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- .inesprg 4 ;04 x 16k prg bank 64KB = 4x16KB 8x8KB
- .ineschr 0 ;no chr bank
- .inesmir 1 ; VERTICAL mirroring
- .inesmap 2 ;uxrom
- .include "variables.h"
- .bank 0
- .org $8000
- .incbin "loadertop.bit" ;;BOOT FPGA CONFIG FILE xc2s30 = 44KB of 48KB fpga = 42096 bytes
- .bank 6
- .org $8000
- .incbin "powerpak.nes" ;;GRAPHICS FILE 4KB
- .incbin "powerpak.nes" ;;GRAPHICS FILE 4KB
- .org $E000
- ;16KB 8KB banks
- ;0 0/1 - fpga config 16KB
- ;1 2/3 - fpga config 16KB
- ;2 4/5 - fpga config 12KB
- ;3 6/7 - chr in first 8KB, boot code in last 8KB
- ;--------------------Set Up Program--------------------:
- ;------------------------------------------------------:
- PP: .db " PowerPak "
- NOCARD: .db " Card Error - No Card Found "
- NOTREADY: .db " Card Error - Not Ready "
- FORMAT: .db " Bad Format - Use FAT16/FAT32"
- RERR: .db " Fatal Card Read Error "
- WERR: .db " Fatal Card Write Error "
- NOTFOUND: .db " File Not Found "
- LOADDIR: .db " Loading Directory... "
- LOADRAM: .db " Load Battery RAM "
- GG: .db " Game Genie Codes "
- WEBSITE: .db " "
- STARTG: .db " Start Game "
- LOADGAME: .db " Loading Game... "
- HEADER: .db " Bad iNES Header "
- DUDE: .db " Say NO to DiskDude "
- SAVERAM: .db " Saving Battery RAM... "
- CFBUSY: .db " Card Busy "
- LOGO1: .db $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87
- LOGO2: .db $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97
- LOGO3: .db $A0, $A1, $A2, $A3, $A4, $A5, $A6, $A7
- LOGO4: .db $B0, $B1, $B2, $B3, $B4, $B5, $B6, $B7
- LOGO5: .db $C0, $C1, $C2, $C3, $C4, $C5, $C6, $C7
- LOGO6: .db $D0, $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4, $D5, $D6, $D7
- LOGO7: .db $E0, $E1, $E2, $E3, $E4, $E5, $E6, $E7
- LOGO8: .db $F0, $F1, $F2, $F3, $F4, $F5, $F6, $F7
- IRQ:
- rti
- NMI:
- ;backup registers
- php ;push status
- pha ;push a
- tya
- pha ;push y
- txa
- pha ;push x
- lda #%00000110 ;graphics off
- sta $2001
- ;do graphics updates
- jsr PrintLine
- MoveSprite:
- ;move sprite 0
- lda $2002
- lda #$3F
- sta $2003
- lda #$10
- sta $2003
- lda cursorY ; initialize Sprite 0 = cursor
- sec
- sbc #$01
- sta $2004 ; Y coordinate
- lda #$10
- sta $2004 ; Pattern number
- lda #$03
- sta $2004 ; color/attributes CHANGE ME cursor color
- lda cursorX
- sta $2004 ; X coordinate
- SetScroll:
- lda #%10001000 ;nmi on
- sta $2000
- lda #%00011110 ;4 sprites on, 3 background on
- sta $2001
- lda $2002
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- sta $2005 ;scroll x
- lda scrollY
- sta $2005
- ;all nmi graphics done by here;
- inc frameCounter
- ;restore registers
- pla
- tax ;pop x
- pla
- tay ;pop y
- pla ;pop a
- plp
- rti
- DoFrame:
- jsr JoystickRead
- jsr $0404 ;go to module controller handler vector
- CheckCursor:
- ;check cursor counter, no scroll if counter=0
- lda cursorYCounter
- cmp #$00
- beq CursorDone
- dec cursorYCounter
- ;scroll = scroll + scrollUp - scrollDown
- DoCursorScroll:
- lda cursorY
- sec
- sbc cursorYUp
- clc
- adc cursorYDown
- sta cursorY
- CursorDone:
- CheckYScroll:
- ;check scroll counter, no scroll if counter=0
- lda scrollYCounter
- beq DoYScrollDone
- dec scrollYCounter
- ;scroll = scroll - scrollUp + scrollDown
- DoYScroll:
- lda scrollY
- sec
- sbc scrollYUp
- clc
- adc scrollYDown
- sta scrollY
- cmp #$F0 ; 240
- bcc DoYScrollDone ; scrollY < 240, no underflow/overflow
- DoYScrollOverflow:
- cmp #$F8 ; 248
- bcs DoYScrollUnderflow ; scrollY > 248, no overflow
- sec
- sbc #$F0 ; scroll = scroll - 240
- sta scrollY
- jmp DoYScrollDone
- DoYScrollUnderflow:
- lda scrollY
- sec
- sbc #$10
- sta scrollY
- DoYScrollDone:
- rts
- ;---------------------------------;
- ScrollUp:
- sec
- lda selectedEntry
- sbc #$01
- sta selectedEntry
- lda selectedEntry+1 ;go to prev entry
- sbc #$00
- sta selectedEntry+1
- lda selectedEntry
- cmp #$FF
- bne ScrollUpCheckTop
- lda selectedEntry+1
