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- .segment "BANK88"
- .include "globals.asm"
- .include "regs.asm"
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9bda
- rtl
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- label_888177:
- rts
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- label_888184:
- rtl
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- rts
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- rts
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- rts
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- dex
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- clc
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- rts
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9bdc
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- dec
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- .byte $60,$f7,$81,$9f,$00
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- sta f:$7e9b92
- sta f:$7e9b90
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9bdc
- rtl
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b82
- rtl
- lda #$0000
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- rtl
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- lda #$0000
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9bde
- sta f:$7e9b92
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- lda #$0000
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- sta f:$7e9d4b
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- rtl
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- lda #$0000
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- .byte $08,$db,$8c,$f9,$00
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- lda #$0000
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- lda #$0002
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- rtl
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b78
- rtl
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- lda #$0000
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- lda #$0002
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- lda #$0000
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- rtl
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- dec
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- lda #$0000
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- sta f:$7e9bdc
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- sta f:$7e9bdc
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9b7a
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- sta f:$7e9b80
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- sta f:$7e9b7e
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- sta f:$7e9b82
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- sta f:$7e9b98
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9bdc
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- sta f:$7e9bfa
- sta f:$7e9bfc
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- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$0070
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda a:$d465,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$006f
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0012
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88be5f
- rts
- label_88be5f:
- lda f:$7e9cef
- clc
- adc a:$d4ad,x
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda #$0017
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88be79
- rts
- label_88be79:
- lda f:$7e9d06
- clc
- adc a:$d4eb,x
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda #$001e
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88be93
- rts
- label_88be93:
- lda f:$7e9d1d
- clc
- adc a:$d529,x
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda #$0024
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bead
- rts
- label_88bead:
- lda f:$7e9d34
- clc
- adc a:$d567,x
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bec7
- rts
- label_88bec7:
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- clc
- adc a:$d5a5,x
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- bne label_88bee2
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- label_88bee2:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0012
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bef7
- rts
- label_88bef7:
- lda f:$7e9cef
- clc
- adc a:$d623,x
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda #$0017
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf11
- rts
- label_88bf11:
- lda f:$7e9d06
- clc
- adc a:$d661,x
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda #$001e
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf2b
- rts
- label_88bf2b:
- lda f:$7e9d1d
- clc
- adc a:$d69f,x
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda #$0024
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf45
- rts
- label_88bf45:
- lda f:$7e9d34
- clc
- adc a:$d6dd,x
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf5f
- rts
- label_88bf5f:
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- clc
- adc a:$d71b,x
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- bne label_88bf7a
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- label_88bf7a:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf82
- rts
- label_88bf82:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda f:$7e9ced
- clc
- adc a:$d799,x
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda f:$7e9cef
- clc
- adc a:$d90f,x
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda f:$7e9d04
- clc
- adc a:$d7d7,x
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda f:$7e9d06
- clc
- adc a:$d94d,x
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda f:$7e9d1b
- clc
- adc a:$d815,x
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9d1d
- clc
- adc a:$d98b,x
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda f:$7e9d32
- clc
- adc a:$d853,x
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9d34
- clc
- adc a:$d9c9,x
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda f:$7e9d49
- clc
- adc a:$d891,x
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- clc
- adc a:$da07,x
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- label_88c011:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- tax
- lda a:$d489,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c02a
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b88
- bra label_88c011
- label_88c02a:
- sta $00
- lda #$006b
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c048
- rts
- label_88c048:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$d5e3,x
- cmp #$8000
- bne label_88c065
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- sta f:$7e9b88
- sta f:$7e9b92
- label_88c065:
- cmp #$7fff
- bne label_88c082
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b92
- lda #$0020
- sta f:$7e9b94
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- label_88c082:
- lda f:$7e9caa
- clc
- adc a:$d5e3,x
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c09d
- rts
- label_88c09d:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$d759,x
- cmp #$8000
- bne label_88c0ba
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- sta f:$7e9b88
- sta f:$7e9b92
- label_88c0ba:
- cmp #$7fff
- bne label_88c0d7
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b92
- lda #$0020
- sta f:$7e9b94
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- label_88c0d7:
- lda f:$7e9caa
- clc
- adc a:$d759,x
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c0eb
- rts
- label_88c0eb:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$da45,x
- cmp #$8000
- bne label_88c108
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- sta f:$7e9b88
- sta f:$7e9b92
- label_88c108:
- cmp #$7fff
- bne label_88c125
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b92
- lda #$0020
- sta f:$7e9b94
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- label_88c125:
- lda f:$7e9ca8
- clc
- adc a:$d8cf,x
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9caa
- clc
- adc a:$da45,x
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda #$0037
