
country aliases (wiki-List of alternative country names).tsv

Sep 17th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. iso3 Alias AliasDescription
  2. Abkhazia common, English
  3. Republic of Abkhazia official, English
  4. Aphsny Axwynthkharra official, Abkhaz
  5. Respublika Abkhaziya official, Russian
  6. Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia Internationally recognized, English
  7. AFG Afghanistan common, English
  8. AFG Islamic Republic of Afghanistan official, English
  9. AFG Da Afganistan Islami Jumhoryat official, Pashto
  10. AFG Jomhuriyyeh Eslamiyyeh Afganestan official, Dari
  11. ALB Albania common, English
  12. ALB Republic of Albania official, English
  13. ALB Republika e Shqipërisë official, Albanian
  14. ALB Arnavutluk Turkish
  15. ALB Arbanon former, English
  16. DZA Algeria common, English
  17. DZA People's Democratic Republic of Algeria official, English
  18. DZA al-Jaza’ir common, Arabic
  19. DZA al Jumhuriyya al Jazaa'iriyya ad-Dimuqratiyya ash Sha'biyya official, Arabic
  20. AND Andorra common, English
  21. AND Principality of Andorra official, English
  22. AND Principat d'Andorra official, Catalan
  23. AND Principality of the Valleys of Andorra alternate, English
  24. ARG Argentina common, English
  25. ARG Argentine Republic official, English
  26. ARG la Argentina colloquial, Spanish
  27. ARG the Argentine archaic, English
  28. ARG Argentine Nation official and legally preferred, English
  29. ARG United Provinces of the Río de la Plata official, English
  30. ARG Argentine Confederation official, English
  31. ARM Armenia common, English
  32. ARM Hayastan transliterated Armenian
  33. ARM Republic of Armenia official, English
  34. Artsakh common, English
  35. Republic of Artsakh official, English
  36. Artsakhi Hanrapetut’yun official, Armenian
  37. Nagorno-Karabakh Republic former official, English
  38. Artsakh Republic of Mountainous Karabakh in official use, English
  39. AUS Australia common, English
  40. AUS Commonwealth of Australia official, English
  41. AUS New Holland former name, English
  42. AUT Austria common, English
  43. AUT Republic of Austria official, English
  44. AUT Republik Österreich official, German
  45. AUT Österreich common, German
  46. AZE Azerbaijan common, English
  47. AZE Azrebaycan Respublikasi official, Azerbaijani
  48. AZE Republic of Azerbaijan official, English
  49. BHS The Bahamas common, English
  50. BHS Commonwealth of The Bahamas official, English
  51. BHS Commonwealth of the Bahama Islands former official, English
  52. BHS Bahama Islands colonial name, English
  53. BHR Bahrain common, English
  54. BHR Kingdom of Bahrain official, English
  55. BHR Mamlakat al-Bahrayn official, Arabic
  56. BHR State of Bahrain former official, English
  57. BGD Bangladesh common, English
  58. BGD People's Republic of Bangladesh long official name in English
  59. BGD Bengal Presidency former political name
  60. BGD East Bengal former political name
  61. BGD East Pakistan former political name
  62. BRB Barbados official, English
  63. BRB Bim nickname
  64. BRB Bimshire nickname
  65. BRB Little England nickname
  66. BRB The Rock nickname
  67. BLR Belarus common, English
  68. BLR Republic of Belarus official, English
  69. BLR Gudija Lithuanian
  70. BLR Byelorussia former name
  71. BLR White Russia outdated
  72. BEL Belgium common, English
  73. BEL Kingdom of Belgium official, English
  74. BEL Koninkrijk België official, Dutch
  75. BEL Royaume de Belgique official, French
  76. BEL Königreich Belgien official, German
  77. BLZ Belize common, English
  78. BLZ British Honduras former, English
  79. BEN Benin common, English
  80. BEN Dahomey former name
  81. BEN Republic of Benin official, English
  82. BEN République du Bénin official, French
  83. BTN Bhutan common, English
  84. BTN Kingdom of Bhutan official, English
  85. BTN Druk Gyal Khap official, Dzongkha
  86. BOL Bolivia common, English
  87. BOL Plurinational State of Bolivia official, English
  88. BOL Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia official, Spanish
  89. BOL Republic of Bolívar former official, English
  90. BOL Republic of Bolivia former official, English
  91. BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina official, English
  92. BIH Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina former official, English
  93. BIH Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina former official, English
  94. BWA Botswana common, English
  95. BWA Bechuanaland former, English
  96. BWA Republic of Botswana official, English
  97. BRA Brazil common, English
  98. BRA Pindorama in Tupi and Guarani, native languages
  99. BRA Terra de Santa Cruz early Portuguese colonization
  100. BRA Ilha de Vera Cruz former, Portuguese
  101. BRA Empire of Brazil former, English
  102. BRA United States of Brazil former, English
  103. BRA Federative Republic of Brazil official, English
  104. BRA República Federativa do Brasil official, Portuguese
  105. BRA Terra di Papaga former, Italian
  106. BRN Brunei common, English
  107. BRN Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace official name, English
  108. BRN State of Brunei colonial name, English
  109. BRN Negara Brunei Darussalam Malay
  110. BRN Brunei Darussalam Malay
  111. BGR Bulgaria common, English
  112. BGR Republic of Bulgaria official, English
  113. BGR People's Republic of Bulgaria former official, English
  114. BFA Burkina Faso official, English and French
  115. BFA Upper Volta former name, English
  116. BFA Haute-Volta former name, French
  117. BFA Bourkina-Fasso unofficial French
  118. BDI Burundi common, English
  119. BDI Republic of Burundi official, English
  120. BDI Republika y'Uburundi official, Kirundi
  121. BDI République du Burundi official, French
  122. BDI Kingdom of Burundi former official, English
  123. KHM Cambodia common, English
  124. KHM Kingdom of Cambodia official, English
  125. KHM Royaume du Cambodge official, French
  126. KHM Kampuchea former official English transliteration
  127. KHM Khmer Republic former official
  128. KHM Democratic Kampuchea former official
  129. KHM People's Republic of Kampuchea former official
  130. KHM State of Cambodia former official
  131. CMR Cameroon common, English
  132. CMR Republic of Cameroon official, English
  133. CMR United Republic of Cameroon former official, English
  134. CMR Kamerun former colonial, German
  135. CAN Canada official, English and French
  136. CAN Dominion of Canada historical long form, English
  137. CAN Dominion du Canada historical long form, French
  138. CAN Acadia French colony
  139. CAN Francisca as labeled on an old map
  140. CPV Cape Verde common, English
  141. CPV Cabo Verde official, Portuguese and English
  142. CAF Central African Republic official, English
  143. CAF Oubangui-Chari former, French
  144. CAF Ubangi-Shari English
  145. CAF République Centrafricaine official, French
  146. CAF Empire Centrafricain former official, French
  147. CAF Central African Empire English
  148. TCD Chad official, English
  149. TCD Republic of Chad official, English
  150. TCD République du Tchad official, French
  151. TCD Jumhuriyat Tashad official, Arabic
  152. CHL Chile common, English
  153. CHL Republic of Chile official, English
  154. CHL Chilli Mapuche
  155. CHL Chili Quechua
  156. CHL Reyno de Chile colonial Spanish
  157. CHL Capitania general de Chile colonial Spanish
  158. CHN China common, English
  159. CHN People's Republic of China official
  160. CHN Communist China colloquial, mainly used by Western countries
  161. CHN Red China colloquial, mainly derogatory
  162. CHN Mainland China colloquial, refers to the area that the PRC Government administers since the end of the Chinese Civil War
