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- let mutiplayer = true // set to true if you're not the host of the server
- let connected_players = ["LordDragon277","DEATH 3309","SonPenicus"] // if mutiplayer is false, and are hosting a session, list the connected players here.
- let host = "DEATH 3309" // if mutiplayer is set to true, enter the host player's name here
- let delayoffset = 0.53 // set lower if seconds are too long, set higher if seconds are too fast
- let timefind = 60
- let delay = 616 * delayoffset
- let items = [
- "honeycomb_block",
- "honey_block",
- "beehive",
- "bee_nest",
- "stickypistonarmcollision",
- "wither_rose",
- "light_block",
- "lit_blast_furnace",
- "composter",
- "wood",
- "jigsaw",
- "lava_cauldron",
- "campfire",
- "sweet_berry_bush",
- "bell",
- "loom",
- "barrel",
- "smithing_table",
- "fletching_table",
- "cartography_table",
- "lit_smoker",
- "smoker",
- "stonecutter_block",
- "blast_furnace",
- "lectern",
- "darkoak_wall_sign",
- "darkoak_standing_sign",
- "acacia_wall_sign",
- "acacia_standing_sign",
- "jungle_wall_sign",
- "jungle_standing_sign",
- "birch_wall_sign",
- "birch_standing_sign",
- "smooth_quartz_stairs",
- "red_nether_brick_stairs",
- "smooth_stone",
- "spruce_wall_sign",
- "spruce_standing_sign",
- "normal_stone_stairs",
- "mossy_cobblestone_stairs",
- "end_brick_stairs",
- "smooth_sandstone_stairs",
- "smooth_red_sandstone_stairs",
- "mossy_stone_brick_stairs",
- "polished_andesite_stairs",
- "polished_diorite_stairs",
- "polished_granite_stairs",
- "andesite_stairs",
- "diorite_stairs",
- "granite_stairs",
- "real_double_stone_slab4",
- "real_double_stone_slab3",
- "double_stone_slab4",
- "scaffolding",
- "bamboo_sapling",
- "bamboo",
- "double_stone_slab3",
- "barrier",
- "bubble_column",
- "turtle_egg",
- "conduit",
- "sea_pickle",
- "carved_pumpkin",
- "spruce_pressure_plate",
- "jungle_pressure_plate",
- "dark_oak_pressure_plate",
- "birch_pressure_plate",
- "acacia_pressure_plate",
- "spruce_trapdoor",
- "jungle_trapdoor",
- "dark_oak_trapdoor",
- "birch_trapdoor",
- "acacia_trapdoor",
- "spruce_button",
- "jungle_button",
- "dark_oak_button",
- "birch_button",
- "acacia_button",
- "dried_kelp_block",
- "kelp",
- "coral_fan_hang3",
- "coral_fan_hang2",
- "coral_fan_hang",
- "coral_fan_dead",
- "coral_fan",
- "coral_block",
- "coral",
- "seagrass",
- "blue_ice",
- "stripped_oak_log",
- "stripped_dark_oak_log",
- "stripped_acacia_log",
- "stripped_jungle_log",
- "stripped_birch_log",
- "stripped_spruce_log",
- "prismarine_bricks_stairs",
- "dark_prismarine_stairs",
- "prismarine_stairs",
- "stone",
- "grass",
- "dirt",
- "cobblestone",
- "planks",
- "sapling",
- "bedrock",
- "sand",
- "gravel",
- "gold_ore",
- "iron_ore",
- "coal_ore",
- "log",
- "leaves",
- "sponge",
- "glass",
- "lapis_ore",
- "lapis_block",
- "dispenser",
- "sandstone",
- "noteblock",
- "bed",
- "golden_rail",
- "detector_rail",
- "sticky_piston",
- "web",
- "tallgrass",
- "deadbush",
- "piston",
- "pistonarmcollision",
- "wool",
- "element_0",
- "yellow_flower",
- "red_flower",
- "brown_mushroom",
- "red_mushroom",
- "gold_block",
- "iron_block",
- "real_double_stone_slab",
