
Rainbow Six - Siege

May 14th, 2023 (edited)
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INI file 5.80 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ; Low latency config using Vulkan API, do not use DirectX.
  3. ; I don't use a controller so commented out relevant settings.
  4. ; 2560x1440 Rez, 16:9 Ratio 72 FOV.
  5. ; Scope settings using this calculator also linked at settings.
  6. ;
  7. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [DISPLAY]
  9. ;InitialWindowPositionX/Y => -1 for centering
  10. ;FPSLimit => Limit the game's fps. Minimum of 30fps. Anything below will disable the fps limit.
  11. ;NVReflex. 0 : Disable, 1 : ReflexOn, 2 - ReflexWithBoost
  12. ;NVReflexIndicator => Enables the in-game latency metrics indication.
  13. ;Console => Enables the in-game console which is mapped to `/~. Will only work if the key is not already mapped.
  14. GPUInfo=-1182341535
  15. GPUAdapter=0
  16. InitialWindowPositionX=-1
  17. InitialWindowPositionY=-1
  18. Brightness=60.000000
  19. FPSLimit=1000
  20. NVReflex=2
  21. NVReflexIndicator=1
  22. Console=0
  23. FSRMode=0
  26. GPUVendor=NVIDIA
  27. GPUDeviceId=0x2488
  28. GPUSubSysId=0
  29. GPUDedicatedMemoryMB=8032
  30. GPUScore=15463.000000
  31. GPUScoreConf=0.763101
  32. SystemMemoryMB=16294
  33. CPUScore=7414.031738
  34. HardwareNotificationEnable=1
  37. ;ResolutionXXX    => 0 for autodetection
  38. ;RefreshRate      => 0 will let DirectX pick it
  39. ;WindowMode       => 0 fullscreen / 1 windowed / 2 borderless
  40. ;AspectRatio      => 0 display / 1 resolution / 2..N as options
  41. ;VSync            => 0 disabled / 1 frame / 2 frames
  42. ;UseLetterbox     => 0 disabled / 1 enabled
  43. ;DefaultFOV       => Default vertical field of view (degrees)
  44. ;UseAmdAGS => Enables usage of AMD AGS library for additional info in crash reports
  45. ;VulkanWhitelistedLayers => Semicolon separated list, with all the Vulkan layers you want to enable, like VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize;VK_LAYER_RTSS
  46. Monitor=0
  47. ResolutionWidth=2560
  48. ResolutionHeight=1440
  49. RefreshRate=144.000000
  50. WindowMode=0
  51. AspectRatio=7
  52. VSync=0
  53. MaxGPUBufferedFrame=0
  54. UseLetterbox=0
  55. DefaultFOV=72.000000
  56. EnableAMDMultiDraw=0
  57. UseAmdAGS=1
  58. VulkanWhitelistedLayers=VK_LAYER_OW_OBS_HOOK;VK_LAYER_OW_OVERLAY
  60. [QUALITY]
  61. OverallQualityLevelName=Custom
  64. AntiAliasing=0
  65. Geometry=3
  66. Lighting=0
  67. Shadow=0
  68. Sharpness=0
  69. Texture=0
  70. VFX=0
  71. TextureFiltering=4
  72. Reflection=0
  73. AO=0
  74. LensEffects=0
  75. DOF=0
  76. AdaptiveRenderScalingTargetFPS=0
  77. RenderScalingFactor=0
  78. DLSSPerfQual=0
  80. [READ_ONLY]
  81. EngineSettingsVersion=1
  82. DefaultValuesVersion=12
  84. [INPUT]
  85. RawInputMouseKeyboard=1
  86. InvertAxisY=0
  87. InvertMouseAxisY=0
  88. ;Rumble=1
  89. AimAssist=0
  90. ;YawSensitivity=20
  91. ;PitchSensitivity=10
  92. ;DeadzoneLeftStick=15
  93. ;DeadzoneRightStick=15
  94. ;ControllerStickRotationCurve=1
  95. MouseSensitivity=100
  96. MouseYawSensitivity=4
  97. MousePitchSensitivity=5
  98. MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit=0.020000
  99. MouseScroll=1
  100. XFactorAiming=0.017778
  101. ToggleAim=0
  102. ToggleAimGamepad=0
  103. ToggleLean=1
  104. ToggleSprint=0
  105. ToggleCrouch=1
