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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <WindbotSettings>
- <Healer>
- <SpellHealer enabled="yes">
- <HealRule name="Exura Vita" spell="Ultimate Healing" condition="Health Percent below" conditionMin="52" conditionMax="55" extraCondition="No Extra Condition" extraConditionMin="0" extraConditionMax="0" enabled="yes" spamMin="50" spamMax="100" triggerKey="<no key>" dontOverrideActions="no"/>
- <HealRule name="Exura Gran" spell="Intense Healing" condition="Health Percent below" conditionMin="71" conditionMax="75" extraCondition="No Extra Condition" extraConditionMin="0" extraConditionMax="0" enabled="yes" spamMin="200" spamMax="400" triggerKey="<no key>" dontOverrideActions="no"/>
- <HealRule name="Exura" spell="Light Healing" condition="Health Percent below" conditionMin="87" conditionMax="92" extraCondition="No Extra Condition" extraConditionMin="0" extraConditionMax="0" enabled="yes" spamMin="200" spamMax="400" triggerKey="<no key>" dontOverrideActions="no"/>
- </SpellHealer>
- <PotionHealer enabled="yes">
- <HealRule name="GMP" spell="Great Mana Potion" condition="Mana Percent below" conditionMin="57" conditionMax="60" extraCondition="No Extra Condition" extraConditionMin="0" extraConditionMax="0" enabled="no" spamMin="200" spamMax="400" triggerKey="<no key>" dontOverrideActions="no"/>
- <HealRule name="SMP" spell="Strong Mana Potion" condition="Mana Percent below" conditionMin="57" conditionMax="60" extraCondition="No Extra Condition" extraConditionMin="0" extraConditionMax="0" enabled="yes" spamMin="200" spamMax="400" triggerKey="<no key>" dontOverrideActions="no"/>
- <HealRule name="MP" spell="Mana Potion" condition="Mana Percent below" conditionMin="57" conditionMax="60" extraCondition="No Extra Condition" extraConditionMin="0" extraConditionMax="0" enabled="no" spamMin="200" spamMax="400" triggerKey="<no key>" dontOverrideActions="no"/>
- </PotionHealer>
- <ConditionHealer enabled="yes">
- <HealRule name="Paralyze" spell="Light Healing" condition="Paralyzed" conditionMin="0" conditionMax="0" extraCondition="No Extra Condition" extraConditionMin="0" extraConditionMax="0" enabled="yes" spamMin="200" spamMax="500" triggerKey="<no key>" dontOverrideActions="no"/>
- </ConditionHealer>
- <ManaTrainer manaTrainCondition="Mana Percent above" manaTrainMin="87" manaTrainMax="93" enabled="yes"/>
- </Healer>
- <Scripter>
- <HotkeyScripts>
- <HotkeyScript name="ShowBot" script="showbot()" triggerKey="Alt + B" hotkeyTriggerMode="0"/>
- <HotkeyScript name="PauseBot" script="local cavebot = getsetting("Cavebot/Enabled") local targeting = getsetting("Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)" triggerKey="Pause" hotkeyTriggerMode="0"/>
- <HotkeyScript name="ShowClient" script="focusclient()" triggerKey="Alt + T" hotkeyTriggerMode="0"/>
- <HotkeyScript name="ShowSettings" script="showbot()" triggerKey="Alt + S" hotkeyTriggerMode="0"/>
- </HotkeyScripts>
- <PersistentScripts>
- <PersistentScript name="Setup" script="--Don't Touch This auto(100) setlootingdestination('main', getuseroption('mainbp')) setlootingdestination('lootbp', getuseroption('lootbp')) setlootingdestination('supply', getuseroption('potionbp')) setlootingdestination('gold', getuseroption('goldbp')) setlootingdestination('stackdp', getuseroption('stackdp')) setlootingdestination('raredp', getuseroption('raredp')) setlootingdestination('mainbpdp', getuseroption('mainbpdp')) --Potions auto(100) setsetting('Supplies/Items/strong mana potion/UpTo', tonumber(getuseroption("maxsmp"))) waitping() setsetting('Supplies/Items/strong mana potion/LeaveAt', tonumber(getuseroption("minsmana")))waitping() setsetting('Supplies/Items/sudden death rune/LeaveAt', tonumber(getuseroption("minsd")))waitping() setsetting('Supplies/Items/sudden death rune/UpTo', tonumber(getuseroption("maxsd")))waitping() auto(100) if getuseroption('StrongStrike') and $vocshort == "S" then setsetting('Targeting/Creatures/Crystal Spider/Setting1/FirstSpell', 'Strong Energy Strike') setsetting('Targeting/Creatures/Crystal Spider/Setting1/SecondSpell', 'Energy Strike') else setsetting('Targeting/Creatures/Crystal Spider/Setting1/FirstSpell', 'Energy Strike') setsetting('Targeting/Creatures/Crystal Spider/Setting1/SecondSpell', 'Energy Strike') end" enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="DropFlask" script="--Flas Dropper init start local minAmount = 30 local randMinAmount = minAmount init end auto(1000, 3000) dontlist() if flasks() >= randMinAmount then if maround() ~= 0 then wait(500,1000) else pausewalking(10000) for i = 283, 285 do if itemcount(i) > 0 then moveitems(i, 'ground') waitping() end end pausewalking(0) end randMinAmount = math.random(minAmount - 5, minAmount + 5) end" enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="SoftChanger" script="--Soft Changer init start 	-- local SCRIPT_VERSION = '1.0.0' 	 local boots = 'boots of haste' -- this is the alternative boots, to equip while you are in pz, or you have enough mana local softnumbers = {consider = 'mppc', equip = {85,95}, unequip = {98,99}} -- check this, it's randomized, in this example it will equip soft if you have less than 40~60% of MP, and equip soft boots if you have more than 80~90% of MP. local alertifnosoft = false -- this will play an alert if a soft wasn't found on your backpacks. local soundfile = 'monster.wav' -- this is the sound you want to use play when you have no soft -- dont change anything below. 	 local soft = {id = 6529, use = 3549, worn = 6530} local firewalker = {id = 9019, use = 9018, worn = 9020, enchantid = 676} boots = itemid(boots) if boots == 6529 then boots = {id = boots, use = 3549, worn = 6530} elseif boots == 9019 then boots = {id = boots, use = 9018, worn = 9020} else boots = {id = boots, use = boots, worn = boots} end local ntype,nequip,nunequip = softnumbers.consider:lower(), math.random(unpack(softnumbers.equip)), math.random(unpack(softnumbers.unequip)) local warningmsgtime = 0 if getsetting('Input/Mouse/MouseMode') == 'Simulate mouse' then warningmsgtime = $timems+20000 end init end auto(300,700) if $timems < warningmsgtime then listas('BE CAREFUL!! If you do a left click on your screen while the script is trying to move the boots you may lose your item!') else listas('Soft Boots Changer') end local cur = {mppc = $mppc, hppc = $hppc, mp = $mp, hp = $hp} if $ == soft.use then if $pzone or cur[ntype] > nunequip then if itemcount(, 'backpack') > 0 then equipitem(, 'feet', 'backpack', 100) waitping() else moveitems(soft.use, 'backpack', 'feet', 100) waitping() end nunequip = math.random(unpack(softnumbers.unequip)) end elseif $ == soft.worn or $ == 0 then if cur[ntype] < nequip and not $pzone and itemcount(, 'backpack') > 0 then equipitem(, 'feet', 'backpack', 100) waitping() nequip = math.random(unpack(softnumbers.equip)) else if itemcount( > 0 then equipitem(, 'feet', 'backpack', 100) waitping() elseif $ > 0 then moveitems(soft.worn, 'backpack', 'feet', 100) waitping() end nunequip = math.random(unpack(softnumbers.unequip)) end elseif $ == then if cur[ntype] < nequip and not $pzone and itemcount(, 'backpack') > 0 then equipitem(, 'feet', 'backpack', 100) waitping() nequip = math.random(unpack(softnumbers.equip)) end end if alertifnosoft and $ ~= soft.use and itemcount( == 0 and itemcount(soft.worn) > 0 then playsoundflash(soundfile) end" enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="Anti Furniture" script="--Anti Furniture auto(1000, 1200) antifurnituretrap('Machete', 30)" enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="HasteOnRefil" script="--Haste Refill auto(100) if ($wptsection ~= "Depositer") and not $hasted and not $pzone and getuseroption('HasteRefill') then 	cast("utani gran hur") 	wait(1234,2345) end" enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="HasteSpawn" script="--Haste Spawn auto(100) if ($wptsection == "Ice golems" or $wptsecion == "Crystal spiders") and not $hasted and not $pzone and getuseroption('HasteSpawn') then 	cast("utani gran hur") 	wait(1234,2345) end " enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="Ue Shooter" script="--UE Shooter init start 	local ATK_MODE = {COUNT = tonumber(getuseroption('AmountToUe'))} 	local CREATURES = {"Ice Golem", "Crystal Spider"} local SpellType = 'exevo gran mas tera' if $vocshort == 'S' then SpellType = 'exevo gran mas vis' end init end auto(100, 200) dontlist() if maroundspell(SpellType, false, unpack(CREATURES)) >= ATK_MODE.COUNT and getuseroption('ShootUe') then 	if cancast(SpellType) then 		cast(SpellType) waitping() end end " enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="Auto Reconnect" script="auto(10000) if (getuseroption("AutoReconnect")) and (tosec(currenttime()) <= tosec(getuseroption("TimeBeforeSS")) or tosec(currenttime()) >= tosec(getuseroption("TimeAfterSS"))) and ($connected == false) then