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- rts
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- lda f:$7e9e01
- cmp #$ffed
- bne label_88c173
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b90
- lda #$0003
- sta f:$7e9bdc
- lda #$ffed
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- label_88c173:
- dec
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- lda f:$7e9e01
- cmp #$0037
- bne label_88c1a0
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b90
- sta f:$7e9bdc
- sta f:$7e9b8a
- lda #$0037
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- label_88c1a0:
- inc
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- lda #$ffed
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- rts
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00b8
- bne label_88c1cf
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c1c9,x)
- bra label_88c1cf
- word_88c1c9:
- .word $c1d0
- .word $c1df
- .word $c1f0
- label_88c1cf:
- rts
- lda #$00e2
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda #$00c7
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- rts
- lda #$00e2
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$d314,x
- bra label_88c1ff
- lda #$00e2
- sta $cf
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$d365,x
- bra label_88c1ff
- label_88c1ff:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00c7
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
- rts
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0045
- bne label_88c245
- lda f:$7e9b7e
- beq label_88c22f
- jsr label_88c2a2
- bra label_88c245
- label_88c22f:
- sep #$20
- lda #$00
- sta f:$7e9cad
- sta f:$7e9cc4
- sta f:$7e9cdb
- sta f:$7e9cf2
- rep #$20
- label_88c245:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00a1
- bne label_88c267
- lda f:$7e9b80
- beq label_88c259
- jsr label_88c34b
- bra label_88c267
- label_88c259:
- sep #$20
- lda #$00
- sta f:$7e9d09
- sta f:$7e9d20
- rep #$20
- label_88c267:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00cf
- bne label_88c285
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c27b,x)
- bra label_88c285
- word_88c27b:
- .word $c3b4
- .word $c3c3
- .word $c3d6
- .word $c3e8
- .word $c3fa
- label_88c285:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00e6
- bne label_88c2a1
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c299,x)
- bra label_88c2a1
- word_88c299:
- .word $c43c
- .word $c44b
- .word $c45e
- .word $c470
- label_88c2a1:
- rts
- label_88c2a2:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9cad
- sta f:$7e9cc4
- sta f:$7e9cdb
- sta f:$7e9cf2
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b82
- tax
- lda a:$de1d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda a:$de5d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $02
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda #$00b6
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9caa
- lda #$00da
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cbf
- lda #$00ae
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cc1
- lda #$00e6
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cd6
- lda #$00ae
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cd8
- lda #$00f0
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda #$00b8
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda f:$7e9b82
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b82
- rts
- label_88c34b:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9d09
- sta f:$7e9d20
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b84
- tax
- lda a:$ddcd,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $02
- lda a:$dd2d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda a:$dd7d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00ee
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda f:$7e9b84
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b84
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda #$00d1
- sta f:$7e9d34
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$da85,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$daa9,x
- jsr label_88c40d
- lda a:$db3c,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$dbcf,x
- jsr label_88c40d
- lda a:$dc7e,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$de9d,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- label_88c40d:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00de
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d32
- rts
- label_88c420:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00d1
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda #$00d1
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$da85,x
- jsr label_88c495
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$daa9,x
- jsr label_88c482
- lda a:$db3c,x
- jsr label_88c495
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$dbcf,x
- jsr label_88c482
- lda a:$dc7e,x
- jsr label_88c495
- rts
- label_88c482:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00de
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d49
- rts
- label_88c495:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00d1
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- rts
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0045
- bne label_88c4bd
- jsr label_88c554
- label_88c4bd:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0114
- bne label_88c4db
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c4d1
- jsr label_88c587
- bra label_88c4db
- label_88c4d1:
- sep #$20
- lda #$00
- sta f:$7e9d7c
- rep #$20
- label_88c4db:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$012b
- bne label_88c4f9
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c4ef,x)
- bra label_88c4f9
- word_88c4ef:
- .word $c5ba
- .word $c5da
- .word $c5e9
- .word $c5fa
- .word $c60b
- label_88c4f9:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0142
- bne label_88c521
- lda f:$7e9b7e
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c517,x)
- lda f:$7e9be6
- beq label_88c521
- jsl label_88cb27
- bra label_88c521
- word_88c517:
- .word $c632
- .word $c652
- .word $c661
- .word $c672
- .word $c683
- label_88c521:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0159
- bne label_88c539
- lda f:$7e9b82
- beq label_88c539
- jsr label_88c6aa
- jsr label_88c71f
- jsr label_88c78f
- label_88c539:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$019e
- bne label_88c553
- lda f:$7e9b8a
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c54d,x)
- bra label_88c553
- word_88c54d:
- .word $c809
- .word $c842
- .word $c88f
- label_88c553:
- rts
- label_88c554:
- lda #$0070
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c572
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- label_88c572:
- clc
- adc #$003f
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9caa
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- rts
- label_88c587:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9d7c
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9d79
- dec
- sta f:$7e9d79
- lda f:$7e9b98
- tax
- lda a:$e236,x
- and #$00ff
- clc
- adc #$00c4
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d77
- lda f:$7e9b98
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b98
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c5d8
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9bde
- label_88c5d8:
- bra label_88c61a
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda #$00c0
- sta f:$7e9d90
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$debf,x
- bra label_88c61a
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$df27,x
- bra label_88c61a
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$dfe7,x
- label_88c61a:
- and #$00ff
- clc
- adc #$00c0
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d90
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c650
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b80
- label_88c650:
- bra label_88c692
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda #$00c0
- sta f:$7e9da7
