

Mar 20th, 2023
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Python 10.82 KB | None | 1 0
  1. #
  2. # I can't get over that my unique pattern recognizer can determine the order all those words are in
  3. # with less than 50 bytes added
  5. import random
  6. import webbrowser
  7. import tempfile
  9. try:
  10.     # Python2
  11.     from Tkinter import *
  12.     from urllib2 import urlopen
  13. except ImportError:
  14.     # Python3
  15.     from tkinter import *
  16.     from urllib.request import urlopen
  18. srcfilename=tempfile.mktemp(".txt", "demo_")
  20. WORDS = '''
  21. empire
  22. turnip
  23. dining
  24. fellow
  25. tuxedo
  26. worthy
  27. tangle
  28. height
  29. leader
  30. spiral
  31. clutch
  32. asleep
  33. choose
  34. bridge
  35. presto
  36. mascot
  37. planet
  38. pallet
  39. cornea
  40. prefer
  41. cosmic
  42. league
  43. became
  44. intent
  45. safely
  46. settle
  47. salute
  48. potato
  49. attend
  50. clinch
  51. umpire
  52. critic
  53. breath
  54. inform
  55. unwrap
  56. decent
  57. soften
  58. orchid
  59. entity
  60. weasel
  61. invite
  62. neuron
  63. statue
  64. ground
  65. ethics
  66. rating
  67. mobile
  68. asylum
  69. rubber
  70. avatar
  71. loonie
  72. timing
  73. sheath
  74. perish
  75. remove
  76. highly
  77. marker
  78. barrow
  79. better
  80. static
  81. answer
  82. lethal
  83. closer
  84. regret
  85. legacy
  86. stable
  87. coocoo
  88. thanks
  89. toggle
  90. pledge
  91. convey
  92. tundra
  93. subdue
  94. banish
  95. nougat
  96. caught
  97. teacup
  98. retain
  99. offset
  100. rustic
  101. parade
  102. antler
  103. spider
  104. outage
  105. rodent
  106. taught
  107. driver
  108. anyhow
  109. safety
  110. stanza
  111. ballet
  112. horror
  113. addict
  114. honest
  115. phobia
  116. mutual
  117. picnic
  118. decide
  119. strike
  120. pastel
  121. ponder
  122. tablet
  123. brutal
  124. walnut
  125. ripple
  126. action
  127. occult
  128. shorts
  129. memory
  130. hungry
  131. simple
  132. reader
  133. shovel
  134. refuge
  135. bubble
  136. stroke
  137. warden
  138. agency
  139. doctor
  140. windup
  141. salary
  142. lambda
  143. myself
  144. smooth
  145. author
  146. proven
  147. direct
  148. relate
  149. garage
  150. stylus
  151. babble
  152. pulsar
  153. affirm
  154. strict
  155. cinema
  156. marque
  157. podium
  158. baffle
  159. caress
  160. curfew
  161. stripe
  162. outlaw
  163. before
  164. abrupt
  165. bronze
  166. cashew
  167. depict
  168. tremor
  169. cocoon
  170. bounce
  171. glance
  172. threat
  173. nutmeg
  174. select
  175. pocket
  176. bridle
  177. stooge
  178. whacko
  179. employ
  180. metric
  181. absent
  182. abacus
  183. oxygen
  184. campus
  185. obtain
  186. forest
  187. larynx
  188. modest
  189. united
  190. ordeal
  191. survey
  192. wasabi
  193. thrift
  194. actual
  195. finish
  196. branch
  197. siphon
  198. rather
  199. sedate
  200. cheque
  201. poncho
  202. island
  203. barber
  204. blotch
  205. noodle
  206. casual
  207. patent
  208. script
  209. lawful
  210. verify
  211. outcry
  212. agenda
  213. coerce
  214. fungus
  215. whisky
  216. should
  217. engine
  218. screen
  219. velvet
  220. enable
  221. valley
  222. export
  223. splash
  224. tattoo
  225. strong
  226. reward
  227. oppose
  228. nephew
  229. uphold
  230. meteor
  231. amoeba
  232. magnet
  233. mayhem
  234. slogan
  235. fourth
  236. polish
  237. zephyr
  238. member
  239. scroll
  240. aspect
  241. resume
  242. bonobo
  243. sudden
  244. senile
  245. system
  246. sprawl
  247. bruise
  248. suburb
  249. snooze
  250. libido
  251. streak
  252. insect
  253. couple
  254. tidbit
  255. retire
  256. zipper
  257. intact