- "double_stone_slab",
- "brick_block",
- "tnt",
- "bookshelf",
- "mossy_cobblestone",
- "obsidian",
- "torch",
- "fire",
- "mob_spawner",
- "oak_stairs",
- "chest",
- "redstone_wire",
- "diamond_ore",
- "diamond_block",
- "crafting_table",
- "wheat",
- "farmland",
- "furnace",
- "lit_furnace",
- "standing_sign",
- "wooden_door",
- "ladder",
- "rail",
- "stone_stairs",
- "wall_sign",
- "lever",
- "stone_pressure_plate",
- "iron_door",
- "wooden_pressure_plate",
- "redstone_ore",
- "lit_redstone_ore",
- "unlit_redstone_torch",
- "redstone_torch",
- "stone_button",
- "snow_layer",
- "ice",
- "snow",
- "cactus",
- "clay",
- "reeds",
- "jukebox",
- "fence",
- "pumpkin",
- "netherrack",
- "soul_sand",
- "glowstone",
- "lit_pumpkin",
- "cake",
- "unpowered_repeater",
- "powered_repeater",
- "invisiblebedrock",
- "trapdoor",
- "monster_egg",
- "stonebrick",
- "brown_mushroom_block",
- "red_mushroom_block",
- "iron_bars",
- "glass_pane",
- "melon_block",
- "pumpkin_stem",
- "melon_stem",
- "vine",
- "fence_gate",
- "brick_stairs",
- "stone_brick_stairs",
- "mycelium",
- "waterlily",
- "nether_brick",
- "nether_brick_fence",
- "nether_brick_stairs",
- "nether_wart",
- "enchanting_table",
- "brewingstandblock",
- "cauldron",
- "end_portal",
- "end_portal_frame",
- "end_stone",
- "dragon_egg",
- "redstone_lamp",
- "lit_redstone_lamp",
- "dropper",
- "activator_rail",
- "cocoa",
- "sandstone_stairs",
- "emerald_ore",
- "ender_chest",
- "tripwire_hook",
- "tripwire",
- "emerald_block",
- "spruce_stairs",
- "birch_stairs",
- "jungle_stairs",
- "command_block",
- "beacon",
- "cobblestone_wall",
- "flower_pot",
- "carrots",
- "potatoes",
- "wooden_button",
- "skull",
- "anvil",
- "trapped_chest",
- "light_weighted_pressure_plate",
- "heavy_weighted_pressure_plate",
- "unpowered_comparator",
- "powered_comparator",
- "daylight_detector",
- "redstone_block",
- "quartz_ore",
- "hopper",
- "quartz_block",
- "quartz_stairs",
- "double_wooden_slab",
- "wooden_slab",
- "stained_hardened_clay",
- "stained_glass_pane",
- "leaves2",
- "log2",
- "acacia_stairs",
- "dark_oak_stairs",
- "slime",
- "glow_stick",
- "iron_trapdoor",
- "prismarine",
- "sealantern",
- "hay_block",
- "carpet",
- "hardened_clay",
- "coal_block",
- "packed_ice",
- "double_plant",
- "standing_banner",
- "wall_banner",
- "daylight_detector_inverted",
- "red_sandstone",
- "red_sandstone_stairs",
- "real_double_stone_slab2",
- "double_stone_slab2",
- "spruce_fence_gate",
- "birch_fence_gate",
- "jungle_fence_gate",
- "dark_oak_fence_gate",
- "acacia_fence_gate",
- "repeating_command_block",
- "chain_command_block",
- "hard_glass_pane",
- "hard_stained_glass_pane",
- "chemical_heat",
- "spruce_door",
- "birch_door",
- "jungle_door",
- "acacia_door",
- "dark_oak_door",
- "grass_path",
- "frame",
- "chorus_flower",
- "purpur_block",
- "colored_torch_rg",
- "purpur_stairs",
- "colored_torch_bp",
- "undyed_shulker_box",
- "end_bricks",
- "frosted_ice",
- "end_rod",
- "end_gateway",
- "magma",
- "nether_wart_block",
- "red_nether_brick",
- "bone_block",
- "structure_void",
- "shulker_box",
- "purple_glazed_terracotta",
- "white_glazed_terracotta",
- "orange_glazed_terracotta",
