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- UI.AddHotkey(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds"], "Menu Key", "Menu")
- UI.AddSubTab(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "R3ality Check")
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check"], "posx", 0, 10000)
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check"], "posy", 0, 10000)
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check"], "width", 0, 10000)
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check"], "height", 0, 10000)
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check"], "Antiaim", 0, 1)
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check"], "tag", 0, 2)
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check"], "Indicators")
- var posx = 100, posy = 100, width = 300, height = 300, font, textSize;
- var showMenu, dontSize, sizing, dontMove, moving, sizeOffsetFromCursor = [0,0], cursorPos = [0,0], moveOffsetFromCursor = [0,0], configLoaded = 0;
- var feature = [1,0,0,0,1], dontFeature = [0, 0, 0], clanmode = 0, jitter = false;
- var screen = Render.GetScreenSize();
- function loadConfig(){
- if (configLoaded != 1 && UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posx"]) > 0 && posx != UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posx"]))
- {
- posx = UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posx"])
- posy = UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posy"])
- width = UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "width"])
- height = UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "height"])
- //feature[0] = UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "Antiaim"])
- //feature[1] = UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "tag"])
- //feature[2] = UI.GetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "Indicators"])
- configLoaded = 1;
- }
- }
- function drawMenu(){
- loadConfig();
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posx"], 0)
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posy"], 0)
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "width"], 0)
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "height"], 0)
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "Antiaim"], 0)
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "tag"], 0)
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "Indicators"], 0)
- bigfont = Render.GetFont("Smallest_Pixel-7.ttf", 24,true)
- font = Render.GetFont("Smallest_Pixel-7.ttf", 18,true)
- textSize = Render.TextSize("R3ality Check", bigfont)
- if (!feature[4]){
- showMenu = UI.GetValue(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Menu Key"])
- } else if (UI.IsMenuOpen()){
- showMenu = true;
- } else {
- showMenu = false;
- }
- if (showMenu == true)
- {
- Input.ForceCursor(1);
- Render.FilledRect(posx, posy, width, height, [25,25,25,255])
- Render.FilledRect(posx + 8, posy + 8, width - 16, height - 16, [50,50,50,255])
- Render.FilledRect(posx + 9, posy + 9, width - 18, height - 17, [17,17,17,255])
- Render.GradientRect(posx + 9, posy + 9, (width - 18) / 2, 3, 1, HSVtoRGB(Globals.Realtime()/2,1,1,255), HSVtoRGB(Globals.Realtime()/2 + 0.2,1,1,255))
- Render.GradientRect(posx + 9 + (width - 18) / 2, posy + 9, (width - 18) / 2, 3, 1, HSVtoRGB(Globals.Realtime()/2 + 0.2,1,1,255), HSVtoRGB(Globals.Realtime()/2 + 0.4,1,1,255))
- Render.Line(posx + 3, posy + 3, posx + width - 5, posy + 3, [75,75,75,255])
- Render.Line(posx + width - 12, posy + height - 3, posx + width - 3, posy + height - 12, [150,150,150,255])
- Render.Line(posx + width - 8, posy + height - 3, posx + width - 3, posy + height - 8, [150,150,150,255])
- Render.Line(posx + width - 4, posy + height - 3, posx + width - 3, posy + height - 4, [150,150,150,255])
