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- #SingleInstance,Force
- #NoTrayIcon
- SetBatchLines,-1
- Gui,Add,Text,,Filename
- Gui,Add,Edit,vfilename w200,BigSize
- Gui,Add,Text,Section,Size
- Gui,Add,Edit,vfilesize w95,100
- Gui,Add,Text,ys,B/KB/MB/GB/TB
- Gui,Add,DropDownList,vbyte w95,Byte||KiloByte|MegaByte|GigaByte|TerraByte
- Gui,Add,Text,xm,ASCII/Binary
- Gui,Add,DropDownList,vfiletype w200,Binary||ASCII
- Gui,Add,Text,xm,
- Gui,Add,Text,xm vstatus,Please input values and press Create
- Gui,Add,Text,xm,
- Gui,Add,Button,ys ym+20 gCREATE vcreate,Create
- Gui,Show,xCenter yCenter,BigSize by Najeeb S Khan
- Return
- Gui,Submit,NoHide
- If filename=
- {
- GuiControl,,status,Empty filename!
- Return
- }
- If filesize=
- {
- GuiControl,,status,Empty size!
- Return
- }
- If filesize<1
- {
- GuiControl,,status,Too small!
- Return
- }
- size:=filesize
- If byte=KiloByte
- size:=size*1024
- If byte=MegaByte
- size:=size*1024*1024
- If byte=GigaByte
- size:=size*1024*1024*1024
- If byte=TerraByte
- size:=size*1024*1024*1024*1024
- GuiControl,Disable,create,
- GuiControl,,status,Creating file...
- If filetype=ASCII
- {
- size-=1
- type=a
- }
- Else
- {
- type=b
- }
- goal=%size%
- oldcounter=0
- counter=1
- string=
- Loop
- {
- If(counter>goal)
- Break
- RunWait,cmd /c copy /y /%type% %oldcounter% + %oldcounter% %counter%,,Hide
- oldcounter:=counter
- counter:=counter*2
- GuiControl,,status,Creating file %counter%...
- }
- sum=0
- Loop
- {
- counter/=2
- If(goal-counter<0)
- Continue
- If(goal-counter=0)
- Break
- goal-=%counter%
- string=%string% %counter% +
- sum+=%counter%
- GuiControl,,status,Creating file %counter%...
- }
- string=%string% %counter%
- sum+=%counter%
- RunWait,cmd /c copy /y /%type% %string% %filename%,,Hide
- goal=%size%
- counter=1
- Loop
- {
- If(counter>=goal)
- Break
- RunWait,cmd /c del %counter%,,Hide
- counter:=counter*2
- }
- GuiControl,,status,%filesize% %byte% %kind% %filename% created
- GuiControl,Enable,create,
- MsgBox,0,BigByte,%filesize% %byte% %kind% %filename% created
- GuiControl,,status,Please input values and press Create
- Return
- FileDelete,1
- FileAppend,0,1
- If ErrorLevel=1
- {
- MsgBox,Error creating file!
- GuiControl,Enable,create,
- Return
- }
- Return
- hFile:=DllCall("CreateFile","str","1","Uint",0x40000000,"Uint",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",2,"Uint",0,"UInt",0)
- If (ErrorLevel or hFile=-1)
- {
- MsgBox,Error creating file!
- Return
- }
- result:=DllCall("WriteFile","UInt",hFile,"UChar *",0,"UInt",1,"UInt *",BytesActuallyWritten,"UInt",0)
- If (!result or ErrorLevel)
- {
- MsgBox,Error creating file!
- Return
- }
- result:=DllCall("CloseHandle","Uint",hFile)
- If (!result or ErrorLevel)
- {
- MsgBox,Error creating file!
- GuiControl,Enable,create,
- Return
- }
- Return
- GuiClose:
- ExitApp
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