- cmp #$FF
- bne ScrollUpCheckTop ;check if selectedEntry = FFFF (underflow)
- lda filesInDir
- sta selectedEntry
- lda filesInDir+1
- sta selectedEntry+1 ;underflow, reset selectedEntry = filesInDir-1
- sec
- lda selectedEntry
- sbc #$01
- sta selectedEntry
- lda selectedEntry+1
- sbc #$00
- sta selectedEntry+1
- lda filesInDir+1
- cmp #$00
- bne ScrollUpCheckTop
- lda filesInDir
- cmp #$1d
- bcs ScrollUpCheckTop ; check if filesInDir > 28
- lda filesInDir
- jsr ASLA3 ;multiply by 8 for sprite height
- clc
- adc #$08
- sta cursorY ; put cursor at bottom of list
- jmp ScrollUpCheckMiddle
- ScrollUpCheckTop:
- lda cursorY
- cmp #$08
- bne ScrollUpCheckMiddle ;check if cursor at top
- lda speedCounter
- sta scrollYCounter ;cursor at top, scroll background, leave cursor
- lda speedScroll
- sta scrollYUp
- lda #$00
- sta scrollYDown
- lda scrollY
- jsr LSRA3
- sta printY
- jsr DirPrintEntry
- jmp ScrollUpDone
- ScrollUpCheckMiddle:
- lda speedCounter
- sta cursorYCounter
- lda speedScroll
- sta cursorYUp
- lda #$00
- sta cursorYDown
- ScrollUpDone:
- rts
- ScrollDown:
- clc
- lda selectedEntry
- adc #$01
- sta selectedEntry
- lda selectedEntry+1 ;go to next entry
- adc #$00
- sta selectedEntry+1
- lda selectedEntry
- cmp filesInDir
- bne ScrollDownCheckBottom
- lda selectedEntry+1
- cmp filesInDir+1
- bne ScrollDownCheckBottom ;check if selectedEntry = filesInDir
- lda #$00
- sta selectedEntry
- sta selectedEntry+1 ;overflow, reset to 0
- lda filesInDir+1
- cmp #$00
- bne ScrollDownCheckBottom
- lda filesInDir
- cmp #$1d
- bcs ScrollDownCheckBottom ; check if filesInDir > 28
- lda #$00
- sta cursorY ; put cursor at top of screen
- jmp ScrollDownCheckMiddle
- ScrollDownCheckBottom:
- lda cursorY
- cmp #$E0 ;= pixel 224
- bne ScrollDownCheckMiddle ; check if cursor at bottom
- lda speedCounter ;cursor at bottom, move background, leave cursor
- sta scrollYCounter ;set scrollYCounter (8 or 4)
- lda speedScroll
- sta scrollYDown ;set scrollYDown to speed (1 or 2)
- lda #$00
- sta scrollYUp
- lda scrollY
- jsr LSRA3 ; a = scroll div 8
- sec
- sbc #$01 ; a = a - 1
- cmp #$FF
- bne ScrollDownCheckBottomDone
- lda #$1D ; if a = ff, a = 29
- ScrollDownCheckBottomDone
- sta printY
- jsr DirPrintEntry
- jmp ScrollDownDone
- ScrollDownCheckMiddle:
- lda speedCounter
- sta cursorYCounter
- lda speedScroll
- sta cursorYDown
- lda #$00
- sta cursorYUp
- ScrollDownDone:
- rts
- ;--------------------Main Code-------------------------:
- ;------------------------------------------------------:
- cld
- sei
- ;turn rendering OFF
- lda #$00
- sta $2000 ;7 vblank int, 4 screen addr, 3 sprite addr, 2 vertical wr, 10 name table addr
- sta $2001 ;765 bg color, 4 sprites on, 3 screen on, 2 sprite mask, 1 image mask
- lda #$40
- sta $4017 ;disable frame IRQ
- ldx #$FF ;reset stack pointer
- txs
- jmp ClearRam
- ClearRamReturn:
- lda #$60
- sta $0400 ;add vectors for dummy module, $60 = rts
- sta $0404
- ;load from game genie address
- lda $4208
- cmp #$01
- beq ResetFPGAConfigured ;;fpga was configured and battery must be saved
- jmp ResetFPGANotConfigured ;;fpga wasnt configured, or battery not saved
- ResetFPGAConfigured:
- ; fpga is configured, poweron = 0
- lda #$00
- sta powerOn
- jmp ResetCopyFPGA
- ResetFPGANotConfigured:
- ; fpga isnt configured, poweron = 1
- lda #$01
- sta powerOn
- jmp ResetCopyFPGA
- ResetCopyFPGA:
- ;copy fpga data from rom $8000... to fpga
- jsr FPGACopyRom
- jsr WaitVBlank
- jsr WaitVBlank
- jsr WaitVBlank
- lda #$40
- sta PRGBANK ;enable chr ram writing
- ;copy chr tiles from rom to chrram 8KB to ppu $0000
- lda #$00
- sta sourceLo
- sta destLo
- sta destHi
- lda #$80
- sta sourceHi
- lda #$20 ;32*256 = 8KB
- sta source256
- jsr CopyChrRam
- lda #$00
- sta PRGBANK ;disable chr ram writing
- jsr ClearNameTable
- ; 00 TEXT CART 01 CF 10 RED 11 CART/RED
- ; blk dgr gry wht blk ye gry wht blk lrd rd drd blk lrd gry rd