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$def3,x
- bra label_88c692
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$df87,x
- bra label_88c692
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$e049,x
- label_88c692:
- and #$00ff
- clc
- adc #$00c0
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9da7
- lda f:$7e9b80
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b80
- rts
- label_88c6aa:
- lda f:$7e9b9a
- beq label_88c6ba
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b9a
- cmp #$0002
- bcc label_88c71e
- label_88c6ba:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9dc1
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c6d7
- lda #$0000
- label_88c6d7:
- sta $00
- lda f:$7e9b84
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$e0ab,x
- bit #$0080
- bne label_88c6ec
- and #$007f
- bra label_88c6ef
- label_88c6ec:
- ora #$ff80
- label_88c6ef:
- clc
- adc #$00d0
- sta f:$7e9dbc
- lda a:$e0ac,x
- bit #$0080
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- and #$007f
- bra label_88c707
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- ora #$ff80
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- clc
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- clc
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- lda f:$7e9b84
- inc
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- rts
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- rep #$20
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- lda #$0000
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- sta $00
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- asl
- tax
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- clc
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- sta f:$7e9dd3
- lda a:$e0ac,x
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- clc
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- inc
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- rts
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- rep #$20
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- lda f:$7e9b80
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- sta $00
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- asl
- tax
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- clc
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- lda a:$e0ac,x
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- clc
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- inc
- and #$003f
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- rts
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- lda f:$7e9b8c
- tax
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- and #$00ff
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- lda f:$7e9b8c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b8c
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- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- lda #$00d1
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda #$002a
- sta f:$7e9e03
- rts
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- lda a:$e14d,x
- and #$00ff
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- lda f:$7e6c4d
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- inc
- sta f:$7e9b8c
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- lda f:$7e9b8c
- asl
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- sta f:$7e9b8a
- sta f:$7e9b90
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- rts
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- lda a:$e1e2,x
- and #$00ff
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- lda f:$7e6c4d
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- inc
- sta f:$7e9b8c
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- rts
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- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
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- .word $c97d
- .word $c999
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- cmp #$0000
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- dec
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- sbc #$0004
- sta f:$7e9c91
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- dec
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- lda f:$7e9b7a
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- sta f:$7e9c91
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- sec
- sbc #$0002
- sta f:$7e9c91
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- dec
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- lda f:$7e9b7a
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- sec
- sbc #$0004
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- eor #$0001
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- sta f:$7e5c1d
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- lda f:$7e5c1f
- inc
- sta f:$7e5c1f
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- sta a:$198c
- bra label_88ca84
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- tax
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- lda #$0150
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- and #$00ff
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- lda f:$7e9c93
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- tax
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- sta $cf
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- sta $d1
- lda f:$7e9c55,x
- sta $d3
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- sta $d8
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- lda f:$7e9e21
- tax
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- sta $cf
- lda f:$7e9c65,x
- sta $d1
- lda f:$7e9c55,x
- sta $d3
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- .faraddr $88ec45
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- .faraddr $88ef4e
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- lda #$9c30
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- jsl label_89a703
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- .faraddr $88e5fd
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- phb
- phk
- plb
- rep #$30
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- lda #$9c0e
- sta $96
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- lda #$8000
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- lda f:$7e9c11
- sta $d3
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- lda a:$04d4
- bne label_88cc34
- lda #$0074
- sta $cf
- lda a:$02be
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($cce3,x)
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- lda #$0074
- sta $cf
- lda #$0058
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- plb
- rtl
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- phk
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- sta $96
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- lda #$8000
- sta $d5
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- lda a:$04d6
- bne label_88cc8b
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- lda a:$02c0
- asl
- tax
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- phk
- plb
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- lda #$9c0e
- sta $96
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- sta $d3
- lda f:$7e9f0b
- asl
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- lda f:$89ed49,x
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- plb
- rtl
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- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
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- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $cd34
- .word $cd34
- .word $cd34
- .word $cd34
- .word $ccfd
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- tax
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- clc
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- inc
- sta f:$7e9b78
- rts
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- phk
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- lda #$8000
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- sta $d3