  258. coding
  259. plaque
  260. leeway
  261. rescue
  262. skyway
  263. mostly
  264. fiscal
  265. starch
  266. tycoon
  267. single
  268. lagend
  269. pamper
  270. import
  271. tiptoe
  272. expand
  273. recent
  274. diesel
  275. mishap
  276. compel
  277. figure
  278. mutiny
  279. credit
  280. spread
  281. annual
  282. detect
  283. rascal
  284. benign
  285. middle
  286. outlet
  287. marine
  288. deacon
  289. market
  290. viable
  291. dangle
  292. orange
  293. toilet
  294. batter
  295. pigsty
  296. shmear
  297. clever
  298. tinsel
  299. locate
  300. mirror
  301. almost
  302. adjust
  303. rotate
  304. bitmap
  305. banana
  306. sprout
  307. tumble
  308. double
  309. combat
  310. choice
  311. shrink
  312. follow
  313. bonsai
  314. makeup
  315. farmer
  316. debris
  317. bamboo
  318. muzzle
  319. temper
  320. nature
  321. cobalt
  322. upward
  323. unless
  324. future
  325. assume
  326. utopia
  327. sneeze
  328. senate
  329. unique
  330. create
  331. coming
  332. airway
  333. symbol
  334. center
  335. origin
  336. pickle
  337. access
  338. indeed
  339. basket
  340. beetle
  341. uptown
  342. novice
  343. target
  344. cactus
  345. vision
  346. mainly
  347. impose
  348. parsec
  349. status
  350. skylit
  351. seesaw
  352. litter
  353. wonder
  354. inmate
  355. rabbit
  356. budget
  357. cobble
  358. attack
  359. global
  360. either
  361. quasar
  362. upheld
  363. online
  364. payout
  365. sought
  366. depend
  367. vanish
  368. zigzag
  369. estate
  370. utmost
  371. assess
  372. voting
  373. beware
  374. bishop
  375. nuance
  376. latter
  377. ignore
  378. squawk
  379. nozzle
  380. squire
  381. outgun
  382. marble
  383. rotors
  384. sensei
  385. minion
  386. remain
  387. attire
  388. lagoon
  389. itself
  390. outbid
  391. allude
  392. plenty
  393. weight
  394. anyway
  395. canyon
  396. upload
  397. meanly
  398. seldom
  399. sultry
  400. overdo
  401. saliva
  402. golden
  403. regime
  404. intend
  405. mildew
  406. convoy
  407. string
  408. belief
  409. python
  410. appeal
  411. techie
  412. number
  413. superb
  414. motion
  415. outrun
  416. terror
  417. clothe
  418. bobcat
  419. search
  420. broker
  421. muscle
  422. motive
  423. maglev
  424. chorus
  425. visual
  426. repair
  427. expert
  428. ninety
  429. clumsy
  430. tricky
  431. excuse
  432. defeat
  433. borrow
  434. policy
  435. openly
  436. cursor
  437. memoir
  438. heaven
  439. vulgar
  440. aghast
  441. ballot
  442. formal
  443. always
  444. tinker
  445. degree
  446. woofer
  447. trauma
  448. ransom
  449. profit
  450. mortal
  451. bullet
  452. pigpen
  453. chance
  454. bother
  455. payday
  456. lector
  457. donate
  458. wrench
  459. school
  460. accept
  461. crayon
  462. summit
  463. coyote
  464. amount
  465. primal
  466. rookie
  467. ballad
  468. broken
  469. costly
  470. strobe
  471. snitch
  472. maniac
  473. rocket
  474. raffle
  475. cipher
  476. covert
  477. qwerty
  478. purple
  479. cotton
  480. tampon
  481. client
  482. sprint
  483. region
  484. turret
  485. scared
  486. deeply
  487. turtle
  488. player
  489. needle
  490. cymbal
  491. spares
  492. active
  493. castle
  494. spring
  495. canopy
  496. regard
  497. mirage
  498. length
  499. tamper
  500. bestow
  501. pistol
  502. extent
  503. resort
  504. divide
  505. teapot
  506. really
  507. preach
  508. talent
  509. skidoo
  510. remark
  511. border
  512. legion
  513. allure
  514. become
  515. butter
  516. occupy
  517. invade
  518. looney
  519. vector
  520. shield
  521. pronto
  522. outbox
  523. social
  524. solely
  525. plasma
  526. dialog
  527. surely
  528. queasy
  529. cheese
  530. nickel
  531. radian