- ;IMAGE PALETTE 3E 00 10 30 3E 28 10 30 3E 26 16 17 3E 17 10 16
- ;Write image then sprite palettes 32 bytes
- lda $2002 ;clear 2006 latch
- lda #$3F
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- ldx #$02
- WritePalette:
- lda #$3E
- sta $2007
- lda #$00
- sta $2007
- lda #$10
- sta $2007
- lda #$30
- sta $2007
- lda #$3E
- sta $2007
- lda #$28
- sta $2007
- lda #$2D
- sta $2007
- lda #$30
- sta $2007
- lda #$3E
- sta $2007
- lda #$26
- sta $2007
- lda #$26
- sta $2007
- lda #$26
- sta $2007
- lda #$3E
- sta $2007
- lda #$26
- sta $2007
- lda #$10
- sta $2007
- lda #$16
- sta $2007
- dex
- bne WritePalette
- ;put intro screen in name table
- lda #messagePP ;load message = POWERPAK
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$05
- sta printY
- jsr PrintLine
- lda #$F8
- sta cursorX
- sta cursorY
- jsr RenderingOn
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- ;nop
- ;nop
- ;nop
- jmp NewCFBoot ;;new card booting, skips to CardReady when done
- CardBootLoop:
- ;read status byte all good = 01010000 = $50
- ; no card = 11111111 = $FF
- lda CARDSTATUS ;card status read
- cmp #$FF ;compare to 11111111
- bne CheckCardReset
- lda #messageNOCARD ;load message = no card
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$07 ; message position
- sta printY
- jmp ForeverLoop ;stop everything
- CheckCardReset:
- lda #$01 ; directly loads the Accumulator with 1
- sta $4016 ; stores the Accumulator (1) into $4016
- lda #$00 ; directly loads the Accumulator with 0
- sta $4016 ; stores the Accumulator (0) into $4016
- lda $4016 ; loads the info from the joystick
- and #$01 ; ||
- cmp #$00
- beq CardInserted ;if no button is pressed, no card reset
- CardReset: ;if A is pressed, do card reset
- lda #%00000110 ;do card sw reset
- sta CARDDEVICE ;in device ctl reg
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- lda #%00000010
- sta CARDDEVICE ;clear reset
- nop
- nop
- jmp CardBootLoop
- CardInserted:
- lda CARDSTATUS ;card status read
- sta sourceSector ;store somewhere unused
- and #%10000000
- cmp #%10000000 ;check busy bit
- bne CardNotBusy
- CardBusy:
- lda #messageCARDBUSY ;load message = card busy
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- lda sourceSector ;card status read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- lda sourceSector+1
- clc
- adc #$01
- sta sourceSector+1
- beq CardReset
- jmp CardBootLoop
- CardNotBusy:
- lda CARDSTATUS ;card status read
- sta sourceSector
- and #%01010000
- cmp #%01010000 ;check ready bit
- beq CardReady
- CardNotReady:
- lda #messageNOTREADY ;load message = card not ready
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- lda sourceSector ;card status read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- jmp CardInserted
- CardReady:
- jmp CheckCardFormat
- .org $E642
- GetVolumeID:
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- lda #$02
- sta destHi
- jsr CardReadSector ;read FAT16/FAT32 Volume ID sector (partition boot record)
- lda $020D ;copy FAT16/FAT32 sectorsPerCluster from offset 13
- sta sectorsPerCluster
- lda $020E ;copy FAT16/FAT32 reservedSectors from offset 14
- sta reservedSectors
- lda $020F
- sta reservedSectors+1
- ldx #$00
- CardCopySectorsPerFat: ;copy FAT32 sectorsPerFat from offset 36
- lda $0224, x
- sta sectorsPerFat, x
- inx
- cpx #$04
- bne CardCopySectorsPerFat
- ldx #$00
- CardCopyRootDirCluster32: ;copy FAT32 rootDirCluster from offset 44
- lda $022C, x
- sta rootDirCluster, x
- inx
- cpx #$04
- bne CardCopyRootDirCluster32
- lda #$00
- sta fat16RootSectors ; FAT32 no entry limit in root directory
- lda fat32Enabled
- cmp #$01
- beq CardCopyFatBeginLBA ;when FAT32, leave alone
- ;;;SPECIAL FAT16 handling
- CardCopyRootDirCluster16:
- lda #$00 ;when FAT16, rootDirCluster = 0000 root dir is not in cluster nums
- sta rootDirCluster
- sta rootDirCluster+1
- sta rootDirCluster+2
- sta rootDirCluster+3
- lda $0216
