  13058. thumbstick_legacysouthpaw
  13059. buttons_default
  13060. buttons_experimental
  13061. buttons_lefty
  13062. buttons_nomad
  13063. buttons_charlie
  13064. buttons_default_alt
  13065. buttons_experimental_alt
  13066. buttons_lefty_alt
  13067. buttons_nomad_alt
  13068. exec
  13069. %s
  13070. updateDifficultyFromProfile
  13071. %f
  13072. %i
  13074. CacLoadouts
  13075. ddl/profile_sp
  13076. ddl
  13077. ddl/profile_common
  13078. ddl
  13079. setprofile
  13080. le
  13081. r
  13082. MdealPcftYwslqx
  13083. PeyxJSndprrWz
  13084. WriteProfileSettings
  13085. ?BAD
  13086. NODE
  13087. Path
  13088. Cover
  13089. Stand
  13090. Cover
  13091. Crouch
  13092. Cover
  13093. Crouch
  13094. Window
  13095. Cover
  13096. Prone
  13097. Cover
  13098. Right
  13099. Cover
  13100. Left
  13101. Cover
  13102. Pillar
  13103. Ambush
  13104. Exposed
  13105. Conceal
  13106. Stand
  13107. Conceal
  13108. Crouch
  13109. Conceal
  13110. Prone
  13111. Reacquire
  13112. Balcony
  13113. Scripted
  13114. Begin
  13115. End
  13116. Turret
  13117. Guard
  13118. targetname
  13119. target
  13120. animscript
  13121. script_linkname
  13122. script_noteworthy
  13123. origin
  13124. angles
  13125. radius
  13126. minusedistsq
  13127. spawnflags
  13128. type
  13129. suspended
  13130. NODE_TURRET
  13140. not
  13141. a
  13142. pathnode
  13143. Cannot
  13144. enable
  13145. disable
  13146. priority
  13147. for
  13148. this
  13149. node
  13150. type
  13151. Priority
  13152. can
  13153. only
  13154. be
  13155. set
  13156. for
  13157. :
  13158. Can
  13159. only
  13160. set
  13161. arc
  13162. angle
  13163. for
  13164. node_turret
  13165. Entity
  13166. is
  13167. not
  13168. a
  13169. turret
  13170. Can
  13171. only
  13172. do
  13173. this
  13174. call
  13175. for
  13176. node_turret
  13177. pathnode
  13178. property
  13179. '%s'
  13180. is
  13181. read-only
  13182. pathnode
  13183. property
  13184. '%s'
  13185. must
  13186. be
  13187. non-negative
  13188. pathnode
  13189. property
  13190. '%s'
  13191. must
  13192. be
  13193. non-negative
  13194. for
  13195. pathnode
  13196. '%s'
  13197. %g
  13198. %g
  13199. %g
  13200. (
  13201. %g,
  13202. %g,
  13203. %g
  13204. )
  13205. Owner:
  13206. %d
  13207. Users:
  13208. %i
  13209. Invalid
  13210. %s:
  13211. %
  13212. f
  13213. Dangerous
  13214. %s:
  13215. %
  13216. f
  13217. Delay:
  13218. %
  13219. f
  13220. %s
  13221. :
  13222. DL
  13223. :DS
  13224. :DC
  13225. :DP
  13226. :DR
  13227. :STRICT
  13228. :BYNR
  13229. :DL
  13230. :BY
  13231. key
  13232. is
  13233. not
  13234. internally
  13235. a
  13236. string
  13237. getnode
  13238. used
  13239. with
  13240. more
  13241. than
  13242. one
  13243. node
  13244. key
  13245. '%s'
  13246. does
  13247. not
  13248. internally
  13249. belong
  13250. to
  13251. nodes
  13252. GetNodeArraySorted
  13253. function
  13254. requires
  13255. or
  13256. parameters
  13257. GetNodesInRadius
  13258. Cover
  13259. GetValidCoverPeekOuts
  13260. not
  13261. called
  13262. on
  13263. pathnode
  13264. {
  13265. "classname"
  13266. "%s"
  13267. "origin"
  13268. "%g
  13269. %g
  13270. %g"
  13271. "angles"
  13272. "%g
  13273. %g
  13274. %g"
  13275. %s"%s"
  13276. "%s"
  13277. %s}
  13278. too
  13279. many
  13280. disconnects
  13281. on
  13282. a
  13283. single
  13284. path
  13285. link
  13286. (overflow
  13287. on
  13288. disconnect
  13289. count)
  13290. Max
  13291. number
  13292. of
  13293. disconnected
  13294. paths
  13295. exceeded
  13296. ?]³×?
  13297. ¿
  13298. ?]³×
  13299. Tgt
  13300. %
  13301. f
  13302. %
  13303. f
  13304. -
  13305. L
  13306. R
  13307. S
  13308. P
  13309. C
  13310. ?
  13311. SC
  13312. %s:%s
  13313. Best
  13314. Owner:
  13315. None
  13316. Invalid
  13317. Ally:
  13318. %
  13319. f
  13320. Invalid
  13321. Axis:
  13322. %
  13323. f
  13324. badplace
  13325. link
  13326. %i
  13327. Path_LoadNode:
  13328. node
  13329. out
  13330. of
  13331. range
  13332. (%i)
  13333. *(
  13334. *(X
  13335. *(|
  13336. *(œ
  13337. *)h
  13338. *'¨
  13339. *'À
  13340. *)h
  13341. *)h
  13342. *)h
  13343. *)h
  13344. *)h
  13345. *)h
  13346. *)h
  13347. *(Ä
  13348. *)h
  13349. *)h
  13350. *)h
  13351. *)h
  13352. *)
  13353. Áp
  13354. Áp
  13355. Ap
  13356. Ap
  13357. B
  13358. targetname
  13359. target
  13360. animscript
  13361. script_noteworthy
  13362. script_linkname
  13363. origin
  13364. angles
  13365. radius
  13366. minusedistsq
  13367. spawnflags
  13368. type
  13369. nodoublewide
  13370. noquadrotor
  13371. node_pathnode
  13372. node_cover_stand
  13373. node_cover_crouch
  13374. node_cover_crouch_window
  13375. node_cover_prone
  13376. node_cover_right
  13377. node_cover_left
  13378. node_cover_pillar
  13379. node_ambush
  13380. node_exposed
  13381. node_concealment_stand
  13382. node_concealment_crouch
  13383. node_concealment_prone
  13384. node_reacquire
  13385. node_balcony
  13386. node_scripted
  13387. node_negotiation_begin
  13388. node_negotiation_end
  13389. node_turret
  13390. node_guard
  13391. Ran
  13392. out
  13393. of
  13394. dynamically
  13395. spawned
  13396. pathnodes
  13397. %d
  13398. %s
  13399. doesn't
  13400. have
  13401. a
  13402. spawn
  13403. function
  13404. Duplicate/overlap
  13405. node
  13406. errors
  13407. Check
  13408. log
  13409. for
  13410. list
  13411. to
  13412. fix
  13414. (%i)
  13415. exceeded
  13416. úfront
  13417. back
  13418. left
  13419. right
  13420. invalid
  13421. %s
  13422. none
  13423. %s
  13425. savegame
  13426. svg
  13427. %c
  13428. autosave
  13429. devOutput/save/%s
  13430. svg
  13431. %s
  13432. %d
  13433. G_LoadGame:
  13434. savegame
  13435. '%s'
  13436. not
  13437. found
  13438. G_LoadGame:
  13439. bad
  13440. read
  13441. G_LoadGame:
  13442. savegame
  13443. '%s'
  13444. is
  13445. wrong
  13446. version
  13447. (%i,
  13448. should
  13449. be
  13450. %i)
  13451. %s
  13452. G_LoadGame:
  13453. savegame
  13454. '%s'
  13455. is
  13456. larger
  13457. (%d
  13458. bytes)
  13459. than
  13460. the
  13461. maximum
  13462. allowed
  13463. loadable
  13464. save
  13465. file
  13466. (
  13467. %d
  13468. bytes)
  13469. G_LoadGame:
  13470. the
  13471. bsp
  13472. file
  13473. has
  13474. changed
  13475. since
  13476. the
  13477. game
  13478. was
  13479. saved
  13480. %s
  13481. %c
  13482. active
  13483. n
  13484. exit
  13485. j_helmet
  13486. ad
  13487. alert
  13488. es
  13489. ambush
  13490. ambush_nodes_only
  13491. es
  13492. any_exposed_nodes_only
  13493. arc_min_pitch
  13494. arc_max_pitch
  13495. arc_min_yaw
  13496. arc_max_yaw
  13497. asleep
  13498. bad_path
  13499. begin_firing
  13500. unknown_location
  13501. cancel_location
  13502. at
  13503. cover
  13504. confirm_location
  13505. ch
  13506. current
  13507. ge
  13508. deathshield
  13509. damage_afterdeath
  13510. dead
  13511. h
  13512. ct
  13513. death_or_disconnect
  13514. detonate
  13515. direct
  13516. dlight
  13517. done
  13518. on
  13519. empty
  13520. end_firing
  13521. enter_vehicle
  13522. entity
  13523. exit_vehicle
  13524. exposed_nodes_only
  13525. change_seat
  13526. vehicle_death
  13527. explode
  13528. ed
  13529. fraction
  13530. goal_changed
  13531. goal_yaw
  13532. grenade
  13533. danger
  13534. grenade_fire
  13535. grenade_launcher_fire
  13536. grenade_pullback
  13537. k
  13538. stationary
  13539. grenade_stuck
  13540. ce
  13541. hero
  13542. invisible
  13543. j_gun
  13544. key
  13545. key
  13546. killanimscript
  13547. left_tread
  13548. t
  13549. missile_fire
  13550. missile_boost
  13551. movedone
  13552. multikill
  13553. next_node
  13554. no_cover
  13555. only_cover
  13556. noclass
  13557. noncombat
  13558. al
  13559. in
  13560. over
  13561. er
  13562. point
  13563. relative
  13564. position
  13565. t
  13566. e
  13567. result
  13568. t
  13569. right_tread
  13570. tank_armor
  13571. ad
  13572. reload_start
  13573. et
  13574. rotatedone
  13575. l
  13576. n
  13577. k
  13578. snd_busvolprio_holdbreath
  13579. snd_busvolprio_pain
  13580. snd_busvolprio_shellshock
  13581. d
  13582. suppression
  13583. suppression_end
  13584. surfacetype
  13585. tag_aim
  13586. tag_aim_pitch
  13587. tag_aim_animated
  13588. tag_brass
  13589. tag_brass
  13590. tag_brass_
  13591. tag_butt
  13592. tag_clip
  13593. h
  13594. tag_flash
  13595. tag_flash
  13596. tag_flash
  13597. tag_flash
  13598. tag_flash_alt
  13599. tag_gunner_barrel
  13600. tag_gunner_barrel
  13601. tag_gunner_barrel
  13602. tag_gunner_barrel
  13603. tag_gunner_turret
  13604. tag_gunner_turret
  13605. tag_gunner_turret
  13606. tag_gunner_turret
  13607. tag_flash_gunner
  13608. tag_flash_gunner
  13609. tag_flash_gunner
  13610. tag_flash_gunner
  13611. tag_flash_gunnera
  13612. tag_flash_gunnera
  13613. tag_flash_gunnera
  13614. tag_flash_gunnera
  13615. tag_gunner_brass
  13616. tag_gunner_brassa
  13617. tag_gunner_brass
  13618. tag_gunner_brassa
  13619. tag_gunner_hands
  13620. tag_wheel_front_left
  13621. tag_wheel_front_right
  13622. tag_wheel_back_left
  13623. tag_wheel_back_right
  13624. tag_wheel_middle_left
  13625. tag_wheel_middle_right
  13626. tag_wheel_front
  13627. tag_wheel_back
  13628. tag_main_rotor
  13629. tag_tail_rotor
  13630. tag_main_rotor_blur
  13631. tag_main_rotor_static
  13632. tag_tail_rotor_blur
  13633. tag_tail_rotor_static
  13634. tag_rotor_fl_arm
  13635. tag_rotor_fr_arm
  13636. tag_rotor_rl_arm
  13637. tag_rotor_rr_arm
  13638. tag_antenna
  13639. tag_antenna
  13640. tag_fx
  13641. tag_inhand
  13642. tag_knife_attach
  13643. tag_knife_fx
  13644. tag_bayonet
  13645. tag_laser
  13646. in
  13647. tag_weapon
  13648. tag_weapon
  13649. tag_explosive
  13650. tag_player
  13651. tag_camera
  13652. tag_weapon_chest
  13653. tag_stowed_back
  13654. tag_gasmask
  13655. tag_gasmask
  13656. tag_sync
  13657. tag_wake
  13658. target_script_trigger
  13659. team
  13660. team_changed
  13661. tempEntity
  13662. touch
  13663. h
  13664. ge
  13665. at
  13666. us
  13667. se
  13668. truck_cam
  13669. turret_scan_start
  13670. turret_return_default_pos
  13671. turret_scan_stop
  13672. turret_target_aquired
  13673. turret_target_lost
  13674. turret_tow_fire
  13675. turret_tow_unlink
  13676. weapon_change_on_turret
  13677. weapon_change
  13678. weapon_change_complete
  13679. weapon_raising
  13680. weapon_fired
  13681. weapon_melee
  13682. weapon_switch_started
  13683. raise_riotshield
  13684. deploy_riotshield
  13685. pickup_riotshield
  13686. wn
  13687. g
  13688. flash
  13689. e
  13690. night_vision_on
  13691. night_vision_off
  13692. back_low
  13693. back_mid
  13694. back_up
  13695. j_mainroot
  13696. pelvis
  13697. d
  13698. for_sale
  13699. blacklisted
  13700. wrong_era
  13701. locked
  13702. MOD_UNKNOWN
  13705. MOD_GRENADE
  13709. MOD_MELEE
  13710. MOD_BAYONET
  13711. MOD_HEAD_SHOT
  13712. MOD_CRUSH
  13714. MOD_FALLING
  13715. MOD_SUICIDE
  13718. MOD_IMPACT
  13719. MOD_BURNED
  13721. MOD_DROWN
  13722. MOD_GAS
  13723. face
  13724. face_alert
  13725. face_casual
  13726. face_cqb
  13727. face_running
  13728. face_shoot_single
  13729. face_shoot_burst
  13730. face_react
  13731. face_talk
  13732. face_talk_long
  13733. face_pain
  13734. face_melee
  13735. face_death
  13736. le
  13737. script_vehicle_collision
  13738. script_vehicle_corpse
  13739. turret_fire
  13740. turret_on_target
  13741. gunner_turret_on_target
  13742. gunner_turret_overheat
  13743. gunner_turret_stop_overheat
  13744. turret_not_on_target
  13745. turret_on_vistarget
  13746. turret_no_vis
  13747. turret_rotate_stopped
  13748. turret_rotate_moving
  13749. turret_deactivate
  13750. turretstatechange
  13751. turretownerchange
  13752. reached_node
  13753. reached_end_node
  13754. reached_wait_node
  13755. reached_wait_speed
  13756. near_goal
  13757. veh_collision
  13758. veh_predictedcollision
  13759. veh_inair
  13760. veh_landed
  13761. veh_suspension_limit_activated
  13762. veh_engine_stutter
  13763. veh_ejectoccupants
  13764. veh_heightmesh_max
  13765. veh_heightmesh_min
  13766. veh_stuck
  13767. begin
  13768. script_camera
  13769. jumpcut
  13770. playerbreathinsound
  13771. playerbreathgaspsound
  13772. playerbreathoutsound
  13773. mantlesoundplayer
  13774. meleeswipesoundplayer
  13775. dtplandsoundplayer
  13776. curve_nodehit
  13777. curve_start
  13778. curve_end
  13779. asphalt
  13780. bark
  13781. brick
  13782. carpet
  13783. ceramic
  13784. cloth
  13785. concrete
  13786. cushion
  13787. dirt
  13788. flesh
  13789. foliage
  13790. fruit
  13791. s
  13792. grass
  13793. gravel
  13794. ice
  13795. metal
  13796. mud
  13797. paintedmetal
  13798. paper
  13799. plaster
  13800. plastic
  13801. rock
  13802. rubber
  13803. sand
  13804. snow
  13805. water
  13806. wood
  13807. host_sucks_end_game
  13808. freelook
  13809. localplayers
  13810. tag_driver
  13811. tag_passenger
  13812. tag_passenger
  13813. tag_passenger
  13814. tag_passenger
  13815. tag_passenger
  13816. tag_passenger
  13817. tag_gunner
  13818. tag_gunner
  13819. tag_gunner
  13820. tag_gunner
  13821. tag_enter_driver
  13822. tag_enter_passenger
  13823. tag_enter_passenger
  13824. tag_enter_passenger
  13825. tag_enter_passenger
  13826. tag_enter_gunner
  13827. tag_enter_gunner
  13828. tag_enter_gunner
  13829. tag_enter_gunner
  13830. tag_enter_right
  13831. tag_enter_left
  13832. tag_enter_back
  13833. tag_popout
  13834. tag_body
  13835. tag_turret
  13836. tag_turret_base
  13837. tag_barrel
  13838. tag_barrel_recoil
  13839. tag_engine_left
  13840. tag_engine_right
  13841. tag_spin
  13842. tag_minigun_right_barrel
  13843. front_left
  13844. front_right
  13845. back_left
  13846. back_right
  13847. middle_left
  13848. middle_right
  13849. stuck_to_player
  13850. stuck_to_shield
  13851. auto_ai
  13852. auto_nonai
  13853. manual
  13854. manual_ai
  13855. scavenger
  13856. intermission
  13857. stats_merged
  13858. playing
  13859. spectator
  13860. action_notify_attack
  13861. action_notify_melee
  13862. action_notify_use_reload
  13863. action_notify_use_doubletap
  13864. always
  13865. bullethit
  13866. t
  13867. corner_approach
  13868. damage_notdone
  13869. fadeoutonscreen
  13870. drawdistance
  13871. high_priority
  13872. info_player_deathmatch
  13873. infinite
  13874. energy
  13875. low_priority
  13876. max
  13877. time
  13878. menuresponse
  13879. min
  13880. energy
  13881. min
  13882. time
  13883. never
  13884. perk
  13885. pickup
  13886. receiver
  13887. sound_blend
  13888. n
  13889. remote_revive
  13890. begin_custom_anim
  13891. deathplant
  13892. ie
  13893. og
  13894. <custom
  13895. angle
  13896. deltas
  13897. og
  13898. bulletwhizby
  13899. y
  13900. enemy_visible
  13901. face
  13902. angle
  13903. face
  13904. current
  13905. face
  13906. default
  13907. face
  13908. direction
  13909. face
  13910. enemy
  13911. face
  13912. enemy
  13913. or
  13914. motion
  13915. face
  13916. enemy
  13917. or
  13918. motion
  13919. sidestep
  13920. face
  13921. goal
  13922. face
  13923. motion
  13924. face
  13925. point
  13926. groundEntChanged
  13927. obstacle
  13928. noclip
  13929. e
  13930. node
  13931. out
  13932. of
  13933. range
  13934. node_relinquished
  13935. node_taken
  13936. node_not_safe
  13937. y
  13938. nophysics
  13939. t
  13940. pos
  13941. deltas
  13942. run
  13943. runto_arrived
  13944. t
  13945. spawned
  13946. start_move
  13947. stop_soon
  13948. tag_eye
  13949. walk
  13950. d
  13951. s
  13952. le
  13953. ri
  13954. j_ball_le
  13955. j_ball_ri
  13956. j_palm_le
  13957. j_palm_ri
  13958. le
  13959. le
  13960. broken
  13961. destructible
  13962. destructible_base_piece_death
  13963. breakafter
  13964. snapacknowledged
  13965. snap_processed
  13966. j_barrel
  13967. j_counter
  13968. j_dial_left
  13969. j_dial_right
  13970. tag_spinner_r_front
  13971. tag_spinner_l_front
  13972. tag_spinner_r_
  13973. tag_spinner_l_
  13974. tag_spinner_r_
  13975. tag_spinner_l_
  13976. tag_spinner_r_
  13977. tag_spinner_l_
  13978. disconnected
  13979. cinematic
  13980. uicinematic
  13981. connecting
  13982. challenging
  13983. d
  13984. sendingstats
  13985. loading
  13986. primed
  13987. map_restart
  13988. orientdone
  13989. menu_changed
  13990. nk
  13991. swimming_begin
  13992. swimming_end
  13993. snd_engine
  13994. snd_bow_port
  13995. snd_bow_stbd
  13996. event
  13997. action
  13998. et
  13999. param
  14000. condlhs
  14001. condop
  14002. condrhs
  14003. basic_score
  14004. perk_score
  14005. intel_score
  14006. total_score
  14007. difficulty_score
  14008. challenge_score
  14009. freeze
  14010. up
  14011. liveupdate
  14012. respawn
  14013. dtp_land
  14014. hidden
  14015. fake_fire
  14016. sprint
  14017. crouch_run
  14018. crouch_walk
  14019. entityshutdown
  14020. sidewinder
  14021. hellfire
  14022. javelin
  14023. ballistic
  14024. wireguided
  14025. drone
  14026. heatseeking
  14027. firecaster
  14028. fire_flicker
  14029. electrical_flicker
  14030. flicker_then_stop
  14031. generic_double_strobe
  14032. generic_strobe
  14033. light_off
  14034. light_solid
  14035. television
  14036. generic_flickering
  14037. generic_pulsing
  14038. explode_then_flicker
  14039. robot
  14040. footstep_left_large
  14041. footstep_left_small
  14042. footstep_right_large
  14043. footstep_right_small
  14044. footstep_left
  14045. footstep_right
  14046. footstep_front_left
  14047. footstep_front_right
  14048. footstep_rear_left
  14049. footstep_rear_right
  14050. footstep_front_left_small
  14051. footstep_front_right_small
  14052. footstep_rear_left_small
  14053. footstep_rear_right_small
  14054. footstep_front_left_shuffle
  14055. footstep_front_right_shuffle
  14056. footstep_rear_left_shuffle
  14057. footstep_rear_right_shuffle
  14058. footstep_front_left_scrape
  14059. footstep_front_right_scrape
  14060. footstep_rear_left_scrape
  14061. footstep_rear_right_scrape
  14062. dogstep_lf
  14063. dogstep_rf
  14064. dogstep_lr
  14065. dogstep_rr
  14066. jnt_f_l_ankle
  14067. jnt_f_r_ankle
  14068. jnt_r_l_ankle
  14069. jnt_r_r_ankle
  14070. jnt_f_l_knee_upper_dmg
  14071. jnt_f_r_knee_upper_dmg
  14072. jnt_r_l_knee_upper_dmg
  14073. jnt_r_r_knee_upper_dmg
  14074. open
  14075. closed
  14076. opening
  14077. closing
  14078. targetted_by_zombie
  14079. r
  14080. actor_spawner
  14081. actor_corpse
  14082. t
  14083. ambient_package
  14084. save_restore
  14085. difficulty_change
  14086. tag_board_
  14087. tag_board_
  14088. tag_board_
  14089. tag_board_
  14090. tag_board_
  14091. tag_board_
  14092. Sentient_GetEyePosition
  14093. es
  14094. r
  14095. as
  14096. threatbiasgroup
  14097. attacker
  14098. y
  14099. ag
  14100. t
  14101. l
  14102. e
  14103. st
  14104. attackeraccuracy
  14105. ignorerandombulletdamage
  14106. turretinvulnerability
  14107. inmeleecharge
  14108. sentient
  14109. property
  14110. '%s'
  14111. is
  14112. read-only
  14113. getenemysqdist
  14114. getclosestenemysqdist
  14115. setthreatbiasgroup
  14116. getthreatbiasgroup
  14117. isnotarget
  14118. isbadguy
  14119. createthreatbiasgroup
  14120. threatbiasgroupexists
  14121. getthreatbias
  14122. setthreatbias
  14123. setthreatbiasagainstall
  14124. setignoremegroup
  14125. '%s'
  14126. p
  14127. turret_SentryTargetTime
  14128. Couldn't
  14129. find
  14130. %s
  14131. on
  14132. turret
  14133. (entity
  14134. %d,
  14135. classname
  14136. '%s')
  14137. h
  14138. n
  14139. Turret_think
  14140. G_SpawnTurret:
  14141. max
  14142. number
  14143. of
  14144. turrets
  14145. (%d)
  14146. exceeded
  14147. bad
  14148. weaponinfo
  14149. '%s'
  14150. specified
  14151. for
  14152. turret
  14153. Could
  14154. not
  14155. load
  14156. turret
  14157. '%s'
  14158. turret
  14159. '%s'
  14160. not
  14161. precached
  14162. cannot
  14163. spawn
  14164. turret
  14165. '%s'
  14166. which
  14167. has
  14168. a
  14169. script,
  14170. unless
  14171. one
  14172. instance
  14173. placed
  14174. in
  14175. map
  14176. rightarc
  14177. leftarc
  14178. toparc
  14179. bottomarc
  14180. yawconvergencetime
  14181. convergencetime
  14182. pitchconvergencetime
  14183. maxrange
  14184. fo
  14185. no
  14186. weaponinfo
  14187. specified
  14188. for
  14189. turret
  14190. r
  14191. vehspeed
  14192. velocity
  14193. turretrotscale
  14194. vehmodel
  14195. vehmodelenemy
  14196. deathmodel
  14197. vehviewmodel
  14198. modelswapdelay
  14199. e
  14200. st
  14201. ag
  14202. ag
  14203. radiusdamagemin
  14204. radiusdamagemax
  14205. radiusdamageradius
  14206. ck
  14207. deathquakescale
  14208. deathquakeduration
  14209. deathquakeradius
  14210. pe
  14211. on
  14212. me
  14213. healthdefault
  14214. healthmin
  14215. healthmax
  14216. vteam
  14217. turretweapon
  14218. addtocompass
  14219. isphysicsvehicle
  14220. pathpos
  14221. pathlookpos
  14222. pathwidth
  14223. pathwidthlookaheadfrac
  14224. pathdistancetraveled
  14225. heliheightlockoffset
  14226. drivebysoundtime
  14227. drivebysoundtime
  14228. vehfovcosine
  14229. vehfovcosinebusy
  14230. vehmaxsightdistsqrd
  14231. vehsightlatency
  14232. vehhighlyawareradius
  14233. vehignoreclosefoliage
  14234. vehdontejectoccupantsondeath
  14235. vehcheckforpredictedcrash
  14236. vehonpath
  14237. vehaircraftcollisionenabled
  14238. r„
  14239. vehicle
  14240. field
  14241. %s
  14242. is
  14243. read-only
  14244. vehicle
  14245. field
  14246. %s
  14247. clamped
  14248. from
  14249. %g
  14250. to
  14251. vehicle
  14252. field
  14253. %s
  14254. clamped
  14255. from
  14256. %g
  14257. to
  14258. t
  14259. Vehicle_SightTrace
  14260. Vehicle_UpdateSight
  14261. Vehicle_UpdateThreat
  14262. ident
  14263. text
  14264. dumplsp
  14265. getpings
  14266. dumpsgcache
  14267. peek
  14268. peek
  14269. dvar
  14270. checksum
  14271. procaddr
  14272. section
  14273. dir
  14274. upload
  14275. mount
  14276. joinsession
  14277. dumptasks
  14278. %d:%d
  14279. %s,%d
  14280. %d:
  14281. %lld,%s
  14282. Gamemode:
  14283. %s
  14284. Online
  14285. Private
  14286. Systemlink
  14287. Zombies
  14288. %x
  14289. %x
  14290. executing
  14291. %s
  14292. %x
  14293. %x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x
  14294. %llx
  14295. %llx
  14296. %x:%x
  14297. %s,%s:
  14298. %x
  14299. %x
  14300. Could
  14301. not
  14302. find
  14303. section
  14304. %s,%s
  14305. No
  14306. files
  14307. found
  14308. s
  14309. %s%c
  14310. %u
  14311. ERROR:
  14312. Unrecognised
  14313. command
  14314. sha
  14316. MENU_ONLINE
  14320. TRK_ALLTIME
  14321. TRK_WEEKLY
  14322. TRK_MONTHLY
  14326. TRK_DAILY
  14328. liveLeaderboardWriteStats
  14329. liveTrackerWriteStats
  14330. liveLeaderboardReadStats
  14331. liveLeaderboardbGetByRank
  14332. liveLeaderboardGetByPlayer
  14333. liveLeaderboardGetStatsByXuids
  14334. liveLeaderboardGetMiniLbs
  14335. liveLeaderboard_GetCombatRecordData
  14339. %i%s
  14340. %i%s
  14341. %
  14342. f%s
  14344. %i%s
  14345. %i%s
  14346. %i%s
  14347. %
  14348. f%s
  14349. %i%s
  14350. %i%s
  14351. %
  14352. f%s
  14353. %i%s
  14354. %
  14355. f%s
  14356. %
  14357. f%s
  14358. lbheaders
  14359. count
  14360. lbrowheaders
  14361. %llu
  14362. xuid
  14363. lbrow
  14364. col
  14365. leaderboardlist_update
  14366. controller
  14367. numresults
  14368. totalresults
  14369. error
  14370. pivot
  14371. Error
  14372. reading
  14373. stats
  14374. by
  14375. xuids
  14376. Error
  14377. reading
  14378. leaderboard
  14379. entries
  14380. by
  14381. range
  14382. popup_busy
  14384. lbTaskDelay
  14385. ui_hideLeaderboards
  14386. ui_hideMiniLeaderboards
  14387. ui_showNewestLeaderboards
  14388. resetLeaderboards
  14389. userrank
  14390. numranks
  14391. lbrows
  14392. id
  14393. def
  14394. filter
  14395. multi_read_update
  14396. leaderboards
  14397. metplayer
  14398. removeFriendsFromRecentPlayerList
  14399. metPlayerListUpdateInterval
  14400. metPlayerListUploadInterval
  14401. maxMetPlayerListCount
  14402. unsubscriptionCooloffTimer
  14403. metPlayerListCleanupInterval
  14404. party
  14405. lobby
  14406. theater
  14407. game_options
  14408. webmstreaming
  14409. hud_refresh
  14410. matchmaking_progress
  14411. %lld
  14412. partylobby_update
  14413. er
  14414. members
  14415. actualPartyMemberCount
  14416. gamelobby_update
  14417. game_options_update
  14418. webm_streaming_update
  14419. e
  14420. percent
  14421. hud_update_refresh
  14424. LUIElement_CompassRenderUnderlay
  14425. compass_map_color_underlay
  14426. compass_map_color_overlay
  14427. compass_map_scanlines
  14428. LUIElement_CompassRenderItems
  14429. LUIElement_CompassRenderOverlay
  14430. Ran
  14431. out
  14432. of
  14433. destructibles
  14434. Max
  14435. is
  14436. %d
  14437. Ran
  14438. out
  14439. of
  14440. cg
  14441. destructibles
  14442. Hit
  14443. max
  14444. destructible
  14445. count
  14446. [%d]
  14447. when
  14448. creating
  14449. %s
  14450. DesctructiblePieces
  14451. CG_DestructibleDamage
  14452. CG_DestructibleDamage
  14453. CG_ProcessDestructibleEvents
  14454. gametype_update
  14455. isModified
  14456. delayBetweenGeneralRepSounds
  14457. earthquakeMaxDuration
  14458. earthquakeMaxScale
  14459. earthquakeMinDuration
  14460. earthquakeMinScale
  14461. earthquakeOnRepair
  14462. earthquakeRadius
  14463. generalRepairSound
  14464. generalRepairSound
  14465. upgradedGeneralRepairSound
  14466. upgradedGeneralRepairSound
  14467. useDelayBetweenGeneralRepSounds
  14468. taunts
  14469. reachThroughAttacks
  14470. zombieTauntAnimState
  14471. zombieReachThroughAnimState
  14472. numAttackSlots
  14473. attackSpotHorzOffset
  14474. autoHideOpenPieces
  14475. alternateBoardModel
  14476. boardAnim
  14477. boardModel
  14478. boardRepairSound
  14479. boardRepairHoverSound
  14480. OffsetRepairFxX
  14481. OffsetRepairFxX
  14482. OffsetRepairFxY
  14483. OffsetRepairFxY
  14484. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14485. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14486. pauseAndRepeatBoardRepairSound
  14487. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMax
  14488. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMin
  14489. proBoardNumRepsToTear
  14490. repairFx
  14491. repairFx
  14492. tearAnim
  14493. upgradedBoardModel
  14494. zombieBoardTearAnimState
  14495. zombieBoardTearAnimSubState
  14496. alternateBoardModel
  14497. boardAnim
  14498. boardModel
  14499. boardRepairSound
  14500. boardRepairHoverSound
  14501. OffsetRepairFxX
  14502. OffsetRepairFxX
  14503. OffsetRepairFxY
  14504. OffsetRepairFxY
  14505. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14506. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14507. pauseAndRepeatBoardRepairSound
  14508. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMax
  14509. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMin
  14510. proBoardNumRepsToTear
  14511. repairFx
  14512. repairFx
  14513. tearAnim
  14514. upgradedBoardModel
  14515. zombieBoardTearAnimState
  14516. zombieBoardTearAnimSubState
  14517. alternateBoardModel
  14518. boardAnim
  14519. boardModel
  14520. boardRepairSound
  14521. boardRepairHoverSound
  14522. OffsetRepairFxX
  14523. OffsetRepairFxX
  14524. OffsetRepairFxY
  14525. OffsetRepairFxY
  14526. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14527. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14528. pauseAndRepeatBoardRepairSound
  14529. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMax
  14530. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMin
  14531. proBoardNumRepsToTear
  14532. repairFx
  14533. repairFx
  14534. tearAnim
  14535. upgradedBoardModel
  14536. zombieBoardTearAnimState
  14537. zombieBoardTearAnimSubState
  14538. alternateBoardModel
  14539. boardAnim
  14540. boardModel
  14541. boardRepairSound
  14542. boardRepairHoverSound
  14543. OffsetRepairFxX
  14544. OffsetRepairFxX
  14545. OffsetRepairFxY
  14546. OffsetRepairFxY
  14547. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14548. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14549. pauseAndRepeatBoardRepairSound
  14550. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMax
  14551. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMin
  14552. proBoardNumRepsToTear
  14553. repairFx
  14554. repairFx
  14555. tearAnim
  14556. upgradedBoardModel
  14557. zombieBoardTearAnimState
  14558. zombieBoardTearAnimSubState
  14559. alternateBoardModel
  14560. boardAnim
  14561. boardModel
  14562. boardRepairSound
  14563. boardRepairHoverSound
  14564. OffsetRepairFxX
  14565. OffsetRepairFxX
  14566. OffsetRepairFxY
  14567. OffsetRepairFxY
  14568. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14569. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14570. pauseAndRepeatBoardRepairSound
  14571. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMax
  14572. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMin
  14573. proBoardNumRepsToTear
  14574. repairFx
  14575. repairFx
  14576. tearAnim
  14577. upgradedBoardModel
  14578. zombieBoardTearAnimState
  14579. zombieBoardTearAnimSubState
  14580. alternateBoardModel
  14581. boardAnim
  14582. boardModel
  14583. boardRepairSound
  14584. boardRepairHoverSound
  14585. OffsetRepairFxX
  14586. OffsetRepairFxX
  14587. OffsetRepairFxY
  14588. OffsetRepairFxY
  14589. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14590. OffsetRepairFxZ
  14591. pauseAndRepeatBoardRepairSound
  14592. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMax
  14593. pauseBetweenRepSoundsMin
  14594. proBoardNumRepsToTear
  14595. repairFx
  14596. repairFx
  14597. tearAnim
  14598. upgradedBoardModel
  14599. zombieBoardTearAnimState
  14600. zombieBoardTearAnimSubState
  14601. sd_decode_ps_mp_spu
  14602. e
  14603. z
  14604. voice
  14605. eq
  14606. z
  14607. sd_mix_master
  14608. sd_mix_radverb
  14609. sd_mix_voice
  14610. SOUND:
  14611. cellAudioOutGetConfiguration
  14612. failed
  14613. SOUND:
  14614. cellAudioOutConfigure
  14615. failed
  14616. SOUND:
  14617. cellAudioInit
  14618. failed
  14619. SOUND:
  14620. cellAudioPortOpen
  14621. failed
  14622. SOUND:
  14623. cellAudioGetPortConfig
  14624. failed
  14625. SOUND:
  14626. cellAudioSetNotifyEventQueue
  14627. failed
  14628. SOUND:
  14629. cellAudioPortStart
  14630. failed
  14631. SOUND:
  14632. Ran
  14633. out
  14634. of
  14635. fake
  14636. rsx
  14637. cache
  14638. nodes
  14639. wait
  14640. snd_update
  14641. snd_update
  14642. net_emu_latency
  14643. net_emu_jitter
  14644. net_emu_packet_loss
  14645. net_emu_server
  14646. net_emu_client
  14647. NET_DequeuePacket
  14648. NET_EnqueuePacket
  14649. t
  14650. bytes
  14651. packets
  14652. latency
  14653. jitter
  14654. loss
  14655. reorder
  14656. bandwidth
  14657. duplicate
  14658. ?
  14659. <õÂ
  14660. G_ClearVehicleInputs
  14661. tag_wheel_front
  14662. tag_wheel_back
  14663. Unpause
  14664. vehicle
  14665. x%X
  14666. user
  14667. data
  14668. x%X
  14669. Pause
  14670. vehicle
  14671. x%X,
  14672. user
  14673. data
  14674. x%X
  14675. left_tread_destroyed
  14676. right_tread_destroyed
  14677. Speed
  14678. %
  14679. f
  14680. %
  14681. f
  14682. Gas
  14683. %
  14684. f
  14685. Rpm
  14686. %
  14687. f
  14688. boat
  14689. rpm
  14690. %
  14691. f
  14692. NitrousVehicle::frame_prolog
  14693. NitrousVehicle::frame_epilog
  14694. NitrousVehicle::add_vehicle
  14695. x%X:
  14696. NitrousVehicle::add_vehicle
  14697. x%X:
  14698. NitrousVehicle::remove_vehicle
  14699. x%X:
  14700. %d
  14701. Œ
  14702. '
  14703. "ùƒ"ùƒ"ùƒ"ùƒ
  14704. -þÐ
  14705. -ÿh
  14706. -ÿ´
  14707. L
  14708. -ÿ
  14709. ˜
  14710. ÿÿÿÿ
  14711. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  14712. =ÌÌÍ
  14713. phys_wheel_collision
  14714. Physics
  14715. Collision
  14716. Query
  14717. World
  14718. Collision
  14719. DynEnt
  14720. Collision
  14721. Entity
  14722. Collision
  14723. Glass
  14724. Collision
  14725. User
  14726. RB
  14727. Collision
  14728. A
  14729. A
  14730. ™™š@
  14731. hard
  14732. soft
  14733. metal
  14734. glass
  14735. water
  14736. wood
  14737. foliage
  14738. flesh
  14739. phy_impact_%s_%s
  14740. phys_impact_intensity_limit
  14741. phys_impact_distance_cutoff
  14742. phys_impact_fx
  14743. Phys_EffectsProcess
  14744. caulk
  14745. #All
  14746. Player
  14747. PlayerClip
  14748. Only
  14749. Vehicle
  14750. Helicopter
  14751. AI
  14752. Collision
  14753. AI
  14754. Sight
  14755. Weapon
  14756. Mantle
  14757. Physics
  14758. Aim
  14759. Assist
  14760. Spawn
  14761. Visibility
  14762. Trigger
  14763. Clientside
  14764. Trigger
  14765. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  14766. phys_gravity
  14767. phys_gravity_dir
  14768. phys_vehicleGravityMultiplier
  14769. phys_vehicleDamageFroceScale
  14770. phys_vehicleWheelEntityCollision
  14771. phys_maxFloatTime
  14772. phys_buoyancyDistanceCutoff
  14773. phys_piecesSpawnDistanceCutoff
  14774. phys_buoyancyFloatHeightOffset
  14775. phys_buoyancy
  14776. phys_ragdoll_buoyancy
  14777. phys_disableEntsAndDynEntsCollision
  14778. debugRenderMask
  14779. debugRenderCollisionDistance
  14780. enable_moving_paths
  14781. enable_new_prone_check
  14782. Create
  14783. user
  14784. data
  14785. x%X
  14786. Destroy
  14787. user
  14788. data
  14789. x%X
  14790. Inc
  14791. user
  14792. data
  14793. ref
  14794. count
  14795. x%X
  14796. Create
  14797. user
  14798. rb
  14799. x%X
  14800. Destroy
  14801. user
  14802. rb
  14803. x%X
  14804. Create
  14805. rb
  14806. x%X
  14807. Destroy
  14808. rb
  14809. x%X
  14810. Phys_AddCacheImpulses
  14811. VehicleBuoyancy
  14812. update
  14813. phys_frame_advance
  14814. update
  14815. Physics
  14816. update
  14817. (obj=%d)
  14818. auto_rigid_body
  14819. Ragdoll_Update/XDoll_Update
  14820. physGlob
  14821. t
  14822. e
  14823. t
  14824. ke
  14825. ch
  14826. t
  14827. c_type
  14828. c_bone_name
  14829. c_bone_name
  14830. c_offsetX
  14831. c_offsetY
  14832. c_offsetZ
  14833. c_timeout
  14834. c_min_health
  14835. c_max_health
  14836. c_damp
  14837. c_power
  14838. c_spin_scale
  14839. c_shakescalex
  14840. c_shakescaley
  14841. c_shakescalez
  14842. c_min_angle
  14843. c_max_angle
  14844. c_yaw
  14845. c_pitch
  14846. c_type
  14847. c_bone_name
  14848. c_bone_name
  14849. c_offsetX
  14850. c_offsetY
  14851. c_offsetZ
  14852. c_timeout
  14853. c_min_health
  14854. c_max_health
  14855. c_damp
  14856. c_power
  14857. c_min_angle
  14858. c_max_angle
  14859. c_type
  14860. c_bone_name
  14861. c_bone_name
  14862. c_offsetX
  14863. c_offsetY
  14864. c_offsetZ
  14865. c_timeout
  14866. c_min_health
  14867. c_max_health
  14868. c_damp
  14869. c_power
  14870. c_min_angle
  14871. c_max_angle
  14872. c_type
  14873. c_bone_name
  14874. c_bone_name
  14875. c_offsetX
  14876. c_offsetY
  14877. c_offsetZ
  14878. c_timeout
  14879. c_min_health
  14880. c_max_health
  14881. c_damp
  14882. c_power
  14883. c_min_angle
  14884. c_max_angle
  14885. :
  14886. ]
  14887. i
  14888. %s
  14889. Rope_UpdateInternal
  14890. rope_update
  14891. wait
  14892. rope_update
  14893. Rope_Render
  14894. Rope_Trace
  14895. Rope_ReadGameState
  14896. parent
  14897. body_animate_jnt
  14898. findingContent
  14899. Z
  14900. dlctrial
  14901. edat
  14902. %s/%s
  14903. %s/%s/%s
  14904. pak
  14905. edat
  14906. dlc
  14907. seasonpass
  14908. mtx
  14909. dlc
  14910. dlczm
  14911. EnumerateContent
  14912. s
  14913. cellGameDataCheck
  14914. returned
  14915. x%x
  14916. /dev_hdd/game/%s/USRDIR
  14917. %s/license
  14918. edat
  14919. Checking
  14920. EDAT
  14921. %s
  14922. DLBLOPS
  14923. License
  14924. check
  14925. failed!
  14926. License
  14927. check
  14928. succeeded!
  14929. GameDiscInitThread
  14930. GameDiscErrorThread
  14931. cellGameBootCheck
  14932. failed:
  14933. x%x
  14934. TEST
  14935. FTCH
  14936. EBOOT
  14937. BIN
  14938. Couldn't
  14939. find
  14940. EBOOT
  14941. BIN,
  14942. disc
  14943. must
  14944. be
  14945. ejected
  14946. No
  14947. language
  14948. found,
  14949. you
  14950. probably
  14951. need
  14952. to
  14953. run
  14954. project_setup
  14955. bat
  14956. to
  14957. setup
  14958. junctions
  14959. %s/
  14960. Patch
  14961. boot
  14962. HDD
  14963. boot
  14964. Disc
  14965. boot
  14966. t_psf
  14967. self
  14968. tmp_psf
  14969. self
  14970. cellPadGetInfo:
  14971. abnormal
  14972. termination
  14973. gpad_button_deadzone
  14974. gpad_stick_deadzone_min
  14975. gpad_stick_deadzone_max
  14976. gpad_stick_pressed
  14977. gpad_stick_pressed_hysteresis
  14978. english
  14979. french
  14980. italian
  14981. german
  14982. spanish
  14983. russian
  14984. korean
  14985. polish
  14986. japanese
  14987. portuguese
  14988. mexicanspanish
  14989. austrian
  14990. fulljap
  14991. FTC
  14992. TEST
  14993. UP-BLUS_
  14994. UP-NPUB_
  14995. NPUB
  14996. BLUS
  14997. BLES
  14998. EP-BLES_
  14999. EP-NPEB_
  15000. NPEB
  15001. BLES
  15002. EP-BLES_
  15003. BLES
  15004. EP-BLES_
  15005. BLES
  15006. EP-BLES_
  15007. BLUS
  15008. UP-BLUS_
  15009. BLUS
  15010. UP-BLUS_
  15011. BLJM
  15012. JP-BLJM_
  15013. BLJM
  15014. JP-BLJM_
  15015. NPUB
  15016. NPUB
  15017. NPUB
  15018. NPEB
  15019. NPEB
  15020. NPEB
  15021. NPEB
  15022. Unsupported
  15023. title
  15024. id:
  15025. %s
  15027. wait
  15028. GameDiscInitThread
  15029. wait
  15030. RegisterTrophyContext
  15031. wait
  15032. InviteAcceptSave
  15033. wait
  15034. EnumerateContent
  15035. wait
  15036. WriteProfileSettings
  15037. Sys_Quit
  15038. done
  15039. Sys_Error:
  15040. %s
  15041. Out
  15042. of
  15043. memory
  15044. Launch
  15045. Block
  15046. Block
  15047. in_restart
  15048. Warning:
  15049. command
  15050. line
  15051. argument
  15052. max
  15053. length
  15054. exceeded
  15055. Hang
  15056. detected
  15057. hang
  15058. detect
  15059. Startup
  15060. text:%s
  15061. liblv
  15062. t
  15065. Sys_SendPacket:
  15066. bad
  15067. address
  15068. type
  15069. t
  15070. net_ip
  15071. net_port
  15072. Unable
  15073. to
  15074. get
  15075. our
  15076. online
  15077. address
  15078. information
  15081. -AUTO-
  15082. %s
  15083. —幕版)
  15084. Call
  15085. of
  15086. Duty®:
  15087. BlackOpsII
  15088. ©
  15089. Activision
  15090. Publishing,
  15091. Inc
  15092. signinbackground
  15096. savedata/ICON
  15097. PNG
  15098. install_finished
  15099. er
  15100. succeeded
  15101. update_percentage
  15102. copied
  15103. total
  15104. percentage
  15105. Call
  15106. of
  15107. Duty®:
  15108. Black
  15109. Ops
  15110. II
  15111. —幕版)
  15112. %s
  15114. Call
  15115. of
  15116. Duty®:
  15117. Black
  15118. Ops
  15119. II
  15120. ¹æ›¿ç‰ˆ)
  15121. %s
  15122. Call
  15123. of
  15124. Duty®:
  15125. Black
  15126. Ops
  15127. II
  15128. (%s)
  15129. %s
  15130. NG
  15131. %s/ICON
  15132. PNG
  15133. %s/%sinstall
  15134. ipak
  15135. %s/install
  15136. ipak
  15137. corrupt_install
  15138. ps_begin_install
  15139. onetimeinstallcorruptioncheck
  15140. INSTALL:
  15141. Checking
  15142. for
  15143. %s
  15144. %sinstall
  15145. /
  15146. %sinstall
  15147. ipak
  15148. Ä›¥ãS÷Ïuninitialized
  15149. idle
  15150. %s/data
  15151. cache
  15152. /dev_bdvd
  15153. /app_home
  15154. Error
  15155. loading
  15156. trophy
  15157. module
  15158. %X
  15159. RegisterTrophyContext
  15160. xt
  15161. UnlockTrophy
  15162. trophies
  15163. d
  15164. popup_chatrestricted
  15165. popup_chatrestrictedinvite
  15166. snapshot
  15167. nuge_physics
  15168. nuge_physics_collision
  15169. wait
  15170. nuge_physics
  15171. wait
  15172. nuge_physics_collision
  15173. setup_worker_threads
  15174. CM_LoadMap:
  15175. NULL
  15176. name
  15177. maps/%s
  15178. mapents
  15179. Cannot
  15180. unload
  15181. collision
  15182. while
  15183. it
  15184. is
  15185. in
  15186. use
  15187. ä
  15188. €$
  15189. €d
  15190. €¤
  15191. ۊ
  15192. $
  15193. d
  15194. ¤CM_Trace
  15195. CM_AreaEntities
  15196. pointtracestaticmodels
  15197. clipmoveentities
  15198. pointtraceentities
  15199. if
  15200. Unknown
  15201. command
  15202. "%s"
  15203. Cbuf_Execute
  15204. Missing
  15205. file
  15206. "%s"
  15207. cfg
  15208. cmdlist
  15209. exec
  15210. zm
  15211. dobjdump
  15212. xt
  15213. ev
  15214. mr
  15215. h
  15216. mlvl
  15217. sl
  15218. de
  15219. on
  15220. god
  15221. demigod
  15222. ufo
  15223. os
  15224. s
  15225. ai
  15226. e
  15227. if_sp
  15228. if_mp
  15229. Cannot
  15230. unload
  15231. world
  15232. while
  15233. it
  15234. is
  15235. in
  15236. use
  15237. %s
  15238. %s
  15239. %d
  15240. CL(%d)
  15241. %s
  15242. %s
  15243. %s
  15244. %s
  15245. %d
  15246. %s
  15247. %s
  15248. Call
  15249. of
  15250. Duty
  15251. Singleplayer
  15252. -
  15253. Ship
  15254. p
  15255. COD_T_S
  15256. SP
  15257. T
  15258. controller_used_start
  15259. er
  15260. controller_used_stop
  15261. Public
  15262. Match
  15263. Private
  15264. Match
  15265. Local
  15266. Splitscreen
  15267. Wager
  15268. Match
  15269. Basic
  15270. Training
  15271. Theater
  15272. League
  15273. Match
  15274. RTS
  15275. Could
  15276. not
  15277. load
  15278. %s
  15279. file
  15280. [%s]
  15281. File
  15282. [%s]
  15283. is
  15284. not
  15285. a
  15286. %s
  15287. file
  15288. File
  15289. [%s]
  15290. is
  15291. not
  15292. a
  15293. valid
  15294. %s
  15295. Com_GameMode_SetMode:
  15296. Can
  15297. not
  15298. set
  15299. the
  15300. mode
  15301. when
  15302. in
  15303. backup
  15304. block!
  15305. Com_SessionMode_ResetModes:
  15306. Can
  15307. not
  15308. reset
  15309. the
  15310. modes
  15311. when
  15312. in
  15313. backup
  15314. block!