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- lda #$8000
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- lda #$008c
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- sta f:$7e9b7c
- sta f:$7e9b7e
- sta f:$7e9b80
- sta f:$7e9b82
- sta f:$7e9b84
- sta f:$7e9b90
- sta f:$7e9b92
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- sta f:$7e9b8e
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- lda a:$02be
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- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
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- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
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- jsl label_88cdca
- rtl
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- lda a:$035a
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- .faraddr $88e4bb
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
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- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
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- rtl
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- lda a:$035a
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$1d,$02
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- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$1d,$02
- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$17,$02
- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$1d,$02
- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$17,$02
- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$1d,$02
- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$17,$02
- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$1d,$02
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- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$17,$02
- .byte $02,$46,$e7,$1d,$02
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- lda a:$04d6
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- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
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- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
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- .byte $10,$ce,$e7,$1f,$02
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- rtl
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- asl
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- sta f:$7e9b8c,x
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- .byte $02,$e0,$e8,$31,$02
- .byte $02,$e0,$e8,$2b,$02
- .byte $02,$e0,$e8,$31,$02
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- .byte $02,$e0,$e8,$2b,$02
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- rtl
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- .byte $02,$38,$e9,$30,$02
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- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
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- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
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- .byte $10,$60,$e9,$34,$02
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- lda a:$035a
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- .byte $03,$fe,$e9,$38,$02
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- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3e,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3d,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3e,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3d,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3e,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3d,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3e,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3d,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3e,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3d,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3e,$02
- .byte $02,$59,$ea,$3d,$02
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- .byte $20,$8c,$ea,$40,$02
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- rtl
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- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
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- .byte $10,$dd,$ea,$43,$02
- .byte $08,$dd,$ea,$44,$02
- .byte $10,$dd,$ea,$45,$02
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- lda a:$035a
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- .faraddr $88eac3
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- rtl
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- .byte $04,$3d,$eb,$48,$02
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- rtl
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- .byte $04,$80,$eb,$48,$02
- .byte $04,$80,$eb,$4d,$02
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- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$50,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$50,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$50,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$50,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$50,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$50,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$50,$02
- .byte $02,$db,$eb,$56,$02
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- .byte $0d,$29,$ec,$51,$02
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- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b90,x
- rtl
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- .byte $10,$5f,$ec,$57,$02
- .byte $10,$5f,$ec,$58,$02
- .byte $10,$5f,$ec,$57,$02
- .byte $10,$5f,$ec,$59,$02
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- rtl
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- .byte $10,$7e,$ec,$58,$02
- .byte $10,$7e,$ec,$57,$02
- .byte $10,$7e,$ec,$59,$02
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- lda a:$035a
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- label_88ec8a:
- rtl
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- rtl
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- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$60,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$67,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$60,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$67,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$60,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$67,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$60,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$67,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$60,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$67,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$60,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$67,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$60,$02
- .byte $02,$49,$ed,$67,$02
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- lda a:$04d4
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- rtl
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- lda #$0000
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- sta f:$7e9bde
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- lda #$0000
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- lda #$0002
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- rtl
- lda #$0000
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- rtl
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- lda #$0000
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- lda #$0002
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- lda #$0000
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- dec
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- sta f:$7e9bdc
- sta f:$7e9b7a
- sta f:$7e9bde
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- sta f:$7e9bdc
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- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d0,$01
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- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d0,$01