- sta sectorsPerFat ;FAT16 copy sectorsPerFat from offset 22
- lda $0217
- sta sectorsPerFat+1
- lda #$00
- sta sectorsPerFat+2
- sta sectorsPerFat+3 ;;FAT16 sectors per fat = 16 bits, in different place than FAT32
- CardCopyRootDirEntries16: ;copy max root directory entries from offset 17
- lda $0211
- sta fat16RootSectors
- lda $0212
- sta fat16RootSectors+1
- ; clc
- ; lsr fat16RootSectors
- ; lsr fat16RootSectors ; FAT16 rootSectors = (max root entries * 32) / 512 = fat16RootSectors/16 ASR x4
- ; lsr fat16RootSectors
- ; lsr fat16RootSectors
- lda #$20
- sta fat16RootSectors ;FAT16 root dir fixed at 512 entries = 32 sectors
- CardCopyFatBeginLBA:
- clc ;fatBeginLBA(4) = partitionLBABegin(4) + reservedSectors(2)
- lda reservedSectors
- adc partitionLBABegin
- sta fatBeginLBA
- lda reservedSectors+1
- adc partitionLBABegin+1
- sta fatBeginLBA+1
- lda partitionLBABegin+2
- adc #$00
- sta fatBeginLBA+2
- lda partitionLBABegin+3
- adc #$00
- sta fatBeginLBA+3
- CardCopyClusterBeginLBA:
- lda sectorsPerFat
- sta clusterBeginLBA
- lda sectorsPerFat+1
- sta clusterBeginLBA+1
- lda sectorsPerFat+2
- sta clusterBeginLBA+2
- lda sectorsPerFat+3
- sta clusterBeginLBA+3
- clc
- asl clusterBeginLBA ;clusterBeginLBA(4) = fatBeginLBA(4) + (2 * sectorPerFat(4))
- rol clusterBeginLBA+1
- rol clusterBeginLBA+2
- rol clusterBeginLBA+3
- clc ;FAT16 = 32 sectors FAT32 = 0 sectors
- lda clusterBeginLBA ;clusterBeginLBA(4) = clusterBeginLBA(4) + fat16RootSectors(1)
- adc fat16RootSectors
- sta clusterBeginLBA
- lda clusterBeginLBA+1
- adc #$00
- sta clusterBeginLBA+1
- lda clusterBeginLBA+2
- adc #$00
- sta clusterBeginLBA+2
- lda clusterBeginLBA+3
- adc #$00
- sta clusterBeginLBA+3
- clc
- lda clusterBeginLBA
- adc fatBeginLBA
- sta clusterBeginLBA
- lda clusterBeginLBA+1
- adc fatBeginLBA+1
- sta clusterBeginLBA+1
- lda clusterBeginLBA+2
- adc fatBeginLBA+2
- sta clusterBeginLBA+2
- lda clusterBeginLBA+3
- adc fatBeginLBA+3
- sta clusterBeginLBA+3
- lda rootDirCluster
- sta sourceCluster
- lda rootDirCluster+1
- sta sourceCluster+1
- lda rootDirCluster+2
- sta sourceCluster+2
- lda rootDirCluster+3
- sta sourceCluster+3
- jsr CardLoadDir ; root dir
- lda #'P'
- sta findEntry
- lda #'O'
- sta findEntry+1
- lda #'W'
- sta findEntry+2
- lda #'E'
- sta findEntry+3
- lda #'R'
- sta findEntry+4
- lda #'P'
- sta findEntry+5
- lda #'A'
- sta findEntry+6
- lda #'K'
- sta findEntry+7
- jsr DirFindEntryNew ;"POWERPAK" dir into tempEntry
- lda tempEntry+$1C
- sta baseDirCluster
- lda tempEntry+$1D
- sta baseDirCluster+1
- lda tempEntry+$1E
- sta baseDirCluster+2
- lda tempEntry+$1F
- sta baseDirCluster+3
- ;;;; powerpak dir found write base cluster
- ;if poweron = 1
- ; fpga isnt configured, go to
- ;if poweron = 0
- ; fpga is configured, go to
- lda powerOn
- beq LoadModuleQ
- LoadModuleI:
- lda #'I'
- sta findEntry
- jmp LoaderLoadModuleDone
- LoadModuleQ:
- lda #'Q'
- sta findEntry
- jmp LoaderLoadModuleDone
- LoaderLoadModuleDone:
- lda #' '
- sta findEntry+1
- sta findEntry+2
- sta findEntry+3
- sta findEntry+4
- sta findEntry+5
- sta findEntry+6
- sta findEntry+7
- jmp CardLoadModule ;load intro module
- Forever:
- jsr RenderingOn
- ForeverLoop:
- ;wait for nmi
- lda frameCounter
- cmp prevFrameCounter
- beq ForeverLoop
- jsr DoFrame
- lda frameCounter
- sta prevFrameCounter
- jmp ForeverLoop
- ;----------------------------;
- WaitVBlank:
- lda $2002
- bpl WaitVBlank
- rts
- ;---------------------------:
- JoystickRead: ;**-Get Joystick Status**
- lda #$01 ; directly loads the Accumulator with 1
- sta $4016 ; stores the Accumulator (1) into $4016
- lda #$00 ; directly loads the Accumulator with 0
- sta $4016 ; stores the Accumulator (0) into $4016
- ldx #$08 ; loads 8 so it can loop for each byte
- Joyloop:
- lda $4016 ; loads the info from the joystick
- and #$03 ; ||
- cmp #$01 ; narrows down the data
- rol $02 ; rotates info into memory...
