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- Here is the modified code:
- ```html
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <style>
- .axis line{
- visibility:hidden;
- }
- .axis .domain {
- display: none;
- }
- .axis {
- font: 13px sans-serif;
- }
- .yUnits {
- font: 14px sans-serif;
- }
- .caption {
- font: 12px sans-serif;
- }
- .chartDisplayTitle{
- fill:#354B5F;
- font-weight: bold;
- font: 20px sans-serif;
- }
- .annotation-line {
- stroke: #c86984;
- stroke-width: 1.5px;
- }
- .annotation-circle {
- fill: transparent;
- stroke: #c86984;
- stroke-width: 1.5px;
- }
- .annotation-text {
- fill: #c86984;
- font-size: 13px;
- }
- </style>
- <svg class="chart" width="960" height="590" aria-labelledby="graph-title" aria-describedby="graph-desc">
- <title>GDP Growth Remains Broad Based</title>
- <desc id="graph-desc">GDP Growth Remains Broad Based, with values for 2017 quarters 1-3.</desc>
- <text transform="translate(10, 20)" class="chartDisplayTitle">Chart1</text>
- <text id="graph-title" transform="translate(10, 45)" class="chartDisplayTitle">GDP Growth Remains Broad Based</text>
- <text transform="translate(10, 70)" class="yUnits">Percentage points*</text>
- <text transform="translate(10, 570)" class="caption">*Contribution to total gross domestic product (GDP) growth; seasonally adjusted annualized rate.</text>
- <text transform="translate(10, 585)" class="caption">SOURCE: Bureau of Economic Analysis.</text>
- </svg>
- <script src=""></script>
- <script>
- const regression = d3.regressionLinear()
- .x(d => d.x)
- .y(d => d.y)
- .domain([0, 100]);
- </script>
- <script>
- var econ2 = [
- {
- "Category": "GDP",
- "2017 Q1": 1.2,
- "2017 Q2": 3.1,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 3.0
- },
- {
- "Category": "Consumption",
- "2017 Q1": 1.3,
- "2017 Q2": 2.2,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 1.6
- },
- {
- "Category": "Nonresidential investment",
- "2017 Q1": 0.9,
- "2017 Q2": 0.8,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.5
- },
- {
- "Category": "Residential investment",
- "2017 Q1": 0.4,
- "2017 Q2": -0.3,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": -0.2
- },
- {
- "Category": "Inventories",
- "2017 Q1": -1.5,
- "2017 Q2": 0.1,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.7
- },
- {
- "Category": "Net exports",
- "2017 Q1": 0.2,
- "2017 Q2": 0.2,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.4
- },
- {
- "Category": "Government",
- "2017 Q1": -0.1,
- "2017 Q2": 0.0,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.0
- }
- ]
- //chart setup
- var svg ="svg"),
- margin = {top: 80, right: 10, bottom: 80, left: 25},
- width = svg.attr("width") - margin.left - margin.right,
- height = svg.attr("height") - - margin.bottom,
- g = svg.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
- //y position calculation function
- var y = d3.scaleLinear()
- .domain([-2, 4])
- .range([height, 0]);
- var x0 = d3.scaleBand() // domain defined below
- .rangeRound([0, width])
- .paddingInner(0.1)
- .paddingOuter(0.1);
- var x1 = d3.scaleBand() // domain and range defined below
- .paddingOuter(0.25)
- .paddingInner(0.15);
- //blue, tan, red colors
- var z = d3.scaleOrdinal()
- .range(["#BC151E", "#D3B178", "#354B5F"]);
- //reference to the y axis
- //axisLeft put labels on left side
- //ticks(n) refers to # of increment marks on the axis
- const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(y).ticks(7);
- //examine first object, retrieve the keys, and discard the first key
- //return resulting array of keys
- // [ "2017 Q1", "2017 Q2", "2017 Q3 First Estimate"]
- var subCategories = Object.keys(econ2[0]).slice(1);
- //use new array from just the Category values for the bottom x-axis
- x0.domain( d => d.Category ));
- //array of quarterly value names, fitted in the available bottom categories (x0.bandwidth())
- x1.domain(subCategories).rangeRound([0, x0.bandwidth()])
- // Add bar chart
- var selection = g.selectAll("g")
- .data(econ2)
- .enter().append("g")
- .attr("transform", d => "translate(" + x0(d.Category) + ",0)" )
- selection.selectAll("rect")
- //Use map function with the subCategories array and the Econ2 array
- .data(function(d) { return { return {key: key, value: d[key]}; }); })
- .enter().append("rect")
- .attr("x", d => x1(d.key) )
- //If the value is negative, put the top left corner of the rect bar on the zero line
- .attr("y", d => (d.value<0 ? y(0) : y(d.value)) )
- .attr("width", x1.bandwidth())
- .attr("height", d => Math.abs(y(d.value) - y(0)) )
- .attr("fill", d => z(d.key) )
- //can not nest the text element inside the rect element !