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- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d0,$01
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- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d0,$01
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- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d0,$01
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- .byte $0e,$5b,$a0,$d0,$01
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- .byte $12,$5b,$a0,$d0,$01
- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d1,$01
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- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d1,$01
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- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d2,$01
- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d1,$01
- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d3,$01
- .byte $02,$5b,$a0,$d2,$01
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- rtl
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- rtl
- lda #$0000
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- sta f:$7e9b7a
- sta f:$7e9b7e
- lda #$0001
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9b92
- sta f:$7e9b98
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- rtl
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- sta f:$7e9bfa
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- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- cmp #$00f5
- bcc label_88bc5f
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- sta f:$7e9b78
- sta f:$7e9b7a
- sta f:$7e9b7e
- lda f:$7e9b8e
- eor #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b8e
- lda #$01e8
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda #$0039
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- rts
- label_88bc5f:
- inc
- inc
- inc
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b80
- bne label_88bc75
- lda #$0039
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- rts
- label_88bc75:
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- cmp #$00f5
- bcc label_88bc96
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- sta f:$7e9b78
- sta f:$7e9b7a
- sta f:$7e9b7e
- rts
- label_88bc96:
- inc
- inc
- inc
- inc
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- rts
- label_88bc9f:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9d65
- sta f:$7e9d7c
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b84
- tax
- lda a:$d2b9,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00d0
- sec
- sbc $00
- sta f:$7e9d60
- lda #$00b4
- sec
- sbc $00
- sta f:$7e9d62
- lda #$00e4
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d77
- lda #$00b4
- sec
- sbc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d79
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0114
- bne label_88bcfa
- lda f:$7e9b84
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b84
- label_88bcfa:
- rts
- label_88bcfb:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- beq label_88bd09
- dec
- sta f:$7e9b88
- beq label_88bd09
- rts
- label_88bd09:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9d93
- rep #$20
- rts
- label_88bd14:
- lda f:$7e9b8a
- beq label_88bd22
- dec
- sta f:$7e9b8a
- beq label_88bd22
- rts
- label_88bd22:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9daa
- rep #$20
- rts
- label_88bd2d:
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- beq label_88bd3b
- dec
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- beq label_88bd3b
- rts
- label_88bd3b:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9dc1
- rep #$20
- rts
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0045
- bne label_88bd77
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bd64
- lda f:$7e9b94
- dec
- sta f:$7e9b94
- bne label_88bd64
- sta f:$7e9b92
- label_88bd64:
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($bd6f,x)
- bra label_88bd77
- word_88bd6f:
- .word $c00a
- .word $c03a
- .word $c08f
- .word $c0e4
- label_88bd77:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0073
- bne label_88bd93
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($bd8b,x)
- bra label_88bd93
- word_88bd8b:
- .word $bdb0
- .word $be4b
- .word $bee3
- .word $bf7b
- label_88bd93:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$019e
- bne label_88bdaf
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($bda7,x)
- bra label_88bdaf
- word_88bda7:
- .word $c13e
- .word $c14d
- .word $c179
- .word $c1a6
- label_88bdaf:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b88
- tax
- lda #$0012
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda a:$d3d5,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$0078
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda #$0017
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda a:$d3f9,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$0075
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda #$001e
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda a:$d41d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$0072
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda #$0024
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda a:$d441,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$0070
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda a:$d465,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$006f
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0012
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88be5f
- rts
- label_88be5f:
- lda f:$7e9cef
- clc
- adc a:$d4ad,x
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda #$0017
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88be79
- rts
- label_88be79:
- lda f:$7e9d06
- clc
- adc a:$d4eb,x
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda #$001e
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88be93
- rts
- label_88be93:
- lda f:$7e9d1d
- clc
- adc a:$d529,x
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda #$0024
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bead
- rts
- label_88bead:
- lda f:$7e9d34
- clc
- adc a:$d567,x
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bec7
- rts
- label_88bec7:
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- clc
- adc a:$d5a5,x
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- bne label_88bee2
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- label_88bee2:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda #$0012
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bef7
- rts
- label_88bef7:
- lda f:$7e9cef
- clc
- adc a:$d623,x
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda #$0017
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf11
- rts
- label_88bf11:
- lda f:$7e9d06
- clc
- adc a:$d661,x
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda #$001e
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf2b
- rts
- label_88bf2b:
- lda f:$7e9d1d
- clc
- adc a:$d69f,x
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda #$0024
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf45
- rts
- label_88bf45:
- lda f:$7e9d34
- clc
- adc a:$d6dd,x
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf5f
- rts
- label_88bf5f:
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- clc
- adc a:$d71b,x
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b92
- bne label_88bf7a
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- label_88bf7a:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88bf82
- rts
- label_88bf82:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda f:$7e9ced
- clc
- adc a:$d799,x
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda f:$7e9cef
- clc
- adc a:$d90f,x
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda f:$7e9d04
- clc
- adc a:$d7d7,x
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda f:$7e9d06
- clc
- adc a:$d94d,x
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda f:$7e9d1b
- clc
- adc a:$d815,x
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9d1d
- clc
- adc a:$d98b,x
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda f:$7e9d32