  163. CHN New China colloquial, pro-Communist
  164. CHN Shenzhou, Ch'in Empire, Cathay obsolete, now mainly used poetically
  165. CHN Zhongguo Chinese
  166. COL Colombia common, English
  167. COL Republic of Colombia official, English
  168. COL República de Colombia official, Spanish
  169. COL Estados Unidos de Colombia former official, Spanish
  170. COL Confederación Granadina former official, Spanish
  171. COL República de la Nueva Granada former official, Spanish
  172. COM Comoros common, English
  173. COM Union of the Comoros official, English
  174. COM Union des Comores official, French
  175. COM Udzima wa Komori official, Swahili
  176. COM al-Ittihad al-Qumuri official, Arabic
  177. COM United Republic of the Commoros official, English
  178. CRI Costa Rica common, English
  179. CRI Republic of Costa Rica official, English
  180. CRI República de Costa Rica official, Spanish
  181. CIV Côte d'Ivoire common, French and English
  182. CIV Ivory Coast common, English
  183. CIV the Ivory Coast common English
  184. CIV Republic of Côte d'Ivoire official English
  185. CIV République de Côte d'Ivoire official, French
  186. HRV Croatia common, English
  187. HRV Republic of Croatia official, English
  188. HRV Republika Hrvatska official, Croatian
  189. HRV Hrvatska common, Croatian; also in Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin
  190. HRV Hrvaška Slovenian
  191. CUB Cuba common, English
  192. CUB Republic of Cuba official, English
  193. CUB República de Cuba official, Spanish
  194. CZE Czech Republic official, English
  195. CZE Czechia official shortform name, English
  196. CZE Ceská republika official, Czech, Slovak
  197. CZE Cesko common, Czech, Slovak
  198. CZE CR Czech initialism
  199. CZE CR English initialism
  200. CZE Bohemia former, English
  201. CZE Czechland unofficial, English
  202. CZE the Czechlands unofficial, English
  203. CZE Ceské zeme Czech for Bohemian lands or Czech lands
  204. CZE Former Ceská socialistická republika Czech for the Czech Socialist Republic
  205. CZE CSR Czech initialism
  206. CZE CSR English initialism Protektorát
  207. CZE Cechy a Morava Czech for the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
  208. CZE Zeme Koruny ceské Czech for the Lands of the Bohemian Crown
  209. CZE Koruna ceská Czech for the Bohemian Crown
  210. CZE Ceská konfederace Czech for the Bohemian Confederation
  211. DNK Denmark common, English
  212. DNK Danmark common, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian
  213. DNK Kingdom of Denmark official, English
  214. DNK Kongeriget Danmark official, Danish
  215. COD Democratic Republic of Congo official, English
  216. COD Zaire former official name, 1971 to 1997; still occasionally used to distinguish it from Republic of the Congo
  217. COD DRC initialism
  218. COD Congo Kinshasa used in contrast to Congo Brazzaville
  219. COD Belgian Congo former name during Belgian colonization, 1908 to 1960, English
  220. COD Congo belge former name, French
  221. COD Congo Free State former name, 1885 to 1908
  222. COD Republic of the Congo former name, 1960 to 1964, during which time both Congos had identical official names
  223. DJI Djibouti common
  224. DJI French Territory of the Afars and the Issas, French Somaliland, Obock Territory former names, English
  225. DJI Territoire français des Afars et des Issas, Côte française des Somalis, Territoire d'Obock former names, French
  226. DJI Republic of Djibouti official, English
  227. DJI République de Djibouti official, French
  228. TLS East Timor common
  229. TLS Timor-Leste official shortform name, English, Portuguese
  230. TLS Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste official, English
  231. EGY Egypt common
  232. EGY Misr formal shortened, Arabic
  233. EGY Mess common, Arabic
  234. EGY Aegyptus former, Latin
  235. EGY Kimi Coptic
  236. EGY Arab Republic of Egypt official, English
  237. EST Estonia common
  238. EST Eesti common, Estonian
  239. EST Viru poetic, Estonian
  240. EST Viro common, Finnish
  241. EST Estland common, German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch
  242. EST Maarjamaa Terra Mariana poetic, Estonian
  243. EST Igaunija common, Latvian
  244. SWZ Eswatini common
  245. SWZ Swaziland common, former
  246. SWZ eSwatini Swazi
  247. SWZ Kingdom of Eswatini official, English
  248. ETH Ethiopia common
  249. ETH Abyssinia former
  250. ETH Habeshastan Turkish
  251. ETH Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia official, English
  252. ETH Ethiopië common, Dutch
  253. ETH Al-Habasha Arabic
  254. FIN Finland common, English and Swedish
  255. FIN Republic of Finland official, English
  256. FIN Suomi common, Finnish
  257. FIN Suomen tasavalta official, Finnish
  258. FIN Republiken Finland official, Swedish
  259. FIN Suomenmaa poetic, Finnish
  260. FIN Suopma and Suoma dásseváldi North Sami, official
  261. FIN Lää´ddjânnam and Lää´ddjânnam tää´ssvä´ldd Skolt Sami, official
  262. FIN Suomâ and Suomâ täsiväldi official, Inari Sami
  263. FIN Soome common, Estonian
  264. FRA France common, English and French
  265. FRA French Republic official, English
  266. FRA République Française official, French
  267. FRA L'Hexagone often journalistic, colloquial French
  268. FRA Gaul former name, English
  269. FRA Gaule former name, French
  270. FRA Gallia Contemporary Greek name
  271. FRA Farança common Arabic
  272. FRA Tsarfat common Hebrew
  273. GAB Gabon common, English