  15316. Ülisten
  15317. server
  15318. dedicated
  15319. LAN
  15320. server
  15321. dedicated
  15322. internet
  15323. server
  15324. levels
  15325. mission_unlock_cheat
  15342. stream
  15343. end
  15344. need
  15345. dictionary
  15346. file
  15347. error
  15348. stream
  15349. error
  15350. data
  15351. error
  15352. out
  15353. of
  15354. memory
  15355. buf
  15356. error
  15357. version
  15358. error
  15359. parameter
  15360. error
  15361. IEND®B`‚
  15362. LiveAllocator
  15363. frontend
  15364. so_rts_
  15365. outro
  15366. map
  15367. frontend
  15369. loadGump
  15370. %s
  15371. %d
  15372. error
  15373. message
  15374. MENU_NOTICE
  15375. MENU_ERROR
  15376. %s
  15378. Com_Error
  15379. called
  15380. within
  15381. a
  15382. task
  15383. success/failure
  15384. callback
  15385. safe
  15386. dvar_restart
  15387. set
  15388. seta
  15389. %s
  15390. Com_ClientPacketEvent
  15391. Handle
  15392. loopback
  15393. messages
  15394. Handle
  15395. deferred
  15396. connectionless
  15397. NET_GetClientPacket
  15398. Com_ServerPacketEvent
  15399. Com_EventLoop
  15400. Com_EventLoop:
  15401. bad
  15402. event
  15403. type
  15404. %i
  15405. drop
  15406. Testing
  15407. drop
  15408. error
  15409. fatal
  15410. Testing
  15411. fatal
  15412. error
  15413. script
  15414. Testing
  15415. script
  15416. error
  15417. sys
  15418. Testing
  15419. Sys_Error
  15420. com_maxclients
  15421. com_freemoveScale
  15422. disconnected_ctrls
  15423. com_maxfps
  15424. grenade_indicators_enabled
  15425. throwback_enabled
  15426. disable_vcs
  15427. disable_vcs_viewmodel
  15428. vcs_timelimit
  15429. gts_validation_enabled
  15430. lui_checksum_enabled
  15431. lui_error_report
  15432. lui_error_report_delay
  15433. lui_timescale
  15434. lui_disable_blur
  15435. tu_restoreBlur
  15436. tu_luiCompleteAnimationFix
  15437. zombiemode_path_minz_bias
  15438. zombie_devgui
  15439. zombie_useOldPathFallback
  15440. zombie_double_wide_checks
  15441. spmode
  15442. onlinegame
  15443. xblive_rankedmatch
  15444. xblive_privatematch
  15445. sv_fakeServerLoad
  15446. sv_fakeServerLoadRand
  15447. sv_forceunranked
  15448. consoleGame
  15449. true
  15450. com_sku
  15451. psGame
  15452. developer
  15453. developer_script
  15454. logfile
  15455. com_statmon
  15456. com_timescale
  15457. timescale
  15458. fixedtime
  15459. fixedtime_float
  15460. long_blocking_call
  15461. sv_network_warning
  15462. cl_network_warning
  15463. sv_paused
  15464. cl_paused
  15465. useMapPreloading
  15466. useSvMapPreloading
  15467. sv_running
  15468. com_voip_resume_time
  15469. com_introPlayed
  15470. com_desiredMenu
  15471. hiDef
  15472. wideScreen
  15473. doublesided_raycasts
  15474. waitForStreamer
  15475. waitForInitial
  15476. ui_mapname
  15477. ui_gametype
  15478. ui_levelEra
  15479. ui_combatCurrScrollBarPos
  15480. ui_deadquote
  15481. ui_mapCount
  15482. ui_show_autosave_warning
  15483. ui_errorTitle
  15484. ui_errorMessage
  15485. ui_errorMessageDebug
  15486. ui_autoContinue
  15487. creditsScrollScale
  15488. ui_drawSpinnerAfterMovie
  15489. all_players_are_connected
  15490. scr_hostmigrationtest
  15491. quit_on_error
  15492. debug_show_viewpos
  15493. scr_wagerTier
  15494. scr_killcam
  15495. scr_numLives
  15496. debug_protocol
  15497. nextarena
  15498. ClickToContinue
  15499. demoname
  15500. createfx
  15501. saved_gameskill
  15502. war_sb
  15503. scr_allies
  15504. scr_axis
  15505. scr_wagerBet
  15506. miniscoreboardhide
  15507. war_a
  15508. war_b
  15509. war_c
  15510. war_d
  15511. war_e
  15512. band_demosystem
  15513. band_players
  15514. band_players
  15515. band_players
  15516. band_players
  15517. band_players
  15518. band_players
  15519. missingCommandWillError
  15520. exec
  15521. default_p
  15522. cfg
  15523. exec
  15524. default_p
  15525. cfg
  15526. exec
  15527. default
  15528. cfg
  15529. exec
  15530. language
  15531. cfg
  15532. exec
  15533. %s
  15534. exec
  15535. safemode
  15536. cfg
  15537. $init
  15538. scr_xpscale
  15539. scr_gunxpscale
  15540. scr_rankXpCap
  15541. scr_codpointsxpscale
  15542. scr_codpointsmatchscale
  15543. scr_codpointsperchallenge
  15544. scr_scorestreaks
  15545. scr_scorestreaks_maxstacking
  15546. scr_rampagebonusscale
  15547. scr_disableChallenges
  15548. scr_disableStatTracking
  15549. scr_disableSetDStat
  15550. error
  15551. crash
  15552. freeze
  15553. assert
  15554. ntpsync
  15555. quit
  15556. writeconfig
  15557. writekeyconfig
  15558. writedefaults
  15559. loadcommonff
  15560. checkforinvites
  15561. %s
  15562. %s
  15563. build
  15564. %s
  15565. %s
  15566. ps
  15567. version
  15568. shortversion
  15569. ui_saveandquit
  15570. ui_skipMainLockout
  15571. ui_dofrontendsave
  15572. Error
  15573. during
  15574. initialization:
  15575. %s
  15576. //
  15577. generated
  15578. by
  15579. Call
  15580. of
  15581. Duty,
  15582. do
  15583. not
  15584. modify
  15585. unbindall
  15586. cfg
  15587. code_warning_file
  15588. code_warning_fps
  15589. Com_Frame
  15590. SV
  15591. frame
  15592. level_dependencies
  15593. csv
  15594. level_dependency_info
  15595. weapons!%s%s
  15596. _sp
  15597. ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÍ%
  15598. *f
  15599. []
  15600. %c%s%c%s
  15601. %c%s%c
  15602. m
  15603. dlc
  15604. dlc
  15605. dlc
  15606. dlc
  15607. dlc
  15608. textures
  15609. ss
  15610. %s
  15611. edat
  15612. tu_mtx_enabled
  15613. content_trialcontentpackbits
  15614. No
  15615. free
  15616. DObjs
  15617. uf
  15618. U
  15619. T
  15620. V
  15621. %s
  15622. %s
  15623. %s
  15624. %s
  15625. %s
  15626. %s
  15627. %s
  15628. %s
  15629. %s
  15630. %i
  15631. cl_cdkey
  15632. seta
  15633. %s
  15634. "%s"
  15635. set
  15636. %s
  15637. "%s"
  15638. %s
  15639. "%s"
  15640. --
  15641. latched
  15642. "%s"
  15643. %s
  15644. "%s"
  15645. %i
  15646. total
  15647. dvars
  15648. %i
  15649. dvar
  15650. indexes
  15651. name
  15652. clanAbbrev
  15653. xuid
  15654. natType
  15655. npid
  15656. toggle
  15657. togglep
  15658. set
  15659. seta
  15660. setdvartotime
  15661. reset
  15662. dvarlist
  15663. dvardump
  15664. dvarAddConfigFlag
  15665. restoreDvars
  15666. dvarListByCount
  15667. dvarlist_saved
  15668. maps/mp/
  15669. bsp
  15670. GraphFloat_ParseBuffer:
  15671. File
  15672. [%s]
  15673. has
  15674. too
  15675. many
  15676. knots
  15677. Max
  15678. is
  15679. [%d]
  15680. GraphFloat_ParseBuffer:
  15681. Error
  15682. parsing
  15683. graph
  15684. file
  15685. [%s]
  15686. graph
  15688. GLOBAL
  15689. ¦,
  15690. ¦
  15691. ¦
  15692. ¦
  15693. ¦
  15694. ¦
  15695. ¦
  15696. ¦
  15697. ¦|
  15698. ¦t
  15699. ¦¦l
  15700. ¦¦¦¦d
  15701. x
  15702. client
  15703. client
  15704. client
  15705. client
  15706. er
  15707. loopback
  15708. %i
  15709. %i
  15710. %i
  15711. %i:%i(%d)
  15712. %i
  15713. deferred
  15714. nonVoiceDeferred
  15715. netqueue
  15716. net_dumpprofile
  15717. Netchan_Transmit:
  15718. length
  15719. =
  15720. %i
  15721. Netchan_Process
  15722. t
  15723. :
  15724. %x%x
  15725. %x%x
  15726. %lli
  15727. %x
  15728. %x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x
  15729. %x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x
  15730. x
  15731. Stream_Update
  15732. No
  15733. more
  15734. free
  15735. path
  15736. items
  15737. in
  15738. PatchItem_New
  15739. s
  15740. %s
  15741. À
  15742. pos
  15743. trType
  15744. lerp
  15745. u
  15746. anonymous
  15747. data[]
  15748. lerp
  15749. pos
  15750. trDelta[]
  15751. lerp
  15752. pos
  15753. trTime
  15754. surfType
  15755. lerp
  15756. pos
  15757. trDelta[]
  15758. lerp
  15759. pos
  15760. trDelta[]
  15761. weapon
  15762. lerp
  15763. apos
  15764. trBase[]
  15765. groundEntityNum
  15766. lerp
  15767. apos
  15768. trBase[]
  15769. lerp
  15770. apos
  15771. trType
  15772. solid
  15773. lerp
  15774. apos
  15775. trBase[]
  15776. lerp
  15777. u
  15778. anonymous
  15779. data[]
  15780. events[]
  15781. eventParms[]
  15782. lerp
  15783. u
  15784. anonymous
  15785. data[]
  15786. lerp
  15787. u
  15788. anonymous
  15789. data[]
  15790. index
  15791. events[]
  15792. un
  15793. enemyModel
  15794. animtreeIndex
  15795. eventParms[]
  15796. un
  15797. lerp
  15798. u
  15799. anonymous
  15800. data[]
  15801. events[]
  15802. lerp
  15803. apos
  15804. trTime
  15805. lerp
  15806. apos
  15807. trDelta[]
  15808. un
  15809. anim
  15810. legsAnim
  15811. time
  15812. eventParms[]
  15813. clientNum
  15814. lerp
  15815. u
  15816. anonymous
  15817. data[]
  15818. lerp
  15819. u
  15820. anonymous
  15821. data[]
  15822. weaponModel
  15823. renderOptions
  15824. targetname
  15825. eventParm
  15826. lerp
  15827. apos
  15828. trDelta[]
  15829. lerp
  15830. pos
  15831. trDuration
  15832. lerp
  15833. apos
  15834. trDelta[]
  15835. un
  15836. anim
  15837. fWaistPitch
  15838. un
  15839. anim
  15840. fTorsoPitch
  15841. lerp
  15842. apos
  15843. trDuration
  15844. un
  15845. anim
  15846. torsoAnim
  15847. loopSoundId
  15848. loopSoundFade
  15849. otherEntityNum
  15850. attackerEntityNum
  15851. lerp
  15852. u
  15853. anonymous
  15854. data[]
  15855. lerp
  15856. faction
  15857. partBits[]
  15858. partBits[]
  15859. partBits[]
  15860. partBits[]
  15861. partBits[]
  15862. lerp
  15863. u
  15864. turret
  15865. gunAngles[]
  15866. lerp
  15867. u
  15868. turret
  15869. gunAngles[]
  15870. lerp
  15871. u
  15872. turret
  15873. gunAngles[]
  15874. lerp
  15875. u
  15876. turret
  15877. heatVal
  15878. lerp
  15879. u
  15880. turret
  15881. overheating
  15882. lerp
  15883. u
  15884. turret
  15885. flags
  15886. lerp
  15887. u
  15888. primaryLight
  15889. intensity
  15890. lerp
  15891. u
  15892. primaryLight
  15893. radius
  15894. lerp
  15895. u
  15896. primaryLight
  15897. colorAndExp
  15898. lerp
  15899. u
  15900. primaryLight
  15901. cosHalfFovInner
  15902. lerp
  15903. u
  15904. primaryLight
  15905. cosHalfFovOuter
  15906. lerp
  15907. u
  15908. player
  15909. movementDir
  15910. lerp
  15911. u
  15912. player
  15913. moveType
  15914. lerp
  15915. u
  15916. player
  15917. primaryWeapon
  15918. lerp
  15919. u
  15920. player
  15921. stowedWeapon
  15922. lerp
  15923. u
  15924. player
  15925. meleeWeapon
  15926. lerp
  15927. u
  15928. player
  15929. offhandWeapon
  15930. lerp
  15931. u
  15932. player
  15933. proneLegsAngle
  15934. lerp
  15935. u
  15936. player
  15937. meleeWeaponModel
  15938. lastStandPrevWeapon
  15939. lerp
  15940. u
  15941. player
  15942. vehicleType
  15943. lerp
  15944. u
  15945. player
  15946. vehicleAnimBoneIndex
  15947. lerp
  15948. u
  15949. player
  15950. vehicleSeat
  15951. lerp
  15952. u
  15953. player
  15954. leanf
  15955. lerp
  15956. u
  15957. actor
  15958. proneInfo
  15959. fBodyPitch
  15960. lerp
  15961. u
  15962. actor
  15963. index
  15964. actorNum
  15965. lerp
  15966. u
  15967. actor
  15968. species
  15969. lerp
  15970. u
  15971. actor
  15972. weaponHeat
  15973. lerp
  15974. u
  15975. actor
  15976. ikPriority
  15977. lerp
  15978. u
  15979. actor
  15980. aiType
  15981. lerp
  15982. u
  15983. actor
  15984. index
  15985. corpseNum
  15986. un
  15987. vehicleState
  15988. flags
  15989. lerp
  15990. u
  15991. vehicle
  15992. gunYaw
  15993. lerp
  15994. u
  15995. vehicle
  15996. gunPitch
  15997. lerp
  15998. u
  15999. vehicle
  16000. gunnerAngles[]
  16001. pitch
  16002. lerp
  16003. u
  16004. vehicle
  16005. gunnerAngles[]
  16006. yaw
  16007. lerp
  16008. u
  16009. vehicle
  16010. gunnerAngles[]
  16011. pitch
  16012. lerp
  16013. u
  16014. vehicle
  16015. gunnerAngles[]
  16016. yaw
  16017. lerp
  16018. u
  16019. vehicle
  16020. gunnerAngles[]
  16021. yaw
  16022. lerp
  16023. u
  16024. vehicle
  16025. gunnerAngles[]
  16026. pitch
  16027. lerp
  16028. u
  16029. vehicle
  16030. steerYaw
  16031. lerp
  16032. u
  16033. vehicle
  16034. gunnerAngles[]
  16035. yaw
  16036. lerp
  16037. u
  16038. vehicle
  16039. gunnerAngles[]
  16040. pitch
  16041. lerp
  16042. u
  16043. vehicle
  16044. bodyPitch
  16045. lerp
  16046. u
  16047. vehicle
  16048. bodyRoll
  16049. lerp
  16050. u
  16051. vehicle
  16052. targetRotorSpeed
  16053. lerp
  16054. gpr
  16055. un
  16056. vehicleState
  16057. vehicleDefIndex
  16058. un
  16059. vehicleState
  16060. attachModelIndex[]
  16061. un
  16062. vehicleState
  16063. attachTagIndex[]
  16064. un
  16065. vehicleState
  16066. attachModelIndex[]
  16067. un
  16068. vehicleState
  16069. attachTagIndex[]
  16070. lerp
  16071. faction
  16072. teamAndOwnerIndex
  16073. lerp
  16074. u
  16075. vehicle
  16076. throttle
  16077. lerp
  16078. u
  16079. scriptMover
  16080. animScriptedAnim
  16081. lerp
  16082. u
  16083. scriptMover
  16084. animScriptedAnimTime
  16085. lerp
  16086. u
  16087. scriptMover
  16088. attachModelIndex[]
  16089. lerp
  16090. u
  16091. scriptMover
  16092. attachTagIndex[]
  16093. lerp
  16094. u
  16095. scriptMover
  16096. attachModelIndex[]
  16097. lerp
  16098. u
  16099. scriptMover
  16100. attachModelIndex[]
  16101. lerp
  16102. u
  16103. scriptMover
  16104. attachedEntNum
  16105. lerp
  16106. u
  16107. scriptMover
  16108. attachedEntTime
  16109. lerp
  16110. u
  16111. scriptMover
  16112. attachedTagIndex
  16113. lerp
  16114. u
  16115. scriptMover
  16116. attachModelIndex[]
  16117. lerp
  16118. u
  16119. scriptMover
  16120. attachTagIndex[]
  16121. lerp
  16122. u
  16123. scriptMover
  16124. attachTagIndex[]
  16125. lerp
  16126. u
  16127. scriptMover
  16128. exploderIndex
  16129. lerp
  16130. u
  16131. scriptMover
  16132. attachTagIndex[]
  16133. lerp
  16134. u
  16135. scriptMover
  16136. scale
  16137. lerp
  16138. u
  16139. scriptMover
  16140. aiType
  16141. un
  16142. fx
  16143. primaryLightFraction
  16144. un
  16145. fx
  16146. lightingOriginOffset
  16147. lerp
  16148. u
  16149. loopFx
  16150. period
  16151. lerp
  16152. u
  16153. loopFx
  16154. cullDist
  16155. lerp
  16156. u
  16157. missile
  16158. launchTime
  16159. lerp
  16160. u
  16161. missile
  16162. fuseTime
  16163. lerp
  16164. u
  16165. missile
  16166. parentClientNum
  16167. lerp
  16168. u
  16169. zbarrier
  16170. pieces[]
  16171. animTime
  16172. lerp
  16173. u
  16174. zbarrier
  16175. pieces[]
  16176. flags
  16177. lerp
  16178. u
  16179. zbarrier
  16180. pieces[]
  16181. animTime
  16182. lerp
  16183. u
  16184. zbarrier
  16185. pieces[]
  16186. flags
  16187. lerp
  16188. u
  16189. zbarrier
  16190. pieces[]
  16191. animTime
  16192. lerp
  16193. u
  16194. zbarrier
  16195. pieces[]
  16196. flags
  16197. lerp
  16198. u
  16199. zbarrier
  16200. pieces[]
  16201. animTime
  16202. lerp
  16203. u
  16204. zbarrier
  16205. pieces[]
  16206. flags
  16207. lerp
  16208. u
  16209. zbarrier
  16210. pieces[]
  16211. animTime
  16212. lerp
  16213. u
  16214. zbarrier
  16215. pieces[]
  16216. flags
  16217. lerp
  16218. u
  16219. zbarrier
  16220. pieces[]
  16221. animTime
  16222. lerp
  16223. u
  16224. zbarrier
  16225. pieces[]
  16226. flags
  16227. lerp
  16228. u
  16229. zbarrier
  16230. barrierTypeIndex
  16231. absmin[]
  16232. absmax[]
  16233. absmin[]
  16234. absmax[]
  16235. absmax[]
  16236. absmin[]
  16237. svFlags
  16238. clientMask[]
  16239. v
  16240. ô
  16241. v
  16242. lastDamageTime
  16243. attachedEntNum
  16244. name[]
  16245. team
  16246. name[]
  16247. attachModelIndex[]
  16248. name[]
  16249. voiceConnectivityBits
  16250. attachedTagIndex
  16251. attachModelIndex[]
  16252. attachModelIndex[]
  16253. modelindex
  16254. rank
  16255. prestige
  16256. perks[]
  16257. perks[]
  16258. clanAbbrev[]
  16259. name[]
  16260. maxSprintTimeMultiplier
  16261. vehAnimState
  16262. name[]
  16263. name[]
  16264. name[]
  16265. name[]
  16266. clanAbbrev[]
  16267. attachTagIndex[]
  16268. attachTagIndex[]
  16269. attachTagIndex[]
  16270. attachTagIndex[]
  16271. attachTagIndex[]
  16272. attachTagIndex[]
  16273. attachModelIndex[]
  16274. attachModelIndex[]
  16275. attachModelIndex[]
  16276. lastStandStartTime
  16277. beingRevived
  16278. xuid[]
  16279. xuid[]
  16280. score
  16281. score
  16282. score
  16283. ping
  16284. score
  16285. kills
  16286. score
  16287. assists
  16288. score
  16289. status_icon
  16290. score
  16291. place
  16292. score
  16293. downs
  16294. score
  16295. revives
  16296. score
  16297. headshots
  16298. score
  16299. scoreMultiplier
  16300. clientUIVisibilityFlags
  16301. v
  16302. \
  16303. <
  16304. ÿÿÿŸ
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  16321. Ì
  16322. v
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  16352. v
  16353. ´
  16354. d
  16355. v
  16356. Ä
  16357. h
  16358. v
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  16360. l
  16361. v
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  16363. Œ
  16364. v
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  16369. $
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  16371. v
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  16373. ,
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  16380. œ
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  16384. Ì
  16385. @
  16386. ÿÿÿŸ
  16387. v
  16388. ä
  16389. D
  16390. v
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  16401. v
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  16405. °
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  16409. l
  16410. ¤
  16411. v
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  16417. v
  16418. œ
  16419. Ð
  16420. v
  16421. ¬
  16422. Ô
  16423. v
  16424. Ä
  16425. Ü
  16426. entityNum
  16427. attachedEntTime
  16428. animScriptedAnim
  16429. animScriptedAnimTime
  16430. lookAtEntNum
  16431. lookAtPos[]
  16432. lookAtPos[]
  16433. lookAtPos[]
  16434. lookAtAiming
  16435. hudwarningType
  16436. attachIgnoreCollision
  16437. cmdTime
  16438. weight
  16439. cmdSequence
  16440. animIndex
  16441. entNum
  16442. flags
  16443. time
  16444. cmdType
  16445. rootAnimIndex
  16446. rate
  16447. v
  16448. x
  16449. ÿÿÿ
  16450. v
  16451. ÿÿÿ¬
  16452. v
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  16466. v
  16467. È
  16468. v
  16469. Ø
  16470. ÿÿÿ®
  16471. commandTime
  16472. origin[]
  16473. origin[]
  16474. origin[]
  16475. bobCycle
  16476. velocity[]
  16477. velocity[]
  16478. movementDir
  16479. velocity[]
  16480. weaponTime
  16481. weaponTimeLeft
  16482. weaponIdleTime
  16483. predictableEventSequence
  16484. unpredictableEventSequence
  16485. predictableEventSequenceOld
  16486. unpredictableEventSequenceOld
  16487. torsoTimer
  16488. dofFarEnd
  16489. aimSpreadScale
  16490. dofFarStart
  16491. dofNearEnd
  16492. legsAnim
  16493. weaponDelay
  16494. weapAnim
  16495. weapAnimLeft
  16496. pm_flags
  16497. weaponstate
  16498. weaponstateLeft
  16499. fWeaponPosFrac
  16500. dofFarBlur
  16501. dofNearBlur
  16502. damageTimer
  16503. pm_time
  16504. weapFlags
  16505. weapLockFlags
  16506. weapLockedEntnum
  16507. eFlags
  16508. predictableEvents[]
  16509. predictableEvents[]
  16510. predictableEvents[]
  16511. predictableEvents[]
  16512. predictableEventParms[]
  16513. predictableEventParms[]
  16514. predictableEventParms[]
  16515. predictableEventParms[]
  16516. unpredictableEvents[]
  16517. unpredictableEvents[]
  16518. unpredictableEvents[]
  16519. unpredictableEvents[]
  16520. unpredictableEventParms[]
  16521. unpredictableEventParms[]
  16522. unpredictableEventParms[]
  16523. unpredictableEventParms[]
  16524. moveType
  16525. legsTimer
  16526. viewangles[]
  16527. viewangles[]
  16528. fWaistPitch
  16529. fTorsoPitch
  16530. viewHeightCurrent
  16531. proneTorsoPitch
  16532. viewangles[]
  16533. torsoAnim
  16534. weaponShotCount
  16535. weaponShotCountLeft
  16536. viewAngleClampBase[]
  16537. delta_angles[]
  16538. viewAngleClampBase[]
  16539. delta_angles[]
  16540. moverEntityNum
  16541. moverTimestamp
  16542. viewHeightLerpTime
  16543. proneDirectionPitch
  16544. linkAngles[]
  16545. adsDelayTime
  16546. dofNearStart
  16547. proneDirection
  16548. linkAngles[]
  16549. linkAngles[]
  16550. remoteEyesEnt
  16551. remoteEyesTagname
  16552. damageCount
  16553. cursorHintEntIndex
  16554. cursorHintWeapon
  16555. cursorHint
  16556. viewHeightTarget
  16557. damageEvent
  16558. viewHeightLerpTarget
  16559. grenadeTimeLeft
  16560. moveSpeedScaleMultiplier
  16561. damageYaw
  16562. viewHeightLerpDown
  16563. damagePitch
  16564. eFlags
  16565. groundTiltAngles[]
  16566. stowedWeapon
  16567. lastWeaponAltModeSwitch
  16568. meleeWeapon
  16569. delta_angles[]
  16570. groundTiltAngles[]
  16571. groundTiltAngles[]
  16572. viewlocked
  16573. jumpOriginZ
  16574. dmgDirection
  16575. dmgType
  16576. jumpTime
  16577. slideTime
  16578. throwBackGrenadeTimeLeft
  16579. holdBreathScale
  16580. pm_type
  16581. cursorHintString
  16582. mantleState
  16583. timer
  16584. weaponRestrictKickTime
  16585. sprintState
  16586. lastSprintEnd
  16587. lastDtpEnd
  16588. sprintState
  16589. lastSprintStart
  16590. offHandWeapon
  16591. throwBackGrenadeOwner
  16592. mantleState
  16593. flags
  16594. shellshockTime
  16595. viewlocked_entNum
  16596. shellshockDuration
  16597. sprintState
  16598. sprintStartMaxLength
  16599. shellshockIndex
  16600. otherFlags
  16601. damageDuration
  16602. actionSlotType[]
  16603. speed
  16604. gravity
  16605. holdBreathTimer
  16606. corpseIndex
  16607. viewAngleClampRange[]
  16608. viewAngleClampRange[]
  16609. mantleState
  16610. transIndex
  16611. mantleState
  16612. yaw
  16613. meleeChargeYaw
  16614. meleeChargeDist
  16615. foliageSoundTime
  16616. sprintState
  16617. sprintDelay
  16618. sprintState
  16619. sprintButtonUpRequired
  16620. actionSlotParam[]
  16621. actionSlotType[]
  16622. vehiclePos
  16623. vehicleAnimBoneIndex
  16624. vehicleAnimStage
  16625. vehicleEntryPoint
  16626. vLadderVec[]
  16627. linkFlags
  16628. vLadderVec[]
  16629. viewmodelIndex
  16630. vehicleType
  16631. vLadderVec[]
  16632. poisoned
  16633. vehicleDefIndex
  16634. binoculars
  16635. visionSetLerpRatio
  16636. actionSlotType[]
  16637. offhandSecondary
  16638. offhandPrimary
  16639. spyplaneTypeEnabled
  16640. satelliteTypeEnabled
  16641. actionSlotParam[]
  16642. deltaTime
  16643. locationSelectionInfo
  16644. locationSelectionType
  16645. iCompassPlayerInfo
  16646. actionSlotType[]
  16647. spreadOverride
  16648. spreadOverrideState
  16649. actionSlotParam[]
  16650. actionSlotParam[]
  16651. dofViewmodelStart
  16652. dofViewmodelEnd
  16653. weaponSpinLerp
  16654. scriptedAnim
  16655. adsZoomSelect
  16656. adsZoomLatchState
  16657. bThirdPerson
  16658. leanf
  16659. chargeShotTimer
  16660. chargeShotLevel
  16661. shotsFiredFromChamber
  16662. size[]
  16663. size[]
  16664. icon
  16665. teamNum
  16666. uidWindow
  16667. color
  16668. rgba
  16669. fadeStartTime
  16670. fadeTime
  16671. fromColor
  16672. rgba
  16673. fontScale
  16674. type
  16675. alignScreen
  16676. targetEntNum
  16677. alignOrg
  16678. y
  16679. materialIndex
  16680. width
  16681. height
  16682. text
  16683. font
  16684. glowColor
  16685. rgba
  16686. sort
  16687. x
  16688. scaleStartTime
  16689. scaleTime
  16690. fromWidth
  16691. fromHeight
  16692. z
  16693. value
  16694. offscreenMaterialIdx
  16695. fxBirthTime
  16696. soundID
  16697. fxLetterTime
  16698. fxDecayStartTime
  16699. fxDecayDuration
  16700. fxRedactDecayStartTime
  16701. fxRedactDecayDuration
  16702. label
  16703. fontScaleStartTime
  16704. fontScaleTime
  16705. fromFontScale
  16706. moveStartTime
  16707. moveTime
  16708. fromX
  16709. fromY
  16710. fromAlignScreen
  16711. fromAlignOrg
  16712. duration
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  16902. +O
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  17023. ´
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  17028. ³ØÀ
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  17044. v
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  17047. #
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  17049. à
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  17054. v+h
  17055. v
  17056. D
  17057. M
  17058. i
  17059. :
  17060. bit
  17061. (inc)
  17062. )
  17063. Main
  17064. Backend
  17065. jq
  17066. secondary
  17067. Server
  17068. Database
  17069. DebugServiceJQ
  17070. Stream
  17071. Sound
  17072. Mix
  17073. Syscache
  17074. WebM
  17075. Decode
  17076. Yuv
  17077. Capture
  17078. WebM
  17079. Encode
  17080. IO
  17081. Stream
  17082. WebM
  17083. http
  17084. work
  17085. thread
  17086. Sys_Sleep
  17087. Sys_Wait
  17088. Could
  17089. not
  17090. create
  17091. thread
  17092. %s
  17093. because
  17094. %x
  17095. frontend
  17096. sleep
  17097. Sys_WaitRenderer()
  17098. sleep
  17099. server
  17100. Sys_GumpLoaded
  17101. set
  17102. gumpLoadedEvent
  17103. Sys_GumpFlushed
  17104. set
  17105. gumpFlushedEvent
  17106. wait
  17107. snapshot
  17108. finish
  17109. renderer
  17110. Sys_WaitAllowServerNetworkLoop
  17111. on
  17112. n
  17113. TL_MemAlloc
  17114. support
  17115. none
  17116. ragdoll_debug
  17117. ragdoll_fps
  17118. ragdoll_max_life
  17119. ragdoll_explode_force
  17120. ragdoll_explode_upbias
  17121. ragdoll_bullet_force
  17122. ragdoll_bullet_upbias
  17123. ragdoll_baselerp_time
  17124. ragdoll_jointlerp_time
  17125. ragdoll_rotvel_scale
  17126. ragdoll_jitter_scale
  17127. ragdoll_self_collision_scale
  17128. ragdoll_reactivation_cutoff
  17129. exec
  17130. ragdoll
  17131. cfg
  17132. x
  17133. y
  17134. z
  17135. n
  17136. box
  17137. brushmodel
  17138. brush
  17139. cyl
  17140. cap
  17141. none
  17142. hinge
  17143. swivel
  17144. ragdoll_clear
  17145. ragdoll_bone
  17146. ragdoll_baselerp_bone
  17147. ragdoll_pin_bone
  17148. ragdoll_joint
  17149. ragdoll_limit
  17150. ragdoll_selfpair
  17151. ragdoll_bone
  17152. save_device_selected
  17153. er
  17154. update_sv_savegameavailable
  17155. select_save_device
  17156. force_select_save_device
  17157. scriptUsage
  17158. stringUsage
  17159. devsave
  17160. savegame_lastcommit
  17161. `
  17162. h
  17163. h
  17164. h
  17165. h
  17166. `
  17167. `
  17168. h
  17169. h
  17170. h
  17171. h
  17172. h
  17173. `statresponse
  17174. %lld
  17175. %c
  17176. SV_SvEntityForGentity:
  17177. bad
  17178. gEnt
  17179. %d
  17180. %s
  17181. %i
  17182. SV_ShutdownGameVM
  17183. ED
  17184. e
  17185. %i
  17186. ts
  17187. minPing
  17188. maxPing
  17189. ff
  17190. kc
  17191. hw
  17192. ey
  17193. d
  17194. infoResponse
  17196. ct
  17198. %c
  17199. %d
  17200. %s
  17201. SV_TracePoint
  17202. SV_TraceCapsule
  17203. SV_SightTrace
  17204. SV_SightTracePoint
  17205. G_TraceCapsule
  17206. ˆ
  17207. ˆ
  17208. ˆ
  17209. ˆ
  17210. ˆ
  17211. ˆ
  17212. ˆ
  17213. ˆ
  17214. ˆ
  17215. ‡ü
  17216. ‡ü
  17217. ˆ
  17218. ‡üenglish
  17219. en_
  17220. french
  17221. fr_
  17222. frenchcan
  17223. fc_
  17224. german
  17225. ge_
  17226. austrian
  17227. as_
  17228. italian
  17229. it_
  17230. spanish
  17231. sp_
  17232. british
  17233. br_
  17234. russian
  17235. ru_
  17236. polish
  17237. po_
  17238. korean
  17239. ko_
  17240. japanese
  17241. ja_
  17242. czech
  17243. cz_
  17244. fulljap
  17245. fj_
  17246. portuguese
  17247. bp_
  17248. mexicanspanish
  17249. ms_
  17250. language
  17251. loc_language
  17252. loc_forceEnglish
  17253. loc_warnings
  17254. loc_warningsAsErrors
  17255. Could
  17256. not
  17257. translate
  17258. exe
  17259. string
  17260. "%s"
  17261. ^UNLOCALIZED(^
  17262. ^)^
  17263. Could
  17264. not
  17265. translate
  17266. part
  17267. of
  17268. %s:
  17269. "%s"
  17270. ^UNLOCALIZED(^%s^)^
  17271. %s
  17272. :
  17273. %s(%s)
  17274. KEY_UNBOUND
  17275. [{
  17276. }]
  17277. %s
  17278. too
  17279. long
  17280. when
  17281. translated:
  17282. "%s"
  17283. &&
  17284. mis_cheat
  17285. menu
  17286. prompt
  17288. ð
  17289. ¢T
  17290. ¢T
  17291. ¢T
  17292. ¢T
  17293. ¡,
  17294. ¢T
  17295. ¢T
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  17297. ¢T
  17298. ¢T
  17299. ¡
  17300. §\
  17301. £Ø
  17302. ©¼
  17303. ©¼
  17304. ©¼
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  17306. §
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  17311. ©¼
  17312. ¦
  17313. ¤Ð
  17314. ¥
  17315. ¥
  17316. ¥Œ
  17317. ¥ì
  17318. ¨ô
  17319. ¨ô
  17320. ©
  17321. ©
  17322. ©
  17323. ©lcom_maxclients
  17324. ping
  17325. addr
  17326. hostname
  17327. mapname
  17328. %s
  17329. (%s)
  17330. clients
  17331. gametype
  17332. ?
  17333. Dt
  17334. ui_button_ps_o_x
  17335. ui_button_ps_x_x
  17336. action
  17337. dynamic_menu_feeder
  17338. count
  17339. selection
  17340. zom
  17341. ui_friendsListOpen
  17342. ui_playerListOpen
  17343. ui_playercardOpen
  17344. ÒÔ
  17345. ÒÜ
  17346. ÒØ
  17347. ÒÜ
  17348. ÒØ
  17349. ÒØ
  17350. ÒÜ
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  17370. Ó\
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  17373. Ó\
  17374. Ó\
  17375. Ó\menu
  17376. prompt
  17377. ()<@,;:\"[]
  17381. ui_keyboard_input
  17382. type
  17383. input
  17384. %i
  17385. %g
  17386. ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÍ
  17387. Ô
  17388. @
  17389. è
  17390. L
  17391. œ
  17392. °
  17393. x
  17394. ",
  17395. !d
  17396. $
  17397. %
  17398. (*Ø
  17399. )H
  17400. *
  17401. +T
  17402. /x
  17403. +h
  17404. ,
  17405. @
  17406. h
  17407. h
  17408. h
  17409. h
  17410. <T
  17411. <X
  17412. U
  17413. Tx
  17414. TTŒ
  17415. U
  17416. i@
  17417. j
  17418. jØÂ
  17431. frontend
  17432. angola_
  17433. karma_
  17434. la_b
  17435. la_
  17436. pakistan_
  17437. pakistan_
  17438. panama_
  17439. panama_
  17440. ui_animSpeedScale
  17441. ui_customModeName
  17442. ui_customModeEditName
  17443. ui_customModeDesc
  17444. ui_customModeEditDesc
  17445. ui_playlistPopulationRefreshTime
  17446. tu__matchRatingSampleChance
  17447. ui_netSource
  17448. ui_lastServerRefresh_
  17449. ui_lastServerRefresh_
  17450. ui_lastServerRefresh_
  17451. ui_lastServerRefresh_
  17452. ui_lastServerRefresh_
  17453. ui_smallFont
  17454. ui_bigFont
  17455. ui_language
  17456. ui_languagechanged
  17457. ui_currentMap
  17458. ui_preview
  17459. ui_preview_map
  17460. ui_mapPackChanged
  17461. ui_load_index
  17462. ui_prevTextEntryBox
  17463. ui_ignoreMousePos
  17464. ui_favoriteAddress
  17465. ui_favoriteName
  17466. ui_drawBuildNumber
  17467. ui_gametype_text
  17468. ui_demoname
  17469. ui_serverStatusTimeOut
  17470. ui_menuLvlNotify
  17471. selectedFriendName
  17472. selectedFriendIndex
  17473. selectedGroupIndex
  17474. selectedPlayerXuid
  17475. selectedMenuItemIndex
  17476. highlightedPlayerName
  17477. splitscreen_lobbyPlayerCount
  17478. splitscreen_partyPlayerCount
  17479. tickerHeaderWidth
  17480. ui_showDLCMaps
  17481. ui_showBryceMagic
  17482. ui_scrollTextYOffset
  17483. ui_scrollTextScrollRate
  17484. ui_scrollTextYOffsetResetDelay
  17485. ui_scrollTextDelay
  17486. ui_scrollMOTDYOffset
  17487. ui_MOTDScrollRate
  17488. ui_scrollMOTDDelay
  17489. ui_scrollMOTDYOffsetResetDelay
  17490. ui_partyFull
  17491. ui_borderLowLightScale
  17492. ui_ethernetLinkActive
  17493. ui_lobbypopup
  17494. none
  17495. ui_listboxIndex
  17496. ls_status
  17497. ui_favorite_message
  17498. ui_keyboardtitle
  17499. ui_keyboard_dvar_edit
  17500. ls_demoauthor
  17501. scr_hardcore
  17502. ui_splitscreen
  17503. ui_choice_noaction
  17504. ui_hud_showobjicons
  17505. ui_hud_obituaries
  17506. g_FactionName_Axis
  17507. g_FactionName_Allies
  17508. ui_keyboard_dvar_new
  17509. ui_display_aar
  17510. ui_specops
  17511. ui_hideminimap
  17512. ui_readingSaveDevice
  17513. ui_fxFontColor
  17514. ui_fxFontGlowColor
  17515. ui_fxFontShadowColor
  17516. ui_fxFontOutlineColor
  17517. ui_drawOldUI
  17518. tu_allowDLCWeaponsByOwnership
  17519. ui_loadscreenTimeout
  17520. white
  17521. menu_mp_lobby_scrollbar_main
  17522. ui_scrollbar_arrow_left
  17523. ui_scrollbar_arrow_right
  17524. menu_mp_lobby_scrollbar_block
  17525. ui_arrow_right
  17526. ui_arrow_left
  17527. consoleFont
  17528. normalfont
  17529. fonts/distfont
  17530. bigfont
  17531. smallfont
  17532. boldfont
  17533. extrabigfont
  17534. extrasmallfont
  17535. %s%s%d
  17536. %d
  17537. %d
  17538. ui/scriptmenus/
  17539. menu
  17540. Could
  17541. not
  17542. translate
  17543. string
  17544. "%s"
  17545. ^UNLOCALIZED(^
  17546. ^)^
  17547. openMenuOnDvar
  17548. closeMenuOnDvar
  17549. sp/matureContentTable
  17550. csv
  17551. briefing_setmaturefilter
  17552. xstart
  17553. xend
  17554. ystart
  17555. yend
  17556. Quit
  17557. quit
  17558. RefreshServers
  17559. RefreshFilter
  17560. UpdateFilter
  17561. Controls
  17562. setup_menu
  17563. Leave
  17564. disconnect
  17565. main
  17566. ServerSort
  17567. closeingame
  17568. voteKick
  17569. callvote
  17570. kick
  17571. "%s"
  17572. voteTempBan
  17573. callvote
  17574. tempBanUser
  17575. "%s"
  17576. startSingleplayer
  17577. startSingleplayer
  17578. startMultiplayer
  17579. startMultiplayer
  17580. startZombies
  17581. startZombies
  17582. getLanguage
  17583. verifyLanguage
  17584. openMenuOnDvarNot
  17585. closeMenuOnDvarNot
  17586. clearLoadErrorsSummary
  17587. open_popup
  17588. controller
  17589. popupName
  17590. popup_acceptinvite_warning
  17591. open_readingsavedevice
  17592. close_readingsavedevice
  17593. popup_controllerremoved
  17594. close_popup
  17595. d_popmenu
  17596. &&
  17597. %s
  17598. %d
  17599. ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÍpopup_script_menu
  17600. menuName
  17601. useMouse
  17602. close_all_ingame_menus
  17603. arc
  17604. EXE_KEYWAIT
  17606. e
  17607. voice_on
  17608. %s:
  17609. %d
  17610. %i
  17627. controller_icon%d
  17628. setClanName
  17629. checkClanName
  17630. loadMaps
  17631. nottalkingicon
  17632. talkingicon
  17633. voice_off
  17634. onESC
  17635. ;
  17636. open_error_popup
  17637. briefing
  17638. %singame
  17639. txt
  17640. ui/
  17645. <
  17646. localhost
  17652. ‚@
  17653. ‚h
  17654. ‚œ
  17655. ‚È
  17656. ƒ°
  17657. ƒ
  17658. ƒÔ
  17659. „,
  17660. „Ð
  17661. „¬
  17662. „ø
  17663. …”
  17664. †(
  17665. playlists_sp
  17666. info
  17667. ERROR:
  17668. Playlist
  17669. string
  17670. '%s'
  17671. overflows
  17672. playlist
  17673. string
  17674. buffer,
  17675. line
  17676. %d
  17677. ERROR:
  17678. New
  17679. playlist
  17680. rule
  17681. string
  17682. overflows
  17683. playlist
  17684. rule
  17685. string
  17686. buffer
  17687. ,
  17688. line
  17689. %d
  17690. ERROR:
  17691. rule
  17692. buffer
  17693. de-sync
  17694. for
  17695. new
  17696. rule
  17697. '%s',
  17698. line
  17699. %d
  17700. ERROR:
  17701. Playlist
  17702. rule
  17703. string
  17704. '%s'
  17705. overflows
  17706. playlist
  17707. rule
  17708. string
  17709. buffer,
  17710. line
  17711. %d
  17712. popup_gettingdata
  17713. playlists
  17714. version
  17715. settings
  17716. gametype
  17717. supercategory
  17718. supercategories
  17719. category
  17720. categoryCoop
  17721. categories
  17722. maplist
  17723. playlist
  17724. playlistCoop
  17725. script
  17726. rule
  17727. set
  17728. name
  17729. english
  17730. icon
  17731. filter
  17732. description
  17733. lockdescription
  17734. setdvar
  17735. ranked
  17736. visible_profilevar
  17737. buy_dvar
  17738. finishedsolo
  17739. unlockxp
  17740. unlockPLevel
  17741. gametypeban
  17742. wagerbet
  17743. wagerentry
  17744. maxLocalPlayers
  17745. maxlocalplayers
  17746. leagueID
  17747. disableGuests
  17748. dlc
  17749. hideifmissingdlc
  17750. minusertier
  17751. minUserTier
  17752. directtostoreifmissingdlc
  17753. Title
  17754. Description
  17755. maxparty
  17756. minparty
  17757. parkingplaylist
  17758. parkingPlaylist
  17759. playlist/%d
  17764. MPUI_BUY_CAPS
  17765. %s
  17766. %s
  17767. %s
  17769. MENU_POINTS
  17770. Invalid
  17771. selectedWeight
  17772. of
  17773. %i
  17774. for
  17775. playlist
  17776. %i,
  17777. total
  17778. weight
  17779. for
  17780. this
  17781. playlist
  17782. is
  17783. %i
  17784. Unknown
  17785. gametype
  17786. name
  17787. '%s'
  17788. in
  17789. playlist
  17790. Playlist
  17791. %s
  17792. has
  17793. no
  17794. entries
  17795. exec
  17796. %s
  17797. default_xboxlive_sp
  17798. cfg
  17799. index
  17800. loadName
  17801. playerCount
  17802. locked
  17803. ref
  17804. directtostore
  17805. dlcRequiredPopupTitle
  17806. dlcRequiredPopupDesc
  17807. partyMissingDLC
  17808. playlist_excludeMap
  17809. playlist_excludeGametype
  17810. playlist_excludeGametypeMap
  17811. playlist_allowdevmaps
  17812. tu_partyCheckRulesAlways
  17813. tu_partyCheckRulesOnSetup
  17814. %s
  17815. -
  17816. %s
  17818. server_list_refresh
  17819. e
  17820. %s
  17821. %i,
  17822. %i
  17823. %i:%i
  17824. localservers
  17825. serverIndex
  17826. fadein
  17827. fadeout
  17828. show
  17829. hide
  17830. showMenu
  17831. hideMenu
  17832. setcolor
  17833. open
  17834. openImmediate
  17835. close
  17836. closeImmediate
  17837. ingameopen
  17838. ingameclose
  17839. setbackground
  17840. setitemcolor
  17841. focusfirst
  17842. setfocus
  17843. setfocusbydvar
  17844. changeState
  17845. setdvar
  17846. resetdvar
  17847. exec
  17848. execnow
  17849. execkeyhandler
  17850. execkeypress
  17851. execOnDvarStringValue
  17852. execOnDvarIntValue
  17853. execOnDvarFloatValue
  17854. execNowOnDvarStringValue
  17855. execNowOnDvarIntValue
  17856. execNowOnDvarFloatValue
  17857. play
  17858. scriptmenuresponse
  17859. scriptMenuRespondOnDvarStringValue
  17860. scriptMenuRespondOnDvarIntValue
  17861. scriptMenuRespondOnDvarFloatValue
  17862. setLocalVarBool
  17863. setLocalVarInt
  17864. setLocalVarFloat
  17865. setLocalVarString
  17866. feederTop
  17867. feederBottom
  17868. setUIVisibilityBit
  17869. setDvarStringUsingTable
  17870. doSPLevelWrapup
  17871. savegamehide
  17872. savegameshow
  17873. profilehide
  17874. profileshow
  17875. nosavehide
  17876. coophide
  17877. saveAvailableHide
  17878. saveDelay
  17879. writeSave
  17880. setSaveExecOnSuccess
  17881. nextlevel
  17882. showGamerCard
  17883. kickPlayer
  17884. getKickPlayerQuestion
  17885. togglePlayerMute
  17886. microfiche_start
  17887. microfiche_select
  17888. microfiche_close
  17889. SessionMode_SetOnlineGame
  17890. SessionMode_SetPrivate
  17891. SessionMode_SetSystemLink
  17892. GameMode_SetMode
  17893. SessionMode_ResetModes
  17894. GameMode_ResetModes
  17895. va
  17896. va
  17897. va@
  17898. vaH
  17899. vaP
  17900. va`
  17901. vap
  17902. va^ð
  17903. vaˆ
  17904. va˜
  17905. _
  17906. va
  17907. _
  17908. va°
  17909. _
  17910. vaÀ
  17911. _(
  17912. vaÐ
  17913. vaà
  17914. vað
  17915. _
  17916. vb
  17917. _
  17918. vb
  17919. _@
  17920. vb
  17921. _H
  17922. vb
  17923. _P
  17924. vb
  17925. _X
  17926. vbH
  17927. vbP
  17928. _
  17929. vbX
  17930. _`
  17931. vbh
  17932. _x
  17933. vbx
  17934. vb
  17935. vb¨
  17936. vbÀ
  17937. vbà
  17938. vbø
  17939. vc
  17940. `
  17941. vc
  17942. `
  17943. vc
  17944. vcX
  17945. vcx
  17946. vc
  17947. vc°
  17948. `
  17949. vcÀ
  17950. `
  17951. vcØ
  17952. `
  17953. vcð
  17954. _p
  17955. vd
  17956. _h
  17957. vd
  17958. vd(
  17959. _
  17960. vd@
  17961. _
  17962. vdP
  17963. vd`
  17964. `
  17965. vdp
  17966. vd`¨
  17967. vd
  17968. vd
  17969. vd°
  17970. vdÈ
  17971. `X
  17972. vdØ
  17973. `H
  17974. vdè
  17975. `P
  17976. ve
  17977. `(
  17978. ve
  17979. `
  17980. ve
  17981. ^
  17982. ve
  17983. veH
  17984. ^
  17985. ve`
  17986. `
  17987. vex
  17988. `
  17989. ve
  17990. `@
  17991. ve¨
  17992. ``
  17993. veÈ
  17994. `p
  17995. veà
  17996. `h
  17997. vf
  17998. `x
  17999. vf
  18000. vf
  18001. `þÿ
  18002. ÿþ
  18003. þÿ
  18004. ÿþ
  18006. backcolor
  18007. forecolor
  18008. bordercolor
  18009. Could
  18010. not
  18011. translate
  18012. menu
  18013. string
  18014. reference
  18015. %s
  18016. onFocus
  18017. leaveFocus
  18018. *
  18019. onEnter
  18020. Menus_FindByName
  18021. Too
  18022. many
  18023. menus
  18024. opened
  18025. onClose
  18026. onESC
  18027. onListboxSelectionChange
  18028. main
  18029. onOpen
  18030. dvarstring
  18031. (
  18032. "
  18033. +
  18034. -
  18035. )
  18036. tablelookup
  18037. ,
  18038. dvarString
  18039. dvarInt
  18040. dvarint
  18041. tableLookup
  18042. int
  18043. self
  18044. Script_SetFocusByDvar:
  18045. Item's
  18046. dvarTest
  18047. field
  18048. is
  18049. empty
  18050. action
  18051. %g
  18052. %i
  18053. doubleClick
  18054. onAccept
  18055. chat_text_input
  18056. screenshot
  18057. cmd
  18058. mr
  18059. %i
  18060. %i
  18061. %s
  18064. kickwarning
  18065. %s%s
  18066. _redact
  18067. csv
  18068. evt_camera_zoom_in_loop
  18069. evt_camera_zoom_out_loop
  18070. evt_camera_scroll_x_loop
  18071. evt_camera_scroll_y_loop
  18072. out
  18073. top
  18074. bottom
  18075. private
  18076. setlocalvarbool
  18077. setlocalvarint
  18078. setlocalvarfloat
  18079. setlocalvarstring
  18080. fadeitem
  18081. showitem
  18082. hideitem
  18083. showmenu
  18084. hidemenu
  18085. openmenu
  18086. closemenu
  18087. openmenuimmediate
  18088. closemenuimmediate
  18089. changeMenuOpenSlideDirection
  18090. changeMenuCloseSlideDirection
  18091. opentoastpopup
  18092. focusitem
  18093. playsound
  18094. movefeeder
  18095. addToFeeder
  18096. addToFeederExtended
  18097. clearFeederWithoutResetCursor
  18098. clearFeeder
  18099. raiseFeederEvent
  18100. refreshFeeder
  18101. refreshFeederSelection
  18102. changeRowStatus
  18103. validatePrivateMatchGametype
  18104. setactivemenu
  18105. kickplayer
  18106. <dvarStrList
  18107. or
  18108. dvarFloatList
  18109. not
  18110. set
  18111. <profileStrList
  18112. or
  18113. profileFloatList
  18114. not
  18115. set
  18116. <dvarEnumList
  18117. not
  18118. set
  18119. <not
  18120. an
  18121. enum
  18122. dvar
  18123. ui_choicegroup
  18124. popmenu
  18125. outro_load
  18126. scriptVector
  18127. scriptVector
  18128. scriptVector
  18129. scriptVector
  18130. scriptVector
  18131. scriptVector
  18132. EXE_YES
  18133. EXE_NO
  18134. +activate
  18135. +usereload
  18136. +reload
  18137. +melee_breath
  18138. +holdbreath
  18139. gocrouch
  18140. +stance
  18141. +speed_throw
  18142. +toggleads_throw
  18143. KEY_UNBOUND
  18144. KEY_OR
  18145. %s
  18146. %s
  18147. %s
  18148. +movestick
  18151. +strafestick
  18152. +lookstick
  18153. +moveleft
  18156. +moveright
  18159. +forward
  18162. +back
  18165. +lsleft
  18166. %s
  18167. +lsright
  18168. +lsup
  18169. +lsdown
  18170. +rsleft
  18172. +rsright
  18174. +rsup
  18175. ^BMOUSE_ANIM_UP^
  18176. +rsdown
  18178. +actionslots
  18181. ui_button_ps_x_x
  18182. ui_button_ps_o_x
  18184. Populate
  18185. Game
  18186. message
  18187. window
  18188. index
  18189. %d
  18190. is
  18191. not
  18192. valid
  18193. Must
  18194. be
  18195. in
  18196. [,
  18197. %d)
  18198. Game
  18199. message
  18200. window
  18201. mode
  18202. %d
  18203. is
  18204. not
  18205. valid
  18206. UI_DrawHandlePic
  18207. ui_showlist:
  18208. ,
  18209. ,
  18210. menu
  18211. paint
  18212. all
  18213. Menu_PaintAll_BeginVisibleList
  18214. menu
  18215. paint
  18216. blurMenu
  18217. UIDOverride
  18218. menu:
  18219. %s
  18220. fps:
  18221. %f
  18222. UI_AddMenu:
  18224. video/subtitles
  18225. csv
  18226. loadscreen_%s
  18227. frontend
  18228. UIBlur
  18229. menu_toast_popup
  18230. subtitles
  18231. cinematicsubtitles
  18232. },
  18233. }
  18234. },
  18235. },
  18236. },
  18237. }
  18238. },
  18239. },
  18240. },
  18241. },
  18242. },
  18243. },
  18244. },
  18245. },
  18246. },
  18247. },
  18248. }
  18249. },
  18250. }
  18251. },
  18252. }
  18253. },
  18254. x
  18255. x
  18256. x
  18257. x
  18258. x
  18259. x
  18260. x
  18261. x
  18262. x
  18263. x
  18264. x
  18265. x
  18266. x
  18267. x
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  18270. x
  18271. Ä
  18272. Ì
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  18334. „Ì
  18335. „Ô
  18336. „Ì
  18337. %sgametypes_zm/_gametypes
  18338. txt
  18339. maps/
  18340. %sgametypes/_gametypes
  18341. txt
  18342. %sgametypes_zm/%s
  18343. txt
  18344. %sgametypes/%s
  18345. txt
  18346. All
  18347. No
  18348. game
  18349. type
  18350. scripts
  18351. found
  18352. in
  18353. %sgametypes
  18354. folder
  18355. maxnum_map
  18356. mappack_count
  18357. %i
  18358. maps/gametypesTable
  18359. csv
  18360. maxnum_gametype
  18361. —X
  18362. —X
  18363. –¼
  18364. —X
  18365. š¬
  18366. šP
  18367. —\
  18368. —X
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  18374. ˜¸
  18375. ™—X
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  18378. ŸŸ¼
  18379. ŸÄ
  18380. ¡Ü
  18381. ¡ä
  18382. ¡ø
  18383. ¡X
  18384. ¤
  18385. ¤T
  18386. ¤„
  18387. ¢
  18388. ¢Ì
  18389. ¢Ô
  18390. ¢Ü
  18391. ¢ä
  18392. 
  18393. $
  18394. $
  18395. $
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  18397. ¬Ô
  18398. Ÿ
  18399. $
  18400. ¬Ô
  18401. Ÿ
  18402. ?
