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- --[[ lsa: List Advanced
- Allows the display of hidden files and file sizes
- By Nitrogen Fingers
- ]]--
- local tArgs = {...}
- local paths = {}
- local files = {}
- local errors = {}
- local _long, _all = false, false
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- local _,cy = term.getCursorPos()
- local _maxlen, _maxsize, _maxdrive = 0,0,0
- --Performs a screen-specific print that will throw an event if the bottom of the screen is reached.
- --Doesn't do any wrapping, so make sure the string is the right size
- local function lprint(str, col)
- if term.isColour() and col then term.setTextColour(col)
- else term.setTextColour(colours.white) end
- if cy == 1 then
- os.pullEvent("key")
- _,cy = term.getCursorPos()
- end
- local _,_yold = term.getCursorPos()
- print(str)
- local _,_ynew = term.getCursorPos()
- cy = cy - 1 + (_ynew - _yold)
- end
- --Gets the combined size of a given directory
- local function calculateDirectorySize(_fullpath)
- local _size = 0
- local _list = fs.list(_fullpath)
- for i=1,#_list do
- local _newPath = _fullpath.."/".._list[i]
- if fs.isDir(_newPath) then
- _size = _size + calculateDirectorySize(_newPath)
- else
- _size = _size + fs.getSize(_newPath)
- end
- end
- return _size
- end
- --Figures out the spacing for the columns in a long print
- --There's a memory inefficiency here; we're doing a recursive call twice.
- --But really, meh.
- local function calculateColumnWidths(_list, _path)
- for i=1,#_list do
- local _fullpath = shell.resolve(_path).."/".._list[i]
- if fs.isDir(_fullpath) and _long then
- _maxsize = math.max(_maxsize, #tostring(calculateDirectorySize(_fullpath)))
- elseif _long then
- _maxsize = math.max(_maxsize, #tostring(fs.getSize(_fullpath)))
- end
- if _list[i]:sub(1,1) ~= "." or _all then
- _maxlen = math.max(_maxlen, #_list[i])
- _maxdrive = math.max(_maxdrive, #fs.getDrive(_fullpath))
- end
- end
- end
- local function printUsageInfo()
- lprint("Usage: ls [option]... [path]...")
- lprint("Lists all files in the specified directories. Files are sorted by type and alpabetically")
- lprint("-l use long listing format")
- lprint("-a do not ignore entries starting with \'.\'")
- lprint("-h display usage info")
- end
- local function printListing(_list, _path)
- local _files = {}
- for i=#_list,1,-1 do
- local _fullPath = shell.resolve(_path).."/".._list[i]
- if not _all and _list[i]:sub(1,1) == "." then
- table.remove(_list, i)
- elseif not fs.isDir(_fullPath) then
- table.insert(_files, table.remove(_list, i))
- end
- end
- table.sort(_files)
- table.sort(_list)
- local _c = ""
- if _long then
- for i=1,#_list do
- local _fullPath = shell.resolve(_path).."/".._list[i]
- local _size = tostring(calculateDirectorySize(_fullPath))
- term.setTextColour(colours.white)
- local _read = "d"
- if fs.isReadOnly(_fullPath) then _read = _read.."-" else _read = _read.."w" end
- local _drive = fs.getDrive(_fullPath)
- term.write(_read.." "..string.rep(" ", _maxsize - #_size).._size.." ".._drive..
- string.rep(" ", _maxdrive - #_drive + 1))
- if term.isColour() then term.setTextColour( end
- term.write(_list[i])
- lprint("")
- end
- for i=1,#_files do
- local _fullPath = shell.resolve(_path).."/".._files[i]
- local _size = tostring(fs.getSize(_fullPath))
- local _read = "f"
- local _drive = fs.getDrive(_fullPath)
- if fs.isReadOnly(_fullPath) then _read = _read.."-" else _read = _read.."w" end
- lprint(_read.." "..string.rep(" ", _maxsize - #_size).._size.." ".._drive..
- string.rep(" ", _maxdrive - #_drive + 1).._files[i], colours.white)
- end
- else
- for i=1,#_list do
- if #_c + _maxlen + 1 > w then
- lprint(_c,
- _c = ""
- end
- _c = _c.._list[i]..string.rep(" ", _maxlen - #_list[i] + 1)
- end
- if _c ~= "" then
- lprint(_c,
- _c = ""
- end
- for i=1,#_files do
- if #_c + _maxlen + 1 > w then
- lprint(_c, colours.white)
- _c = ""
- end
- _c = _c.._files[i]..string.rep(" ", _maxlen - #_files[i] + 1)
- end
- if _c ~= "" then lprint(_c, colours.white) end
- end
- end
- for i=1,#tArgs do
- if tArgs[i]:sub(1,1) == "-" then
- if #paths > 0 or #files > 0 then
- table.insert(errors, "Option "..tArgs[i].." found after path")
- end
- for j=2,#tArgs[i] do
- local _comm = tArgs[i]:sub(j,j)
- if _comm == "l" then
- _long = true
- elseif _comm == "a" then
- _all = true
- elseif _comm == "h" then
- printUsageInfo()
- return
- else
- table.insert(errors, "Unrecognized option \'"..tArgs[i].."\'. Use -h for help.")
- end
- end
- else
- if not fs.exists(shell.resolve(tArgs[i])) then
- table.insert(errors, "No such file or directory: "..tArgs[i])
- elseif fs.isDir(shell.resolve(tArgs[i])) then
- table.insert(paths, tArgs[i])
- calculateColumnWidths(fs.list(shell.resolve(tArgs[i])), tArgs[i])
- else
- table.insert(files, tArgs[i])
- _maxlen = math.max(_maxlen, #tArgs[i])
- _maxsize = math.max(_maxsize, #tostring(fs.getSize(shell.resolve(tArgs[i]))))
- _maxdrive = math.max(_maxdrive, #fs.getDrive(shell.resolve(tArgs[i])))
- end
- end
- end
- if #paths == 0 and #files == 0 then
- table.insert(paths, ".")
- calculateColumnWidths(fs.list(shell.resolve(".")), ".")
- end
- for _,err in pairs(errors) do lprint(err, end
- if #errors > 0 then
- return
- end
- if #files > 0 then
- printListing(files, ".")
- if #paths > 0 then lprint("") end
- end
- for i=1,#paths do
- if #paths > 1 or #files > 1 then lprint(paths[i]..":") end
- printListing(fs.list(shell.resolve(paths[i])), paths[i])
- if i ~= #paths then lprint("") end
- end
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