  274. GAB Gabonese Republic official, English
  275. GEO Georgia official, English
  276. GEO Iberia former, English, East Georgia
  277. GEO Colchis former, English, West Georgia
  278. GEO Iveria usually used as Christian name
  279. GEO Republic of Georgia former, before the 1995 Constitution
  280. GEO Sakartvelo Georgian
  281. DEU Germany common, English
  282. DEU Federal Republic of Germany official, English*
  283. DEU Bundesrepublik Deutschland official, German*
  284. DEU Deutschland common, German*
  285. DEU BRD German initialism*
  286. DEU FRG English initialism*
  287. DEU Duitsland common, Dutch
  288. DEU Allemagne common, French
  289. DEU Alemania common, Spanish
  290. DEU Germania common, Italian
  291. DEU Nemecko common, Czech
  292. DEU Niemcy common, Polish
  293. DEU Németország common, Hungarian
  294. DEU Former East Germany unofficial, English
  295. DEU Deutsche Demokratische Republik official, German
  296. DEU German Democratic Republic official, English
  297. DEU DDR German initialism
  298. DEU GDR English initialism.
  299. GHA Ghana common, English
  300. GHA Gold Coast colonial, English
  301. GHA United Gold Coast Convention UGCC
  302. GHA Ghana Tinzuyu Dagbon
  303. GHA Gaana Akan
  304. GRC Greece official English description
  305. GRC Hellas official and common name
  306. GRC Hellada common name in Greek
  307. GRC Hellas official description in Greek
  308. GRC Yunanistan Turkish
  309. GRC Hellenic Republic official name of Greek state, English
  310. GRC Yavan common Hebrew
  311. GIN The Republic of Guinea official
  312. GIN Guinea common
  313. GNB Guinea-Bissau common, English
  314. GNB Portuguese Guinea former, English
  315. GNB Republic of Guinea-Bissau official, English
  316. GNB Guiné-Bissao archaic, Portuguese
  317. GNB Guinea shorthand, used when context clearly distinguishes Guinea-Bissau from the neighboring Republic of Guinea
  318. HUN Hungary official, English
  319. HUN Republic of Hungary official between 1946–1949 and 1989–2012
  320. HUN Hungarian People's Republic official, 1918–1919 and 1949–1989
  321. HUN Kingdom of Hungary 1000–1918 and 1920–1946
  322. HUN Regnum Hungari official in Latin, the language of administration until 1844
  323. HUN Hungaria short form, Latin
  324. HUN Magyarország official Hungarian name; has been the commonly used form of the name during all its history
  325. HUN Magyar Köztársaság Hungarian for Republic of Hungary
  326. HUN Magyar Népköztársaság Hungarian for People's Republic of Hungary
  327. HUN Magyar Tanácsköztársaság Hungarian name of the first People's Republic
  328. HUN Magyar Királyság Hungarian for Kingdom of Hungary
  329. ISL Iceland official, English
  330. ISL Republic of Iceland official English description
  331. ISL Ísland official Icelandic name
  332. ISL Lýðveldið Ísland official Icelandic description
  333. ISL Fold poetic name
  334. ISL Thule Latin name, also poetic
  335. ISL Frón poetic
  336. ISL Ísafold poetic
  337. IND India common, English
  338. IND Bharat official name in Hindi
  339. IND Bharat Ganarajya official long form in Hindi
  340. IND Bharata Kannada
  341. IND Bharatadesam Telugu
  342. IND Republic of India official long form in English
  343. IND Union of India semi-official name
  344. IND Hindustan unofficial name in Hindi/Urdu
  345. IND Al-Hind name in Arabic/Persian/Urdu
  346. IND Bharat Prajatantra official long form in Bengali
  347. IND Bharatavarsa name in Sanskrit
  348. IND Hodu name in Hebrew
  349. IND Aryavarta obsolete name
  350. IND Jumhuriyat-e Bharat name in Urdu.
  351. IDN Indonesia common
  352. IDN Republic of Indonesia official, English
  353. IDN Republik Indonesia official, Indonesian
  354. IDN Nusantara dating back from Hindu era
  355. IDN Insulinde from the Colonial era
  356. IDN Indunesia suggestion for Dutch East Indies' modern name
  357. IDN Indonesië common, Dutch
  358. IDN Dutch East Indies or Netherlands East-Indies former, English
  359. IDN Nederlandsch-Indië former, Dutch
  360. IDN Hindia Belanda former, Indonesian
  361. IRN Islamic Republic or Iran official
  362. IRN Iran common
  363. IRN Persia coined by ancient Greeks
  364. IRQ Iraq common
  365. IRQ Mesopotamia former name
  366. IRQ Assyria former/historical name
  367. IRQ Babylon former/historical name
  368. IRL Ireland common and official, English
  369. IRL Éire official Irish name
  370. IRL Irish Free State 1922–1937
  371. IRL Poblacht na hÉireann official Irish description
  372. IRL Republic of Ireland unofficial English description
  373. IRL Saorstát Éireann Irish 1922–1937
  374. IRL Erin, Banba, Fodla three poetic names
  375. IRL Hibernia Latin name, also poetic
  376. ISR Israel common
  377. ISR State of Israel official English name
  378. ISR Zion historical Jewish name for Jerusalem
  379. ISR Yehuda Hebrew for the ancient land of Judea
  380. ISR the Jewish State unofficial
  381. ISR the Hebrew State unofficial
  382. ISR the Holy Land Bible
  383. ISR Eretz Yisrael Bible
  384. ISR Tel Aviv regime used in Iran's news media
  385. ISR the Zionist entity referred to Arabs and Muslims, also used by Iran's news media
  386. ISR Occupied Palestine used by Arabs and Muslims, as well as pro-Palestinian supporters
  387. ISR Illegal State of Zion sometimes used by Arabs, Muslims, and pro-Palestinian supporters
  388. ISR Zionistan sometimes used by Arabs, Muslims, and pro-Palestinian supporters
  389. ISR Herzlstan used by pro-Palestinans and anti-Zionist Jews, named after Theodore Herzl
