
chips mario global robot

Jan 15th, 2018
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  2. set "spr20_off" to 1
  3. playercolor is c00
  4. lockplayer
  5. goto "#init"
  7. set "mariopx" to "('PLAYERX'*8*16)"
  8. set "mariopy" to "('PLAYERY'*14*16)"
  9. set "mariocheckpx" to "mariopx"
  10. set "mariocheckpy" to "mariopy"
  11. set "mariovx" to 0
  12. set "mariovy" to 0
  13. set "camerax" to 0
  14. set "mariodir" to 0
  16. : "gameloop"
  17. inc "frames" by 1
  18. set "alreadybounce" to 0
  20. set "runspeed" to "(('key42'o'key54'o'key44')?64:32)"
  22. set "marioframe" to 0
  23. if "key75" = 0 then "notleft"
  24. dec "mariopx" by "runspeed"
  25. set "mariodir" to 1
  26. : "notleft"
  27. if "key77" = 0 then "notright"
  28. inc "mariopx" by "runspeed"
  29. set "mariodir" to 0
  30. : "notright"
  32. . "check for side collisions"
  33. set "marioby" to "('mariopy'>>4+8/14)"
  34. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "('mariopx'>>4+1/8)" "marioby" then "#hitleft"
  35. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "('mariopx'>>4+15/8)" "marioby" then "#hitright"
  36. set "marioby" to "('mariopy'>>4+26/14)"
  37. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "('mariopx'>>4+1/8)" "marioby" then "#hitleft"
  38. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "('mariopx'>>4+15/8)" "marioby" then "#hitright"
  41. . "add gravity"
  42. inc "mariovy" by 4
  44. set "marioby" to "('mariopy'+'mariovy'>>4+27/14)"
  45. set "mariobx" to "('mariopx'>>4+1/8)"
  46. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#hitground"
  47. set "mariobx" to "('mariopx'>>4+14/8)"
  48. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#hitground"
  50. . "check top"
  51. set "marioby" to "('mariopy'+'mariovy'>>4+8/14)"
  52. set "mariobx" to "('mariopx'>>4+1/8)"
  53. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#hitceiling"
  54. set "mariobx" to "('mariopx'>>4+14/8)"
  55. if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#hitceiling"
  57. inc "mariopy" by "mariovy"
  59. . "check for coins"
  60. set "marioby" to "('mariopy'>>4+14/14)"
  61. set "mariobx" to "('mariopx'>>4+1/8)"
  62. if c?? CustomFloor p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#touchmiddle"
  63. if c?? Tree p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#touchtree"
  64. set "mariobx" to "('mariopx'>>4+14/8)"
  65. if c?? CustomFloor p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#touchmiddle"
  66. if c?? Tree p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "#touchtree"
  68. if "mariopy" < "(25*14*16)" then "nodiepit"
  69. : "mariodie"
  70. mod fade out
  71. wait for 10
  72. play "&smw_lost_a_life.wav&"
  73. wait for 200
  74. mod fade in "*"
  75. set "mariopx" to "mariocheckpx"
  76. set "mariopy" to "mariocheckpy"
  77. set "mariovy" to 0
  78. : "nodiepit"
  81. . "adjust camera"
  82. set "targetx" to "('mariopx'-(320*16)-'camerax'>>>2)"
  83. inc "camerax" by "targetx"
  84. set "camerax" to "('camerax'<0?0:'camerax')"
  86. set "local1" to "('BOARD_W'-80*8*16)"
  87. set "camerax" to "('camerax'>'local1'?'local1':'camerax')"
  88. set "local1" to "('camerax'>>>4)"
  89. set "spr1_x" to "(-('local1'%8))"
  90. set "spr1_refx" to "('local1'/8)"
  92. . "display"
  93. set "mariorx" to "('mariopx'-'camerax'>>4)"
  94. set "mariory" to "('mariopy'>>4)"
  96. if "('frames'a8>0a('key75'o'key77'))" = 0 then "notwalk"
  97. set "marioframe" to 1
  98. : "notwalk"
  100. if "('mariovy'>>>4)" < 0 then "#jumpframe"
  101. if "('mariovy'>>>4)" > 0 then "#fallframe"
  103. set "layer" to 10
  104. : "layerset"
  105. set "spr&layer&_x" to "mariorx"
  106. set "spr&layer&_y" to "mariory"
  107. set "spr&layer&_refx" to "('marioframe'<<1)"
  108. set "spr&layer&_offset" to "('mariodir'<<8+256)"
  109. inc "layer" by 1
  110. if "layer" != 19 then "layerset"
  112. cycle 1
  113. goto "gameloop"
  116. : "#hitleft"
  117. inc "mariopx" by "runspeed"
  118. goto "#return"
  120. : "#hitright"
  121. dec "mariopx" by "runspeed"
  122. goto "#return"
  124. : "#hitground"
  125. if "alreadybounce" = 1 then "#return"
  126. if c?? CustomBlock pd2 at "mariobx" "marioby" then "bouncenote"
  127. if c?? CustomBlock pd3 at "mariobx" "marioby" then "bouncenote"
  128. set "mariovy" to 0
  129. if "('key57'o'key45')" = 0 then "notjump"
  130. play "&smw_jump.wav&"
  131. set "mariovy" to -96
  132. : "notjump"
  133. goto "#return"
  135. : "bouncenote"
  136. play "&smw_spring_jump.wav&"
  137. if "('key57'o'key45')" = 1 then "higherjump"
  138. set "mariovy" to -96
  139. set "alreadybounce" to 1
  140. goto "#return"
  141. : "higherjump"
