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- #1
- print("Hello SoftUni")
- #2
- print(1)
- print(2)
- print(3)
- print(4)
- print(5)
- print(6)
- print(7)
- print(8)
- print(9)
- print(10)
- #3
- side_a = int(input())
- side_b = int(input())
- area = side_a * side_b
- print(area)
- #4
- inches = float(input())
- centimeters = inches * 2.54
- print(centimeters)
- #5.1
- name = input()
- print("Hello, " + name + "!")
- #5.2
- name = input()
- print(f"Hello, {name}!")
- #6
- first_name = input()
- last_name = input()
- age = int(input())
- town = input()
- print(f"You are {first_name} {last_name}, a {age}-years old person from {town}.")
- #7
- architect_name = input()
- number_of_projects = int(input())
- hours_needed = number_of_projects * 3
- print(f"The architect {architect_name} will need {hours_needed} hours to complete {number_of_projects} project/s.")
- #8
- number_of_dog_food = int(input())
- number_of_cat_food = int(input())
- total_cost = number_of_dog_food * 2.50 + number_of_cat_food * 4
- print(f"{total_cost} lv.")
- #9
- price_per_square_meter = 7.61
- discount_percentage = 0.18
- area = float(input("Area: "))
- total_cost_before_discount = area * price_per_square_meter
- discount_amount = total_cost_before_discount * discount_percentage
- final_cost = total_cost_before_discount - discount_amount
- print(f"The final price is: {final_cost:.2f} lv.")
- print(f"The discount is: {discount_amount:.2f} lv.")
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