- clc
- adc a:$d853,x
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9d34
- clc
- adc a:$d9c9,x
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda f:$7e9d49
- clc
- adc a:$d891,x
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9d4b
- clc
- adc a:$da07,x
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- label_88c011:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- tax
- lda a:$d489,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c02a
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b88
- bra label_88c011
- label_88c02a:
- sta $00
- lda #$006b
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c048
- rts
- label_88c048:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$d5e3,x
- cmp #$8000
- bne label_88c065
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- sta f:$7e9b88
- sta f:$7e9b92
- label_88c065:
- cmp #$7fff
- bne label_88c082
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b92
- lda #$0020
- sta f:$7e9b94
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- label_88c082:
- lda f:$7e9caa
- clc
- adc a:$d5e3,x
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda #$0029
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c09d
- rts
- label_88c09d:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$d759,x
- cmp #$8000
- bne label_88c0ba
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- sta f:$7e9b88
- sta f:$7e9b92
- label_88c0ba:
- cmp #$7fff
- bne label_88c0d7
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b92
- lda #$0020
- sta f:$7e9b94
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- label_88c0d7:
- lda f:$7e9caa
- clc
- adc a:$d759,x
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c0eb
- rts
- label_88c0eb:
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$da45,x
- cmp #$8000
- bne label_88c108
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- sta f:$7e9b88
- sta f:$7e9b92
- label_88c108:
- cmp #$7fff
- bne label_88c125
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b92
- lda #$0020
- sta f:$7e9b94
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b88
- rts
- label_88c125:
- lda f:$7e9ca8
- clc
- adc a:$d8cf,x
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9caa
- clc
- adc a:$da45,x
- sta f:$7e9caa
- rts
- lda #$0037
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- rts
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- lda f:$7e9e01
- cmp #$ffed
- bne label_88c173
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b90
- lda #$0003
- sta f:$7e9bdc
- lda #$ffed
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- label_88c173:
- dec
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- lda f:$7e9e01
- cmp #$0037
- bne label_88c1a0
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b90
- sta f:$7e9bdc
- sta f:$7e9b8a
- lda #$0037
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- label_88c1a0:
- inc
- sta f:$7e9e01
- rts
- lda #$ffed
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda #$00b7
- sta f:$7e9e03
- rts
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00b8
- bne label_88c1cf
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c1c9,x)
- bra label_88c1cf
- word_88c1c9:
- .word $c1d0
- .word $c1df
- .word $c1f0
- label_88c1cf:
- rts
- lda #$00e2
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda #$00c7
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- rts
- lda #$00e2
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$d314,x
- bra label_88c1ff
- lda #$00e2
- sta $cf
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$d365,x
- bra label_88c1ff
- label_88c1ff:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00c7
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
- rts
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0045
- bne label_88c245
- lda f:$7e9b7e
- beq label_88c22f
- jsr label_88c2a2
- bra label_88c245
- label_88c22f:
- sep #$20
- lda #$00
- sta f:$7e9cad
- sta f:$7e9cc4
- sta f:$7e9cdb
- sta f:$7e9cf2
- rep #$20
- label_88c245:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00a1
- bne label_88c267
- lda f:$7e9b80
- beq label_88c259
- jsr label_88c34b
- bra label_88c267
- label_88c259:
- sep #$20
- lda #$00
- sta f:$7e9d09
- sta f:$7e9d20
- rep #$20
- label_88c267:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00cf
- bne label_88c285
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c27b,x)
- bra label_88c285
- word_88c27b:
- .word $c3b4
- .word $c3c3
- .word $c3d6
- .word $c3e8
- .word $c3fa
- label_88c285:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$00e6
- bne label_88c2a1
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c299,x)
- bra label_88c2a1
- word_88c299:
- .word $c43c
- .word $c44b
- .word $c45e
- .word $c470
- label_88c2a1:
- rts
- label_88c2a2:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9cad
- sta f:$7e9cc4
- sta f:$7e9cdb
- sta f:$7e9cf2
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b82
- tax
- lda a:$de1d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda a:$de5d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $02
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda #$00b6
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9caa
- lda #$00da
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cbf
- lda #$00ae
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cc1
- lda #$00e6
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cd6
- lda #$00ae
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cd8
- lda #$00f0
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9ced
- lda #$00b8
- clc
- adc $00
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9cef
- lda f:$7e9b82
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b82
- rts
- label_88c34b:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9d09
- sta f:$7e9d20
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b84
- tax
- lda a:$ddcd,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $02
- lda a:$dd2d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d04
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d06
- lda a:$dd7d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00ee
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d1b
- lda #$00d0
- clc
- adc $02
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d1d
- lda f:$7e9b84
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b84
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda #$00d1
- sta f:$7e9d34
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$da85,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$daa9,x
- jsr label_88c40d
- lda a:$db3c,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$dbcf,x
- jsr label_88c40d
- lda a:$dc7e,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d32
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$de9d,x
- jsr label_88c420
- rts
- label_88c40d:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00de
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d32
- rts
- label_88c420:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00d1
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d34
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda #$00d1
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- rts
- lda #$00de
- sta f:$7e9d49
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$da85,x
- jsr label_88c495
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$daa9,x
- jsr label_88c482
- lda a:$db3c,x
- jsr label_88c495
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$dbcf,x
- jsr label_88c482
- lda a:$dc7e,x
- jsr label_88c495
- rts
- label_88c482:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00de
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d49
- rts
- label_88c495:
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00d1
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d4b
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- rts
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0045
- bne label_88c4bd
- jsr label_88c554
- label_88c4bd:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0114