- dex ; decrements X
- bne Joyloop ; loops again if not 0
- lda $02
- sta joystick
- rts ; returns to main routine
- ;-------------------------;
- ClearNameTable:
- lda $2002
- lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$08
- ClearNameTableLoop:
- sta $2007
- dex
- bne ClearNameTableLoop
- bne ClearNameTableLoop
- rts
- ClearSpriteRam:
- ;setup sprite ram
- lda $2002
- lda #$00
- sta $2003
- sta $2003
- lda #$ff
- ldx #$00
- ClearSpriteRamLoop:
- sta $2004
- inx
- bne ClearSpriteRamLoop
- rts
- ClearLine:
- ldy #$00
- lda #' '
- ClearLineLoop:
- sta printString, y
- iny
- cpy #$20
- bne ClearLineLoop
- rts
- ClearFindEntry:
- ldx #$08
- lda #' '
- ClearFindEntryLoop
- sta findEntry, x
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne ClearFindEntryLoop
- rts
- PrintLine:
- lda #$00
- sta printAddrLo
- sta printAddrHi
- ldx #$03
- lda printY
- sta printAddrHi ; x256
- ShiftLine: ;shift right 3x to mult x32
- clc
- lsr printAddrHi
- ror printAddrLo
- dex
- bne ShiftLine
- lda printAddrHi
- clc ;add printAddr + $2000 (name table address)
- adc #$20
- sta printAddrHi
- lda $2002 ;clear latch
- lda printAddrHi ;starting address to ppu
- sta $2006
- lda printAddrLo
- sta $2006
- ldx #$00
- PrintChar:
- lda printString, x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$20
- bne PrintChar
- rts
- LoadLogo:
- lda #$03
- sta printY
- jsr ClearLine
- ldx #$00
- LoadLogoLineLoop:
- ldy #$00
- LoadLogoCharLoop:
- lda LOGO1, x
- sta printString+12, y
- inx
- iny
- cpy #$08
- bne LoadLogoCharLoop
- stx temp
- inc printY
- jsr PrintLine
- ldx temp
- lda printY
- cmp #$0B
- bne LoadLogoLineLoop
- ;;copy attributes
- lda $2002 ;clear latch
- lda #$23 ;starting address to ppu
- sta $2006
- lda #$C0 ;$23C0 = attribute table
- sta $2006
- lda #$55
- ldx #$00
- LoadLogoPaletteLoop1: ;;load yellow area first 8 rows
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne LoadLogoPaletteLoop1
- lda #$F0 ;;load left side cart area
- sta $2007
- sta $2007
- sta $2007
- sta $2007
- lda #$FD ;;load right side cart area
- sta $2007
- sta $2007
- sta $2007
- sta $2007
- rts
- ;------------------------;
- CopyChrRam:
- lda #$03 ;16KB bank 3, 8KB bank 6
- lda $2002
- lda destHi
- sta $2006
- lda destLo
- sta $2006
- ldy #$00 ;256 byte counter
- ldx source256 ;block counter
- CopyChrRamLoop:
- lda [sourceLo], y
- sta $2007
- iny
- bne CopyChrRamLoop
- inc sourceHi
- dex
- bne CopyChrRamLoop
- rts
- ;-------------------------;
- StrCopy:
- asl temp
- ldx temp
- sta sourceStrLo
- sta sourceStrHi
- jsr ClearLine
- ldy #$00
- StrCopyLoop:
- lda [sourceStrLo], y
- sta printString, y ;copy 32 text chars
- iny
- cpy #$20
- bne StrCopyLoop
- ; ldy #$00
- ; lda #' '
- ; jsr StrCopyBlankLoop
- ; ldy #$18
- ; jsr StrCopyBlankLoop
- rts
- ;StrCopyBlankLoop:
- ; ldx #$08
- ;StrCopyBlankLoop1:
- ; sta printString, y ;blank 8 chars
- ; iny
- ; dex
- ; bne StrCopyBlankLoop1
- ; rts
- ;----------------------------;
- MemCopy:
- ldy #$00 ;256 byte counter
- ldx source256 ;block counter
- MemCopyLoop:
- lda [sourceLo], y
- sta [destLo], y
- iny
- bne MemCopyLoop
- inc sourceHi
- inc destHi
- dex
- bne MemCopyLoop
- rts
- ;------------------------------;
- Long2Str:
- lda temp+3
- and #$F0
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+6
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Long2Str2
- clc
- lda printString+6
- adc #$07
- sta printString+6
- Long2Str2:
- lda temp+3
- and #$0F
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+7
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Long2Str3
- clc
- lda printString+7
- adc #$07
- sta printString+7
- Long2Str3:
- lda temp+2
- and #$F0
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+4
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Long2Str4
- clc
- lda printString+4
- adc #$07
- sta printString+4
- Long2Str4:
- lda temp+2
- and #$0F
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+5
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Short2Str
- clc
- lda printString+5
- adc #$07
- sta printString+5
- Short2Str:
- lda temp+1
- and #$F0
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+2
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Short2Str2
- clc
- lda printString+2
- adc #$07
- sta printString+2
- Short2Str2:
- lda temp+1
- and #$0F
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+3
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Byte2Str
- clc
- lda printString+3
- adc #$07
- sta printString+3
- Byte2Str:
- lda temp
- and #$F0
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+0
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Byte2Str2
- clc
- lda printString+0
- adc #$07
- sta printString+0
- Byte2Str2:
- lda temp
- and #$0F
- clc
- adc #$30
- sta printString+1
- cmp #$3A
- bcc Byte2Str3
- clc
- lda printString+1
- adc #$07