  142. set "mariovy" to -140
  143. set "alreadybounce" to 1
  144. goto "#return"
  146. : "#jumpframe"
  147. set "marioframe" to 2
  148. goto "#return"
  149. : "#fallframe"
  150. set "marioframe" to 3
  151. goto "#return"
  153. : "#hitceiling"
  154. inc "mariopy" by 10
  155. set "mariovy" to -5
  156. if c?? CustomBlock pcc at "mariobx" "marioby" then "breakbrickl"
  157. if c?? CustomBlock pcd at "mariobx" "marioby" then "breakbrickr"
  158. if c?? CustomBlock pc8 at "mariobx" "marioby" then "openprizel"
  159. if c?? CustomBlock pc9 at "mariobx" "marioby" then "openprizer"
  160. goto "#return"
  162. : "breakbrickl"
  163. play "&smw_break_block.wav&"
  164. : "destroyl"
  165. put c00 Space p00 at "mariobx" "marioby"
  166. put c00 Space p00 at "('mariobx'+1)" "marioby"
  167. goto "#return"
  168. : "breakbrickr"
  169. play "&smw_break_block.wav&"
  170. : "destroyr"
  171. put c00 Space p00 at "mariobx" "marioby"
  172. put c00 Space p00 at "('mariobx'-1)" "marioby"
  173. goto "#return"
  174. : "openprizel"
  175. play "&smw_coin.wav&"
  176. inc "COINS" by 1
  177. put ca9 CustomBlock pce at "mariobx" "marioby"
  178. put ca9 CustomBlock pcf at "('mariobx'+1)" "marioby"
  179. goto "#return"
  180. : "openprizer"
  181. play "&smw_coin.wav&"
  182. inc "COINS" by 1
  183. put ca9 CustomBlock pce at "('mariobx'-1)" "marioby"
  184. put ca9 CustomBlock pcf at "mariobx" "marioby"
  185. goto "#return"
  187. : "#touchmiddle"
  188. if c?? CustomFloor pca at "mariobx" "marioby" then "getcoinl"
  189. if c?? CustomFloor pcb at "mariobx" "marioby" then "getcoinr"
  190. goto "#return"
  191. : "getcoinl"
  192. play "&smw_coin.wav&"
  193. inc "COINS" by 1
  194. goto "destroyl"
  195. : "getcoinr"
  196. play "&smw_coin.wav&"
  197. inc "COINS" by 1
  198. goto "destroyr"
  200. : "#touchtree"
  201. if c0b Tree p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "level1"
  202. if c0a Tree p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "level2"
  203. if c05 Tree p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "level3"
  204. if c06 Tree p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "level4"
  205. if c01 Tree p?? at "mariobx" "marioby" then "lobby"
  206. goto "#return"
  207. : "level1"
  208. teleport player to "dorito land" at 10 19
  209. goto "#return"
  210. : "level2"
  211. teleport player to "frito land" at 11 15
  212. goto "#return"
  213. : "level3"
  214. teleport player to "cheetos land" at 3 13
  215. goto "#return"
  216. : "level4"
  217. teleport player to "sun chips land" at 49 17
  218. goto "#return"
  219. : "lobby"
  220. teleport player to "Lobby" at 38 19
  221. goto "#return"
  224. . "------------------------------------------------------------"
  225. : "#init"
  226. set "COMMANDS" to 32000
  227. set "MZX_SPEED" to 2
  228. load char set "@256mario.chr"
  229. load char set "@512mario2.chr"
  231. . "Put mario layers in the vlayer"
  232. set "layer" to 0
  233. : "layerloop"
  234. set "clayer" to 0
  235. : "clayerloop"
  236. set "layeroffset" to "('layer'*2)"
  237. set "vx" to "('clayer'/2)"
  238. set "vy" to "('clayer'a1+'layeroffset')"
  239. set "vch&vx&,&vy&" to "('layer'*16+'clayer')"
  240. set "vco&vx&,&vy&" to "('layer'+1)"
  242. inc "clayer" by 1
  243. if "clayer" != 16 then "clayerloop"
  244. inc "layer" by 1
  245. if "layer" != 9 then "layerloop"
  247. set "sprnum" to 10
  248. : "spritemake"
  249. set "spr&sprnum&_refx" to 0
  250. set "spr&sprnum&_refy" to "('sprnum'-10*2)"
  251. set "spr&sprnum&_width" to 2
  252. set "spr&sprnum&_height" to 2
  253. set "spr&sprnum&_vlayer" to 1
  254. set "spr&sprnum&_unbound" to 1
  255. set "spr&sprnum&_offset" to 256
  256. put c?? Sprite "sprnum" at 50 50
  258. inc "sprnum" by 1
  259. if "sprnum" != 19 then "spritemake"
  261. . "get scrolling background ready"
  262. set "local1" to 80
  263. set "local2" to 0
  264. : "fillvlayer1"
  265. set "vco&local1&,&local2&" to 0
  266. set "vch&local1&,&local2&" to 219
  267. inc "local1" by 1
  268. if "local1" != 160 then "fillvlayer1"
  269. set "local1" to 80
  270. inc "local2" by 1
  271. if "local2" != 25 then "fillvlayer2"
  273. set "spr0_refx" to 80
  274. set "spr0_refy" to 0
  275. set "spr0_width" to 80
  276. set "spr0_height" to 25
  277. set "spr0_unbound" to 1
  278. set "spr0_vlayer" to 1
  279. set "spr0_tcol" to 1
  280. put c?? Sprite p00 at 0 0
  281. set "spr1_refx" to 0
  282. set "spr1_refy" to 0
  283. set "spr1_width" to 81
  284. set "spr1_height" to 25
  285. set "spr1_unbound" to 1
  286. put c?? Sprite p01 at 0 0
  288. goto "#return"
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