- "magenta_glazed_terracotta",
- "light_blue_glazed_terracotta",
- "yellow_glazed_terracotta",
- "lime_glazed_terracotta",
- "pink_glazed_terracotta",
- "gray_glazed_terracotta",
- "silver_glazed_terracotta",
- "cyan_glazed_terracotta",
- "blue_glazed_terracotta",
- "brown_glazed_terracotta",
- "green_glazed_terracotta",
- "red_glazed_terracotta",
- "black_glazed_terracotta",
- "concrete",
- "concrete_powder",
- "chemistry_table",
- "underwater_torch",
- "chorus_plant",
- "stained_glass",
- "podzol",
- "beetroot",
- "stonecutter",
- "observer",
- "structure_block",
- "hard_glass",
- "hard_stained_glass",
- "iron_shovel",
- "iron_pickaxe",
- "iron_axe",
- "flint_and_steel",
- "apple",
- "bow",
- "arrow",
- "coal",
- "diamond",
- "iron_ingot",
- "gold_ingot",
- "iron_sword",
- "wooden_sword",
- "wooden_shovel",
- "wooden_pickaxe",
- "wooden_axe",
- "stone_sword",
- "stone_shovel",
- "stone_pickaxe",
- "stone_axe",
- "diamond_sword",
- "diamond_shovel",
- "diamond_pickaxe",
- "diamond_axe",
- "stick",
- "bowl",
- "mushroom_stew",
- "golden_sword",
- "golden_shovel",
- "golden_pickaxe",
- "golden_axe",
- "string",
- "feather",
- "gunpowder",
- "wooden_hoe",
- "stone_hoe",
- "iron_hoe",
- "diamond_hoe",
- "golden_hoe",
- "wheat_seeds",
- "wheat",
- "bread",
- "leather_helmet",
- "leather_chestplate",
- "leather_leggings",
- "leather_boots",
- "chainmail_helmet",
- "chainmail_chestplate",
- "chainmail_leggings",
- "chainmail_boots",
- "iron_helmet",
- "iron_chestplate",
- "iron_leggings",
- "iron_boots",
- "diamond_helmet",
- "diamond_chestplate",
- "diamond_leggings",
- "diamond_boots",
- "golden_helmet",
- "golden_chestplate",
- "golden_leggings",
- "golden_boots",
- "flint",
- "porkchop",
- "cooked_porkchop",
- "painting",
- "golden_apple",
- "sign",
- "wooden_door",
- "bucket",
- "minecart",
- "saddle",
- "iron_door",
- "redstone",
- "snowball",
- "boat",
- "leather",
- "kelp",
- "brick",
- "clay_ball",
- "paper",
- "book",
- "slime_ball",
- "chest_minecart",
- "egg",
- "compass",
- "fishing_rod",
- "clock",
- "glowstone_dust",
- "fish",
- "cooked_fish",
- "dye",
- "bone",
- "sugar",
- "cake",
- "bed",
- "repeater",
- "cookie",
- "map",
- "shears",
- "melon",
- "pumpkin_seeds",
- "melon_seeds",
- "beef",
- "cooked_beef",
- "chicken",
- "cooked_chicken",
- "rotten_flesh",
- "ender_pearl",
- "blaze_rod",
- "ghast_tear",
- "gold_nugget",
- "nether_wart",
- "potion",
- "glass_bottle",
- "spider_eye",
- "fermented_spider_eye",
- "blaze_powder",
- "magma_cream",
- "brewing_stand",
- "cauldron",
- "ender_eye",
- "spawn_egg",
- "experience_bottle",
- "fireball",
- "writable_book",
- "written_book",
- "emerald",
- "frame",
- "flower_pot",
- "carrot",
- "potato",
- "baked_potato",
- "poisonous_potato",
- "emptymap",
- "golden_carrot",
- "skull",
- "carrotonastick",
- "netherstar",
- "pumpkin_pie",
- "fireworks",
- "fireworkscharge",
- "enchanted_book",
- "comparator",
- "netherbrick",
- "quartz",
- "tnt_minecart",
- "hopper_minecart",
- "prismarine_shard",
- "hopper",
- "rabbit",
- "cooked_rabbit",
- "rabbit_stew",
- "rabbit_foot",
- "rabbit_hide",
- "horsearmorleather",
- "horsearmoriron",
- "horsearmorgold",