- bne label_88c4db
- lda f:$7e9b92
- beq label_88c4d1
- jsr label_88c587
- bra label_88c4db
- label_88c4d1:
- sep #$20
- lda #$00
- sta f:$7e9d7c
- rep #$20
- label_88c4db:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$012b
- bne label_88c4f9
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c4ef,x)
- bra label_88c4f9
- word_88c4ef:
- .word $c5ba
- .word $c5da
- .word $c5e9
- .word $c5fa
- .word $c60b
- label_88c4f9:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0142
- bne label_88c521
- lda f:$7e9b7e
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c517,x)
- lda f:$7e9be6
- beq label_88c521
- jsl label_88cb27
- bra label_88c521
- word_88c517:
- .word $c632
- .word $c652
- .word $c661
- .word $c672
- .word $c683
- label_88c521:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0159
- bne label_88c539
- lda f:$7e9b82
- beq label_88c539
- jsr label_88c6aa
- jsr label_88c71f
- jsr label_88c78f
- label_88c539:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$019e
- bne label_88c553
- lda f:$7e9b8a
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c54d,x)
- bra label_88c553
- word_88c54d:
- .word $c809
- .word $c842
- .word $c88f
- label_88c553:
- rts
- label_88c554:
- lda #$0070
- sta f:$7e9ca8
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c572
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- label_88c572:
- clc
- adc #$003f
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9caa
- lda f:$7e9b7c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b7c
- rts
- label_88c587:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9d7c
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9d79
- dec
- sta f:$7e9d79
- lda f:$7e9b98
- tax
- lda a:$e236,x
- and #$00ff
- clc
- adc #$00c4
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d77
- lda f:$7e9b98
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b98
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c5d8
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9bde
- label_88c5d8:
- bra label_88c61a
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda #$00c0
- sta f:$7e9d90
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$debf,x
- bra label_88c61a
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$df27,x
- bra label_88c61a
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9d8e
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$dfe7,x
- label_88c61a:
- and #$00ff
- clc
- adc #$00c0
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9d90
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c650
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b80
- label_88c650:
- bra label_88c692
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda #$00c0
- sta f:$7e9da7
- rts
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$def3,x
- bra label_88c692
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$df87,x
- bra label_88c692
- lda #$00d7
- sta f:$7e9da5
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$e049,x
- label_88c692:
- and #$00ff
- clc
- adc #$00c0
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9da7
- lda f:$7e9b80
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b80
- rts
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- lda f:$7e9b9a
- beq label_88c6ba
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b9a
- cmp #$0002
- bcc label_88c71e
- label_88c6ba:
- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9dc1
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c6d7
- lda #$0000
- label_88c6d7:
- sta $00
- lda f:$7e9b84
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$e0ab,x
- bit #$0080
- bne label_88c6ec
- and #$007f
- bra label_88c6ef
- label_88c6ec:
- ora #$ff80
- label_88c6ef:
- clc
- adc #$00d0
- sta f:$7e9dbc
- lda a:$e0ac,x
- bit #$0080
- bne label_88c704
- and #$007f
- bra label_88c707
- label_88c704:
- ora #$ff80
- label_88c707:
- clc
- adc #$00a4
- clc
- adc $00
- sta f:$7e9dbe
- lda f:$7e9b84
- inc
- and #$003f
- sta f:$7e9b84
- label_88c71e:
- rts
- label_88c71f:
- lda f:$7e9b9a
- beq label_88c72a
- cmp #$001e
- bcc label_88c78e
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- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9dd8
- rep #$20
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c747
- lda #$0000
- label_88c747:
- sta $00
- lda f:$7e9b86
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$e0ab,x
- bit #$0080
- bne label_88c75c
- and #$007f
- bra label_88c75f
- label_88c75c:
- ora #$ff80
- label_88c75f:
- clc
- adc #$00d0
- sta f:$7e9dd3
- lda a:$e0ac,x
- bit #$0080
- bne label_88c774
- and #$007f
- bra label_88c777
- label_88c774:
- ora #$ff80
- label_88c777:
- clc
- adc #$00a4
- clc
- adc $00
- sta f:$7e9dd5
- lda f:$7e9b86
- inc
- and #$003f
- sta f:$7e9b86
- label_88c78e:
- rts
- label_88c78f:
- lda f:$7e9b9a
- beq label_88c79d
- cmp #$0032
- bcs label_88c79d
- jmp label_88c808
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- sep #$20
- lda #$01
- sta f:$7e9def
- rep #$20
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b9a
- lda f:$7e9b80
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c7c1
- lda #$0000
- label_88c7c1:
- sta $00
- lda f:$7e9b88
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$e0ab,x
- bit #$0080
- bne label_88c7d6
- and #$007f
- bra label_88c7d9
- label_88c7d6:
- ora #$ff80
- label_88c7d9:
- clc
- adc #$00d0
- sta f:$7e9dea
- lda a:$e0ac,x
- bit #$0080
- bne label_88c7ee
- and #$007f
- bra label_88c7f1
- label_88c7ee:
- ora #$ff80
- label_88c7f1:
- clc
- adc #$00a4
- clc
- adc $00
- sta f:$7e9dec
- lda f:$7e9b88
- inc
- and #$003f
- sta f:$7e9b88
- label_88c808:
- rts
- lda #$0068
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- tax
- lda a:$e12b,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c82d
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- lda a:$e12b
- and #$00ff
- label_88c82d:
- clc
- adc #$00ab
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9e03
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$e14c,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$00ff
- bne label_88c870
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b90
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- lda #$00d1
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda #$002a
- sta f:$7e9e03
- rts
- label_88c870:
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda a:$e14d,x
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9e03
- lda f:$7e6c4d
- lsr
- bcs label_88c88e
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- label_88c88e:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- asl
- tax
- lda a:$e1e1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$00ff
- bne label_88c8be
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- sta f:$7e9b8a
- sta f:$7e9b90
- lda #$0068
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda #$00ab
- sta f:$7e9e03
- rts
- label_88c8be:
- sta f:$7e9e01
- lda a:$e1e2,x
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9e03
- lda f:$7e6c4d
- lsr
- bcs label_88c8dc
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b8c
- label_88c8dc:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- cmp #$0001
- bne label_88c901
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$d0c1,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88c8fd
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9bde
- label_88c8fd:
- sta f:$7e9c0c
- label_88c901:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$002e
- bne label_88c923
- lda f:$7e9bdc
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($c915,x)
- bra label_88c923
- word_88c915:
- .word $c962
- .word $c97d
- .word $c999
- .word $c9d8
- .word $ca17
- .word $ca56
- .word $cad5
- label_88c923:
- lda f:$7e9be6
- beq label_88c961
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0000
- bne label_88c945
- lda #$00c6
- clc
- adc f:$7e9c0c
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9c65
- jsl label_88cb27
- label_88c945:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- cmp #$0017
- bne label_88c961
- lda #$00c6
