

Jun 2nd, 2021
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  1. #Skript by gamie0412#4763
  3. on join:
  4. if {firstjoined::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  5. set {rank::%player's uuid%} to "&8Default"
  6. set {default::%player's uuid%} to true
  7. execute console command "effect clear %player%"
  8. set {firstjoined::%player's uuid%} to false
  9. set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&7"
  10. set player's tablist name to "&8Default &e| &7%player%"
  11. execute console command "teleport %player% -777 59 1338"
  12. execute console command "nte player %player% prefix &8Default &7"
  13. add 1 to {joins}
  14. clear player's inventory
  15. clear player's enderchest
  16. wait 1 tick
  17. give player 16 bread
  18. wait 1 tick
  19. broadcast "&eWelcome %player% to &3Spell&bClash&e! You are our &6##%{joins}%th&e player!"
  20. stop
  22. command /start:
  23. trigger:
  24. send " "
  25. send " &3Spell&bClash &bHelp Message"
  26. send ""
  27. send "&bWelcome to &3Spell&bClash, &bAn unique, fun,"
  28. send "&band custom Magic server! With classes,"
  29. send "&bspells, bosses and much much more!"
  30. send " "
  32. command /setspawn:
  33. permission: admin.spawn.set
  34. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  35. trigger:
  36. message "&aSpawn set!"
  37. set {spawn} to location of player
  38. set {spawnset} to true
  40. command /spawn:
  41. trigger:
  42. if {spawnset} is not set:
  43. message "&cA spawn hasn't been set! Use /setspawn!"
  44. stop
  45. if {spawnset} is false:
  46. message "&cA spawn hasn't been set! Use /setspawn!"
  47. stop
  48. if {spawnset} is true:
  49. teleport player to {spawn}
  51. options:
  52. HLine1: %nl%&8» &3Spell&bClash &8«
  53. HLine2: &7
  54. HLine3: &eIP &8➜ &
  55. HLineC: &b&oAn unique magic server!
  56. xD: %nl%&8&m--------------------%nl%
  57. HLine4: &7
  58. FLine1: &7
  59. xD2: %nl%&8&m-------------------%nl%
  60. FLine2: &8•&8● &eDiscord &8➜ &7/Discord &8●&8•
  61. FLine3: &8•&8● &6%{}%&b/&620 &8●&8•
  64. on respawn:
  65. wait 1 tick
  66. execute player command "/spawn"
  68. on craft:
  69. cancel event
  71. on join:
  72. loop all players:
  73. set {} to number of all players
  74. set loop-player's tablist header to "{@HLine1} %nl%{@HLine3} %nl%{@HLineC}%nl%{@xD}"
  75. set loop-player's tablist footer to "{@xD2} %nl%{@FLine2} %nl%{@FLine3} %nl%"
  78. on first join:
  79. set player's tablist header to "{@HLine1} %nl%{@HLine3} %nl%{@xD}"
  80. set player's tablist footer to "{@xD2} %nl%{@FLine2} %nl%{@FLine3} %nl%"
  82. on quit:
  83. wait 1 second
  84. loop all players:
  85. set {} to number of all players
  86. set loop-player's tablist header to "{@HLine1} %nl%{@HLine3} %nl%{@HLineC}%nl%{@xD}"
  87. set loop-player's tablist footer to "{@xD2} %nl%{@FLine2} %nl%{@FLine3} %nl%"
  89. options:
  90. permission:
  91. staff-chat: &7[&cStaffChat&7]&b [PLAYER]&f: [MESSAGE]
  93. staff-chat-toggled: &2All your messages will now be sent to staff chat!
  94. staff-chat-untoggled: &4Your messages will no longer be sent to staff chat!
  96. function staffChat(p: player, m: string):
  97. set {_msg} to "{@staff-chat}"
  98. replace all "[PLAYER]" with "%{_p}%" in {_msg}
  99. replace all "[MESSAGE]" with colored {_m} in {_msg}
  100. send {_msg} to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
  102. command /staffchat [<text>]:
  103. permission: {@permission}
  104. aliases: /sc, /s
  105. trigger:
  106. if arg-1 is not set:
  107. send "&c/staffchat (toggle | message)"
  108. stop
  109. if arg-1 is "toggle":
  110. if {staffchat::toggle::*} does not contain player:
  111. add player to {staffchat::toggle::*}
  112. send "&2All your messages will now be sent in staff chat!"
  113. else:
  114. remove player from {staffchat::toggle::*}
  115. send "&4You will no longer send messages in staff chat!"