  532. wander
  533. depart
  534. asthma
  535. expect
  536. wobble
  537. savage
  538. turkey
  539. quarts
  540. circus
  541. admire
  542. unfold
  543. realms
  544. midday
  545. atomic
  546. canine
  547. format
  548. normal
  549. stupid
  550. assert
  551. others
  552. tictac
  553. censor
  554. morbid
  555. mitten
  556. treble
  557. danger
  558. flower
  559. plural
  560. ocular
  561. manner
  562. digest
  563. desert
  564. series
  565. supper
  566. squish
  567. powwow
  568. hardly
  569. widely
  570. chrome
  571. sponge
  572. lounge
  573. tackle
  574. thrill
  575. affect
  576. flight
  577. waffle
  578. appear
  579. affair
  580. polite
  581. winner
  582. sickle
  583. mingle
  584. dazzle
  585. outwit
  586. remote
  587. remind
  588. thrive
  589. bypass
  590. worker
  591. uplift
  592. garlic
  593. cosign
  594. handle
  595. random
  596. coffee
  597. tartar
  598. trophy
  599. adieus
  600. hunger
  601. fabric
  602. billow
  603. endure
  604. banker
  605. father
  606. bandit
  607. sunbow
  608. public
  609. bundle
  610. notion
  611. cringe
  612. narrow
  613. pickup
  614. naysay
  615. thrash
  616. sample
  617. assist
  618. equity
  619. letter
  620. crypto
  621. minuet
  622. laguna
  623. device
  624. crisis
  625. prompt
  626. satire
  627. report
  628. object
  629. mental
  630. pepper
  631. mallet
  632. method
  633. stasis
  634. murder
  635. morsel
  636. season
  637. octane
  638. advice
  639. tennis
  640. sewage
  641. tarmac
  642. salmon
  643. melody
  644. lotion
  645. eleven
  646. propel
  647. pirana
  648. toucan
  649. bottom
  650. detain
  651. option
  652. listen
  653. advise
  654. aboard
  655. rumble
  656. gender
  657. laptop
  658. lookup
  659. slight
  660. injure
  661. crunch
  662. senior
  663. liable
  664. carpet
  665. monkey
  666. within
  667. micron
  668. albeit
  669. anyone
  670. offkey
  671. warmth
  672. morale
  673. bonnet
  674. ethnic
  675. sunlit
  676. corral
  677. behalf
  678. bureau
  679. uproar
  680. pseudo
  681. secure
  682. career
  683. toward
  684. ambush
  685. copter
  686. ordain
  687. female
  688. bionic
  689. riddle
  690. people
  691. sprite
  692. vacuum
  693. corset
  694. punish
  695. artist
  696. saddle
  697. muffin
  698. corpus
  699. comply
  700. tenpin
  701. almond
  702. arrest
  703. urinal
  704. galaxy
  705. arcade
  706. lesson
  707. trance
  708. pillar
  709. sculpt
  710. native
  711. tomato
  712. wallop
  713. orphan
  714. possum
  715. alumni
  716. upbeat
  717. praise
  718. marvel
  719. exotic
  720. nausea
  721. decade
  722. squint
  723. reason
  724. parole
  725. wisdom
  726. mother
  727. gentle
  728. poetry
  729. deputy
  730. pirate
  731. loiter
  732. petite
  733. cancel
  734. church
  735. barely
  736. differ
  737. tryout
  738. hazard
  739. lockup
  740. shrimp
  741. eating
  742. barter
  743. jungle
  744. bitter
  745. blonde
  746. across
  747. ammino
  748. poster
  749. abroad
  750. circle
  751. weaken
  752. cattle
  753. gifted
  754. unlike
  755. parish
  756. sunray
  757. tenrec
  758. margin
  759. carbon
  760. canary
  761. velcro
  762. wealth
  763. debate
  764. singer
  765. beside
  766. square
  767. mohawk
  768. picket
  769. county
  770. acidic
  771. sister
  772. parrot
  773. risque
  774. biopsy
  775. myriad
  776. clique
  777. pardon
  778. mature
  779. onward
  780. permit
  781. review
  782. torque
  783. pigout
  784. obtuse
  785. autumn
  786. assign
  787. legend
  788. happen
  789. shimmy
  790. stroll
  791. mammal
  792. candle
  793. modify
  794. unable
  795. little
  796. lawyer
  797. prison
  798. corpse
  799. deluxe
  800. tactic
  801. pellet
  802. cliche
  803. thread
  804. cosine
  805. battle
  806. severe