  18403. ui_campaign
  18404. american
  18405. ui_savegame
  18406. ui_singlemission
  18407. ui_singlemission_difficulty
  18408. ui_isrtstutorial
  18409. ui_isSaving
  18410. ui_luiLoadingScreen
  18411. ui_campaignstate
  18412. ui_creditMovieNack
  18413. ui_creditSkipTo
  18414. ui_aarmapname
  18415. ui_strikeforceavailable
  18416. ui_busyBlockIngameMenu
  18417. ui_onLockOutMenu
  18418. ui_menuCamoUnlocks
  18419. ui_menuAttachUnlocks
  18420. ui_shipping_cheats
  18421. ui_controllerPulled
  18422. ui_pendingControllerPullEvent
  18423. ui_ethernetLinkActive
  18424. ui_pendingSystemUIOpenEvent
  18425. updategamerprofile
  18426. savegame
  18427. savegame_lastcommit
  18428. notify_save_complete
  18429. controller
  18430. close_all_ingame_menus
  18431. briefing_hide
  18432. open_menu
  18433. menuName
  18434. LockOutMenu
  18435. AfterActionReportMenu
  18436. open_ingame_menu
  18437. SaveGameErrorPopup
  18438. PlayerMatchPartyLobby
  18439. PublicGameLobby
  18440. PrivateOnlineGameLobby
  18441. Briefing
  18442. briefing_displaycontinue
  18443. QuitGamePopup
  18444. SaveAndQuitGamePopup
  18445. ControllerRemovedPopup
  18446. ObjectiveInfoMenu
  18447. open_ingame_modeless_menu
  18448. SaveGameSavingPopup
  18449. popup_savegame_error
  18450. main
  18451. main_text
  18452. main_online
  18453. systemlinkselect
  18454. systemlink_flyout
  18455. blackout_d_tv
  18456. menu_systemlink_lobby
  18457. menu_systemlink_lobbyended
  18458. scoreboard
  18459. menu_playercard
  18460. maps/mapsTable
  18461. csv
  18462. maps/gametypesTable
  18463. csv
  18464. white
  18467. EXE_LOADING
  18469. EXE_READY
  18471. %s
  18472. ui_multiplayer
  18473. playerstart
  18474. savegame_state_change
  18475. briefing
  18476. notify_save_forceclose
  18477. %s
  18478. missionHighestDifficulty
  18479. disconnect
  18480. wait
  18481. ;
  18482. wait
  18483. ;
  18484. map
  18485. %s
  18486. clearError
  18487. loadMissionDifficultyOffset
  18488. remove_loading_screen
  18489. Quit
  18490. quit
  18491. checkCoopQuit
  18492. Controls
  18493. setup_menu
  18494. Leave
  18495. closeingame
  18496. startSingleplayer
  18497. startSingleplayer
  18498. startMultiplayer
  18499. startMultiplayer
  18500. getLanguage
  18501. verifyLanguage
  18502. saveComplete
  18503. saveRevert
  18504. loadTestMapNames
  18505. runTestMap
  18506. devmap
  18507. %s
  18508. StartServer
  18509. JoinServer
  18510. loadSaveGameMap
  18511. savegame
  18512. svg
  18513. map
  18514. %s
  18515. Savegame
  18516. Description
  18517. Text
  18518. À¬
  18519. Â
  18520. Áˆ
  18521. ÁT
  18522. Á
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  18635. csv
  18636. NOOP
  18637. )
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  18640. %
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  18642. -
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  18644. <
  18645. <=
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  18648. !=
  18649. &&
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  18651. (
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  18653. &
  18654. |
  18655. ~
  18656. <<
  18657. expression
  18658. ;
  18659. expressions/functions
  18660. txt
  18661. d
  18662. ¼
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  18694. Œ
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  18696. pINVALID
  18697. sin
  18698. cos
  18699. min
  18700. max
  18701. milliseconds
  18702. Dvar
  18703. DvarInt
  18704. DvarBool
  18705. DvarFloat
  18706. DvarString
  18707. ProfileBool
  18708. ProfileInt
  18709. ProfileFloat
  18710. ProfileString
  18711. ProfileValueAsString
  18712. ProfileArrayString
  18713. ui_active
  18714. Flashbanged
  18715. Scoped
  18716. scoreboard_visible
  18717. InKillCam
  18718. IsDualWield
  18719. IsFuelWeapon
  18720. Player
  18721. Selecting_Location
  18722. Team
  18723. OtherTeam
  18724. MarinesField
  18725. OpForField
  18726. MenuIsOpen
  18727. WritingData
  18728. InLobby
  18729. InPrivateParty
  18730. PrivatePartyHost
  18731. PrivatePartyHostInLobby
  18732. AloneInParty
  18733. SameClanMembersInParty
  18734. AloneInLobby
  18735. AdsJavelin
  18736. WeapLockBlink
  18737. WeapAttackTop
  18738. WeapAttackDirect
  18739. SecondsAsTime
  18740. TableLookupGetColumnValueForRow
  18741. TableLookup
  18742. StatsTableLookup
  18743. GetClassBonus
  18744. LocString
  18745. LocalVarInt
  18746. LocalVarBool
  18747. LocalVarFloat
  18748. LocalVarString
  18749. TimeLeft
  18750. SecondsAsCountdown
  18751. GameMsgWndActive
  18752. Int
  18753. String
  18754. Float
  18755. GametypeName
  18756. Gametype
  18757. GametypeDescription
  18758. ScoreAtRank
  18759. FriendsOnline
  18760. SpectatingClient
  18761. KeyBinding
  18762. ActionSlotUsable
  18763. HudFade
  18764. MaxRecommendedPlayers
  18765. AcceptingInvite
  18766. GameHost
  18767. IsVisibilityBitSet
  18768. IsSplitscreen
  18769. IsSplitscreenHost
  18770. SplitscreenNum
  18771. IsCinematicFinished
  18772. IsCinematicWebm
  18773. IsSelectingLocationalKillStreak
  18774. IsSelectingAirstrike
  18775. IsSelectingArtillery
  18776. IsSelectingNapalm
  18777. IsSelectingMortar
  18778. IsSelectingComlink
  18779. HasFriends
  18780. HasPendingFriends
  18781. HasInvites
  18782. PartyIsMissingMapPack
  18783. PartyMissingMapPackError
  18784. IsIntermission
  18785. IsSuperUser
  18786. GetAARLevelAlias
  18787. IsItemLocked
  18788. IsItemDualWieldLocked
  18789. IsItemDualWieldPurchased
  18790. IsItemNew
  18791. GetItemRef
  18792. GetItemName
  18793. GetItemImage
  18794. GetItemUnlockLevel
  18795. GetItemUnlockPLevel
  18796. GetItemDesc
  18797. GetItemIndex
  18798. GetItemDualWieldIndex
  18799. GetItemDualWieldBaseIndex
  18800. GetItemCost
  18801. GetItemDualWieldCost
  18802. GetItemCount
  18803. GetItemGroup
  18804. GetStatByName
  18805. IsClanOwner
  18806. IsClanAdmin
  18807. IsClanMember
  18808. GetClanRank
  18809. GetXUID
  18810. GetSelfGamertag
  18811. GetRankByXUID
  18812. GetPrestigeByXUID
  18813. GetCodpointsByXUID
  18814. GetDisplayLevelByXUID
  18815. GetClanShortDescription
  18816. GetClanLongDescription
  18817. GetClanDateFounded
  18818. GetClanMemberCount
  18819. GetClanOnlineMemberCount
  18820. GetClanName
  18821. GetClanMOTD
  18822. GetClanTagAndName
  18823. GetRecommendedPlayerCount
  18824. GetMutedStatus
  18825. GetUIRect
  18826. GetFeederData
  18827. HasFocus
  18828. IsVisible
  18829. GetRank
  18830. GetPrestige
  18831. GetPlayerCardTitle
  18832. GetDefaultClassSlot
  18833. GetCacFactionNameWithButtons
  18834. GetItemAttachment
  18835. GetStatForFriendOrSelf
  18836. GetFloatAsFormattedString
  18837. GetNumWagerMatchesPlayed
  18838. GetNumWagerMatchesWon
  18839. GetNumWeaponUnlocks
  18840. GetNumFeatureUnlocks
  18841. GetUnlockedWeaponItemIndex
  18842. GetUnlockedFeatureItemIndex
  18843. GetTotalMatchesPlayed
  18844. GetFileshareRecentGamesCount
  18845. GetImageWidth
  18846. GetTextWidth
  18847. GetComposite
  18848. IsCompositeValid
  18849. IsSignedIn
  18850. IsProfileSignedIn
  18851. GetToastPopupWidth
  18852. GetToastPopupIcon
  18853. GetToastPopupTitle
  18854. GetToastPopupDescription
  18855. GetNumLives
  18856. PlayersAlive
  18857. GetPlaylistMaxPartySize
  18858. GetTime
  18859. GetBombTime
  18860. CanSpecCycle
  18861. CanSpecFree
  18862. GetDStat
  18863. GetDStatArrayCount
  18864. IsStableStatsBufferInitialized
  18865. GetClientInPlace
  18866. GetClientName
  18867. ToOrdinal
  18868. GetScoreForClient
  18869. IsDemoPlaying
  18870. IsDemoClipRecording
  18871. IsDemoClipPlaying
  18872. IsDemoMovieRendering
  18873. IsDemoThirdPersonCamera
  18874. IsDemoMovieCamera
  18875. IsDisplayingPartyScoreboard
  18876. GetDemoTitleName
  18877. GetDemoTitleDescription
  18878. GetDemoAuthor
  18879. GetDemoTimeInfo
  18880. GetDemoDuration
  18881. GetDemoSegmentCount
  18882. GetDemoSegmentInformation
  18883. IsClipModified
  18884. CanStartDemoPlayback
  18885. GetDemoSaveScreenName
  18886. GetDemoSaveScreenDescription
  18887. GetTheaterFilmNotSelectedMessage
  18888. IsItemPurchased
  18889. GetCurrentMapTableName
  18890. GetCurrentMapName
  18891. GetLeaderboardMinReqText
  18892. GetBaseLbMenuName
  18893. GetCurrentGameType
  18894. GetPreviousMapName
  18895. GetPreviousGameType
  18896. IsPartyReady
  18897. IsExtraCamActive
  18898. GetCurrentWeapon
  18899. ShowZombieMap
  18900. GetAttachmentName
  18901. GetAttachmentImage
  18902. GetAttachmentDesc
  18903. GetWeaponOptionImage
  18904. GetWeaponOptionName
  18905. IsPlayerJoinable
  18906. IsPlayerInTitle
  18907. IsPlayerInvitable
  18908. IsRecommendedPlayerInvitable
  18909. IsExtraCamStatic
  18910. GetNumItemAttachmentsWithAttachPoint
  18911. IsItemGroupNew
  18912. Select
  18913. Choose
  18914. HasTacticalMaskOverlay
  18915. InVehicle
  18916. GetNumActiveContracts
  18917. GetCurrentContractIndex
  18918. GetContractName
  18919. GetContractDesc
  18920. GetContractProgress
  18921. GetContractRequiredCount
  18922. GetContractCost
  18923. IsContractActive
  18924. GetIndexForActiveContract
  18925. GetIndexForNthActiveContract
  18926. IsContractInProgress
  18927. IsContractExpired
  18928. IsContractComplete
  18929. GetContractCombatTimeLeft
  18930. MenuHasFocus
  18931. GetCACItemIndex
  18932. GetMachineID
  18933. ApproxEquals
  18934. LbVal
  18935. StatVal
  18936. AreStatsFetched
  18937. IsSignedInToLive
  18938. GetLocalClientNum
  18939. IsPrimaryLocalClient
  18940. GetSellText
  18941. GetItemPrice
  18942. IsGuest
  18943. IsFriendFromXUID
  18944. RandomIntRange
  18945. GetSelectedEmblemLayer
  18946. GetGroupsCount
  18947. IsGroup
  18948. GetWeaponOptionGroupIndex
  18949. GetDownloadProgress
  18950. GetUploadProgress
  18951. GetUploadTimeRemaining
  18952. IsItemEquipped
  18953. GetFeederCount
  18954. AreContractsFetched
  18955. IsTimeSynced
  18956. IsContractLocked
  18957. GetTimesContractPurchased
  18958. GetTimesContractPurchasable
  18959. GetContractCooldownTime
  18960. GetRemainingContractCooldownTime
  18961. GetContractUnlockLevel
  18962. GetContractRewardText
  18963. GetContractExpirationType
  18964. GetContractExpirationData
  18965. IsTaskInProgress
  18966. GetPlaceWithTiesForScore
  18967. GetIsSuperUser
  18968. IsInGuidedMissile
  18969. IsInGame
  18970. EmblemLayerState
  18971. EmblemLayerName
  18972. EmblemLayerCanOutline
  18973. EmblemLayerCanDuplicate
  18974. EmblemSelectedLayer
  18975. EmblemLayerCost
  18976. EmblemLayerUnlockLevel
  18977. EmblemIconName
  18978. EmblemIconUnlockDesc
  18979. EmblemIcon
  18980. EmblemIconCost
  18981. EmblemIconState
  18982. EmblemIsModified
  18983. EmblemPurchasedLayerCount
  18984. EmblemBackgroundCount
  18985. EmblemBackgroundIsLocked
  18986. EmblemBackgroundIsClassified
  18987. EmblemBackgroundIsPurchased
  18988. EmblemBackgroundMaterial
  18989. EmblemPlayerBackgroundMaterial
  18990. EmblemSelectedBackground
  18991. EmblemBackgroundCost
  18992. EmblemBackgroundName
  18993. EmblemBackgroundUnlockDesc
  18994. EmblemStateDisplay
  18995. EmblemCategoryDisplay
  18996. EmblemFilterCount
  18997. EmblemFilterIconID
  18998. ItemHasDualWield
  18999. ItemIsDualWield
  19000. GetDemoFileID
  19001. GetCounterTotal
  19002. ShowBusyDotsIndicator
  19003. CanRateFilmInTheater
  19004. GetAttachmentsFormatted
  19005. IsClanTagFeatureLocked
  19006. IsClanTagFeaturePurchased
  19007. GetClanTagFeatureCost
  19008. GetClanTagFeatureName
  19009. HowManyReadiesNeeded
  19010. GetLiveGroupCount
  19011. GetUserTagFromIndex
  19012. GetFileShareFilterList
  19013. CanRenderClip
  19014. CanShowContentFromUser
  19015. IsContentRatingAllowed
  19016. IsAnyControllerMPRestricted
  19017. IsDemonwareFetchingDone
  19018. IsFacebookLinked
  19019. GetIndexIntoMatchScoreboard
  19020. GetWagerPlaceForMatchScoreboard
  19021. GetWagerGametypeNameFromEnum
  19022. GetCollectiblesCount
  19023. AnySignedIn
  19024. AnySignedInToLive
  19025. AnySignedInToLiveAndStatsFetched
  19026. GetFlagCarrierForTeam
  19027. GetFlagStatusForTeam
  19028. ToUpper
  19029. GetPlaylistName
  19030. GetTimeUntilNewContracts
  19031. NeedToPerformCommunitySearch
  19032. GetLbTypeWithButtons
  19033. GetLbFilter
  19034. getLbTypeByDuration
  19035. GetScoreboardColumnHeader
  19036. GetNumSortedItemsEquipped
  19037. GetGameInvitesCount
  19038. IsAttachmentAllowedOnItemIndex
  19039. IsCurrentOrPreviousMapEntryAvailable
  19040. GetFileShareTotalVotes
  19041. GridMove
  19042. GetClanTagFeaturePlevel
  19043. GetWeaponOptionUnlockLvl
  19044. GetWeaponOptionUnlockPLevel
  19045. Add
  19046. Sub
  19047. Div
  19048. Mul
  19049. HostMigrationWaitingForPlayers
  19050. IsGuestByXUID
  19051. CanSwitchToLobby
  19052. GetMapIndexByName
  19053. GetGamemodeIndexByName
  19054. AloneInPartyIgnoreSplitscreen
  19055. AloneInLobbyIgnoreSplitscreen
  19056. IsViewportLarge
  19057. IsItemLockedForAll
  19058. GetLowestLocalCP
  19059. IsLocalPlayerXUID
  19060. IsSelectedItemPurchased
  19061. GetShortDescription
  19062. GetWagerWinningsFromMatchScoreboard
  19063. GetSystemInfo
  19064. GetPlaylistCategoryName
  19065. GetRenderTooltip
  19066. IsDemoCameraEditMode
  19067. IsDemoDollyCamera
  19068. GetHighlightedCameraMarker
  19069. IsRepositioningCameraMarker
  19070. GetDollyCamMarkerCount
  19071. GetDollyCamMarkerInformationForTime
  19072. GetDemoFreeCamModeName
  19073. InGameStore_SelectedItemStatus
  19074. FormatNumberWithCommas
  19075. GetTotalPlayersOnlineString
  19076. IsInGameStoreLoading
  19077. FormatFloat
  19078. IsMatchMakingImpactedDueToParty
  19079. AreXboxlivePartyMembersInvitable
  19080. IsFFOTDFetched
  19081. GetLeaderboardToolTipText
  19082. GetUserTier
  19083. IsDemoClipPreviewRunning
  19084. DoAllPlayersHaveMapForDemo
  19085. FileExists
  19086. GetUsedControllerCount
  19087. GetNonUsedControllerCount
  19088. GetMaxControllerCount
  19089. GetPrimaryController
  19090. IsControllerBeingUsed
  19091. GetCurrentPlatform
  19092. GetCurrentExe
  19093. SessionMode_IsOnlineGame
  19094. SessionMode_IsSystemlinkGame
  19095. SessionMode_IsPublicOnlineGame
  19096. SessionMode_IsPrivateOnlineGame
  19097. SessionMode_IsZombiesGame
  19098. GameMode_IsMode
  19099. isWeaponLockStarted
  19100. isWeaponLockSet
  19101. GetTurretWeapon
  19102. GetLastSessionStat
  19103. GetCareerDStat
  19104. GetLevelBestStat
  19105. GetOtherPlayerLevelBestStat
  19106. GetAARScore
  19107. GetChallengeComplete
  19108. GetItemMomentumCost
  19109. IsInputLockedByLUI
  19110. GetItemAllocationCost
  19111. GetAirburstMeters
  19112. IsAirburstWeapon
  19113. GetCrosshairTraceMeters
  19114. IsItemAttachmentRecentlyUnlocked
  19115. HasRecentItemAttachmentsUnlocked
  19116. GetNumItemGroups
  19117. GetNumBulletWeapons
  19118. GetRecentUnlocks
  19119. GetRecentUnlockedPerkSlots
  19120. GetItemGroupByIndex
  19121. IsSubUser
  19122. teamField
  19123. GetUnlockIndexFromGroupName
  19124. GetUnlockLocString
  19125. GetControllerType
  19126. IsDemoHighlightReelMode
  19127. IsUsingGamepad
  19128. HasCurrentLevelBeenBeaten
  19129. GetStatScoreMultiplier
  19130. GetNextUnlockable
  19131. GetNumberOfChallengesForUnlock
  19132. GetUnlockString
  19133. lbGetStat
  19134. lbGetDeltaStat
  19135. lbGetCache
  19136. lbGetSBStat
  19137. GetCamoUnlockString
  19138. GetAttachmentUnlockString
  19139. GetXUID_ull
  19140. name
  19141. localname
  19142. teamname
  19143. otherteamname
  19144. rank
  19145. clan
  19146. tag
  19147. rankicon
  19148. currentteamname
  19149. xuid
  19150. dead
  19151. clipAmmo
  19152. nightvision
  19153. number
  19154. score
  19155. deaths
  19156. kills
  19157. place
  19158. ping
  19159. ^Expression
  19160. Error:
  19161. ^Expression
  19162. Error
  19163. (%s:%d):
  19164. Invalid
  19165. operation
  19166. -
  19167. missing
  19168. parameter
  19169. inside
  19170. function
  19171. or
  19172. parenthesis
  19173. Invalid
  19174. operand
  19175. count
  19176. -
  19177. expected
  19178. to
  19179. find
  19180. one
  19181. operand
  19182. but
  19183. instead
  19184. found
  19185. %i
  19186. %f
  19187. Must
  19188. use
  19189. a
  19190. string
  19191. as
  19192. the
  19193. name
  19194. of
  19195. a
  19196. dvar,
  19197. not
  19198. a
  19199. %s
  19200. Must
  19201. use
  19202. a
  19203. string
  19204. as
  19205. the
  19206. name
  19207. of
  19208. a
  19209. profile
  19210. value,
  19211. not
  19212. a
  19213. %s
  19214. Invalid
  19215. operand
  19216. count
  19217. -
  19218. profilearraystring
  19219. expected
  19220. to
  19221. find
  19222. two
  19223. operands
  19224. but
  19225. instead
  19226. found
  19227. %i
  19228. Must
  19229. use
  19230. an
  19231. integer
  19232. as
  19233. the
  19234. second
  19235. argument
  19236. (array
  19237. index)
  19238. for
  19239. profilearraystring,
  19240. not
  19241. a
  19242. %s
  19243. Usage:
  19244. FormatFloat(
  19245. value,
  19246. precision,
  19247. width
  19248. )
  19249. Value
  19250. should
  19251. be
  19252. a
  19253. float
  19254. and
  19255. precision
  19256. and
  19257. width
  19258. should
  19259. be
  19260. an
  19261. int
  19262. Width
  19263. is
  19264. optional
  19265. %*
  19266. *f
  19267. Must
  19268. use
  19269. a
  19270. string
  19271. as
  19272. the
  19273. name
  19274. of
  19275. a
  19276. localVar,
  19277. not
  19278. a
  19279. %s
  19280. Must
  19281. use
  19282. a
  19283. string
  19284. as
  19285. the
  19286. name
  19287. of
  19288. a
  19289. player
  19290. field,
  19291. not
  19292. a
  19293. %s
  19294. Unknown
  19295. player
  19296. field
  19297. '%s'
  19298. Must
  19299. use
  19300. a
  19301. string
  19302. as
  19303. the
  19304. name
  19305. of
  19306. a
  19307. team
  19308. parameter,
  19309. not
  19310. a
  19311. %s
  19312. index
  19313. Unknown
  19314. team
  19315. field
  19316. '%s'
  19318. ui
  19319. string
  19320. Expected
  19321. at
  19322. least
  19323. one
  19324. GetWeaponOptionGroupIndex()
  19326. /
  19327. Expected
  19328. parameters
  19329. to
  19330. GetWeaponOptionGroupIndex()
  19331. %llu
  19332. Expected
  19333. parameters
  19334. to
  19335. GetDefaultClassSlot()
  19336. Expected
  19337. parameters
  19338. to
  19339. GetItemAttachment()
  19340. %d/
  19341. Must
  19342. use
  19343. a
  19344. string
  19345. as
  19346. KeyBinding()
  19347. parameter,
  19348. not
  19349. a
  19350. %s
  19351. UI
  19352. Expression
  19353. Error:
  19354. ActionSlot()
  19355. slot
  19356. ID
  19357. should
  19358. be
  19359. in
  19360. range
  19361. (,%i)
  19362. not
  19363. %i
  19364. Must
  19365. use
  19366. a
  19367. string
  19368. as
  19369. HudFade()
  19370. parameter,
  19371. not
  19372. a
  19373. %s
  19374. dpad
  19375. weapon
  19376. compass
  19377. scoreboard
  19378. Argument
  19379. to
  19380. HudFade()
  19381. must
  19382. be
  19383. "dpad",
  19384. "compass",
  19385. "scoreboard",
  19386. or
  19387. "weapon"
  19388. Must
  19389. use
  19390. a
  19391. string
  19392. as
  19393. the
  19394. name
  19395. of
  19396. a
  19397. menu,
  19398. not
  19399. a
  19400. %s
  19401. You
  19402. cannot
  19403. !
  19404. a
  19405. '%s'
  19406. (%s)
  19407. Unknown
  19408. datatype
  19409. %i
  19410. in
  19411. LogicalNot()
  19412. You
  19413. cannot
  19414. ~
  19415. a
  19416. '%s'
  19417. (%s)
  19418. Expected
  19419. or
  19420. parameters
  19421. to
  19422. secondsAsCountdown()
  19423. %i:%i
  19424. %i
  19425. %i:%i
  19426. UI
  19427. Script
  19428. error:
  19429. gameMsgWndActive
  19430. was
  19431. passed
  19432. an
  19433. invalid
  19434. window
  19435. index
  19436. emblem_bg_default
  19437. up
  19438. down
  19439. left
  19440. right
  19441. page_left
  19442. page_right
  19443. online
  19445. Expected
  19446. parameters
  19447. to
  19448. getDemoSegmentInformation()
  19450. UI
  19451. Expression
  19452. Error:
  19453. Expected
  19454. parameters
  19455. to
  19456. IsItemEquipped()
  19457. Expected
  19458. parameters
  19459. to
  19460. GetNumItemAttachmentsWithAttachPoint()
  19462. %lld
  19463. x
  19464. y
  19465. w
  19466. h
  19467. PlayerStatsList
  19469. personalBest
  19470. PlayerLevelStats
  19471. lastPlaythrough
  19472. PlayerCareerStats
  19473. bestPlaythrough
  19474. %s%s
  19475. Score
  19476. sp/challengeTable
  19477. csv
  19478. challengeCounters
  19479. CHALLENGE_%s
  19480. %
  19481. *f
  19482. Expected
  19483. parameter
  19484. to
  19485. GetUnlockString(
  19486. itemIndex
  19487. )
  19488. Unknown
  19489. item
  19490. for
  19491. GetUnlockString
  19492. sp/levelLookup
  19493. csv
  19494. %d
  19495. maxnum_map
  19497. %s
  19498. %s_CAPS
  19501. Expected
  19502. parameter
  19503. to
  19504. GetCamoUnlockString(
  19505. itemIndex
  19506. )
  19507. RTS
  19508. Expected
  19509. parameters
  19510. to
  19511. GetAttachmentUnlockString(
  19512. weaponIndex,
  19513. attachmentIndex
  19514. )
  19515. -
  19516. Expected
  19517. parameters
  19518. to
  19519. lbGetCache(
  19520. colIndex
  19521. )
  19522. Expected
  19523. parameters
  19524. to
  19525. lbGetSBStat(
  19526. const
  19527. char
  19528. *sbColumns
  19529. )
  19530. ^BBUTTON_LB_LEFT^
  19533. Expected
  19534. parameters
  19535. to
  19536. GetTextWidth()
  19537. UI
  19538. Expression
  19539. Error:
  19540. Expected
  19541. params
  19542. to
  19543. function
  19544. TableLookup_GetColumnValueForRow
  19545. (
  19546. <table,
  19547. <row,
  19548. <column),
  19549. found
  19550. %i
  19551. UI
  19552. Expression
  19553. Error:
  19554. Expected
  19555. params
  19556. to
  19557. function
  19558. StringTableLookup,
  19559. found
  19560. %i
  19561. UI
  19562. Expression
  19563. Error:
  19564. Expected
  19565. ,
  19566. or
  19567. params
  19568. to
  19569. function
  19570. StringTableLookup,
  19571. found
  19572. %i
  19573. UI
  19574. Expression
  19575. Error:
  19576. Expected
  19577. params
  19578. to
  19579. function
  19580. StringTableLookup,
  19581. found
  19582. %i
  19583. <none
  19584. _null
  19585. |
  19586. stats
  19587. UI
  19588. Expression
  19589. Error:
  19590. Expected
  19591. params
  19592. to
  19593. function
  19594. GetClassBonus,
  19595. found
  19596. %i
  19597. mp/classbonustable
  19598. csv
  19599. ????????????????????
  19600. UI
  19601. Expression
  19602. Error:
  19603. Expected
  19604. parameters
  19605. to
  19606. CanSwitchToLobby(
  19607. <max
  19608. players,
  19609. <max
  19610. local
  19611. players)
  19612. UI
  19613. Expression
  19614. Error:
  19615. Unable
  19616. to
  19617. find
  19618. item
  19619. %s
  19620. in
  19621. GetFeederCount()
  19622. UI
  19623. Expression
  19624. Error:
  19625. Item
  19626. %s
  19627. is
  19628. not
  19629. a
  19630. listbox
  19631. in
  19632. GetFeederCount()
  19633. UI
  19634. Expression
  19635. Error:
  19636. Expected
  19637. parameters
  19638. to
  19639. GetMapIndexByName(
  19640. <feeder
  19641. name,
  19642. <map
  19643. name
  19644. )
  19645. UI
  19646. Expression
  19647. Error:
  19648. Expected
  19649. at
  19650. parameters
  19651. to
  19652. RandomIntRange()
  19653. UI
  19654. Expression
  19655. Error:
  19656. Expected
  19657. at
  19658. least
  19659. parameter
  19660. to
  19661. min()
  19662. UI
  19663. Expression
  19664. Error:
  19665. Expected
  19666. at
  19667. least
  19668. parameter
  19669. to
  19670. max()
  19671. Expected
  19672. parameters
  19673. to
  19674. Select()
  19675. Error:
  19676. %s
  19677. Illegal
  19678. localized
  19679. string
  19680. reference:
  19681. %s
  19682. must
  19683. contain
  19684. only
  19685. alpha-numeric
  19686. characters
  19687. and
  19688. underscores
  19689. Error:
  19690. %s
  19691. is
  19692. too
  19693. long
  19694. Max
  19695. length
  19696. is
  19697. %i
  19698. bad
  19699. escape
  19700. character
  19701. (%i)
  19702. present
  19703. in
  19704. string
  19705. Non-localized
  19706. UI
  19707. strings
  19708. are
  19709. not
  19710. allowed
  19711. to
  19712. have
  19713. letters
  19714. in
  19715. them:
  19716. "%s"
  19717. Invalid
  19718. operator
  19719. NOOP
  19720. made
  19721. it
  19722. into
  19723. the
  19724. stack!
  19725. Invalid
  19726. function
  19727. made
  19728. it
  19729. into
  19730. the
  19731. stack!
  19732. trying
  19733. to
  19734. negate
  19735. a
  19736. string:
  19737. %s
  19738. %i
  19739. %i%s
  19740. %f%s
  19741. UI
  19742. Script
  19743. error:
  19744. No
  19745. function
  19746. takes
  19747. %i
  19748. parameters
  19749. UI
  19750. Expression
  19751. Error:
  19752. Expected
  19753. at
  19754. least
  19755. parameters
  19756. to
  19757. approxEquals(
  19758. valueA,
  19759. valueB,
  19760. tolerance
  19761. )
  19762. Binary
  19763. operator
  19764. function
  19765. Add()
  19766. needs
  19767. operand
  19768. parameters
  19769. Got
  19770. %d
  19771. Binary
  19772. operator
  19773. function
  19774. Sub()
  19775. needs
  19776. operand
  19777. parameters
  19778. Got
  19779. %d
  19780. Binary
  19781. operator
  19782. function
  19783. Div()
  19784. needs
  19785. operand
  19786. parameters
  19787. Got
  19788. %d
  19789. Binary
  19790. operator
  19791. function
  19792. Mul()
  19793. needs
  19794. operand
  19795. parameters
  19796. Got
  19797. %d
  19798. GameMode_IsMode
  19799. needs
  19800. a
  19801. valid
  19802. gamemode
  19803. passed
  19804. in
  19805. ps
  19806. singleplayer
  19807. stray
  19808. operands
  19809. in
  19810. expression
  19811. At
  19812. the
  19813. end
  19814. of
  19815. EvaluateExpression,
  19816. we
  19817. have
  19818. no
  19819. operands!
  19820. Incorrect
  19821. number
  19822. of
  19823. results
  19824. in
  19825. expression
  19826. ^Expression
  19827. Warning
  19828. (%s:%d):
  19829. Expression
  19830. result
  19831. string
  19832. has
  19833. been
  19834. truncated,
  19835. longer
  19836. than
  19837. %d
  19838. characters:
  19839. %s
  19840. runtime
  19841. ^Expression
  19842. Trace:
  19843. _
  19844. so_
  19845. zo_
  19846. FS_BuildOSPath:
  19847. os
  19848. path
  19849. length
  19850. exceeded
  19851. FSH_FOpenFile:
  19852. bad
  19853. mode
  19854. mp_
  19855. zm_
  19856. maps/%s
  19857. ddbsp
  19858. maps/mp/%s
  19859. ddbsp
  19860. ?
  19861. ?
  19862. ?
  19863. @
  19864. @
  19865. @
  19866. @
  19867. @
  19868. @
  19869. @
  19870. @
  19871. ?
  19872. ?
  19873. ?
  19874. ?Virtual
  19875. Memory:
  19876. %
  19877. f
  19878. MB
  19879. (%
  19880. f
  19881. MB)
  19882. against
  19883. %
  19884. f
  19885. MB
  19886. backing
  19887. Remaining
  19888. User
  19889. Memory:
  19890. %
  19891. f
  19892. KB
  19893. (%
  19894. f
  19895. KB
  19896. reserved)
  19897. universal/com_memory
  19898. cpp
  19899. Hunk
  19900. initialization
  19901. failed
  19902. File
  19903. system
  19904. load
  19905. stack
  19906. not
  19907. zero
  19908. Com_InitHunkMemory
  19909. meminfo
  19910. tempmeminfo
  19911. Hunk_AllocAlign
  19912. failed
  19913. on
  19914. %i
  19915. bytes
  19916. (total
  19917. %i
  19918. MB,
  19919. low
  19920. %i
  19921. MB,
  19922. high
  19923. %i
  19924. MB)
  19925. Hunk_AllocateTempMemoryHigh:
  19926. failed
  19927. on
  19928. %i
  19929. bytes
  19930. (total
  19931. %i
  19932. MB,
  19933. low
  19934. %i
  19935. MB,
  19936. high
  19937. %i
  19938. MB)
  19939. Hunk_AllocLowAlign
  19940. failed
  19941. on
  19942. %i
  19943. bytes
  19944. (total
  19945. %i
  19946. MB,
  19947. low
  19948. %i
  19949. MB,
  19950. high
  19951. %i
  19952. MB)
  19953. mp/statstable
  19954. csv
  19955. mp/statsmilestones
  19956. csv
  19957. mp/statsmilestones
  19958. csv
  19959. mp/statsmilestones
  19960. csv
  19961. mp/statsmilestones
  19962. csv
  19963. mp/globalcounters
  19964. csv
  19965. mp/globalCounterRefs
  19966. csv
  19967. mp/trackercolumns
  19968. csv
  19969. sp/statstable
  19970. csv
  19971. mp/rankicontable
  19972. csv
  19973. mp/scoreinfo
  19974. csv
  19975. mp/gametypesTable
  19976. csv
  19977. zm/gamemodesTable
  19978. csv
  19979. mp/rankicontable_zm
  19980. csv
  19981. mp/gunlevels
  19982. csv
  19983. zm/zm_statstable
  19984. csv
  19985. mp/mtxitems
  19986. csv
  19987. Incorrect
  19988. number
  19989. of
  19990. arguments
  19991. (%d)
  19992. passed
  19993. to
  19994. TableLookup!
  19995. :a`
  19996. :a`
  19997. :a`
  19998. :c
  19999. :ad
  20000. :bd
  20001. :ad
  20002. :bd
  20003. :cÈ
  20004. :cÌ
  20005. :dÜ
  20006. :f\
  20007. :gPCould
  20008. not
  20009. allocate
  20010. %d
  20011. bytes
  20012. from
  20013. task
  20014. memory
  20015. pool
  20016. cancelled
  20017. timeout
  20018. completed
  20019. failed
  20020. XOverlapped
  20021. task
  20022. (%s)
  20023. created
  20024. on
  20025. unsupported
  20026. platform
  20027. Demonware
  20028. task
  20029. '%s'(%d)
  20030. for
  20031. controller
  20032. %d
  20033. failed
  20034. [%s
  20035. (%d)]
  20036. after
  20037. %dms
  20038. (transaction
  20039. ID:
  20040. %llu)
  20041. [DW]
  20042. [MS]
  20043. [LOCAL]
  20044. time:%i
  20045. %s%i
  20046. %i
  20047. ‡?
  20048. E¢=éxÕ
  20049. ??????
  20050. ?
  20051. ?
  20052. ?
  20053. ?
  20054. ó?
  20055. ó?
  20056. ó?
  20057. ó<ú<ú<ú
  20058. ;€;€;€;€
  20059. ÿÿÿÿ
  20060. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  20061. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
  20062. ÿÿÿÿ
  20063. ÿÿÿÿ
  20064. ÿ
  20065. ÿ
  20066. ÿ
  20067. F€F
  20068. @
  20069. F
  20070. @
  20071. ?À@
  20072. À@
  20073. À@
  20074. ?@@
  20075. @@
  20076. @@
  20077. ?ÿ
  20078. @
  20079. D
  20080. ?À@
  20081. ?
  20082. À
  20083. À
  20084. ÿ
  20085. @@
  20086. @@
  20087. @@
  20088. @@
  20089. EEF
  20090. @
  20091. Æ@
  20092. Æ@
  20093. ÆÀ`
  20094. ÿÿÿõÿÿÿê
  20095. ÿÿÿöÿÿÿë
  20096. ÿ
  20097. ÿ
  20098. ÿ
  20099. jqFlush
  20100. wait
  20101. fx_spawn
  20102. wait
  20103. fx_update_spot
  20104. wait
  20105. fx_update
  20106. wait
  20107. fx_update_remaining
  20108. wait
  20109. fx_update_portalled
  20110. wait
  20111. r_add_staticmodel
  20112. wait
  20113. r_add_staticmodel_sun
  20114. wait
  20115. r_add_bsp
  20116. wait
  20117. r_add_bsp_sun
  20118. wait
  20119. r_add_bsp_dlight
  20120. wait
  20121. r_add_smodels_dlight
  20122. wait
  20123. r_dpvs_static
  20124. wait
  20125. r_dpvs_sceneent
  20126. wait
  20127. r_dpvs_dynmodel
  20128. wait
  20129. r_dpvs_dynbrush
  20130. wait
  20131. dobj_skel
  20132. wait
  20133. dobj_skin
  20134. wait
  20135. model_skel
  20136. wait
  20137. fx_draw
  20138. wait
  20139. fx_marks_draw
  20140. wait
  20141. r_model_skin
  20142. wait
  20143. nuge_physics
  20144. wait
  20145. r_add_draw_calls
  20146. wait
  20147. nuge_physics_collision
  20148. wait
  20149. r_cull_ps
  20150. wait
  20151. updatesound_worker
  20152. @
  20153. À
  20154. ??À@
  20155. @@
  20156. À
  20157. ¿?
  20158. ?
  20159. maps/_callbackglobal
  20160. Callback_CurveNotify
  20161. :µX
  20162. :µt
  20163. :µ°
  20164. :·D
  20165. :¶h
  20166. :µH
  20167. :µ°
  20168. :µ°
  20169. :¸:¸à
  20170. :¹H
  20171. :¹œ
  20172. :¹ð
  20173. :¸ˆ
  20174. :ºD
  20175. :ºL
  20176. :¸¸
  20177. :¹œ
  20178. :¹œ
  20179. :»$
  20180. :¼p
  20181. :½Ü
  20182. :¾¤
  20183. :»<
  20184. :¿„
  20185. :¿l
  20186. :Ȇ
  20187. :½Ü
  20188. :½Ü
  20189. :Á\
  20190. :Áx
  20191. :ÁÄ
  20192. :Âè
  20193. :ÂÀ
  20194. :ÁH
  20195. :ÁÄ
  20196. :ÁÄ
  20197. :ÅÔ
  20198. :ÆD
  20199. :Æp
  20200. :ÆÀ
  20201. :Åì
  20202. :Ç`
  20203. :Ç\
  20204. :Ç|
  20205. :ÆÀ
  20206. :ÆÀ
  20207. :ÕÈ
  20208. :Õü
  20209. :ÖH
  20210. :Ö¬
  20211. :Ö¬
  20212. :Ö¬
  20213. :Ö¬
  20214. :Õü
  20215. :Õü
  20216. :Ø,
  20217. :Ø`
  20218. :ج
  20219. :×l
  20220. :Ø`
  20221. :Ø`
  20222. :Þ\
  20223. :ߜ
  20224. :ߜ
  20225. :Ýx
  20226. :ߜ
  20227. :ߜ
  20228. :â,
  20229. :âp
  20230. :âˆ
  20231. :â¬
  20232. :âP
  20233. :ãH
  20234. :ã`
  20235. :ãh
  20236. :âd
  20237. :â¬
  20238. :â¬
  20239. :åP
  20240. :åÀ
  20241. :æT
  20242. :æT
  20243. :æT
  20244. :æT
  20245. :åP
  20246. :åP
  20247. :êØ
  20248. :ë<
  20249. :ëÐ
  20250. :ì”
  20251. :ì”
  20252. :êÀ
  20253. :ì”
  20254. :ì”
  20255. :ë<
  20256. :ë<
  20257. ;
  20258. ;
  20259. \
  20260. ;
  20261. |
  20262. ;
  20263. Ì
  20264. ;
  20265. <
  20266. ;
  20267. ;
  20268. ;
  20269. Ì
  20270. ;
  20271. ;
  20272. <
  20273. %i
  20274. %lli
  20275. %g
  20276. %g
  20277. %g
  20278. %g
  20279. %g
  20280. %g
  20281. %g
  20282. %g
  20283. %g
  20284. %g
  20285. %s
  20286. (
  20287. %g,
  20288. %g,
  20289. %g
  20290. )
  20291. Domain
  20292. is
  20293. any
  20294. %iD
  20295. vector
  20296. with
  20297. components
  20298. from
  20299. %g
  20300. to
  20301. %g
  20302. Domain
  20303. is
  20304. any
  20305. %iD
  20306. vector
  20307. with
  20308. components
  20309. %g
  20310. or
  20311. bigger
  20312. Domain
  20313. is
  20314. any
  20315. %iD
  20316. vector
  20317. with
  20318. components
  20319. %g
  20320. or
  20321. smaller
  20322. Domain
  20323. is
  20324. any
  20325. %iD
  20326. vector
  20327. Domain
  20328. is
  20329. or
  20330. Domain
  20331. is
  20332. any
  20333. integer
  20334. from
  20335. %i
  20336. to
  20337. %i
  20338. Domain
  20339. is
  20340. any
  20341. integer
  20342. %i
  20343. or
  20344. bigger
  20345. Domain
  20346. is
  20347. any
  20348. integer
  20349. %i
  20350. or
  20351. smaller
  20352. Domain
  20353. is
  20354. any
  20355. integer
  20356. Domain
  20357. is
  20358. any
  20359. integer
  20360. from
  20361. %lli
  20362. to
  20363. %lli
  20364. Domain
  20365. is
  20366. any
  20367. integer
  20368. %lli
  20369. or
  20370. bigger
  20371. Domain
  20372. is
  20373. any
  20374. integer
  20375. %lli
  20376. or
  20377. smaller
  20378. Domain
  20379. is
  20380. any
  20381. number
  20382. from
  20383. %g
  20384. to
  20385. %g
  20386. Domain
  20387. is
  20388. any
  20389. number
  20390. %g
  20391. or
  20392. bigger
  20393. Domain
  20394. is
  20395. any
  20396. number
  20397. %g
  20398. or
  20399. smaller
  20400. Domain
  20401. is
  20402. any
  20403. number
  20404. Domain
  20405. is
  20406. any
  20407. text
  20408. Domain
  20409. is
  20410. one
  20411. of
  20412. the
  20413. following:
  20414. %i:
  20415. %s
  20416. Domain
  20417. is
  20418. any
  20419. -component
  20420. color,
  20421. in
  20422. RGBA
  20423. format
  20424. %s
  20425. is
  20426. read
  20427. only
  20428. %s
  20429. is
  20430. write
  20431. protected
  20432. %s
  20433. is
  20434. cheat
  20435. protected
  20436. dvar
  20437. set
  20438. %s
  20439. %s
  20440. Can't
  20441. create
  20442. dvar
  20443. '%s':
  20444. %i
  20445. dvars
  20446. already
  20447. exist
  20448. r_cmdbuf_worker
  20449. Process
  20450. command
  20451. buffer
  20452. in
  20453. a
  20454. separate
  20455. thread
  20456. r_fxaa
  20457. fxaa
  20458. ragdoll_enable
  20459. Turn
  20460. on
  20461. ragdoll
  20462. death
  20463. animations
  20464. rb_drawCullWorkerDebugText
  20465. Draw
  20466. debug
  20467. text
  20468. with
  20469. culling
  20470. statistics
  20471. snd_losOcclusion
  20472. occlusion
  20473. based
  20474. off
  20475. of
  20476. LOS
  20477. sm_enable
  20478. Enable
  20479. shadow
  20480. mapping
  20481. cg_fov_default
  20482. User
  20483. default
  20484. field
  20485. of
  20486. view
  20487. angle
  20488. in
  20489. degrees
  20490. cg_fov_default_thirdperson
  20491. User
  20492. default
  20493. rd
  20494. person
  20495. field
  20496. of
  20497. view
  20498. angle
  20499. in
  20500. degrees
  20501. sm_polygonOffsetScale
  20502. Shadow
  20503. map
  20504. offset
  20505. scale
  20506. cg_chatHeight
  20507. The
  20508. font
  20509. height
  20510. of
  20511. a
  20512. chat
  20513. message
  20514. sv_cheats
  20515. allClientDvarsEnabled
  20517. exceeded
  20518. in
  20519. save
  20520. game
  20521. (%d)
  20523. exceeded
  20524. in
  20525. save
  20526. game
  20527. '%s'
  20528. (%d)
  20529. %s
  20530. "%s"
  20531. Ran
  20532. out
  20533. of
  20534. dvar
  20535. callbacks,
  20536. cap
  20537. is
  20538. %i
  20539. Hunk_UserAlloc:
  20540. out
  20541. of
  20542. memory
  20543. Requested
  20544. %d
  20545. MemFile_EndSegment:
  20546. Out
  20547. of
  20548. memory
  20549. Trying
  20550. to
  20551. write
  20552. corrupted
  20553. file
  20554. Trying
  20555. to
  20556. read
  20557. corrupted
  20558. file
  20559. Total
  20560. User
  20561. Memory:
  20562. %
  20563. f
  20564. MB
  20565. Executable
  20566. Size
  20567. :
  20568. %
  20569. f
  20570. MB
  20571. Avail
  20572. User
  20573. Memory:
  20574. %
  20575. f
  20576. MB
  20577. Phys
  20578. Memory
  20579. Size:
  20580. %
  20581. f
  20582. MB
  20583. (allocating
  20584. %
  20585. f
  20586. MB)
  20587. io
  20588. local
  20589. free
  20590. does
  20591. not
  20592. match
  20593. allocation
  20594. universal/physicalmemory
  20595. cpp
  20596. +=
  20597. -=
  20598. *=
  20599. /=
  20600. &=
  20601. |=
  20602. ++
  20603. --
  20604. &&
  20605. ||
  20606. <=
  20607. =
  20608. ==
  20609. !=
  20610. <<
  20611. Com_BeginParseSession:
  20612. session
  20613. overflow
  20614. trying
  20615. to
  20616. parse
  20617. %s
  20618. Com_EndParseSession:
  20619. session
  20620. underflow
  20621. %sFile
  20622. %s,
  20623. line
  20624. %i:
  20625. %s
  20626. UngetToken
  20627. called
  20628. twice
  20629. (
  20630. )
  20631. ;sè
  20632. ;t
  20633. ;tx
  20634. ;tä
  20635. ;uP
  20636. ;ut
  20637. ;v
  20638. ;vP
  20639. ;vŒ
  20640. ;v´
  20641. ;vì
  20642. ;w
  20643. ;w
  20644. ;w
  20645. ;w¸
  20646. ;x
  20647. ;xT
  20648. ;xÐ??
  20649. ?
  20650. ?
  20651. ?????
  20652. ???p£×
  20653. ??
  20654. ??
  20655. ????@
  20656. ?@
  20657. ?@
  20658. ????
  20659. ?????@
  20660. ?@
  20661. ?@
  20662. %i
  20663. characters
  20664. %s%s
  20665. %i
  20666. blowfish
  20667. I_strncat:
  20668. already
  20669. overflowed
  20670. ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÍ
  20671. Attempted
  20672. to
  20673. overrun
  20674. string
  20675. in
  20676. call
  20677. to
  20678. va():
  20679. '%s'
  20680. Info_ValueForKey:
  20681. oversize
  20682. key
  20683. %d
  20684. Info_RemoveKey:
  20685. oversize
  20686. infostring
  20687. Info_RemoveKey_Big:
  20688. oversize
  20689. infostring
  20690. \%s\%s
  20691. Bad
  20692. field
  20693. type
  20694. %i
  20695. actor_
  20696. script_veh
  20697. node_
  20698. dyn_
  20699. xmodel
  20700. reliableResendTime
  20701. reliableTimeoutTime
  20702. i
  20703. ;‚„
  20704. ;‚Œ
  20705. ;‚„
  20706. ;‚„
  20707. ;‚Œ
  20708. ;‚Œ
  20709. ;‚„
  20710. ;‚„
  20711. ;‚Œ
  20712. ;‚„
  20713. ;‚Œ
  20714. ;‚Œ
  20715. ;‚Œ
  20716. ;‚Œ
  20717. ;‚„
  20718. ;‚Œ
  20719. ;‚Œ
  20720. ;‚Œ
  20721. ;‚Œ
  20722. ;‚Œ
  20723. ;‚„
  20724. ;‚Œ
  20725. ;‚„
  20726. ;‚„
  20727. ;‚„
  20728. ;‚¼
  20729. ;‚Ä
  20730. ;‚Ä
  20731. ;‚¼
  20732. ;‚¼
  20733. ;‚¼
  20734. ;‚¼
  20735. ;ƒH
  20736. ;ƒH
  20737. ;ƒH
  20738. ;ƒH
  20739. ;ƒH
  20740. ;ƒH
  20741. ;ƒ(
  20742. ;ƒ@
  20743. ;Ĭ
  20744. ;Ĭ
  20745. ;Ĭ
  20746. ;Ĭ
  20747. ;ƒ˜
  20748. ;Ĭ
  20749. ;Ĭ
  20750. ;Ĭ
  20751. ;Ĭ
  20752. ;ƒ˜
  20753. ;„
  20754. ;„
  20755. ;„
  20756. ;„
  20757. ;„
  20758. ;„
  20759. ;„
  20760. ;„
  20761. ;ƒø
  20762. ;„
  20763. ;„
  20764. ;„
  20765. ;„
  20766. ;ƒðbark
  20767. brick
  20768. carpet
  20769. cloth
  20770. concrete
  20771. dirt
  20772. flesh
  20773. foliage
  20774. glass
  20775. grass
  20776. gravel
  20777. ice
  20778. metal
  20779. mud
  20780. paper
  20781. plaster
  20782. rock
  20783. sand
  20784. snow
  20785. water
  20786. wood
  20787. asphalt
  20788. ceramic
  20789. plastic
  20790. rubber
  20791. cushion
  20792. fruit
  20793. paintedmetal
  20794. player
  20795. tallgrass
  20796. riotshield
  20797. opaqueglass
  20798. clipmissile
  20799. ai_nosight
  20800. clipshot
  20801. playerclip
  20802. monsterclip
  20803. vehicleclip
  20804. itemclip
  20805. noDrop
  20806. nonSolid
  20807. detail
  20808. structural
  20809. portal
  20810. canShootClip
  20811. origin
  20812. sky
  20813. noCastShadow
  20814. onlyCastShadow
  20815. physicsGeom
  20816. lightPortal
  20817. caulk
  20818. areaLight
  20819. slick
  20820. noImpact
  20821. noMarks
  20822. noPenetrate
  20823. ladder
  20824. noDamage
  20825. mantleOn
  20826. mantleOver
  20827. mount
  20828. noSteps
  20829. noDraw
  20830. noReceiveDynamicShadow
  20831. noDlight
  20832. default
  20833. $Ý/
  20834. Ÿ¾wc
  20835. ck
  20836. webm_dec
  20837. webm_dec_loop
  20838. webm_enc
  20839. webm_enc_pack
  20840. G´¦h
  20841. á±V_VP
  20842. A_PCM/INT/BIG
  20843. WebM
  20844. Worker
  20845. thread
  20846. Decode
  20847. %s
  20848. WebM
  20849. -
  20850. Decode
  20851. wb
  20852. rb
  20853. it
  20854. °IK_InitializeIKState()
  20855. -
  20856. IK
  20857. bones
  20858. don't
  20859. match
  20860. i
  20861. =
  20862. %i
  20863. ikState-ikBoneToObjBone[i]
  20864. =
  20865. %i
  20866. ikState-objBoneToIKBone[ikState-ikBoneToObjBone[i]]
  20867. =
  20868. %i
  20869. (should
  20870. be
  20871. %i)
  20872. IK
  20873. -
  20874. update
  20875. bones
  20876. <<
  20877. <<
  20878. <<
  20879. <<
  20880. <<
  20881. <<
  20882. <<
  20883. <<
  20884. <<
  20885. <A´
  20886. <AÌ
  20887. <AÌ
  20888. <Al
  20889. <Al
  20890. <Al
  20891. <@è
  20892. <@Ô
  20893. <I
  20894. <CP
  20895. <BX
  20896. <Cx
  20897. <C
  20898. <HH
  20899. <@ü
  20900. <I$
  20901. <Aä
  20902. <I$
  20903. <A˜
  20904. <HP
  20905. <H
  20906. <I$
  20907. <Hø
  20908. <I$
  20909. <C
  20910. tag_origin
  20911. j_mainroot
  20912. j_spinelower
  20913. j_spineupper
  20914. j_spine
  20915. j_neck
  20916. j_head
  20917. j_clavicle_le
  20918. j_shoulder_le
  20919. j_elbow_le
  20920. j_wrist_le
  20921. j_wristtwist_le
  20922. j_clavicle_ri
  20923. j_shoulder_ri
  20924. j_elbow_ri
  20925. j_wrist_ri
  20926. j_wristtwist_ri
  20927. j_hip_le
  20928. j_knee_le
  20929. j_ankle_le
  20930. j_hip_ri
  20931. j_knee_ri
  20932. j_ankle_ri
  20933. tag_weapon_right
  20934. j_eyeball_ri
  20935. j_eyeball_le
  20936. j_head_ponytail_
  20937. j_head_ponytail_
  20938. j_head_ponytail_
  20939. j_head_ponytail_
  20940. left_hand_ik
  20941. right_hand_ik
  20942. tag_head
  20943. ik_enable
  20944. ik_debug
  20945. ik_pelvis_test
  20946. ik_foot_test
  20947. ik_hand_test
  20948. ik_left_hand_lerp_test
  20949. ik_right_hand_lerp_test
  20950. ik_enable_player_hand
  20951. ik_enable_player_terrain
  20952. ik_enable_ai_hand
  20953. ik_enable_ai_terrain
  20954. ik_ai_hand_tuning
  20955. ik_ai_hand_offset_vec
  20956. ik_ai_hand_rotation_vec
  20957. ik_ai_hand_get_data
  20958. ik_paranoid_matrix_checks
  20959. ik_pitch_limit_thresh
  20960. ik_pitch_limit_max
  20961. ik_roll_limit_thresh
  20962. ik_roll_limit_max
  20963. ik_yaw_limit_thresh
  20964. ik_yaw_limit_max
  20965. ik_lookatentity_head_scale
  20966. ik_dvar_lookatentity_notorso
  20967. ik_dvar_lookatentity_tracking_rate
  20968. ik_dvar_lookatentity_eyes_scale
  20969. ik_lookatpos_head_scale
  20970. ik_dvar_lookatpos_notorso
  20971. ik_dvar_lookatpos_tracking_rate
  20972. ik_dvar_lookatpos_eyes_scale
  20973. ik_dvar_ai_aim_tracking_rate
  20974. ik_ai_pool_size
  20975. ik_ai_range_max
  20976. wiiuIkEnabled
  20977. IKImport_ApplyIKToSkeleton
  20978. IKImport_IsIKEntity
  20979. IKImport_UpdateCollisionCache
  20980. À@
  20981. À
  20982. À
  20983. A
  20984. À
  20985. À
  20986. @
  20987. @@
  20988. À@
  20989. @
  20990. @
  20991. À@
  20992. À
  20993. À
  20994. Àà
  20995. ÀÀ@
  20996. À
  20997. Àà
  20998. À
  20999. A
  21000. @@
  21001. À
  21002. À@
  21003. À
  21004. @@
  21005. A
  21006. A
  21007. A
  21008. A
  21009. A
  21010. A
  21011. A
  21012. A
  21013. A
  21014. A
  21015. A
  21016. IK_ProcessLayers
  21017. Solve
  21018. legs
  21019. Solve
  21020. arms
  21021. ?
  21022. ?
  21023. ?
  21024. ?