- "horsearmordiamond",
- "lead",
- "name_tag",
- "prismarine_crystals",
- "muttonraw",
- "muttoncooked",
- "armor_stand",
- "end_crystal",
- "spruce_door",
- "birch_door",
- "jungle_door",
- "acacia_door",
- "dark_oak_door",
- "chorus_fruit",
- "chorus_fruit_popped",
- "banner_pattern",
- "dragon_breath",
- "splash_potion",
- "lingering_potion",
- "command_block_minecart",
- "elytra",
- "shulker_shell",
- "banner",
- "totem",
- "iron_nugget",
- "trident",
- "beetroot",
- "beetroot_seeds",
- "beetroot_soup",
- "salmon",
- "clownfish",
- "pufferfish",
- "cooked_salmon",
- "dried_kelp",
- "nautilus_shell",
- "appleenchanted",
- "heart_of_the_sea",
- "turtle_shell_piece",
- "turtle_helmet",
- "phantom_membrane",
- "crossbow",
- "spruce_sign",
- "birch_sign",
- "jungle_sign",
- "acacia_sign",
- "darkoak_sign",
- "sweet_berries",
- "compound",
- "record_13",
- "record_cat",
- "record_blocks",
- "record_chirp",
- "record_far",
- "record_mall",
- "record_mellohi",
- "record_stal",
- "record_strad",
- "record_ward",
- "record_11",
- "record_wait",
- "shield",
- "campfire",
- "suspicious_stew",
- "honeycomb",
- "honey_bottle",
- ]
- let potions = [
- "absorption",
- "bad_omen",
- "blindness",
- "conduit_power",
- "fatal_poison",
- "fire_resistance",
- "haste",
- "health_boost",
- "hunger",
- "instant_damage",
- "instant_health",
- "invisibility",
- "jump_boost",
- "levitation",
- "mining_fatigue",
- "nausea",
- "night_vision",
- "poison",
- "regeneration",
- "resistance",
- "saturation",
- "slow_falling",
- "slowness",
- "speed",
- "strength",
- "village_hero",
- "water_breathing",
- "weakness",
- "wither"
- ]
- let blockss = [
- "STONE",
- "GRASS",
- "DIRT",
- "WATER",
- "LAVA",
- "SAND",
- "LOG",
- "WEB",
- "TORCH",
- "FIRE",
- "CHEST",
- "RAIL",
- "LEVER",
- "ICE",
- "CLAY",
- "FENCE",
- "WATER",
- "ANVIL",
- "stripped_acacia_log",
- "stripped_birch_log",
- "stripped_dark_oak_log",
- "stripped_jungle_log",
- "stripped_oak_log",
- "stripped_spruce_log",
- "stone_pressure_plate",
- "SNOW",
- "SLIME",
- "KELP",
- "HAY_block",
- "WHEAT",
- "sealantern",
- ]
- function doDing() {
- loops.runInBackground(function() {
- player.execute("playsound note.pling @s ~ ~ ~ 1 2")
- player.execute("playsound note.pling @s ~ ~ ~ 1 2.5")
- })
- }
- function toTime(sec:number) {
- let s:number = sec%60
- let m:number = Math.floor(sec/60)%60
- let h:number = Math.floor((sec/60)/60)
- let seconds:string = s.toString()
- let minutes:string = m.toString()
- let hours:string = h.toString()
- if (s < 10) {
- seconds = "0"+seconds
- }
- if (m < 10) {
- minutes = "0"+minutes
- }
- if (h < 10) {
- hours = "0"+hours
- }
- let str:string = seconds
- //if (minutes > 0) {
- str = minutes+":"+str
- //}
- if (h > 0) {
- str = hours+":"+str
- }
- return str
- }
- // 868
- //player.say(Object.keys({chonnk})[0])
- let i = timefind
- let gotit = false
- let hostready = false
- player.onTellCommand("hostready", function() {
- hostready = true
- })
- loops.forever(function() {
- i = timefind
- hostready = false
- if (mutiplayer) {
- while (hostready == false) {
- loops.pause(10)
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §1Waiting for host...")