- sta printString+1
- Byte2Str3:
- rts
- ;----------------------------;
- GameGenieEncodeBad:
- lda #$00
- sta gameGenieCodes
- sta gameGenieCodes+1
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- sta gameGenieCodes+3
- sta gameGenieCodes+4
- sta gameGenieCodes+5
- sta gameGenieCodes+6
- sta gameGenieCodes+7
- rts
- GameGenieAddressEncode:
- lda gameGenie+3, x ;n3 & 8
- and #$08
- sta gameGenieCodes
- lda gameGenie+4, x ;n4 & 7
- and #$07
- ora gameGenieCodes
- sta gameGenieCodes
- lda gameGenie+1, x ;n1 & 8 << 4
- and #$08
- jsr ASLA4
- ora gameGenieCodes
- sta gameGenieCodes
- lda gameGenie+2, x ;n2 & 7 << 4
- and #$07
- jsr ASLA4
- ora gameGenieCodes
- sta gameGenieCodes
- lda gameGenie+3, x ;n3 & 7 << 4
- and #$07
- jsr ASLA4
- sta gameGenieCodes+1
- lda gameGenie+5, x ;n5 & 7
- and #$07
- ora gameGenieCodes+1
- sta gameGenieCodes+1
- lda gameGenie+4, x ;n4 & 8
- and #$08
- ora gameGenieCodes+1
- sta gameGenieCodes+1
- lda gameGenieCodes+1 ;;enable a15=1
- ora #$80
- sta gameGenieCodes+1
- rts
- GameGenieEncodeBadJump:
- jmp GameGenieEncodeBad
- GameGenieEncode:
- lda temp
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- sta temp
- ldx temp ; x = 0/8/16/24/32, beginning of code
- lda gameGenie+0, x
- cmp #$10 ;'_'
- beq GameGenieEncodeBadJump
- lda gameGenie+1, x
- cmp #$10 ;'_'
- beq GameGenieEncodeBadJump
- lda gameGenie+2, x
- cmp #$10 ;'_'
- beq GameGenieEncodeBadJump
- lda gameGenie+3, x
- cmp #$10 ;'_'
- beq GameGenieEncodeBadJump
- lda gameGenie+4, x
- cmp #$10 ;'_'
- beq GameGenieEncodeBadJump
- lda gameGenie+5, x
- cmp #$10 ;'_'
- beq GameGenieEncodeBadJump
- lda gameGenie+7, x
- cmp #$10 ;'_'
- beq GameGenie6Encode
- jmp GameGenie8Encode
- ; 0 1 2 3 4
- GameGenie6Encode: ;x=source y=dest codes = addrlo/addrhi/data/compare/enable8
- jsr GameGenieAddressEncode
- lda gameGenie+1, x ;n1 & 7 << 4
- and #$07
- jsr ASLA4
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda gameGenie+0, x ;n0 & 8 << 4
- and #$08
- jsr ASLA4
- ora gameGenieCodes+2
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda gameGenie+0, x ;n0 & 7
- and #$07
- ora gameGenieCodes+2
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda gameGenie+5, x ;n5 & 8
- and #$08
- ora gameGenieCodes+2
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda #$00
- sta gameGenieCodes+3
- sta gameGenieCodes+4
- rts
- GameGenie8Encode: ;x=source y=dest codes = addrlo/addrhi/data/compare/enable8
- jsr GameGenieAddressEncode
- lda #$FF
- sta gameGenieCodes+4
- lda gameGenie+1, x ;n1 & 7 << 4
- and #$07
- jsr ASLA4
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda gameGenie+0, x ;n0 & 8 << 4
- and #$08
- jsr ASLA4
- ora gameGenieCodes+2
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda gameGenie+0, x ;n0 & 7
- and #$07
- ora gameGenieCodes+2
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda gameGenie+7, x ;n7 & 8
- and #$08
- ora gameGenieCodes+2
- sta gameGenieCodes+2
- lda gameGenie+7, x ;n7 & 7 << 4
- and #$07
- jsr ASLA4
- sta gameGenieCodes+3
- lda gameGenie+6, x ;n6 & 8 << 4
- and #$08
- jsr ASLA4
- ora gameGenieCodes+3
- sta gameGenieCodes+3
- lda gameGenie+6, x ;n6 & 7
- and #$07
- ora gameGenieCodes+3
- sta gameGenieCodes+3
- lda gameGenie+5, x ;n5 & 8
- and #$08
- ora gameGenieCodes+3
- sta gameGenieCodes+3
- rts
- ASLA4:
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- rts
- ASLA3:
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- rts
- LSRA3:
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- rts
- ;--------------------------;
- ClusterToLBA:
- ; cluster->lba lba_addr(4) = clusterBeginLBA(4) + (cluster_number(2)-2 * sectorsPerCluster(1))
- sec
- lda sourceCluster
- sbc #$02
- sta sourceSector
- lda sourceCluster+1
- sbc #$00
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda sourceCluster+2
- sbc #$00
- sta sourceSector+2 ;sourceSector = sourceCluster - 2
- lda sourceCluster+3
- sbc #$00
- sta sourceSector+3
- lda sectorsPerCluster
- sta source256
- clc
- lsr source256
- lda source256
- cmp #$00
- beq ClusterToLBAAddClusterBeginLBA ;handle 1 sector per cluster
- ClusterToLBALoop:
- clc
- asl sourceSector
- rol sourceSector+1
- rol sourceSector+2 ;sourceSector = sourceSector * sectorsPerCluster
- rol sourceSector+3
- clc
- lsr source256
- lda source256
- cmp #$00
- bne ClusterToLBALoop
- ClusterToLBAAddClusterBeginLBA:
- clc
- lda sourceSector
- adc clusterBeginLBA
- sta sourceSector
- lda sourceSector+1
- adc clusterBeginLBA+1 ;sourceSector = sourceSector(4) + clusterBeginLBA(4)
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda sourceSector+2
- adc clusterBeginLBA+2
- sta sourceSector+2
- lda sourceSector+3
- adc clusterBeginLBA+3
- sta sourceSector+3
- ;;FAT32 all done
- ;lda fat32Enabled
- ;cmp #$01
- ;beq ClusterToLBADone
- ;;;FIXME FAT16 add fat16RootSectors already included in clusterBeginLBA?