  390. ITA Italy common
  391. ITA Repubblica Italiana official Italian name
  392. ITA Italia common, Italian
  393. ITA the Beautiful Country nickname
  394. ITA the Boot journalistic
  395. ITA Ausonia, Esperia, Enotria, Tirrenia poetic names
  396. JAM Jamaica common
  397. JAM Xamayca Spanish version of Taino name
  398. JPN Japan common
  399. JPN Nippon official name in Japanese
  400. JPN Nihon alternate
  401. JPN Yamato historic, ancient Japan
  402. JPN Oyashima meaning the country of eight great islands, historic
  403. JPN Cipangu/Zipangu appeared in The Travels of Marco Polo in the 13th century
  404. JPN Gipangu appeared in The Travels of Marco Polo in the 13th century
  405. JPN Hinomoto
  406. JOR Jordan common
  407. JOR Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan official, English
  408. KAZ Kazakhstan common, English
  409. KAZ Republic of Kazakhstan official English long name
  410. KAZ Kazakhstan English passport short name
  411. KAZ Republic of Kazakhstan English passport long name
  412. KAZ Qazaqstan Kazakh short name in Latin script
  413. KAZ Alash former name, also poetic
  414. KAZ Alas former name, also poetic
  415. KAZ Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic former Soviet name, English
  416. KEN Kenya conventional short form
  417. KEN Republic of Kenya official, English
  418. KEN Jamhuri ya Kenya official, Swahili
  419. KEN British East Africa Protectorate former name 1880s until 1920
  420. KEN Kenya Colony former name 1920 until 1963
  421. PRK North Korea common, English
  422. PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea official, English
  423. PRK D.P.R.K. initialism, English
  424. PRK DPRK initialism, English
  425. PRK Choson Minjujuui Inmin Konghwaguk official, Korean
  426. PRK Cho-son colloquial, Korean
  427. PRK Korea conventional short form
  428. KOR South Korea common, English
  429. KOR Republic of Korea official, English
  430. KOR R.O.K. initialism, English
  431. KOR ROK initialism, English
  432. KOR Dae-han-min-guk official, Korean
  433. KOR Han-guk colloquial, Korean
  434. KOR Korea conventional short form
  435. KOR Korea Republic FIFA designation
  436. Kosovo common, English
  437. Republic of Kosovo official, English
  438. Republika e Kosovës official, Albanian
  439. Republika Kosovo official, Serbian Latin
  440. KGZ Kyrgyzstan common, English
  441. KGZ Kyrgyz Republic official English long name
  442. KGZ Kyrgyz Respublikasy Kyrgyz short name in Latin script
  443. KGZ Kyrgyzskaya Respublika Russian short name in Latin script
  444. KGZ Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic former Soviet name, English
  445. KGZ Kyrgyz Sovettik Sotsialisttik Respublikasy former Soviet name, Kyrgyz
  446. KGZ Kirgizskaya Sovetskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika former Soviet name, Russian
  447. KGZ Kirghizia former common English name prior to 1991
  448. KGZ Kirgizstan Russian transliteration of the English name
  449. KGZ Republic of Kyrgyzstan official English long name, 1990–1993
  450. LAO Laos common, English
  451. LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic official, English
  452. LAO Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxôn romanized Lao
  453. LAO République démocratique populaire lao French
  454. LVA Latvia common, English
  455. LVA Latvija common, Latvian
  456. LVA Lettland German, Swedish
  457. LVA Letland Dutch, Danish
  458. LVA Letonija Serbian
  459. LVA Letonnie French
  460. LBN Lebanon common, English
  461. LBN The Lebanese Republic official, English
  462. LBN Al-Jumhuriyya Al-Lubnaniyya official, Arabic
  463. LBN Lebnan Common, Arabic
  464. LBN Lubnan Common, Arabic
  465. LBN Liban Common, French
  466. LBN Levanon Common, Hebrew
  467. LSO Lesotho common, English
  468. LSO Basutoland former, English
  469. LSO Kingdom of Lesotho official, English
  470. LTU Lithuania common, English
  471. LTU Lietuva common, Lithuanian
  472. LTU Lietuvos Respublika official, Lithuanian
  473. LTU Lita common, Yiddish/Hebrew
  474. LUX Luxembourg common, English
  475. LUX Grand Duchy of Luxembourg official, English
  476. LUX Groussherzogdem Lëtzebuerg official, Luxembourgish
  477. LUX Lëtzebuerg common, Luxembourgish
  478. LUX Grand-Duché de Luxembourg official, French
  479. LUX Luxembourg common, French
  480. LUX Großherzogtum Luxemburg official, German
  481. LUX Luxemburg common, German
  482. LUX Luxemburgo common, Spanish & Portuguese
  483. LUX Lussemburgo common, Italian
  484. MDG Madagascar common
  485. MDG Madagasikara Malagasy
  486. MDG Republic of Madagascar official, English
  487. MDG Repoblikan'i Madagasikara official, Malagasy
  488. MDG République de Madagascar official, French
  489. MWI Malawi common
  490. MWI Nyasaland former, English
  491. MWI Republic of Malawi official, English
  492. MYS Malaysia official
  493. MYS Persekutuan Malaysia colloquial long form, Malay
  494. MYS Federation of Malaysia colloquial long form, English
  495. MYS Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak former, English names of the various components
  496. MYS Tanah Melayu or Malay Land former, Malay
  497. MYS Maláixiyà common, Mandarin
  498. MYS Malesiya common, Tamil
  499. MDV Maldives common
  500. MDV Republic of the Maldives official
  501. MDV The Maldive Islands colloquial, colonial
  502. MDV Dhivehi Raajje official, Dhivehi
  503. MDV Mahal Dvipa ancient, Sanskrit