  116. else:
  117. staffChat(player, arg-1)
  119. function hasStaffChatEnabled(p: player) :: boolean:
  120. return false if {_p} does not have permission "{@permission}"
  121. return false if {staffchat::toggle::*} does not contain {_p}
  122. return true
  124. on chat:
  125. if hasStaffChatEnabled(player) is true:
  126. staffChat(player, message)
  127. cancel event
  128. else if uncolored message starts with "##":
  129. player has permission "{@permission}"
  130. set {_r} to 1
  131. set {_r} to 2 if uncolored message starts with "## "
  132. set {_msg} to last (length of message - {_r}) characters of message
  133. cancel event
  134. staffChat(player, {_msg})
  136. command /chatmute:
  137. permission:
  138. trigger:
  139. if {chatmute} is not set:
  140. set {chatmute} to true
  141. broadcast "&4&lCHATMUTE &cThe chat got muted by &e%player%&c!"
  142. stop
  143. if {chatmute} is false:
  144. set {chatmute} to true
  145. broadcast "&4&lCHATMUTE &cThe chat got muted by &e%player%&c!"
  146. stop
  147. if {chatmute} is true:
  148. set {chatmute} to false
  149. broadcast "&4&lCHATMUTE &cThe chat got unmuted by &e%player%&c!"
  150. stop
  152. on chat:
  153. if {chatmute} is false:
  154. set chat format to "&7[%{rank::%player's uuid%}%&7] %player%: %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
  155. if {chatmute} is not set:
  156. set chat format to "&7[%{rank::%player's uuid%}%&7] %player%: %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
  157. if {chatmute} is true:
  158. if player has the permission "":
  159. set chat format to "&7[%{rank::%player's uuid%}%&7] %player%: %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
  160. else:
  161. cancel event
  162. message "&4&lCHATMUTE &cThe chat is muted!"
  164. on join:
  165. set join message to "&eWelcome &6%player% &eback to &3Spell&bClash&e!"
  167. on quit:
  168. set quit message to "&6%player% &ehas left &3Spell&bClash&e!"
  170. options:
  171. vanish-message: &3(VANISH) &c[PLAYER] &7is now vanished!
  172. unvanish-message: &3(VANISH) &c[PLAYER] &7is no longer vanished!
  174. function checkVanished(player: player) :: boolean:
  175. set {_u} to uuid of {_player}
  176. if {vanish::%{_u}%} is set:
  177. return true
  178. else:
  179. return false
  181. on quit:
  182. if checkVanished(player) is true:
  183. set quit message to ""
  185. on join:
  186. hide (all players where [checkVanished(input) is true]) from all players where [input does not have permission "staff.vanish"]
  187. if checkVanished(player) is true:
  188. set join message to ""
  189. while {vanish::%uuid of player%} is true:
  190. send action bar "&2You are currently invisible!" to player
  191. wait a second
  193. command /vanish:
  194. permission: staff.vanish
  195. trigger:
  196. if {vanish::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  197. set {vanish::%uuid of player%} to true
  198. hide player from all players where [input does not have permission "staff.vanish"]
  199. set {_msg} to "{@vanish-message}"
  200. replace all "[PLAYER]" with "%player%" in {_msg}
  201. send {_msg} to all players where [input has permission "staff.vanish"]
  202. send "&2You are now vanished!"
  203. broadcast "&6%player% &ehas left &3Spell&bClash&e!"
  204. while {vanish::%uuid of player%} is true:
  205. send action bar "&2You are currently invisible!" to player
  206. wait a second
  207. else:
  208. clear {vanish::%uuid of player%}
  209. reveal player to all players
  210. set {_msg} to "{@unvanish-message}"
  211. replace all "[PLAYER]" with "%player%" in {_msg}
  212. send {_msg} to all players where [input has permission "staff.vanish"]
  213. send "&cYou are no longer vanished!"
  214. send action bar "&cYou are no longer invisible!" to player
  215. broadcast "&eWelcome &6%player% &eback to &3Spell&bClash&e!"
  216. wait a second
  217. send action bar "" to player
  219. command /v:
  220. permission: staff.vanish
  221. trigger:
  222. if {vanish::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  223. set {vanish::%uuid of player%} to true
  224. hide player from all players where [input does not have permission "staff.vanish"]
  225. set {_msg} to "{@vanish-message}"
  226. replace all "[PLAYER]" with "%player%" in {_msg}
  227. send {_msg} to all players where [input has permission "staff.vanish"]
  228. send "&2You are now vanished!"
  229. broadcast "&6%player% &ehas left &3Spell&bClash&e!"
  230. while {vanish::%uuid of player%} is true:
  231. send action bar "&2You are currently invisible!" to player
  232. wait a second
  233. else:
  234. clear {vanish::%uuid of player%}
  235. reveal player to all players
  236. set {_msg} to "{@unvanish-message}"
  237. replace all "[PLAYER]" with "%player%" in {_msg}
  238. send {_msg} to all players where [input has permission "staff.vanish"]
  239. send "&cYou are no longer vanished!"