  21025. IK_GeneratePreIKMatrices
  21026. IK_GenerateIKXformMatrices
  21027. IK_Process
  21028. dobj
  21029. for
  21030. xmodel
  21031. '%s'
  21032. has
  21033. more
  21034. than
  21035. %d
  21036. bones
  21037. (see
  21038. console
  21039. for
  21040. details)
  21041. traceline_bits
  21042. dobjtraceline
  21043. geomtraceline
  21044. geomtraceline_bits
  21045. DObjCalcSkel
  21046. Do
  21047. not
  21048. nest
  21049. additives
  21050. exceeded
  21051. maximum
  21052. number
  21053. of
  21054. anim
  21055. info
  21056. %i
  21057. ^%s
  21058. (missing)
  21059. ^
  21060. ^
  21061. ^
  21062. %s%s:
  21063. (w)
  21064. %
  21065. f
  21066. -
  21067. %
  21068. f,
  21069. (r)
  21070. %
  21071. f,
  21072. (rt)
  21073. %
  21074. f
  21075. /
  21076. %
  21077. f,
  21078. (realtd)
  21079. %
  21080. f,
  21081. '%s'
  21082. %s%s:
  21083. (w)
  21084. %
  21085. f
  21086. -
  21087. %
  21088. f,
  21089. (r)
  21090. %
  21091. f,
  21092. (rt)
  21093. %
  21094. f
  21095. /
  21096. %
  21097. f,
  21098. (realtd)
  21099. %
  21100. f
  21101. %s%s:
  21102. (w)
  21103. %
  21104. f
  21105. -
  21106. %
  21107. f,
  21108. (r)
  21109. %
  21110. f,
  21111. (nt)
  21112. %
  21113. f
  21114. -
  21115. %
  21116. f,
  21117. '%s'
  21118. %s%s:
  21119. (w)
  21120. %
  21121. f
  21122. -
  21123. %
  21124. f,
  21125. '%s'
  21126. %s%s:
  21127. (w)
  21128. %
  21129. f
  21130. -
  21131. %
  21132. f,
  21133. (r)
  21134. %
  21135. f,
  21136. (nt)
  21137. %
  21138. f
  21139. -
  21140. %
  21141. f
  21142. %s%s:
  21143. (w)
  21144. %
  21145. f
  21146. -
  21147. %
  21148. f
  21149. %sNO
  21150. TREE
  21151. %sNO
  21152. TREE
  21153. CHILDREN
  21154. %s
  21155. animation
  21156. '%s'
  21157. in
  21158. '%s'
  21159. cannot
  21160. be
  21161. sync
  21162. looping
  21163. and
  21164. nonlooping
  21165. animation
  21166. '%s'
  21167. in
  21168. '%s'
  21169. cannot
  21170. be
  21171. sync
  21172. nonlooping
  21173. and
  21174. looping
  21175. duplicate
  21176. specification
  21177. of
  21178. animation
  21179. sync
  21180. in
  21181. '%s',
  21182. %d
  21183. nodes
  21184. above
  21185. '%s'
  21186. animation
  21187. cannot
  21188. be
  21189. sync
  21190. looping
  21191. and
  21192. sync
  21193. nonlooping
  21194. XAnimCalc
  21195. xmodeltracelineanimated
  21196. r
  21197. s
  21198. }
  21199. p
  21200. {
  21201. e
  21202. rh
  21203. rp
  21204. invalid
  21205. distance
  21206. too
  21207. far
  21208. back
  21209. invalid
  21210. distance
  21211. code
  21212. invalid
  21213. literal/length
  21214. code
  21215. incorrect
  21216. header
  21217. check
  21218. unknown
  21219. compression
  21220. method
  21221. invalid
  21222. window
  21223. size
  21224. invalid
  21225. block
  21226. type
  21227. invalid
  21228. stored
  21229. block
  21230. lengths
  21231. too
  21232. many
  21233. length
  21234. or
  21235. distance
  21236. symbols
  21237. invalid
  21238. code
  21239. lengths
  21240. set
  21241. invalid
  21242. bit
  21243. length
  21244. repeat
  21245. invalid
  21246. literal/lengths
  21247. set
  21248. invalid
  21249. distances
  21250. set
  21251. invalid
  21252. literal/length
  21253. code
  21254. invalid
  21255. distance
  21256. code
  21257. invalid
  21258. distance
  21259. too
  21260. far
  21261. back
  21262. flameSmoke
  21263. CG_Flame_Render_Lights_Only
  21264. flameStreams
  21265. rList
  21266. m_flamethrower_mp
  21267. sv_flame_physics
  21268. cl_flame_physics
  21269. flame_test
  21270. flame_use_dvars
  21271. flame_render
  21272. flame_team_damage
  21273. flame_debug_render
  21274. flame_config_valid
  21275. flame_system_enabled
  21276. defaultHitDamage
  21277. defaultDamageDuration
  21278. defaultDamageInterval
  21279. flame_kick_offset
  21280. flame_kick_speed
  21281. flame_kick_recover_speed
  21282. flame_test
  21283. flame_test
  21284. CG_Flame_Age_All_Objects
  21285. SV_Flame_Age_All_Objects
  21286. PlayerSessionStatsEX
  21287. timeStarted
  21288. ut
  21289. PlayerStrikeforceStats
  21290. D
  21291. e
  21292. prevLevel
  21293. s
  21294. unitsAvailable
  21295. ts
  21296. PlayerTempStats
  21297. s
  21298. s
  21299. rts_
  21300. tut_
  21301. svg
  21302. Unable
  21303. to
  21304. extract
  21305. map
  21306. string
  21307. name
  21308. from
  21309. save
  21310. game
  21311. sv
  21312. nineteeneighties
  21313. %c
  21314. %c
  21315. frontend_resume
  21316. ut
  21317. restartmission
  21318. save
  21319. devOutput/save/%s
  21320. Unable
  21321. to
  21322. find
  21323. save
  21324. %c
  21327. fast_restart
  21328. mission_restart
  21329. checkpoint_restart
  21330. spmap
  21331. devmap
  21332. launchlevel
  21333. spdevmap
  21334. maps
  21335. ddbsp
  21336. loadgame
  21337. svg
  21338. l
  21339. loadgame_continue
  21340. update_mapname_from_stats
  21341. heartbeat
  21342. onlykick
  21343. banUser
  21344. banClient
  21345. kick
  21346. tempBanUser
  21347. tempBanClient
  21348. clientkick
  21349. status
  21350. serverinfo
  21351. systeminfo
  21352. dumpuser
  21353. map_rotate
  21354. killserver
  21355. setPerk
  21356. userinfo
  21357. ct
  21358. notify
  21359. challengeResponse
  21360. %i
  21361. EN
  21362. %c
  21363. "%s"
  21364. disconnect
  21365. %s
  21366. %c
  21367. "
  21368. %s^
  21369. %s%s"
  21371. P
  21373. "
  21374. ev
  21375. %i
  21376. R
  21377. %llx
  21378. %s
  21379. %d
  21380. %d
  21381. %s
  21382. error
  21384. %s
  21385. e
  21386. t
  21387. error
  21389. error
  21391. error
  21393. error
  21395. error
  21396. %s
  21399. team
  21400. score
  21401. mr
  21402. %s
  21403. SV_SetConfigstring:
  21404. bad
  21405. index
  21406. %i
  21407. \
  21408. SV_SetConfigstringBundle:
  21410. values
  21411. over
  21412. %d
  21413. bytes
  21414. SV_SetConfigstringBundle:
  21415. big
  21416. config
  21417. string
  21418. with
  21419. %d
  21420. empty
  21421. spaces
  21422. %c
  21423. %x
  21424. %x
  21425. %s
  21426. %c
  21427. %s
  21428. %x
  21429. %x
  21430. %s
  21431. %i
  21432. %x
  21433. %x
  21434. \%d\%s
  21435. SV_SetClearConfigstring:
  21436. bad
  21437. index
  21438. %i
  21439. SV_SetClearConfigstring:
  21440. bad
  21441. range
  21442. %i
  21443. SV_SetClearConfigstring:
  21444. bad
  21445. index
  21446. +
  21447. range
  21448. %i
  21449. %c
  21450. %i
  21451. %i
  21452. SV_GetConfigstring:
  21453. bufferSize
  21454. ==
  21455. %i
  21456. SV_GetConfigstring:
  21457. bad
  21458. index
  21459. %i
  21460. SV_SetConfigValueForKey:
  21461. overflow
  21462. SV_SetUserinfo:
  21463. bad
  21464. index
  21465. %i
  21466. name
  21467. SV_GetUserinfo:
  21468. bufferSize
  21469. ==
  21470. %i
  21471. SV_GetUserinfo:
  21472. bad
  21473. index
  21474. %i
  21476. %s
  21477. %s
  21478. %d
  21479. %d
  21480. %s
  21481. frontend
  21482. loadingnewmap
  21483. %s
  21484. %s
  21485. sp/levelLookup
  21486. csv
  21487. map_restart
  21488. skinnedVerts
  21489. texture_preload
  21490. xGlobalsSingleton
  21491. svs
  21492. clients
  21493. svs
  21494. cachedSnapshotMatchStates
  21495. svs
  21496. cachedSnapshotEntities
  21497. svs
  21498. cachedSnapshotActors
  21499. svs
  21500. cachedSnapshotAnimCmds
  21501. svs
  21502. snapshotEntities
  21503. svs
  21504. snapshotClients
  21505. svs
  21506. snapshotActors
  21507. svs
  21508. snapshotMatchStates
  21509. svs
  21510. cachedSnapshotClients
  21511. svs
  21512. snapshotAnimCmds
  21513. sv_ikStatesArray
  21514. g_player_maxhealth
  21515. player_damageMultiplier
  21516. player_deathInvulnerableTime
  21517. g_gametype
  21518. cmp
  21519. protocol
  21520. sv_maxPhysExplosionSpheres
  21521. mapname
  21522. sv_lastSaveCommitedToDevice
  21523. sv_saveDeviceAvailable
  21524. sv_saveOnStartMap
  21525. sv_saveGameAvailable
  21526. sv_saveGameNotReadable
  21527. mapcrc
  21528. sv_privateClients
  21529. sv_privateClientsForClients
  21530. sv_endGameIfISuck
  21531. sv_hostname
  21532. BlackOpsZombie
  21533. sv_clientSideBullets
  21534. sv_clientSideVehicles
  21535. sv_restrictedTempEnts
  21536. penetrationCount
  21537. penetrationCount_axis
  21538. penetrationCount_allies
  21539. bulletrange
  21540. sv_expensive_bullet_time
  21541. fxfrustumCutoff
  21542. sv_SnapshotManLaw
  21543. sv_NoShapshotWarnings
  21544. sv_FakeRemoteClient
  21545. sv_minPing
  21546. sv_maxPing
  21547. sv_floodProtect
  21548. sv_voiceQuality
  21549. sv_cheats
  21550. sv_timeout
  21551. sv_connectTimeout
  21552. sv_zombietime
  21553. sv_reconnectlimit
  21554. sv_mapRotation
  21555. sv_mapRotationCurrent
  21556. nextmap
  21557. map_scenario
  21558. sv_smp
  21559. sv_network_fps
  21560. sv_assistWorkers
  21561. sv_networkRateSolution
  21562. hostquit
  21563. %c
  21564. "%s"
  21566. disconnect
  21568. %c
  21570. challenge
  21571. %i
  21572. %i
  21573. "%s"
  21574. statusResponse
  21575. %s
  21576. %s
  21577. gameCompleteStatus
  21578. %s
  21579. %s
  21580. getstatus
  21581. getinfo
  21582. getchallenge
  21583. connect
  21584. stats
  21585. newClientState
  21586. %i
  21587. %i
  21590. %c
  21591. %i
  21593. SERVER:
  21594. post
  21595. frame
  21596. SERVER:
  21597. SV_ProcessPendingSaves
  21598. SERVER:
  21599. post
  21600. frame
  21601. SERVER:
  21602. post
  21603. frame
  21604. SERVER:
  21605. post
  21606. frame
  21607. SERVER:
  21608. msg
  21609. recv
  21610. Start
  21611. Level
  21612. Save
  21613. SERVER:
  21614. bots
  21615. xpartydisbandafterround
  21616. SERVER:
  21617. pre
  21618. frame
  21619. SERVER:
  21620. run
  21621. frame
  21622. SERVER:
  21623. post
  21624. frame
  21625. send
  21626. gump_loaded
  21627. notify
  21628. to
  21629. script
  21630. gump_loaded
  21631. send
  21632. gump_flushed
  21633. notify
  21634. to
  21635. script
  21636. gump_flushed
  21637. Failed
  21638. to
  21639. create
  21640. server
  21641. thread
  21643. map
  21644. %s
  21646. numSnapshotEntities
  21648. nextCachedSnapshotEntities
  21650. nextCachedSnapshotClients
  21652. nextCachedSnapshotFrames
  21654. numSnapshotClients
  21656. numSnapshotActors
  21659. internal
  21660. -
  21661. vs
  21662. svSaveDeviceAvailableModified
  21663. controller
  21664. ?¹„
  21665. ?¹ð
  21666. ?¹„
  21667. ?¹„
  21668. ?¹„
  21669. ?¹ð
  21670. ?¹„
  21671. ?¹„
  21672. ?¹ð
  21673. ?¹„
  21674. X
  21675. SV_BuildClientSnapshot:
  21676. bad
  21677. gEnt
  21678. svs
  21679. nextSnapshotMatchStates
  21680. wrapped
  21681. copy
  21682. entity
  21683. states
  21684. svs
  21685. nextSnapshotEntities
  21686. wrapped
  21687. svs
  21688. nextSnapshotClients
  21689. wrapped
  21690. svs
  21691. nextSnapshotActors
  21692. wrapped
  21693. SV_BuildClientSnapshot
  21694. SV_WriteSnapshotToClient
  21695. SV_EndClientSnapshot
  21696. wait
  21697. snapshot
  21698. ??LÌÍLÌÍ?
  21699. ?
  21700. ???
  21701. ???
  21702. ????¸Qì??????
  21703. CL_GetUserCmd:
  21704. %i
  21705. =
  21706. %i
  21707. CL_GetSnapshot:
  21708. snapshotNumber
  21709. cl-snapshot
  21710. messageNum
  21711. code_warning_snapshotents
  21712. \
  21713. CL_ConfigstringModifiedInternal
  21715. exceeded
  21716. %d
  21717. bytes
  21719. exceeded
  21720. configstring
  21722. CL_CGameNeedsServerCommand:
  21724. CL_CGameNeedsServerCommand:
  21727. %c
  21728. %s
  21729. bcs
  21730. exceeded
  21732. default
  21733. @#$%^&@#$%^&@#$%^&@#$%^&@#$%^&
  21734. badwords
  21735. csv
  21736. Could
  21737. not
  21738. translate
  21739. subtitle
  21740. text:
  21741. "%s"
  21742. ^UNLOCALIZED(^%s^)^
  21743. pregame_loaderror
  21744. briefing
  21745. pregame
  21746. first_snapshot
  21747. controller
  21748. mapname
  21749. prolog
  21750. fx
  21751. occlusion
  21752. queries
  21753. fx
  21754. destructibles
  21755. ents
  21756. dent
  21757. fakeent
  21758. bolts
  21759. ropes
  21760. texturelist
  21761. genericfilter
  21762. state
  21763. fire
  21764. menuelems
  21765. snddata
  21766. scripts
  21767. scripts_post
  21768. shutdown
  21769. final
  21770. loadGump
  21771. %s
  21772. %d
  21774. skinnedVerts
  21775. CL_SetCGameTime:
  21776. !cl-snap
  21777. valid
  21778. Overflow
  21779. compressed
  21780. msg
  21781. buf
  21782. in
  21783. CL_WritePacket()
  21784. PerLocalClient
  21786. select_save_device
  21787. briefing_startcinematic
  21788. levelName
  21789. previousLevelName
  21790. e
  21791. ct
  21792. clients
  21793. parseAnimCmds
  21794. PerLocalClient
  21795. Memory
  21797. createpublicserver
  21798. cl_maxPing
  21799. splitscreen_playerControllerIndex
  21800. forcedisableallbutprimaryclients
  21801. remapcontrollertoprimaryandactivate
  21802. mapallcontrollersactive
  21803. savegame
  21804. savestats
  21805. fullscreenview
  21806. splitscreenview
  21807. stopControllerRumble
  21808. PrecacheFastFile
  21809. e
  21810. @[ì
  21811. @[è
  21812. @ZÜ
  21813. @[¼
  21814. @Z¸
  21815. CL_ParsePacketEntities:
  21816. end
  21817. of
  21818. message
  21819. unlocks
  21820. maxprestige
  21821. %i
  21822. @o¸
  21823. @oØ
  21824. @p
  21825. @p$
  21826. @pDhostname
  21827. mapname
  21828. clients
  21829. %i
  21830. com_maxclients
  21831. ping
  21832. minping
  21833. maxping
  21834. game
  21835. gametype
  21836. nettype
  21837. ff
  21838. kc
  21839. hw
  21840. mod
  21841. %iihear
  21842. %i
  21843. vt
  21844. %icanthear
  21845. %i
  21846. v
  21847. relay
  21848. %i
  21849. unmute_error_popup_nobody
  21850. unmute_error_popup_friends_only
  21851. unmute_error_popup_live
  21852. A
  21853. EMPTY
  21854. ZOMBIE
  21855. ANONYMOUS
  21856. PRESENT
  21857. subpartyIndex
  21858. invited
  21859. headsetPresent
  21860. inLivePartyVoice
  21861. inLivePartyTalking
  21862. finishedLoadingDemo
  21863. readyForPlayback
  21864. isReady
  21865. isGuest
  21866. isSplitscreenClient
  21867. natType
  21868. player
  21869. gamertag
  21870. npid
  21871. opt
  21872. npid
  21873. reserved
  21874. clanAbbrev
  21875. connectionType
  21876. playerEmblem
  21877. platformAddr
  21878. netAddr
  21879. localNetID
  21880. platformAddr
  21881. liveaddr
  21882. availableMapPackFlags
  21883. privatePartyId
  21884. rank
  21885. prestige
  21886. deaths
  21887. skillRating
  21888. score
  21889. vetoedMap
  21890. downloadPercent
  21891. maximumPing
  21892. specialFlags
  21893. clanTagFeature
  21894. voiceConnectivityBits
  21895. affinityBits
  21896. teamInfo
  21897. team
  21898. leagueTeamID
  21899. leagueMemberCount
  21900. recentPlaylistEntries[]
  21901. recentPlaylistEntries[]
  21902. recentPlaylistEntries[]
  21903. searchStartUTC
  21904. uploadBandwidth
  21905. probation
  21906. +
  21907. ph
  21908. newlobby
  21909. rejoin
  21910. localJoinFailed
  21911. voicefail
  21912. endparty
  21913. kicked
  21914. endpartykeeptogether
  21915. leaderleft
  21916. pseg
  21917. go
  21918. pawake
  21919. partyprivacy
  21920. getinfo
  21922. %cHIDE_PLAYERS
  21923. %cWAITING
  21924. %cPREMATCH
  21925. %cSTARTREADY
  21927. popup_reconnectingtoparty
  21928. %iendpartykeeptogether
  21929. %iendparty
  21930. %s
  21933. %ipha
  21934. Trying
  21935. to
  21936. send
  21937. heartbeat
  21938. ack
  21939. but
  21940. Trying
  21941. to
  21942. send
  21943. heartbeat
  21944. ack
  21945. from
  21946. all
  21947. clients
  21948. but
  21949. exec
  21950. %s
  21951. default_systemlink
  21952. cfg
  21953. default_xboxlive_sp
  21954. cfg
  21956. %s
  21957. SetPlaylistEntryAlways
  21958. ResetState
  21959. %ileaderdis
  21960. leavelobbywarning
  21961. leavelobbyandpartywarning
  21962. leavepartywarning
  21963. popup_connectingtolobby
  21964. leavesystemlinklobbywarning
  21965. menu_xboxlive_findgame
  21966. menu_xboxlive_lobby
  21967. menu_xboxlive_barracks
  21968. menu_leaderboard
  21969. menu_systemlink_lobby
  21970. close_all_popups
  21971. immediate
  21972. controller
  21973. menu_systemlink_lobbyended
  21974. popup_xboxlive_partyended
  21975. menu_xboxlive_privatelobby
  21976. menu_xboxlive_theaterlobby
  21977. popup_xboxlive_lobbyended
  21978. xstartprivateparty
  21979. xstartpartyhost
  21980. SetPreviousPlaylistEntry
  21981. %ilocalJoin
  21983. %imemberJoin
  21984. %x
  21985. %imember
  21986. <data
  21987. true
  21988. false
  21989. %f
  21990. %llu
  21991. party_member_team_cycle
  21992. %lld
  21993. xuid
  21994. team
  21995. cycleTeam
  22017. Unknown
  22018. lobby
  22019. state
  22020. popup_gettingdata
  22021. gametype_update
  22022. Unable
  22023. to
  22024. register
  22025. party
  22026. host's
  22027. address
  22028. using
  22029. the
  22030. party
  22031. session
  22032. info
  22033. Immediately
  22034. after
  22035. getting
  22036. an
  22037. inaddr
  22039. %ipsack
  22040. %i
  22041. Trying
  22042. to
  22043. send
  22044. partystate
  22045. ack
  22046. but
  22047. matchmaking_joined_game
  22049. party_joined
  22051. Party_StateChanged_f
  22052. qosPreferredPing
  22053. qosMaxAllowedPing
  22054. excellentPing
  22055. goodPing
  22056. terriblePing
  22057. tu_checkForValidGameMode
  22058. tu_rerunPlaylistRulesOnHost
  22059. tu_offlinehostdisconnectfix
  22060. party_maxChangeListDiff
  22061. party_reconnectToClientOnTimeout
  22062. party_reconnectToHostOnTimeout
  22063. party_forceMemberUpdateOnVoiceConnectivityBits
  22064. party_disconnectPlayerOnRemoval
  22065. party_disconnectPlayerOnJoinFailed
  22066. party_maxlocalplayers
  22067. party_allowguests
  22068. party_maxplayers_partylobby
  22069. party_maxlocalplayers_mainlobby
  22070. party_maxlocalplayers_playermatch
  22071. party_maxlocalplayers_privatematch
  22072. live_startmatchDeadline
  22073. party_maxplayers
  22074. party_maxplayers_privatematch
  22075. party_disableLockin
  22076. party_connect_dedicated
  22077. party_dedicatedOnly
  22078. party_minplayers
  22079. party_gameStartTimerLengthPrivate
  22080. party_pregameStartTimerLengthPrivate
  22081. party_gameStartTimerLength
  22082. party_pregameStartTimerLength
  22083. party_vetoButtonVisible
  22084. party_isPreviousMapVoted
  22085. party_sequentialPreviousMapVotingAllowed
  22086. party_vetoPassed
  22087. party_vetoPercentRequired
  22088. party_vetoDelayTime
  22089. party_maxSkipMapVetoes
  22090. party_readyButtonVisible
  22091. party_readyPercentRequired
  22092. party_readyAllowOnlyLocalPlayers
  22093. party_linearMapCycle
  22094. party_linearMapCycleRandom
  22095. party_connectToOthers
  22096. party_debugShowSkill
  22097. party_editingsettings
  22098. party_gametype
  22099. party_gamesize
  22100. party_mapname
  22101. party_kickplayerquestion
  22102. party_playerCount
  22103. party_hostname
  22104. party_mappacks
  22105. party_matchedPlayerCount
  22106. party_autoteams
  22107. party_minLobbyTime
  22108. party_skillBaseDifferenceAllowance
  22109. party_skillAllowancePerSecond
  22110. party_restartMatchmakingTimer
  22111. party_connectTimeout
  22112. party_playervisible
  22113. party_iamhost
  22114. party_firstSubpartyIndex
  22115. party_membersMissingMapPack
  22116. party_mergingEnabled
  22117. party_mergingJitter
  22118. party_searchInterval
  22119. party_subSearchInterval
  22120. party_dedicatedMergeMinPlayers
  22121. party_joinInProgressAllowed
  22122. party_minResumeMs
  22123. party_localTeamTest
  22124. party_clientTimeout
  22125. party_teamSwitchDelay
  22126. party_lobbyExtensionTime
  22127. party_forceMigrateAfterRound
  22128. party_forceMigrateOnMatchStartRegression
  22129. party_requestMigrateDuringAutoStartIfStreaming
  22130. party_considerStreamingForHostMigration
  22131. party_keepPartyAliveWhileMatchmaking
  22132. party_chooseLowestPingSlot
  22133. using_original
  22134. partyend_reason
  22135. party_maxMigrationTime
  22136. party_maxDesperateMigrationTime
  22137. party_neverJoinRecent
  22138. party_leagueValidityGrace
  22139. partyprober_chanceToFailAssociation
  22140. party_chanceToFailConnection
  22141. partyprober_chanceToFailSend
  22142. tu_delayComErrorForPlaylistRules
  22143. tu_stopPartyForPlaylistRules
  22144. tu_ignoreSeasonPass
  22145. tu_ignoreOtherModesDLC
  22146. tu_partyDoublePartyCloseFix
  22147. tu_cancelMatchStartReturnValue
  22148. tu_partyErrorOnInGameMigrateFail
  22149. party_memberUpdateBackoffRate
  22150. party_minMemberUpdateInterval
  22151. party_maxMemberUpdateInterval
  22152. party_migrateRestTime
  22153. party_toggleMute
  22154. party_statechanged
  22155. party_checkPlaylist
  22156. ChoosePreviousPlaylist
  22157. BecomePartyHost
  22159. uin_timer
  22160. uin_lobby_refind
  22161. uin_lobby_join
  22162. uin_lobby_leave
  22163. Party_Frame
  22164. map
  22165. %s
  22166. %i
  22167. matchmaking_joining_game
  22168. game
  22169. pha
  22170. psack
  22171. joinParty
  22172. memberJoin
  22173. localJoin
  22174. member
  22175. echoreq
  22176. dis
  22177. leaderdis
  22178. ihear
  22179. canthear
  22180. profile
  22181. profilesack
  22182. pgs
  22183. pkick
  22186. s
  22187. invalidaddr
  22188. merging
  22189. invalidcount
  22190. ng
  22191. ed
  22192. toomanyparties
  22193. connectionmismatch
  22194. skillmismatch
  22195. %ipartyprivacy
  22196. UT
  22197. %ikicked
  22198. %s
  22199. %igo
  22200. %i
  22201. %i
  22202. %i
  22203. %i
  22204. %i
  22205. %s
  22206. %s
  22207. SetRoundScores
  22208. %ipseg
  22209. StartTeamMatch
  22210. CancelStartMatch
  22211. S
  22213. InterrogrationEnd
  22214. y
  22215. SetUIState
  22216. SetUIEvent
  22217. %iph
  22218. L
  22219. %irejoin
  22220. %inewlobby
  22221. %x
  22222. a
  22225. Started
  22226. a
  22227. lobby
  22228. and
  22229. we
  22230. didn't
  22231. have
  22232. enough
  22233. free
  22234. slots
  22235. to
  22236. add
  22237. the
  22238. %i
  22239. players
  22240. from
  22241. our
  22242. party
  22243. AutoStart_LOBBY_FLAG_WAITING
  22244. AutoStart_NOT_STARTREADY
  22245. AutoStart_WAITING
  22246. %iechoreply
  22247. %s
  22248. postgame
  22249. migrating
  22250. ss
  22251. noparty
  22252. moving
  22253. probing
  22254. %ipartyJoinFailed
  22255. banned
  22256. %ipartyaccept
  22257. %x
  22258. %i
  22259. %ipartyJoinFailed
  22260. %s
  22261. %ipartyJoinFailed
  22262. nothosting
  22263. %ipartyJoinFailed
  22264. merging
  22265. %ipartyJoinFailed
  22266. full
  22267. %ipartyJoinFailed
  22268. nofunds
  22269. %ilocalJoinFailed
  22270. nothosting
  22271. %ilocalJoinFailed
  22272. ingame
  22273. %ilocalJoinFailed
  22274. merging
  22275. %ilocalJoinFailed
  22276. banned
  22277. %ilocalJoinFailed
  22278. full
  22279. %ilocalJoinFailed
  22280. anonfull
  22281. %ilocalJoinFailed
  22282. anonfail
  22283. %ivoicefail
  22284. %i
  22285. %ipawake
  22286. %ileaderleft
  22287. xstopparty
  22288. by
  22289. by
  22290. %iprofileack
  22291. %d
  22292. me
  22293. ks
  22294. d
  22295. ty
  22296. UpdateWagerCheckFundsState
  22298. xplaylistchoosegame
  22299. xplaylistchoosepreviousgame
  22300. EnterStartReadyState
  22301. EndIntermission
  22302. MapPackFlagsChanged
  22303. BLô
  22304. BMØ
  22305. BP˜
  22306. BRH
  22307. BSœ
  22308. b
  22309. %ihostAnnounce
  22310. %i
  22311. BecomeHost
  22312. global_hostselected_partyhost
  22313. global_hostselected_partyclient
  22314. HOST
  22315. partyMigrate_debugEnabled
  22316. partyMigrate_disabled
  22317. partyMigrate_maxBWPackets
  22318. partymigrate_MaxPacketWaitTime
  22319. partymigrate_NomineeWaitMS
  22320. partymigrate_HostWaitMS
  22321. partyMigrate_NomineeRecalcInterval
  22322. partyMigrate_TestInterval
  22323. TestIntervalJitter
  22324. partymigrate_MinScoreDiff
  22325. tu_partymigrate_allowPrivatePartyClientsToHost
  22326. tu_partymigrate_WirelessLatencyIncrease
  22327. tu_partymigrate_useStdDev
  22328. %ifindbest
  22329. %s
  22330. -
  22331. %i
  22332. [%s]%s
  22333. [%s]
  22334. {%
  22335. f}
  22336. %s
  22337. %i
  22338. |
  22339. party_update_host
  22340. gameLobby
  22341. isHost
  22342. party_update_status
  22343. CG_LinkTransformForEntity
  22344. ED
  22345. n
  22346. ÇNone
  22347. D
  22348. Stream
  22349. D
  22350. priority
  22351. channel
  22352. alias
  22353. dry
  22354. level
  22355. entity
  22356. distance
  22357. Off
  22358. Simple
  22359. SimpleRanges
  22360. Verbose
  22361. Counters
  22362. Only
  22363. All
  22364. Free
  22365. Fixed
  22366. Locked
  22370. g_loadScripts
  22371. cg_usingClientScripts
  22372. cg_drawGun
  22373. cg_cursorHints
  22374. cg_weaponHintsCoDStyle
  22375. cg_fov
  22376. cg_fovScale
  22377. cg_useWeaponBasedVariableZoom
  22378. cg_fovMin
  22379. cg_fovExtraCam
  22380. cg_viewVehicleInfluenceGunner
  22381. cg_viewVehicleInfluenceGunnerFiring
  22382. cg_drawD
  22383. cg_drawHUD
  22384. cg_drawHealth
  22385. cg_drawBreathHint
  22386. cg_drawBigFPS
  22387. cg_drawlagometer
  22388. cg_drawFPS
  22389. cg_development
  22390. snd_drawInfo
  22391. snd_drawSort
  22392. cg_drawMaterial
  22393. cg_drawMaterialImageNum
  22394. cg_drawMaterialImageName
  22395. cg_drawModelAxis
  22396. cg_drawCrosshair
  22397. cg_drawCrosshairNames
  22398. cg_hideWeaponHeat
  22399. cg_drawWeaponHeatVertical
  22400. cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosX
  22401. cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosY
  22402. cg_drawOverheadNames
  22403. cg_drawShellshock
  22404. cg_drawPerformanceWarnings
  22405. cg_centertime
  22406. cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag
  22407. cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash
  22408. cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset
  22409. cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight
  22410. cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth
  22411. cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight
  22412. cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth
  22413. cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot
  22414. turretScopeZoom
  22415. turretScopeZoomMin
  22416. turretScopeZoomMax
  22417. turretScopeZoomRate
  22418. cg_crosshairAlpha
  22419. cg_crosshairAlphaMin
  22420. cg_crosshairDynamic
  22421. cg_crosshairEnemyColor
  22422. cg_drawFriendlyFireCrosshair
  22423. cg_debugposition
  22424. cg_debugevents
  22425. g_dumpAnimsNetwork
  22426. ai_monitorNeedsKeys
  22427. ai_useServerAnimsEntity
  22428. scriptmover_useServerAnimsEntity
  22429. cg_footsteps
  22430. cg_footprints
  22431. cg_footprintsDistortWater
  22432. cg_footprintsDebug
  22433. cg_waterTrailRipple
  22434. cg_treadmarks
  22435. cg_firstPersonTracerChance
  22436. cg_airburstLaseTime
  22437. cg_airburstStrafeRestriction
  22438. cg_airburstCameraRestriction
  22439. cg_airburstLaseFlashTime
  22440. cg_thirdPersonRange
  22441. cg_thirdPersonAngle
  22442. cg_thirdPersonFocusDist
  22443. cg_thirdPerson
  22444. cg_thirdPersonMode
  22445. cg_fakefireWizbyChance
  22446. cg_useWeaponSwitchReloadCancel
  22447. cl_paused
  22448. cl_scoreDraw
  22449. cg_drawpaused
  22450. cg_debug_overlay_viewport
  22451. g_synchronousClients
  22452. cg_dumpAnims
  22453. cg_animdumpEnt
  22454. cg_debugAnimData
  22455. cg_debugAnimSetup
  22456. developer
  22457. cg_defaultFadeScreenColor
  22458. cg_subtitleWidthStandard
  22459. cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen
  22460. cg_constantSizeHeadIcons
  22461. cg_headIconMinScreenRadius
  22462. cg_overheadNamesMaxDist
  22463. cg_overheadNamesNearDist
  22464. cg_overheadNamesFarDist
  22465. cg_overheadNamesFarScale
  22466. cg_overheadNamesSize
  22467. cg_overheadIconSize
  22468. cg_overheadRankSize
  22469. cg_overheadNamesGlow
  22470. cg_drawFriendlyNames
  22471. cg_enemyNameFadeIn
  22472. cg_friendlyNameFadeIn
  22473. cg_enemyNameFadeOut
  22474. cg_friendlyNameFadeOut
  22475. cg_drawThroughWalls
  22476. cg_objectiveIndicatorColor
  22477. cg_objectiveIndicatorNearFadeDist
  22478. cg_objectiveIndicatorFarFadeDist
  22479. cg_objectiveIndicatorNoDrawDistance
  22480. cg_objectiveIndicatorPerkFarFadeDist
  22481. cg_objectiveIndicatorNearDist
  22482. cg_objectiveIndicatorFarDist
  22483. cg_objectiveIndicatorFarScale
  22484. cg_objectiveIndicatorSize
  22485. cg_adsZScaleMax
  22486. cg_corpseHighlightFadeTime
  22487. cg_visionSetLerpMaxIncreasePerFrame
  22488. cg_visionSetLerpMaxDecreasePerFrame
  22489. cg_flareVisionSetFadeDuration
  22490. cg_viewZSmoothingMin
  22491. cg_viewZSmoothingMax
  22492. cg_viewZSmoothingTime
  22493. cg_GuidedMissileHighlightTargetSize
  22494. overrideNVGModelWithKnife
  22495. vehHelicopterFreeLookReleaseSpeed
  22496. vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnYaw
  22497. vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnPitch
  22498. vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnRollHorz
  22499. vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnRollVert
  22500. hud_showTextNoAmmo
  22501. hud_showObjectives
  22502. hud_showStance
  22503. hud_missionFailed
  22504. friendlyNameFontSize
  22505. g_ScoresColor_MyTeam
  22506. g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam
  22507. g_ScoresColor_Spectator
  22508. g_ScoresColor_Free
  22509. g_ScoresColor_Allies
  22510. g_ScoresColor_Axis
  22511. g_TeamName_Allies
  22512. GAME_ALLIES
  22513. g_TeamName_Axis
  22514. GAME_AXIS
  22515. g_TeamColor_Allies
  22516. g_TeamColor_Axis
  22517. g_TeamColor_MyTeam
  22518. g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam
  22519. g_TeamColor_MyTeamAlt
  22520. g_TeamColor_EnemyTeamAlt
  22521. g_TeamColor_Spectator
  22522. g_TeamColor_Free
  22523. cg_timedDamageDuration
  22524. cg_actorBurnTransitionTime
  22525. cg_allowActorLookAtEntity
  22526. ai_water_trails
  22527. cg_watersheeting
  22528. cg_cameraWaterClip
  22529. cg_cameraUseTagCamera
  22530. cg_forceSniperBobHack
  22531. crossbow_impaleStuckTime
  22532. crossbow_impaleSlideTime
  22533. crossbow_impaleAdditionalRagdollTime
  22534. crossbow_impaleSlideSpeed
  22535. crossbow_impaleGravityScale
  22536. crossbow_impaleGravityRampTime
  22537. cg_playerFrustumHalfHeight
  22538. cg_aggressiveCullRadius
  22539. cg_dof_useDefaultForVehicle
  22540. cg_cameraVehicleExitTweenTime
  22541. CG_COOPMessage:
  22542. player
  22543. out
  22544. of
  22545. range
  22546. %s_%s
  22547. wpn_grenade_explode
  22548. wpn_rifle_grenade
  22549. wpn_rocket_explode
  22550. wpn_rocket_explode_xtreme
  22551. wpn_mortar_shell
  22552. wpn_tank_shell
  22553. prj_bullet_impact_small
  22554. prj_bullet_impact_large
  22555. prj_bullet_impact_ap
  22556. prj_bullet_impact_xtreme
  22557. prj_bulletspray_impact_small
  22558. prj_bolt_impact
  22559. prj_blade_impact
  22560. prj_bullet_impact_small_exit
  22561. prj_bullet_impact_large_exit
  22562. prj_bullet_impact_ap_exit
  22563. prj_bullet_impact_xtreme_exit
  22564. prj_bulletspray_small_exit
  22565. prj_bolt_impact_exit
  22566. chr_launch_exert_npc
  22567. chr_launch_exert_plr
  22568. fly_dtp_launch_plr
  22569. fly_dtp_launch_npc
  22570. fly_dtp_collide_plr
  22571. fly_dtp_collide_npc
  22572. fly_dtp_land_plr_%s
  22573. fly_dtp_land_npc_%s
  22574. fly_dtp_slide_loop_plr_%s
  22575. fly_dtp_slide_loop_npc_%s
  22576. fly_dtp_slide_stop_plr_%s
  22577. fly_dtp_slide_stop_npc_%s
  22578. fly_pslide_loop_plr_%s
  22579. fly_pslide_loop_npc_%s
  22580. fly_pslide_stop_plr_%s
  22581. fly_pslide_stop_npc_%s
  22582. chr_sprint_gasp_plr
  22583. prj_whizbyuw
  22584. prj_whizby
  22585. prj_crack
  22586. fly_death_gurgle
  22587. wpn_melee_hit
  22588. wpn_melee_hit_other
  22589. wpn_melee_knife_hit_body
  22590. wpn_melee_knife_hit_other
  22591. wpn_sniper_heartbeat
  22592. wpn_sniper_breathin
  22593. wpn_sniper_breathout
  22594. wpn_sniper_breathgasp
  22595. wpn_offhand_select
  22596. fly_range_finder_lp
  22597. wpn_metalstormsnp_mms
  22598. wpn_metalstormsnp_charge_loop
  22599. wpn_metalstormsnp_power_down
  22600. wpn_metalstormsnp_charge_plr_%i
  22601. headiconyouinkillcam
  22602. watch_face
  22603. watch_hour
  22604. watch_minute
  22605. watch_second
  22606. compass_radarline
  22607. -
  22608. textures
  22609. defaulttracer
  22610. gfx_red_tracer
  22611. gfx_green_tracer
  22612. lagometer
  22613. headicondisconnected
  22614. gfx_bullet
  22615. gfx_laser
  22616. gfx_laser_viewmodel
  22617. gfx_laser_light
  22618. mc/rope
  22619. mtl_t_attach_optic_rangefinder_uid_background
  22620. mtl_t_wpn_launch_fhj_uid_background
  22621. mtl_t_attach_bcpu_uid_background
  22622. hud_grenadethrowback_glow
  22623. hint_health
  22624. objective_arrow
  22625. objective_ring
  22626. compassping_player
  22627. compassping_squad_mp
  22628. compassping_friendlyfiring_mp
  22629. compassping_friendly_mp
  22630. hit_direction_glow
  22631. hit_direction_hexless
  22632. hint_mantle_glow
  22633. hint_mantle
  22634. cinematicd
  22635. webm_p
  22636. waypoint_recon_artillery_strike
  22637. compass_talon_top
  22638. compassping_enemy
  22639. compassping_enemyfiring
  22640. compassping_enemydirectional
  22641. compassping_enemy_rts
  22642. compassping_enemysatellite
  22643. seven_segment
  22644. compassping_enemysatellite_diamond
  22645. hud_compass_claw
  22646. hud_sam_enemy_offscreen
  22647. hud_sam_enemy_offscreen_left
  22648. hud_sam_enemy_red
  22649. hud_f_small_bracket_fuzz
  22650. hud_f_crosshair_fuzz
  22651. hud_f_diamond_fuzz
  22652. objective_coop
  22653. hud_grenadeicon
  22654. hud_grenadepointer
  22655. hud_offscreenobjectivepointer_glow
  22656. hud_offscreenobjectivepointer
  22657. hud_rts_arrow_white
  22658. hud_onscreenobjectivepointer
  22659. waypoint_revive
  22660. headicontalkballoon
  22661. -
  22662. models
  22663. -
  22664. items
  22665. -
  22666. inline
  22667. models
  22668. -
  22669. server
  22670. models
  22671. couldn't
  22672. register
  22673. shell
  22674. shock
  22675. '%s'
  22676. --
  22677. see
  22678. console
  22679. hold_breath
  22680. Couldn't
  22681. find
  22682. shock
  22683. file
  22684. [hold_breath
  22685. shock]
  22686. Error
  22687. reading
  22688. CSV
  22689. files
  22690. in
  22691. the
  22692. fx
  22693. directory
  22694. to
  22695. identify
  22696. impact
  22697. effects
  22698. impacts/fx_flesh_hit_noblood
  22699. impacts/fx_flesh_hit_knife
  22700. impacts/fx_flesh_hit_knife_noblood
  22701. impacts/fx_flesh_hit_body_nonfatal_hero
  22702. bio/player/fx_player_arm_dust_slide
  22703. bio/player/fx_player_arm_dust_slide_rk
  22704. system_elements/fx_snow_sm_em
  22705. bio/player/fx_player_dust_inair
  22706. impacts/fx_water_hit_sm
  22707. impacts/fx_water_hit_md
  22708. impacts/fx_water_hit_lg
  22709. impacts/fx_water_object_ripple
  22710. bio/player/fx_water_hit_player_bubbles
  22711. bio/player/fx_player_water_waist_ripple
  22712. bio/player/fx_player_water_knee_ripple
  22713. bio/player/fx_player_water_splash_impact
  22714. weapon/ir_scope/fx_ir_scope_heartbeat
  22715. -
  22716. game
  22717. media
  22718. done
  22719. ui/hud_splitscreen
  22720. txt
  22721. ui/hud
  22722. txt
  22723. ui/hud_rts
  22724. txt
  22725. ui/hud_sp
  22726. txt
  22727. ui/hud_coop
  22728. txt
  22729. ui/hud_s
  22730. txt
  22731. Compass
  22732. Compass_mp
  22733. %s%s
  22734. clientscripts/
  22735. main
  22736. animscripts/%s
  22737. combat
  22738. ch
  22739. e
  22740. d
  22741. cover_arrival
  22742. cover_crouch
  22743. cover_left
  22744. cover_pillar
  22745. cover_prone
  22746. cover_right
  22747. cover_stand
  22748. death
  22749. hrow
  22750. init
  22751. pain
  22752. react
  22753. move
  22754. scripted
  22755. stop
  22756. grenade_cower
  22757. flashed
  22758. init_mode_sp
  22759. mp/
  22760. mp\
  22761. maps/
  22762. generic_human
  22763. body
  22764. te
  22765. ct
  22766. initstructs
  22767. createstruct
  22768. findstruct
  22769. clientscripts/_callbacks
  22770. statechange
  22771. maprestart
  22772. localclientconnect
  22773. localclientdisconnect
  22774. entityspawned
  22775. playerspawned
  22776. scriptmodelspawned
  22777. client_flag_callback
  22778. client_flagasval_callback
  22779. CodeCallback_PlayerJump
  22780. CodeCallback_PlayerLand
  22781. CodeCallback_PlayerFoliage
  22782. clientscripts/_footsteps
  22783. playAIFootstep
  22784. playVehicleFootstep
  22785. callback_activate_exploder
  22786. callback_deactivate_exploder
  22787. clientscripts/_fx
  22788. playLightLoopExploder
  22789. stopLightLoopExploder
  22790. sound_notify
  22791. CodeCallback_PlayWeaponDeathEffects
  22792. CodeCallback_PlayWeaponDamageEffects
  22793. airsupport
  22794. entityshutdown_callback
  22795. localClientChanged_callback
  22796. CodeCallback_SUIMessage
  22797. CodeCallback_ArgusNotify
  22798. glass_smash
  22799. soundsetambientstate
  22800. soundsetaiambientstate
  22801. CodeCallback_GibEvent
  22802. white
  22803. hud_arrow_body
  22804. hud_arrow_body
  22805. nt
  22806. smallFont
  22807. fonts/bigDevFont
  22808. extrabigfont
  22809. net_disconnect
  22810. hud_dpad_arrow
  22811. hud_dpad_eqip_count_backing
  22812. hud_dpad_outer_frame_highlight_side
  22813. cod-sp
  22814. Client/Server
  22815. game
  22816. mismatch:
  22817. %s/%s
  22818. collision
  22819. map
  22820. graphics
  22821. %d
  22823. %s
  22824. game
  22825. media
  22826. clients
  22827. To
  22828. many
  22829. local
  22830. clientside
  22831. entities
  22832. used
  22833. for
  22834. the
  22835. map:
  22836. %i
  22837. and
  22838. script:
  22839. %i
  22840. Need
  22841. to
  22842. reserve
  22843. %i
  22844. for
  22845. dynamic
  22846. gameplay
  22847. usage
  22848. #
  22855. %s
  22856. scoreboard
  22857. team
  22858. name
  22860. white
  22861. voice_off
  22862. voice_on
  22863. %i
  22864. cg_ScoresColor_Player
  22865. error_popmenu_party
  22866. error_popmenu_lobby
  22867. error_popmenu
  22868. cg_ScoresPing_HighColor
  22869. cg_ScoresPing_MedColor
  22870. cg_ScoresPing_LowColor
  22871. cg_ScoresPing_BgColor
  22872. cg_scoreboardMyColor
  22873. cg_ScoresColor_Player_
  22874. cg_ScoresColor_Player_
  22875. cg_ScoresColor_Player_
  22876. cg_ScoresColor_Player_
  22877. cg_ScoresColor_Transparency
  22878. black
  22879. hudscoreboardscroll_uparrow
  22880. hudscoreboardscroll_upkey
  22881. hudscoreboardscroll_downarrow
  22882. hudscoreboardscroll_downkey
  22883. updategamerprofile
  22884. uncruncharray
  22885. getlocalclienthealth
  22886. getlocalclientmaxhealth
  22887. isads
  22888. getcurrentweapon
  22889. getdynent
  22890. getdynentarray
  22891. spawndynent
  22892. launchdynent
  22893. createdynentandlaunch
  22894. setdynentenabled
  22895. playviewmodelfx
  22896. playfxondynent
  22897. playfxontag
  22898. spawnfx
  22899. deletefx
  22900. showscores
  22901. hidescores
  22902. waterplop
  22903. setsunlight
  22904. resetsunlight
  22905. visionsetdamage
  22906. visionsetunderwater
  22907. setlutvolumeactivebank
  22908. setlutscriptindex
  22909. setvolfog
  22910. setwaterfog
  22911. setvolfogforclient
  22912. setworldfogactivebank
  22913. getworldfogscriptid
  22914. getwaterheight
  22915. startwatersheetfx
  22916. stopwatersheetfx
  22917. enablewatersheetfx
  22918. setclientdvar
  22919. setpersistentprofilevar
  22920. getpersistentprofilevar
  22921. giveachievement
  22922. givegamerpicture
  22923. extracamconfig
  22924. stopextracam
  22925. setmultiextracamactive
  22926. setextracamfov
  22927. getanimlength
  22928. animateui
  22929. showui
  22930. forcegamemodemappings
  22931. setrimintensity
  22932. setgenericscenevalue
  22933. fireweapon
  22934. getorigin
  22935. getplayerangles
  22936. getgunangles
  22937. hideviewmodel
  22938. showviewmodel
  22939. swimming
  22940. getnormalizedmovement
  22941. getnormalizedcameramovement
  22942. gettagorigin
  22943. gettagangles
  22944. gettagforwardvector
  22945. shellshock
  22946. playersetgroundreferenceent
  22947. clientflag
  22948. sethudoutlinecolor
  22949. setpredatoreffect
  22950. getlinkedent
  22951. linktocamera
  22952. unlinkfromcamera
  22953. unlinkallfromcamera
  22954. setblur
  22955. isextracam
  22956. setsonarattachmentenabled
  22957. useweaponhidetags
  22958. usealternateaimparams
  22959. clearalternateaimparams
  22960. getattachsize
  22961. getattachmodelname
  22962. getattachtagname
  22963. entyawoverrideslinkyaw
  22964. entgetsweaponfirenotification
  22965. isspectating
  22966. setvehiclelockedon
  22967. isvehicleinwater
  22968. setlightingentity
  22969. CScr_PlayFX:
  22970. invalid
  22971. effect
  22972. id
  22973. %d
  22974. playFx
  22975. called
  22976. with
  22977. (
  22978. )
  22979. forward
  22980. direction
  22981. playFx
  22982. called
  22983. with
  22984. (
  22985. )
  22986. up
  22987. direction
  22988. CScr_PlayFXOnTag
  22989. PlayViewmodelFX():
  22990. unable
  22991. to
  22992. find
  22993. viewmodel
  22994. tag
  22995. PlayFXOnDynEnt
  22996. param
  22997. isn't
  22998. a
  22999. DYN
  23000. entity
  23001. togglescores
  23002. SetClientDvar:
  23003. unknown
  23004. dvar
  23005. name
  23006. SetClientDvar:
  23007. unknown
  23008. dvar
  23009. value
  23010. cannot
  23011. SetClientDvar()
  23012. on
  23013. cheat
  23014. dvar
  23015. "%s"
  23016. SetPersistentProfileVar()
  23017. called
  23018. with
  23019. wrong
  23020. param
  23021. range
  23022. Index
  23023. must
  23024. be
  23025. to
  23027. SetPersistentProfileVar()
  23028. called
  23029. with
  23030. wrong
  23031. param
  23032. range
  23033. Value
  23034. must
  23035. be
  23036. to
  23037. GetPersistentProfileVar()
  23038. called
  23039. with
  23040. wrong
  23041. param
  23042. range
  23043. Index
  23044. must
  23045. be
  23046. to
  23048. GiveAchievement:
  23049. unknown
  23050. achievement
  23051. name
  23052. none
  23053. setRimIntensity:
  23054. intensity
  23055. must
  23056. be
  23057. greater
  23058. or
  23059. equal
  23060. to
  23061. SetGenericSceneValue:
  23062. index
  23063. must
  23064. range
  23065. from
  23066. -
  23067. setExpFog:
  23068. startDist
  23069. must
  23070. be
  23071. greater
  23072. or
  23073. equal
  23074. to
  23075. setVolFog:
  23076. halfwayDist
  23077. must
  23078. be
  23079. greater
  23080. than
  23081. setVolFog:
  23082. halfwayHeight
  23083. must
  23084. be
  23085. greater
  23086. or
  23087. equal
  23088. to
  23089. SetWaterFog:
  23090. halfwayDist
  23091. must
  23092. be
  23093. greater
  23094. than
  23095. SetWaterFog:
  23096. halfwayHeight
  23097. must
  23098. be
  23099. greater
  23100. or
  23101. equal
  23102. to
  23103. in
  23104. call
  23105. to
  23106. %s,
  23107. %d
  23108. is
  23109. not
  23110. a
  23111. valid
  23112. camera
  23113. index
  23114. isextracam()
  23115. stopextracam()
  23116. setextracamfov()
  23117. CScr_SetExtraCamFov(),
  23118. There
  23119. is
  23120. no
  23121. extra
  23122. cam
  23123. active
  23124. in
  23125. the
  23126. level
  23127. not
  23128. an
  23129. entity
  23130. getdynent,
  23131. failed
  23132. to
  23133. find
  23134. dyn
  23135. ent
  23136. with
  23137. targetname
  23138. %s
  23139. spawndynent,
  23140. failed
  23141. to
  23142. find
  23143. model
  23144. %s
  23145. spawndynent,
  23146. failed
  23147. to
  23148. spawn
  23149. %s
  23150. dyn
  23151. ent
  23152. because
  23153. no
  23154. physPreset
  23155. is
  23156. specified
  23157. in
  23158. the
  23159. xmodel
  23160. GDT
  23161. model
  23162. '%s'
  23163. not
  23164. precached
  23165. Out-of-range
  23166. client
  23167. number
  23168. specified
  23169. for
  23170. param
  23171. of
  23172. 'FireWeapon'
  23173. CScr_GetTagOrigin
  23174. CScr_GetTagAngles
  23175. CScr_GetTagForward
  23176. IsVehicleInWater
  23177. not
  23178. called
  23179. on
  23180. a
  23181. vehicle
  23182. duration
  23183. %g
  23184. should
  23185. be
  23186. =
  23187. and
  23188. <=
  23189. shellshock
  23190. '%s'
  23191. was
  23192. not
  23193. precached
  23194. You
  23195. need
  23196. to
  23197. precache
  23198. it
  23199. in
  23200. the
  23201. server
  23202. script
  23203. before
  23204. calling
  23205. it
  23206. on
  23207. the
  23208. client
  23209. ClientFlag:
  23210. Index
  23211. %i
  23212. out
  23213. of
  23214. range
  23215. (
  23216. -
  23217. %i)
  23218. You
  23219. can
  23220. only
  23221. call
  23222. UseAlternateAim
  23223. on
  23224. players
  23225. UseAlternateAimParams
  23226. had
  23227. no
  23228. effect
  23229. You
  23230. can
  23231. only
  23232. call
  23233. ClearAlternateAim
  23234. on
  23235. players
  23236. ClearAlternateAimParams
  23237. had
  23238. no
  23239. effect
  23240. Time
  23241. must
  23242. be
  23243. positive
  23244. Blur
  23245. value
  23246. must
  23247. be
  23248. greater
  23249. than
  23250. You
  23251. can
  23252. only
  23253. call
  23254. GetLocalClientNumber
  23255. on
  23256. players
  23257. bad
  23258. index
  23259. NA
  23260. useweaponhidetags
  23261. called
  23262. with
  23263. unknown
  23264. weapon
  23265. name
  23266. %s
  23267. SetVehicleLockedOn
  23268. not
  23269. called
  23270. on
  23271. a
  23272. vehicle
  23273. dynent
  23274. field
  23275. field
  23276. %s
  23277. is
  23278. read-only
  23279. CScr_PlayWeaponDeathEffects:
  23280. ent-weapon
  23281. =
  23282. BG_GetNumWeapons()
  23283. CScr_PlayWeaponDamageEffects:
  23284. ent-weapon
  23285. =
  23286. BG_GetNumWeapons()
  23287. copy
  23288. entity
  23289. states
  23290. CG_UpdateEntityAnims
  23291. process
  23292. snapshots
  23293. CG_ProcessSnapshots:
  23294. n
  23295. <
  23296. cgameGlob-latestSnapshotNum
  23297. set
  23298. initial
  23299. snapshot
  23300. CG_ProcessSnapshots:
  23301. Server
  23302. time
  23303. went
  23304. backwards
  23305. freehelicopter
  23306. setdamagestage
  23307. setheliheightlock
  23308. getheliheightlock
  23309. isinsideheliheightlock
  23310. getheliheightlockheight
  23311. pistolbullet
  23312. riflebullet
  23313. grenade
  23314. grenadesplash
  23315. projectile
  23316. projectilesplash
  23317. melee
  23318. bayonet
  23319. headshot
  23320. crush
  23321. telefrag
  23322. falling
  23323. suicide
  23324. triggerhurt
  23325. explosive
  23326. impact
  23327. burned
  23328. hitbyobject
  23329. drowned
  23330. gas
  23331. easy
  23332. medium
  23333. hard
  23334. fu
  23335. recorddtext
  23336. recordenttext
  23337. recordline
  23338. recordsphere
  23339. recordcircle
  23340. recordent
  23341. recorderplayback
  23342. getlevelalias
  23343. getloadoutitem
  23344. getloadoutitemindex
  23345. getloadoutweapon
  23346. getdynmodels
  23347. getmiscmodels
  23348. getdestructibledefs
  23349. entsearch
  23350. coopinfo
  23351. getatrloaded
  23352. findanimbyname
  23353. precacheturret
  23354. oktospawn
  23355. codespawn
  23356. codespawnvehicle
  23357. spawntimedfx
  23358. spawnplane
  23359. spawnapalmgroundflame
  23360. codespawnturret
  23361. canspawnturret
  23362. spawnstruct
  23363. spawnhelicopter
  23364. getdebugdvar
  23365. getdebugdvarint
  23366. getdebugdvarfloat
  23367. setsaveddvar
  23368. getdifficulty
  23369. getentbynum
  23370. getweaponstowedmodel
  23371. getweaponmodel
  23372. getweaponclipmodel
  23373. getclosestanimdumpframefortime
  23374. getdumpcmdsfortimedelta
  23375. getanimdumptotaltime
  23376. getanimdumptree
  23377. getanimdumpmodel
  23378. setanimdumpuseserveranims
  23379. getnotetracksindelta
  23380. isanimleaf
  23381. isanimlooping
  23382. isanimloaded
  23383. getanimlength
  23384. getanimframecount
  23385. animhasnotetrack
  23386. getnotetracktimes
  23387. getbrushmodelcenter
  23388. getkeybinding
  23389. getcommandfromkey
  23390. objective_clearall
  23391. objective_add
  23392. objective_add_team
  23393. objective_delete
  23394. objective_state
  23395. objective_string
  23396. objective_string_nomessage
  23397. objective_icon
  23398. objective_position
  23399. objective_additionalposition
  23400. objective_current
  23401. objective_additionalcurrent
  23402. objective_ring
  23403. objective_size
  23404. objective_onentity
  23405. objective_team
  23406. objective_setd
  23407. objective_setflag
  23408. objective_printtext
  23409. getcurve
  23410. freecurve
  23411. addnodetocurve
  23412. buildcurve
  23413. setcurvesmooth
  23414. setcurverounded
  23415. setcurvebspline
  23416. drawcurve
  23417. stopcurve
  23418. startcurve
  23419. resetcurve
  23420. setcurvenotifyent
  23421. setcurvecameraent
  23422. setcurvespeed
  23423. getcurvecurpos
  23424. getcurveserverpos
  23425. target_set
  23426. target_remove