  504. MDV Maléldvipa ancient, Sanskrit
  505. MDV Dhibat-al-Mahal ancient, Arabic
  506. MRT Mauritania common
  507. MRT Islamic Republic of Mauritania official, English
  508. MRT République Islamique de Mauritanie official, French
  509. MEX Mexico shortened form
  510. MEX United Mexican States official, English
  511. MEX Estados Unidos Mexicanos official, Spanish
  512. MEX México Spanish short form
  513. MEX República Mexicana colloquial, Spanish
  514. MEX Méjico Spanish variant
  515. MEX MEX initialism
  516. MEX MX initialism
  517. MEX Aztlán Spanish, Nahuatl
  518. MEX Aztlan Spanish, Nahuatl
  519. MDA Moldova common
  520. MDA Republic of Moldova official
  521. MDA Republica Moldova official, Moldovan and Romanian
  522. MDA Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic former Soviet name, English
  523. MDA Bessarabia, Bassarabia historic name, still used by irredentists
  524. MDA Bogdan 'Land of Voyvoda I. Bogdan', former common and official name during Ottoman Empire, Turkish
  525. MDA Moldavia alternative name in English
  526. MDA Moldau alternative name in German
  527. MAR Morocco common
  528. MAR Kingdom of Morocco official
  529. MAR Al Mamkaka Al Maghribiya official, Arabic
  530. MAR Maghreb English
  531. MNE Montenegro official, English and other languages
  532. MNE Crna Gora official, Montenegrin, Serbian and Croatian
  533. MNE Republic of Montenegro official until 2007
  534. MNE Republika Crna Gora official until 2007
  535. MNE Mali i Zi official, Albanian
  536. MNE Karadag official, Turkish
  537. MNE Duklja name in medieval times
  538. MNE Zeta alternative name in medieval times
  539. MNE Black Mountain literal translation into English
  540. MMR Myanmar common
  541. MMR Republic of the Union of Myanmar official
  542. MMR Burma colloquial
  543. NLD Netherlands official, English
  544. NLD Kingdom of the Netherlands official, English
  545. NLD Koninkrijk der Nederlanden official, Dutch
  546. NLD Nederland Dutch
  547. NLD Holland pars pro toto, English, Dutch and other languages
  548. NLD Batavia former and poetic, English, Dutch and other languages
  549. NLD Pays-Bas French
  550. NPL Nepal common, English
  551. NPL Federal Democratic Republic Of Nepal official, English
  552. NZL New Zealand official, English
  553. NZL Aotearoa official, Maori
  554. NZL Realm of New Zealand official English name including Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and Ross Dependency
  555. NZL Dominion of New Zealand former official, English
  556. MKD North Macedonia shortened form
  557. MKD Republic of North Macedonia official
  558. MKD Republic of Macedonia former
  559. MKD The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia former
  560. MKD Paeonia Latin name, poetic
  561. MKD Vardar Banovina former Yugoslav province
  562. NOR Norway common, English
  563. NOR Norge common, Norwegian Bokmål, Danish, Swedish
  564. NOR Noreg common, Norwegian Nynorsk
  565. NOR Kingdom of Norway official, English
  566. NOR Kongeriket Norge official, Norwegian Bokmål
  567. NOR Kongeriket Noreg official, Norwegian Nynorsk
  568. OMN Oman official, English
  569. OMN Sultanate of Oman official, English
  570. PAK Pakistan common, English
  571. PAK Islamic Republic of Pakistan official and constitutional, English
  572. PAK Federation of Pakistan alternate official name, English
  573. PAK Dominion of Pakistan historic official name, English
  574. PAK West Pakistan common and later official name before the secession of Bangladesh
  575. PAK Sindhustan and Indoscythia unofficial historical names
  576. PAK Mumlikat-e Khudadaad Pakistan The God-given realm of Pakistan, unofficial, used in literature mostly, Urdu
  577. PLW Palau common, English
  578. PLW Republic of Palau official, English
  579. PLW Belau common, Palauan
  580. PSE Palestine common, English
  581. PSE State of Palestine English name, official, semi-international designation
  582. PSE Medinat Palestina Hebrew name
  583. PSE Dawlat Filastin official Arabic name
  584. PSE the Holy Land Bible
  585. PSE Eretz Yisrael Bible
  586. PSE Filastin common name, Arabic
  587. PSE Palestina common name, Hebrew
  588. PSE Palestinian National Authority English name, alternate official
  589. PSE as-Sulta al-Filastiniya Arabic name, alternate official
  590. PSE West Bank and Gaza Strip territorial names
  591. PSE Palestinian territories official name, English
  592. PSE al-Aradi al-Filastiniyya official name, Arabic
  593. PSE Occupied Palestinian Territory / Occupied Palestinian Territories International designation, English
  594. PSE Israeli-occupied territories name of the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, English
  595. PSE Mandatory Palestine former name, English
  596. PER Peru common, English
  597. PER Republic of Peru official, English
  598. PER República del Perú official, Spanish
  599. PER Perú common, Spanish
  600. PER Peruvian Republic former official name, English
  601. PER República Peruana former official name, Spanish
  602. PHL Philippines common, English
  603. PHL Repúblika ng Pilipinas official, Filipino
  604. PHL Republic of the Philippines official, English
  605. PHL Pilipinas common, corruption of the Spanish, Filipinas
  606. PHL Filipinas common Spanish and other local languages
  607. PHL Las Islas Filipinas named after Philip II of Spain, historical, Spanish
  608. PHL Las Islas Felipenas historical, by Ruy López de Villalobos
  609. PHL Pinás colloquial