setcavebot("no") settargeting("no") setlooting("no") 	while ($connected == false) do 		keyevent(0x1B) 		wait(500, 700) reconnect() 		wait(1000, 1200) 	 		if ($connected) then 			if (isontemple() == true) then 				while ($connected) do 					xlog() 					wait(1000, 1500) 				end 				while ($connected == false) do 					wait(10000) 				end 			else 				setcavebot("yes") 				settargeting("yes") 				setlooting("yes") 			end 		end end end" enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="NewPersistentScript" script="-- Eat Food -- auto(180000, 240000) if not $pzone then eatfoodfull() end" enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="NewPersistentScript1" script="- Ver = '1.0.2' By FaNtA init start -- Player Option local UsePlayerRing = false -- if true PlayerRing will be enable. local PlayerRing = 'Life Ring' -- ring name. local minAmountt = 2 -- Amount of player to use ring. -- Monster Ring Option local UseMonsterRing = true -- if true MonsterRing will be enable. local MonsterRing = 'stealth ring' -- Ring name. local MonsterR = {'Penguin', 'Polar Bear','Winter Wolf','Husky'} -- Monsters. local minAmount = 1 -- Amount of monster to use ring. local mAmount = 0 -- Amount of monster to take it off. -- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE item = itemid(MonsterRing) item2 = itemid(PlayerRing) init end auto(100, 200) if $pzone then pausewalking(500) moveitems(item2, 0, "finger") waitping() moveitems(item, 0, "finger") waitping() pausewalking(0) else if UsePlayerRing and $ ~= item2 and itemcount(item2) > 0 and paround(10) >= minAmountt and not $pzone then pausewalking(500) equipitem(item2, "finger") waitping() pausewalking(0) elseif UsePlayerRing and paround(10) < minAmountt then pausewalking(500) moveitems(item2, 0, "finger") waitping() pausewalking(0) end if UseMonsterRing and $ ~= item and itemcount(item) > 0 and (maround(10, unpack(MonsterR)) >= minAmount) and not $pzone then if UsePlayerRing and paround(10) >= minAmountt then else pausewalking(500) equipitem(item, "finger") waitping() pausewalking(0) end elseif UseMonsterRing and $ > 0 and (maround(8, unpack(MonsterR)) <= mAmount) then pausewalking(500) moveitems(item, 0, "finger") waitping() pausewalking(0) end end " enabled="yes"/>
- <PersistentScript name="NewPersistentScript2" script="auto(200) local FLASKS = {283,284,285} for i = 1, #FLASKS do 	while (itemcount(FLASKS[i]) >= 10) and (maround(4,false) == 0) and $cap <= 300 do 		pausewalking(10000) 	moveitems(FLASKS[i], 'ground', 'all', 100) 		pausewalking(0) end end" enabled="yes"/>
- </PersistentScripts>
- </Scripter>
- <HUDs>
- <HUDScripts>
- <HUDScript name="RecentLoot" script="init start 	-- SCRIPT_VERSION = '1.1.0' 	local warnItems = {'fire sword', 'boots of haste', 'wand of inferno'} -- you can add more items here 	local maxMsgs = 8 -- max lines to display at once 	local msgTimeOut = 30000000 -- will only show loots from the last 30 seconds 	local position = 'left' -- right or left 	local rareLootColor = 0xCE7C4E 	local lootColor = 0xFFFFFF 	-- dont edit anything below this line 	local fontsize = 7 	local fontspacing = fontsize + 6 	local isRight = (position == 'right') 	local msgs = {} 	setfontstyle("Tahoma", fontsize, 75, lootColor, 1, 0x002200) 	setmaskcolorxp(0) init end foreach newmessage m do 	if m.level == 0 and m.content:sub(0,8) == 'Loot of ' then 		local msgInfo = m.content:lootmsg() 		local color = lootColor 		local hasItems = false 		local msg = .. ': ' 		local lastIndex = #msgInfo.items 		for index, item in ipairs(msgInfo.items) do 			hasItems = true 			if (item.count > 1) then 				msg = msg .. item.count .. ' ' 			end 			msg = msg .. 			if index ~= lastIndex then 				msg = msg .. ', ' 			end 			if table.find(warnItems, then 				color = rareLootColor 			end 		end 		if (hasItems) then 			local msgWidth = measurestring(msg) 			table.insert(msgs, {['msg'] = msg, ['color'] = color, ['time'] = $timems, ['width'] = msgWidth}) 		end 	end end local msgsLen = #msgs local longestLine = 0 if isRight then 	for index = msgsLen, math.max(msgsLen - maxMsgs + 1, 1), -1 do 		if msgs[index].width > longestLine then longestLine = msgs[index].width end 	end end local i = 1 while (i <= msgsLen) do 	if $timems - msgs[i].time <= msgTimeOut and i > msgsLen - maxMsgs then 		setfontcolor(msgs[i].color) 		addtext(msgs[i].msg, tern(isRight, longestLine - msgs[i].width - 2, 2), i*fontspacing) 		i = i + 1 	else 		table.remove(msgs, i) 	end 	msgsLen = #msgs end if not isRight then 	setposition($worldwin.left + 3, $worldwin.bottom - i*fontspacing) else 	setposition($worldwin.right - 3 - longestLine, $worldwin.bottom - i*fontspacing) end if msgsLen == 0 then -- to clear HUD when resetting script 	addtext('', 0, 0) end" enabled="yes" refreshRate="100"/>
- <HUDScript name="SirmateHUD" script="init start -- -- 88 -- "" ,d -- 88 -- ,adPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYYba, MM88MMM ,adPPYba, -- I8[ "" 88 88P' "Y8 88P' "88" "8a "" `Y8 88 a8P_____88 -- `"Y8ba, 88 88 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 8PP""""""" -- aa ]8I 88 88 88 88 88 88, ,88 88, "8b, ,aa -- `"YbbdP"' 88 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 "Y888 `"Ybbd8"' -- -- Name: Monitor My Stats -- Last Updated: 19/12/2013 -- Version: 1.0 filterinput(false, true, false, false) local HUD_Sections = { {Name = 'OTHERS', State = true, Items = { {'Ping', function() return $ping .. ' (avg: ' .. $pingaverage .. ')' end}, {'Bank Balance', function() return num($balance) end}, } }, {Name = 'CHARACTER STATS', State = true, Items = { {'Level', function() return $level .. ' (' .. 100 - math.floor(($exp - expatlvl($level)) * 100 / (expatlvl($level + 1) - expatlvl($level))) .. '%)' end}, {'Experience', function() return num($exp) end}, {'Magic Level', function() return $mlevel .. ' (' .. 100 - $mlevelpc .. '%)' end}, {'Weapon Skill', function() local _ = WeaponSkill() return _.skill .. ' (' .. 100 - _.skillpc .. '%)' end}, {'Shielding', function() return $shielding .. ' (' .. 100 - $shieldingpc .. '%)' end}, {'Fishing', function() return $fishing .. ' (' .. 100 - $fishingpc .. '%)' end} } }, {Name = 'ENGINE STATES', State = true, Items = { {'Cavebot', function() return getsetting('Cavebot/Enabled') end, function() return toggle('Cavebot/Enabled') end}, {'Looting', function() return getsetting('Looting/Enabled') end, function() return toggle('Looting/Enabled') end}, {'Targeting', function() return getsetting('Targeting/Enabled') end, function() return toggle('Targeting/Enabled') end}, {'Spell Healer', function() return getsetting('SpellHealer/Enabled') end, function() return toggle('SpellHealer/Enabled') end}, {'Potion Healer', function() return getsetting('PotionHealer/Enabled') end, function() return toggle('PotionHealer/Enabled') end} } }, {Name = 'BOTTING STATS', State = true, Items = { {'Experience per Hour', function() return num($exphour) end}, {'Experience Left', function() return num(exptolevel()) end}, {'Experience Today', function() return num($expgained) end}, {'Time to Next Level', function() return time(timetolevel()) end}, {'Played Time', function() return time(math.floor($charactertime / 1000)) end}, {'Stamina', function() return time($stamina) end} } } } local HUD_Colors = { Font = color(255, 255, 255, 0), SectionHeaderBackground = {0.0, color(36, 68, 105, 20), 0.23, color(39, 73, 114, 20), 0.76, color(21, 39, 60, 20)}, EntryNameBackground = {0.0, color(75, 75, 75, 20), 0.23, color(45, 45, 45, 20), 0.76, color(19, 19, 19, 20)}, EntryValueBackground = {0.0, color(136, 35, 12, 20), 0.23, color(139, 37, 13, 20), 0.76, color(92, 6, 6, 20)}, EntryValueEnabledBackground = {0.0, color(65, 96, 12, 20), 0.23, color(67, 99, 13, 20), 0.76, color(36, 52, 6, 20)}, EntryValueDisabledBackground = {0.0, color(145, 95, 0, 20), 0.23, color(158, 104, 0, 20), 0.76, color(84, 55, 0, 20)}, } function WeaponSkill() local SkillTypes = { ['axe'] = {type = 'axe', skill = $axe, skillpc = $axepc}, ['club'] = {type = 'club', skill = $club, skillpc = $clubpc}, ['sword'] = {type = 'sword', skill = $sword, skillpc = $swordpc}, ['bow'] = {type = 'distance', skill = $distance, skillpc = $distancepc}, ['distance weapon'] = {type = 'distance', skill = $distance, skillpc = $distancepc}, ['no weapon'] = {type = 'fist', skill = $fist, skillpc = $fistpc}, ['rod'] = {type = 'magic', skill = $mlevel, skillpc = $mlevelpc}, ['wand'] = {type = 'magic', skill = $mlevel, skillpc = $mlevelpc}, } return SkillTypes[findweapontype()] end local Moving, Temp, Moved = false, {0, 0}, {0, 0} function inputevents(e) if (e.type == IEVENT_LMOUSEDOWN) then for _, Section in ipairs(HUD_Sections) do if (e.elementid == Section.StateSwitch) then Section.State = not Section.State return end end for _, Section in ipairs(HUD_Sections) do if (Section.Name == 'ENGINE STATES') then for _, SectionItem in ipairs(Section.Items) do if (e.elementid == SectionItem[4]) then SectionItem[3]() return