  23427. target_setshader
  23428. target_setoffscreenshader
  23429. target_isinrect
  23430. target_isincircle
  23431. target_startreticlelockon
  23432. target_clearreticlelockon
  23433. target_getarray
  23434. target_istarget
  23435. target_setattackmode
  23436. target_setjavelinonly
  23437. player_setoffscreenmaterial
  23438. player_setoffscreendownmaterial
  23439. getplayers
  23440. getnumrestarts
  23441. missile_createattractorent
  23442. missile_createattractororigin
  23443. missile_createrepulsorent
  23444. missile_createrepulsororigin
  23445. missile_deleteattractor
  23446. movepoint
  23447. entitytrace
  23448. bullettrace
  23449. bullettracepassed
  23450. sighttracepassed
  23451. physicstrace
  23452. physicstraceex
  23453. playerphysicstrace
  23454. playerpositionvalid
  23455. getcycleoriginoffset
  23456. getmovedelta
  23457. getangledelta
  23458. getnorthyaw
  23459. setnorthyaw
  23460. makelocalizedstring
  23461. precachemodel
  23462. precacheshellshock
  23463. precacheitem
  23464. precacheshader
  23465. precachestring
  23466. precachemenu
  23467. precacherumble
  23468. precachelocationselector
  23469. precacheheadicon
  23470. isassetloaded
  23471. savegame
  23472. issavesuccessful
  23473. issaverecentlyloaded
  23474. savegamenocommit
  23475. commitsave
  23476. exitlevel
  23477. loadfx
  23478. playfx
  23479. playfxontag
  23480. getwaterheight
  23481. codeplayloopedfx
  23482. codespawnfx
  23483. triggerfx
  23484. getfxvisibility
  23485. physicsexplosionsphere
  23486. physicsexplosioncylinder
  23487. physicsjolt
  23488. createrope
  23489. ropecollide
  23490. ropesetflag
  23491. ropesetparam
  23492. ropeaddentityanchor
  23493. ropeaddworldanchor
  23494. roperemoveanchor
  23495. ropemoveanchor
  23496. breakrope
  23497. getrope
  23498. deleterope
  23499. ropegetposition
  23500. createstreamerhint
  23501. createstreamermodelhint
  23502. aretexturesloaded
  23503. prefetchlevel
  23504. setexpfog
  23505. setvolfog
  23506. setculldist
  23507. visionsetnaked
  23508. visionsetnight
  23509. visionsetlaststand
  23510. getmapsunlight
  23511. setsunlight
  23512. resetsunlight
  23513. getmapsundirection
  23514. setsundirection
  23515. lerpsundirection
  23516. resetsundirection
  23517. radiusdamage
  23518. setplayerignoreradiusdamage
  23519. fastrestart
  23520. changelevel
  23521. launchlevel
  23522. missionsuccess
  23523. missionfailed
  23524. startdcinematic
  23525. stopdcinematic
  23526. pausedcinematic
  23527. getcinematictimeremaining
  23528. iscinematicpreloading
  23529. iscinematicwebm
  23530. iscinematicinprogress
  23531. earthquake
  23532. enablereactionsystem
  23533. addreactionevent
  23534. getreactionevent
  23535. drawcompassfriendlies
  23536. bulletspread
  23537. bullettracer
  23538. magicbullet
  23539. setweapon
  23540. fire
  23541. getnumparts
  23542. getpartname
  23543. modelhasphyspreset
  23544. timedradiusdamage
  23545. weaponfiretime
  23546. weaponreloadtime
  23547. weaponclipsize
  23548. weaponissemiauto
  23549. weaponischargeshot
  23550. weaponisboltaction
  23551. weaponmountable
  23552. weaponissniperweapon
  23553. weaponisgasweapon
  23554. weaponhasbayonet
  23555. weaponisdualwield
  23556. weapontype
  23557. weaponclass
  23558. weaponinventorytype
  23559. weaponstartammo
  23560. weaponmaxammo
  23561. weaponaltweaponname
  23562. weapondualwieldweaponname
  23563. weaponfightdist
  23564. weaponmaxdist
  23565. weaponbayonetinfo
  23566. weapondogibbing
  23567. weaponmaxgibdistance
  23568. weaponleftarc
  23569. weaponrightarc
  23570. weapontoparc
  23571. weaponbottomarc
  23572. isturretactive
  23573. isturretfiring
  23574. isweaponcliponly
  23575. isweapondetonationtimed
  23576. weaponcliptype
  23577. getweaponaccuracy
  23578. getwatcherweapons
  23579. getretrievableweapons
  23580. weaponlockonradius
  23581. weaponlockonspeed
  23582. weaponguidedmissiletype
  23583. weaponspinsettings
  23584. map_restart
  23585. positionwouldtelefrag
  23586. boundswouldtelefrag
  23587. badplace_delete
  23588. badplace_cylinder
  23589. badplace_arc
  23590. badplace_brush
  23591. clearallcorpses
  23592. newhudelem
  23593. newteamhudelem
  23594. newclienthudelem
  23595. newdamageindicatorhudelem
  23596. newdebughudelem
  23597. newscorehudelem
  23598. resettimeout
  23599. setdebugorigin
  23600. setdebugangles
  23601. playrumbleonposition
  23602. playrumblelooponposition
  23603. stopallrumbles
  23604. soundexists
  23605. issplitscreen
  23606. updategamerprofile
  23607. setminimap
  23608. cruncharray
  23609. clearlocalizedstrings
  23610. setphysicsgravitydir
  23611. gettimescale
  23612. settimescale
  23613. refreshhudcompass
  23614. refreshhudammocounter
  23615. reportclientdisconnected
  23616. getdate
  23617. setmapcenter
  23618. setuinextlevel
  23619. initchallengestats
  23620. dosplevelwrapup
  23621. dochallengecompleteui
  23622. dointelacquiredui
  23623. waterplop
  23624. numremoteclients
  23625. iscoopepd
  23626. setpersistentprofilevar
  23627. getpersistentprofilevar
  23628. clientsysregister
  23629. clientsyssetstate
  23630. splitviewallowed
  23631. getsnapshotindexarray
  23632. snapshotacknowledged
  23633. reportmtu
  23634. hascollectible
  23635. setcollectible
  23636. destructiblehasnotify
  23637. disabledestructiblepieces
  23638. enablealldestructiblepieces
  23639. createdynentandlaunch
  23640. ban
  23641. forcelevelend
  23642. setailimit
  23643. getailimit
  23644. getaicount
  23645. resetailimit
  23646. obituary
  23647. setwaterbrush
  23648. setcellvisibleatpos
  23649. setcellinvisibleatpos
  23650. getfogsettings
  23651. startmultiplayergame
  23652. loadgump
  23653. flushgump
  23654. cleanupspawneddynents
  23655. incrementcounter
  23656. getcountertotal
  23657. enableoccluder
  23658. setafteractionreportstate
  23659. pixbeginevent
  23660. pixendevent
  23661. pixmarker
  23662. animscripted
  23663. animscriptedskiprestart
  23664. animrelative
  23665. stopanimscripted
  23666. startignoringspotlight
  23667. stopignoringspotlight
  23668. getdestructiblename
  23669. setvisibletoplayer
  23670. setinvisibletoplayer
  23671. setvisibletoall
  23672. setforcenocull
  23673. removeforcenocull
  23674. disableclientlinkto
  23675. enableclientlinkto
  23676. getlinkedent
  23677. setstablemissile
  23678. playersetgroundreferenceent
  23679. codespawnerspawn
  23680. codespawnerforcespawn
  23681. precachespawner
  23682. getorigin
  23683. floatlonger
  23684. forcebuoyancy
  23685. disabledepthbuoyancyadjustments
  23686. scalebuoyancy
  23687. getcentroid
  23688. getshootatpos
  23689. launchbomb
  23690. geteye
  23691. getpointinbounds
  23692. geteyeapprox
  23693. getdebugeye
  23694. useby
  23695. istouching
  23696. playsound
  23697. playsoundontag
  23698. playsoundasmaster
  23699. playloopsound
  23700. stoploopsound
  23701. stopsound
  23702. stopsounds
  23703. hasusedweapon
  23704. playrumbleonentity
  23705. playrumblelooponentity
  23706. stoprumble
  23707. iswaitingonsound
  23708. delete
  23709. setmodel
  23710. setscale
  23711. getnormalhealth
  23712. setnormalhealth
  23713. setmaxhealth
  23714. dodamage
  23715. kill
  23716. show
  23717. hide
  23718. ishidden
  23719. laseron
  23720. laseroff
  23721. setcontents
  23722. setdeathcontents
  23723. disconnectpaths
  23724. connectpaths
  23725. startfiring
  23726. stopfiring
  23727. shootturret
  23728. stopshootturret
  23729. setmode
  23730. getturretowner
  23731. setturretowner
  23732. setturrettype
  23733. settargetentity
  23734. settargetorigin
  23735. gettargetorigin
  23736. gettargetentity
  23737. setontargetangle
  23738. setplayerspread
  23739. setaispread
  23740. setconvergencetime
  23741. setsuppressiontime
  23742. cleartargetentity
  23743. setturretteam
  23744. maketurretusable
  23745. maketurretunusable
  23746. setturretaccuracy
  23747. setturretignoregoals
  23748. getturrettarget
  23749. setcursorhint
  23750. sethintstring
  23751. usetriggerrequirelookat
  23752. clearanim
  23753. clearanimlimited
  23754. setanimknob
  23755. setanimknoblimited
  23756. setanimknobrestart
  23757. setanimknoblimitedrestart
  23758. setanimknoball
  23759. setanimknoballlimited
  23760. setanimknoballrestart
  23761. setanimknoballlimitedrestart
  23762. setanimforcenew
  23763. setanim
  23764. setanimlimited
  23765. setanimrestart
  23766. setanimlimitedrestart
  23767. getanimtime
  23768. getanimcurrframecount
  23769. getanimassettype
  23770. setflaggedanimknob
  23771. setflaggedanimknoblimited
  23772. setflaggedanimknobrestart
  23773. setflaggedanimknoblimitedrestart
  23774. setflaggedanimknoball
  23775. setflaggedanimknoballrestart
  23776. setflaggedanim
  23777. setflaggedanimlimited
  23778. setflaggedanimrestart
  23779. setflaggedanimlimitedrestart
  23780. useanimtree
  23781. stopuseanimtree
  23782. playeranimscriptevent
  23783. playeranimscripteventend
  23784. setanimtime
  23785. setanimratecomplete
  23786. dumpanims
  23787. haspath
  23788. getanimvalue
  23789. getstance
  23790. setstance
  23791. isplayerreloading
  23792. getammocount
  23793. magicgrenade
  23794. magicgrenademanual
  23795. isfiringturret
  23796. turretcantarget
  23797. getweaponmuzzlepoint
  23798. getweaponforwarddir
  23799. gettagorigin
  23800. gettagangles
  23801. shellshock
  23802. stopshellshock
  23803. setdepthoffield
  23804. getdepthoffield_nearstart
  23805. getdepthoffield_nearend
  23806. getdepthoffield_farstart
  23807. getdepthoffield_farend
  23808. getdepthoffield_nearblur
  23809. getdepthoffield_farblur
  23810. displaykillstreak
  23811. clearendgame
  23812. setviewmodeldepthoffield
  23813. viewkick
  23814. getentnum
  23815. ufomode
  23816. setsoundblend
  23817. getentitynumber
  23818. enablegrenadetouchdamage
  23819. disablegrenadetouchdamage
  23820. enableaimassist
  23821. disableaimassist
  23822. makefakeai
  23823. setlookattext
  23824. getteam
  23825. setowner
  23826. setrightarc
  23827. setleftarc
  23828. settoparc
  23829. setbottomarc
  23830. getrightarc
  23831. getleftarc
  23832. gettoparc
  23833. getbottomarc
  23834. setdefaultdroppitch
  23835. setscanningpitch
  23836. restoredefaultdroppitch
  23837. clearcenterpopups
  23838. clearpopups
  23839. turretfiredisable
  23840. turretfireenable
  23841. addaieventlistener
  23842. removeaieventlistener
  23843. detonate
  23844. damageconetrace
  23845. sightconetrace
  23846. playersighttrace
  23847. visionsetlerpratio
  23848. startpoisoning
  23849. stoppoisoning
  23850. startbinocs
  23851. stopbinocs
  23852. isflared
  23853. ispoisoned
  23854. setteamfortrigger
  23855. setteam
  23856. clientclaimtrigger
  23857. clientreleasetrigger
  23858. releaseclaimedtrigger
  23859. missile_settarget
  23860. startragdoll
  23861. launchragdoll
  23862. launchvehicle
  23863. isragdoll
  23864. setmovespeedscale
  23865. setblur
  23866. setdoublevision
  23867. setwaterdrops
  23868. setburn
  23869. setelectrified
  23870. settransported
  23871. depthinwater
  23872. useweaponhidetags
  23873. playweapondeatheffects
  23874. playweapondamageeffects
  23875. starttanning
  23876. shootup
  23877. setwetness
  23878. itemweaponsetammo
  23879. setturretcarried
  23880. itemweaponsetoptions
  23881. logstring
  23882. netupdate
  23883. getvisionsetnaked
  23884. bloodimpact
  23885. hasdstats
  23886. getplayerconnectionstate
  23887. isbeingwatched
  23888. toggleik
  23889. setexploderid
  23890. transmittargetname
  23891. resetmissiledetonationtime
  23892. giveachievement
  23893. givegamerpicture
  23894. sethudwarningtype
  23895. setwatersheeting
  23896. stopusingturret
  23897. getvelocity
  23898. actorikenabled
  23899. lookatentity
  23900. lookatpos
  23901. aimatposik
  23902. aimatentityik
  23903. makeusable
  23904. makeunusable
  23905. getcorpseanim
  23906. ismantling
  23907. isonladder
  23908. setclientflag
  23909. clearclientflag
  23910. setclientflagasval
  23911. startdoorbreach
  23912. stopdoorbreach
  23913. bypasssledgehammer
  23914. enablesledgehammer
  23915. issprinting
  23916. setlocalwindsource
  23917. isonground
  23918. placespawnpoint
  23919. sendfaceevent
  23920. setcellvisible
  23921. setcellinvisible
  23922. setphysparams
  23923. setplayercollision
  23924. setvehicleattachments
  23925. isvehicle
  23926. gib
  23927. reportuser
  23928. getdronemodel
  23929. getvalidcoverpeekouts
  23930. setworldfogactivebank
  23931. generic_human
  23932. %s
  23933. Illegal
  23934. localized
  23935. string
  23936. reference:
  23937. %s
  23938. must
  23939. contain
  23940. only
  23941. alpha-numeric
  23942. characters
  23943. and
  23944. underscores
  23945. bad
  23946. escape
  23947. character
  23948. (%i)
  23949. present
  23950. in
  23951. string
  23952. non-localized
  23953. %s
  23954. strings
  23955. are
  23956. not
  23957. allowed
  23958. to
  23959. have
  23960. letters
  23961. in
  23962. them:
  23963. "%s"
  23964. %s
  23965. is
  23966. too
  23967. long
  23968. Max
  23969. length
  23970. is
  23971. %i
  23973. Entity
  23974. is
  23975. not
  23976. a
  23977. player
  23978. %s^
  23979. none
  23980. Weapon
  23981. name
  23982. "%s"
  23983. is
  23984. not
  23985. valid
  23986. Unknown
  23987. weapon
  23988. name
  23989. "%s":
  23990. script
  23991. may
  23992. need
  23993. to
  23994. call
  23995. PreCacheItem("%s")
  23996. during
  23997. level
  23998. init
  23999. Parameter
  24000. (player)
  24001. is
  24002. either
  24003. invalid
  24004. or
  24005. not
  24006. a
  24007. player
  24008. msgcoop_stplace
  24009. msgcoop_playerdown
  24010. msgcoop_killstreakwon
  24011. msgcoop_killstreaklost
  24012. msgcoop_message_player
  24013. msgcoop_message_all
  24014. msgcoop_collectible
  24015. Parameter
  24016. (msgcoop_*)
  24017. is
  24018. invalid
  24019. %c
  24020. %i
  24021. %i
  24022. %c
  24023. %i
  24024. %c
  24025. %i
  24026. %i
  24027. %s
  24028. specialty
  24029. %s%s
  24030. _sp
  24031. %s_sp
  24032. %sattachment%s
  24033. +
  24034. _
  24035. weapon_null_sp
  24036. Dvar
  24037. Value
  24038. Dvar
  24039. %s
  24040. has
  24041. an
  24042. invalid
  24043. dvar
  24044. name
  24045. SetSavedDvar():
  24046. The
  24047. dvar
  24048. "%s"
  24049. does
  24050. not
  24051. exist
  24052. SetSavedDvar
  24053. can
  24054. only
  24055. be
  24056. called
  24057. on
  24058. dvars
  24059. with
  24060. the
  24061. SAVED
  24062. flag
  24063. set
  24064. SetOwner
  24065. can
  24066. not
  24067. be
  24068. used
  24069. for
  24070. players
  24071. or
  24072. actors
  24073. non-primitive
  24074. animation
  24075. has
  24076. no
  24077. concept
  24078. of
  24079. length
  24080. Depricated
  24081. -
  24082. use
  24083. GetOrigin
  24084. GScr_CodeSpawn
  24085. entity
  24086. unable
  24087. to
  24088. spawn
  24089. "%s"
  24090. entity
  24091. using
  24092. CodeSpawn
  24093. Use
  24094. CodeSpawnVehicle
  24095. unable
  24096. to
  24097. spawn
  24098. "%s"
  24099. entity
  24100. vehicle
  24101. Owner
  24102. entity
  24103. is
  24104. not
  24105. a
  24106. player
  24107. precacheTurret
  24108. must
  24109. be
  24110. called
  24111. before
  24112. any
  24113. wait
  24114. statements
  24115. in
  24116. the
  24117. level
  24118. script
  24119. %c
  24120. %g
  24121. %g
  24122. %g
  24123. not
  24124. a
  24125. player
  24126. entity
  24127. not
  24128. an
  24129. entity
  24130. ScrCmd_CodeSpawn
  24131. CodeSpawnerSpawn
  24132. can
  24133. only
  24134. be
  24135. called
  24136. on
  24137. actor
  24138. spawners
  24139. attempted
  24140. to
  24141. call
  24142. CodeSpawnerSpawn
  24143. on
  24144. entity
  24145. with
  24146. name
  24147. '%s'
  24148. of
  24149. type
  24150. '%s'
  24151. at
  24152. (%
  24153. f
  24154. %
  24155. f
  24156. %
  24157. f)
  24158. <unnamed
  24159. ScrCmd_CodeForceSpawn
  24160. CodeSpawnerForceSpawn
  24161. can
  24162. only
  24163. be
  24164. called
  24165. on
  24166. actor
  24167. spawners
  24168. attempted
  24169. to
  24170. call
  24171. CodeSpawnerForceSpawn
  24172. on
  24173. entity
  24174. with
  24175. name
  24176. '%s'
  24177. of
  24178. type
  24179. '%s'
  24180. at
  24181. (%
  24182. f
  24183. %
  24184. f
  24185. %
  24186. f)
  24187. ScrCmd_PrecacheSpawn
  24188. entity
  24189. has
  24190. no
  24191. model
  24192. defined
  24193. (classname
  24194. '%s')
  24195. (%g
  24196. %g
  24197. %g)
  24198. tag
  24199. '%s'
  24200. does
  24201. not
  24202. exist
  24203. in
  24204. model
  24205. '%s'
  24206. (or
  24207. any
  24208. attached
  24209. submodels)
  24210. GetShootAtPosition
  24211. LaunchBomb:
  24212. entity
  24213. must
  24214. be
  24215. a
  24216. player
  24217. entity
  24218. Invalid
  24219. weapon
  24220. name
  24221. %s
  24222. Invalid
  24223. weapon
  24224. name
  24225. LaunchBomb
  24226. only
  24227. support
  24228. bullet,
  24229. bomb,
  24230. gas
  24231. and
  24232. projectile
  24233. weapons
  24234. GetStance
  24235. is
  24236. only
  24237. defined
  24238. for
  24239. players
  24240. SetStance
  24241. is
  24242. only
  24243. defined
  24244. for
  24245. players
  24246. isplayerreloading
  24247. should
  24248. only
  24249. be
  24250. called
  24251. for
  24252. players
  24253. GScr_GetCorpseAnim
  24254. Only
  24255. valid
  24256. on
  24257. player
  24258. corpses
  24259. Ammo
  24260. count
  24261. must
  24262. not
  24263. be
  24264. negative
  24265. Value
  24266. out
  24267. of
  24268. range
  24269. Allowed
  24270. values:
  24271. to
  24272. %i
  24273. entity
  24274. type
  24275. '%s'
  24276. is
  24277. not
  24278. a
  24279. turret
  24280. Entity
  24281. is
  24282. not
  24283. an
  24284. item
  24285. Actor
  24286. [%s]
  24287. doesn't
  24288. have
  24289. a
  24290. grenade
  24291. weapon
  24292. set
  24293. MagicGrenade
  24294. only
  24295. supports
  24296. actors
  24297. MagicGrenadeManual
  24298. only
  24299. supports
  24300. actors
  24301. MagicBullet
  24302. called
  24303. with
  24304. unknown
  24305. weapon
  24306. name
  24307. %s
  24308. MagicBullet()
  24309. does
  24310. not
  24311. work
  24312. with
  24313. grenade-type
  24314. weapons
  24315. MagicBullet():
  24316. Unhandled
  24317. projectile
  24318. weapClass
  24319. MagicBullet():
  24320. Unhandled
  24321. weapType
  24322. "%s"
  24323. SetWeapon
  24324. called
  24325. with
  24326. unknown
  24327. weapon
  24328. name
  24329. %s
  24330. Fire()
  24331. does
  24332. not
  24333. work
  24334. with
  24335. grenade-type
  24336. weapons
  24337. Fire():
  24338. Unhandled
  24339. projectile
  24340. weapClass
  24341. Fire():
  24342. Unhandled
  24343. weapType
  24344. "%s"
  24345. Not
  24346. a
  24347. player
  24348. entity
  24349. GetTagOrigin
  24350. GetTagAngles
  24351. getEye
  24352. must
  24353. be
  24354. called
  24355. on
  24356. an
  24357. AI
  24358. or
  24359. player,
  24360. not
  24361. on
  24362. a
  24363. '%s'
  24364. getDebugEye
  24365. must
  24366. be
  24367. called
  24368. on
  24369. an
  24370. AI
  24371. or
  24372. player,
  24373. not
  24374. on
  24375. a
  24376. '%s'
  24377. istouching
  24378. cannot
  24379. be
  24380. called
  24381. on
  24382. brush/cylinder
  24383. entities
  24384. tag
  24385. '%s'
  24386. does
  24387. not
  24388. exist
  24389. on
  24390. entity
  24391. with
  24392. model
  24393. '%s'
  24394. playloopsound:
  24395. invalid
  24396. fade
  24397. value
  24398. %f
  24399. it
  24400. must
  24401. be
  24402. between
  24403. and
  24404. seconds
  24405. stoploopsound:
  24406. invalid
  24407. fade
  24408. value
  24409. %f
  24410. it
  24411. must
  24412. be
  24413. between
  24414. and
  24415. seconds
  24416. Cannot
  24417. delete
  24418. a
  24419. client
  24420. entity
  24421. Cannot
  24422. delete
  24423. entity
  24424. during
  24425. its
  24426. think
  24427. defaultactor
  24428. Can
  24429. only
  24430. set
  24431. scale
  24432. on
  24433. script
  24434. movers
  24435. setNormalHealth
  24436. must
  24437. be
  24438. greater
  24439. than
  24440. (tried
  24441. to
  24442. set
  24443. %g
  24444. on
  24445. ent
  24446. %i,
  24447. name
  24448. %s)
  24449. <not
  24450. set
  24451. %c
  24452. "%i"
  24453. entity's
  24454. max
  24455. health
  24456. must
  24457. be
  24458. greater
  24459. than
  24460. to
  24461. call
  24462. setNormalHealth
  24463. (ent
  24464. %i,
  24465. name
  24466. %s)
  24467. Source
  24468. Damage
  24469. vector
  24470. is
  24471. invalid
  24472. :
  24473. %f
  24474. %f
  24475. %f
  24476. Trying
  24477. to
  24478. kill
  24479. player
  24480. %d
  24481. with
  24482. deathShieldEnambled
  24483. Trying
  24484. to
  24485. kill
  24486. AI
  24487. %d
  24488. with
  24489. damageShield
  24490. (magic_bullet_shield)
  24491. Source
  24492. Damage
  24493. vector
  24494. is
  24495. invalid
  24496. Usage:
  24497. kill(
  24498. <source
  24499. position,
  24500. <attacker,
  24501. <inflictor
  24502. )
  24503. entity:
  24504. %d,
  24505. type:
  24506. %s,
  24507. health:
  24508. %d
  24509. allies
  24510. axis
  24511. setdeathcontents
  24512. must
  24513. be
  24514. called
  24515. on
  24516. an
  24517. AI
  24518. only
  24519. Type
  24520. should
  24521. be
  24522. a
  24523. sentient
  24524. or
  24525. a
  24526. vehicle
  24527. script_brushmodel
  24528. must
  24529. have
  24531. set
  24532. to
  24533. disconnect
  24534. paths
  24535. entity
  24536. of
  24537. type
  24538. '%s'
  24539. cannot
  24540. disconnect
  24541. paths
  24542. script_brushmodel
  24543. must
  24544. have
  24546. set
  24547. to
  24548. connect
  24549. paths
  24550. entity
  24551. of
  24552. type
  24553. '%s'
  24554. cannot
  24555. connect
  24556. paths
  24557. scan
  24558. Error
  24559. setting
  24560. the
  24561. mode
  24562. of
  24563. a
  24564. turret
  24565. sentry
  24566. tow
  24567. %s,
  24568. Unknown
  24569. turret
  24570. type
  24571. Vehicle
  24572. must
  24573. have
  24574. health
  24575. to
  24576. control
  24577. its
  24578. turrets
  24579. Invalid
  24580. gunner
  24581. index
  24582. set
  24583. in
  24584. SetTargetEntity
  24585. Can't
  24586. set
  24587. target
  24588. position
  24589. on
  24590. player's
  24591. vehicle
  24592. Invalid
  24593. gunner
  24594. index
  24595. set
  24596. in
  24597. SetTargetOrigin
  24598. Invalid
  24599. gunner
  24600. index
  24601. set
  24602. in
  24603. SetOnTargetAngle
  24604. yaw
  24605. pitch
  24606. Convergence
  24607. type
  24608. should
  24609. be
  24610. either
  24611. 'pitch'
  24612. or
  24613. 'yaw'
  24614. Invalid
  24615. gunner
  24616. index
  24617. set
  24618. in
  24619. ClearGunnerTarget
  24621. %s
  24622. is
  24623. not
  24624. a
  24625. valid
  24626. hint
  24627. type
  24628. See
  24629. above
  24630. for
  24631. list
  24632. of
  24633. valid
  24634. hint
  24635. types
  24636. The
  24637. setHintString
  24638. command
  24639. only
  24640. works
  24641. on
  24642. trigger_use,
  24643. trigger_radius_use,
  24644. entities,
  24645. trigger_radius,
  24646. trigger_box
  24647. and
  24648. actors
  24649. Hint
  24650. String
  24651. Too
  24652. many
  24653. different
  24654. hintstring
  24655. values
  24656. Max
  24657. allowed
  24658. is
  24659. %i
  24660. different
  24661. strings
  24662. The
  24663. UseTriggerRequireLookAt
  24664. command
  24665. only
  24666. works
  24667. on
  24668. trigger_use
  24669. and
  24670. trigger_radius_use
  24671. entities
  24672. %c
  24673. "%i"
  24674. "%s"
  24675. Illegal
  24676. character
  24677. '%c'(ascii
  24678. %i)
  24679. in
  24680. objective
  24681. icon
  24682. name:
  24683. %s
  24684. Objective
  24685. icon
  24686. name
  24687. is
  24688. too
  24689. long
  24690. (
  24691. %i):
  24692. %s
  24693. icon
  24694. %i
  24695. objective_add
  24696. needs
  24697. at
  24698. least
  24699. the
  24700. first
  24701. two
  24702. parameters
  24703. out
  24704. of
  24705. its
  24706. parameter
  24707. list
  24708. of:
  24709. index
  24710. state
  24711. [string]
  24712. [position]
  24713. index
  24714. %i
  24715. is
  24716. an
  24717. illegal
  24718. objective
  24719. index
  24720. Valid
  24721. indexes
  24722. are
  24723. to
  24724. %i
  24725. Illegal
  24726. objective
  24727. state
  24728. "%s"
  24729. Valid
  24730. states
  24731. are
  24732. "empty",
  24733. "active",
  24734. "invisible",
  24735. "done",
  24736. "current",
  24737. "failed"
  24738. state
  24739. Illegal
  24740. localized
  24741. string
  24742. reference:
  24743. %s
  24744. (must
  24745. contain
  24746. only
  24747. alpha-numeric
  24748. characters
  24749. and
  24750. underscores
  24751. Objective
  24752. String
  24753. Objective
  24754. strings
  24755. is
  24756. too
  24757. long
  24758. (
  24759. %i):
  24760. %s
  24761. Objective
  24762. strings
  24763. can
  24764. not
  24765. have
  24766. a
  24767. ",
  24768. a
  24769. ;,
  24770. or
  24771. a
  24772. \
  24773. in
  24774. them
  24775. Illegal
  24776. objective
  24777. string:
  24778. %s
  24779. Illegal
  24780. character
  24781. '%c'(ascii
  24782. %i)
  24783. in
  24784. objective
  24785. string:
  24786. %s
  24787. str
  24788. org
  24789. %i
  24790. %i
  24791. %i
  24792. ent
  24794. t
  24795. index
  24796. %i
  24797. is
  24798. an
  24799. illegal
  24800. position
  24801. index
  24802. Valid
  24803. indexes
  24804. are
  24805. to
  24806. %i
  24807. org%d
  24808. ent%d
  24809. white
  24810. red
  24811. green
  24812. blue
  24813. ltblue
  24814. Invalid
  24815. argument
  24816. count
  24817. Expected
  24818. -,
  24819. given
  24820. %d
  24821. txtd
  24822. used
  24823. cold
  24824. offx
  24825. offy
  24826. offz
  24827. Invalid
  24828. flag
  24829. passed
  24830. to
  24831. Objective_SetFlag:
  24832. %s
  24833. flags
  24834. Illegal
  24835. team
  24836. string
  24837. '%s'
  24838. Must
  24839. be
  24840. allies,
  24841. axis,
  24842. or
  24843. none
  24844. ring
  24845. BulletTrace
  24846. EntityTrace
  24847. BulletTracePassed
  24848. SightTracePassed
  24849. PhysicsTrace
  24850. PhysicsTraceEx
  24851. PlayerPhysicsTrace
  24852. Time
  24853. must
  24854. be
  24855. positive
  24856. Blur
  24857. value
  24858. must
  24859. be
  24860. greater
  24861. than
  24862. setblur()
  24863. called
  24864. on
  24865. an
  24866. invalid
  24867. client
  24868. entity
  24869. %c
  24870. %i
  24871. %f
  24872. %i
  24873. %i
  24874. Double
  24875. vision
  24876. value
  24877. must
  24878. be
  24879. greater
  24880. than
  24881. setdoublevision()
  24882. called
  24883. on
  24884. an
  24885. invalid
  24886. client
  24887. entity
  24888. %c
  24889. %i
  24890. %f
  24891. Count
  24892. must
  24893. be
  24894. either
  24895. zero,
  24896. or
  24897. a
  24898. positive
  24899. number
  24900. setwaterdrops()
  24901. called
  24902. on
  24903. an
  24904. invalid
  24905. client
  24906. entity
  24907. %c
  24908. %
  24909. f
  24910. %
  24911. f
  24912. %
  24913. f
  24914. %i
  24915. %
  24916. f
  24917. SetPersistentProfileVar()
  24918. called
  24919. with
  24920. wrong
  24921. param
  24922. range
  24923. Index
  24924. must
  24925. be
  24926. to
  24928. SetPersistentProfileVar()
  24929. called
  24930. with
  24931. wrong
  24932. param
  24933. range
  24934. Value
  24935. must
  24936. be
  24937. to
  24938. GetPersistentProfileVar()
  24939. called
  24940. with
  24941. wrong
  24942. param
  24943. range
  24944. Index
  24945. must
  24946. be
  24947. to
  24949. setburn()
  24950. called
  24951. on
  24952. an
  24953. invalid
  24954. client
  24955. entity
  24956. setworldfogactivebank()
  24957. called
  24958. on
  24959. an
  24960. invalid
  24961. client
  24962. entity
  24963. setelectrified()
  24964. called
  24965. on
  24966. an
  24967. invalid
  24968. client
  24969. entity
  24970. settransported()
  24971. called
  24972. on
  24973. an
  24974. invalid
  24975. client
  24976. entity
  24977. precacheModel
  24978. must
  24979. be
  24980. called
  24981. before
  24982. any
  24983. wait
  24984. statements
  24985. in
  24986. the
  24987. level
  24988. script
  24989. Model
  24990. name
  24991. string
  24992. is
  24993. empty
  24994. precacheShellShock
  24995. must
  24996. be
  24997. called
  24998. before
  24999. any
  25000. wait
  25001. statements
  25002. in
  25003. the
  25004. level
  25005. script
  25006. couldn't
  25007. find
  25008. shell
  25009. shock
  25010. '%s'
  25011. --
  25012. see
  25013. console
  25014. precacheItem
  25015. must
  25016. be
  25017. called
  25018. before
  25019. any
  25020. wait
  25021. statements
  25022. in
  25023. the
  25024. level
  25025. script
  25026. unknown
  25027. weapon
  25028. '%s'
  25029. precacheShader
  25030. must
  25031. be
  25032. called
  25033. before
  25034. any
  25035. wait
  25036. statements
  25037. in
  25038. the
  25039. gametype
  25040. or
  25041. level
  25042. script
  25043. Shader
  25044. name
  25045. string
  25046. is
  25047. empty
  25048. precacheString
  25049. must
  25050. be
  25051. called
  25052. before
  25053. any
  25054. wait
  25055. statements
  25056. in
  25057. the
  25058. gametype
  25059. or
  25060. level
  25061. script
  25062. Precache
  25063. String
  25064. precacheRumble
  25065. must
  25066. be
  25067. called
  25068. before
  25069. any
  25070. wait
  25071. statements
  25072. in
  25073. the
  25074. level
  25075. script
  25076. Status
  25077. icon
  25078. '%s'
  25079. was
  25080. not
  25081. precached
  25082. Too
  25083. many
  25084. player
  25085. head
  25086. icons
  25087. precached
  25088. Max
  25089. allowed
  25090. is
  25091. %i
  25092. Head
  25093. icon
  25094. '%s'
  25095. was
  25096. not
  25097. precached
  25098. Too
  25099. many
  25100. location
  25101. selectors
  25102. precached
  25103. Max
  25104. allowed
  25105. is
  25106. %i
  25107. Location
  25108. selector
  25109. '%s'
  25110. was
  25111. not
  25112. precached
  25113. Attempting
  25114. to
  25115. save
  25116. during
  25117. a
  25118. restart
  25119. Attempting
  25120. to
  25121. save
  25122. multiple
  25123. times
  25124. in
  25125. a
  25126. single
  25127. frame
  25128. map_restart
  25129. already
  25130. called
  25131. exitlevel
  25132. already
  25133. called
  25134. savegame_done
  25135. Savegame
  25136. during
  25137. load/flush
  25138. gump
  25139. is
  25140. not
  25141. supported
  25142. Please
  25143. ensure
  25144. that
  25145. your
  25146. savegame
  25147. and
  25148. gump
  25149. operations
  25150. are
  25151. not
  25152. happening
  25153. simultanously
  25154. Attempting
  25155. to
  25156. save
  25157. while
  25158. dead
  25159. auto
  25160. $default
  25161. levelstart
  25162. autosave\%s
  25163. autosave\%s-%s
  25164. Save
  25165. Commit
  25166. attempted
  25167. with
  25168. no
  25169. valid
  25170. committable
  25171. save
  25172. available
  25173. Save
  25174. Commit
  25175. attempted
  25176. on
  25177. incorrect
  25178. save
  25179. currentsave:%i,
  25180. commit:%i
  25181. Attempting
  25182. to
  25183. commit
  25184. an
  25185. invalid
  25186. save
  25187. RadiusDamage
  25188. range
  25189. negative
  25190. %g
  25191. max_damage
  25192. negative
  25193. %g
  25194. min_damage
  25195. negative
  25196. %g
  25197. RadiusDamage
  25198. range
  25199. too
  25200. large
  25201. %g
  25202. %d
  25203. entity
  25204. is
  25205. not
  25206. a
  25207. grenade
  25208. USAGE:
  25209. Must
  25210. be
  25211. called
  25212. on
  25213. a
  25214. client
  25215. primary
  25216. secondary
  25217. UpdateLoadoutFromCurrent:
  25218. entity
  25219. must
  25220. be
  25221. a
  25222. player
  25223. entity
  25224. primaryattachment%s
  25225. primarycamo
  25226. secondaryattachment%s
  25227. secondarycamo
  25228. exitTime
  25229. cannot
  25230. be
  25231. negative
  25232. %c
  25233. hud_missionFailed
  25234. %c
  25235. %s
  25236. %i
  25237. %i
  25238. Scale
  25239. must
  25240. be
  25241. greater
  25242. than
  25243. duration
  25244. must
  25245. be
  25246. greater
  25247. than
  25248. Radius
  25249. must
  25250. be
  25251. greater
  25252. than
  25253. Weapon
  25254. '%s'does
  25255. not
  25256. exist
  25257. unknown
  25258. weapon
  25259. NULL
  25260. turret
  25261. passed
  25262. to
  25263. isturretactive
  25264. getweaponaccuracy
  25265. must
  25266. be
  25267. called
  25268. on
  25269. an
  25270. AI
  25271. only
  25272. end
  25273. time
  25274. must
  25275. be
  25276. between
  25277. and
  25278. start
  25279. time
  25280. must
  25281. be
  25282. between
  25283. and
  25284. forward
  25285. and
  25286. up
  25287. vectors
  25288. are
  25289. the
  25290. same
  25291. direction
  25292. or
  25293. exact
  25294. opposite
  25295. directions
  25296. fx/
  25297. effect
  25298. name
  25299. should
  25300. start
  25301. after
  25302. the
  25303. 'fx'
  25304. folder
  25305. loadFx
  25306. must
  25307. be
  25308. called
  25309. before
  25310. any
  25311. wait
  25312. statements
  25313. in
  25314. the
  25315. level
  25316. script,
  25317. or
  25318. on
  25319. an
  25320. already
  25321. loaded
  25322. effect
  25323. not
  25324. successfully
  25325. loaded
  25326. %s
  25327. (effect
  25328. =
  25329. %s)
  25330. Scr_PlayFX:
  25331. invalid
  25332. effect
  25333. id
  25334. %d
  25335. playFx
  25336. called
  25337. with
  25338. (
  25339. )
  25340. forward
  25341. direction
  25342. playFx
  25343. called
  25344. with
  25345. (
  25346. )
  25347. up
  25348. direction
  25349. effect
  25350. id
  25351. %i
  25352. is
  25353. invalid
  25354. cannot
  25355. play
  25356. fx
  25357. on
  25358. entity
  25359. with
  25360. no
  25361. model
  25362. cannot
  25363. use
  25364. "
  25365. characters
  25366. in
  25367. tag
  25368. names
  25369. %d%s
  25370. playLoopedFx
  25371. called
  25372. with
  25373. (
  25374. )
  25375. up
  25376. direction
  25377. playLoopedFx
  25378. called
  25379. with
  25380. (
  25381. )
  25382. forward
  25383. direction
  25384. playLoopedFx
  25385. called
  25386. with
  25387. repeat
  25388. <
  25389. seconds
  25390. spawnFx
  25391. called
  25392. with
  25393. (
  25394. )
  25395. up
  25396. direction
  25397. spawnFx
  25398. called
  25399. with
  25400. (
  25401. )
  25402. forward
  25403. direction
  25404. entity
  25405. wasn't
  25406. created
  25407. with
  25408. 'newFx'
  25409. PhysicsExplosionSphere:
  25410. Radius
  25411. is
  25412. negative
  25413. PhysicsExplosionSphere:
  25414. Inner
  25415. radius
  25416. is
  25417. outside
  25418. the
  25419. outer
  25420. radius
  25421. PhysicsExplosionSphere:
  25422. outer
  25423. damage
  25424. is
  25425. negative
  25426. PhysicsExplosionSphere:
  25427. inner
  25428. damage
  25429. is
  25430. negative
  25431. PhysicsExplosionSphere:
  25432. inner
  25433. damage
  25434. less
  25435. than
  25436. outer
  25437. damage
  25438. Radius
  25439. is
  25440. negative
  25441. Inner
  25442. radius
  25443. is
  25444. outside
  25445. the
  25446. outer
  25447. radius
  25448. streamer
  25449. hint
  25450. factor
  25451. is
  25452. negative
  25453. %c
  25454. %s
  25455. length
  25456. is
  25457. negative
  25458. %c
  25459. %d
  25460. %d
  25461. %d
  25462. %
  25463. f
  25464. %
  25465. f
  25466. %
  25467. f
  25468. %
  25469. f
  25470. %
  25471. f
  25472. %
  25473. f
  25474. %d
  25475. %d
  25476. %d
  25477. keep_ent_anchors
  25478. collide
  25479. detach_opposite_anchor
  25480. force_update
  25481. no_wind
  25482. no_lod
  25483. %c
  25484. %d
  25485. %d
  25486. %d
  25487. %d
  25488. width
  25489. %c
  25490. %d
  25491. %d
  25492. %d
  25493. %
  25494. f
  25495. The
  25496. fraction
  25497. must
  25498. be
  25499. between
  25500. and
  25501. Bad
  25502. entity
  25503. specified
  25504. %c
  25505. %d
  25506. %d
  25507. %
  25508. f,
  25509. %d,
  25510. %
  25511. f,
  25512. %
  25513. f,
  25514. %
  25515. f
  25516. %c
  25517. %d
  25518. %d
  25519. %
  25520. f
  25521. %c
  25522. %d
  25523. %d
  25524. %
  25525. f,
  25526. %
  25527. f,
  25528. %
  25529. f,
  25530. %
  25531. f
  25532. ropegetposition
  25533. doesnt
  25534. support
  25535. online
  25536. games
  25537. Bad
  25538. rope
  25539. index
  25540. %c
  25541. %d
  25542. %d
  25543. useweaponhidetags
  25544. called
  25545. with
  25546. unknown
  25547. weapon
  25548. name
  25549. %s
  25550. PlayWeaponDeathEffects
  25551. called
  25552. with
  25553. unknown
  25554. weapon
  25555. name
  25556. %s
  25557. PlayWeaponDamageEffects
  25558. called
  25559. with
  25560. unknown
  25561. weapon
  25562. name
  25563. %s
  25564. %s:
  25565. near
  25566. distance
  25567. must
  25568. be
  25569. =
  25570. %s:
  25571. transition
  25572. time
  25573. must
  25574. be
  25575. =
  25576. seconds
  25577. %g
  25578. %g
  25579. %g
  25580. %g
  25581. %g
  25582. %g
  25583. %g
  25584. %
  25585. f
  25586. %g
  25587. %g
  25588. %g
  25589. %g
  25590. %g
  25591. %g
  25592. %g
  25593. %g
  25594. %g
  25595. %g
  25596. setExpFog:
  25597. startDist
  25598. must
  25599. be
  25600. greater
  25601. or
  25602. equal
  25603. to
  25604. setExpFog:
  25605. halfwayDist
  25606. must
  25607. be
  25608. greater
  25609. than
  25610. setExpFog
  25611. setexponentialfog()
  25612. called
  25613. on
  25614. an
  25615. invalid
  25616. client
  25617. entity
  25618. Incorrect
  25619. number
  25620. of
  25621. parameters
  25622. USAGE:
  25623. setVolFog(<startDist,
  25624. <halfwayDist,
  25625. <halfwayHeight,
  25626. <baseHeight,
  25627. <red,
  25628. <green,
  25629. <blue,
  25630. <transition
  25631. time)
  25632. OR:
  25633. SetVolFog(<startDist,
  25634. <halfwayDist,
  25635. <halfwayHeight,
  25636. <baseHeight,
  25637. <red,
  25638. <green,
  25639. <blue,
  25640. <fogColorScale,
  25641. <sunFogRed,
  25642. <sunFogGreen,
  25643. <sunFogBlue,
  25644. <sunFogDirX,
  25645. <sunFogDirY,
  25646. <sunFogDirZ,
  25647. <sunFogStartAng,
  25648. <sunFogEndAng,
  25649. <transition
  25650. time)
  25651. setVolFog:
  25652. halfwayDist
  25653. must
  25654. be
  25655. greater
  25656. than
  25657. setVolFog:
  25658. halfwayHeight
  25659. must
  25660. be
  25661. greater
  25662. or
  25663. equal
  25664. to
  25665. setVolFog
  25666. setvolumetricfog()
  25667. called
  25668. on
  25669. an
  25670. invalid
  25671. client
  25672. entity
  25673. Parameter
  25674. (%s)
  25675. must
  25676. be
  25677. an
  25678. array
  25679. "%s"
  25680. %i
  25681. visionsetnaked()
  25682. called
  25683. on
  25684. an
  25685. invalid
  25686. client
  25687. entity
  25688. getvisionsetnaked()
  25689. called
  25690. on
  25691. an
  25692. invalid
  25693. client
  25694. entity
  25695. visionsetnight()
  25696. called
  25697. on
  25698. an
  25699. invalid
  25700. client
  25701. entity
  25702. visionsetlaststand()
  25703. called
  25704. on
  25705. an
  25706. invalid
  25707. client
  25708. entity
  25709. "%s"
  25710. %i
  25711. %c
  25712. %g
  25713. Incorrect
  25714. number
  25715. of
  25716. parameters
  25717. %g
  25718. %g
  25719. %g
  25720. %g
  25721. %g
  25722. %g
  25723. %g
  25724. %g
  25725. %g
  25726. Lerp
  25727. time
  25728. must
  25729. be
  25730. greater
  25731. than
  25732. ms
  25733. %g
  25734. %g
  25735. %g
  25736. %g
  25737. %g
  25738. %g
  25739. %d
  25740. %d
  25741. badplace_delete
  25742. called
  25743. with
  25744. name
  25745. ""
  25746. left
  25747. angle
  25748. <
  25749. in
  25750. badplace_arc
  25751. right
  25752. angle
  25753. <
  25754. in
  25755. badplace_arc
  25756. index
  25757. out
  25758. of
  25759. range
  25760. (
  25761. -
  25762. %d)
  25763. bad
  25764. model
  25765. entity
  25766. of
  25767. type
  25768. '%s',
  25769. classname
  25770. '%s',
  25771. origin
  25772. (%f,
  25773. %f,
  25774. %f)
  25775. does
  25776. not
  25777. have
  25778. an
  25779. animation
  25780. tree
  25781. No
  25782. model
  25783. exists
  25784. Illegal
  25785. mode
  25786. %s
  25787. for
  25788. animScripted
  25789. Valid
  25790. modes
  25791. are
  25792. normal
  25793. and
  25794. deathplant
  25795. tried
  25796. to
  25797. play
  25798. a
  25799. scripted
  25800. animation
  25801. on
  25802. a
  25803. dead
  25804. AI;
  25805. entity
  25806. %i
  25807. team
  25808. %s
  25809. origin
  25810. %g
  25811. %g
  25812. %g
  25813. targetname
  25814. %s
  25815. classname
  25816. %s
  25817. <undefined
  25818. ScrCmd_stopanimscripted
  25819. ScrCmd_animscripted
  25820. ScrCmd_animscriptedskiprestart
  25821. ScrCmd_animrelative
  25822. Couldn't
  25823. find
  25824. animtree
  25825. %s
  25826. Couldn't
  25827. find
  25828. anim
  25829. %s
  25830. in
  25831. animtree
  25832. %s
  25833. ClearAnim
  25834. ClearAnimLimited
  25835. root
  25836. anim
  25837. is
  25838. not
  25839. an
  25840. ancestor
  25841. of
  25842. the
  25843. anim
  25844. cannot
  25845. flag
  25846. anim
  25847. since
  25848. it
  25849. has
  25850. effective
  25851. goal
  25852. weight
  25853. rate
  25854. goaltime
  25855. goalweight
  25856. must
  25857. set
  25858. nonnegative
  25859. rate
  25860. must
  25861. set
  25862. nonnegative
  25863. goal
  25864. time
  25865. must
  25866. set
  25867. nonnegative
  25868. weight
  25869. SetAnimKnobRestart
  25870. SetAnimKnob
  25871. SetAnimKnobLimitedRestart
  25872. SetAnimKnobLimited
  25873. root
  25874. anim
  25875. is
  25876. not
  25877. in
  25878. the
  25879. same
  25880. anim
  25881. tree
  25882. SetAnimKnobAllRestart
  25883. SetAnimKnobAll
  25884. SetAnimKnobAllLimitedRestart
  25885. SetAnimKnobAllLimited
  25886. SetAnimRestart
  25887. SetAnim
  25888. SetAnimLimitedRestart
  25889. SetAnimLimited
  25890. GetAnimTime
  25891. blended
  25892. nonsynchronized
  25893. animation
  25894. has
  25895. no
  25896. concept
  25897. of
  25898. time
  25899. must
  25900. set
  25901. positive
  25902. weight
  25903. SetFlaggedAnimKnobRestart
  25904. SetFlaggedAnimKnob
  25905. SetFlaggedAnimKnobLimitedRestart
  25906. SetFlaggedAnimKnobLimited
  25907. SetFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart
  25908. SetFlaggedAnimKnobAll
  25909. illegal
  25910. call
  25911. to
  25912. SetFlaggedAnimKnobAll()
  25913. illegal
  25914. call
  25915. to
  25916. SetFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart()
  25917. SetFlaggedAnimRestart
  25918. SetFlaggedAnim
  25919. SetFlaggedAnimLimitedRestart
  25920. SetFlaggedAnimLimited
  25921. cannot
  25922. change
  25923. the
  25924. animtree
  25925. of
  25926. classname
  25927. '%s'
  25928. must
  25929. be
  25930. must
  25931. be
  25932. <
  25933. not
  25934. a
  25935. timed
  25936. animation
  25937. cannot
  25938. set
  25939. time
  25940. on
  25941. looping
  25942. animation
  25943. SCRIPT:
  25944. %s
  25945. SetAnimRateComplete:
  25946. must
  25947. set
  25948. nonnegative
  25949. animRate
  25950. haspath
  25951. must
  25952. be
  25953. called
  25954. on
  25955. an
  25956. AI,
  25957. not
  25958. on
  25959. a
  25960. '%s'
  25961. duration
  25962. %g
  25963. should
  25964. be
  25965. =
  25966. and
  25967. <=
  25968. shellshock
  25969. '%s'
  25970. was
  25971. not
  25972. precached
  25973. near
  25974. start
  25975. must
  25976. be
  25977. =
  25978. near
  25979. end
  25980. must
  25981. be
  25982. =
  25983. far
  25984. start
  25985. must
  25986. be
  25987. =
  25988. far
  25989. end
  25990. must
  25991. be
  25992. =
  25993. near
  25994. blur
  25995. should
  25996. be
  25997. between
  25998. %g
  25999. and
  26000. %g
  26001. far
  26002. blur
  26003. should
  26004. be
  26005. =
  26006. %g
  26007. and
  26008. <=
  26009. near
  26010. blur
  26011. far
  26012. start
  26013. must
  26014. be
  26015. =
  26016. near
  26017. end,
  26018. or
  26019. far
  26020. depth
  26021. of
  26022. field
  26023. should
  26024. be
  26025. disabled
  26026. with
  26027. far
  26028. start
  26029. =
  26030. far
  26031. end
  26032. or
  26033. far
  26034. blur
  26035. ==
  26036. %c
  26037. %c
  26038. %c
  26039. %c
  26040. %i
  26041. %i
  26042. start
  26043. must
  26044. be
  26045. =
  26046. end
  26047. must
  26048. be
  26049. =
  26050. viewkick:
  26051. damage
  26052. %g
  26053. <
  26054. Currently
  26055. on
  26056. supported
  26057. on
  26058. damage
  26059. triggers
  26060. Entity
  26061. %i
  26062. is
  26063. not
  26064. a
  26065. rocket
  26066. makeFakeAI
  26067. must
  26068. be
  26069. applied
  26070. to
  26071. a
  26072. script_model
  26073. entity
  26074. is
  26075. not
  26076. a
  26077. turret
  26078. spectator
  26079. precacheMenu
  26080. must
  26081. be
  26082. called
  26083. before
  26084. any
  26085. wait
  26086. statements
  26087. in
  26088. the
  26089. level
  26090. script
  26091. Too
  26092. many
  26093. menus
  26094. precached
  26095. Max
  26096. allowed
  26097. menus
  26098. is
  26099. %i
  26100. Menu
  26101. '%s'
  26102. was
  26103. not
  26104. precached
  26105. unknown
  26106. rumble
  26107. name
  26108. '%s'
  26109. lower-right
  26110. X
  26111. and
  26112. Y
  26113. coordinates
  26114. must
  26115. be
  26116. southeast
  26117. of
  26118. upper-left
  26119. X
  26120. and
  26121. Y
  26122. coordinates
  26123. in
  26124. terms
  26125. of
  26126. the
  26127. northyaw
  26128. "%s"
  26129. %f
  26130. %f
  26131. %f
  26132. %f
  26133. GetPlayerConnectionState:
  26134. entity
  26135. must
  26136. be
  26137. a
  26138. player
  26139. entity
  26140. Array
  26141. passed
  26142. to
  26143. hasusedweapon
  26144. contained
  26145. member
  26146. [%i]
  26147. -
  26148. valid
  26149. types
  26150. are
  26151. string
  26152. Array
  26153. passed
  26154. to
  26155. CrunchArray
  26156. contained
  26157. member
  26158. [%i]
  26159. of
  26160. type
  26161. %s
  26162. -
  26163. valid
  26164. types
  26165. are
  26166. string
  26167. and
  26168. int
  26169. Jan
  26170. Feb
  26171. Mar
  26172. Apr
  26173. May
  26174. Jun
  26175. Jul
  26176. Aug
  26177. Sep
  26178. Oct
  26179. Nov
  26180. Dec
  26181. %s
  26182. %i
  26183. %i
  26184. trigger
  26185. setteamfortrigger:
  26186. entity
  26187. '%s'
  26188. must
  26189. be
  26190. a
  26191. trigger
  26192. type
  26193. clientclaimtrigger:
  26194. claimer
  26195. must
  26196. be
  26197. a
  26198. client
  26199. clientclaimtrigger:
  26200. trigger
  26201. entity
  26202. must
  26203. be
  26204. of
  26205. type
  26206. %s
  26207. or
  26208. %s
  26209. or
  26210. %s
  26211. or
  26212. %s
  26213. clientreleasetrigger:
  26214. releaser
  26215. must
  26216. be
  26217. a
  26218. client
  26219. clientreleasetrigger:
  26220. trigger
  26221. entity
  26222. must
  26223. be
  26224. of
  26225. type
  26226. %s
  26227. or
  26228. %s
  26229. or
  26230. %s
  26231. or
  26232. %s
  26233. releaseclaimedtrigger:
  26234. trigger
  26235. entity
  26236. must
  26237. be
  26238. of
  26239. type
  26240. %s
  26241. or
  26242. %s
  26243. Error:
  26244. InitChallengeStats
  26245. takes
  26246. one
  26247. argument
  26248. %c
  26249. n
  26250. ClientSysSetState
  26251. -
  26252. state
  26253. index
  26254. (%i)
  26255. out
  26256. of
  26257. bounds
  26258. (
  26259. -
  26260. %i)
  26261. ClientSysSetState
  26262. -
  26263. state
  26264. index
  26265. (%i)
  26266. unregistered
  26267. Use
  26268. ClientSysRegister
  26269. first
  26270. %c
  26271. %i
  26272. %s
  26273. DestructibleHasNotify
  26274. called
  26275. on
  26276. an
  26277. entity
  26278. that
  26279. is
  26280. not
  26281. a
  26282. destructible
  26283. banClient
  26284. %i
  26285. SetAILimit
  26286. must
  26287. take
  26288. a
  26289. value
  26290. between
  26291. and
  26292. inclusive
  26293. %llu
  26294. %c
  26295. "
  26296. %s^
  26297. %s"
  26299. fast_restart
  26300. invalid
  26301. call
  26302. to
  26303. SetCellVisibleAtPos
  26304. Check
  26305. doc
  26306. for
  26307. correct
  26308. usage!
