
Credit vs. Debt

Dec 14th, 2024
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  1. The terms credit and debt are closely related in the world of finance but refer to different aspects of borrowing and lending:
  3. Credit
  4. - Definition: Credit refers to the ability to borrow money or access goods and services with the agreement to pay later.
  5. - Perspective: It focuses on *potential* borrowing or a person's reputation for repaying borrowed money (creditworthiness).
  6. - Examples:
  7. - A credit card lets you access a line of credit up to a certain limit.
  8. - A bank offering you a loan or pre-approving you for one.
  9. - Key Concept: Credit is a promise or opportunity to borrow.
  11. Debt
  12. - Definition: Debt refers to money that has already been borrowed and needs to be repaid.
  13. - Perspective: It is the actual obligation or liability resulting from using credit.
  14. - Examples:
  15. - The amount you owe on a loan, mortgage, or credit card balance.
  16. - Borrowing $5,000 from a lender is your debt until it is repaid.
  17. - Key Concept: Debt is the result of using credit.
  19. In summary:
  20. - Credit is about the capacity or permission to borrow.
  21. - Debt is the financial obligation that arises when credit is used.
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