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- #
- from random import *
- from time import *
- from Tkinter import *
- import tkSimpleDialog, tkMessageBox
- from PIL import *
- INSTRUCTIONS = '''This is a single-player puzzle. \n\nThe objective of the game is to clear the board which contains hidden "mines" without detonating any of them with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field.'''
- def how2play():
- tkMessageBox.showinfo("Tk MineSweeper", INSTRUCTIONS)
- 0
- def get_neighbours(cell):
- row_id, col_id = cell
- SURROUNDING = ((-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),
- (0 , -1), (0 , 0), (0 , 1),
- (1 , -1), (1 , 0), (1 , 1))
- zzz = [(row_id + surr_row, col_id + surr_col) for (surr_row, surr_col) in SURROUNDING]
- return [z for z in zzz if z in cv.btn]
- 0
- def secs():
- if curr and cv.go is 'active':
- s = str(int((time()-curr)*10)*0.1)+'s'
- cv.secs['text'] = s
- 0
- def create_board():
- btn = cv.btn
- = [(r,c) for r in range(rrr) for c in range(ccc)]
- btn['restart'] = Button(frame,text='Restart',bg='lightblue',command=restart)
- btn['restart'].grid(row=0,column=ccc-2,columnspan=2,sticky=EW)
- Radiobutton(variable=vvv,val='10 10 16',command=setgame).grid(row=1,column=0)
- Radiobutton(variable=vvv,val='16 16 56',command=setgame).grid(row=1,column=1)
- Radiobutton(variable=vvv,val='18 18 80',command=setgame).grid(row=1,column=2)
- Checkbutton(variable=chkbtn,command=custom).grid(row=1,column=3)
- Button(frame,text='(i)',bg='lightblue',command=how2play).grid(row=1,column=ccc-1,sticky=EW)
- cv.secs = Label(fg='red',font=('Arial Narrow',16))
- cv.secs.grid(row=0,column=ccc-5,columnspan=3,sticky=E)
- cv.secs['text'] = '0.0s'
- for r in range(rrr):
- for c in range(ccc):
- btn[(r,c)]=Button(frame,compound=TOP,width=25,height=25,image=btnSize,command=get_move((r,c)))
- btn[(r,c)].grid(row=r+2,column=c,sticky=EW)
- btn[(r,c)]['text']='%s'%(r*rrr+c%ccc+1)
- btn[(r,c)]['bg']='darkgray'
- btn[(r,c)]['fg']='black'
- corners = [(0,0),(0,ccc-1),(rrr-1,0),(rrr-1,ccc-1)]
- for z in corners:
- btn[z]['bg']='yellow'
- for cell in get_neighbours(z):
- m = mines
- while m:
- cell = choice(
- if len([z for z in get_neighbours(cell) if z in loc_mines]) < 5:
- loc_mines.append(cell)
- hints(cell)
- m -= 1
- root.deiconify()
- 0
- def custom():
- if chkbtn.get():
- Entry(textvariable=ent).grid(row=1,column=4,columnspan=4,sticky=EW)
- setgame()
- ent.set(cv.ent)
- else:
- oFrame()
- 0
- def setgame():
- if chkbtn.get():
- t = [int(z) for z in ent.get().split()]
- if len(t) != 3:
- t = [int(z) for z in cv.ent.split()]
- r,c,m = t
- r = max(10,min(r,18))
- c = max(10,min(c,18))
- rc_min,rc_max = 10,int((r*c)*0.36)
- m = min(rc_max,m)
- m = max(rc_min,m)
- cv.ent = ' '.join([str(z) for z in [r,c,m]])
- return r,c,m
- else:
- return oFrame()
- 0
- def oFrame():
- r,c,m = = [int(z) for z in vvv.get().split()]
- t = '{}x{}: {} mines'.format(r,c,m)
- Label(text=t,font=('Arial Narrow',14)).grid(row=1,column=4,columnspan=4,sticky=EW)
- return r,c,m
- 0
- def hints(cell):
- for z in get_neighbours(cell):
- if z in cv.hints:
- cv.hints[z] += 1
- else:
- cv.hints[z] = 1
- 0
- def restart():
- cv.go = 'init'
- root.update()
- if chkbtn.get():
- setgame()
- = cv.ent
- 0
- def get_clue():
- if curr and cv.go is 'active':
- c = int(clue['text'].split()[1])
- if c:
- clue['text'] = 'Clues: '+str(c-1)
- cv.cell = choice(
- if c is 1:
- clue['bg']='red'
- clue['fg']='white'
- 0
- def chgflag():
- try:
- flag
- except:
- return
- if 'Off' in flag['text']:
- flag['text']='Flag On'
- flag['bg']='green'
- flag['fg']='black'
- else:
- flag['text']='Flag Off'
- flag['bg']='red'
- flag['fg']='white'
- 0
- def get_move(rc=0):
- def wrap():
- cv.cell = rc
- return wrap
- 0
- class Cv: 0
- cv = Cv()
- cv.cell = None
- cv.go = "init"
- cv.ent = '12 12 36'
- = '10 10 16'
- cv.secs = {}
- = []
- root = []
- while cv.go:
- cell = cv.cell
- if cv.go is 'init':
- if root:
- root.destroy()
- root.mainloop() # to completely remove all remnants of deleted root
- root = Tk()
- root.title('Tk MineSweeper')
- root.withdraw()
- vvv = StringVar()
- ent = StringVar()
- chkbtn = IntVar()
- chkbtn.set(0)
- if ' ' not in
- = ' '.join([str(z) for z in])
- vvv.set(
- frame=Frame().grid()
- btnSize = PhotoImage()
- loc_mines = []
- clue=Button(frame,text='Clues: 5',bg='green',command=get_clue)
- clue.grid(row=0,columnspan=2,sticky=EW)
- '''
- flag=Button(frame,command=chgflag)
- flag.grid(row=0,columnspan=2,sticky=EW)
- chgflag()
- '''
- cv.btn = {}
- cv.hints = {}
- curr = 0
- rrr,ccc,mines = setgame()
- create_board()
- cv.go = 'active'
- if cv.go is 'active':
- if cell:
- cv.cell = None
- btn = cv.btn
- if cell in loc_mines:
- for z in loc_mines:
- btn[z]['text']='O'
- btn[z]['font'] = ('Arial',21,'bold')
- btn[z]['fg']='white'
- btn[z]['bg']='orange'
- btn[z].config(relief=SUNKEN)
- btn[cell]['text']='X'
- btn[cell]['bg']='red'
- cv.go = 'inactive'
- else:
- surr = get_neighbours(cell)
- for z in surr:
- if z not in (loc_mines+list(cv.hints)):
- if z in
- btn[z]['text'] = ' '
- btn[z].config(relief=SUNKEN)
- btn[z]['bg'] = 'lightgray'
- if cell in cv.hints:
- btn[cell]['text'] = cv.hints[cell]
- btn[cell]['font'] = ('Arial',18,'bold')
- btn[cell].config(relief=SUNKEN)
- btn[cell]['bg'] = 'lightgray'
- btn[cell]['fg'] = 'blue'
- if cell in
- if not len(
- cv.go = 'inactive'
- for z in loc_mines:
- btn[z]['text']='O'
- btn[z]['font'] = ('Arial',21,'bold')
- btn[z]['fg']='white'
- btn[z]['bg']='green'
- btn[z].config(relief=SUNKEN)
- if not curr:
- curr = time()
- # print [r*rrr+c%ccc+1 for r,c in[:20]]
- # print len(
- secs()
- try:
- root.update()
- except: break
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