- ClusterToLBADone:
- rts
- ;-------------------------;
- NextCluster: ;load fat entry for sourceCluster, store next cluster number into sourceCluster
- ;fat16:
- ; offset = clusternum << 1
- ;mask = 00 00 ff ff
- asl sourceCluster
- rol sourceCluster+1
- rol sourceCluster+2
- rol sourceCluster+3
- ;fat32:
- ;offset = clutsernum << 2 cluster 2 << 2 = 8
- ;mask = 0f ff ff ff
- lda fat32Enabled
- cmp #$00
- beq NextClusterSectorNum
- asl sourceCluster
- rol sourceCluster+1
- rol sourceCluster+2
- rol sourceCluster+3
- NextClusterSectorNum:
- ;fat sector num = fatBeginLBA + (offset / 512) cluster = $2f8
- lda sourceCluster+1
- sta sourceSector+0
- lda sourceCluster+2
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda sourceCluster+3 ;divide by 256 sector = 02
- sta sourceSector+2
- lda #$00
- sta sourceSector+3
- lsr sourceSector+3 ;divide by 512 sector = 01
- ror sourceSector+2
- ror sourceSector+1
- ror sourceSector+0
- clc
- lda sourceSector
- adc fatBeginLBA
- sta sourceSector
- lda sourceSector+1 ;add fatBeginLBA sector = 60 = $c000
- adc fatBeginLBA+1
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda sourceSector+2
- adc fatBeginLBA+2
- sta sourceSector+2
- lda sourceSector+3
- adc fatBeginLBA+3
- sta sourceSector+3
- ;load fat sector
- lda #$02
- sta destHi
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- jsr CardReadSector
- ;offset = offset % 512 ;offset of fat entry within loaded sector 0-511
- lda sourceCluster+1
- and #%00000001
- sta sourceCluster+1 ; cluster+1=0
- ;next cluster = [sector], offset
- lda #$00
- sta sourceLo
- lda #$02
- adc sourceCluster+1 ;sourceHi = 2 or 3 for which 256 byte block too look in
- sta sourceHi
- ldy sourceCluster
- ldx #$00
- NextClusterLoop:
- lda [sourceLo], y
- sta sourceCluster, x
- iny
- inx
- cpx #$04
- bne NextClusterLoop
- lda sourceCluster+3 ;FAT32 mask off top 4 bits
- and #$0F
- sta sourceCluster+3
- lda fat32Enabled
- cmp #$01
- beq NextClusterDone ;no more mask for FAT32
- lda #$00
- sta sourceCluster+3 ;fat16 mask
- sta sourceCluster+2
- NextClusterDone:
- rts
- LoadNextSectorNum:
- ;get next sector, use sectorCounter to check if next cluster needed
- clc
- lda sourceSector
- adc #$01
- sta sourceSector ;go to next sector num
- lda sourceSector+1
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda sourceSector+2
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+2
- lda sourceSector+3
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+3
- clc
- lda sectorCounter ;one more sector
- adc #$01
- sta sectorCounter
- cmp sectorsPerCluster
- beq LoadNextClusterNum
- rts
- LoadNextClusterNum:
- lda #$00
- sta sectorCounter
- jsr NextCluster ;get cluster num into sourceCluster
- jsr ClusterToLBA ;get sector num into sourceSector
- rts
- ;----------------------------;
- CardWaitNotBusy: ;wait for not busy
- lda CARDSTATUS ;card status read
- and #%10000000
- cmp #%10000000 ;check busy bit
- beq CardWaitNotBusy
- rts
- CardWaitDataReq: ;wait for not busy, ready, datareq, no error
- and #%01011000
- cmp #%01011000
- bne CardWaitDataReq
- rts
- CardCheckError:
- lda CARDSTATUS ; get card status, check for general error
- and #%00000001
- cmp #%00000001
- beq CardSectorError
- rts
- CardSectorError:
- lda #messageREADERR
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$07 ;message position
- sta printY
- lda CARDERROR ;card error read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- jmp Forever ;display message, stop everything
- CardLoadLBA:
- lda #$01
- lda sourceSector
- sta CARDLBA0
- lda sourceSector+1
- sta CARDLBA1
- lda sourceSector+2
- sta CARDLBA2
- lda sourceSector+3 ;load lba number
- and #%00001111
- ora #%11100000
- sta CARDLBA3
- rts
- CardReadSector:
- jsr CardCheckError
- jsr CardWaitNotBusy
- jsr CardLoadLBA
- jsr CardCheckError
- lda #$20
- sta CARDCOMMAND ;send card read sector command
- nop
- nop
- jsr CardCheckError
- jsr CardWaitDataReq
- lda #$00
- sta sourceBytes
- lda #$02
- sta source256
- jsr CardReadBytes
- jsr CardCheckError
- CardReadSectorDone:
- rts
- CardReadBytes: ;read source256*sourceBytes bytes into ram
- ldx source256
- ldy sourceBytes
- CardReadBytesLoop:
- sta [destLo], y
- iny
- bne CardReadBytesLoop
- inc destHi
- dex
- bne CardReadBytesLoop
- rts
- CardReadSector16:
- jsr CardWaitNotBusy
- jsr CardLoadLBA
- lda #$20
- sta CARDCOMMAND ;send card read sector command
- nop
- nop
- jsr CardCheckError
- jsr CardWaitDataReq
- ldy #$00
- CardReadSector16Loop: ;read 16 bytes into ram
- sta [destLo], y
- iny
- cpy #$10
- bne CardReadSector16Loop
- clc
- lda destLo
- adc #$10
- sta destLo
- lda destHi
- adc #$00
- sta destHi
- rts
- CardReadSector496:
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$00