  610. PHL PH official initialism, changed from RP to avoid confusion with Poland; see below
  611. PHL Philippine Islands historic; official name under American control; also used colloquially, English
  612. PHL Filipina common, Malay
  613. PHL Haríng Bayang Katagalugan Sovereign Tagalog Nation, historical, by Andrés Bonifacio
  614. PHL Islas de San Lázaro Isles of Saint Lazarus, historical, by Ferdinand Magellan
  615. POL Poland common, English
  616. POL Republic of Poland official, English
  617. POL Rzeczpospolita Polska official, Polish
  618. POL Polska common, Polish
  619. POL RP often journalistic, Polish
  620. POL People's Republic of Poland former Communist name, English
  621. POL Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa former Communist name, Polish
  622. POL Rzeczpospolita historic common name, Polish
  623. POL Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth historic official name, English
  624. POL Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów historic official name, Polish
  625. POL United Commonwealth of the Two Nations historic official name, English
  626. POL Polonia poetic, Latin and Polish
  627. POL Lechia historic and poetic original name, Latin, Polish, and English
  628. PRT Portugal common
  629. PRT Portuguese Republic official, English
  630. PRT Lusitania official, Latin
  631. PRT Galaico-Portuguese nation Celtic Gale and Roman-Celtic Portus Cale
  632. PRT Portucale from the Gallaeci tribe Celtic Gale and Roman-Celtic Portus Cale
  633. PRT Galician-Portuguese ethnic term derived from the original language
  634. PRT Ophiussa ancient Greek
  635. PRT Ophiusa ancient Greek
  636. PRT Portugalensis patrie
  637. PRT Portugalensium patrie and Portugaliae by King Afonso I
  638. PRT Regno Portugalensium Latin, Medieval
  639. PRT Portugalis Latin, Medieval
  640. PRT Portugalliae et Algarbiae
  641. PRT Portugalliae, Lusitaniae Latin
  642. PRT Purtugall Middle Ages
  643. PRT Burtughal Arabic
  644. PRT Portingall common classical English and other late medieval Germanic languages
  645. PRT Portingal common classical English and other late medieval Germanic languages
  646. PRT Ocidental Praia Lusitana Western Lusitanian Beach
  647. PRT Pátria Lusitana Lusitanian Fatherland
  648. PRT Luxitania Port of Grail in Esotericism and metaphysical literature
  649. PRT Portugraal Port of Grail in Esotericism and metaphysical literature
  650. PRI Puerto Rico common, English and Spanish
  651. PRI Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico official, Spanish
  652. PRI Commonwealth of Puerto Rico official, English
  653. PRI Porto Rico archaic, English
  654. PRI Associated Free State of Puerto Rico non-official literal translation to English of the official Spanish name
  655. PRI Borikén, Borinquen, or Borinken former Taíno name also used colloquially and among nationalists
  656. COG Republic of the Congo official, English
  657. COG Congo common
  658. COG Congo Brazzaville used in contrast to Congo Kinshasa
  659. COG French Congo former name during French colonization, 1880 to 1910, English
  660. ROU Romania common
  661. ROU România official, Romanian
  662. ROU Rumania or Roumania archaic, English
  663. ROU Kingdom of Romania name under monarchy, English
  664. ROU Regatul României name under monarchy, Romanian
  665. ROU Romanian People's Republic former Communist name, English
  666. ROU Republica Populara Romîna former Communist name, Romanian
  667. ROU Socialist Republic of Romania former Communist name, English
  668. ROU Republica Socialista România former Communist name, Romanian
  669. RUS Russian Federation official English description
  670. RUS Russia official and common name, ambiguous, English
  671. RUS Russland, German
  672. RUS Rossiya common, Russian
  673. RUS RF initialism
  674. RUS Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic former name, 1918–1936
  675. RUS Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic former name, 1936–1991
  676. RUS RSFSR former name initialism
  677. RUS Soviet Union former name
  678. RUS Union of Soviet Socialist Republics official former name
  679. RUS USSR former initialism
  680. RUS Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik former official name, transliterated
  681. RUS SSSR former initialism
  682. RUS SU common, but former initialism
  683. RUS Sovetskiy Soyuz common former name, transliterated
  684. RUS Rus poetic or obsolete name, ambiguous
  685. RUS Great Russia obsolete name
  686. RWA Rwanda common
  687. RWA Rwandese Republic official, English
  688. RWA Republic of Rwanda official, English, former
  689. RWA République du Rwanda official, French
  690. RWA Repubulika y'u Rwanda official, Kinyarwanda
  691. RWA Pays des mille collines poetic, French
  692. RWA Ruanda former colonial name
  693. KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis common
  694. KNA Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis co-official, English
  695. KNA Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis co-official, English
  696. KNA Saint Christopher and Nevis alternate short-form, English
  697. KNA Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla former official, English
  698. KNA Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla former common, English
  699. KNA Saint Kitts or Saint Christopher shorthand, English
  700. KNA Liamuiga and Oualie former indigenous names of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis, respectively