- Render.Rect(posx + width / 8, posy + height / 10 + textSize[1] / 2, width - width / 8 * 2, height - height / 10 * 2 - textSize[1] / 2, [200,200,200,255])
- Render.FilledRect(posx + width / 5 - 10, posy + height / 10, textSize[0] + 20, textSize[1], [17,17,17,255])
- Render.String(posx + width / 5, posy + height / 10, 0, "R3ality Check", [200,200,200,255], bigfont)
- if (feature[0] == true){
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4, 10, 10, 0, [150,230,50,255], [90,110,30,255])
- } else {
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4, 10, 10, 0, [50,50,50,255], [25,25,25,255])
- }
- Render.String(posx + width / 6 + 20, posy + height / 4 - 5, 0, "AntiAim", [200,200,200,255], font)
- if (feature[1] == true){
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 30, 10, 10, 0, [150,230,50,255], [90,110,30,255])
- } else {
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 30, 10, 10, 0, [50,50,50,255], [25,25,25,255])
- }
- Render.String(posx + width / 6 + 20, posy + height / 4 - 5 + 30, 0, "Clantag", [200,200,200,255], font)
- if (feature[2] == true){
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 60, 10, 10, 0, [150,230,50,255], [90,110,30,255])
- } else {
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 60, 10, 10, 0, [50,50,50,255], [25,25,25,255])
- }
- Render.String(posx + width / 6 + 20, posy + height / 4 - 5 + 60, 0, "Indicators", [200,200,200,255], font)
- if (feature[3] == true){
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 90, 10, 10, 0, [150,230,50,255], [90,110,30,255])
- } else {
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 90, 10, 10, 0, [50,50,50,255], [25,25,25,255])
- }
- Render.String(posx + width / 6 + 20, posy + height / 4 - 5 + 90, 0, "Circle Names", [200,200,200,255], font)
- if (feature[4] == true){
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 120, 10, 10, 0, [150,230,50,255], [90,110,30,255])
- } else {
- Render.GradientRect(posx + width / 6, posy + height / 4 + 120, 10, 10, 0, [50,50,50,255], [25,25,25,255])
- }
- Render.String(posx + width / 6 + 20, posy + height / 4 - 5 + 120, 0, "Open With Menu", [200,200,200,255], font)
- for (i in feature){
- if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- dontFeature[i] = false;
- }
- if (cursorPos[0] < posx + width / 6
- || cursorPos[1] < posy + height / 4 + 30 * i
- || cursorPos[0] > posx + width / 6 + 10
- || cursorPos[1] > posy + height / 4 + 10 + 30 * i)
- {
- if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- dontFeature[i] = true;
- }
- }
- if (!dontFeature[i]){
- if (cursorPos[0] > posx + width / 6
- && cursorPos[1] > posy + height / 4 + 30 * i
- && cursorPos[0] < posx + width / 6 + 10
- && cursorPos[1] < posy + height / 4 + 10 + 30 * i
- && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- feature[i] = !feature[i];
- dontFeature[i] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- Input.ForceCursor(0);
- }
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawMenu");
- function Indicators(){
- if (!feature[2]) return;
- var desyncSize = Math.abs(Math.round(Math.abs(Local.GetFakeYaw()) - Math.abs(Local.GetRealYaw())))
- Render.GradientRect(screen[0]/2, screen[1]/2 + screen[1]/20, desyncSize, 10, 1, HSVtoRGB(Globals.Tickcount()/250, 1, 1, 255), HSVtoRGB(Globals.Tickcount()/250, 1, 1, 0))
- Render.GradientRect(screen[0]/2 - desyncSize, screen[1]/2 + screen[1]/20, desyncSize, 10, 1, HSVtoRGB(Globals.Tickcount()/250, 1, 1, 0), HSVtoRGB(Globals.Tickcount()/250, 1, 1, 255))
- Render.String(screen[0]/2, screen[1]/2 + screen[1]/30, 1, desyncSize.toString() + "*", [255,255,255,255], bigfont)
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Indicators");
- function moveMenu(){
- cursorPos = Input.GetCursorPosition();
- if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- dontMove = false;
- moving = false;
- }
- if (!moving){
- moveOffsetFromCursor[0] = posx - cursorPos[0]