  26309. SetCellVisibleAtPos
  26310. failed
  26311. Pos
  26312. not
  26313. in
  26314. valid
  26315. cell
  26316. (%
  26317. f,%
  26318. f,%
  26319. f)
  26320. invalid
  26321. call
  26322. to
  26323. SetCellInvisibleAtPos
  26324. Check
  26325. doc
  26326. for
  26327. correct
  26328. usage!
  26329. SetCellInvisibleAtPos
  26330. failed
  26331. Pos
  26332. not
  26333. in
  26334. valid
  26335. cell
  26336. (%
  26337. f,%
  26338. f,%
  26339. f)
  26340. startMultiplayer
  26341. GScr_loadGump
  26342. %s
  26343. Gump
  26344. load
  26345. during
  26346. save
  26347. game
  26348. is
  26349. not
  26350. supported
  26351. Please
  26352. ensure
  26353. that
  26354. your
  26355. savegame
  26356. and
  26357. gump
  26358. operations
  26359. are
  26360. not
  26361. happening
  26362. simultanously
  26363. loadGump
  26364. %s
  26365. GScr_flushGump
  26366. Gump
  26367. flush
  26368. during
  26369. save
  26370. game
  26371. is
  26372. not
  26373. supported
  26374. Please
  26375. ensure
  26376. that
  26377. your
  26378. savegame
  26379. and
  26380. gump
  26381. operations
  26382. are
  26383. not
  26384. happening
  26385. simultanously
  26386. flushGump
  26387. Script
  26388. localized
  26389. string
  26390. %c
  26391. %d
  26392. %d
  26393. %d
  26394. setstat:
  26395. entity
  26396. must
  26397. be
  26398. a
  26399. player
  26400. entity
  26401. giveachievement:
  26402. achievement
  26403. must
  26404. be
  26405. named
  26406. giveachievement:
  26407. entity
  26408. must
  26409. be
  26410. a
  26411. player
  26412. entity
  26413. BloodImpact()
  26414. only
  26415. takes
  26416. "normal",
  26417. "hero"
  26418. or
  26419. "none"
  26420. as
  26421. parameters
  26422. SetExploderId
  26423. called
  26424. on
  26425. an
  26426. ent
  26427. that's
  26428. not
  26429. a
  26430. script
  26431. mover
  26432. hasdstats:
  26433. entity
  26434. must
  26435. be
  26436. a
  26437. player
  26438. entity
  26439. sethudwarningtype
  26440. must
  26441. be
  26442. called
  26443. on
  26444. an
  26445. AI,
  26446. not
  26447. on
  26448. a
  26449. '%s'
  26450. banzai
  26451. banzai_grenadesuicide
  26452. zombie_friend
  26453. lookatentity
  26454. must
  26455. be
  26456. called
  26457. on
  26458. an
  26459. AI,
  26460. not
  26461. on
  26462. a
  26463. '%s'
  26464. lookatpos
  26465. must
  26466. be
  26467. called
  26468. on
  26469. an
  26470. AI,
  26471. not
  26472. on
  26473. a
  26474. '%s'
  26475. aimatpos
  26476. must
  26477. be
  26478. called
  26479. on
  26480. an
  26481. AI,
  26482. not
  26483. on
  26484. a
  26485. '%s'
  26486. aimatentity
  26487. must
  26488. be
  26489. called
  26490. on
  26491. an
  26492. AI,
  26493. not
  26494. on
  26495. a
  26496. '%s'
  26497. SetClientFlag:
  26498. Index
  26499. %i
  26500. out
  26501. of
  26502. range
  26503. (
  26504. -
  26505. %i)
  26506. ClearClientFlag:
  26507. Index
  26508. %i
  26509. out
  26510. of
  26511. range
  26512. (
  26513. -
  26514. %i)
  26515. SetClientFlagAsVal:
  26516. Index
  26517. %i
  26518. out
  26519. of
  26520. range
  26521. (
  26522. -
  26523. %i)
  26524. BypassSledgehammer
  26525. called
  26526. on
  26527. a
  26528. player
  26529. EnableSledgehammer
  26530. called
  26531. on
  26532. a
  26533. player
  26534. IsSprinting
  26535. can
  26536. only
  26537. be
  26538. called
  26539. on
  26540. a
  26541. player
  26542. SetCellVisible
  26543. failed
  26544. Pos
  26545. not
  26546. in
  26547. valid
  26548. cell
  26549. (%
  26550. f,%
  26551. f,%
  26552. f)
  26553. SetCellInvisible
  26554. failed
  26555. ent
  26556. not
  26557. in
  26558. valid
  26559. cell
  26560. (%
  26561. f,%
  26562. f,%
  26563. f)
  26564. setphysparams
  26565. must
  26566. be
  26567. called
  26568. on
  26569. an
  26570. AI
  26571. only
  26572. Gib
  26573. tag
  26574. array
  26575. passed
  26576. to
  26577. 'Gib'
  26578. contains
  26579. value
  26580. out
  26581. of
  26582. range
  26583. -
  26584. Array
  26585. passed
  26586. to
  26587. gib
  26588. contained
  26589. member
  26590. [%i]
  26591. -
  26592. valid
  26593. types
  26594. are
  26595. int
  26596. cannot
  26597. directly
  26598. set
  26599. the
  26600. origin
  26601. on
  26602. AI
  26603. Use
  26604. the
  26605. teleport
  26606. command
  26607. instead
  26608. origin
  26609. being
  26610. set
  26611. to
  26612. NAN
  26613. entity
  26614. %i
  26615. cannot
  26616. directly
  26617. set
  26618. the
  26619. angles
  26620. on
  26621. AI
  26622. Use
  26623. the
  26624. teleport
  26625. command
  26626. instead
  26627. self
  26628. health
  26629. must
  26630. be
  26631. greater
  26632. than
  26633. (tried
  26634. to
  26635. set
  26636. %i
  26637. on
  26638. ent
  26639. %i,
  26640. name
  26641. %s)
  26642. Scr_PlayerDamage
  26643. badMOD
  26644. Scr_ActorDamage
  26645. Scr_PlayerKilled
  26646. Scr_ActorKilled
  26647. Fx
  26648. Fxh
  26649. FxÈ
  26650. Fy(
  26651. Fyˆ
  26652. FyènodeRoot
  26653. exprRoot
  26654. valueRoot
  26655. paramRoot
  26656. valueName
  26657. valueType
  26658. valueData
  26659. valueindex
  26660. loopsync
  26661. nonloopsync
  26662. complete
  26663. additive
  26664. client
  26665. separate
  26666. %s
  26667. Unknown
  26668. XAnimTree
  26669. anim
  26670. property:
  26671. "%s"
  26672. #using_animtree
  26673. was
  26674. not
  26675. specified
  26676. Values
  26677. can
  26678. currently
  26679. only
  26680. be
  26681. numbers
  26682. duplicate
  26683. animation
  26684. '%s'
  26685. Operator
  26686. option
  26687. not
  26688. specified
  26689. Operator
  26690. options
  26691. must
  26692. have
  26693. an
  26694. '='
  26695. sign
  26696. after
  26697. the
  26698. name
  26699. The
  26700. list
  26701. of
  26702. values
  26703. is
  26704. not
  26705. properly
  26706. comma
  26707. delimited
  26708. bad
  26709. animtree
  26710. token:
  26711. '%s'
  26712. unexpected
  26713. end
  26714. of
  26715. file
  26716. void_loop
  26717. void
  26718. Value
  26719. variable
  26720. not
  26721. found
  26722. Scr_AnimTreeParse
  26723. bad
  26724. animtree
  26725. token
  26726. duplicate
  26727. animation
  26728. '%s'
  26729. in
  26730. 'animtrees/%s
  26731. atr'
  26732. animation
  26733. '%s'
  26734. not
  26735. defined
  26736. in
  26737. anim
  26738. tree
  26739. '%s'
  26740. bad
  26741. anim
  26742. tree
  26743. name
  26744. animtrees/%s
  26745. atr
  26746. root
  26747. Couldn't
  26748. find
  26749. animtree
  26750. '%s'
  26751. on
  26752. the
  26753. server
  26754. Client
  26755. Script
  26756. uses
  26757. anim
  26758. '%s'
  26759. from
  26760. tree
  26761. '%s'
  26762. that
  26763. doesn't
  26764. exist
  26765. on
  26766. the
  26767. server
  26768. unknown
  26769. anim
  26770. tree
  26771. '%s'
  26772. F`
  26773. Fx
  26774. F³à
  26775. F³à
  26776. F³à
  26777. F³à
  26778. F³à
  26779. F³à
  26780. F³à
  26781. F³à
  26782. F³à
  26783. F³¬
  26784. F³à
  26785. F³<
  26786. F³t
  26787. F´¸
  26788. F´Ô
  26789. F´è
  26790. Fµd
  26791. F´<
  26792. F´\
  26793. Fµd
  26794. Fµd
  26795. Fµd
  26796. Fµd
  26797. Fµd
  26798. Fµd
  26799. Fµd
  26800. Fµd
  26801. Fµd
  26802. Fµd
  26803. Fµd
  26804. Scr_BeginLoadScripts
  26805. gsc
  26806. csc
  26807. %s
  26808. %s
  26809. %s:
  26810. failed
  26811. allocation
  26812. of
  26813. %d
  26814. bytes
  26815. for
  26816. script
  26817. usage
  26818. failed
  26819. memory
  26820. allocation
  26821. for
  26822. script
  26823. usage
  26824. MT_GetSize:
  26825. max
  26826. allocation
  26827. exceeded
  26828. MT_AllocIndex
  26829. abs
  26830. absangleclamp
  26831. absangleclamp
  26832. accuracy
  26833. acos
  26834. actionslotfourbuttonpressed
  26835. actionslotonebuttonpressed
  26836. actionslotthreebuttonpressed
  26837. actionslottwobuttonpressed
  26838. activateclientexploder
  26839. activatecrosshair
  26840. activatemixer
  26841. activator
  26842. addaieventlistener
  26843. addargus
  26844. addcylinderinfluencer
  26845. adddebugcommand
  26846. adddemobookmark
  26847. adddstat
  26848. addfriendlyscrambler
  26849. addgoal
  26850. addnodetocurve
  26851. addgametypestat
  26852. addplayerstat
  26853. addplayerstatwithgametype
  26854. addrankxp
  26855. addrankxpvalue
  26856. addreactionevent
  26857. addspawnpoints
  26858. addsphereinfluencer
  26859. addtestclient
  26860. addtocompass
  26861. addtomenuroot
  26862. addvehicletocompass
  26863. addweaponstat
  26864. addbonuscardstat
  26865. adsbuttonpressed
  26866. aimatpos
  26867. aimingatfriendly
  26868. aiteam
  26869. aiweapon
  26870. alertlevel
  26871. alertlevelint
  26872. alignx
  26873. aligny
  26874. allclientsprint
  26875. allocatemixerlights
  26876. allocatesoundrandoms
  26877. allowads
  26878. allowcrouch
  26879. allowdeath
  26880. allowedstances
  26881. allowjump
  26882. allowlean
  26883. allowmelee
  26884. allowpain
  26885. blockingpain
  26886. allowpickupweapons
  26887. allowpitchangle
  26888. allowprone
  26889. allowreact
  26890. allowspectateteam
  26891. allowsprint
  26892. allowstand
  26893. alpha
  26894. angleclamp
  26895. anglelerp
  26896. anglelerprate
  26897. angles
  26898. anglestoforward
  26899. anglestoright
  26900. anglestoup
  26901. anim_pose
  26902. animateui
  26903. animcustom
  26904. animgetchildat
  26905. animgetnumchildren
  26906. animhasnotetrack
  26907. animmode
  26908. animrelative
  26909. animscript
  26910. animscripted
  26911. animscriptedskiprestart
  26912. animtranslationscale
  26913. announcement
  26914. anyammoforweaponmodes
  26915. archived
  26916. archivetime
  26917. areallmissionsatscore
  26918. arecontrolsfrozen
  26919. aretexturesloaded
  26920. array
  26921. artilleryiconlocation
  26922. asin
  26923. assert
  26924. assertmsg
  26925. assists
  26926. atan
  26927. atdangerousnode
  26928. attach
  26929. attachpath
  26930. attachtodecterminal
  26931. attackbuttonpressed
  26932. attacker
  26933. attackeraccuracy
  26934. badplace_arc
  26935. badplace_brush
  26936. badplace_cylinder
  26937. badplace_delete
  26938. badplaceawareness
  26939. ban
  26940. bbprint
  26941. beginlocationairstrikeselection
  26942. beginlocationartilleryselection
  26943. beginlocationcomlinkselection
  26944. beginlocationmortarselection
  26945. beginlocationnapalmselection
  26946. beginlocationselection
  26947. beginprediction
  26948. birthtime
  26949. bloodimpact
  26950. boundswouldtelefrag
  26951. box
  26952. breakrope
  26953. buildcurve
  26954. bulletspread
  26955. bullettrace
  26956. bullettracepassed
  26957. bullettracer
  26958. buttonpressed
  26959. bypasssledgehammer
  26960. calclookaheadpos
  26961. calcpathlength
  26962. calcplayeroptions
  26963. calcweaponoptions
  26964. cameraactivate
  26965. camerasetlookat
  26966. camerasetposition
  26967. canattackenemynode
  26968. cancelaimove
  26969. cancelgoal
  26970. canflank
  26971. canplaceriotshield
  26972. canplayerplaceturret
  26973. canplayerplacevehicle
  26974. cansee
  26975. canseepathgoal
  26976. canshoot
  26977. canshootenemy
  26978. canspawnturret
  26979. canuseturret
  26980. captures
  26981. carryturret
  26982. ceil
  26983. changeadvertisedstatus
  26984. changefontscaleovertime
  26985. changelevel
  26986. changeseatbuttonpressed
  26987. checkcoverexitposwithpath
  26988. checkgrenadelaunch
  26989. checkgrenadelaunchpos
  26990. checkgrenadethrow
  26991. checkgrenadethrowpos
  26992. checkprone
  26993. circle
  26994. classname
  26995. cleanupspawneddynents
  26996. clearallcorpses
  26997. clearalltextafterhudelem
  26998. clearalternateaimparams
  26999. clearanim
  27000. clearanimlimited
  27001. clearcenterpopups
  27002. clearclientflag
  27003. cleardamageindicator
  27004. cleardefaultpitch
  27005. clearendgame
  27006. clearenemy
  27007. clearentityowner
  27008. clearentitytarget
  27009. clearfixednodesafevolume
  27010. cleargoalvolume
  27011. cleargoalyaw
  27012. cleargunnertarget
  27013. clearlocalizedstrings
  27014. clearlookatent
  27015. clearmovehistory
  27016. clearnearestenemyscrambler
  27017. clearperks
  27018. clearphysicsgravity
  27019. clearpitchorient
  27020. clearpopups
  27021. clearpotentialthreat
  27022. clearruntopos
  27023. clearscriptenemy
  27024. clearscriptgoal
  27025. clearspawnpoints
  27026. clearstowedweapon
  27027. clearspawnpointsbaseweight
  27028. cleartargetent
  27029. cleartargetentity
  27030. cleartargetyaw
  27031. clearturrettarget
  27032. clearvehgoalpos
  27033. clearviewlockent
  27034. clientannouncement
  27035. clientclaimtrigger
  27036. clientflag
  27037. clienthassnapshot
  27038. clientprint
  27039. clientreleasetrigger
  27040. clientsysregister
  27041. clientsyssetstate
  27042. cloneplayer
  27043. closefile
  27044. closeingamemenu
  27045. closemainmenu
  27046. closemenu
  27047. closer
  27048. codeplayloopedfx
  27049. codespawn
  27050. codespawnerforcespawn
  27051. codespawnerspawn
  27052. codespawnfx
  27053. codespawnturret
  27054. codespawnvehicle
  27055. collisiontestpointsinbox
  27056. collisiontestpointsincone
  27057. collisiontestpointsincylinder
  27058. collisiontestpointsinpill
  27059. collisiontestpointsinsphere
  27060. color
  27061. combatmode
  27062. combineangles
  27063. commitsave
  27064. compassscale
  27065. connectpaths
  27066. coopinfo
  27067. cos
  27068. count
  27069. createdynentandlaunch
  27070. createprintchannel
  27071. createrope
  27072. createsoundrandom
  27073. createstreamerhint
  27074. createthreatbiasgroup
  27075. createtrack
  27076. cruncharray
  27077. damageconetrace
  27078. damagedir
  27079. damagelocation
  27080. damagemod
  27081. damagetaken
  27082. damageweapon
  27083. damageyaw
  27084. deactivatechannelvolumes
  27085. deactivateclientexploder
  27086. deactivatereverb
  27087. deathfxname
  27088. deathfxsound
  27089. deathfxtag
  27090. deathmodel
  27091. deathquakeduration
  27092. deathquakeradius
  27093. deathquakescale
  27094. deaths
  27095. deathstreakactive
  27096. debugstar
  27097. defends
  27098. defuses
  27099. delayeddeath
  27100. delete
  27101. deletefakeent
  27102. deletefx
  27103. deletepathnode
  27104. deleterope
  27105. deployriotshield
  27106. depthinwater
  27107. desiredangle
  27108. destroy
  27109. destructiblehasnotify
  27110. destructions
  27111. detach
  27112. detachall
  27113. detachdecterminal
  27114. detonate
  27115. devaddpitch
  27116. devaddroll
  27117. devaddyaw
  27118. diequietly
  27119. difftrack
  27120. difftrackangle
  27121. disableaimassist
  27122. disableclientlinkto
  27123. disabledeathstreak
  27124. disabledepthbuoyancyadjustments
  27125. disabledestructiblepieces
  27126. disablegrenadesuicide
  27127. disablegrenadetouchdamage
  27128. disablegunnerfiring
  27129. disableimpactmarks
  27130. disableinvulnerability
  27131. disableoffhandweapons
  27132. disableturretdismount
  27133. disableusability
  27134. disableweaponcycling
  27135. disableweaponfire
  27136. disableweaponreload
  27137. disableweapons
  27138. disallowvehicleusage
  27139. disconnectpaths
  27140. displaykillstreak
  27141. distance
  27142. distanced
  27143. distancedsquared
  27144. distancesquared
  27145. divetoprone
  27146. dmg
  27147. dochallengecompleteui
  27148. dointelacquiredui
  27149. dodamage
  27150. doingambush
  27151. dontavoidplayer
  27152. dontinterpolate
  27153. dosplevelwrapup
  27154. downs
  27155. drawcompassfriendlies
  27156. drawcurve
  27157. drawnode
  27158. drawoncompass
  27159. drawtrajectory
  27160. drivebysoundtime
  27161. drivebysoundtime
  27162. drivepath
  27163. dropitem
  27164. dropnodetofloor
  27165. dropscavengeritem
  27166. dropweapon
  27167. dumpanims
  27168. dumphistory
  27169. earthquake
  27170. eflags
  27171. eflags
  27172. enableaimassist
  27173. enablealldestructiblepieces
  27174. enableclientlinkto
  27175. enabledeathshield
  27176. enabledeathstreak
  27177. enablegrenadesuicide
  27178. enablegrenadetouchdamage
  27179. enablehealthshield
  27180. enableimpactmarks
  27181. enableinfluencer
  27182. enableinvulnerability
  27183. enablelinkto
  27184. enableoccluder
  27185. enableoffhandweapons
  27186. enablereactionsystem
  27187. enablesledgehammer
  27188. enableturretdismount
  27189. enableusability
  27190. enablewatersheetfx
  27191. enableweaponcycling
  27192. enableweaponfire
  27193. enableweaponreload
  27194. enableweapons
  27195. endlobby
  27196. endlocationselection
  27197. endparty
  27198. endprediction
  27199. enemy
  27200. engagemaxdist
  27201. engagemaxfalloffdist
  27202. engagemindist
  27203. engageminfalloffdist
  27204. enterprone
  27205. entgetsweaponfirenotification
  27206. entsearch
  27207. entyawoverrideslinkyaw
  27208. execdevgui
  27209. exhaustfxname
  27210. exitlevel
  27211. exitprone
  27212. exposedduration
  27213. extracamconfig
  27214. facemotion
  27215. fadeovertime
  27216. fadewhentargeted
  27217. fastrestart
  27218. favoriteenemy
  27219. ffateam
  27220. fgetarg
  27221. finalaccuracy
  27222. findanimbyname
  27223. findbestcovernode
  27224. findbestcovernodes
  27225. findcovernode
  27226. findcovernodeatlocation
  27227. findnearbycovernode
  27228. findpath
  27229. findreacquiredirectpath
  27230. findreacquirenode
  27231. findreacquireproximatepath
  27232. findshufflecovernode
  27233. finishactordamage
  27234. finishplayerdamage
  27235. finishvehicledamage
  27236. finishvehicleradiusdamage
  27237. fire
  27238. firegrenadelauncher
  27239. firegunnerweapon
  27240. fireweapon
  27241. fixednode
  27242. fixednodesaferadius
  27243. flagenemyunattackable
  27244. flashbangimmunity
  27245. float
  27246. floatlonger
  27247. floor
  27248. flushgump
  27249. followmax
  27250. followmin
  27251. font
  27252. fontduseglowcolor
  27253. fontscale
  27254. fontstyle
  27255. fontstyled
  27256. forcebuoyancy
  27257. forcedelete
  27258. forcegamemodemappings
  27259. setrimintensity
  27260. setgenericscenevalue
  27261. forcelevelend
  27262. forceragdollimmediate
  27263. forceteleport
  27264. forceviewmodelanimation
  27265. foreground
  27266. fovcosine
  27267. fovcosinebusy
  27268. fprintfields
  27269. fprintln
  27270. fragbuttonpressed
  27271. freadln
  27272. freecurve
  27273. freehelicopter
  27274. freevehicle
  27275. freezecontrols
  27276. freezecontrolsallowlook
  27277. gamehistorystartmatch
  27278. gamemodeismode
  27279. gamemodeisusingstats
  27280. gamemodeisusingxp
  27281. gasbuttonpressed
  27282. getaiarray
  27283. getaicount
  27284. getailimit
  27285. getaispeciesarray
  27286. getaitriggerflags
  27287. getaivelocity
  27288. getallnodes
  27289. getallvehiclenodes
  27290. getammocount
  27291. getangledelta
  27292. getanglestolikelyenemypath
  27293. getangularvelocity
  27294. getanimassettype
  27295. getanimcurrframecount
  27296. getanimdumpmodel
  27297. getanimdumptotaltime
  27298. getanimdumptree
  27299. getanimframecount
  27300. getanimlength
  27301. getanimstate
  27302. getanimstatecategory
  27303. getanimtime
  27304. getanimvalue
  27305. getanynodearray
  27306. getarraykeys
  27307. getassignedteam
  27308. getatrloaded
  27309. getattachignorecollision
  27310. getattachmentindex
  27311. getattachmodelname
  27312. getattachpos
  27313. getattachsize
  27314. getattachtagname
  27315. getbaseweaponitemindex
  27316. getbinklength
  27317. getbottomarc
  27318. getbrake
  27319. getbrushmodelcenter
  27320. getcamangles
  27321. getcampos
  27322. getcentroid
  27323. getcinematictimeremaining
  27324. getclientuivisibilityflag
  27325. getclosestanimdumpframefortime
  27326. getclosestenemysqdist
  27327. getcommandfromkey
  27328. getcontractname
  27329. getcontractrequiredcount
  27330. getcontractrequirements
  27331. getcontractresetconditions
  27332. getcontractrewardcp
  27333. getcontractrewardxp
  27334. getcontractstatname
  27335. getcontractstattype
  27336. getcorpseanim
  27337. getcorpsearray
  27338. getcountertotal
  27339. getcovernode
  27340. getcovernodearray
  27341. getcurrentoffhand
  27342. getcurrentweapon
  27343. getcurrentweaponclipammo
  27344. getcurrentweaponincludingmelee
  27345. getcurve
  27346. getcurvecurpos
  27347. getcurveserverpos
  27348. getcustomclassloadoutitem
  27349. getcustomclassmodifier
  27350. getcycleoriginoffset
  27351. getdate
  27352. getdebugdvar
  27353. getdebugdvarfloat
  27354. getdebugdvarint
  27355. getdebugeye
  27356. getdefaultclassslot
  27357. getclassindexfromname
  27358. getdeltaturnyaw
  27359. getdemofileid
  27360. getdepthoffield_farblur
  27361. getdepthoffield_farend
  27362. getdepthoffield_farstart
  27363. getdepthoffield_nearblur
  27364. getdepthoffield_nearend
  27365. getdepthoffield_nearstart
  27366. getdestructibledefs
  27367. getdestructiblename
  27368. getdifficulty
  27369. getdronemodel
  27370. getdroppedweapons
  27371. getdroptofloorposition
  27372. getdstat
  27373. getdstatarraycount
  27374. getdumpcmdsfortimedelta
  27375. getdvar
  27376. getdvarcoloralpha
  27377. getdvarcolorblue
  27378. getdvarcolorgreen
  27379. getdvarcolorred
  27380. getdvarfloat
  27381. getdvarint
  27382. getdvarvector
  27383. getdynent
  27384. getdynentarray
  27385. getdynmodels
  27386. getenemyinfo
  27387. getenemyscrambleramount
  27388. getenemysqdist
  27389. getent
  27390. getentarray
  27391. getentbynum
  27392. getentitynumber
  27393. getentitytype
  27394. getentnum
  27395. getextracamstatic
  27396. geteye
  27397. geteyeapprox
  27398. getfirstarraykey
  27399. getfixednodesafevolume
  27400. getflashbangedstrength
  27401. getfogsettings
  27402. getfootstepstrings
  27403. getfractionmaxammo
  27404. getfractionstartammo
  27405. getfriendlyscrambleramount
  27406. getfxvisibility
  27407. getgametypeenumfromname
  27408. getgametypesetting
  27409. getgoalspeedmph
  27410. getgoalvolume
  27411. getgridfrompos
  27412. getgroundenttype
  27413. getguid
  27414. getgunneranimpitch
  27415. getgunneranimyaw
  27416. getgunnertargetent
  27417. getgunnertargetvec
  27418. getgvrule
  27419. gethandbrake
  27420. gethelidamagestate
  27421. getheliheightlock
  27422. getheliheightlockheight
  27423. gethitenttype
  27424. gethityaw
  27425. getinkillcam
  27426. getinventoryweapon
  27427. getitemarray
  27428. getitemattachment
  27429. getitemattachmentallocationcost
  27430. getitemgroupfromitemindex
  27431. getkeybinding
  27432. getknownlength
  27433. getleftarc
  27434. getlevelalias
  27435. getlightcolor
  27436. getlightexponent
  27437. getlightfovinner
  27438. getlightfovouter
  27439. getlightintensity
  27440. getlightradius
  27441. getlinkedent
  27442. getloadoutitem
  27443. getlocalclientangles
  27444. getlocalclientdriver
  27445. getlocalclienteyepos
  27446. getlocalclienthealth
  27447. getlocalclientmaxhealth
  27448. getlocalclientnumber
  27449. getlocalclientpos
  27450. getlocalgunnerangles
  27451. getlocalplayer
  27452. getlocalplayers
  27453. getlocalplayerteam
  27454. getlocalprofilearrayint
  27455. getlocalprofilefloat
  27456. getlocalprofileint
  27457. getlocalprofilestring
  27458. getlockonradius
  27459. getlockonspeed
  27460. getlookaheaddir
  27461. getlookaheaddist
  27462. getmapcenter
  27463. getmapsundirection
  27464. getmapsunlight
  27465. getmaxactivecontracts
  27466. getmaxlocalclients
  27467. getactivelocalclients
  27468. getmaxreversespeed
  27469. getmaxspeed
  27470. getmaxvehicles
  27471. getmiscmodels
  27472. getmotionangle
  27473. getmovedelta
  27474. getmovehistoryaverage
  27475. getnegotiationendnode
  27476. getnegotiationstartnode
  27477. getnextarraykey
  27478. getnode
  27479. getnodearray
  27480. getnodearraysorted
  27481. getnodeowner
  27482. getnodesinradius
  27483. getnodesinradiussorted
  27484. getnormalhealth
  27485. getnormalizedcameramovement
  27486. getnormalizedmovement
  27487. getnorthyaw
  27488. getnotetracksindelta
  27489. getnotetracktimes
  27490. getnumchallengescomplete
  27491. getnumconnectedplayers
  27492. getnumexpectedplayers
  27493. getnumgvrules
  27494. getnumparts
  27495. getnumrestarts
  27496. getnumvehicles
  27497. getoccupantseat
  27498. getoffhandsecondaryclass
  27499. getorientmode
  27500. getorigin
  27501. getowner
  27502. getparententity
  27503. getpartname
  27504. getpathlength
  27505. getperfectinfo
  27506. getperks
  27507. getpersistentprofilevar
  27508. getphysacceleration
  27509. getplaybacktime
  27510. getplayerangles
  27511. getplayercamerapos
  27512. getplayerconnectionstate
  27513. getplayers
  27514. getplayerspawnid
  27515. getplayerviewheight
  27516. getpointinbounds
  27517. getreacquirenode
  27518. getreactionevent
  27519. getrealtime
  27520. getreffromitemindex
  27521. getreflectionlocs
  27522. getreflectionorigin
  27523. getretrievableweapons
  27524. getrightarc
  27525. getrope
  27526. getscoremultiplier
  27527. getscriptbrake
  27528. getscriptmoverarray
  27529. getseatfiringangles
  27530. getseatfiringorigin
  27531. getseatoccupant
  27532. getservertime
  27533. getservervolumetricfogdensity
  27534. getsessstat
  27535. getsessstatarraycount
  27536. setsessstat
  27537. addsessstat
  27538. getshootatpos
  27539. getsnapshotindexarray
  27540. getsortedspawnpoints
  27541. getsoundcount
  27542. getsoundname
  27543. getspawnerarray
  27544. getspawnerteamarray
  27545. getspeed
  27546. getspeedmph
  27547. getstance
  27548. getstartangles
  27549. getstartorigin
  27550. getstarttime
  27551. getsteering
  27552. getsubstr
  27553. getsurfacestrings
  27554. findstaticmodelindex
  27555. hidestaticmodel
  27556. unhidestaticmodel
  27557. getsystemtime
  27558. gettagangles
  27559. gettagforwardvector
  27560. gettagorigin
  27561. gettargetentity
  27562. gettargetorigin
  27563. getteam
  27564. getteamplayersalive
  27565. getteamsatellite
  27566. getteamscore
  27567. getteamspyplane
  27568. gettextwidth
  27569. getthreat
  27570. getthreatbias
  27571. getthreatbiasgroup
  27572. getthrottle
  27573. gettime
  27574. gettimescale
  27575. gettoparc
  27576. gettotalammo
  27577. getturret
  27578. getturretheatvalue
  27579. getturretowner
  27580. getturretarclimits
  27581. getturrettarget
  27582. getvalidcoverpeekouts
  27583. getvehiclearray
  27584. getvehicleavoidance
  27585. getvehiclehealth
  27586. getvehiclenode
  27587. getvehiclenodearray
  27588. getvehicleoccupied
  27589. getvehicleowner
  27590. getvehiclespawnerarray
  27591. getvehicletreadfxarray
  27592. getvehicletriggerflags
  27593. getvehoccupants
  27594. getvelocity
  27595. getviewmodel
  27596. getvisionsetnaked
  27597. getwagergametypelist
  27598. getwatcherweapons
  27599. getwaterheight
  27600. getweaponaccuracy
  27601. getweaponammoclip
  27602. getweaponammostock
  27603. getweaponclipmodel
  27604. getweaponfiresound
  27605. getweaponfiresoundplayer
  27606. getweaponforwarddir
  27607. getweaponfusetime
  27608. getweaponindexfromname
  27609. getweaponmaxdamage
  27610. getweaponmaxdamagerange
  27611. getweaponmindamage
  27612. getweaponmindamagerange
  27613. getweaponmodel
  27614. getweaponmuzzlepoint
  27615. getweaponpickupsound
  27616. getweaponpickupsoundplayer
  27617. getweaponposfrac
  27618. getweaponprojexplosionsound
  27619. getweaponrenderoptions
  27620. getweaponslist
  27621. getweaponslistprimaries
  27622. getweaponstowedmodel
  27623. getwheelsurface
  27624. getworldfogscriptid
  27625. getxuid
  27626. gib
  27627. giveachievement
  27628. givegamerpicture
  27629. givemaxammo
  27630. givenextbaseweapon
  27631. givestartammo
  27632. giveweapon
  27633. giveweaponnextattachment
  27634. glassradiusdamage
  27635. glowalpha
  27636. glowcolor
  27637. goalangle
  27638. goalheight
  27639. goalpos
  27640. goalradius
  27641. goodshootpos
  27642. goodshootposvalid
  27643. gpr
  27644. grenade
  27645. grenadeammo
  27646. grenadeawareness
  27647. grenadeawarness
  27648. grenadeexplosioneffect
  27649. grenadethrowback
  27650. grenadeweapon
  27651. groundentity
  27652. groundsurfacetype
  27653. groundtrace
  27654. groundtype
  27655. gunblockedbywall
  27656. hasagrenadepulledback
  27657. hasallintel
  27658. hasanimtree
  27659. hascollectible
  27660. hascompletedallgamechallenges
  27661. hasdobj
  27662. hasdstats
  27663. haspath
  27664. hasperk
  27665. hassatellite
  27666. hasscriptgoal
  27667. hasspyplane
  27668. hastacticalmaskoverlay
  27669. hasusedweapon
  27670. hasweapon
  27671. headicon
  27672. headiconteam
  27673. headshots
  27674. health
  27675. healthdefault
  27676. healthmax
  27677. healthmin
  27678. height
  27679. heliheightlockoffset
  27680. hide
  27681. hidepart
  27682. hidescores
  27683. hideviewmodel
  27684. hidewhendead
  27685. hidewhenindemo
  27686. hidewheninkillcam
  27687. hidewheninmenu
  27688. hidewheninscope
  27689. hidewhileremotecontrolling
  27690. highlyawareradius
  27691. horzalign
  27692. humiliated
  27693. ignoreall
  27694. ignoreclosefoliage
  27695. ignoreexplosionevents
  27696. ignoreforfixednodesafecheck
  27697. ignoreforfriendlyfire
  27698. ignorelocationaldamage
  27699. ignoreme
  27700. ignorerandombulletdamage
  27701. ignoresuppression
  27702. ignoretriggers
  27703. ikpriority
  27704. incrementcounter
  27705. index
  27706. initchallengestats
  27707. initclientobjectives
  27708. initdecterminal
  27709. inmeleecharge
  27710. int
  27711. interval
  27712. inventorybuttonpressed
  27713. iprintln
  27714. iprintlnbold
  27715. isads
  27716. isai
  27717. isalive
  27718. isanimleaf
  27719. isanimloaded
  27720. isanimlooping
  27721. isarray
  27722. isassetloaded
  27723. isbadguy
  27724. isbeingwatched
  27725. isbigdog
  27726. isbonuscardactive
  27727. isbinkfinished
  27728. isburning
  27729. iscameraspiketoggled
  27730. iscarryingturret
  27731. iscoopepd
  27732. isdeflected
  27733. isdemoplaying
  27734. isdog
  27735. isdriving
  27736. isempjammed
  27737. isextracam
  27738. isfiring
  27739. isfiringturret
  27740. isflared
  27741. isfloat
  27742. isfxplaying
  27743. isglobalstatsserver
  27744. isgodmode
  27745. isgrenadepossafe
  27746. isgunnerfiring
  27747. ishost
  27748. isingoal
  27749. isinhelicopter
  27750. isinmovemode
  27751. isinscriptedstate
  27752. isinsideheliheightlock
  27753. isint
  27754. isinvehicle
  27755. isknownenemyinradius
  27756. isknownenemyinvolume
  27757. islocalclientdriver
  27758. islocalplayer
  27759. islocalplayerviewlinked
  27760. islocalplayerweaponviewonlylinked
  27761. islocaltohost
  27762. islookingat
  27763. ismantling
  27764. ismaturecontentenabled
  27765. ismeleeing
  27766. ismixerbehaviorhardcoded
  27767. ismixerlightbehaviorhardcoded
  27768. ismovesuppressed
  27769. ismp
  27770. isnodeoccupied
  27771. isnoreclosefoliage
  27772. isnotarget
  27773. isonground
  27774. isonladder
  27775. isonturret
  27776. ispathdirect
  27777. ispc
  27778. ispeelingout
  27779. isphysicsvehicle
  27780. isplayer
  27781. isplayernumber
  27782. isplayeronsamemachine
  27783. isplayerreloading
  27784. isplayingloopsound
  27785. ispoisoned
  27786. ispregameenabled
  27787. ispregamegamestarted
  27788. isps
  27789. isragdoll
  27790. isremotecontrolling
  27791. issaverecentlyloaded
  27792. issavesuccessful
  27793. isscrambled
  27794. issentient
  27795. isshufflecovernode
  27796. issoundloop
  27797. isspawner
  27798. isspawnpointvisible
  27799. isspectating
  27800. issplitscreen
  27801. issplitscreenhost
  27802. issprinting
  27803. isstartingclassdefault
  27804. isstartingclasseraappropriate
  27805. isstanceallowed
  27806. isstereoon
  27807. isstring
  27808. issubstr
  27809. issuppressed
  27810. issuppressionwaiting
  27811. isswitchingweapons
  27812. istalking
  27813. isthrowinggrenade
  27814. istouching
  27815. istring
  27816. isturretactive
  27817. isturretfiring
  27818. isturretready
  27819. isvalidgametype
  27820. isvec
  27821. isvehicle
  27822. isvehicleimmunetodamage
  27823. isvehicleturretoverheating
  27824. isvehicleusable
  27825. isvehicleinwater
  27826. iswaitingonsound
  27827. isweaponcliponly
  27828. isweapondetonationtimed
  27829. isweaponequipment
  27830. isweaponoverheating
  27831. isweaponprimary
  27832. isweaponscopeoverlay
  27833. isweaponspecificuse
  27834. isweaponviewonlylinked
  27835. iswheelcolliding
  27836. iswheelsliding
  27837. iswounded
  27838. isxenon
  27839. itemweaponsetammo
  27840. itemweaponsetoptions
  27841. joltbody
  27842. jumpbuttonpressed
  27843. keepclaimednode
  27844. keepclaimednodeifvalid
  27845. keepnodeduringscriptedanim
  27846. kick
  27847. kill
  27848. killcamentity
  27849. killcamtargetentity
  27850. kills
  27851. killserver
  27852. knockback
  27853. label
  27854. laseroff
  27855. laseron
  27856. lastenemysightpos
  27857. lastknownpos
  27858. lastknowntime
  27859. lastscriptstate
  27860. launch
  27861. launchbomb
  27862. launchdynent
  27863. launchlevel
  27864. launchragdoll
  27865. launchvehicle
  27866. leanamount
  27867. length
  27868. lengthsquared
  27869. lerp_to_darker
  27870. lerp_to_lighter
  27871. lerpfloat
  27872. lerpposition
  27873. lerpsundirection
  27874. lerpvector
  27875. lerpviewangleclamp
  27876. line
  27877. linelist
  27878. linkguidedmissilecamera
  27879. linknodes
  27880. linkto
  27881. linktoblendtotag
  27882. linktocamera
  27883. linktomissile
  27884. loadfx
  27885. loadgump
  27886. localclientactive
  27887. localtoworldcoords
  27888. log
  27889. logprint
  27890. logstring
  27891. lookahead
  27892. lookaheaddir
  27893. lookaheaddist
  27894. lookaheadnodepos
  27895. lookatent
  27896. lookatentity
  27897. lookatpos
  27898. lookforward
  27899. lookright
  27900. lookup
  27901. luinotifyevent
  27902. magicbullet
  27903. magicgrenade
  27904. magicgrenademanual
  27905. magicgrenadetype
  27906. makedvarserverinfo
  27907. makefakeai
  27908. makelight
  27909. makelocalizedstring
  27910. makemixerlight
  27911. maketurretunusable
  27912. maketurretusable
  27913. makeunusable
  27914. makeusable
  27915. makevehicleunusable
  27916. makevehicleusable
  27917. map
  27918. map_material
  27919. map_restart
  27920. mapexists
  27921. mapshaderconstant
  27922. matchend
  27923. material
  27924. matrixxtransformpoints
  27925. max
  27926. maxfaceenemydist
  27927. maxhealth
  27928. maxs
  27929. maxsightdistsqrd
  27930. maxvisibledist
  27931. maymovefrompointtopoint
  27932. maymovetopoint
  27933. melee
  27934. meleeattackdist
  27935. meleebuttonpressed
  27936. min
  27937. minpaindamage
  27938. mins
  27939. minusedistsq
  27940. missile_createattractorent
  27941. missile_createattractororigin
  27942. missile_createrepulsorent
  27943. missile_createrepulsororigin
  27944. missile_deleteattractor
  27945. missile_settarget
  27946. missile_dronesetvisible
  27947. missionfailed
  27948. missionsuccess
  27949. model
  27950. modelhasphyspreset
  27951. modelswapdelay
  27952. momentum
  27953. movegravity
  27954. movemode
  27955. moveovertime
  27956. moveslide
  27957. moveto
  27958. movex
  27959. movey
  27960. movez
  27961. name
  27962. nearclaimnode
  27963. nearclaimnodeandangle
  27964. nearnode
  27965. netupdate
  27966. newclienthudelem
  27967. newdebughudelem
  27968. newenemyreaction
  27969. newenemyreactiondistsq
  27970. newenemyreactionpos
  27971. newhudelem
  27972. newmaterialelem
  27973. newmenuelem
  27974. newscorehudelem
  27975. newteamhudelem
  27976. newtextelem
  27977. nextallowedreacttime
  27978. nextplayerrenderoption
  27979. nightvisionforceoff
  27980. noattackeraccuracymod
  27981. node
  27982. nodeoffsetpos
  27983. nododgemove
  27984. nogrenadereturnthrow
  27985. nolean
  27986. nopronerotation
  27987. notifyoncommand
  27988. notsolid
  27989. numfreehudelem
  27990. numremoteclients
  27991. obituary
  27992. objective_clearall
  27993. objective_add
  27994. objective_add_team
  27995. objective_additionalcurrent
  27996. objective_additionalposition
  27997. objective_current
  27998. objective_delete
  27999. objective_flipicon
  28000. objective_icon
  28001. objective_onentity
  28002. objective_position
  28003. objective_ring
  28004. objective_setd
  28005. objective_setcolor
  28006. objective_setflag
  28007. objective_seticon
  28008. objective_setinvisibletoall
  28009. objective_setinvisibletoplayer
  28010. objective_seticonsize
  28011. objective_setstencil
  28012. objective_setsize
  28013. objective_setvisibletoall
  28014. objective_setvisibletoplayer
  28015. objective_size
  28016. objective_state
  28017. objective_string
  28018. objective_string_nomessage
  28019. objective_team
  28020. objective_printtext
  28021. oktospawn
  28022. oneexhaust
  28023. openfile
  28024. openmainmenu
  28025. openmenu
  28026. openmenunomouse
  28027. orientmode
  28028. origin
  28029. pacifist
  28030. pacifistwait
  28031. pathdistancetraveled
  28032. pathenemyfightdist
  28033. pathenemylookahead
  28034. pathfixedoffset
  28035. pathfixedoffsetclear
  28036. pathgoalpos
  28037. pathlookpos
  28038. pathmove
  28039. pathmoveclear
  28040. pathpos
  28041. pathrandompercent
  28042. pathstartpos
  28043. pathvariableoffset
  28044. pathvariableoffsetclear
  28045. pathwidth
  28046. pathwidthlookaheadfrac
  28047. pausedcinematic
  28048. pcserverupdateplaylist
  28049. perfectaim
  28050. pers
  28051. physicsexplosioncylinder
  28052. physicsexplosionsphere
  28053. physicsjolt
  28054. physicslaunch
  28055. physicstrace
  28056. physicstraceex
  28057. pickupgrenade
  28058. pingplayer
  28059. pixbeginevent
  28060. pixendevent
  28061. pixmarker
  28062. placespawnpoint
  28063. plants
  28064. playbink
  28065. playclientairstrike
  28066. playclientnapalm
  28067. player_setoffscreendownmaterial
  28068. player_setoffscreenmaterial
  28069. playerads
  28070. playeranimscriptevent
  28071. playeranimscripteventend
  28072. playerbullettrace
  28073. playercamlinkto
  28074. playercamunlink
  28075. playerknockback
  28076. playerlinkedoffsetdisable
  28077. playerlinkedoffsetenable
  28078. playerlinkedsetusebaseangleforviewclamp
  28079. playerlinkto
  28080. playerlinktoabsolute
  28081. playerlinktoblend
  28082. playerlinktodelta
  28083. playerlinkweaponviewtodelta
  28084. playername
  28085. playerphysicstrace
  28086. playerpositionvalid
  28087. playersetgroundreferenceent
  28088. playersighttrace
  28089. playfx
  28090. playfxondynent
  28091. playfxontag
  28092. playlocalsound
  28093. playloopedfx
  28094. playloopsound
  28095. playrumblelooponentity
  28096. playrumblelooponposition
  28097. playrumbleonentity
  28098. playrumbleonposition
  28099. playsound
  28100. playsoundasmaster
  28101. playsoundatposition
  28102. playsoundontag
  28103. playsoundtoplayer
  28104. playviewmodelfx
  28105. playweapondamageeffects
  28106. playweapondeatheffects
  28107. pointonsegmentnearesttopoint
  28108. popaistate
  28109. positionwouldtelefrag
  28110. pow
  28111. precacheheadicon
  28112. precacheitem
  28113. precachelocationselector
  28114. precachemenu
  28115. precachemodel
  28116. precacherumble
  28117. precacheshader
  28118. precacheshellshock
  28119. precachespawner
  28120. precachestatusicon
  28121. precachestring
  28122. precacheturret
  28123. precachevehicle
  28124. predictanim
  28125. predictoriginandangles
  28126. prefetchlevel
  28127. pregamestartgame
  28128. presentation
  28129. pressattackbutton
  28130. pressusebutton
  28131. prevanimdelta
  28132. prevnode
  28133. primaryweapon
  28134. print
  28135. printd
  28136. println
  28137. profilelog_begintiming
  28138. profilelog_endtiming
  28139. proneok
  28140. providecoveringfire
  28141. psoffsettime
  28142. pushable
  28143. pushplayer
  28144. qsortscoredspawnpointsascending
  28145. quitlobby
  28146. quitparty
  28147. radius
  28148. radiusdamage
  28149. radiusdamagemax
  28150. radiusdamagemin
  28151. radiusdamageradius
  28152. randomfloat
  28153. randomfloatrange
  28154. randomint
  28155. randomintrange
  28156. rate
  28157. reacquiremove
  28158. reacquirestep
  28159. reactorigin
  28160. reconnectvehiclenodes
  28161. recorddtext
  28162. recordcircle
  28163. recordent
  28164. recordenttext
  28165. recorderplayback
  28166. recordline
  28167. recordmatchbegin
  28168. recordplayermatchend
  28169. recordplayerstats
  28170. recordsphere
  28171. recordusedspawnpoint
  28172. refreshhudammocounter
  28173. refreshhudcompass
  28174. registerxp
  28175. relativedir
  28176. releaseclaimedtrigger
  28177. relinktoturret
  28178. reloadbuttonpressed
  28179. removeaieventlistener
  28180. removeallfriendlyscramblers
  28181. removeforcenocull
  28182. removefriendlyscrambler
  28183. removeinfluencer
  28184. removevehiclefromcompass
  28185. reportclientdisconnected
  28186. gamerepthresholdexceeded
  28187. reportmtu
  28188. reportuser
  28189. requestarrivalnotify
  28190. reset
  28191. resetadswidthandlerp
  28192. resetailimit
  28193. resetcompassscale
  28194. resetcurve
  28195. resetmissiledetonationtime
  28196. resetplayerviewratescale
  28197. resetqosgamedatapayload
  28198. resetspreadoverride
  28199. resetsundirection
  28200. resetsunlight
  28201. resettimeout
  28202. resetviewclamp
  28203. restoredefaultdroppitch
  28204. resumespeed
  28205. returnplayercontrol
  28206. returns
  28207. revive
  28208. reviveobituary
  28209. reviveplayer
  28210. revives
  28211. ropeaddentityanchor
  28212. ropeaddworldanchor
  28213. ropecollide
  28214. ropegetposition
  28215. ropemoveanchor
  28216. roperemoveanchor
  28217. ropesetflag
  28218. ropesetparam
  28219. rotatepitch
  28220. rotatepoint
  28221. rotateroll
  28222. rotateto
  28223. rotatevelocity
  28224. rotateyaw
  28225. rumbleadditionaltime
  28226. rumblebasetime
  28227. rumbleduration
  28228. rumbleradius
  28229. rumblescale
  28230. rumbletype
  28231. runscriptonent
  28232. safetochangescript
  28233. savegame
  28234. savegamenocommit
  28235. sayall
  28236. sayteam
  28237. scalebuoyancy
  28238. scaleovertime
  28239. scalespeed
  28240. score
  28241. script_linkname
  28242. script_noteworthy
  28243. script_owner
  28244. scriptenemy
  28245. scriptenemytag
  28246. scriptstate
  28247. searchforonlinegames
  28248. seatgetweapon
  28249. secondaryoffhandbuttonpressed
  28250. secondaryweapon
  28251. seerecently
  28252. sendaiscriptkeys
  28253. sendaiscriptvals
  28254. sendfaceevent
  28255. sendranks
  28256. sessionmodeisonlinegame
  28257. sessionmodeisprivate
  28258. sessionmodeisprivateonlinegame
  28259. sessionmodeissystemlink
  28260. sessionmodeiszombiesgame
  28261. sessionstate
  28262. sessionteam
  28263. set_filter_pass_constant
  28264. set_filter_pass_enabled
  28265. set_filter_pass_material
  28266. set_filter_pass_quads
  28267. set_filter_bit_flag
  28268. set_overlay_constant
  28269. set_overlay_enabled
  28270. set_overlay_material
  28271. setacceleration
  28272. setactionslot
  28273. setadswidthandlerp
  28274. setafteractionreportstate
  28275. setailimit
  28276. setaimanims
  28277. setaimanimweights
  28278. setairresistance
  28279. setaispread
  28280. setambientsnapshot
  28281. setambientsidechainduck
  28282. setangularvelocity
  28283. setanim
  28284. setanimdumpuseserveranims
  28285. setanimforcenew
  28286. setanimknob
  28287. setanimknoball
  28288. setanimknoballlimited
  28289. setanimknoballlimitedrestart
  28290. setanimknoballrestart
  28291. setanimknoblimited
  28292. setanimknoblimitedrestart
  28293. setanimknobrestart
  28294. setanimlimited
  28295. setanimlimitedrestart
  28296. setanimratecomplete
  28297. setanimrestart
  28298. setanimstate
  28299. setanimtime
  28300. setarchive
  28301. setattacker
  28302. setautopickup
  28303. setblockweaponpickup
  28304. setblur
  28305. setbombtimer
  28306. setbottomarc
  28307. setbrake
  28308. setburn
  28309. setcandamage
  28310. setcellinvisible
  28311. setcellinvisibleatpos
  28312. setcellvisible
  28313. setcellvisibleatpos
  28314. setchannelvolumes
  28315. setclientaimlockonpitchstrength
  28316. setclientammocounterhide
  28317. setclientcgobjectivetext
  28318. setclientcompass
  28319. setclientdrawtalk
  28320. setclientdvar
  28321. setclientdvars
  28322. setclientflag
  28323. setclientflagasval
  28324. setclientfov
  28325. setclienthudhardcore
  28326. setclientminiscoreboardhide
  28327. setclientnamemode
  28328. setclientnumlives
  28329. setclientplayerpushamount
  28330. setclientplayersteponactors
  28331. setclientplayersprinttime
  28332. setclientprofilevar
  28333. setclientscriptmainmenu
  28334. setclientthirdperson
  28335. setclientthirdpersonangle
  28336. setclientuivisibilityflag
  28337. setclientvolumetricfog
  28338. setclock
  28339. setclockup
  28340. setcoddecodefx
  28341. setcollectible
  28342. setcompassicon
  28343. setcontents
  28344. setconvergencetime
  28345. setculldist
  28346. setcurrentspectatorclient
  28347. setcursorhint
  28348. setcurvebspline
  28349. setcurvecameraent
  28350. setcurvenotifyent
  28351. setcurverounded
  28352. setcurvesmooth
  28353. setcurvespeed
  28354. setdamagestage
  28355. setdeathcontents
  28356. setdebugangles
  28357. setdebugorigin
  28358. setdebugsideswitch
  28359. setdeceleration
  28360. setdefaultdroppitch
  28361. setdefaultpitch
  28362. setdemointermissionpoint
  28363. setdepthoffield
  28364. setdoublevision
  28365. setdrivepathphysicsscale
  28366. setdstat
  28367. setdvar
  28368. setdvarbool
  28369. setdvarfloat
  28370. setdynentenabled
  28371. setelectrified
  28372. setempjammed
  28373. setenablenode
  28374. setenemyglobalscrambler
  28375. setenemyscrambleramount
  28376. setengagementmaxdist
  28377. setengagementmindist
