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- #!/bin/bash
- TARGET_DIR=("$@")
- [ "x$1" == "x" ] && TARGET_DIR=(".")
- function confirmDeletion() {
- local confirm=""
- until [ "x$confirm" == 'xy' ] || [ "x$confirm" == 'xn' ]
- do
- read -ep " Delete [y/n]: " confirm
- confirm=$(echo "$confirm" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
- done
- [ "x$confirm" == 'xy' ]
- }
- function deleteWithConfirmation() {
- for file in "${@}"
- do
- if rm "$file"; then
- echo " OK: $file"
- else
- echo " FAIL: $file"
- fi
- done
- }
- for i in {'*~','a.out','*.o','*.gch','*nppdf32Log*'}
- do
- echo "Files matching: $i"
- FILES=()
- while read -rd '' file
- do
- FILES+=("$file")
- echo " $file"
- done < <(find "${TARGET_DIR[@]}" -depth -iname "$i" -print0)
- if [ "x${FILES[*]}" != "x" ]; then
- if confirmDeletion; then
- deleteWithConfirmation "${FILES[@]}"
- else
- echo " Skipping"
- fi
- fi
- done
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