  701. VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines common
  702. VCT Hairouna former indigenous name, Carib
  703. SAU Saudi Arabia common, English
  704. SAU Kingdom of Saudi Arabia official, English
  705. SAU KSA initialism
  706. SAU Saudia former in English, common in Arabic
  707. SAU Al-Mamlaka al-Arabiyya as-Saudiyya official name in Arabic
  708. SAU Hijaz, Saudi regime used in Iran's news media
  709. SAU Arav haSa'udit name in Hebrew
  710. SRB Serbia common, English
  711. SRB Republic of Serbia official, English
  712. SRB Servia archaic, English
  713. SRB Srbija common, Serbian
  714. SRB Republika Srbija official, Serbian
  715. SRB Serbia and Montenegro former common, English
  716. SRB Yugoslavia former common, English
  717. SRB Raška alternative name in medieval times
  718. SRB Serboslavia derogatory, used by the rule of Slobodan Miloševic
  719. SGP Singapore common, English
  720. SGP Republic of Singapore official, English
  721. SGP Singapura common, Malay
  722. SGP Sinhapura Sanskrit, i.e., Land of Lions
  723. SGP Xinjiapo common, Chinese
  724. SGP Cinjkappur common, Tamil
  725. SGP Pulau Ujong historical, ancient
  726. SGP Shonan-to former, Japanese occupation
  727. SGP little red dot colloquial; originally derogatory
  728. SVK Slovakia common, English
  729. SVK Slovak Republic official, English
  730. SVK Slovensko common, Slovak
  731. SVK Slovenská republika official, Slovak
  732. SVK SR English and Slovak initialism
  733. SVK Slovak Socialist Republic former name, 1969 to 1990
  734. SVK Slovenská socialistická republika former name, Slovak
  735. SVK SSR English and Slovak initialism
  736. SVN Slovenia common, English
  737. SVN Republic of Slovenia official, English
  738. SVN Slovenija common, Slovenian
  739. SVN Republika Slovenija official, Slovenian
  740. SVN RS English and Slovenian initialism
  741. ZAF South Africa common, English
  742. ZAF Azania, Mzansi Xhosa, for South
  743. ZAF Suid-Afrika official, Afrikaans
  744. ZAF Zuid-Afrika former official, Dutch
  745. ZAF Union of South Africa Colonial, pre-1961
  746. ESP Spain common, English
  747. ESP España common, Spanish
  748. ESP Kingdom of Spain official, English
  749. ESP Reino de España official, Spanish
  750. ESP Espanya common, Catalan
  751. ESP Hispania Latin
  752. ESP Espainia common, Euskera
  753. ESP Spanish State former name
  754. ESP La piel de toro Spanish
  755. ESP La pell de brau Catalan
  756. ESP Las Batuecas derogatory name used in the works of Mariano José de Larra
  757. ESP Iberia Latin, for the peninsula which includes modern Portugal
  758. ESP Sepharad common, Hebrew
  759. LKA Sri Lanka common, Sanskrit, English
  760. LKA Ceylon former, English
  761. LKA Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka official, English
  762. LKA Heladiva Land of Sinhalese former, Sinhala
  763. LKA Ratnadeepa Island of Gems ormer, Sinhala
  764. LKA elangai common, Tamil
  765. LKA Taprobane one of the medieval names of Sri Lanka
  766. SDN Sudan common
  767. SDN Republic of the Sudan official, English
  768. SDN The Sudan alternate English
  769. SDN Anglo-Egyptian Sudan colonial name, English
  770. SDN Mahdist State former English unofficial
  771. SDN Nubia ancient name, also poetic
  772. SUR Suriname common, English
  773. SUR Dutch Guiana former, English
  774. SUR Netherlands Guiana former official, English
  775. SUR Republic of Suriname official, English
  776. SUR Republiek Suriname official, Dutch
  777. SUR Surinam English name until 1978
  778. SWE Sweden common, English
  779. SWE Sverige common, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian
  780. SWE Konungariket Sverige official, Swedish
  781. SWE Kingdom of Sweden official, English
  782. SWE Svea Rike possibly former/poetical, Swedish
  783. SWE Thule Latin name, also poetic
  784. SWE Svitjod Old Norse
  785. CHE Switzerland common, English
  786. CHE Swiss Confederation official, English
  787. CHE Schweiz common, German, Danish, Swedish
  788. CHE Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft official, German
  789. CHE Suisse common, French
  790. CHE Confédération suisse official, French
  791. CHE Svizzera common, Italian
  792. CHE Confederazione Svizzera official, Italian
  793. CHE Svizra common, Romansh
  794. CHE Confederaziun Svizra official, Romansh
  795. CHE Confoederatio Helvetica, Helvetia Latin, sometimes used officially
  796. CHE CH initialism
  797. TWN Taiwan common, English
  798. TWN Republic of China official, English
  799. TWN Taiwan common, English
  800. TWN ROC initialism
  801. TWN Chinese Taipei international designation
  802. TWN Zhonghuá Táibei international designation, pinyin
  803. TWN Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu international designation
  804. TWN Taipei, China designation used by China to imply that Taiwan is part of China
  805. TWN Taiwan, Province of China UN designation
  806. TWN Nationalist China obsolete, but still mainly used by Western countries
  807. TWN Free China obsolete, pro-Nationalist
  808. TWN Formosa former, English
  809. TWN Cathay obsolete, now mainly used poetically
  810. TWN Zhongguo alternative, Chinese
