

Dec 4th, 2012
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  2. Session Start: Mon Dec 03 15:37:03 2012
  3. Session Ident: Donnellan
  4. [15:37] Session Ident: Donnellan (SwiftIRC, Bryant) (
  5. [15:37] <Donnellan> sorry
  6. [15:35] <Donnellan> do you know why i masskicked the clan?
  7. 04[15:35] <Bryant> because you were flamed is what i was told?
  8. [15:36] <Donnellan> no
  9. 04[15:36] <Bryant> then, no I don't really know
  10. [15:36] <Donnellan> that hearted kid, I had him banned a while back. When I was active owner
  11. [15:36] <Donnellan> among others
  12. [15:37] <Donnellan> When vlad became coowner, he unbanned a lot of them, knowing it'd piss me off
  13. [15:37] <Donnellan> I came on runescape yesterday, vlad says in the clanchat "Skyder, look who I just invited"
  14. [15:37] <Donnellan> so naturally, I kick and ban him. Vlad reinvites him, so I kick him again
  15. [15:38] <Donnellan> I end up getting demoted to a gold star so I can't edit the clan settings. I get pissed off, so I leave the clanchat, and join skillnst00f (clan where most of our vets went to)
  16. [15:38] <Donnellan> today harm gets demoted in irc, and assumes it was me. I didnt do it
  17. 04[15:38] <Bryant> you do realize you actually kicked 2 of my accounts from ds
  18. 04[15:38] <Bryant> heh, why did harm get demoted anyway?
  19. [15:39] <Donnellan> I think it was nate just kidding around
  20. [15:39] <Donnellan> he was made an op, his access wasnt taken
  21. [15:39] <Donnellan> and when I found out, I gave it back to him right away
  22. 04[15:39] <Bryant> i was probably at work when this happened
  23. [15:39] <Donnellan> anywa, he bitches to pat and tells her I left the cc and abused my power
  24. [15:39] <Donnellan> she banned me right away, without even talking to me
  25. [15:40] <Donnellan> I was the owner of DS for over a year. and I only took over because the stress was really getting to Pat, because of her heart problems
  26. [15:40] <Donnellan> this is the conversation I had with pat a half hour later. (part of it's the conv oI had with harm)
  27. [15:40] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 1:50:37 PM] Sean Donnellan: (13:33:42) <Skyder> I've been on irc almost every day for most of november, and came on runescape for a few hours the last few days
  28. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:35:04) <Harm_600> don't lie about it lol, it's not the real reason you're there
  29. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:35:07) <Harm_600> but ok
  30. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:35:21) <Harm_600> all that shit about wanting to lead us, ok
  31. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:36:19) <Harm_600> you don't need 9999 access in a clan you don't care about
  32. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:37:31) <Skyder> i was demoted to a gold star in the clanchat before I quit voluntarily. Before that I was banning hearted from the clanchat, and vlad unbanned and reinvited him
  33. 04[15:40] <Bryant> not saying that you wouldnt be a good clan leader, but you really didnt have the tactics to effectively run ds as a skill clan its not as simple as it sounds :/
  34. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:38:31) <Harm_600> so was i
  35. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:38:35) <Harm_600> but i don't quit lol
  36. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:38:59) <Skyder> if my wishes aren't respected in a clan I bled for, most of my friends already left
  37. [15:40] <Donnellan> (13:39:28) <Skyder> I'm not going to stick around under the name Demonslayers, I barely know anyone in the clanchat. I like the people on irc
  38. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:39:31) <Harm_600> but you left
  39. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:39:32) <Skyder> it's a good community
  40. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:40:10) <Skyder> so did you. Runescape isn't a priority, and I fucked up my life trying to lead DS
  41. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:40:59) <Skyder> grades dropped, got fired from my job, that's why I had to move with my dad. I've been trying to get my shit back together, and I still felt awful for not coming on. Don't think for one second it meant I didn't care
  42. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:42:09) <Skyder> and when I start coming back on, only vossie showing me any respect for what I wanted for the clan after I left, all these fuckers in the clan trolling me
  43. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:42:30) <Skyder> that's not something I can fix, and I don't want to be around it
  44. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:43:16) <Skyder> I do care about what happens on IRc, and that is something I can control. I'm not giving up my power to override everyone else what happens in the channel to protect the community
  45. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:43:51) <Skyder> xtreme yoo was in irc the other day, I banned him a long time ago, he's been known to send keyloggers. I'm not letting him in even if some coowners want him to
  46. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:44:47) <Skyder> I don't derank people for no reason. and I've always told people why I'm doing it
  47. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:45:48) <Skyder> I'm pretty sure nate did it for a laugh, we were talking about you last night.