end end end end end if (e.type == IEVENT_MMOUSEDOWN) then Moving, Temp = true, {$cursor.x - Moved[1], $cursor.y - Moved[2]} end if (e.type == IEVENT_MMOUSEUP) then Moving = false end end init end if (Moving) then auto(10) Moved = {$cursor.x - Temp[1], $cursor.y - Temp[2]} end setposition($clientwin.left + 5 + Moved[1], $ + Moved[2]) setfontstyle('Tahoma', 8, 75, 0xFFFFFF, 1, color(0, 0, 0, 20)) local StringWidth, StringHeight = measurestring('TEMP') setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 22) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.SectionHeaderBackground)) drawroundrect(0, 0, 240, 21, 2, 2) drawtext('Vaier for DvScripts', 6, 21 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 22) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryValueBackground)) drawroundrect(130, 0, 110, 21, 2, 2) drawtext('', 136, 21 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5) setfontsize(7) local StringWidth, StringHeight = measurestring('TEMP') setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryNameBackground)) drawroundrect(0, 24 + 0 * 18, 240, 15, 2, 2) drawtext('[ED/MS] Ice Cave Nibelor', 6, 24 + 0 * 18 + 15 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryNameBackground)) drawroundrect(0, 24 + 1 * 18, 240, 15, 2, 2) drawtext('Script version:', 6, 24 + 1 * 18 + 15 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryValueBackground)) drawroundrect(130, 24 + 1 * 18, 110, 15, 2, 2) drawtext('1.2', 136, 24 + 1 * 18 + 15 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) local YPosition, SectionRow, SectionItemsRow = 22 + 2 * 19, 0, 0 for SectionIndex, Section in ipairs(HUD_Sections) do setfontsize(8) local StringWidth, StringHeight = measurestring('TEMP') setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.SectionHeaderBackground)) drawroundrect(0, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19), 240, 20, 2, 2) drawtext(Section.Name, 6, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19) + 20 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) if (Section.State) then addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryValueEnabledBackground)) else addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryValueDisabledBackground)) end Section.StateSwitch = drawroundrect(220, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19), 20, 20, 2, 2) drawtext('X', 228, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19) + 20 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) SectionRow = SectionRow + 1 if (Section.State) then setfontsize(7) local StringWidth, StringHeight = measurestring('TEMP') for SectionItemIndex, SectionItem in ipairs(Section.Items) do setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 17) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryNameBackground)) drawroundrect(0, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19), 240, 16, 2, 2) drawtext(SectionItem[1], 6, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19) + 16 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) if (Section.Name == 'ENGINE STATES') then local EngineCurrentState = SectionItem[2]() setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 17) if (EngineCurrentState == 'yes') then addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryValueEnabledBackground)) else addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryValueDisabledBackground)) end HUD_Sections[SectionIndex].Items[SectionItemIndex][4] = drawroundrect(130, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19), 110, 16, 2, 2) drawtext((EngineCurrentState == 'yes' and ('On')) or ('Off'), 136, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19) + 16 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) else setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 17) addgradcolors(unpack(HUD_Colors.EntryValueBackground)) drawroundrect(130, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19), 110, 16, 2, 2) drawtext(SectionItem[2](), 136, YPosition + (SectionRow * 23) + (SectionItemsRow * 19) + 16 / 2 - StringHeight * 0.5 + 1) end SectionItemsRow = SectionItemsRow + 1 end end end" enabled="yes" refreshRate="100"/>
- <HUDScript name="MMH" script="	 init start -- -- 88 -- "" ,d -- 88 -- ,adPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYYba, MM88MMM ,adPPYba, -- I8[ "" 88 88P' "Y8 88P' "88" "8a "" `Y8 88 a8P_____88 -- `"Y8ba, 88 88 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 8PP""""""" -- aa ]8I 88 88 88 88 88 88, ,88 88, "8b, ,aa -- Author: `"YbbdP"' 88 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 "Y888 `"Ybbd8"' -- -- Monitor My Hunting! -- -- Version: 1.0 -- Created: 29.12.2013 -- Last update: 29.12.2013 -- local MMH = { SHOW_ALL_ITEMS = false, SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES = false, } -- [[ Do not change anything below this line. ]] -- -- [[ COLORS ]] -- MMH.COLORS = {} MMH.COLORS.FONT_COLOR = color(255, 255, 255, 0) MMH.COLORS.SECTION_HEADER_BACKGROUND = {0.0, color(36, 68, 105, 20), 0.23, color(39, 73, 114, 20), 0.76, color(21, 39, 60, 20)} MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND = {0.0, color(75, 75, 75, 20), 0.23, color(45, 45, 45, 20), 0.76, color(19, 19, 19, 20)} MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_VALUE_BACKGROUND = {0.0, color(145, 95, 0, 20), 0.23, color(158, 104, 0, 20), 0.76, color(84, 55, 0, 20)} MMH.COLORS.RESULT_POSITIVE_BACKGROUND = {0.0, color(65, 96, 12, 20), 0.23, color(67, 99, 13, 20), 0.76, color(36, 52, 6, 20)} MMH.COLORS.RESULT_NEGATIVE_BACKGROUND = {0.0, color(90, 12, 15, 20), 0.23, color(98, 13, 17, 20), 0.76, color(52, 6, 9, 20)} MMH.COLORS.RESET_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = MMH.COLORS.RESULT_POSITIVE_BACKGROUND -- [[ ELEMENTS ]] -- MMH.ELEMENTS = {} MMH.ELEMENTS.RESET_BUTTON = -1 MMH.ELEMENTS.SWITCH_ITEMS_LOOTED = -1 MMH.ELEMENTS.SWITCH_SUPPLIES_USED = -1 -- [[ SECTION STATES ]] -- MMH.SECTIONS = {} MMH.SECTIONS.ITEMS_LOOTED = true MMH.SECTIONS.SUPPLIES_USED = true -- [[ OTHERS ]] -- filterinput(false, true, false, false) local MOVING, TEMP, MOVED = false, {0, 0}, {0, 0} function inputevents(e) if (e.type == IEVENT_LMOUSEDOWN) then if (e.elementid == MMH.ELEMENTS.RESET_BUTTON) then resetcharactertime() resetlootcounter() resetexpcounter() elseif (e.elementid == MMH.ELEMENTS.SWITCH_ITEMS_LOOTED) then MMH.SECTIONS.ITEMS_LOOTED = not MMH.SECTIONS.ITEMS_LOOTED elseif (e.elementid == MMH.ELEMENTS.SWITCH_SUPPLIES_USED) then MMH.SECTIONS.SUPPLIES_USED = not MMH.SECTIONS.SUPPLIES_USED end end if (e.type == IEVENT_MMOUSEDOWN) then MOVING, TEMP = true, {$cursor.x - MOVED[1], $cursor.y - MOVED[2]} end if (e.type == IEVENT_MMOUSEUP) then MOVING = false end end init end if (MOVING) then auto(10) MOVED = {$cursor.x - TEMP[1], $cursor.y - TEMP[2]} end setposition($clientwin.right - 424 + MOVED[1], $ + MOVED[2]) setfontstyle('Tahoma', 8, 75, MMH.COLORS.FONT_COLOR, 1, color(0, 0, 0, 20)) local ROW_QUANTITY, STRING_WIDTH, STRING_HEIGHT = 0, measurestring('TEMP') local ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH, ITEM_LOOTED_QUANTITY, ITEM_LOOTED_WORTH = 0, 0, 0 local SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH, SUPPLY_USED_QUANTITY, SUPPLY_USED_WORTH = 0, 0, 0 setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 0, 240, 20, 2, 2) drawtext('Monitor My Hunting v1.0', 6, 20 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.RESET_BUTTON_BACKGROUND)) MMH.ELEMENTS.RESET_BUTTON = drawroundrect(196, 0, 44, 20, 2, 2) drawtext('RESET', 202, 20 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfontsize(7) STRING_WIDTH, STRING_HEIGHT = measurestring('TEMP') setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 23, 240, 15, 2, 2) drawtext('Looting Accuracy', 6, 23 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5 + 1) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_VALUE_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(130, 23, 110, 15, 2, 2) drawtext(string.format('%.2f', $lootaccuracy) .. '%', 136, 23 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5 + 1) setfontsize(8) STRING_WIDTH, STRING_HEIGHT = measurestring('TEMP') setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.SECTION_HEADER_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 41, 240, 20, 2, 2) drawtext('ITEMS LOOTED', 6, 41 + 20 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) if (MMH.SECTIONS.ITEMS_LOOTED) then addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.RESULT_POSITIVE_BACKGROUND)) else addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.RESULT_NEGATIVE_BACKGROUND)) end MMH.ELEMENTS.SWITCH_ITEMS_LOOTED = drawroundrect(220, 41, 20, 20, 2, 2) drawtext('X', 228, 41 + 20 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfontsize(7) STRING_WIDTH, STRING_HEIGHT = measurestring('TEMP') foreach lootingitem ItemEntry do if (MMH.