  811. TWN Qing dynasty former name.
  812. TZA Tanzania common, English
  813. TZA United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar former, English
  814. TZA United Republic of Tanzania official, English
  815. TZA Deutsch-Ostafrika German East Africa, colonial name until 1918
  816. TZA Ruanda and Urundi German East Africa, colonial name until 1918
  817. THA Thailand common, English
  818. THA Siam former, English
  819. THA Kingdom of Thailand official, English
  820. Transnistria
  821. Pridnestrovie official shortform name
  822. Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublica official, longform
  823. TTO Trinidad and Tobago common, English
  824. TTO Iere poetic, Land of the Hummingbird, believed to be derived from Arawak
  825. TTO Republic of Trinidad and Tobago official, English
  826. TTO Trinbago informal, English
  827. TUN Tunisia official shortform name
  828. TUN Republic of Tunisia official, longform
  829. TUR Turkey common
  830. TUR Republic of Turkey official, English
  831. TUR Türkiye Cumhuriyeti official, Turkish
  832. TUR Asia Minor geographical, English
  833. TUR Anatolia geographical, English
  834. TUR Ottoman Empire former, English
  835. TUR Turkish Empire former unofficial, English
  836. TUR Porte or Sublime Porte English descriptions of the former Ottoman state
  837. TUV Tuvalu English and Tuvaluan
  838. TUV Ellice Islands colonial name, English
  839. UKR Ukraine official
  840. UKR UA initialism
  841. UKR UKR initialism
  842. UKR Kievan Rus Former name for of East Slavic tribes in Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century
  843. UKR Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia historic name of Western Ukraine
  844. UKR Kingdom of Ruthenia historic name of Western Ukraine
  845. UKR Zaporizhian Host is an adopted name in historiography for the Ukrainian Cossack state on the territory of Dnieper Ukraine and Siveria that existed between 1649 and 1764
  846. ARE United Arab Emirates shortened form
  847. ARE United Arab Emirates English
  848. ARE Trucial States English, prior to 1971
  849. ARE Al Emirat al Arabbiya al Muttahida official, Arabic
  850. ARE UAE English initialism
  851. ARE U.A.E. English initialism
  852. ARE The Emirates colloquial, English
  853. GBR United Kingdom shortened form
  854. GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland official, English
  855. GBR Britain alternative
  856. GBR Great Britain alternative
  857. GBR UK initialism
  858. GBR U.K. initialism
  859. GBR United Kingdom short form
  860. GBR Albion poetic, Latin
  861. GBR Britannia poetic, Latin
  862. GBR Perfidious Albion if said by an old enemy, mainly humorous today
  863. GBR Anglia poetic, Latin, refers specifically to England
  864. GBR Alba Scottish, Gaelic-refers specifically to Scotland
  865. GBR Caledonia poetic, Latin-refers specifically to Scotland
  866. GBR Cymru official, Welsh-refers specifically to Wales
  867. GBR Cambria poetic, Latin-refers to Wales
  868. GBR Ulster colloquial, refers specifically to Northern Ireland
  869. USA United States shortened form
  870. USA United States of America official
  871. USA America alternative
  872. USA the States alternative
  873. USA US initialism
  874. USA U.S. initialism
  875. USA USA initialism
  876. USA Usa initialism
  877. USA U.S.A initialism
  878. USA Columbia Latin, poetic
  879. USA Freedonia names proposed after American Revolutionary War
  880. USA Appalachia names proposed after American Revolutionary War
  881. USA Alleghany names proposed after American Revolutionary War
  882. USA Usonia used by James Duff Law and popularized by Frank Lloyd Wright
  883. USA Usono Esperanto; comes from Usona in English
  884. VUT Vanuatu common
  885. VUT New Hebrides former name under British and French condominium rule from 1906 to 1980
  886. VUT Niuhebridis Bislama
  887. VUT Nouvelles Hebrides former official name in French
  888. VUT République de Vanuatu French
  889. VUT Ripablik blong Vanuatu Bislama
  890. VUT Vanuatri jocular name used in humour
  891. VNM Vietnam common
  892. VNM An Nam former name in other foreign languages
  893. VNM Champa historical kingdom
  894. VNM Giao Chi former Chinese province or vassal kingdom
  895. VNM French Indochina former name under French colonization when united with Laos and Cambodia, English
  896. VNM Linh Nam poetic name
  897. VNM Socialist Republic of Vietnam official, English
  898. VNM North Vietnam Democratic Republic of Vietnam from 1954 to 1975
  899. VNM South Vietnam Republic of Vietnam from 1954 to 1975
  900. VNM Cong hòa Xã hoi Chu nghia Viet Nam official, Vietnamese
  901. VNM Viet Nam short form, Vietnamese
  902. VNM SRV English initialism
  903. VNM S.R.V. English initialism
  904. VNM VN English initialism
  905. VNM V.N. English initialism
  906. ZMB Zambia common
  907. ZMB Northern Rhodesia former, English
  908. ZMB Republic of Zambia official, English
  909. ZWE Zimbabwe common
  910. ZWE Rhodesia or Republic of Rhodesia former names, English
  911. ZWE Republic of Zimbabwe official, English
  912. ZWE Southern Rhodesia former, English
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