- }
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < connected_players.length; i++) {
- player.execute('tell "'+connected_players[i]+'" hostready')
- }
- loops.pause(10)
- }
- let halfi = Math.floor(i/2)
- let quarteri = Math.floor(i/8)
- let blockname = (blockss[randint(0, blockss.length)]).toLowerCase()
- let block = blocks.blockByName(blockname)
- gotit = false
- player.execute('tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§e§l''§r§g must find §l'+blockname+'"}]}')
- player.execute("playsound note.bell @s ~ ~ ~ 1 1.5")
- while (i != 0) {
- let str = toTime(i)
- if (i <= quarteri && gotit == false) {
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §c"+blockname+" | "+str)
- } else if (i <= halfi && gotit == false) {
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §6"+blockname+" | "+str)
- } else {
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §a"+blockname+" | "+str)
- }
- let win = (blocks.testForBlock(block, pos(0, -1, 0)) || blocks.testForBlock(block, pos(0, 0, 0)))
- if (win && gotit == false) {
- gotit = true
- player.execute('tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§a'' found §l'+blockname+'"}]}')
- blockname = "§o§d"+blockname
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §a"+blockname+" | "+str)
- doDing()
- }
- loops.pause(delay)
- i = i - 1
- }
- if (gotit) {
- player.execute('tellraw @s {"rawtext":[{"text":"§9§lTime for your reward..."}]}')
- loops.pause(3000)
- let d = 0
- let chosen = items[0]
- let confirm = false
- loops.runInBackground(function() {
- while (d < 1000) {
- d = d + 10
- loops.pause(90)
- }
- })
- loops.runInBackground(function() {
- while (d < 1000) {
- player.execute("playsound note.pling @s ~ ~ ~ 1 5")
- chosen = items[randint(0,items.length)]
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §a"+chosen)
- loops.pause(d)
- }
- player.execute("playsound note.pling @s ~ ~ ~ 1 5")
- chosen = items[randint(0,items.length)]
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §a"+chosen)
- loops.pause(d)
- confirm = true
- })
- while (confirm == false) {
- loops.pause(100)
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §a"+chosen+"!")
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §2"+chosen+"!")
- }
- loops.pause(500)
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §6How many?")
- loops.pause(500)
- let rand = randint(1, 128)
- for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- rand = randint(1, 128)
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §6"+rand.toString())
- player.execute("playsound note.pling @s ~ ~ ~ 1 4")
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §e"+rand.toString()+"!")
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §6"+rand.toString()+"!")