  807. shadow
  808. temple
  809. cancan
  810. ruling
  811. squirm
  812. uphill
  813. voyage
  814. pimple
  815. vamose
  816. lizard
  817. stigma
  818. assail
  819. hunter
  820. sphere
  821. candor
  822. output
  823. router
  824. defend
  825. upmost
  826. sleeve
  827. insert
  828. famous
  829. peanut
  830. cradle
  831. strait
  832. derive
  833. outfit
  834. ribbon
  835. bikini
  836. eighth
  837. newsie
  838. render
  839. cowboy
  840. breeze
  841. avenue
  842. studio
  843. betray
  844. desire
  845. strive
  846. smoosh
  847. beyond
  848. silver
  849. recipe
  850. define
  851. lately
  852. chubby
  853. deejay
  854. silent
  855. toupee
  856. suffer
  857. beauty
  858. vortex
  859. course
  860. timber
  861. corner
  862. misery
  863. pillow
  864. nebula
  865. tender
  866. meadow
  867. treaty
  868. unfair
  869. simply
  870. burial
  871. secret
  872. resign
  873. family
  874. proton
  875. candid
  876. former
  877. twelve
  878. yellow
  879. upwind
  880. speech
  881. preset
  882. slalom
  883. typing
  884. accuse
  885. ripoff
  886. zodiac
  887. capita
  888. emerge
  889. nugget
  890. divine
  891. burger
  892. radius
  893. dancer
  894. stride
  895. guilty
  896. invest
  897. ritual
  898. outfox
  899. strain
  900. virtue
  901. manage
  902. theist
  903. beacon
  904. spleen
  905. wrecks
  906. attach
  907. armpit
  908. poppet
  909. fierce
  910. wallet
  911. casino
  912. flying
  913. rustle
  914. quaint
  915. summon
  916. colony
  917. damage
  918. spruce
  919. scotch
  920. dealer
  921. staple
  922. tongue
  923. freeze
  924. swoosh
  925. manual
  926. common
  927. bottle
  928. infant
  929. charge
  930. omelet
  931. nearly
  932. sliver
  933. clinic
  934. twitch
  935. hockey
  936. volume
  937. reduce
  938. airbag
  939. palace
  940. parcel
  941. nectar
  942. scheme
  943. shower
  944. evolve
  945. catsup
  946. neural
  947. invent
  948. silica
  949. psyche
  950. theory
  951. oblong
  952. switch
  953. supply
  954. quiche
  955. sacred
  956. verbal
  957. coward
  958. pretty
  959. warmup
  960. expose
  961. insist
  962. camera
  963. insure
  964. master
  965. growth
  966. gather
  967. struck
  968. though
  969. yogurt
  970. milage
  971. bright
  972. income
  973. autism
  974. casket
  975. sandal
  976. resist
  977. impact
  978. sunset
  979. walrus
  980. health
  981. forget
  982. mettle
  983. medium
  984. census
  985. pigeon
  986. parent
  987. cement
  988. pebble
  989. suffix
  990. patron
  991. wooden
  992. pierce
  993. cougar
  994. vacant
  995. cruise
  996. adrift
  997. submit
  998. tickle
  999. soothe
  1000. faster
  1001. writer
  1002. coarse
  1003. assure
  1004. devote
  1005. nobody
  1006. mutant
  1007. puppet
  1008. sitcom
  1009. linear
  1010. versus
  1011. throat
  1012. carrot
  1013. octave
  1014. catnap
  1015. cousin
  1016. deploy
  1017. patrol
  1018. typist
  1019. swivel
  1020. mantra
  1021. copper
  1022. street
  1023. barrel
  1024. afraid
  1025. minute
  1026. pencil
  1027. demand
  1028. finger
  1029. liquid
  1030. tyrant
  1031. pursue
  1032. aerial
  1033. sleigh
  1034. retail
  1035. rhythm
  1036. analog
  1037. shriek
  1038. killer
  1039. lavish
  1040. record
  1041. reform
  1042. radish
  1043. sphinx
  1044. afford
  1045. portal
  1046. drawer
  1047. ledger
  1048. napkin
  1049. custom
  1050. behave
  1051. detail
  1052. vessel
  1053. seller
  1054. mortar
  1055. mayday
  1056. partly
  1057. commit
  1058. triple
  1059. levity
  1060. squeal
  1061. climax
  1062. sector
  1063. dinner
  1064. filter
  1065. factor
  1066. rarely
  1067. notice
  1068. booboo
  1069. coddle
  1070. friend
  1071. swerve
  1072. nimble
  1073. prince
  1074. chosen
  1075. ticket
