
Quicker than a laser

Aug 17th, 2024
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  1. In the lawman’s rough hand was a weapon that was exceedingly hard to come by, graceful
  2. and fierce and glittering in the sunlight—a sol gun. Amplifying the power
  3. of natural light, the gun could channel it into a fifty-million-degree beam
  4. that could go through three feet of titanium in a thousandth of a second.
  6. Unlike laser blasters or photon cannons, which were rendered useless if
  7. their ultra-compact nuclear power sources were destroyed, the sol gun only
  8. needed a piece of resilient photosensitive film to keep it running
  9. indefinitely. Thirty minutes of exposure on a sunny day or six hours on a
  10. rainy one was enough to keep the beam charged for over two hundred
  11. hours. Even D wouldn’t fare very well if shot through the heart with that,
  12. never mind what would happen if it was fired at his head . . .
  14. The sheriff quickly put some distance between D and himself. “See, I’ve
  15. heard that the Vampire Hunter D has a sword that’s quicker than a laser
  16. beam,” he explained. “Move along, now.”
  18. 3 - 5
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