
pokey cruses robots

Jun 24th, 2024
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  1. “You can talk all the nonsense you want,” said Pokey, “but no matter what you
  2. do, it's too late!” He roared with laughter, and those undulating walls writhed and
  3. squirmed and wiggled even more. “Now then, here's a twist!” With an unsettling
  4. bwwwonngg! sound, the ceiling and floor stretched into an elliptical shape, which
  5. began to contort and twirl at both ends. It felt just like being inside of a soft, pink
  6. football as someone wrung it out like a dishrag. “...Now, DIIIIEEEE!”
  8. The space inside was shrinking...compressing... But thanks to this, the four of
  9. them were also being brought closer together. Squish-squish...squash!
  11. Mush-mush...mash! Under all that pressure, they clung tightly to one another. Metal
  12. scraped against metal, and face rubbed against face. They reached out with their arms
  13. and legs in search of even the slightest bit of open space, and they ended up hopelessly
  14. entangled. ...The trains on the Yamanote Line in Tokyo, Japan rarely got this cramped,
  15. even during rush hour!
  17. “...Grrraahhh,” growled the Ness R. He braced his iron limbs, focused his iron
  18. will, and pushed with all his might against those pink walls. If he still had his human
  19. form, his face would certainly be bright red, he'd be covered in sweat, and his
  20. adrenaline would be pumping at full throttle. “...Unnhh...damn it... I can't...take any
  21. more... This is it...!”
  23. [...]
  25. ...Crunch...crack......CRRRUNCH!
  27. “Auugh!”
  29. With an unsettling sound, the Ness R.'s fingers were crushed. His wrists were
  30. shattered. His arms bent back limply. All at once, the space grew even narrower, and
  31. their metal bodies were pressed together as tightly as if they had been glued to one
  32. another. Their three-dimensional bodies became flat...curves became straight lines.
  33. And yet, that crushing pressure never ceased. Their proper forms had been entirely
  34. lost. You could no longer tell where one of them ended, and another began.
  36. “Ohh...ahh... Oh, God,” the Paula R. whispered. “Please...please lend us...lend us
  37. your strength...!”
  39. Paula's prayer...her soul, imploring with all of its PSI powers...resonated
  40. through each of their four bodies, which had become one. Without even realizing it,
  41. Ness, Jeff, and Poo had begun praying, too. They drew in as close as they could to
  42. Paula's her soul. Their bodies were so strongly, so tightly joined together
  43. now that even if that terrible pressure were to disappear, they could never be
  44. separated from one another again.
  46. - Mother 2, Chapter 9 pgs. 259-260
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