  1076. sensor
  1077. pizazz
  1078. arrive
  1079. inside
  1080. helmet
  1081. immune
  1082. burden
  1083. modern
  1084. bronco
  1085. boggle
  1086. engage
  1087. realty
  1088. collar
  1089. buffet
  1090. sizzle
  1091. refuse
  1092. steady
  1093. stance
  1094. please
  1095. frozen
  1096. voodoo
  1097. cavern
  1098. regain
  1099. absorb
  1100. easily
  1101. thirty
  1102. brunch
  1103. robust
  1104. bleach
  1105. convex
  1106. savant
  1107. pompom
  1108. thwart
  1109. person
  1110. spinal
  1111. midway
  1112. puzzle
  1113. trivia
  1114. mantle
  1115. napalm
  1116. energy
  1117. airbus
  1118. bloody
  1119. enroll
  1120. column
  1121. tavern
  1122. mangle
  1123. return
  1124. crater
  1125. opaque
  1126. bonbon
  1127. pickax
  1128. browse
  1129. button
  1130. stereo
  1131. webcam
  1132. mutate
  1133. newbie
  1134. piglet
  1135. prayer
  1136. police
  1137. exceed
  1138. teepee
  1139. junior
  1140. wreath
  1141. scarce
  1142. chalet
  1143. sulfur
  1144. gently
  1145. cyborg
  1146. design
  1147. belong
  1148. phrase
  1149. ladder
  1150. change
  1151. stitch
  1152. mystic
  1153. thrust
  1154. sublet
  1155. effort
  1156. lovely
  1157. touche
  1158. tunnel
  1159. subway
  1160. nitwit
  1161. proper
  1162. starts
  1163. serial
  1164. reject
  1165. midair
  1166. powder
  1167. travel
  1168. guitar
  1169. office
  1170. comedy
  1171. attain
  1172. soccer
  1173. living
  1174. window
  1175. entire
  1176. squeak
  1177. launch
  1178. scruff
  1179. beagle
  1180. summer
  1181. source
  1182. puddle
  1183. fairly
  1184. prefix
  1185. museum
  1186. except
  1187. luxury
  1188. spritz
  1189. rusted
  1190. sketch
  1191. moment
  1192. spouse
  1193. canvas
  1194. garden
  1195. mumble
  1196. whoosh
  1197. beggar
  1198. scream
  1199. violet
  1200. flavor
  1201. rattle
  1202. repeat
  1203. radial
  1204. violin
  1205. misfit
  1206. snivel
  1207. useful
  1208. wizard
  1209. bucket
  1210. domain
  1211. weapon
  1212. second
  1213. recall
  1214. diaper
  1215. animal
  1216. quartz
  1217. stream
  1218. editor
  1219. photon
  1220. squirt
  1221. vandal
  1222. weekly
  1223. psycho
  1224. result
  1225. cookie
  1226. boxcar
  1227. lonely
  1228. strife
  1229. adsorb
  1230. closet
  1231. wallow
  1232. martyr
  1233. celery
  1234. sundae
  1235. mentor
  1236. coupon
  1237. scrape
  1238. viewer
  1239. period
  1240. nation
  1241. madame
  1242. slowly
  1243. around
  1244. tragic
  1245. smudge
  1246. paddle
  1247. parody
  1248. extend
  1249. lunacy
  1250. mellow
  1251. oddity
  1252. planar
  1253. catnip
  1254. injury
  1255. enough
  1256. squash
  1257. sodium
  1258. jacket
  1259. winter
  1260. denial
  1261. abound
  1262. tissue
  1263. starve
  1264. poison
  1265. larvae
  1266. locale
  1267. damsel
  1268. rental
  1269. subtle
  1270. upkeep
  1271. mutter
  1272. update
  1273. thrown
  1274. '''.strip().splitlines()
  1277. # random.shuffle(WORDS)
  1279. ttt = []
  1281. c = 1
  1282. while 1:
  1283.     sss = WORDS[:]
  1284.     random.shuffle(sss)
  1285.     while len(sss) > 1:
  1286.         a,b = sss.pop(),sss.pop()
  1287.         yn = 0
  1288.         if WORDS.index(a) > WORDS.index(b):
  1289.             yn = 1
  1290.         if (yn, a+b, '') not in ttt:
  1291.             ttt += [str([yn, a+b, ''])]
  1292.             # print ttt[-1]
  1293.             c += 1
  1295.     if c > 120000:
  1296.         break
  1298. random.shuffle(ttt)
  1299. ttt = ['# yn -- combos -- at'] + ttt
  1301. urls='\n'.join(ttt) # <br>
  1302. temp=open(srcfilename, 'w')
  1303. temp.write(urls) # web.replace('@',urls)
  1304. temp.close()
  1305. webbrowser.open_new_tab(srcfilename)
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