- }
- loops.pause(1000)
- player.execute("give @s "+chosen+" "+rand.toString())
- player.execute("title @s actionbar §aYou were given: §l"+chosen+" x"+rand.toString())
- player.execute('tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§e'' was awarded: §l'+chosen+' x'+rand.toString()+'"}]}')
- loops.pause(3000)
- } else {
- let ran = randint(0, 4)
- player.execute('tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§4§l'' failed!"}]}')
- player.execute("effect @s blindness 25 255 true")
- player.execute("playsound @s ~ ~ ~ 5 0.4")
- player.execute("/playsound block.bell.hit @s ~ ~ ~ 5 0.2")
- if (ran == 0) {
- for(let i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
- let num1 = Math.randomRange(-6, 6)
- let num2 = Math.randomRange(-6, 6)
- player.execute("summon silverfish ~"+num1+" ~ ~"+num2+" minecraft:entity_spawned Smol_Boi")
- player.execute("effect @e[name=Smol_Boi] speed 9999 5 true")
- }
- } else if (ran == 1) {
- for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- player.execute("/summon zombie ~ ~3 ~ minecraft:as_baby BabyZombie")
- player.execute("effect @e[name=BabyZombie] speed 9999 3 true")
- player.execute("effect @e[name=BabyZombie] fire_resistance 9999 1 true")
- }
- } else if (ran == 2) {
- loops.runInBackground(function () {
- player.execute("effect @s slowness 3 255 true")
- let ps = player.position()
- blocks.fill(OBSIDIAN, ps.add(pos(-10,50,-10)), ps.add(pos(10,50,10)))
- blocks.fill(OBSIDIAN, ps.add(pos(2,0,1)), ps.add(pos(2,0,-1)))
- blocks.fill(OBSIDIAN, ps.add(pos(-2,0,1)), ps.add(pos(-2,0,-1)))
- blocks.fill(OBSIDIAN, ps.add(pos(1,0,2)), ps.add(pos(-1,0,2)))
- blocks.fill(OBSIDIAN, ps.add(pos(1,0,-2)), ps.add(pos(-1,0,-2)))
- blocks.fill(OBSIDIAN, ps.add(pos(-1,2,-1)), ps.add(pos(1,2,1)))
- blocks.fill(GLASS, ps.add(pos(2,1,1)), ps.add(pos(2,1,-1)))
- blocks.fill(GLASS, ps.add(pos(-2,1,1)), ps.add(pos(-2,1,-1)))
- blocks.fill(GLASS, ps.add(pos(1,1,2)), ps.add(pos(-1,1,2)))
- blocks.fill(GLASS, ps.add(pos(1,1,-2)), ps.add(pos(-1,1,-2)))
- for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- player.execute("summon cave_spider ~ ~ ~ minecraft:entity_spawned Cave")
- player.execute("effect @e[name=Cave] strength 9999 1 true")
- }
- loops.pause(10000*delayoffset)
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(-10,50,-10)), ps.add(pos(10,50,10)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(2,0,1)), ps.add(pos(2,0,-1)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(-2,0,1)), ps.add(pos(-2,0,-1)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(1,0,2)), ps.add(pos(-1,0,2)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(1,0,-2)), ps.add(pos(-1,0,-2)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(-1,2,-1)), ps.add(pos(1,2,1)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(2,1,1)), ps.add(pos(2,1,-1)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(-2,1,1)), ps.add(pos(-2,1,-1)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(1,1,2)), ps.add(pos(-1,1,2)))
- blocks.fill(AIR, ps.add(pos(1,1,-2)), ps.add(pos(-1,1,-2)))
- })
- } else if (ran == 3) {
- for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- let ranpos = positions.groundPosition(randpos(pos(-5,90,-5), pos(5,90,5)))
- mobs.spawn(LIGHTNING_BOLT, ranpos)
- }
- } else if (ran == 4) {
- player.execute("tp @s ~ 5 ~")
- player.execute("effect @s fire_resistance 5")
- }
- if (mutiplayer == false) {
- loops.pause(10000*delayoffset)
- }
- }
- })
- //player.onChat("next", function() {
- // if (gotit) {
- // i = 1
- //}
- //})
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