- clc
- adc f:$7e9c0c
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9c7c
- jsl label_88cb27
- label_88c961:
- rts
- lda f:$7e9c93
- cmp #$00c6
- bne label_88c974
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9bdc
- bra label_88c979
- label_88c974:
- dec
- sta f:$7e9c93
- label_88c979:
- jsr label_88cb01
- rts
- lda #$00c6
- clc
- adc f:$7e9c0c
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9c93
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
- jsr label_88cb01
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b78
- dec
- sta f:$7e9b78
- bne label_88c9d4
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b78
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- bne label_88c9be
- lda #$0024
- clc
- adc #$0004
- sta f:$7e9c91
- bra label_88c9c9
- label_88c9be:
- lda #$0024
- sec
- sbc #$0004
- sta f:$7e9c91
- label_88c9c9:
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- eor #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b7a
- label_88c9d4:
- jsr label_88cb01
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b78
- dec
- sta f:$7e9b78
- bne label_88ca13
- lda #$0002
- sta f:$7e9b78
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- bne label_88c9fd
- lda #$0024
- clc
- adc #$0002
- sta f:$7e9c91
- bra label_88ca08
- label_88c9fd:
- lda #$0024
- sec
- sbc #$0002
- sta f:$7e9c91
- label_88ca08:
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- eor #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b7a
- label_88ca13:
- jsr label_88cb01
- rts
- lda f:$7e9b78
- dec
- sta f:$7e9b78
- bne label_88ca52
- lda #$0002
- sta f:$7e9b78
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- bne label_88ca3c
- lda #$0024
- clc
- adc #$0004
- sta f:$7e9c91
- bra label_88ca47
- label_88ca3c:
- lda #$0024
- sec
- sbc #$0004
- sta f:$7e9c91
- label_88ca47:
- lda f:$7e9b7a
- eor #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b7a
- label_88ca52:
- jsr label_88cb01
- rts
- lda f:$7e5c1f
- cmp #$0003
- beq label_88ca84
- lda f:$7e5c1d
- beq label_88ca6c
- dec
- sta f:$7e5c1d
- bra label_88ca84
- label_88ca6c:
- lda #$0020
- sta f:$7e5c1d
- lda f:$7e5c1f
- inc
- sta f:$7e5c1f
- lda #$0017
- sta a:$198c
- bra label_88ca84
- label_88ca84:
- lda f:$7e9bde
- tax
- lda a:$e245,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88caa4
- lda #$0024
- sta f:$7e9c91
- lda #$0150
- sta f:$7e9c93
- bra label_88cad1
- label_88caa4:
- sta $00
- lda #$0024
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta f:$7e9c91
- lda a:$e2ae,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $00
- lda #$00c6
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$0fff
- sta f:$7e9c93
- lda f:$7e9bde
- inc
- sta f:$7e9bde
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- jsr label_88cb01
- rts
- lda #$0000
- jsl label_829c65
- lda #$0024
- sta f:$7e9c91
- lda f:$7e9c93
- cmp #$0110
- bne label_88caf8
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e3912
- lda #$0110
- bra label_88caf9
- label_88caf8:
- dec
- label_88caf9:
- sta f:$7e9c93
- jsr label_88cb01
- rts
- label_88cb01:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- tax
- lda f:$7e9c63,x
- sta $cf
- lda f:$7e9c65,x
- sta $d1
- lda f:$7e9c55,x
- sta $d3
- lda #$f1ff
- sta $d8
- lda #$0c00
- sta $da
- jsl label_80bdd1
- rts
- label_88cb27:
- lda f:$7e9e21
- tax
- lda f:$7e9c63,x
- sta $cf
- lda f:$7e9c65,x
- sta $d1
- lda f:$7e9c55,x
- sta $d3
- jsl label_80b9bc
- rtl
- label_88cb43:
- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c0e
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a4f0
- lda a:$02be
- jsl label_89a703
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- .word $cb73
- rtl
- label_88cb5b:
- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c1f
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a4f0
- lda a:$02c0
- jsl label_89a703
- word_88cb70:
- .word $cb73
- rtl
- long_88cb73:
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- .faraddr $88e946
- .faraddr $88e633
- .faraddr $88e7b0
- .faraddr $88e4bb
- .faraddr $88eac3
- .faraddr $88ec45
- .faraddr $88edc7
- .faraddr $88ef4e
- .faraddr $88f150
- .faraddr $88f311
- .faraddr $88f46e
- .faraddr $88f624
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- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c30
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a4f0
- lda a:$02be
- jsl label_89a703
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- .word $cbca
- rtl
- label_88cbb2:
- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c41
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a4f0
- lda a:$02c0
- jsl label_89a703
- word_88cbc7:
- .word $cbca
- rtl
- long_88cbca:
- .faraddr $88e485
- .faraddr $88ea8d
- .faraddr $88e77a
- .faraddr $88e919
- .faraddr $88e5fd
- .faraddr $88ec0f
- .faraddr $88ed91
- .faraddr $88ef18
- .faraddr $88f7ce
- .faraddr $88f7ce
- .faraddr $88f7ce
- .faraddr $88f5f8
- .faraddr $88f798
- label_88cbf1:
- phb
- phk
- plb
- rep #$30
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c0e
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a406
- lda #$8100
- sta $d6
- lda #$8000
- sta $d5
- lda f:$7e9c11
- sta $d3
- lda a:$04d6
- beq label_88cc34
- lda a:$04d4
- bne label_88cc34
- lda #$0074
- sta $cf
- lda a:$02be
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($cce3,x)
- bra label_88cc3e
- label_88cc34:
- lda #$0074
- sta $cf
- lda #$0058
- sta $d1
- label_88cc3e:
- jsl label_80b9bc
- plb
- rtl
- label_88cc44:
- phb
- phk
- plb
- rep #$30
- lda #$0001
- sta f:$7e9b86
- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c1f
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a406
- lda #$8100
- sta $d6
- lda #$8000
- sta $d5
- lda #$00ec
- clc
- adc f:$7e9c22
- sta $d3
- lda a:$04d4
- beq label_88cc8b
- lda a:$04d6
- bne label_88cc8b
- lda #$008c
- sta $cf
- lda a:$02c0
- asl
- tax
- jsr ($cce3,x)
- bra label_88cc95
- label_88cc8b:
- lda #$008c
- sta $cf
- lda #$0058
- sta $d1
- label_88cc95:
- jsl label_80b9bc
- plb
- rtl
- label_88cc9b:
- phb
- phk
- plb
- rep #$30
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c0e
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a406
- lda #$8100
- sta $d6
- lda #$8000
- sta $d5
- lda f:$7e9c11
- sta $d3
- lda f:$7e9f0b
- asl
- tax
- lda f:$89ed48,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $cf
- lda f:$89ed49,x
- and #$00ff
- sta $d1
- jsl label_80b9bc
- plb
- rtl
- word_88cce3:
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $ccfd
- .word $cd34
- .word $cd34
- .word $cd34
- .word $cd34
- .word $ccfd
- lda f:$7e9b78
- tax
- lda f:$88d096,x
- and #$00ff
- cmp #$0080
- bne label_88cd1d
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b78
- tax
- lda f:$88d096,x
- and #$00ff
- label_88cd1d:
- sta $00
- lda #$0058
- clc
- adc $00
- and #$00ff
- sta $d1
- lda f:$7e9b78
- inc
- sta f:$7e9b78
- rts
- lda #$0058
- sta $d1
- rts
- label_88cd3a:
- lda f:$7e9b8c
- beq label_88cd7f
- phb
- phk
- plb
- rep #$30
- lda #$0000
- sta f:$7e9b86
- lda #$7e00
- sta $97
- lda #$9c30
- sta $96
- jsl label_89a406
- lda #$8100
- sta $d6
- lda #$8000
- sta $d5
- lda f:$7e9c33
- sta $d3
- lda #$0074
- sta $cf
- lda #$0058
- sta $d1
- lda f:$7e9b90
- beq label_88cd7e
- jsl label_80b9bc
- label_88cd7e:
- plb
- label_88cd7f:
- rtl
- label_88cd80:
- lda f:$7e9b8e
- beq label_88cdc9
- phb
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- asl
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- rtl
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- asl
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- rtl
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- asl
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- rtl
- lda f:$7e9b86
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- asl
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- asl
- tax
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- rtl
- lda f:$7e9b86
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- rtl
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- rtl
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