  28378. setentertime
  28379. setentityowner
  28380. setentitytarget
  28381. setexcludeteamfortrigger
  28382. setexpfog
  28383. setexploderid
  28384. setextracamactive
  28385. setextracamangles
  28386. setextracamentity
  28387. setextracamfov
  28388. setextracamorigin
  28389. setextracamstatic
  28390. setfakeentorg
  28391. setfixednodesafevolume
  28392. setflagasaway
  28393. setflaggedanim
  28394. setflaggedanimknob
  28395. setflaggedanimknoball
  28396. setflaggedanimknoballrestart
  28397. setflaggedanimknoblimited
  28398. setflaggedanimknoblimitedrestart
  28399. setflaggedanimknobrestart
  28400. setflaggedanimlimited
  28401. setflaggedanimlimitedrestart
  28402. setflaggedanimrestart
  28403. setflashbanged
  28404. setflashbangimmunity
  28405. setforcenocull
  28406. setfriendlyscrambleramount
  28407. setgameendtime
  28408. setgametypesetting
  28409. setgametypestring
  28410. setgoalentity
  28411. setgoalnode
  28412. setgoalpos
  28413. setgoalvolume
  28414. setgoalvolumeauto
  28415. setgoalyaw
  28416. setgpr
  28417. setgravity
  28418. setgroupsnapshot
  28419. setglobalfutz
  28420. setgunnertargetent
  28421. setgunnertargetvec
  28422. setgunnerturretontargetrange
  28423. sethealthsnapshot
  28424. setheightlockoffset
  28425. setheldweaponmodel
  28426. setheliheightlock
  28427. setheliheightpatchenabled
  28428. sethighlighted
  28429. sethintstring
  28430. sethostmigrationstatus
  28431. sethoverparams
  28432. sethudoutlinecolor
  28433. sethudwarningtype
  28434. setignoremegroup
  28435. setinfluencerteammask
  28436. setinfraredvision
  28437. setinfraredvisionset
  28438. setinventoryweapon
  28439. setinvisibletoplayer
  28440. setjitterparams
  28441. setlaststandprevweap
  28442. setleftarc
  28443. setlevelfadesnapshot
  28444. setlightcolor
  28445. setlightexponent
  28446. setlightfovrange
  28447. setlightintensity
  28448. setlightradius
  28449. setlocalprofilearrayvar
  28450. setlocalprofilevar
  28451. setlocalradarenabled
  28452. setlocalradarposition
  28453. setlocalwindsource
  28454. setlookat
  28455. setlookatanimnodes
  28456. setlookatent
  28457. setlookattext
  28458. setlookatyawlimits
  28459. setloweredweapon
  28460. setlowready
  28461. setmantleenabled
  28462. setmapcenter
  28463. setmapnamestring
  28464. setmatchflag
  28465. setmatchtalkflag
  28466. setmaxhealth
  28467. setmaxpitchroll
  28468. setmenuroot
  28469. setminimap
  28470. setmissilecoasting
  28471. setmixerbehavior
  28472. setmixerexploderid
  28473. setmixerlrrampspeed
  28474. setmixerlightbehavior
  28475. setmixerlightcolor
  28476. setmixerlightexponent
  28477. setmixerlightfovrange
  28478. setmixerlightintensity
  28479. setmixerlightmodels
  28480. setmixerlightparam
  28481. setmixerlightradius
  28482. setmixerlightrotatetime
  28483. setmixerparam
  28484. setmixerrlrampspeed
  28485. setmixerspinmodels
  28486. setmode
  28487. setmodel
  28488. setmovespeedscale
  28489. setmovingplatformenabled
  28490. setmultiextracamactive
  28491. setnearestenemyscrambler
  28492. setneargoalnotifydist
  28493. setnodepriority
  28494. setnormalhealth
  28495. setnorthyaw
  28496. setoffhandprimaryclass
  28497. setoffhandsecondaryclass
  28498. setontargetangle
  28499. setorigin
  28500. setowner
  28501. setperk
  28502. setperks
  28503. setpersistentprofilevar
  28504. setphysacceleration
  28505. setphysangles
  28506. setphysicsgravity
  28507. setphysicsgravitydir
  28508. setphysparams
  28509. setplacementhint
  28510. setplanebarrelroll
  28511. setplanegoalpos
  28512. setplayerangles
  28513. setplayercollision
  28514. setplayerignoreradiusdamage
  28515. setplayernamestring
  28516. setplayerrenderoptions
  28517. setplayerspread
  28518. setplayerteamrank
  28519. setplayerviewratescale
  28520. setpotentialthreat
  28521. setpredatoreffect
  28522. setprintchannel
  28523. setproneanimnodes
  28524. setpulsefx
  28525. setqosgamedatapayload
  28526. setrank
  28527. setredactfx
  28528. setreverb
  28529. setrightarc
  28530. setriotshieldfailhint
  28531. setrotorspeed
  28532. setroundsplayed
  28533. setruntopos
  28534. setsaveddvar
  28535. setscale
  28536. settargethighlight
  28537. setscanningpitch
  28538. setscoreboardcolumns
  28539. setscoremultiplier
  28540. setscriptenemy
  28541. setscriptgoal
  28542. setscripthintstring
  28543. setseatoccupied
  28544. setservervolumetricfogdensity
  28545. setshader
  28546. setshaderconstant
  28547. setslowmotion
  28548. setsonarenabled
  28549. setsoundblend
  28550. setsoundcontext
  28551. setsoundentcontext
  28552. setloopstate
  28553. setsoundpitch
  28554. setsoundpitchrate
  28555. setsoundvolume
  28556. setsoundvolumerate
  28557. setspawnerteam
  28558. setspawnpointrandomvariation
  28559. setspawnpointsbaseweight
  28560. setspawnweapon
  28561. setspeed
  28562. setspeedimmediate
  28563. setspreadoverride
  28564. setsprintcooldown
  28565. setsprintduration
  28566. setstablemissile
  28567. setstance
  28568. setstowedweapon
  28569. setstunned
  28570. setsundirection
  28571. setsunlight
  28572. setsuppressiontime
  28573. setswitchnode
  28574. settalktospecies
  28575. settargetent
  28576. settargetentity
  28577. settargetorigin
  28578. settargetyaw
  28579. setteam
  28580. setteamfortrigger
  28581. setteamsatellite
  28582. setteamscore
  28583. setteamspyplane
  28584. settenthstimer
  28585. settenthstimerup
  28586. settext
  28587. setthreatbias
  28588. setthreatbiasagainstall
  28589. setthreatbiasgroup
  28590. settimer
  28591. settimerup
  28592. settimescale
  28593. settoparc
  28594. settransported
  28595. setturningability
  28596. setturretaccuracy
  28597. setturretanim
  28598. setturretcarried
  28599. setturretignoregoals
  28600. setturretnode
  28601. setturretowner
  28602. setturretspinning
  28603. setturrettargetent
  28604. setturrettargetvec
  28605. setturretteam
  28606. setturrettype
  28607. setuinextlevel
  28608. setvalue
  28609. setvehgoalpos
  28610. setvehicleattachments
  28611. setvehicleavoidance
  28612. setvehiclelockedon
  28613. setvehiclelookattext
  28614. setvehiclenodeenabled
  28615. setvehicletype
  28616. setvehmaxspeed
  28617. setvehvelocity
  28618. setvehweapon
  28619. setvelocity
  28620. setviewangleresistance
  28621. setviewclamp
  28622. setviewlockent
  28623. setviewmodel
  28624. setviewmodeldepthoffield
  28625. setviewmodelrenderflag
  28626. setvisibletoall
  28627. setvisibletoplayer
  28628. setvisionsetforplayer
  28629. setvolfog
  28630. setvolfogforclient
  28631. setvotenocount
  28632. setvotestring
  28633. setvotetime
  28634. setvoteyescount
  28635. setwargamedata
  28636. setwatchstyle
  28637. setwaterbrush
  28638. setwaterdrops
  28639. setwaterfog
  28640. setwatersheeting
  28641. setwaypoint
  28642. setweapon
  28643. setweaponammoclip
  28644. setweaponammostock
  28645. setwetness
  28646. setwinningplayer
  28647. setwinningteam
  28648. setworldfogactivebank
  28649. setyawspeed
  28650. shellshock
  28651. shoot
  28652. shootblank
  28653. shootrumble
  28654. shootshock
  28655. shootturret
  28656. shootup
  28657. shouldfacemotion
  28658. shouldmonitorai
  28659. show
  28660. showallparts
  28661. showpart
  28662. showscores
  28663. showui
  28664. showviewmodel
  28665. sidearm
  28666. sightconetrace
  28667. sightlatency
  28668. sighttracepassed
  28669. sin
  28670. snapshotacknowledged
  28671. solid
  28672. sort
  28673. soundexists
  28674. soundgetplaybacktime
  28675. soundfade
  28676. soundsetmusicstate
  28677. soundlineemitter
  28678. soundloopemitter
  28679. soundplaying
  28680. soundstoplineemitter
  28681. soundstoploopemitter
  28682. soundtimescale
  28683. spawn
  28684. spawnapalmgroundflame
  28685. spawncollision
  28686. spawndynent
  28687. spawnfakeent
  28688. spawnflags
  28689. spawnfx
  28690. spawnhelicopter
  28691. spawnpathnode
  28692. spawnplane
  28693. spawnstruct
  28694. spawntimedfx
  28695. spawnturret
  28696. spawnvehicle
  28697. species
  28698. spectatorclient
  28699. speed
  28700. sphere
  28701. splitargs
  28702. splitviewallowed
  28703. sprintbuttonpressed
  28704. sprinting
  28705. sqrt
  28706. stabs
  28707. stairsstate
  28708. startdcinematic
  28709. startactorreact
  28710. startbinocs
  28711. startcameratween
  28712. startcoverarrival
  28713. startcurve
  28714. startdoorbreach
  28715. startfadingblur
  28716. startfiring
  28717. starthostmigration
  28718. startignoringspotlight
  28719. startmultiplayergame
  28720. startparty
  28721. startpath
  28722. startpoisoning
  28723. startprivatematch
  28724. startragdoll
  28725. startrevive
  28726. startscriptedanim
  28727. startshoot
  28728. starttanning
  28729. starttime
  28730. starttraversearrival
  28731. startwatersheetfx
  28732. statechangereason
  28733. statusicon
  28734. stopdcinematic
  28735. stopallrumbles
  28736. stopanimdistsq
  28737. stopanimscripted
  28738. stopbink
  28739. stopbinocs
  28740. stopcarryturret
  28741. stopcurve
  28742. stopdoorbreach
  28743. stopextracam
  28744. stopfireweapon
  28745. stopfiring
  28746. stopfx
  28747. stopignoringspotlight
  28748. stoplocalsound
  28749. stoplookat
  28750. stoploopsound
  28751. stopmoveslide
  28752. stoppoisoning
  28753. stoprevive
  28754. stoprumble
  28755. stopshellshock
  28756. stopshoot
  28757. stopshootturret
  28758. stopsound
  28759. stopsounds
  28760. stopuseanimtree
  28761. stopuseturret
  28762. stopusingturret
  28763. stopwatersheetfx
  28764. strtok
  28765. structinfo
  28766. suicide
  28767. suppressionduration
  28768. suppressionmeter
  28769. suppressionstarttime
  28770. suppressionwait
  28771. supressionwait
  28772. surprisedbymedistsq
  28773. survived
  28774. suspended
  28775. swimming
  28776. switchtoclientvolumetricfog
  28777. switchtooffhand
  28778. switchtoservervolumetricfog
  28779. switchtoweapon
  28780. switchtoweaponimmediate
  28781. syncedmeleetarget
  28782. tablelookup
  28783. tablelookupcolumnforrow
  28784. tablelookupistring
  28785. tablelookuprownum
  28786. tablelookupfindcoreasset
  28787. takeallweapons
  28788. purchaseitem
  28789. getitemstatus
  28790. takedamage
  28791. takeplayercontrol
  28792. takeweapon
  28793. tan
  28794. target
  28795. target_clearreticlelockon
  28796. target_getarray
  28797. target_isincircle
  28798. target_isinrect
  28799. target_istarget
  28800. target_remove
  28801. target_set
  28802. target_setattackmode
  28803. target_setjavelinonly
  28804. target_setoffscreenshader
  28805. target_setshader
  28806. target_setturretaquire
  28807. target_startreticlelockon
  28808. target
  28809. targetname
  28810. team
  28811. teammovewaittime
  28812. teleport
  28813. testspawnpoint
  28814. threadbias
  28815. threatbias
  28816. threatbiasgroup
  28817. threatbiasgroupexists
  28818. throwbackgrenadekilledoriginalowner
  28819. throwbuttonpressed
  28820. throwdownweapon
  28821. throwgrenade
  28822. timedradiusdamage
  28823. toggleik
  28824. tolower
  28825. tomahawks
  28826. tracepoint
  28827. trackscriptstate
  28828. transmittargetname
  28829. traversemode
  28830. treadfxnamearray
  28831. triggerfx
  28832. trimpathtoattack
  28833. turnrate
  28834. turretcantarget
  28835. turretfiredisable
  28836. turretfireenable
  28837. turretinvulnerability
  28838. turretrotscale
  28839. turretweapon
  28840. type
  28841. ufomode
  28842. uidsetwindow
  28843. uidwindow
  28844. uncruncharray
  28845. underwater
  28846. undolaststand
  28847. unlink
  28848. unlinkallfromcamera
  28849. unlinkfromcamera
  28850. unlinkfrommissile
  28851. unlinkguidedmissilecamera
  28852. unlinknodes
  28853. unsetperk
  28854. unsetturretnode
  28855. updateclientnames
  28856. updategamerprofile
  28857. updateplayersightaccuracy
  28858. updateprone
  28859. updatestatratio
  28860. updateweaponoptions
  28861. uploadscore
  28862. uploadstats
  28863. uploadtime
  28864. useable
  28865. usealternateaimparams
  28866. useanimtree
  28867. usebuttonheld
  28868. usebuttonpressed
  28869. useby
  28870. usechokepoints
  28871. usecombatscriptatcover
  28872. usecovernode
  28873. usereacquirenode
  28874. useservervisionset
  28875. usetriggerrequirelookat
  28876. useturret
  28877. usevehicle
  28878. useweaponhidetags
  28879. usingturret
  28880. usingvehicle
  28881. vectorcross
  28882. vectordot
  28883. vectorfromlinetopoint
  28884. vectorlerp
  28885. vectornormalize
  28886. vectorscale
  28887. vectortoangles
  28888. vehcansee
  28889. vehclearenemy
  28890. vehclearentitytarget
  28891. vehgetmodel
  28892. vehicleclass
  28893. vehicleposition
  28894. vehicletype
  28895. vehseenrecently
  28896. vehsetentitytarget
  28897. vehspeed
  28898. velocity
  28899. vertalign
  28900. vibrate
  28901. viewkick
  28902. viewlockedentity
  28903. visionsetdamage
  28904. visionsetlaststand
  28905. visionsetlerpratio
  28906. visionsetnaked
  28907. visionsetnight
  28908. visionsetunderwater
  28909. vteam
  28910. wagerwinnings
  28911. walkdist
  28912. waterplop
  28913. weapon
  28914. weaponaccuracy
  28915. weaponaltweaponname
  28916. weaponbayonetinfo
  28917. weaponbottomarc
  28918. weaponclass
  28919. weaponclipsize
  28920. weaponcliptype
  28921. weapondogibbing
  28922. weapondualwieldweaponname
  28923. weaponfightdist
  28924. weaponfiretime
  28925. weaponguidedmissiletype
  28926. weaponhasattachment
  28927. weaponattachmentcount
  28928. weaponhasbayonet
  28929. weaponinventorytype
  28930. weaponisboltaction
  28931. weaponisdualwield
  28932. weaponisgasweapon
  28933. weaponissemiauto
  28934. weaponischargeshot
  28935. weaponissniperweapon
  28936. weaponleftarc
  28937. weaponlockfinalize
  28938. weaponlockfree
  28939. weaponlocknoclearance
  28940. weaponlockonradius
  28941. weaponlockonspeed
  28942. weaponlockstart
  28943. weaponlocktargettooclose
  28944. weaponmaxammo
  28945. weaponmaxdist
  28946. weaponmaxgibdistance
  28947. weaponmountable
  28948. weaponreloadtime
  28949. weaponrightarc
  28950. weaponspinsettings
  28951. weaponstartammo
  28952. weapontoparc
  28953. weapontype
  28954. width
  28955. withinapproxpathdist
  28956. worldentnumber
  28957. worldtolocalcoords
  28958. x
  28959. xscore
  28960. y
  28961. z
  28962. zerogravityvolumeoff
  28963. zerogravityvolumeon
  28964. setinvisibletoall
  28965. setvisibletoallexceptteam
  28966. setvisibletoteam
  28967. islinkedto
  28968. getangles
  28969. getmins
  28970. getmaxs
  28971. getabsmins
  28972. getabsmaxs
  28973. istouchingswept
  28974. istouchingvolume
  28975. playsoundwithnotify
  28976. playsoundtoteam
  28977. playbattlechattertoteam
  28978. setzombieshrink
  28979. setenemymodel
  28980. ghost
  28981. showtoplayer
  28982. setrevivehintstring
  28983. setfovforkillcam
  28984. sethintstringforperk
  28985. sethintlowpriority
  28986. triggerignoreteam
  28987. spawnnapalmgroundflame
  28988. needsrevive
  28989. isinsecondchance
  28990. depthofplayerinwater
  28991. stopburning
  28992. displaymedal
  28993. displaygamemodemessage
  28994. displayteammessage
  28995. displaycontract
  28996. displaychallengecomplete
  28997. displaygunlevelup
  28998. displayendgame
  28999. displayendgamemilestone
  29000. displayrankup
  29001. displaywagerpopup
  29002. displayhudanim
  29003. isturretlockedon
  29004. heliturretsighttrace
  29005. heliturretdogtrace
  29006. docowardswayanims
  29007. setcameraspikeactive
  29008. isinsideheightlock
  29009. ismissileinsideheightlock
  29010. getgroundent
  29011. attachshieldmodel
  29012. detachshieldmodel
  29013. ismartyrdomgrenade
  29014. setspawnclientflag
  29015. directionalhitindicator
  29016. setplayergravity
  29017. clearplayergravity
  29018. setperkfortrigger
  29019. setignoreentfortrigger
  29020. isitemlocked
  29021. isitempurchased
  29022. uploadleaderboards
  29023. setnemesisxuid
  29024. getmovespeedscale
  29025. setzombiename
  29026. setentgravitytrajectory
  29027. setvehicleteam
  29028. setturretminimapvisible
  29029. spawnactor
  29030. predictspawnpoint
  29031. makegrenadedud
  29032. getclientflag
  29033. setscriptmoverflag
  29034. fakefire
  29035. predictgrenade
  29036. getindexforactivecontract
  29037. getactivecontractprogress
  29038. incrementactivecontractprogress
  29039. incrementactivecontracttime
  29040. isactivecontractcomplete
  29041. hasactivecontractexpired
  29042. getactivecontracttimepassed
  29043. resetactivecontractprogress
  29044. getpregameclass
  29045. getpregameteam
  29046. setpregameclass
  29047. setpregameteam
  29048. istestclient
  29049. actorikenabled
  29050. aimatentityik
  29051. aimatposik
  29052. setthirdperson
  29053. projectdtod
  29054. throw
  29055. forwardrotatearoundupbyangle
  29056. linktoupdateoffset
  29057. setcharacterindex
  29058. getcharacterindex
  29059. scriptcallbackonfootstepevent
  29060. usefootsteptable
  29061. useplayerfootsteptable
  29062. footstepdonothing
  29063. footstepdoeverything
  29064. footstepdosound
  29065. footstepdofootstepfx
  29066. usefootstepfxtable
  29067. setmaterialoverride
  29068. clearmaterialoverride
  29069. setsteptriggersound
  29070. clearsteptriggersound
  29071. getmovementtype
  29072. luiload
  29073. luishow
  29074. luihide
  29075. luievent
  29076. startmultiplayer
  29077. startzombies
  29078. launchsavegame
  29079. suienable
  29080. suidisable
  29081. bbclasschoice
  29082. luienable
  29083. luidisable
  29084. isluienabled
  29085. argusgetorigin
  29086. deleteelem
  29087. setloadoutitem
  29088. argussetdistance
  29089. argussetattach
  29090. argussetvisible
  29091. argussetstacked
  29092. argussetbracket
  29093. removeargus
  29094. getanimforstate
  29095. iscinematicinprogress
  29096. iscinematicpreloading
  29097. argussetoffset
  29098. argussetfaderate
  29099. setsonarattachmentenabled
  29100. precacheleaderboards
  29101. setcolorelem
  29102. moveelem
  29103. presentation_rate
  29104. rpc
  29105. is_visible
  29106. rotateelem
  29107. vehfovcosine
  29108. vehfovcosinebusy
  29109. vehmaxsightdistsqrd
  29110. vehsightlatency
  29111. vehignoreclosefoliage
  29112. setripplewave
  29113. x_alignment
  29114. y_alignment
  29115. x_anchor
  29116. y_anchor
  29117. elemvirtualtophysical
  29118. elemphysicaltovirtual
  29119. gettimefromvehiclenodetonode
  29120. ishostforbots
  29121. is_radial
  29122. start_angle
  29123. end_angle
  29124. newradialmaterialelem
  29125. scale_children
  29126. argusgetui
  29127. columns
  29128. rows
  29129. precacheanimstatedef
  29130. setanimstatefromasd
  29131. hasanimstatefromasd
  29132. getanimstatefromasd
  29133. getanimsubstatefromasd
  29134. getanimsubstatecountfromasd
  29135. getanimfromasd
  29136. getanimlengthfromasd
  29137. getanimhasnotetrackfromasd
  29138. argusforcedrawbracket
  29139. chargeshotlevel
  29140. skillcleardata
  29141. skillplayersetresult
  29142. skillupdate
  29143. recordleaguewinner
  29144. recordleaguepreloser
  29145. fixedlinkyawonly
  29146. getzbarrierarray
  29147. iszbarrier
  29148. getnumzbarrierpieces
  29149. getzbarrierpiecestate
  29150. setzbarrierpiecestate
  29151. iszbarrieropen
  29152. iszbarrierclosed
  29153. hidezbarrierpiece
  29154. showzbarrierpiece
  29155. zbarrierpieceusedefaultmodel
  29156. zbarrierpieceusealternatemodel
  29157. zbarrierpieceuseupgradedmodel
  29158. getupgradedpiecenumlives
  29159. getzbarrierpieceindicesinstate
  29160. getzbarrierpieceanimlengthforstate
  29161. getzbarrierpieceanimstate
  29162. getzbarrierpieceanimsubstate
  29163. zbarriersupportszombietaunts
  29164. zbarriersupportszombiereachthroughattacks
  29165. getzbarriertauntanimstate
  29166. getzbarrierreachthroughattackanimstate
  29167. getzbarriernumattackslots
  29168. getzbarrierattackslothorzoffset
  29169. setpathtransitiontime
  29170. setteamhasmeat
  29171. vehdontejectoccupantsondeath
  29172. nodesarelinked
  29173. forceyellowdot
  29174. disableyellowdot
  29175. allowcamerarotation
  29176. reloadonnunchuk
  29177. reloadonwiiumote
  29178. debugbreak
  29179. setcheapflag
  29180. physicsjetthrust
  29181. getpathfixedoffset
  29182. getpathvariableoffset
  29183. getvehicleavoidancenodes
  29184. ismeleecharged
  29185. initialweaponraise
  29186. seteverhadweaponall
  29187. getcurrentweaponspinlerp
  29188. setcurrentweaponspinlerp
  29189. lightfxnamearray
  29190. lightfxtagarray
  29191. friendlylightfxname
  29192. friendlylightfxtag
  29193. enemylightfxname
  29194. enemylightfxtag
  29195. lookat
  29196. settypewriterfx
  29197. playerbeingspectated
  29198. weaponplayejectbrass
  29199. setdrawinfrared
  29200. newdamageindicatorhudelem
  29201. sprintuprequired
  29202. atgoal
  29203. hasgoal
  29204. isusingoffhand
  29205. arrayremovevalue
  29206. arrayremoveindex
  29207. arrayinsert
  29208. trackweaponfirenative
  29209. arraycombine
  29210. arraycopy
  29211. bbpostdemostreamstatsforround
  29212. isinarray
  29213. remotecontrolturret
  29214. remotecontrolturretoff
  29215. recordkillstreakevent
  29216. recordgameevent
  29217. recordkillmodifier
  29218. recordmedal
  29219. recordloadoutandperks
  29220. recordnumzombierounds
  29221. recordgameresult
  29222. recordmultikill
  29223. registerclientfield
  29224. codesetclientfield
  29225. codegetclientfield
  29226. codesetworldclientfield
  29227. codegetworldclientfield
  29228. setlightingentity
  29229. vehmodel
  29230. vehmodelenemy
  29231. setplayercurrentobjective
  29232. setobjectivepointstatus
  29233. setdemolockonvalues
  29234. ignorecheapentityflag
  29235. setforceads
  29236. setlutvolumeactivebank
  29237. getlastarraykey
  29238. getprevarraykey
  29239. makesentient
  29240. coversearchinterval
  29241. agrkills
  29242. hacks
  29243. setplayercurrentstreak
  29244. currentspectatingclient
  29245. goodenemyonly
  29246. scriptmodelsuseanimtree
  29247. toupper
  29248. getcontrollertype
  29249. setambienttrigger
  29250. setambientpackage
  29251. forceambientroom
  29252. forceambientpackage
  29253. setambientroomcontextengine
  29254. ambient_package
  29255. createqrcode
  29256. deleteqrcode
  29257. getnearestnode
  29258. getvisiblenode
  29259. gamepadusedlast
  29260. vehcheckforpredictedcrash
  29261. vehonpath
  29262. turnedhuman
  29263. usealternatereviveicon
  29264. setdvarint
  29265. clearlookat
  29266. getgoal
  29267. vehaircraftcollisionenabled
  29268. tension
  29269. nodesvisible
  29270. nodescanpath
  29271. setlutscriptindex
  29272. getloadoutitemref
  29273. getloadoutweapon
  29274. getloadoutperks
  29275. codesetplayerstateclientfield
  29276. codegetplayerstateclientfield
  29277. applyknockback
  29278. getmissileowner
  29279. canclaimnode
  29280. getminbitcountfornum
  29281. setweaponoverheating
  29282. getloadoutallocation
  29283. getvisiblenodes
  29284. visionsetnakedlerp
  29285. cincaptureenablealpha
  29286. cincapturedisablealpha
  29287. sethidegumpalpha
  29288. gettouchingvolume
  29289. objective_visibleteams
  29290. objective_setprogress
  29291. objective_setplayerusing
  29292. objective_clearplayerusing
  29293. objective_clearallusing
  29294. forceoffhandend
  29295. objective_setgamemodeflags
  29296. objective_getgamemodeflags
  29297. setupclientfieldcodecallbacks
  29298. zbarrierpieceuseboxriselogic
  29299. resetzombieboxweapons
  29300. addzombieboxweapon
  29301. getmoverent
  29302. objective_clearentity
  29303. ismovingplatform
  29304. entitytrace
  29305. allowattack
  29306. pressads
  29307. getthreats
  29308. predictposition
  29309. botsighttracepassed
  29310. isreloading
  29311. setmissileowner
  29312. getgunangles
  29313. setinitialplayersconnected
  29314. setzbarriercolmodel
  29315. stancebuttonpressed
  29316. arraysort
  29317. worldtrace
  29318. getdamageableentarray
  29319. vehhighlyawareradius
  29320. pressmelee
  29321. setmaplatlong
  29322. setteamreviveicon
  29323. allowtacticalinsertion
  29324. recordkillstreakendevent
  29325. incrementlifestat
  29326. incrementplayerstat
  29327. recordmatchsummaryzombieendgamedata
  29328. matchrecorderincrementheaderstat
  29329. recordplayerdeathzombies
  29330. recordmatchinit
  29331. recordloadoutperksandkillstreaks
  29332. setpitchorient
  29333. getfriendlies
  29334. getenemies
  29335. getutc
  29336. luinotifyeventtospectators
  29337. setweaponheatpercent
  29338. forceinfraredmaterialsstreaming
  29339. setalphafadeforname
  29340. botsetfailsafenode
  29341. pressdtpbutton
  29342. ropepulse
  29343. getweaponsupportedattachments
  29344. setactorweapon
  29345. immunetodemogamehudsettings
  29346. resetfov
  29347. getcurrentweaponaltweapon
  29348. murderline
  29349. setentityweapon
  29350. gamehistoryfinishmatch
  29351. animflaggedscripted
  29352. getloadoutitemindex
  29353. ishidden
  29354. getclientfieldversion
  29355. getfreeactorcount
  29356. pointstowin
  29357. vehviewmodel
  29358. fxblocksight
  29359. allowbottargetting
  29360. getserverhighestclientfieldversion
  29361. setblurbylocalclientnum
  29362. killsconfirmed
  29363. killsdenied
  29364. isweapondisallowedatmatchstart
  29365. is_ps
  29366. is_xenon
  29367. is_pc
  29368. is_wiiu
  29369. botsetdefaultclass
  29370. botclassadditem
  29371. botclassaddattachment
  29372. getweaponexplosionradius
  29373. getweaponattachments
  29374. getwiiuremotepointerposition
  29375. getcamposbylocalclientnum
  29376. getcamanglesbylocalclientnum
  29377. demoisanyfreemovecamera
  29378. demoismoviecamera
  29379. demoiseditcamera
  29380. demoisdollycamera
  29381. movepoint
  29382. setfreecameralockonallowed
  29383. botleavegame
  29384. immunetodemofreecamera
  29385. setrenderinthirdpersonspectate
  29386. iscinematicwebm
  29387. ghostindemo
  29388. showindemo
  29389. useweaponmodel
  29390. islocalgame
  29391. refreshshieldattachment
  29392. overridelightingorigin
  29393. gpsjammeractive
  29394. gpsjammerinactive
  29395. finishmeleehit
  29396. makelightslave
  29397. getenterbutton
  29398. setforcenotsimple
  29399. forcegrenadethrow
  29400. setoffhandvisible
  29401. sendkillstreakdamageevent
  29402. getstowedweapon
  29403. createstreamermodelhint
  29404. fakedamagefrom
  29405. doesweaponreplacespawnweapon
  29406. Exceeded
  29407. canonical
  29408. string
  29409. table
  29410. limits
  29411. €GSC
  29412. gsc
  29413. csc
  29414. %s
  29415. %s
  29416. gsc
  29417. csc
  29418. ****
  29419. Dev
  29420. only
  29421. calls
  29422. must
  29423. be
  29424. wrapped
  29425. in
  29426. a
  29427. devblock
  29428. /#
  29429. #/
  29430. :
  29431. ****
  29432. Too
  29433. many
  29434. parameters:
  29435. "%s"
  29436. with
  29437. %d
  29438. parameters
  29439. in
  29440. "%s"
  29441. ****
  29442. %d
  29443. script
  29444. error(s):
  29445. %s
  29446. Unexpected
  29447. string
  29448. type
  29449. in
  29450. stringtable
  29451. <ERROR
  29452. atr
  29453. X
  29454. %s
  29455. %s
  29456. script
  29457. compile
  29458. error
  29459. %s
  29460. %s
  29461. (see
  29462. console
  29463. for
  29464. details)
  29465. er
  29466. Client
  29467. %s
  29468. script
  29469. compile
  29470. error
  29471. %s
  29472. %s(%d):
  29473. %s
  29474. (see
  29475. console
  29476. for
  29477. details)
  29478. %s
  29479. script
  29480. compile
  29481. error
  29482. %s
  29483. %s
  29484. (see
  29485. console
  29486. for
  29487. details)
  29488. %s
  29489. script
  29490. runtime
  29491. error
  29492. (see
  29493. console
  29494. for
  29495. details)
  29496. %s%s%s
  29497. nt
  29498. er
  29499. e
  29500. Fí@
  29501. FíD
  29502. FíD
  29503. Fí¨
  29504. Fîè
  29505. FïL
  29506. Fí@
  29507. Fð(
  29508. Fï°
  29509. Fó<
  29510. Fô¸
  29511. Fó@
  29512. Fó@
  29513. Fót
  29514. Fô¸
  29515. FóÐ
  29516. Fóì
  29517. Fô$
  29518. Fó<
  29519. Fô$
  29520. Fô¨
  29521. FûÜ
  29522. FûÜ
  29523. FûÜ
  29524. Fûd
  29525. FüÐ
  29526. Fü\
  29527. G
  29528. G
  29529. @
  29530. G
  29531. d
  29532. G
  29533. ˆ
  29534. G
  29535. ¬
  29536. G
  29537. Ü
  29538. G
  29539. ´
  29540. G
  29541. Ô
  29542. G
  29543. G
  29544. G
  29545. ´
  29546. G
  29547. œ
  29548. G
  29549. Ì
  29550. G
  29551. ¸
  29552. G
  29553. G
  29554. ¬
  29555. G
  29556. G
  29557. saveobjects
  29558. writegame
  29559. (NULL)
  29560. exceeded
  29561. maximum
  29562. number
  29563. of
  29564. script
  29565. strings
  29566. max
  29567. string
  29568. length
  29569. exceeded:
  29570. "%s"
  29571. _
  29572. %g
  29573. (%g,
  29574. %g,
  29575. %g)
  29576. Filename
  29577. '%s'
  29578. exceeds
  29579. maximum
  29580. length
  29581. of
  29582. object
  29583. string
  29584. localized
  29585. string
  29586. vector
  29587. hash
  29588. float
  29589. int
  29590. codepos
  29591. precodepos
  29592. function
  29593. stack
  29594. animation
  29595. developer
  29596. codepos
  29597. thread
  29598. struct
  29599. removed
  29600. entity
  29601. entity
  29602. array
  29603. removed
  29604. thread
  29605. <free
  29606. thread
  29607. list
  29608. ent
  29609. list
  29610. hudelem
  29611. pathnode
  29612. vehiclenode
  29613. dynentity
  29614. menuelem
  29615. cannot
  29616. cast
  29617. %s
  29618. to
  29619. bool
  29620. Scr_DumpScriptThreads
  29621. exceeded
  29622. maximum
  29623. number
  29624. of
  29625. parent
  29626. %s
  29627. script
  29628. variables
  29629. server
  29630. client
  29631. exceeded
  29632. maximum
  29633. number
  29634. of
  29635. child
  29636. %s
  29637. script
  29638. variables
  29639. cannot
  29640. set
  29641. field
  29642. of
  29643. %s
  29644. %s
  29645. is
  29646. not
  29647. a
  29648. field
  29649. object
  29650. size
  29651. cannot
  29652. be
  29653. applied
  29654. to
  29655. %s
  29656. ~
  29657. cannot
  29658. be
  29659. applied
  29660. to
  29661. "%s"
  29662. cannot
  29663. cast
  29664. %s
  29665. to
  29666. string
  29667. type
  29668. %s
  29669. is
  29670. not
  29671. a
  29672. float
  29673. pair
  29674. '%s'
  29675. and
  29676. '%s'
  29677. has
  29678. unmatching
  29679. types
  29680. '%s'
  29681. and
  29682. '%s'
  29683. cannot
  29684. concat
  29685. "%s"
  29686. and
  29687. "%s"
  29688. -
  29689. max
  29690. string
  29691. length
  29692. exceeded
  29693. divide
  29694. by
  29695. array
  29696. index
  29697. %d
  29698. out
  29699. of
  29700. range
  29701. %s
  29702. is
  29703. not
  29704. an
  29705. array
  29706. index
  29707. string
  29708. index
  29709. %d
  29710. out
  29711. of
  29712. range
  29713. %s
  29714. is
  29715. not
  29716. a
  29717. string
  29718. index
  29719. vector
  29720. index
  29721. %d
  29722. out
  29723. of
  29724. range
  29725. %s
  29726. is
  29727. not
  29728. a
  29729. vector
  29730. index
  29731. %s
  29732. is
  29733. not
  29734. an
  29735. array
  29736. %s
  29737. is
  29738. not
  29739. an
  29740. array,
  29741. string,
  29742. or
  29743. vector
  29744. read-only
  29745. array
  29746. cannot
  29747. be
  29748. changed
  29749. string
  29750. characters
  29751. cannot
  29752. be
  29753. individually
  29754. changed
  29755. vector
  29756. components
  29757. cannot
  29758. be
  29759. individually
  29760. changed
  29761. not
  29762. an
  29763. array
  29764. key
  29765. cannot
  29766. find
  29767. '%s'
  29768. Scr_AddFields
  29769. unknown
  29770. type
  29771. '%s'
  29772. in
  29773. '%s'
  29774. missing
  29775. field
  29776. name
  29777. in
  29778. '%s'
  29779. duplicate
  29780. key
  29781. '%s'
  29782. in
  29783. '%s'
  29784. %s/%s
  29785. %s
  29786. keys
  29787. Duplicate
  29788. key
  29789. found
  29790. when
  29791. merging
  29792. arrays
  29793. sv_clientside
  29794. deadcode
  29795. Terminal
  29796. script
  29797. error
  29798. Trying
  29799. to
  29800. register
  29801. a
  29802. notify
  29803. listener,
  29804. but
  29805. there
  29806. are
  29807. none
  29808. free
  29809. parameter
  29810. %d
  29811. does
  29812. not
  29813. exist
  29814. '%s'
  29815. is
  29816. an
  29817. illegal
  29818. team
  29819. string
  29820. Must
  29821. be
  29822. allies,
  29823. axis,
  29824. team,
  29825. none,
  29826. or
  29827. spectator
  29828. Internal
  29829. script
  29830. stack
  29831. overflow
  29832. Unhandled
  29833. team
  29834. name
  29835. %i
  29836. cannot
  29837. cast
  29838. %s
  29839. to
  29840. bool
  29841. getdvar*
  29842. expecting
  29843. string
  29844. or
  29845. hash,
  29846. given
  29847. %s
  29848. Invalid
  29849. Dvar
  29850. passed
  29851. GetDvarVectorD
  29852. dvar
  29853. is
  29854. not
  29855. a
  29856. d
  29857. vector,
  29858. but
  29859. GetDvarVectorD
  29860. has
  29861. been
  29862. called
  29863. on
  29864. it
  29865. VM_Execute
  29866. function
  29867. called
  29868. with
  29869. too
  29870. many
  29871. parameters
  29872. array
  29873. index
  29874. %d
  29875. out
  29876. of
  29877. range
  29878. %s
  29879. is
  29880. not
  29881. an
  29882. array
  29883. index
  29884. cannot
  29885. create
  29886. a
  29887. new
  29888. local
  29889. variable
  29890. in
  29891. the
  29892. debugger
  29893. %s
  29894. is
  29895. not
  29896. an
  29897. entity
  29898. script
  29899. stack
  29900. overflow
  29901. (too
  29902. many
  29903. embedded
  29904. function
  29905. calls)
  29906. %s
  29907. is
  29908. not
  29909. a
  29910. function
  29911. pointer
  29912. type
  29913. %s
  29914. is
  29915. not
  29916. a
  29917. float
  29918. wait
  29919. is
  29920. too
  29921. long
  29922. negative
  29923. wait
  29924. is
  29925. not
  29926. allowed
  29927. first
  29928. parameter
  29929. of
  29930. waittill
  29931. must
  29932. evaluate
  29933. to
  29934. a
  29935. string
  29936. first
  29937. parameter
  29938. of
  29939. float,
  29940. given
  29941. %s)
  29942. anglestoup
  29943. expecting
  29944. vector,
  29945. given
  29946. %s)
  29947. anglestoright
  29948. expecting
  29949. vector,
  29950. given
  29951. %s)
  29952. anglestoforward
  29953. expecting
  29954. vector,
  29955. given
  29956. %s)
  29957. angleclamp
  29958. expecting
  29959. float,
  29960. given
  29961. %s)
  29962. vectorstoangle
  29963. expecting
  29964. vector,
  29965. given
  29966. %s)
  29967. abs
  29968. expecting
  29969. float
  29970. or
  29971. int,
  29972. given
  29973. %s)
  29974. unknown
  29975. object
  29976. Object
  29977. must
  29978. be
  29979. an
  29980. array
  29981. %s
  29982. is
  29983. not
  29984. an
  29985. object
  29986. VM_Resume
  29987. type
  29988. %s
  29989. is
  29990. not
  29991. an
  29992. int
  29993. type
  29994. %s
  29995. is
  29996. not
  29997. an
  29998. anim
  29999. bad
  30000. anim
  30001. tree
  30002. type
  30003. %s
  30004. is
  30005. not
  30006. an
  30007. animtree
  30008. type
  30009. %s
  30010. is
  30011. not
  30012. a
  30013. localized
  30014. string
  30015. type
  30016. %s
  30017. is
  30018. not
  30019. a
  30020. vector
  30021. type
  30022. %s
  30023. is
  30024. not
  30025. a
  30026. function
  30027. type
  30028. %s
  30029. is
  30030. not
  30031. an
  30032. entity
  30033. type
  30034. %s
  30035. is
  30036. not
  30037. an
  30038. object
  30039. gScrVmDebugPub
  30040. HÄ
  30041. HÜ
  30042. Hô
  30043. HÄ
  30044. HÃÌ
  30045. E;DH
  30046. Áð
  30047. @
  30048. A
  30049. ™™š
  30050. Dz
  30051. Â
  30052. @@
  30053. =
  30054. \)none
  30055. level
  30056. shellshock
  30057. SND_LosOcclusionCache
  30058. SND_ContinueLoopingSound
  30059. SND_UpdateVoice
  30060. SND_SetVoiceStartInfo
  30061. SND_SetSoundFileVoiceInfo
  30062. SND_UpdateRoomEffects
  30063. SNDL_Update
  30064. update
  30065. Default
  30066. sound
  30067. assets
  30068. not
  30069. found
  30070. Check
  30071. for
  30072. sound
  30073. related
  30074. linker
  30075. error
  30076. The
  30077. sound
  30078. globals
  30079. have
  30080. been
  30081. overwritten
  30082. %x
  30083. default
  30084. no_gfutz
  30085. grp_announcer
  30086. SND_SetDuckByCategory
  30087. SND_DuckUpdate
  30088. SND_DuckUpdate
  30089. Effect
  30090. Update
  30091. SND_DuckUpdate
  30092. Group
  30093. Update
  30094. SND_DuckUpdate
  30095. Rate
  30096. Limit
  30097. %s
  30098. sabs
  30099. sabl
  30100. SND_AssetBankFindEntry
  30101. SND_AssetBankFindLoaded
  30102. SND_BankAliasLookup
  30103. SNDL_ResetAliases
  30104. ERROR:
  30105. sound
  30106. bank
  30107. failed
  30108. to
  30109. load
  30110. %s
  30111. You
  30112. have
  30113. a
  30114. build
  30115. problem
  30116. SND_BankUpdate
  30117. SND_GetAliasIdFromScriptId
  30118. bus_reverb
  30119. bus_fx
  30120. bus_voice
  30121. bus_pfutz
  30122. bus_hdrfx
  30123. bus_ui
  30124. bus_music
  30125. bus_movie
  30126. bus_reference
  30127. unknown
  30128. loaded
  30129. streamed
  30130. primed
  30131. none
  30132. oldest
  30133. reject
  30134. priority
  30135. left_player
  30136. center_player
  30137. right_player
  30138. random_player
  30139. left_shot
  30140. center_shot
  30141. right_shot
  30142. volume
  30143. pitch
  30144. variant
  30145. d
  30146. d
  30147. nonlooping
  30148. looping
  30149. False
  30150. True
  30151. VolMin
  30152. VolMax
  30153. PitchMin
  30154. PitchMax
  30155. DistMin
  30156. DistMaxDry
  30157. DistMaxWet
  30158. Probability
  30159. EnvelopMin
  30160. EnvelopMax
  30161. EnvelopPercent
  30162. CenterSend
  30163. ReverbSend
  30164. StartDelay
  30165. PriorityThresholdMin
  30166. PriorityThresholdMax
  30167. OcclusionLevel
  30168. FluxTime
  30169. Duck
  30170. PriorityMin
  30171. PriorityMax
  30172. LimitCount
  30173. EntityLimitCount
  30174. DryMinCurve
  30175. DryMaxCurve
  30176. WetMinCurve
  30177. WetMaxCurve
  30178. Pan
  30179. SnapshotGroup
  30180. ContextType
  30181. ContextValue
  30182. FadeIn
  30183. FadeOut
  30184. StopOnPlay
  30185. DopplerScale
  30186. FutzPatch
  30187. LimitType
  30188. EntityLimitType
  30189. RandomizeType
  30190. FluxType
  30191. Storage
  30192. VolumeGroup
  30193. DistanceLpf
  30194. Doppler
  30195. IsBig
  30196. Looping
  30197. PanType
  30198. IsMusic
  30199. Timescale
  30200. Pauseable
  30201. StopOnEntDeath
  30202. Bus
  30203. VoiceLimit
  30204. IgnoreMaxDist
  30205. NeverPlayTwice
  30206. IsCinematic
  30207. Name
  30208. Secondary
  30209. Subtitle
  30210. FileSource
  30211. FileTarget
  30212. name
  30213. attenuationSp
  30214. attenuationMp
  30215. category
  30216. parent
  30217. fadeIn
  30218. fadeInCurve
  30219. fadeOut
  30220. fadeOutCurve
  30221. distance
  30222. startDelay
  30223. length
  30224. updateWhilePaused
  30225. Lpf
  30226. Attenuation
  30227. type
  30228. value
  30229. r‚
  30230. v*,
  30231. smoothing
  30232. earlyTime
  30233. lateTime
  30234. earlyGain
  30235. lateGain
  30236. earlyLpf
  30237. lateLpf
  30238. inputLpf
  30239. dampLpf
  30240. wallReflect
  30241. dryGain
  30242. earlySize
  30243. lateSize
  30244. diffusion
  30245. returnGain
  30246. returnHighpass
  30247. lowE
  30248. lowG
  30249. lowF
  30250. lowQ
  30251. peakE
  30252. peakG
  30253. peakF
  30254. peakQ
  30255. peakE
  30256. peakG
  30257. peakF
  30258. peakQ
  30259. hiE
  30260. hiG
  30261. hiF
  30262. hiQ
  30263. eqG
  30264. compE
  30265. compPG
  30266. compMG
  30267. compT
  30268. compR
  30269. compTA
  30270. compTR
  30271. limitE
  30272. limitPG
  30273. limitMG
  30274. limitT
  30275. limitR
  30276. limitTA
  30277. limitTR
  30278. BusReverbG
  30279. BusFxG
  30280. BusVoiceG
  30281. BusPfutzG
  30282. BusHdrfxG
  30283. BusUiG
  30284. BusMusicG
  30285. BusMovieG
  30286. BusVcsG
  30287. BusReverbE
  30288. BusFxE
  30289. BusVoiceE
  30290. BusPfutzE
  30291. BusHdrfxE
  30292. BusUiE
  30293. BusMusicE
  30294. BusMovieE
  30295. hdrFxCompE
  30296. voiceEqE
  30297. voiceCompE
  30298. ScriptId
  30299. AliasName
  30300. BpfF
  30301. BpfQ
  30302. LsG
  30303. LsF
  30304. LsQ
  30305. Distortion
  30306. PreG
  30307. PostG
  30308. TH
  30309. TG
  30310. ClipPre
  30311. ClipPost
  30312. Blend
  30313. StartAlias
  30314. StopAlias
  30315. LoopAlias
  30316. BankName
  30317. Platform
  30318. Language
  30319. Build
  30320. Streamed
  30321. nt
  30322. tprint
  30323. alias
  30324. group
  30325. curve
  30326. pan
  30327. duck_group
  30328. duck
  30329. master
  30330. voice_duck
  30331. duck_lpf_value
  30332. %f
  30333. %d
  30334. snd_playLocal
  30335. %s
  30336. d
  30337. d
  30338. No
  30339. Center
  30340. D
  30341. SD_PreUpdate
  30342. SD_StartAlias
  30343. n
  30344. SD_DecoderAllocate
  30345. SD_DecoderFree
  30346. SD_DecoderLock
  30347. SD_DecoderOutputPump
  30348. SD_MixParamAllocate
  30349. SD_MixSetParam
  30350. SD_SourceShutdown
  30351. free
  30352. stream
  30353. buffers
  30354. SD_StreamBufferRead
  30355. stream
  30356. %s
  30357. %d
  30358. %d
  30359. Stream_AddRequest
  30360. SD
  30361. Starvation
  30362. Stream
  30363. SD
  30364. Stream
  30365. Buffers
  30366. Used
  30367. SD
  30368. Stream
  30369. Buffers
  30370. Free
  30371. SD
  30372. Stream
  30373. Used
  30374. SD
  30375. Pending
  30376. IO
  30377. SD_VoiceFreedUpdate
  30378. SD_VoiceFrameActiveProcess
  30379. SD_VoiceFrameFreedProcess
  30380. SND_DspMeter
  30381. ono
  30382. lpf
  30383. Targets
  30384. Names
  30385. snd_drawD
  30386. snd_autosim_window
  30387. snd_max_ram_voice
  30388. snd_max_stream_voice
  30389. snd_trace_master
  30390. snd_trace_reverb
  30391. snd_trace_voice
  30392. snd_futz
  30393. snd_ps_vol_occlusion_attenuation_dry
  30394. snd_ps_vol_occlusion_attenuation_wet
  30395. snd_speakerConfiguration
  30396. treyarch_mix
  30397. bass_boost
  30398. high_boost
  30399. super_crunch
  30400. headphones
  30401. mature
  30402. explicit
  30403. SND_TrimEnd
  30404. SND_Trace
  30405. SND_LosOcclusionTrace
  30406. t
  30407. te
  30408. wait
  30409. snd_occlusion
  30410. snd_occlusion
  30411. Invalid
  30412. sound
  30413. handle
  30414. SND_Play
  30415. le
  30416. SND_AllocatePlayback
  30417. SND_PlaybackBundle
  30418. SND_Playback
  30419. SND_Playback
  30420. SND_PrimeAlias
  30421. SND_StopSoundAliasOnEnt
  30422. SND_StopSoundsOnEnt
  30423. SND_NotifyCinematicStart
  30424. SND_NotifyCinematicEnd
  30425. SND_DisconnectListener
  30426. SND_SetListener
  30427. SND_UpdateWait
  30428. SND_StopSounds
  30429. SND_FadeIn
  30430. SND_FadeOut
  30431. SND_SetEnvironmentEffects
  30432. SND_DeactivateEnvironmentEffects
  30433. SND_SetPlaybackAttenuation
  30434. SND_SetPlaybackAttenuationRate
  30435. SND_SetPlaybackPitch
  30436. SND_SetPlaybackPitchRate
  30437. SND_StopPlayback
  30438. SND_SetStartPaused
  30439. SND_SetDuck
  30440. SND_SetSideChainDuck
  30441. SND_PlayLoopAt
  30442. SND_StopLoopAt
  30443. SND_PlayLineAt
  30444. SND_StopLineAt
  30445. SND_SetContext
  30446. SND_SetContext
  30447. r
  30448. SND_SetEntContext
  30449. t
  30450. SND_SetScriptTimescale
  30451. SND_SetMusicState
  30452. SND_PrefetchLoadedAlias
  30453. SND_SetGlobalFutz
  30454. SND_AddBank
  30455. SND_RemoveBank
  30456. SND_AddPatch
  30457. SND_RemovePatch
  30458. SND_AddGlobals
  30459. SND_RemoveGlobals
  30460. SND_WhizbyPath
  30461. SND_Whizby
  30462. by
  30463. SND_EntStateRequest
  30464. SND_GetEntPosition
  30465. SNDL_SetEntState
  30466. SND_EntStateFrame
  30467. SND_ResetEntState
  30468. SND_SubtitleNotify
  30469. SND_LengthNotify
  30470. ck
  30471. SND_FreePlaybackNotify
  30472. SND_BankLoadedNotify
  30473. SND_ResetPlaybacks
  30474. SND_FreePlayback
  30475. SND_FindPlayback
  30476. SND_IsPlaying
  30477. SND_GetPlaybackTime
  30478. SND_GetKnownLength
  30479. SND_Frame
  30480. updatesound_workerCallback_Implementation
  30481. updatesound_worker
  30482. SND_PossiblyUpdate
  30483. SND_GameReset
  30484. SND_BeginFrame
  30485. SND_SetFrontendMusic
  30486. SND_SetLoopState
  30487. SND_PlayLoops
  30488. SND_EndFrame
  30489. SND_Shutdown
  30490. SNDL_AliasName
  30491. SNDL_Play
  30492. SNDL_StopSoundAliasOnEnt
  30493. SNDL_StopSoundsOnEnt
  30494. SNDL_NotifyCinematicStart
  30495. SNDL_NotifyCinematicEnd
  30496. SNDL_DisconnectListener
  30497. SNDL_SetListener
  30498. SNDL_StopSounds
  30499. SNDL_FadeIn
  30500. SNDL_FadeOut
  30501. SNDL_SetEnvironmentEffects
  30502. SNDL_DeactivateEnvironmentEffects
  30503. SNDL_SetPlaybackAttenuation
  30504. SNDL_SetPlaybackAttenuationRate
  30505. SNDL_SetPlaybackPitch
  30506. SNDL_SetPlaybackPitchRate
  30507. SNDL_StopPlayback
  30508. SNDL_SetStartPaused
  30509. SNDL_SetDuck
  30510. SNDL_SetSideChainDuck
  30511. SNDL_SetEntState
  30512. SNDL_SetGameState
  30513. SNDL_PlayLoopAt
  30514. SNDL_StopLoopAt
  30515. SNDL_PlayLineAt
  30516. SNDL_StopLineAt
  30517. SNDL_GameReset
  30518. SNDL_SetContext
  30519. SNDL_RestartDriver
  30520. SNDL_SetEntContext
  30521. SNDL_SetScriptTimescale
  30522. SNDL_UpdateLoopingSounds
  30523. SNDL_AddBank
  30524. SNDL_RemoveBank
  30525. SNDL_AddPatch
  30526. SNDL_RemovePatch
  30527. SNDL_AddGlobals
  30528. SNDL_RemoveGlobals
  30529. SNDL_PrimeAlias
  30530. SNDL_SetMusicState
  30531. SNDL_PrefetchLoadedAlias
  30532. SNDL_SetGlobalFutz
  30533. SNDL_SetFrontendMusic
  30534. SNDL_SetLoopState
  30535. SND_CommandPump
  30536. SND_NotifyPush
  30537. SND_NotifyPump
  30538. Stereo
  30539. J^¸getUserGeoLocationData
  30540. controller
  30541. signed_in_local
  30542. first_signed_in_local
  30543. signed_into_live
  30544. first_signed_in
  30545. signed_out
  30546. last_signed_out
  30550. popup_connectingdw
  30551. popup_gettingdata
  30569. %dKbps
  30570. %s
  30571. %u
  30572. %u
  30573. %u
  30574. %u,
  30575. %s
  30576. %u
  30577. %u
  30578. %u
  30579. %u
  30582. %llu
  30583. %llu
  30584. %llu
  30585. -
  30586. %s,
  30587. %s,
  30588. %s
  30589. %s%s