- moveOffsetFromCursor[1] = posy - cursorPos[1]
- if (cursorPos[0] < posx - 1
- || cursorPos[1] < posy - 1
- || cursorPos[0] > posx + width + 1
- || cursorPos[1] > posy + 10)
- {
- if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- dontMove = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!dontMove){
- if (cursorPos[0] > posx - 1
- && cursorPos[1] > posy - 1
- && cursorPos[0] < posx + width + 1
- && cursorPos[1] < posy + 10
- && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- moving = true;
- }
- }
- if (moving)
- {
- posx = cursorPos[0] + moveOffsetFromCursor[0];
- posy = cursorPos[1] + moveOffsetFromCursor[1];
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posx"], posx)
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "posy"], posy)
- }
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "moveMenu");
- function sizeMenu(){
- cursorPos = Input.GetCursorPosition();
- if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- dontSize = false;
- sizing = false;
- }
- if (!sizing){
- sizeOffsetFromCursor[0] = width - cursorPos[0]
- sizeOffsetFromCursor[1] = height - cursorPos[1]
- if (cursorPos[0] < posx + width - 14
- || cursorPos[1] < posy + height - 14
- || cursorPos[1] > posy + height + 1
- || cursorPos[0] > posx + width + 1)
- {
- if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- dontSize = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!dontSize){
- if (cursorPos[0] > posx + width - 14
- && cursorPos[1] > posy + height - 14
- && cursorPos[1] < posy + height + 1
- && cursorPos[0] < posx + width + 1
- && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01))
- {
- sizing = true;
- }
- }
- if (sizing)
- {
- if (cursorPos[0] + sizeOffsetFromCursor[0] >= 250){
- width = cursorPos[0] + sizeOffsetFromCursor[0];
- } else {
- width = 250
- }
- if (cursorPos[1] + sizeOffsetFromCursor[1] >= 250){
- height = cursorPos[1] + sizeOffsetFromCursor[1];
- } else {
- height = 250;
- }
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "width"], width)
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "height"], height)
- }
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "sizeMenu");
- function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v, a) {
- var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
- if (arguments.length === 1) {
- s = h.s, v = h.v, h = h.h;
- }
- i = Math.floor(h * 6);
- f = h * 6 - i;
- p = v * (1 - s);
- q = v * (1 - f * s);
- t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
- switch (i % 6) {
- case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
- case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
- case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
- case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
- case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
- case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
- }
- var color = [Math.round(r * 255),Math.round(g * 255),Math.round(b * 255), a]
- return color;
- }
- function wtrMark(){
- var wtrfont = Render.GetFont("Smallest_pixel-7.ttf", 24, true);
- if (!wtrfont) return;
- var wtrsize = [0,0];
- fontFound = 1;
- var wtrsize1 = Render.TextSize("R", wtrfont)
- var wtrsize2 = Render.TextSize("3", wtrfont)
- var wtrsize3 = Render.TextSize("ality Check.", wtrfont)
- var wtrsize4 = Render.TextSize("JS", wtrfont)
- wtrsize[0] = wtrsize1[0] + wtrsize2[0] + wtrsize3[0] + wtrsize4[0];
- wtrsize[1] = wtrsize1[1] + wtrsize2[1] + wtrsize3[1] + wtrsize4[1];
- Render.GradientRect(0,0,wtrsize[0] + 20,wtrsize1[1],1,[0,0,0,255],[0,0,0,0]);
- Render.String(5,0,0,"R",[255,255,255,255], wtrfont)
- Render.String(5 + wtrsize1[0],0,0,"3",[255,0,255,255], wtrfont)
- Render.String(5 + wtrsize1[0] + wtrsize2[0],0,0,"ality Check.",[255,255,255,255], wtrfont)
- Render.String(5 + wtrsize1[0] + wtrsize2[0] + wtrsize3[0],0,0,"JS",[255,0,255,255], wtrfont)