  106. ToggleProne=1
  107. ToggleWalk=0
  108. ToggleGadgetDeploymentGamepad=1
  109. ToggleGadgetDeploymentKeyboard=1
  110. AimDownSights=100
  111. ;ADSGamepadUseSpecific=0
  112. ;ADSGamepadSensitivityGlobal=50
  113. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity1x=59
  114. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity1xHalf=98
  115. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity2x=101
  116. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity2xHalf=102
  117. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity3x=103
  118. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity4x=104
  119. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity5x=105
  120. ;ADSGamepadSensitivity12x=161
  121. ;ADSGamepadMultiplierUnit=0.010000
  122. ;AdvancedGamepadOptions=0
  123. ;GamepadHorizontalFullTiltBoostModifier=20
  124. ;GamepadVerticalFullTiltBoostModifier=10
  125. FullTiltBoostRampupDelay=0.000000
  126. ;GamepadFullTiltBoostRampupTime=0.350000
  127. ;ADSGamepadHorizontalFullTiltBoostModifier=30
  128. ;ADSGamepadVerticalFullTiltBoostModifier=15
  129. ADSFullTiltBoostRampupDelay=0.250000
  130. ;ADSGamepadFullTiltBoostRampupTime=1.000000
  131. ;OuterDeadzoneRightStick=15
  132. ;GamepadLookDampeningTime=0.000000
  133. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. ; Scope settings using calculator
  135. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. AimDownSightsMouse=100
  137. ADSMouseUseSpecific=1
  138. ADSMouseSensitivityGlobal=100
  139. ADSMouseSensitivity1x=69
  140. ADSMouseSensitivity1xHalf=111
  141. ADSMouseSensitivity2x=113
  142. ADSMouseSensitivity2xHalf=114
  143. ADSMouseSensitivity3x=115
  144. ADSMouseSensitivity4x=115
  145. ADSMouseSensitivity5x=116
  146. ADSMouseSensitivity12x=117
  147. ADSMouseMultiplierUnit=0.010000
  148. ;ControlSchemeIndex=0
  149. ;ControllerInputDevice=0
  151. [AUDIO]
  152. ;Dynamic Range mode: (0) Hi-Fi, (1) TV, (2) Night Mode
  153. ;VoiceChatCaptureMode => 0 Auto / 1 Manual / 2 Push to talk
  154. Subtitle=0
  155. Volume=1.000000
  156. VolumeMusic=0.000000
  157. VolumeSoundEffects=1.000000
  158. VolumeVoice=0.850000
  159. DynamicRangeMode=0
  160. VoiceChatPlaybackLevel=70
  161. VoiceChatCaptureThresholdV2=10
  162. VoiceChatCaptureMode=0
  163. VoiceChatCaptureLevel=90
  164. Mute=0
  165. VoiceChatMuteAll=0
  166. VoiceChatTeamOnly=1
  167. AudioInputVoiceChatDevice=-1
  168. AudioOutputVoiceChatDevice=-1
  169. AudioOutputDevice=-1
  171. [GAMEPLAY]
  172. GameplayPingEnable=1
  175. TeamColorAllyIndex=0
  176. TeamColorEnemyIndex=1
  177. ColorBlindMode=0
  179. [ONLINE]
  180. ;DataCenterHint =>
  181. ;    default (ping based)
  182. ;    playfab/australiaeast
  183. ;    playfab/brazilsouth
  184. ;    playfab/centralus
  185. ;    playfab/eastasia
  186. ;    playfab/eastus
  187. ;    playfab/japaneast
  188. ;    playfab/northeurope
  189. ;    playfab/southafricanorth
  190. ;    playfab/southcentralus
  191. ;    playfab/southeastasia
  192. ;    playfab/uaenorth
  193. ;    playfab/westeurope
  194. ;    playfab/westus
  196. ;
  197. ;if UseProxyAutoDiscovery is set to true, http_proxy or https_proxy or all_proxy and no_proxy are going to be looked up and used for all http calls
  198. DataCenterHint=westeurope
  199. UseProxyAutoDiscovery=0
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