  240. send action bar "&cYou are no longer invisible!" to player
  241. broadcast "&eWelcome &6%player% &eback to &3Spell&bClash&e!"
  242. wait a second
  243. send action bar "" to player
  245. command /color [<player>]:
  246. permission: grant.color
  247. trigger:
  248. if arg-1 is set:
  249. open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&6Color &e%arg-1%" to player
  250. format gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 26 and 27 and 35 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l*"
  251. format gui slot 10 of player with cyan wool named "&3Cyan" with lore "&6Grant %arg-1% with the color &3Cyan" to close then execute console command "/cgrant %arg-1% &3"
  252. format gui slot 12 of player with blue wool named "&1Blue" with lore "&6Grant %arg-1% with the color &2Blue" to close then execute console command "/cgrant %arg-1% &2"
  253. format gui slot 14 of player with pink wool named "&dPink" with lore "&6Grant %arg-1% with the color &dPink" to close then execute console command "/cgrant %arg-1% &d"
  254. format gui slot 16 of player with white wool named "&fWhite" with lore "&6Grant %arg-1% with the color &fWhite" to close then execute console command "/cgrant %arg-1% &f"
  255. format gui slot 28 of player with light gray wool named "&7Gray" with lore "&6Grant %arg-1% with the color &7Gray" to close then execute console command "/cgrant %arg-1% &7"
  256. format gui slot 30 of player with lime wool named "&aLime" with lore "&6Grant %arg-1% with the color &aLime" to close then execute console command "/cgrant %arg-1% &a"
  257. format gui slot 32 of player with light blue wool named "&bLight Blue" with lore "&6Grant %arg-1% with the color &bLight Blue" to close then execute console command "/cgrant %arg-1% &b"
  258. if arg-1 is not set:
  259. message "&cYou need to insert a player name!"
  261. command /cgrant [<player>] [<text>]:
  262. permission: grant.color
  263. trigger:
  264. set {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%} to "%arg-2%"
  266. command /setrank <player> <text>:
  267. permission: owner.rank.set
  268. trigger:
  269. if arg-1 and arg-2 is set:
  270. if arg-2 is "Owner":
  271. set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&4Owner"
  272. set {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&f"
  273. set arg-1's tablist name to "&4Owner &e| &f%arg-1%"
  274. execute console command "manuadd %arg-1% Owner"
  275. execute console command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &4Owner &f"
  276. set {owner::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  277. set {guardIII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  278. set {builder::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  279. set {developer::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  280. set {moderator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  281. set {admin::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  282. set {headguard::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  283. set {guardII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  284. set {guardI::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  285. set {default::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  286. set {donator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  287. if arg-2 is "Builder":
  288. set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&aBuilder"
  289. set {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&f"
  290. set arg-1's tablist name to "&aBuilder &e| &f%arg-1%"
  291. set {builder::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  292. execute console command "manuadd %arg-1% Builder"
  293. execute console command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &aBuilder &f"
  294. set {owner::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  295. set {guardIII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  296. set {developer::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  297. set {moderator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  298. set {admin::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  299. set {headguard::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  300. set {guardII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  301. set {guardI::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  302. set {default::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  303. set {donator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  304. if arg-2 is "Developer":
  305. set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&bDeveloper"
  306. set {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&f"
  307. set arg-1's tablist name to "&bDeveloper &e| &f%arg-1%"
  308. set {developer::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  309. execute console command "manuadd %arg-1% Developer"
  310. execute console command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &bDeveloper &f"
  311. set {owner::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  312. set {builder::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  313. set {guardIII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  314. set {moderator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  315. set {admin::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  316. set {headguard::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  317. set {guardII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  318. set {guardI::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  319. set {default::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  320. set {donator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  321. if arg-2 is "Moderator":
  322. set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&cModerator"
  323. set {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&f"
  324. set arg-1's tablist name to "&cModerator &e| &f%arg-1%"
  325. set {moderator::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  326. execute console command "manuadd %arg-1% Moderator"
  327. execute console command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &cModerator &f"