- selection.selectAll("text")
- .data(function(d) { return { return {key: key, value: d[key]}; }); })
- .enter().append("text")
- .attr("x", d => x1(d.key) )
- //offset the position of the y value (positive / negative) to have the text over/under the rect bar
- .attr("y", d => d.value<=0 ? y(0) - (y(4) - (Math.abs(y(d.value) - y(0)) + 20)) : y(d.value) - 10)
- .style('fill', d => z(d.key))
- .style('font-size', '1.25em')
- //make sure one just decimal place is displayed
- .text(d => Number.parseFloat(d.value).toFixed(1))
- //add the x-axis
- g.append("g")
- .attr("class", "axis")
- .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
- .call(d3.axisBottom(x0))
- .selectAll(".tick text")
- //use wrap function to wrap long lines in labels
- .call(wrap, x0.bandwidth());
- //add the y-axis - notice it does not have css class 'axis'
- g.append('g')
- .call(yAxis)
- //idenitfy zero line on the y axis.
- g.append("line")
- .attr("y1", y(0))
- .attr("y2", y(0))
- .attr("x1", 0)
- .attr("x2", width)
- .attr("stroke", "black");
- var legend = g.append("g")
- .attr("font-family", "sans-serif")
- .attr("font-size", 13)
- .attr("text-anchor", "end")
- .selectAll("g")
- .data(subCategories)
- .enter().append("g")
- .attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + i * 24 + ")"; });
- legend.append("rect")
- .attr("x", width - 142)
- .attr("width", 8)
- .attr("height", 8)
- .attr("fill", z);
- legend.append("text")
- .attr("x", d => d.length > 7 ? (width + 5) : (width - 80))
- .attr("y", 5.5)
- .attr("dy", "0.22em")
- .text(d => (d));
- // Annotations
- var annotations = [
- { category: "GDP", quarter: "2017 Q1", value: 1.2, text: "Min: 1.2" },
- { category: "GDP", quarter: "2017 Q2", value: 3.1, text: "Max: 3.1" },
- { category: "Inventories", quarter: "2017 Q1", value: -1.5, text: "Min: -1.5" },
- { category: "Inventories", quarter: "2017 Q3 First Estimate", value: 0.7, text: "Max: 0.7" }
- ];
- annotations.forEach(function(a) {
- g.append("line")
- .attr("class", "annotation-line")
- .attr("x1", x0(a.category) + x1(a.quarter) + x1.bandwidth() / 2)
- .attr("y1", y(a.value))
- .attr("x2", x0(a.category) + x1(a.quarter) + x1.bandwidth() / 2)
- .attr("y2", a.value < 0 ? y(0) - 30 : y(0) + 30);
- g.append("circle")
- .attr("class", "annotation-circle")
- .attr("cx", x0(a.category) + x1(a.quarter) + x1.bandwidth() / 2)
- .attr("cy", y(a.value))
- .attr("r", 15);
- g.append("text")
- .attr("class", "annotation-text")
- .attr("x", x0(a.category) + x1(a.quarter) + x1.bandwidth() / 2)
- .attr("y", a.value < 0 ? y(0) - 40 : y(0) + 40)
- .text(a.text);
- });
- // - wrap long labels
- function wrap(text, width) {
- text.each(function() {
- var text =,
- words = text.text().split(/\s+/).reverse(),
- word,
- line = [],
- lineNumber = 0,
- lineHeight = 1.1, // ems
- y = text.attr("y"),
- dy = parseFloat(text.attr("dy")),
- tspan = text.text(null).append("tspan").attr("x", 0).attr("y", y).attr("dy", dy + "em");
- while (word = words.pop()) {
- line.push(word);
- tspan.text(line.join(" "));
- if (tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width) {
- line.pop();
- tspan.text(line.join(" "));
- line = [word];
- tspan = text.append("tspan").attr("x", 0).attr("y", y).attr("dy", ++lineNumber * lineHeight + dy + "em").text(word);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- </script>
- ```
- This code adds annotations to the chart to highlight the extrema in the 'GDP' and 'Inventories' categories. The annotations consist of lines, circles, and text elements that are styled with a specific color (#c86984). The lines point from the data points to the text annotations, the circles highlight the data points, and the text annotations provide information about the extrema.
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