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS or ItemEntry.amountlooted > 0) then ITEM_LOOTED_QUANTITY = ItemEntry.amountlooted ITEM_LOOTED_WORTH = ItemEntry.sellprice * ITEM_LOOTED_QUANTITY if (MMH.SECTIONS.ITEMS_LOOTED) then setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 240, 15, 2, 2) setcompositionmode(CompositionMode_SourceOver) drawitem(, 6, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 50, 100) setcompositionmode(CompositionMode_Automatic) drawtext((( > 16 and string.match(string.sub(, 1, 16), '(.-)%s?$') .. '...') or, 28, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_VALUE_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(130, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 110, 15, 2, 2) drawtext(num(ITEM_LOOTED_QUANTITY) .. ' (' .. math.floor(ITEM_LOOTED_WORTH / 100) / 10 .. 'K)', 136, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) ROW_QUANTITY = ROW_QUANTITY + 1 end ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH = ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH + ITEM_LOOTED_WORTH end end setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 240, 15, 2, 2) drawtext('Total: ' .. num(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH) .. ' GPs', 6, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) ROW_QUANTITY = ROW_QUANTITY + 1 setfontsize(8) STRING_WIDTH, STRING_HEIGHT = measurestring('TEMP') setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.SECTION_HEADER_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 240, 20, 2, 2) drawtext('SUPPLIES USED', 6, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 20 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) if (MMH.SECTIONS.SUPPLIES_USED) then addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.RESULT_POSITIVE_BACKGROUND)) else addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.RESULT_NEGATIVE_BACKGROUND)) end MMH.ELEMENTS.SWITCH_SUPPLIES_USED = drawroundrect(220, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 20, 20, 2, 2) drawtext('X', 228, 64 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 20 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfontsize(7) STRING_WIDTH, STRING_HEIGHT = measurestring('TEMP') foreach supplyitem ItemEntry do if (MMH.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES or ItemEntry.amountused > 0) then SUPPLY_USED_QUANTITY = ItemEntry.amountused SUPPLY_USED_WORTH = ItemEntry.buyprice * SUPPLY_USED_QUANTITY if (MMH.SECTIONS.SUPPLIES_USED) then setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 240, 15, 2, 2) setcompositionmode(CompositionMode_SourceOver) drawitem(, 6, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 50, 100) setcompositionmode(CompositionMode_Automatic) drawtext((( > 16 and string.match(string.sub(, 1, 16), '(.-)%s?$') .. '...') or, 28, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_VALUE_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(130, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 110, 15, 2, 2) drawtext(num(SUPPLY_USED_QUANTITY) .. ' (' .. math.floor(SUPPLY_USED_WORTH / 100) / 10 .. 'K)', 136, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) ROW_QUANTITY = ROW_QUANTITY + 1 end SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH + SUPPLY_USED_WORTH end end if (MMH.SECTIONS.SUPPLIES_USED) then setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 240, 15, 2, 2) setcompositionmode(CompositionMode_SourceOver) drawitem(3031, 6, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 50, 100) setcompositionmode(CompositionMode_Automatic) drawtext('Money Spent', 28, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_VALUE_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(130, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 110, 15, 2, 2) drawtext(num($moneyspent) .. ' (' .. math.floor($moneyspent / 100) / 10 .. 'K)', 136, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) ROW_QUANTITY = ROW_QUANTITY + 1 end SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH + $moneyspent setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 16) addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.ENTRY_NAME_BACKGROUND)) drawroundrect(0, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 240, 15, 2, 2) drawtext('Total: ' .. num(SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) .. ' GPs', 6, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 15 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) ROW_QUANTITY = ROW_QUANTITY + 1 setfontsize(8) STRING_WIDTH, STRING_HEIGHT = measurestring('TEMP') setfillstyle('gradient', 'linear', 2, 0, 0, 0, 21) if (ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) then addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.RESULT_POSITIVE_BACKGROUND)) else addgradcolors(unpack(MMH.COLORS.RESULT_NEGATIVE_BACKGROUND)) end drawroundrect(0, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18, 240, 20, 2, 2) drawtext(((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and ('PROFIT: ')) or ('WASTE: ')) .. num(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) .. ' GPs (' .. math.abs(math.floor(((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) * 3600) / ($charactertime / 1000) / 100) / 10) .. ' k/h)', 6, 87 + ROW_QUANTITY * 18 + 20 / 2 - STRING_HEIGHT * 0.5) " enabled="yes" refreshRate="100"/>
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- </HUDs>
- <GeneralSettings>
- <Input>
- <MouseOption mouseMode="Simulate Mouse"/>
- <MouseOption scrollMode="Use mouse wheel"/>
- <MouseOption stuckCursorPolicy="If Cavebot on, Release Instantly"/>
- <MouseOption moveSpeed="9"/>
- <MouseOption clickWaitMin="10" clickWaitMax="50"/>
- <KeyboardOption keyboardMode="Simulate Keyboard"/>
- <KeyboardOption stuckCtrlShiftPolicy="If Cavebot on, Release after 1 sec"/>
- <KeyboardOption typeWaitMin="10" typeWaitMax="50"/>
- <KeyboardOption pressWaitMin="10" pressWaitMax="50"/>
- <FocusOption focusPolicy="Don't auto-focus"/>
- <FocusOption openMenuPolicy="Confirm if cavebotting"/>
- </Input>
- </GeneralSettings>
- <Alerts disableSounds="yes">
- <alert name="Player On Screen" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no" safeList="<SafeList> "/>
- <alert name="Player Attacking" playSound="yes" pauseBot="no" logout="no" safeList="<SafeList> "/>
- <alert name="Monster Attacking" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no" safeList="<SafeList> "/>
- <alert name="Private Message" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no" safeList="<SafeList> "/>
- <alert name="Default Message" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no" safeList="<SafeList> "/>
- <alert name="GM Detected" playSound="no" pauseBot="yes" logout="no"/>
- <alert name="Disconnected" playSound="yes" pauseBot="no" logout="no"/>
- <alert name="Character Stuck" playSound="yes" pauseBot="no" logout="no" standTime="90000"/>
- <alert name="Health Below" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no" healthPercent="50"/>
- <alert name="Mana Below" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no" manaPercent="50"/>
- <alert name="Unjust Kill" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no"/>
- <alert name="Enemies Online" playSound="no" pauseBot="no" logout="no" enemiesCount="50"/>
- </Alerts>
- <Cavebot enabled="yes">
- <Options>
- <Option shovel="3457"/>
- <Option rope="3003"/>
- <Option machete="3308"/>
- <Option pick="3456"/>
- <Option nodeRange="4"/>
- <Option pauseBotOnDeath="yes"/>
- <Option refillAmmo="no" refillAmmoMin="30" refillAmmoMax="70"/>
- <Option autoMount="yes"/>
- <Option fireAvoidanceMin="0" fireAvoidanceMax="0"/>
- <Option energyAvoidanceMin="0" energyAvoidanceMax="0"/>
- <Option poisonAvoidanceMin="0" poisonAvoidanceMax="0"/>
- <Option walkThroughPlayers="no"/>
- <Option walkMethod="Walk With Map-Clicks"/>
- <Option walkableItems="140, 404, 831, 832, 833, 834, 883, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2124, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2314, 2315, 2316, 2319, 2346, 2347, 2348, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2352, 2353, 2354, 2355, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2359, 2360, 2361, 2362, 2363, 2364, 2365, 2366, 2367, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2373, 2374, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2378, 2379, 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2384, 2385, 2418, 2419, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2431, 2432, 2433, 2434, 2441, 2442, 2443, 2444, 2469, 2471, 2472, 2473, 2478, 2480, 2481, 2482, 2483, 2484, 2485, 2486, 2519, 2523, 2775, 2776, 2777, 2778, 2779, 2780, 2781, 2782, 2783, 2784, 2785, 2786, 2787, 2788, 2789, 2790, 2791, 2792, 2793, 2794, 2795, 2796, 2797, 2798, 2799, 2800, 2801, 2802, 2803, 2804, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2981, 2982, 2983, 2984, 2985, 2987, 2988, 3503, 3504, 3514, 3807, 5086, 5087, 5088, 6114, 6115, 6355, 6356, 6357, 6358, 6359, 6360, 6361, 6362, 6371, 6372, 7864, 8455, 8763, 9061, 9062, 10207, 10209, 10216, 10286, 10287, 10288, 11009, 11800, 11801, 11802, 11803, 11804, 11805, 11806, 11807, 11808, 11809, 11810"/>