  48. [15:41] <Donnellan> (13:46:11) <Skyder> and I guess I'm not welcomed in #demonslayer. whatever
  49. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 1:51:22 PM] Sean Donnellan: I also fixed his access when I found out.
  50. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 1:53:32 PM] Sean Donnellan: hello?
  51. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 1:58:50 PM] ladykalvin: huh?
  52. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 1:59:07 PM] ladykalvin: i'll read that later
  53. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 1:59:22 PM] ladykalvin: if you had been here i wouldn't of asked matt to do as harm asked
  54. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 2:08:22 PM] ladykalvin: i'm sorry sean but if you have quit ds for whatever reason then no need to be in our channels
  55. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 2:16:00 PM] ladykalvin: you never told me all that about your grades and job. should of, could of made it better for you and ds.
  56. [15:41] <Donnellan> [12/3/2012 2:16:32 PM] ladykalvin: and if kali is so nice then your judgement sucks as he helped destroy our clan and me.
  57. [15:41] <Donnellan> read that
  58. 04[15:42] <Bryant> sec it spammed me :P lemme max mirc
  59. [15:42] <Donnellan> sorry
  60. 04[15:42] <Bryant> i have my screen split to be able to be on irc and rs at the same time
  61. [15:42] <Donnellan> heh, I use fullwindow
  62. [15:48] <Donnellan> did you get a chance to read the log
  63. 04[15:48] <Bryant> yea had to bring in 10 gallons of water our water is off atm to prevent flood damage to the house
  64. [15:48] <Donnellan> yikes
  65. [15:49] <Donnellan> well again, sorry to add to YOUR troubles
  66. 04[15:49] <Bryant> we just spent 3-4k on my credit card and im having to pay it back cause my mom wasnt "thinking"
  67. 04[15:49] <Bryant> and now we gotta rip up the flooring once we fix the leak
  68. [15:49] <Donnellan> so yeah, that sent me over the edge pat saying I have no buisness there. with all the work I've done. I was going to just leave things alone
  69. [15:50] <Donnellan> I went on demonslay cc before they changed the password, just to transfer money over that I kept on it
  70. [15:50] <Donnellan> saw them talking bad about me, and they were flaming me when they saw me (before I kicked anyone
  71. 04[15:50] <Bryant> but to kick everyone including my 2 accounts?
  72. 04[15:51] <Bryant> you went overboard, despite the facts bro
  73. [15:51] <Donnellan> maybe a little
  74. 04[15:51] <Bryant> i understand your rage and pain, but there was no need to kick everyone
  75. [15:51] <Donnellan> I dont think DS has any buisness running a clan under that name. it's an insult to a once great clan
  76. 04[15:52] <Bryant> I could make it back to the great clan it once was but a lot of crap has to be changed
  77. [15:52] <Donnellan> cant be done with its current members
  78. 04[15:52] <Bryant> thats what im saying, a lot of crap has to be changed
  79. 04[15:52] <Bryant> if they cant respect the rules they will be asked to kindly leave
  80. [15:53] <Donnellan> harm and vlad would have to leave for that to happen
  81. 04[15:53] <Bryant> you know i have 2 sides, i can be nice as hell but piss me off and you dont wanna be within 10 miles of me
  82. [15:53] <Donnellan> same could be said to me, as seen today
  83. 04[15:54] <Bryant> you still went rather over board though :/ was almost about to claim more free xp through citi next week. and now have to wait an additional 4 weeks
  84. [15:55] <Donnellan> you should guest in skillnst00f while you play, see if you like the community better
  85. 04[15:56] <Bryant> well I left the 2nd best skilling clan in rs to come back to ds to get it back on its feet
  86. 04[15:56] <Bryant> i was in mining golds
  87. Session Close: Mon Dec 03 15:46:13 2012
  89. Session Start: Mon Dec 03 15:46:13 2012
  90. Session Ident: Skyder
  91. Session Close: Mon Dec 03 19:13:06 2012
  93. Session Start: Mon Dec 03 19:13:06 2012
  94. Session Ident: Skyder
  95. Session Time: Tue Dec 04 07:55:56 2012
  96. Session Close: Tue Dec 04 07:59:27 2012
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