  328. set {owner::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  329. set {builder::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  330. set {developer::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  331. set {guardIII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  332. set {admin::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  333. set {headguard::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  334. set {guardII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  335. set {guardI::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  336. set {default::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  337. set {donator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  338. if arg-2 is "Admin":
  339. set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&9Admin"
  340. set {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&f"
  341. set arg-1's tablist name to "&9Admin &e| &f%arg-1%"
  342. set {admin::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  343. execute console command "manuadd %arg-1% Admin"
  344. execute console command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &9Admin &f"
  345. set {owner::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  346. set {builder::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  347. set {developer::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  348. set {moderator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  349. set {guardIII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  350. set {headguard::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  351. set {guardII::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  352. set {guardI::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  353. set {default::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  354. set {donator::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
  355. if arg-2 is "Donator":
  356. set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&eDonator"
  357. set {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&d"
  358. set arg-1's tablist name to "&eDonator &e| &7%arg-1%"
  359. set {donator::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  361. on join:
  362. if {owner::%player's uuid%} is true:
  363. set player's tablist name to "&4Owner &e| &f%player%"
  364. if {builder::%player's uuid%} is true:
  365. set player's tablist name to "&aBuilder &e| &f%player%"
  366. if {developer::%player's uuid%} is true:
  367. set player's tablist name to "&bDeveloper &e| &f%player%"
  368. if {moderator::%player's uuid%} is true:
  369. set player's tablist name to "&cModerator &e| &f%player%"
  370. if {admin::%player's uuid%} is true:
  371. set player's tablist name to "&9Admin &e| &f%player%"
  372. if {donator::%player's uuid%} is true:
  373. set player's tablist name to "&eDonator &e| &7%player%"
  374. if {default::%player's uuid%} is true:
  375. set player's tablist name to "&8Default &e| &7%player%"
  377. command /ranks:
  378. permission: rank.list
  379. trigger:
  380. message "&cRanks list:"
  381. message "&4Owner"
  382. message "&bDeveloper"
  383. message "&9Admin"
  384. message "&cModerator"
  385. message "&aBuilder"
  386. message "&eDonator"
  387. message "&7Default"
  389. command /reset <player>:
  390. permission: reset.*
  391. trigger:
  392. delete {firstjoined::%arg-1's uuid%}
  393. delete {rank::%arg-1's uuid%}
  394. delete {namecolor::%arg-1's uuid%}
  395. delete {chatcolor::%arg-1's uuid%}
  396. delete {firstjoined::%arg-1's uuid%}
  397. delete {rankcolor::%arg-1's uuid%}
  399. command /resetall:
  400. permission: reset.*
  401. trigger:
  402. delete {firstjoined::*}
  403. delete {rank::*}
  404. delete {namecolor::*}
  405. delete {chatcolor::*}
  406. delete {firstjoined::*}
  407. delete {rankcolor::*}
  408. delete {joins}
  410. command /plugins:
  411. trigger:
  412. message "Plugins (4): &aNone&f, &aOf&f, &aYour&f, &aBusiness"
  414. command /pl:
  415. trigger:
  416. message "Plugins (4): &aNone&f, &aOf&f, &aYour&f, &aBusiness"
  418. command /rename <text>:
  419. description: Renames the item in your inventory slot.
  420. usage: /rename <name>
  421. permission: owner.rename
  422. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to this command.
  423. trigger:
  424. if arg-1 is set:
  425. set the name of player's tool to "&r%colored arg-1%"
  426. send "&fYour items name has been changed to &r%colored arg-1%&r."
  429. command /relore [<integer=1>] [<text="">]:
  430. aliases: lore
  431. permission: owner.relore
  432. permission message: &6&lPick&e&llocked&7&l> &fYou dont have access to this command.
  433. trigger:
  434. if arg-2 is set:
  435. set line arg-1 of the lore of player's tool to "&d&o%colored arg-2%"
  436. send "&fYour items lore has been changed to &r%colored arg-2%&r."
  439. command /broadcast <text>:
  440. permission: admin.broadcast
  441. permission message: &cYou have no permission for this command!
  442. trigger:
  443. broadcast "&3Spell&bClash &8>>&r %coloured arg-1%"
  444. stop
  446. command /bc <text>:
  447. permission: admin.broadcast
  448. permission message: &cYou have no permission for this command!
  449. trigger:
  450. broadcast "&3Spell&bClash &8>>&r %coloured arg-1%"
  451. stop
  453. command /rules:
  454. trigger:
  455. message " "
  456. message " &3Spell&bClash "
  457. message " &b&oServer Rules "
  458. message " "
  459. message "&e1&6)&f Hacks are not allowed"
  460. message "&e2&6)&f Spamming is not allowed"
  461. message "&e3&6)&f Teaming is allowed"
  462. message "&e4&6)&f Don't swear too much"
  463. message "&e5&6)&f No 18+ content"
  464. message " "
  466. command /discord:
  467. trigger:
  468. send "<link:>&9Click here for our discord!"
  470. command /clearchat:
  471. permission: admin.clearchat
  472. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  473. trigger:
  474. loop 300 times:
  475. broadcast " "
  476. wait 2 ticks
  477. broadcast "&3Spell&bClash &8>> &cChat has been cleared by &e%player%&c!"
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