- <Option mapWalkDistMin="20" mapWalkDistMax="50"/>
- <Option userOptionsScript="{ 	"type" : "scriptinfo", 	"name" : "[ED/MS] Crystal Spiders/Ice Golems", 	"version" : "1.2" }, { "type" : "group", "name" : "Backpack Configuration", "children" : [ { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "mainbp", "text" : "Main Backpack", "value" : "Backpack of Holding" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "lootbp", "text" : "Loot Backpack", "value" : "Jewelled Backpack" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "potionbp", "text" : "Potion Backpack", "value" : "Dragon Backpack" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "goldbp", "text" : "Gold Backpack", "value" : "Brocade Backpack" } ] }, { "type" : "group", "name" : "Depo Backpack Configuration", "children" : [ { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "mainbpdp", "text" : "Main DP Backpack", "value" : "Red Backpack" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "raredp", "text" : "Rare DP Backpack", "value" : "Red Backpack" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "stackdp", "text" : "Stackable DP Backpack", "value" : "Blue Backpack" } ] }, { "type" : "group", "name" : "Potions Configuration","column":2, "children" : [ { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "minsmana", "text" : "Min.SMP", "value" : "60" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "maxsmp", "text" : "Max.SMP", "value" : "300" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "maxsd", "text" : "Max.SD", "value" : "50" } , { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "minsd", "text" : "Min.SD", "value" : "10" }, { "type" : "lineedit", "name" : "CapToLeave", "text" : "Min.Cap", "value" : "30" } ] }, {"type": "group", "name": "Spawn Setup","column":1, "children": [ { 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "ShootUe", 		"text": "Shoot UE", 		"value": true }, { "type" : "combobox", "name" : "AmmoType", "text" : "UE to Shoot", "items" : ["Exevo Gran Mas Vis","Exevo Gran Mas Tera"] }, 	{ 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "StrongStrike", 		"text": "Use Strong Strike [Exori Gran Vis]", 		"value": false }, { 		"type" : "spinbox", 		"name" : "AmountToUe", 		"text" : "Monsters to UE", 		"suffix" : " monsters", 		"value" : 5 	}, { 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "Ice Golems Only", 		"text": "Only -1 Floor [40+]", 		"value": false }, { 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "Crystal Spiders Only", 		"text": "Only -2 Floor [100+]", 		"value": true } ] }, {"type": "group", "name": "Hunt Setup","column":2, "children": [ { 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "AutoMount", 		"text": "AutoMount", 		"value": true }, { 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "softboots", 		"text": "Refill Soft Boots", 		"value": false }, { 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "HasteRefill", 		"text": "Haste on Refill", 		"value": true }, { 		"type": "checkbox", 		"name": "HasteSpawn", 		"text": "Haste on Spawn", 		"value": false } ] }, { 		"type"			: "group", 		"name"			: "AutoReconnect", 		"description"	: "Use Auto Reconnect", 		"text"			: "Auto Reconnect", 		"checkable"		: true, 		"children"		: [ 		{ 			"type"			: "lineedit", 			"name"			: "TimeBeforeSS", 			"description"	: "Time Before Server Save", 			"text"			: "Time Before Server Save:", 			"value"			: "9:55" 		}, 		{ 			"type"			: "lineedit", 			"name"			: "TimeAfterSS", 			"description"	: "Time After Server Save", 			"text"			: "Time After Server Save:", 			"value"			: "10:15" 		} 		] 	 } 		] }"/>
- </Options>
- <SpecialAreas>
- <Area name="NewArea0" x="32358" y="31086" z="8" type="Square (Filled)" width="2" height="3" avoidance="250" waitTimeMin="0" waitTimeMax="0" policy="Targeting" ignoreWhenLuring="no" ignoreWhenLooting="no" comment=""/>
- <Area name="NewArea1" x="32353" y="31064" z="8" type="Square (Filled)" width="3" height="3" avoidance="250" waitTimeMin="0" waitTimeMax="0" policy="Targeting" ignoreWhenLuring="no" ignoreWhenLooting="no" comment=""/>
- <Area name="NewArea2" x="32353" y="31064" z="9" type="Square (Filled)" width="2" height="3" avoidance="250" waitTimeMin="0" waitTimeMax="0" policy="Targeting" ignoreWhenLuring="no" ignoreWhenLooting="no" comment=""/>
- <Area name="NewArea3" x="32360" y="31086" z="8" type="Square (Filled)" width="26" height="1" avoidance="250" waitTimeMin="0" waitTimeMax="0" policy="Targeting" ignoreWhenLuring="no" ignoreWhenLooting="no" comment=""/>
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- <Area name="NewArea9" x="32397" y="31069" z="8" type="Square (Filled)" width="5" height="1" avoidance="250" waitTimeMin="0" waitTimeMax="0" policy="Targeting" ignoreWhenLuring="no" ignoreWhenLooting="no" comment=""/>
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- <CavebotScripts/>
- <WaypointSection name="Depo">
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- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32268" y="31141" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Deposit Items wait(500,1000) depotaction('mainbpdp', 'lootbp', {'r', 'raredp', 's', 'stackdp'}) wait(500,1000)"/>
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- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32274" y="31142" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32274" y="31143" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32275" y="31141" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
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- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32295" y="31131" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32298" y="31133" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32298" y="31133" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--BPs closewindows(main, '0') wait(700,1000) closewindows(supply, '1') wait(700,1000) closewindows(lootbp, '2') wait(700,1000) closewindows(gold, '3') wait(700,1000) local main = getlootingdestination('main') local supply = getlootingdestination('supply') closewindows() while windowcount() < 2 do closewindows() wait(1000,2000) openitem(main, "back", true) wait(1000,2000) resizewindows() wait(1000,2000) openitem(supply,main,'opennew')waitping() wait(1000,2000) resizewindows() end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32300" y="31134" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Bank"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32300" y="31134" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Bank if ischannel('NPCs') then npcsay('hi') waitping() else say('hi') wait(1000,2000) end if islocation(1) then 	depositerbank('a') else gotolabel('Bank') end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32308" y="31132" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Manas"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32308" y="31132" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Buy Potions if ischannel('NPCs') then npcsay('hi') waitping() else say('hi') wait(1000,2000) end npcsay('trade') wait(700,1000) if not $tradeopen then say('hi') wait(1700, 2300) npcsay('trade') wait(500, 1000) end --sell all flasks sellflasks() waitping() resupply("a")"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32307" y="31128" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Checkers"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32308" y="31128" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Check Supplies CapToLeave = tonumber(getuseroption("CapToLeave")) if needresupply(CapToLeave,'a') then gotolabel("Bank","Depo") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32308" y="31128" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--CheckSofts if getuseroption("softboots") and itemcount(6530) >= 1 then gotolabel("Start","SoftBoots") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32307" y="31128" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32313" y="31123" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--BpResp setsetting('Targeting/Enabled', 'yes') wait(800,1000) setsetting('Looting/OpenNextBP', 'yes') setsetting('Looting/OpenNextBP', 'yes') setsetting('Looting/OpenNextBP', 'yes') local main = getlootingdestination('main') local lootbp = getlootingdestination('lootbp') local gold = getlootingdestination('gold') local supply = getlootingdestination('supply') closewindows(main, '0') wait(700,1000) closewindows(supply, '1') wait(700,1000) closewindows(lootbp, '2') wait(700,1000) closewindows(gold, '3') wait(700,1000) closewindows() while windowcount() < 4 do closewindows() wait(500,1200) openitem(main, "back", true) wait(500,1200) resizewindows() openitem(supply,main,'opennew') wait(500,1200) resizewindows() openitem(lootbp,main,'opennew') wait(500,1200) resizewindows() openitem(gold,main,'opennew') wait(500,1200) resizewindows() end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32303" y="31113" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32306" y="31097" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="GoIskan"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32303" y="31083" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32303" y="31085" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Travel reachcreature("Nilsor") reachcreature("Iskan") npctalk("hi","passage","yes") waitping()"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32352" y="31051" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(3) then gotolabel("GoIskan","Depo") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32355" y="31060" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32357" y="31083" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Walk" x="32357" y="31087" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32357" y="31087" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="31942" y="31047" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--CheckSpawn if getuseroption("Ice Golems Only") then gotolabel("Start","Ice golems") elseif getuseroption("Crystal Spiders Only") then gotolabel("Start","Crystal Spiders") end"/>