  30593. matchmaking_games_found
  30594. games
  30595. x
  30596. y
  30597. %lld
  30603. zm_highrise
  30604. zm_transit_dr
  30605. sessionTaskFailDebug
  30606. motdDelay
  30607. ui_storeButtonPressed
  30608. ui_isDLCPopupEnabled
  30609. tu_sendVoteToFBEnabled
  30610. allowAllNAT
  30611. ui_detailedMM
  30612. tu_disableDWGuests
  30613. tu_canSetDvars
  30614. tu_luiHacksDisabled
  30615. currentTUVersion
  30616. tu
  30617. tu_clearFileShareOnSignOut
  30618. tu_showGeoInfo
  30619. tu_resetGameModesOnCablePull
  30620. leaveAllParties
  30621. initiateDemonWareConnect
  30622. cancelDemonWareConnect
  30623. closeallbusypopups
  30624. awardAchievement
  30626. ------------------------------------------------Banning Section
  30627. LiveAntiCheatAnswerChallenges
  30628. reportConsoleDetails
  30635. ~
  30636. ------------------------------------------------Banning Section
  30637. challenge
  30638. laggedDamageTagThreshold
  30639. challengeResponseResendInterval
  30640. challengeResponseResendBackoffInterval
  30641. uploadAllCounters
  30642. downloadAllCounters
  30643. incrementcounter
  30644. dumpLiveCounters
  30645. forceFlushCounterQueue
  30646. counterUploadInterval
  30647. counterDownloadInterval
  30648. friendsUpdate
  30649. yp
  30650. ŒÈ
  30651. ŒÐ
  30652. ŒÀ
  30653. friends_updated
  30654. er
  30655. Friends_UpdateNP
  30656. mp
  30657. sp
  30658. zm
  30659. setGroups
  30660. yq
  30661. Ώ
  30662. getGroupCounts
  30663. yq
  30664. Œð
  30665. online
  30666. joinLiveGroup
  30667. leaveLiveGroup
  30668. dumpLiveGroups
  30669. groupUploadInterval
  30670. groupDownloadInterval
  30671. online/sp
  30672. %s/%s
  30673. %s/%d
  30674. ---------------------------------------------------MAPS
  30675. J¸`mp_carrier
  30677. mp_dockside
  30679. mp_drone
  30681. mp_express
  30683. mp_hijacked
  30685. mp_la
  30687. mp_meltdown
  30689. mp_nightclub
  30691. mp_overflow
  30693. mp_raid
  30695. mp_slums
  30697. mp_socotra
  30699. mp_turbine
  30701. mp_village
  30703. mp_nuketown_
  30705. mp_downhill
  30707. mp_hydro
  30709. mp_mirage
  30711. mp_skate
  30713. angola
  30715. angola_
  30716. blackout
  30718. haiti
  30720. karma
  30722. karma_
  30723. la_
  30724. PRESENCE_LA
  30725. la_b
  30726. la_
  30727. monsoon
  30729. nicaragua
  30731. pakistan
  30733. pakistan_
  30734. pakistan_
  30735. panama
  30737. panama_
  30738. panama_
  30739. yemen
  30741. so_cmp_afghanistan
  30743. so_rts_afghanistan
  30745. so_rts_mp_carrier
  30747. so_rts_mp_dockside
  30749. so_rts_mp_drone
  30751. so_tut_mp_drone
  30753. so_rts_mp_overflow
  30755. so_rts_mp_socotra
  30757. zm_transit
  30759. zm_nuked
  30761. zm_highrise
  30763. zm_transit_dr
  30764. mp_concert
  30766. mp_magma
  30768. mp_studio
  30770. mp_vertigo
  30772. zm_prison
  30775. ---------------------------------------------------MAPS
  30776. ---------------------------------------------------GameModes
  30777. PRESENCE_DM
  30778. tdm
  30780. dom
  30782. sd
  30783. PRESENCE_SD
  30784. sab
  30786. ctf
  30788. koth
  30790. hq
  30791. PRESENCE_HQ
  30792. twar
  30794. dem
  30796. oic
  30798. sas
  30800. gun
  30802. shrp
  30804. tdef
  30806. conf
  30808. hack
  30810. res
  30812. zclassic
  30814. zstandard
  30816. zrace
  30818. zmeat
  30820. zcleansed
  30822. zgrief
  30824. ---------------------------------------------------GameModes
  30825. ---------------------------------------------------------------ZombieMaps
  30826. transit
  30828. town
  30829. MPUI_TOWN
  30830. farm
  30831. MPUI_FARM
  30832. nuked
  30834. diner
  30835. MPUI_DINER
  30836. rooftop
  30838. prison
  30840. cellblock
  30842. yylPRESENCE_LOBBY
  30843. ---------------------------------------------------------------ZombieMaps
  30853. Live_PresenceUpdate
  30854. bandwidthTest
  30855. yƒX
  30856. P
  30857. X
  30858. `
  30859. ops-ps-auth
  30860. dev
  30861. demonware
  30862. net
  30863. ops-ps-auth
  30864. cert
  30865. demonware
  30866. net
  30867. ops-ps-auth
  30868. prod
  30869. demonware
  30870. net
  30871. ops-ps-lobby
  30872. dev
  30873. demonware
  30874. net
  30875. ops-ps-lobby
  30876. cert
  30877. demonware
  30878. net
  30879. ops-ps-lobby
  30880. prod
  30881. demonware
  30882. net
  30883. popup_connectingdw
  30885. %s
  30886. %d
  30889. The
  30890. host
  30891. never
  30892. responded
  30893. to
  30894. our
  30895. request
  30896. to
  30897. join
  30898. Live_UserIsGuest
  30904. Live_IsSignedInToLive
  30905. menu_friends
  30906. menu_players
  30907. Unable
  30908. to
  30909. terminate
  30910. NP
  30911. Lookup
  30912. (x%x)
  30913. Unable
  30914. to
  30915. unregister
  30916. NP
  30917. handler
  30918. (x%x)
  30919. Unable
  30920. to
  30921. terminate
  30922. NP
  30923. Manager
  30924. (x%x)
  30925. (%d)
  30926. guest_signed_into_live
  30927. live_flyout
  30928. menu_callofduty_elite
  30930. %s
  30932. xstartprivateparty
  30933. Live_CheckNetConnection
  30936. popup_gettingdata
  30937. signIntoDemonware
  30939. close_all_popups
  30940. immediate
  30941. controller
  30942. popup_invite
  30943. quit_game
  30944. open_saveandquitgamepopup
  30945. acceptInvite
  30946. startMultiplayer;
  30947. startZombies;
  30948. Live_IsSignedIn
  30949. Live_CheckForFullDisconnect
  30955. Got
  30956. error
  30957. code
  30958. %i
  30959. from
  30960. sceNpBasicGetEvent()
  30961. Live_Frame
  30964. menu_mp_killstreak_select
  30967. InviteAcceptSave
  30968. Error
  30969. loading
  30970. NP
  30971. module:
  30972. x%x
  30973. Error
  30974. loading
  30975. netctl
  30976. module:
  30977. x%x
  30978. updateInfoForInGameList
  30979. checkGamerTags
  30980. signoutSubUsers
  30981. fakeDWDisconnect
  30982. signIntoDemonware
  30983. checkForPSInvites
  30984. ps_dw_defaultDTLSAssociationTimeout
  30985. ps_NATTraversalThrottling
  30986. xblive_loggedin
  30987. xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSec
  30988. xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer
  30989. session_nonblocking
  30990. inviteText
  30991. systemUiActive
  30992. bandwidth_retry_interval
  30993. xblive_clanmatch
  30994. xblive_mappacks
  30995. xblive_wagermatch
  30996. xblive_ec_minprobes
  30997. xblive_ec_minpercent
  30998. xblive_ec_firstupdatems
  30999. xblive_ec_lastupdatems
  31000. xblive_ec_maxprobewait
  31001. party_simulateLongQoS
  31002. invite_waitPeriod
  31003. xblive_clanListChanged
  31004. teamsplitter_verbose
  31005. xblive_matchEndingSoon
  31006. clancard_clanid
  31007. ui_isClanMember
  31008. ps_live_StateNotConnectedDelay
  31009. g_dwAuthTimerMin
  31010. g_dwAuthTimerMax
  31011. g_dwAuthTimerMultiplyer
  31012. ui_inGameStoreVisible
  31013. dwConsideredConnectedTime
  31014. dwDisconnectBackoffTime
  31015. dwDisconnectBackoffRetries
  31016. pslive_reduceCheckNetConnection
  31017. subsignin
  31018. tu_subSigninTimeout
  31019. tu_resetDWNet
  31020. tu_multipleLogonKick
  31021. tu_signoutDisconnect
  31022. tu_delayBandwidthTestToAfterDWFetchingDone
  31023. popup_joinsession
  31024. gameSession
  31025. partySession
  31026. party
  31027. presence
  31028. session
  31029. matchmaking_debug
  31030. sessionSearchMaxAttempts
  31031. geographicalMatchmakingOverride
  31032. searchSessionNextTaskDelay
  31033. searchSessionIsEmpty
  31034. searchSessionMapPackFlags
  31035. searchSessionSkillWeight
  31036. searchSessionGeoWeight
  31037. searchSessionGeoWeight
  31038. searchSessionGeoWeight
  31039. searchSessionGeoWeight
  31040. searchSessionGeoMin
  31041. tu_deletePresenceSessionInGraveYardFix
  31042. menu_xboxLiveParty
  31043. Session_SessionTasksInProgress
  31044. Session_WaitOnSessionTasks
  31045. Session_CancelIndividualSessionTasks
  31046. Session_CancelSessionTasks
  31047. Live_CheckOngoingSessionTasks
  31048. createHostSession
  31049. createNonMatchmakingSession
  31050. for
  31051. QoS
  31052. queries
  31053. for
  31054. %s
  31057. NNECT
  31058. Session
  31059. modify
  31060. failed
  31061. ModifySessionSuccess
  31063. createMigratedSession
  31064. y“
  31065. -----------------------------------------------------------------------STATS AND (BAN)
  31067. RANKXP
  31068. PLEVEL
  31069. RANK
  31070. SCORE
  31079. CODPOINTS
  31082. KILLS
  31083. DEATHS
  31085. HEADSHOTS
  31086. KDRATIO
  31088. ACCURACY
  31090. SHOTS
  31091. HITS
  31092. TIMEUSED
  31093. USED
  31094. DESTROYED
  31095. GAMETYPE
  31096. WINS
  31097. LOSSES
  31098. TIES
  31103. LAST_ESCROW
  31107. uploadSession
  31108. y–
  31109. P
  31110. H
  31111. popup_gettingdata
  31112. PlayerStatsList
  31113. statValue
  31114. PlayerStatsByGameType
  31115. StatValue
  31116. PlayerStatsByMap
  31117. ddl/stats
  31118. ddl
  31119. ddl/stats_archive
  31120. ddl
  31121. PlayerXUID
  31122. iamacheater
  31123. AfterActionReportStats
  31124. lobbyPopup
  31126. personalBest
  31127. %s
  31128. %d
  31131. statPath
  31132. zm/statscheck
  31133. csv
  31134. mp/statscheck
  31135. csv
  31136. sp/levelLookup
  31137. csv
  31138. last_campaign_level
  31139. The
  31140. save
  31141. file
  31142. has
  31143. become
  31144. corrupted
  31145. PlayerCareerStats
  31146. campaignCompleted
  31147. skill_rating
  31148. skill_variance
  31149. sp/levelUnlockTable
  31150. csv
  31151. sp/challengeUnlockTable
  31152. csv
  31153. sp/challengeTable
  31154. csv
  31155. PlayerSessionStats
  31156. challengeCounters
  31157. CHALLENGE_%d
  31158. PlayerLevelStats
  31159. challengesComplete
  31162. challengeCompletion
  31163. CMP
  31164. DEV
  31165. sp/scoringTable
  31166. csv
  31167. %s%s
  31168. Score
  31169. challengesScore
  31170. difficultyScore
  31171. easy
  31172. medium
  31173. hard
  31174. veteran
  31175. intelScore
  31176. intel
  31177. intelFound
  31178. perks
  31179. perksUsed
  31180. levelScore
  31181. storypoints
  31183. WAR_SOCOTRA
  31186. WAR_DRONE
  31187. PlayerStrikeforceStats
  31188. prevLevel
  31189. unitsAvailable
  31190. SO_%s_SUCCESS
  31191. CHINA_IS_ALLY
  31192. so_cmp_afghanistan
  31194. nicaragua
  31196. pakistan
  31199. karma
  31203. panama
  31204. MASON_SR_DEAD
  31205. yemen
  31208. blackout
  31209. BRIGGS_DEAD
  31213. la_
  31215. haiti
  31220. bestPlaythrough
  31221. lastPlaythrough
  31222. difficulty
  31223. highestDifficulty
  31224. PlayerSessionStatsEX
  31225. dwid
  31226. xuid
  31227. timeEnded
  31228. connectionID
  31229. titleID
  31230. mapName
  31233. stat
  31234. write
  31235. string
  31236. clanTagStats
  31237. selectedFeature
  31238. clanName
  31239. exec
  31240. %s
  31241. sp/stats_init
  31242. cfg
  31243. nemesisXuid
  31244. first_campaign_level
  31245. motdViewTime
  31246. motdVersionViewed
  31247. GameBookmarks
  31248. GameBookmarkIndex
  31249. playerstatslist
  31250. unlocks
  31251. ddl/session
  31252. ddl
  31253. CacLoadouts
  31254. setHighestLevelComplete
  31255. new_campaign
  31256. statSetByName
  31257. statAddByName
  31258. statGetByNameInDvar
  31259. statReadDDL
  31260. statReadDDLExt
  31261. statWriteDDL
  31262. activateContract
  31263. deactivateContract
  31264. showActiveContracts
  31265. setCurrentContract
  31266. setContractFilter
  31267. setStatFromLocString
  31268. setMOTDViewed
  31269. skillTest
  31270. skill_scoreBeta
  31271. skill_teamBeta
  31272. skill_scoreRange
  31273. skill_teamRange
  31274. recordPointsSpent
  31275. allowHost_matchesHostedRatio
  31276. allowHost_matchesPlayedRatio
  31277. allowHost_matchesHostedStreak
  31278. allowHost_matchesPlayedStreak
  31279. disableHost_matchesHostedRatio
  31280. disableHost_matchesPlayedRatio
  31281. disableHost_matchesHostedStreak
  31282. disableHost_matchesPlayedStreak
  31283. classVersionNumber
  31284. probation_version
  31285. probation_public_enabled
  31286. probation_public_quitScalar
  31287. probation_public_timeoutScalar
  31288. probation_public_kickScalar
  31289. probation_public_matchHistoryWindow
  31290. probation_public_probationThreshold
  31291. probation_public_warningThreshold
  31292. probation_public_probationTime
  31293. probation_public_forgiveCount
  31294. probation_league_enabled
  31295. probation_league_quitScalar
  31296. probation_league_timeoutScalar
  31297. probation_league_kickcalar
  31298. probation_league_matchHistoryWindow
  31299. probation_league_probationThreshold
  31300. probation_league_warningThreshold
  31301. probation_league_probationTime
  31302. probation_league_forgiveCount
  31303. fixNegativeLosses
  31304. maxLossesValue
  31305. tu_checkStatsCheckSum
  31306. tu_statsParity
  31307. tu_useRealXUIDForStats
  31308. tu_checkNonPrimaryXUIDPS
  31309. tu_writeStatsXUIDOnGameStart
  31310. tu_skipStableStats
  31311. tu_setGuestStatsFetched
  31312. tu_verifyStableStats
  31313. tu_storeContentInfoInStats
  31314. tu_validateStatsOnSignout
  31315. tu_statsSetConnectionType
  31316. Kë$
  31317. Kë$
  31318. KêÐ
  31319. Kêô
  31320. KëD
  31321. LiveDeleteUserFile
  31322. à
  31323. Ø
  31324. LiveGetUserFile
  31325. y¥Ð
  31326. ø
  31327. LiveWriteUserFile
  31328. ð
  31329. è
  31330. LiveFetchMetPlayerList
  31331. y¦@
  31332. LiveSaveMetPlayerList
  31333. y¦|
  31334. LiveGetOtherPlayerStatsData
  31335. y¦¼
  31336. LiveGetPlayerStatsData
  31337. y¦ü
  31338. LiveSavePlayerStats
  31339. y§<
  31340. LiveReadStatsBackup
  31341. y§t
  31342. LiveBackupStats
  31343. y§¬
  31344. LiveBackupCorruptedStats
  31345. y§à
  31346. LiveGetServerTime
  31347. y¨(
  31348. (
  31349. LiveKeyArchiveWrite
  31350. y¨h
  31351. LiveKeyArchiveRead
  31352. y¨¤
  31353. MENU_DAYS_SUN
  31354. MENU_DAYS_MON
  31355. MENU_DAYS_TUE
  31356. MENU_DAYS_WED
  31357. MENU_DAYS_THU
  31358. MENU_DAYS_FRI
  31359. MENU_DAYS_SAT
  31372. GetUserFileList
  31373. ˜
  31374. %s
  31375. Online
  31376. Zombie
  31377. Stats
  31378. found,
  31379. expecting
  31380. Online
  31381. Ranked
  31382. stats
  31383. Online
  31384. Ranked
  31385. Stats
  31386. found,
  31387. expecting
  31388. Online
  31389. Zombie
  31390. stats
  31391. ddl/stats
  31392. ddl
  31393. ddl/stats_archive
  31394. ddl
  31395. pc
  31396. ps
  31397. xbox
  31398. wiiu
  31399. mp/gamertags
  31400. csv
  31401. popup_uploadingfile
  31402. WRITE
  31403. FAIL:%s
  31404. badspdatazlib
  31405. badspdatasize
  31406. badspdata
  31407. spstatsCompressed
  31408. spdatabk
  31409. popup_gettingdata
  31410. popup_connectingtodw
  31411. service_record_fetched
  31412. controller
  31413. MENU_TIME_PM
  31414. MENU_TIME_AM
  31415. %s,
  31416. %s
  31417. %d,
  31418. %d
  31419. %d:%
  31420. d
  31421. %s
  31422. %s
  31423. %d
  31424. %s
  31425. %d
  31426. %
  31427. d:%
  31428. d
  31429. service_record_fetch_failed
  31430. popup_fetchstats_failed
  31431. -----------------------------------------------------------------------STATS AND (BAN)
  31433. No
  31434. Error
  31435. fakeComError
  31436. getServiceRecord
  31437. uploadStats
  31438. storeMapPackMaskToStats
  31439. refetchWAD
  31440. getLatestWAD
  31441. ffotdversion
  31442. generatePlaylistPopulation
  31443. live_readPublisherStorageLocally
  31444. WADTimestampUpdateInterval
  31445. stat_version
  31446. stats_version_check
  31447. maxStatsBackupInterval
  31448. zero_stats_check
  31449. dwFileFetchTryIntervalBase
  31450. dwFileFetchTryIntervalMax
  31451. dwFileFetchTryMaxAttempts
  31452. waitOnStatsTimeout
  31453. minDelayForOtherPlayerStatsFetch
  31454. statsLocationFatal
  31455. tu_resetStatsOnFailedValidate
  31456. tu_copyGamertagOnStatsDownload
  31457. tu_checkXUIDBeforeStatsUpload
  31458. tu_execffotdlua
  31459. tu_statsErrorNormal
  31460. tu_statsErrorBackup
  31461. tu_statsErrorStable
  31462. tu_statsErrorOtherPlayer
  31463. tu_nullStatsBuffer
  31464. tu_trackStatsAccessError
  31465. tu_waitOnContent
  31466. tu_waitOnContentTimeout
  31467. webmDwReadDelay
  31468. webmDwReadTimeout
  31469. webmDwWriteDelay
  31470. webmDwWriteTimeout
  31471. LiveFetchOnlineWAD
  31472. y°`
  31473. GetOnlineWADTimestamp
  31474. ¸
  31475. À
  31476. LiveFetchFFOTD
  31477. y°Ü
  31478. online_tu_sp_
  31479. %s%s
  31480. wad
  31481. %s
  31482. %d
  31483. SKID
  31484. exec
  31485. ffotd_settings
  31486. cfg
  31487. LX
  31488. L,
  31489. L,
  31490. Lì%d
  31491. menu_mp_killstreak_select
  31493. reportUserInterval
  31494. trackerUpdate
  31495. reportUser
  31496. GlassesClient
  31497. Update
  31498. GlassesClient
  31499. TracePoint
  31500. GlassesClient
  31501. ClipMoveTrace
  31502. GlassClient
  31503. Shatter
  31504. GlassesClient
  31505. PreShatterNext
  31506. Outlines
  31507. InitShards
  31508. qsort
  31509. shards
  31510. remove
  31511. add
  31512. sorted
  31513. ShardGroup
  31514. TracePoint
  31515. GlassRenderer
  31516. TracePoint
  31517. ¿¿GlassRenderer
  31518. ExplosionEvent
  31519. GlassRenderer
  31520. ExecuteActions
  31521. Glasses
  31522. Update
  31523. ShardGroup
  31524. Update
  31525. glassUpdate
  31526. free
  31527. memory
  31528. Group
  31529. GenVerts
  31530. glassGenerateVerts
  31531. ateVerts
  31532. glass_gen_verts
  31533. glassMaintenance
  31534. wait
  31535. glassUpdate
  31536. wait
  31537. glass_update_shards
  31538. wait
  31539. glassGenerateVerts
  31540. wait
  31541. glass_gen_verts
  31542. wait
  31543. glassMaintenance
  31544. maxShardSplit
  31545. maxSplitSizeRatio
  31546. defragGlassMemory
  31547. defragGlassIndices
  31548. smpGlass
  31549. doMaintenance
  31550. GlassCl_WaitUpdate
  31551. GlassCl_BeginUpdate
  31552. GlassCl_BeginGenerateVerts
  31553. GlassCl_WaitGenerateVerts
  31554. ?A
  31555. shatterAllGlass
  31556. resetGlass
  31557. glassDamageMultiplier
  31558. GlassSv_Damage
  31559. GlassesServer
  31560. Update
  31561. GlassSv_ClipMoveTrace
  31562. GlassSv_PointTrace
  31563. GlassSv_RadiusDamage
  31564. GlassSv_PredictTouch
  31565. Load:
  31566. Glass
  31567. out
  31568. of
  31569. range
  31570. (%i)
  31571. GlassesServer::WriteSnapshotToClient
  31572. ?'Ŭglass_update_shards
  31573. InitPhysics
  31574. DDL:
  31575. Buffer
  31576. validation
  31577. error
  31578. -
  31579. buffer
  31580. is
  31581. not
  31582. large
  31583. enough
  31584. to
  31585. accommodate
  31586. this
  31587. DDL
  31588. %d
  31589. bytes
  31590. required
  31591. Tried
  31592. to
  31593. write
  31594. a
  31595. ddl
  31596. header
  31597. where
  31598. magic
  31599. marker
  31600. wasn't
  31602. or
  31603. code
  31604. version
  31605. wasn't
  31607. marker
  31608. was
  31609. %u,
  31610. version
  31611. was
  31612. %u
  31613. ddlLoadAsset
  31614. ddlShow
  31615. ddlShowMember
  31616. outofmem
  31617. #?RADIANCE
  31618. not
  31619. HDR
  31620. FORMAT=-bit_rle_rgbe
  31621. unsupported
  31622. format
  31623. -Y
  31624. unsupported
  31625. data
  31626. layout
  31627. +X
  31628. invalid
  31629. decoded
  31630. scanline
  31631. length
  31632. #?RADIANCE
  31633. bad
  31634. file
  31635. bad
  31636. format
  31637. too
  31638. large
  31639. S€ö
  31640. PICT
  31641. not
  31642. PSD
  31643. wrong
  31644. version
  31645. wrong
  31646. channel
  31647. count
  31648. unsupported
  31649. bit
  31650. depth
  31651. wrong
  31652. color
  31653. format
  31654. bad
  31655. compression
  31656. no
  31657. clear
  31658. code
  31659. too
  31660. many
  31661. codes
  31662. illegal
  31663. code
  31664. in
  31665. raster
  31666. not
  31667. GIF
  31668. bad
  31669. Image
  31670. Descriptor
  31671. missing
  31672. color
  31673. table
  31674. unknown
  31675. code
  31676. not
  31677. BMP
  31678. unknown
  31679. BMP
  31680. bad
  31681. BMP
  31682. monochrome
  31683. BMP
  31684. RLE
  31685. invalid
  31686. bad
  31687. bpp
  31688. bad
  31689. masks
  31690. not
  31691. enough
  31692. pixels
  31693. invalid
  31694. filter
  31695. output
  31696. buffer
  31697. limit
  31698. bad
  31699. huffman
  31700. code
  31701. bad
  31702. dist
  31703. bad
  31704. codelengths
  31705. zlib
  31706. corrupt
  31707. read
  31708. past
  31709. buffer
  31710. bad
  31711. zlib
  31712. header
  31713. no
  31714. preset
  31715. dict
  31716. bad
  31717. png
  31718. sig
  31719. multiple
  31720. IHDR
  31721. bad
  31722. IHDR
  31723. len
  31724. bit
  31725. only
  31726. bad
  31727. ctype
  31728. bad
  31729. comp
  31730. method
  31731. bad
  31732. filter
  31733. method
  31734. bad
  31735. interlace
  31736. method
  31737. -pixel
  31738. image
  31739. first
  31740. not
  31741. IHDR
  31742. invalid
  31743. PLTE
  31744. tRNS
  31745. after
  31746. IDAT
  31747. tRNS
  31748. before
  31749. PLTE
  31750. bad
  31751. tRNS
  31752. len
  31753. tRNS
  31754. with
  31755. alpha
  31756. no
  31757. PLTE
  31758. outofdata
  31759. no
  31760. IDAT
  31761. bad
  31762. req_comp
  31763. bad
  31764. code
  31765. lengths
  31766. expected
  31767. marker
  31768. progressive
  31769. jpeg
  31770. bad
  31771. DRI
  31772. len
  31773. bad
  31774. DQT
  31775. type
  31776. bad
  31777. DQT
  31778. table
  31779. bad
  31780. DHT
  31781. header
  31782. bad
  31783. SOS
  31784. component
  31785. count
  31786. bad
  31787. SOS
  31788. len
  31789. bad
  31790. DC
  31791. huff
  31792. bad
  31793. AC
  31794. huff
  31795. bad
  31796. SOS
  31797. bad
  31798. SOF
  31799. len
  31800. only
  31801. -bit
  31802. no
  31803. header
  31804. height
  31805. width
  31806. bad
  31807. component
  31808. count
  31809. bad
  31810. component
  31811. ID
  31812. bad
  31813. H
  31814. bad
  31815. V
  31816. bad
  31817. TQ
  31818. no
  31819. SOI
  31820. no
  31821. SOF
  31822. unknown
  31823. image
  31824. type
  31825. rb
  31826. can't
  31827. fopen
  31828. %s%s
  31829. %s
  31830. ipak
  31831. file
  31832. does
  31833. not
  31834. contain
  31835. a
  31836. valid
  31837. header:
  31838. %s
  31839. ipak
  31840. does
  31841. not
  31842. contain
  31843. a
  31844. DATA
  31845. section:
  31846. %s
  31847. ipak
  31848. does
  31849. not
  31850. contain
  31851. an
  31852. INDEX
  31853. section:
  31854. %s
  31855. no
  31856. free
  31857. ipak
  31858. slots
  31859. loading
  31860. pak
  31861. %s
  31862. with
  31863. %d
  31864. index
  31865. entries
  31866. ipak_read
  31867. AnimationState
  31868. registerAnimationState
  31869. setRoot
  31870. addElementToC
  31871. addElementBeforeInC
  31872. addElementAfterInC
  31873. removeElement
  31874. removeAllChildren
  31875. isInFocus
  31876. setFocus
  31877. getParent
  31878. getFirstChild
  31879. getLastChild
  31880. getNextSibling
  31881. getPreviousSibling
  31882. getNumChildren
  31883. getPriority
  31884. setPriority
  31885. setLayoutCached
  31886. setTextInC
  31887. setImage
  31888. setRGB
  31889. setAlpha
  31890. setFont
  31891. setSpacing
  31892. setAlignment
  31893. setZoom
  31894. setXRot
  31895. setYRot
  31896. setZRot
  31897. setScale
  31898. setShaderVector
  31899. setUIDWindow
  31900. getLocalRect
  31901. getRect
  31902. setLeftRight
  31903. setTopBottom
  31904. getAnimationFraction
  31905. getUseStencil
  31906. setUseStencil
  31907. setUseGameTime
  31908. animateToState
  31909. beginAnimation
  31910. completeAnimation
  31911. getHeight
  31912. applyElementTransform
  31913. undoElementTransform
  31914. RootPixelsToUnits
  31915. setBlur
  31916. getShaderVector
  31917. setOwnerControllerIndex
  31918. setupUIElement
  31919. setupUIImage
  31920. setupBitchinFX
  31921. setupUIStreamedImage
  31922. setupUIText
  31923. setupUITightText
  31924. setupUITextUncached
  31925. setupUIHorizontalList
  31926. setupUIVerticalList
  31927. setupHorizontalCompass
  31928. setupPitchMeter
  31929. setupCrosshairDistance
  31930. setupADSContainer
  31931. setupSunFlare
  31932. setupGlobe
  31933. setupTiles
  31934. setTileHorizontally
  31935. setTileVertically
  31936. setupVoipImage
  31937. setupIngameTalkers
  31938. setupEntityContainer
  31939. setEntityContainerClamp
  31940. setEntityContainerFadeWhenTargeted
  31941. setEntityContainerStopUpdating
  31942. setEntityContainerScale
  31943. setEntityContainerScaleClamp
  31944. setupEntityScanning
  31945. setupVisorImage
  31946. setupRTSPOIBar
  31947. setupHUDShaker
  31948. setupRollLevel
  31949. setupPitchLevel
  31950. setupAltitudeValue
  31951. setupDistanceIndicator
  31952. setupAmmoTicks
  31953. setupMovingCrosshair
  31954. setupCompassUnderlay
  31955. setupCompassItems
  31956. setupCompassOverlay
  31957. setupDashes
  31958. setupGameTimer
  31959. setupGameTimerZombie
  31960. setupBombTimer
  31961. setupDemoControls
  31962. setupHighlightReelInformationDisplay
  31963. setupCredit
  31964. setupEliteLegal
  31965. setupLiveStreamLegal
  31966. setupObjectiveProgress
  31967. setupGameMessages
  31968. setupEmblem
  31969. setupEmblemSelector
  31970. setupEmblemCopyWidget
  31971. setupLayerXPosition
  31972. setupLayerYPosition
  31973. setupLayerXScale
  31974. setupLayerYScale
  31975. setupLayerRotation
  31976. setupEdgePointer
  31977. setupWristWatch
  31978. setupColorSwatch
  31979. setupRecentEmblemColors
  31980. setupPlayerHealthEKG
  31981. setupEmblemIcons
  31982. setupVoiceMeter
  31983. setupPlayerEmblemServer
  31984. setupPlayerEmblemByXUID
  31985. setupLeagueEmblem
  31986. setupWiiUReticlePreview
  31987. setupImageViewer
  31988. setupHudElems
  31989. setupLoadingStatusText
  31990. setupLoadingBar
  31991. setupEmblemBackgrounds
  31992. setupMiniIdentity
  31993. setupDrawEmblemById
  31994. setupDrawBackgroundById
  31995. setupCinematicSubtitles
  31996. setupSafeAreaBoundary
  31997. setupEmblemHiddenLayer
  31999. LUI_Main
  32000. luiMemoryReport
  32001. luiRefCountReport
  32002. luiCollectGarbage
  32003. execlua
  32004. runluapostdeploymentfunction
  32005. white
  32006. normalFont
  32007. smallFont
  32008. Engine
  32009. __gc
  32010. LUI_CoD_LuaCall_QuadCache_GC
  32011. T
  32012. CoDRoot
  32013. UIRootFull
  32014. UIRoot%d
  32015. T
  32016. HUD
  32017. T
  32018. ffotdsp
  32019. HUD
  32020. LUIExtra
  32021. LUI_CoD_Render
  32022. LUI_CoD_ProcessEvents
  32023. process_events
  32024. immediate
  32025. LUI_CoD_Layout
  32026. gamepad_sticks
  32027. leftStickDirection
  32028. leftStickMagnitude
  32029. rightStickDirection
  32030. rightStickMagnitude
  32031. %s
  32032. mousemove
  32033. rootName
  32034. d
  32035. controller
  32036. x
  32037. y
  32038. mousedown
  32039. mouseup
  32040. left
  32041. right
  32042. button
  32043. key_bound
  32044. dpad
  32045. up
  32046. mwheel
  32047. down
  32048. primary
  32049. secondary
  32050. alt
  32051. alt
  32052. select
  32053. start
  32054. shoulderl
  32055. shoulderr
  32056. right_trigger
  32057. right_stick_pressed
  32058. gamepad_button
  32059. qualifier
  32060. LUI_CollectGarbage
  32061. Job
  32062. LUI_CollectGarbage
  32063. UI
  32064. string
  32065. clientNum
  32066. xuid
  32067. tagprefix
  32068. clantag
  32069. gamertag
  32070. clean_gamertag
  32071. leagueTeamID
  32072. rank
  32073. prestige
  32074. rankIcon
  32075. isLocal
  32076. isHost
  32077. isGuest
  32078. isInParty
  32079. subparty
  32080. team
  32081. isReady
  32082. score
  32083. leagueTeamMemberCount
  32084. mapPackFlags
  32085. missingMapPacks
  32086. clanname
  32087. clanmotto
  32088. clanmotd
  32089. clanlevel
  32090. clanxp
  32091. NONE
  32092. socialPlatform
  32093. socialFacebook
  32094. socialElite
  32095. socialName
  32096. url
  32097. http://callofduty
  32098. com/elite
  32099. teamID
  32100. customClass
  32101. cacLoadout_sp
  32103. hud_update_bit_%
  32104. hud_update_vehicledata
  32105. thrust
  32106. roll
  32107. hud_update_vehicle
  32108. stationary_turret
  32109. hud_update_actionslots_ammo
  32110. slotIndex
  32111. hud_update_actionslots
  32112. actionSlotData
  32113. aspectRatio
  32114. hasSelectFireAttachment
  32115. hud_update_offhand
  32116. lethal
  32117. tactical
  32118. hud_update_fuel
  32119. fuelPercent
  32120. ammoStock
  32121. lowFuel
  32122. hud_update_overheat
  32123. heatPercent
  32124. overheat
  32125. hud_update_ammo
  32126. ammoInClip
  32127. lowClip
  32128. ammoInDWClip
  32129. lowDWClip
  32130. hud_update_weapon
  32131. on
  32132. inventorytype
  32133. fireTypeMaterial
  32134. hud_update_weapon_select
  32135. weaponDisplayName
  32136. attachmentDisplayName
  32137. attachmentDisplayName
  32138. attachmentDisplayName
  32139. streamed_image_ready
  32140. streamed_image_timed_out
  32141. list_scroll
  32142. menu_mp_pip_outline
  32143. menu_mp_pip_blue
  32144. menu_mp_pip_green
  32145. menu_mp_pip_red
  32146. entity_container_clamped
  32147. entity_container_unclamped
  32148. scan_begin
  32149. scan_complete
  32150. scan_reset
  32151. LUIElement_AmmoTicksRender
  32152. countdown_low
  32153. credits_done
  32154. credits_ps
  32155. getinfo
  32156. getlocal
  32157. getregistry
  32158. getupvalue
  32159. setlocal
  32160. setfname
  32161. setupvalue
  32162. traceback
  32163. c_breakpoint
  32164. debug_inspect
  32165. emit_struct
  32166. global_memoization
  32167. read_bytecode_inplace
  32168. read_bytecode_ref
  32169. read_bytecode_normal
  32170. 'global_memoization'
  32171. KoreInternal_GCFinalizerState
  32172. shieldImpactBulletShakeScale
  32173. shieldImpactBulletShakeDuration
  32174. shieldImpactMissileShakeScale
  32175. shieldImpactMissileShakeDuration
  32176. shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeScale
  32177. shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeDuration
  32178. shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeScale
  32179. shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeDuration
  32180. shieldImpactExplosionThreshold
  32181. shieldDeployShakeScale
  32182. shieldDeployShakeDuration
  32183. riotshield_deploy_limit_radius
  32184. riotshield_bullet_damage_scale
  32185. riotshield_explosive_damage_scale
  32186. riotshield_melee_damage_scale
  32187. riotshield_projectile_damage_scale
  32188. riotshield_deployed_health
  32189. riotshield_destroyed_cleanup_time
  32190. riotshield_deploy_pitch_max
  32191. riotshield_deploy_roll_max
  32192. riotshield_deploy_zdiff_max
  32193. riotshield_assist_time
  32194. riotshield_damage_score_threshold
  32195. riotshield_damage_score_max
  32196. shieldBlastDamageProtection_
  32197. shieldBlastDamageProtection_
  32198. shieldBlastDamageProtection_
  32199. shieldBlastDamageProtection_
  32200. shieldPlayerBulletProtectionDegrees
  32201. t_wpn_shield_carry_world
  32202. t_wpn_shield_stow_world
  32203. AdjustMovers
  32204. RestoreMovers
  32205. setup_token_decoder
  32206. get_free_fb
  32207. vpdx_receive_compressed_data
  32208. LZO-Professional
  32209. Markus
  32210. Franz
  32211. Xaver
  32212. Johannes
  32213. Oberhumer
  32214. <
  32216. LZO-Professional
  32217. (INFO?)----------------------------------------------
  32218. $Info:
  32219. powerpc
  32220. ilp
  32221. be
  32222. posix
  32223. unknown
  32224. default
  32225. gcc
  32226. SNC
  32227. g++
  32228. ----------------------------------------------
  32229. R_AllocDynamicVertexBuffer
  32230. cod_matureduck
  32231. R_Cinematic_GetPathFromFilename
  32232. R_Cinematic_GetPathFromFilename
  32233. R_Cinematic_GetMovieTypeAndPath
  32234. R_Cinematic_StartPlayback_Internal
  32235. zm/matureDuckTable
  32236. csv
  32237. sp/matureDuckTable
  32238. csv
  32239. R_Cinematic_UpdateFrame
  32240. bik_
  32241. R_Cinematic_StartPlayback
  32242. launch_async_bink_draw
  32243. cinematicTextures
  32244. R_Cinematic_MakeBinkTexture
  32245. launch_async_bink_draw
  32246. R_Cinematic_Advance
  32247. BinkDoFrameAsyncWait
  32248. R_Cinematic
  32249. ?sceneDobj
  32250. addsurfaces
  32251. r_sceneents_dobj
  32252. sceneModel
  32253. addsurfaces
  32254. r_sceneents_model
  32255. sceneDynEnt
  32256. addsurfaces
  32257. r_sceneents_dynent
  32258. sceneBrush
  32259. addsurfaces
  32260. r_sceneents_brush
  32261. glassBrush
  32262. addsurfaces
  32263. r_sceneents_glassbrush
  32264. sceneDynBrush
  32265. addsurfaces
  32266. r_sceneents_dynbrush
  32267. wait
  32268. r_sceneents_*
  32269. R_AddAllSceneEntSurfacesCamera
  32270. R_AddAllSceneEntSurfacesRangeSunShadow
  32271. More
  32272. than
  32273. %i
  32274. queued
  32275. portals
  32276. more
  32277. than
  32278. %i
  32279. queued
  32280. portals
  32281. More
  32282. than
  32283. %i
  32284. points
  32285. on
  32286. a
  32287. clipped
  32288. portal's
  32289. convex
  32290. hull
  32291. R_InitSceneBuffers
  32292. R_DpvsGetVisibleCells
  32293. ra
  32294. FX
  32295. MJPEG
  32296. VP
  32297. flash
  32298. penetrable
  32299. materials
  32300. flash
  32301. non-penetrable
  32302. materials
  32303. Black
  32304. Unchanged
  32305. White
  32306. Gray
  32307. Linear
  32308. Gray
  32309. sRGB
  32310. Intensity
  32311. Intensity
  32312. Intensity
  32313. Intensity
  32314. Intensity
  32315. Intensity
  32316. Intensity
  32317. Intensity
  32318. Intensity
  32319. Intensity
  32320. Intensity
  32321. Intensity
  32322. Intensity
  32323. Intensity
  32324. Intensity
  32325. Intensity
  32326. Intensity
  32327. Intensity
  32328. Intensity
  32329. Intensity
  32330. Intensity
  32331. Intensity
  32332. Intensity
  32333. Intensity
  32334. Intensity
  32335. Intensity
  32336. Intensity
  32337. Intensity
  32338. Intensity
  32339. Intensity
  32340. Intensity
  32341. Matte
  32342. Smooth
  32343. Matte
  32344. Rough
  32345. Shiny
  32346. Smooth
  32347. Shiny
  32348. Rough
  32349. al
  32350. basisTangent
  32351. basisBinormal
  32352. basisNormal
  32353. lmapDir
  32354. average
  32355. high
  32356. um
  32357. lowest
  32358. rendered
  32359. mip
  32360. (solid)
  32361. rendered
  32362. mip
  32363. (dotted
  32364. w/
  32365. loaded
  32366. mip)
  32367. mtl
  32368. max
  32369. memory
  32370. usage
  32371. mtl
  32372. current
  32373. memory
  32374. usage
  32375. static
  32376. models
  32377. off(with
  32378. fx)
  32379. pre
  32380. viewmodel
  32381. post
  32382. viewmodel
  32383. post
  32384. blur
  32385. r_fontResolution
  32386. r_resolution
  32387. r_clipCodec
  32388. r_clipSize
  32389. r_clipFPS
  32390. r_fullscreen
  32391. r_convergence
  32392. r_texFilterAnisoMax
  32393. r_texMipFading
  32394. r_fullbright
  32395. r_debugShader
  32396. r_debugPerformance
  32397. r_lightConflicts
  32398. r_zebrastripe
  32399. r_lodScaleRigid
  32400. r_lodBiasRigid
  32401. r_lodScaleSkinned
  32402. r_lodBiasSkinned
  32403. r_skinnedCacheOverflowLodMaxScale
  32404. r_skinnedCacheOverflowLodScaleDecay
  32405. r_autoLodScale
  32406. r_znear
  32407. r_zfar
  32408. r_fog
  32409. r_occlusionReports
  32410. r_occlusionPatchWorker
  32411. r_msaaPostEffects
  32412. r_dynamicResolution
  32413. r_lightMapSecondary
  32414. r_lightMapFilterDisable
  32415. r_colorMap
  32416. r_normalMap
  32417. r_drawLitDrawlists
  32418. r_drawLightmapDrawlists
  32419. r_specularGlossMap
  32420. r_resampleScene
  32421. r_showPenetration
  32422. r_showLightGrid
  32423. r_showLightingOrigins
  32424. r_showMissingLightGrid
  32425. r_showReflectionProbeSelection
  32426. r_lightTweakAmbient
  32427. r_lightTweakSunLight
  32428. r_lightTweakAmbientColor
  32429. r_lightTweakSunColor
  32430. r_lightTweakSunDiffuseColor
  32431. r_lightTweakSunDirection
  32432. r_showSunDirectionDebug
  32433. r_showOutdoorVolumeDebug
  32434. r_materialXYZ
  32435. r_norefresh
  32436. r_scaleViewport
  32437. r_vsync
  32438. r_vsyncThreshold
  32439. r_clearColor
  32440. r_clearColor
  32441. r_viewportBackingColor
  32442. r_dlightLimit
  32443. r_dobjLimit
  32444. r_modelLimit
  32445. r_brushLimit
  32446. r_spotLightShadows
  32447. r_spotLightSModelShadows
  32448. r_spotLightEntityShadows
  32449. r_flashLightFovInnerFraction
  32450. r_flashLightStartRadius
  32451. r_flashLightEndRadius
  32452. r_flashLightShadows
  32453. r_flashLightBrightness
  32454. r_flashLightOffset
  32455. r_flashLightRange
  32456. r_flashLightColor
  32457. r_flashLightBobAmount
  32458. r_flashLightBobRate
  32459. r_flashLightSpecularScale
  32460. r_flashLightFlickerAmount
  32461. r_flashLightFlickerRate
  32462. r_drawWater
  32463. r_lockPvs
  32464. r_lockPvsInCode
  32465. r_skipPvs
  32466. r_singleCell
  32467. r_showForcedInvisibleCells
  32468. r_portalWalkLimit
  32469. r_portalMinRecurseDepth
  32470. r_enableOccluders
  32471. r_highLodDist
  32472. r_mediumLodDist
  32473. r_lowLodDist
  32474. r_lowestLodDist
  32475. r_forceLod
  32476. sm_sunEnable
  32477. sm_sunQuality
  32478. sm_spotQuality
  32479. sm_spotEnable
  32480. sm_maxLights
  32481. sm_spotShadowFadeTime
  32482. sm_sunAlwaysCastsShadow
  32483. sm_sunSampleSizeNear
  32484. sm_sunShadowCenter
  32485. sm_sunShadowScale
  32486. sm_sunShadowSmall
  32487. sm_sunShadowSmallEnable
  32488. r_flameScaler
  32489. r_zombieDisableSlideEffect
  32490. r_zombieDisableEarthEffect
  32491. r_zombieNameAllowFriendsList
  32492. r_zombieNameAllowDevList
  32493. r_backBufferSize
  32494. r_backBufferSizeY
  32495. sm_spotShadowLargeRadiusScale
  32496. sm_strictCull
  32497. sm_fastSunShadow
  32498. r_stream
  32499. r_streamClear
  32500. r_streamProfile
  32501. r_streamFakeLagMsec
  32502. r_streamShowList
  32503. r_streamSize
  32504. r_streamPaint
  32505. r_streamFreezeState
  32506. r_streamHiddenPush
  32507. r_streamLowDetail
  32508. r_stereoDAvailable
  32509. r_stereoDOn
  32510. r_stereoDMode
  32511. r_stereoDEyeSeparation
  32512. r_stereoDEyeSeparationScaler
  32513. r_stereoFocusDepth
  32514. r_stereoGunShift
  32515. r_stereoTurretShift
  32516. r_dualPlayEnable
  32517. r_dualPlayActive
  32518. r_dualPlayTestCount
  32519. r_blur
  32520. r_flame_allowed
  32521. t
  32522. r_filmTweakLut
  32523. r_forceCameraNode
  32524. r_forceCameraHdg
  32525. r_forceCamerarecord
  32526. r_enablePlayerShadow
  32527. r_enableFlashlight
  32528. r_waterFogTest
  32529. r_contrast
  32530. r_brightness
  32531. r_desaturation
  32532. r_filmTweakBrightness
  32533. r_filmTweakDesaturation
  32534. r_filmTweakInvert
  32535. r_filmUseTweaks
  32536. r_filmTweakEnable
  32537. exp_softclip
  32538. IB
  32539. IG
  32540. IW
  32541. OB
  32542. OW
  32543. H
  32544. L
  32545. r_bloomTweaks
  32546. r_bloomHiQuality
  32547. r_zombieDarkness
  32548. S
  32549. E
  32550. MR
  32551. MG
  32552. MB
  32553. MR
  32554. MG
  32555. MB
  32556. MR
  32557. MG
  32558. MB
  32559. GM
  32560. SM
  32561. BM
  32562. vc_LUT
  32563. vc_SNAP
  32564. nt
  32565. r_superFlareDraw
  32566. r_waterWaveAngle
  32567. r_waterWaveWavelength
  32568. r_waterWaveAmplitude
  32569. r_waterWavePhase
  32570. r_waterWaveSteepness
  32571. r_waterWaveSpeed
  32572. r_waterWaveBase
  32573. r_waterWaveNormalScale
  32574. r_waterWaveScriptShader
  32575. r_waterWaveScriptShader
  32576. r_dof_enable
  32577. r_dof_tweak
  32578. r_dof_nearBlur
  32579. r_dof_farBlur
  32580. r_dof_viewModelStart
  32581. r_dof_viewModelEnd
  32582. r_dof_nearStart
  32583. r_dof_nearEnd
  32584. r_dof_farStart
  32585. r_dof_farEnd
  32586. r_dof_bias
  32587. r_dof_showdebug
  32588. r_stencilDepthHack
  32589. r_verifyStencilInUse
  32590. r_flameFX_distortionScaleFactor
  32591. r_flameFX_magnitude
  32592. r_flameFX_FPS
  32593. r_flameFX_fadeDuration
  32594. r_waterSheetingFX_allowed
  32595. r_waterSheetingFX_enable
  32596. r_waterSheetingFX_distortionScaleFactor
  32597. r_waterSheetingFX_magnitude
  32598. r_waterSheetingFX_radius
  32599. r_anaglyphFX_enable
  32600. r_rimIntensity_debug
  32601. r_rimIntensity
  32602. r_genericSceneVector_debug
  32603. r_genericSceneVector
  32604. r_genericSceneVector
  32605. r_genericSceneVector
  32606. r_genericSceneVector
  32607. r_reviveFX_debug
  32608. n
  32609. t
  32610. t
  32611. t
  32612. r_poisonFX_debug_enable
  32613. r_poisonFX_pulse
  32614. r_poisonFX_dvisionX
  32615. r_poisonFX_blurMin
  32616. r_poisonFX_blurMax
  32617. r_zbufferDebug
  32618. r_zbufferDebugRange
  32619. r_fogTweak
  32620. r_fogBaseDist
  32621. r_fogHalfDist
  32622. r_fogBaseHeight
  32623. r_fogHalfHeight
  32624. r_fogColor
  32625. r_fogOpacity
  32626. r_fogSunColor
  32627. r_fogSunOpacity
  32628. r_fogSunPitch
  32629. r_fogSunYaw
  32630. r_fogSunInner
  32631. r_fogSunOuter
  32632. r_exposureTweak
  32633. r_exposureValue
  32634. r_finalShiftX
  32635. r_finalShiftY
  32636. th
  32637. r_lightGridEnableTweaks
  32638. r_lightGridIntensity
  32639. r_lightGridContrast
  32640. r_heroLighting
  32641. r_heroLightScale
  32642. r_num_viewports
  32643. r_outdoorAwayBias
  32644. r_outdoorDownBias
  32645. r_outdoorFeather
  32646. r_sun_from_dvars
  32647. r
  32648. s
  32649. r_superflare_drawlist
  32650. r_grassEnable
  32651. r_skyTransition
  32652. r_skyRotation
  32653. r_shaderDebugA
  32654. r_shaderDebugB
  32655. r_shaderDebugC
  32656. r_enableCubicUpsample
  32657. r_cubicUpsampleParam
  32658. r_skyColorTemp
  32659. r_blinkLitQuasiOpaque
  32660. r_blinkTrans
  32661. r_blinkLayers
  32662. r_blinkCullNone
  32663. r_fullPrepass
  32664. r_lightmapOnlyBspSurfs
  32665. r_lightmapOnlySModelSurfs
  32666. r_lightmapOnlyEntSurfs
  32667. r_sortDrawSurfsBsp
  32668. r_sortDrawSurfsStaticModel
  32669. r_sortBackToFront
  32670. r_swrk_override_characterCharredAmount
  32671. r_swrk_override_characterDissolveColor
  32672. r_swrk_override_wetness
  32673. r_debugShowPrimaryLights
  32674. r_debugShowDynamicLights
  32675. r_debugShowCoronas
  32676. r_debugMetalStorm
  32677. r_disableGenericFilter
  32678. r_drawDebugFogParams
  32679. r_seethru_decal_enable
  32680. r_tension_enable
  32681. r_uid_debug_display
  32682. r_uid_use_debug_values
  32683. r_uid_x
  32684. r_uid_y
  32685. r_uid_w
  32686. r_uid_h
  32687. r_multi_extracam_debug
  32688. r_missile_cam_debug_display
  32689. r_extracam_custom_aspectratio
  32690. r_extracam_lod_scale
  32691. r_qrcode_debug_display
  32692. r_qrcode_debug_display_size
  32693. r_shader_constant_set_debug_range
  32694. r_shader_constant_set_enable
  32695. r_sky_intensity_showDebugDisplay
  32696. r_sky_intensity_angle
  32697. r_sky_intensity_angle
  32698. r_sky_intensity_factor
  32699. r_sky_intensity_factor
  32700. r_fog_disable
  32701. r_grassWindForceEnable
  32702. r_dpvs_useCellForceInvisibleBits
  32703. r_remotescreen_renderlastframe
  32704. r_vc_compile
  32705. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  32708. $shadowmap_sun
  32709. $shadowmap_spot
  32710. $floatz
  32711. $processed_floatz
  32712. $raw_floatz
  32713. $post_effect_src
  32714. $post_effect_
  32715. $post_effect_
  32716. $pingpong_
  32717. $pingpong_
  32718. $resolved_scene
  32719. $scene
  32720. $half_resampled_scene
  32721. $savedscreen
  32722. $model_lighting
  32723. $resolved_secondary
  32724. $lut
  32725. $uid
  32726. $uid_ping_pong
  32727. $missilecam
  32728. $floatz_missilecam
  32729. $sonar
  32730. $sonar_blur
  32731. $sonar_depth
  32732. $composite
  32733. $dof_scene_fp
  32734. $black
  32735. $blank
  32736. $gray
  32737. $lineargray
  32738. $identitynormalmap
  32739. $whitetransparent
  32740. $blacktransparent
  32741. texture
  32742. '%s'
  32743. has
  32744. mipmaps
  32745. ---------------------------------------------lmao
  32746. This
  32747. is
  32748. not
  32749. allowed
  32750. by
  32751. order
  32752. of
  32753. the
  32754. PS
  32755. Memory
  32756. Police
  32757. ---------------------------------------------lmao
  32758. Z%Pfonts/%d/%s
  32759. R_ReserveCallbackReplacement
  32760. R_ReserveCallbackReplacement
  32761. R_InitGcmMemory
  32762. ZMLmarkfragments
  32763. worldbrushes
  32764. markfragments
  32765. entbrushes
  32766. markfragments
  32767. glass
  32768. markfragments
  32769. scenedobj
  32770. markfragments
  32771. viewmodeldobj
  32772. markfragments
  32773. smodel
  32774. R_MarkFragments_Goe
  32775. $additive_nodepth
  32776. $glare_blind
  32777. $line_nodepth
  32778. $blend
  32779. $blend_nodepth
  32780. debug_sphere_exterior
  32781. debug_sphere_interior
  32782. light_corona
  32783. clear_alpha
  32784. clear_alpha_stencil
  32785. set_alpha
  32786. depthprepass
  32787. shadowclear
  32788. shadowcaster
  32789. shadowoverlay
  32790. stencilshadow
  32791. stencildisplay
  32792. floatz_display
  32793. $fxaa
  32794. z
  32795. ck
  32796. shellshock_flashed
  32797. color_channel_mixer
  32798. frame_color_debug
  32799. frame_alpha_debug
  32800. feedbackblend
  32801. feedbackfilmblend
  32802. feedbackreplace
  32803. $ps_aadownsample
  32804. dof_downsample
  32805. dof_near_coc
  32806. small_blur
  32807. postfx_dof
  32808. postfx_dof_fast
  32809. postfx_dof_color
  32810. zombie_darkness
  32811. revivefx
  32812. postfx_color
  32813. postfx
  32814. filter_symmetric_
  32815. filter_symmetric_
  32816. filter_symmetric_
  32817. filter_symmetric_
  32818. filter_symmetric_
  32819. filter_symmetric_
  32820. filter_symmetric_
  32821. filter_symmetric_
  32822. poison
  32823. anaglyph
  32824. resample_final
  32825. resample_hdr
  32826. resample_cubic_final
  32827. resample_shift
  32828. resample_matrix
  32829. bloom_downsample
  32830. bloom_downsample_hq
  32831. bloom_downsample_convolution
  32832. bloom_downsample_convolution_hq
  32833. bloom_remap
  32834. bloom_combine_hilo
  32835. bloom_blur_x
  32836. bloom_blur_y
  32837. bloom_apply
  32838. bloom_apply_hq
  32839. bloom_apply_null
  32840. bloom_apply_thermal
  32841. create_lutdv
  32842. apply_lutd
  32843. ps_reload_zcull
  32844. composite_result
  32845. mc/infrared_white
  32846. mc/sonar_character
  32847. mc/sonar_attachment_character
  32848. mc/hud_outline_model
  32849. mc/hud_outline_model_green
  32850. mc/hud_outline_model_orange
  32851. mc
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