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "wtrMark");
- var real, fake, lby, oldtick = 0, flipper = 0, aa = [], decay, oldflipper, onceflipper = false;
- function r3Yaw(){
- var onceaa = 0;
- if (!feature[0]){
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "Antiaim"], 0)
- if (!onceaa){
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- onceaa = 1;
- onceflipper = false;
- }
- return;
- } else if (feature[0]){
- if (!onceflipper){
- flipper = 0;
- }
- onceflipper = true;
- onceaa = 0;
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "R3ality Check", "R3ality Check", "Antiaim"], 1)
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- }
- if (oldtick > Globals.Tickcount()) return;
- oldtick = Globals.Tickcount() + 3;
- decay -= 1;
- if (decay < 1){
- flipper = 0;
- }
- switch (flipper){
- case 0:
- aa = [-15, 10, -90];
- decay = 51;
- break;
- case 1:
- aa = [-20, -10, 90];
- break;
- case 2:
- aa = [20, 10, -90];
- break;
- case 3:
- aa = [30, -30, 90];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(aa[1]);
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(aa[0]);
- AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(aa[2]);
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "r3Yaw");
- function doFlip() {
- flipper += 1;
- flipper %= 4;
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("bullet_impact", "doFlip");
- function unloadAA(){
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unloadAA");
- var str = ['R3ality Check\n', 'R3ality Check\n',
- '♛ . ♛\n',
- "♛ ' ♛\n",
- '♛ . ♛\n',
- "♛ ' ♛\n",
- '♛ . ♛\n',
- "♛ ' ♛\n",
- '♛ T ♛\n',
- '♛ Th ♛\n',
- '♛ Th3 ♛\n',
- '♛ Th3R ♛\n',
- '♛ Th3R3 ♛\n',
- '♛ Th3R3a ♛\n',
- '♛ h3R3al ♛\n',
- '♛ 3R3ali ♛\n',
- '♛ R3alit ♛\n',
- '♛ 3ality ♛\n',
- '♛ ality# ♛\n',
- '♛ lity#0 ♛\n',
- '♛ ity#00 ♛\n',
- '♛ ty#000 ♛\n',
- '♛ y#0001 ♛\n',
- '♛ #0001 ♛\n',
- '♛ #0001 ♛\n',
- '♛ #0001 ♛\n',
- ];
- var currStr = 0;
- var once = false;
- function tag(){
- if (feature[1]){
- if (Globals.Tickcount() % Math.ceil(Globals.Tickrate()/4) == 0){
- currStr = (currStr + 1) % str.length;
- Local.SetClanTag(str[currStr].toString());
- once = false;
- }
- } else {
- if (!once){
- Local.SetClanTag("");
- once = true;
- }
- }
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "tag")
- var str, radius, distance, x1, y1, x2, y2, screen, playerName, enemyList, enemyAlive, eye2D = [0,0], eye3D = [0,0];
- function Circle_Names(){
- if (!feature[3]) return;
- var font = Render.GetFont("Comic.ttf", 18, true);
- screen = Render.GetScreenSize();
- x1 = screen[0] / 2;
- y1 = screen[1] / 2;
- enemyAlive = [];
- enemyList = [];
- enemyList = Entity.GetEnemies();
- for (var i = 0; i < enemyList.length; i++){
- if (!enemyList[i]) continue;
- if (Entity.IsDormant( enemyList[i] )) continue;
- if (!Entity.IsAlive(enemyList[i])) continue;
- if (Entity.IsBot(enemyList[i])){
- str = "bot"
- } else {
- str = Entity.GetName(enemyList[i])
- }
- eye3D = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(enemyList[i], 0);
- eye2D = Render.WorldToScreen(eye3D);
- if (eye2D[2] == 0) continue;
- x1 = eye2D[0];
- y1 = eye2D[1];
- str = str.split("");
- radius = 50;
- angle = 360 / 16;
- for (var o = 0; o < str.length; o++){
- var realangle = Math.sin(Globals.Realtime()) + Globals.Realtime() - angle * o / 360 * 2 * Math.PI
- opposite = y1 + radius * Math.sin(realangle)
- adjacent = x1 + radius * Math.cos(realangle)
- y2 = opposite;
- x2 = adjacent;
- Render.String(x2, y2 - Render.TextSize(str[o], font)[1] / 2, 1, str[o], HSVtoRGB(Globals.Realtime()/2 - o/20,1,1,150), font)
- }
- }
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Circle_Names")
- function onUnload() {
- Local.SetClanTag("\n");
- Input.ForceCursor(0);
- }
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "onUnload");
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