- </WaypointSection>
- <WaypointSection name="Ice golems">
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32358" y="31087" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Start"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32360" y="31092" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32375" y="31097" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32378" y="31088" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32380" y="31087" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32399" y="31066" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32363" y="31068" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Check Supplies CapToLeave = tonumber(getuseroption("CapToLeave")) if needresupply(CapToLeave,'a') then gotolabel("Start from ice","Depositer") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32390" y="31056" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32372" y="31055" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32366" y="31056" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32356" y="31058" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32363" y="31068" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Check Supplies CapToLeave = tonumber(getuseroption("CapToLeave")) if needresupply(CapToLeave,'a') then gotolabel("Start from ice","Depositer") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="31938" y="31041" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Check Spawn if getuseroption("Ice Golems Only") then gotolabel("Start","Ice golems") end"/>
- </WaypointSection>
- <WaypointSection name="Crystal Spiders">
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32356" y="31087" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Start"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32357" y="31087" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="setsetting('Targeting/Creatures/Ice Golem/Setting1/OnlyIfTrapped', 'yes')"/>
- <Waypoint type="Walk" x="32359" y="31085" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Walk" x="32359" y="31075" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Walk" x="32357" y="31068" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Walk" x="32354" y="31065" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32352" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Crystals"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32360" y="31073" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32351" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="setsetting('Targeting/Creatures/Ice Golem/Setting1/OnlyIfTrapped', 'no')"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32340" y="31072" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32337" y="31082" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32342" y="31095" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32324" y="31079" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32331" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32305" y="31066" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32301" y="31067" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32305" y="31053" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32308" y="31045" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32324" y="31054" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32327" y="31043" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32330" y="31029" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32329" y="31019" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32351" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Check Supplies CapToLeave = tonumber(getuseroption("CapToLeave")) if needresupply(CapToLeave,'a') then gotolabel("Start from crystals","Depositer") end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32351" y="31046" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32368" y="31045" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32380" y="31047" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32386" y="31071" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32363" y="31049" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Node" x="32350" y="31058" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32351" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Check Supplies CapToLeave = tonumber(getuseroption("CapToLeave")) if needresupply(CapToLeave,'a') then gotolabel("Start from crystals","Depositer") else gotolabel("Crystal Spiders","Start") end"/>
- </WaypointSection>
- <WaypointSection name="Depositer">
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32350" y="31069" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Start from crystals"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32352" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32353" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Set setsetting('Cavebot/WalkingMethod', 'Walk With Map-Clicks') setsetting('Targeting/Creatures/Ice Golem/Setting1/OnlyIfTrapped', 'yes')"/>
- <Waypoint type="Walk" x="32354" y="31065" z="9" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32358" y="31064" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Start from ice"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32355" y="31065" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(3) then gotolabel("Start from crystals","Depositer") end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32356" y="31071" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32361" y="31083" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Walk" x="32357" y="31087" z="8" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="From Ice"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32355" y="31087" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(3) then gotolabel("From Ice","Depositer") end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32354" y="31082" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32350" y="31063" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32339" y="31045" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32334" y="31045" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32328" y="31044" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="ToNilsor"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32328" y="31044" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(30) then gotolabel("ToNilsor","Depositer") end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32328" y="31044" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Travel reachcreature("Nilsor") say("hi")wait(500,800) npcsay("passage")wait(500,800) npcsay("yes")wait(500,800)"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32328" y="31044" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Travel reachcreature("Nilsor") say("hi")wait(500,800) npcsay("passage")wait(500,800) npcsay("yes")wait(500,800)"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32328" y="31044" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32328" y="31044" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Travel reachcreature("Nilsor") say("hi")wait(500,800) npcsay("passage")wait(500,800) npcsay("yes")wait(500,800)"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32311" y="31076" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Depo1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32328" y="31044" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32307" y="31081" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32302" y="31087" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32300" y="31128" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32284" y="31138" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32274" y="31143" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32271" y="31141" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32271" y="31141" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(30) then gotolabel("Depo1","Depositer") else gotolabel("Start","Depo") end"/>
- </WaypointSection>
- <WaypointSection name="SoftBoots">
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32299" y="31134" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Start"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32299" y="31134" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Bank if ischannel('NPCs') then npcsay('hi') waitping() else say('hi') wait(1000,2000) end npcsay('deposit all') wait(700,1000) npcsay('yes') wait(700,1000) npcsay('withdraw 12000') wait(700,1000) npcsay('yes') wait(700,1000)"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32305" y="31128" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32317" y="31119" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32337" y="31117" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32341" y="31112" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Ladder" x="32341" y="31112" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32341" y="31109" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32345" y="31108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32345" y="31108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(4) then gotolabel("Soft3","SoftBoots") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32345" y="31108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Soft1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32345" y="31108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--travel travel("venore") increasemoneyspent(150)"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32023" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32954" y="32023" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(4) then gotolabel("Soft1","SoftBoots") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32023" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Soft2"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32035" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32053" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32073" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32953" y="32077" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32080" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32953" y="32091" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32960" y="32087" z="5" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32961" y="32090" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32948" y="32102" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32955" y="32106" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32956" y="32106" z="5" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32953" y="32108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32953" y="32108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Bank if ischannel('NPCs') then npcsay('hi') waitping() else say('hi') wait(1000,2000) end npcsay('repair') wait(700,1000) npcsay('yes') wait(700,1000) increasemoneyspent(10000)"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32949" y="32099" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32086" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32955" y="32076" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32957" y="32076" z="5" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32068" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32046" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32954" y="32032" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32955" y="32025" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32955" y="32022" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32955" y="32022" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--travel travel("svargrond") increasemoneyspent(150)"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32341" y="31108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32341" y="31108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(4) then gotolabel("Soft2","SoftBoots") else end"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32341" y="31108" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" label="Soft3"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32341" y="31111" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32341" y="31112" z="6" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32338" y="31116" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32321" y="31118" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32310" y="31127" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Stand" x="32302" y="31133" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1"/>
- <Waypoint type="Action" x="32302" y="31133" z="7" rangeX="1" rangeY="1" script="--Location if not islocation(4) then gotolabel("Soft3","SoftBoots") else gotolabel("Checkers","Depo") end"/>
- </WaypointSection>
- </Cavebot>
- <Looting enabled="yes">
- <Options>
- <Option range="50"/>
- <Option moveItemsQuickly="yes"/>
- <Option eatFoodFromCorpse="yes"/>
- <Option openNextBP="yes"/>
- <Option openBPsAtLogin="yes"/>
- <Option valuableBodies="3000"/>
- <Option ultraValuableBodies="50000"/>
- <Option alertOnValuableBodies="no"/>
- <Option openValuableBodiesOnly="no"/>
- <Option openUltraValuableBodiesImmediately="no"/>
- <Option policy="Loot After All Dead"/>
- <LootingDestinations>
- <lootingDestination name="main" destination="backpack of holding"/>
- <lootingDestination name="lootbp" destination="jewelled backpack"/>
- <lootingDestination name="supply" destination="orange backpack"/>
- <lootingDestination name="gold" destination="golden backpack"/>
- <lootingDestination name="mainbpdp" destination="beach backpack"/>
- <lootingDestination name="raredp" destination="beach backpack"/>
- <lootingDestination name="stackdp" destination="beach backpack"/>
- </LootingDestinations>
- </Options>
- <LootingProfile name="LootList" isCurrentProfile="yes">
- <LootItem name="Frosty Heart" id="9661" sellPrice="280" weight="1.86" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="s" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Black Pearl" id="3027" sellPrice="280" weight="0.20" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="s" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Small Sapphire" id="3029" sellPrice="250" weight="0.10" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="s" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Strong Health Potion" id="236" sellPrice="0" weight="2.90" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="s" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Ice Rapier" id="3284" sellPrice="1000" weight="15.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Shard" id="7290" sellPrice="2000" weight="19.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Small Diamond" id="3028" sellPrice="300" weight="0.10" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="s" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Glacier Mask" id="829" sellPrice="2500" weight="10.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Spider Silk" id="5879" sellPrice="3000" weight="0.10" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="s" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Knight Legs" id="3371" sellPrice="5000" weight="70.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot & Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Time Ring" id="3053" sellPrice="100" weight="0.90" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Knight Armor" id="3370" sellPrice="5000" weight="120.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot & Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Platinum Amulet" id="3055" sellPrice="2500" weight="6.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Sapphire Hammer" id="7437" sellPrice="7000" weight="21.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot & Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Jewelled Backpack" id="5801" sellPrice="0" weight="17.00" destinationName="lootbp" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Gold Coin" id="3031" sellPrice="1" weight="0.10" destinationName="gold" action="Loot" lootCondition="Cap above" lootConditionValue="100.00" itemCategory="y" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Ice Cube" id="7441" sellPrice="0" weight="20.00" destination="ground" action="Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Steel Helmet" id="3351" sellPrice="293" weight="46.00" destination="ground" action="Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="Plate Armor" id="3357" sellPrice="400" weight="120.00" destination="ground" action="Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="r" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="strong mana potion" id="237" sellPrice="0" weight="2.90" destinationName="supply" action="Loot" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="y" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="steel helmet" id="3351" sellPrice="293" weight="46.00" destination="" action="Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- <LootItem name="crystal sword" id="7449" sellPrice="600" weight="69.00" destination="" action="Drop" lootCondition="Has Cap to Loot" itemCategory="" alertOnDrop="no" alertOnMiss="no"/>
- </LootingProfile>
- </Looting>
- <Supplies>
- <Options>
- <Option defaultBackpack=""/>
- <Option extraCashMin="1000" extraCashMax="2500"/>
- <Option autoSwitchProfiles="no"/>
- </Options>
- <SupplyProfile name="SupplyList" vocation="Sorcerer, Druid" level="156" isCurrentProfile="yes">
- <SupplyItem name="strong mana potion" id="237" buyPrice="80" weight="2.90" leaveCaveAt="30" rule="Up to..." ruleValue="200" destinationName="supply" category="a"/>
- <SupplyItem name="sudden death rune" id="3155" buyPrice="108" weight="0.70" leaveCaveAt="35" rule="Up to..." ruleValue="50" destinationName="supply" category="a"/>
- </SupplyProfile>
- </Supplies>
- <Targeting enabled="yes" allowDiagonalMovement="yes" autoSwitchProfiles="yes" nonPvPMode="no">
- <TargetingProfile name="Sorcerer" vocation="Sorcerer" level="100" targetMustBeShootable="yes" targetMustBeReachable="yes">
- <Priorities>
- <Priority health="60"/>
- <Priority proximity="20"/>
- <Priority danger="20"/>
- <Priority random="0"/>
- <Priority lure="30"/>
- <Priority stick="2"/>
- </Priorities>
- <Creatures>
- <Creature name="Category A" amount="3+" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="yes">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="10" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Keep Away" distance="4" attackMode="Stand / Defensive" firstSpell="Sudden Death Rune" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="700"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="10" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="10" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="10" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Ice Golem" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="yes">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="2" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Keep Away" distance="3" attackMode="Stand / Defensive" firstSpell="Energy Strike" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="700"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="2" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="2" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="2" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Crystal Spider" amount="Any" category="A" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="yes">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="7" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Keep Away" distance="3" attackMode="Stand / Defensive" firstSpell="Strong Energy Strike" secondSpell="Energy Strike" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="700"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="7" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="7" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="7" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Winter Wolf" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="no">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Reach" distance="0" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="700"/>
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- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Penguin" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="no">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Reach" distance="0" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="500" spamMax="1000"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
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- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Polar Bear" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="no">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Reach" distance="0" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="500" spamMax="1000"/>
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- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- </Creatures>
- </TargetingProfile>
- <TargetingProfile name="Druid" vocation="Druid" level="100" targetMustBeShootable="yes" targetMustBeReachable="yes" isCurrentProfile="yes">
- <Priorities>
- <Priority health="60"/>
- <Priority proximity="20"/>
- <Priority danger="20"/>
- <Priority random="0"/>
- <Priority lure="30"/>
- <Priority stick="2"/>
- </Priorities>
- <Creatures>
- <Creature name="Category A" amount="3+" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="yes">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="10" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Keep Away" distance="4" attackMode="Stand / Defensive" firstSpell="Sudden Death Rune" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="700"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Ice Golem" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="yes">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="2" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Keep Away" distance="3" attackMode="Stand / Defensive" firstSpell="Terra Strike" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="700"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Crystal Spider" amount="Any" category="A" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="yes">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="5" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Keep Away" distance="3" attackMode="Stand / Defensive" firstSpell="Energy Strike" secondSpell="Energy Strike" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="700"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Winter Wolf" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="no">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="Reach" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Penguin" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="no">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- <Creature name="Polar Bear" amount="Any" category="" dontLoot="no" playAlarm="no" syncSpells="no">
- <FightingSettings>
- <Setting index="0" hpFrom="0" hpTo="100" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="yes" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="1" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="2" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- <Setting index="3" hpFrom="0" hpTo="0" danger="0" onlyIfTrapped="no" mustAttackMe="no" action="Attack" avoidance="No Avoidance" desiredStance="No Movement" distance="3" attackMode="No Change" firstSpell="" secondSpell="" thirdSpell="" fourthSpell="" spamMin="300" spamMax="500"/>
- </FightingSettings>
- </Creature>
- </Creatures>
- </TargetingProfile>
- </Targeting>
- <OtherBots>
- <HealingPaths>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/high-Anti-Paralyze" to="ConditionHealer/Rules/high Anti Paralyze"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/MP" to="PotionHealer/Rules/MP"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/GMP" to="PotionHealer/Rules/GMP"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/Mid-Anti-Paralyze" to="ConditionHealer/Rules/Mid Anti Paralyze"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/Exura" to="SpellHealer/Rules/Exura"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/Low-Anti-Paralyze" to="ConditionHealer/Rules/Low Anti Paralyze"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/SMP" to="PotionHealer/Rules/SMP"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/Exura-Gran" to="SpellHealer/Rules/Exura Gran"/>
- <entryPath from="Healer/Rules/Exura-Vita" to="SpellHealer/Rules/Exura Vita"/>
- </HealingPaths>
- <TargetingPaths>
- <entryPath from="Targeting/Monsters/Penguin/ListSettings/Setting0" to="Targeting/Creatures/Penguin/Setting1"/>
- <entryPath from="Targeting/Monsters/Winter-Wolf/ListSettings/Setting0" to="Targeting/Creatures/Winter Wolf/Setting1"/>
- <entryPath from="Targeting/Monsters/Crystal-Spider/ListSettings/Setting0" to="Targeting/Creatures/Crystal Spider/Setting1"/>
- <entryPath from="Targeting/Monsters/Ice-Golem/ListSettings/Setting0" to="Targeting/Creatures/Ice Golem/Setting1"/>
- <entryPath from="Targeting/Monsters/Polar-Bear/ListSettings/Setting0" to="Targeting/Creatures/Polar Bear/Setting1"/>
- <entryPath from="Targeting/Monsters/Category-A/ListSettings/Setting0" to="Targeting/Creatures/Category A_3+/Setting1"/>
- </TargetingPaths>
- </OtherBots>
- </WindbotSettings>
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