- CardReadSector496Loop: ;read 496 bytes into ram
- sta [destLo], y
- cpy #$EF
- bne CardReadSector496LoopInc
- cpx #$01
- bne CardReadSector496LoopInc
- jmp CardReadSector496LoopDone
- CardReadSector496LoopInc:
- iny
- bne CardReadSector496Loop
- inc destHi
- inx
- jmp CardReadSector496Loop
- CardReadSector496LoopDone:
- jsr CardCheckError
- CardReadSector496Done:
- rts
- ;------------------------------;
- CardWriteSector:
- jsr CardWaitNotBusy
- jsr CardLoadLBA
- lda #$30
- sta CARDCOMMAND ;send card write sector command
- nop
- nop
- jsr CardCheckError
- jsr CardWaitDataReq
- ldy #$00
- ldx #$02
- CardWriteSectorLoop: ;read 512 bytes from ram to card
- lda [sourceLo], y
- iny
- bne CardWriteSectorLoop
- inc sourceHi
- dex
- bne CardWriteSectorLoop
- jsr CardCheckError
- CardWriteSectorDone:
- rts
- ;------------------------------;
- CardLoadDirClearEntryName:
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- ldy #$00
- lda #$00
- CardLoadDirClearEntryNameLoop: ;clear entry name //CHANGE ME 128 BYTES
- sta tempEntry, y
- iny
- cpy #$20
- bne CardLoadDirClearEntryNameLoop
- rts
- ;dest = sector dest 0200
- ;sourceEntry = where to get entry in 0200-0400, when overflow, load next sector
- ;destBank = which bank to select in prg ram
- ;destEntry = where to put entry in prg ram 6000-7FFF, when overflow, increment bank
- CardLoadDir:
- lda #$02
- sta destHi ; $0200 = where to put sector
- sta sourceEntryHi
- lda #$60 ; $6000 = where to put entry
- sta destEntryHi
- lda #$F8
- sta cursorX
- sta cursorY ; cursor off screen
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- sta sourceEntryLo
- sta destEntryLo
- sta filesInDir
- sta filesInDir+1
- sta destBank
- sta sectorCounter
- sta temp
- sta temp+1
- sta selectedEntry
- sta selectedEntry+1
- sta cursorYCounter
- sta speedCounter
- sta speedScroll
- sta scrollYCounter
- sta lfnFound
- jsr ClusterToLBA ; sourceCluster -> first sourceSector
- lda fat32Enabled
- cmp #$01
- beq CardLoadDirReadSector ; FAT32 go to read sector
- lda sourceCluster ;FAT16 check if trying to load root dir
- cmp rootDirCluster
- bne CardLoadDirReadSector
- lda sourceCluster+1
- cmp rootDirCluster+1
- bne CardLoadDirReadSector
- lda sourceCluster+2
- cmp rootDirCluster+2
- bne CardLoadDirReadSector
- lda sourceCluster+3
- cmp rootDirCluster+3
- bne CardLoadDirReadSector
- sec
- lda clusterBeginLBA
- sbc fat16RootSectors ; FAT16 sourceSector = root dir first sector => clusterLBABegin(4) - fat16RootSectors(1)
- sta sourceSector
- lda clusterBeginLBA+1
- sbc #$00
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda clusterBeginLBA+2
- sbc #$00
- sta sourceSector+2
- lda clusterBeginLBA+3
- sbc #$00
- sta sourceSector+3
- CardLoadDirReadSector:
- jsr CardReadSector ; put into dest
- jsr CardLoadDirClearEntryName ;clear entry name
- CardLoadDirLoop:
- ldy #$00
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ; if name[0] = 0x00, no more entries
- cmp #$00
- beq CardLoadDirLastEntryFound
- jmp CardLoadDirCheckUnused
- CardLoadDirLastEntryFound:
- rts
- CardLoadDirCheckUnused:
- ldy #$00
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- cmp #$E5 ; if name[0] = 0xE5, entry unused, skip
- bne CardLoadDirCheckLongName
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry
- CardLoadDirCheckLongName:
- ldy #$0B
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ; if flag = %00001111, long file name entry found
- and #$0F
- cmp #$0F
- bne CardLoadDirCheckShortName
- ldy #$00
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- and #%10111111 ;mask off "last entry" bit
- cmp #$01 ; if index = 1 or 2, load name //CHANGE ME INDEX < 10
- beq CardLoadDirLongName1 ; else skip entry
- cmp #$02
- beq CardLoadDirLongName2
- jsr CardLoadDirClearEntryName
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry
- CardLoadDirLongName1:
- ldx #$00 ; index 1 = chars 0-12
- jmp CardLoadDirLongName
- CardLoadDirLongName2:
- ldx #$0D ; index 2 = chars 13-25
- jmp CardLoadDirLongName
- CardLoadDirLongName:
- lda #$00
- sta tempEntry+$20 ;use as char counter //CHANGE ME
- ldy #$01
- CardLoadDirLongNameLoop1:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ; loop thro 5 chars 1x3x5x7x9x
- cmp #$FF
- beq CardLoadDirLongNameLoop1FF
- sta tempEntry, x
- CardLoadDirLongNameLoop1FF:
- inx
- iny
- iny
- inc tempEntry+$20 ;use as char counter //CHANGE ME
- lda tempEntry+$20 ;use as char counter //CHANGE ME
- cmp #$05
- bne CardLoadDirLongNameLoop1
- ldy #$0E
- CardLoadDirLongNameLoop2:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ; loop thro 6 chars Ex10x12x14x16x18x
- cmp #$FF
- beq CardLoadDirLongNameLoop2FF
- sta tempEntry, x
- CardLoadDirLongNameLoop2FF:
- inx
- iny
- iny
- inc tempEntry+$20 ;use as char counter //CHANGE ME
- lda tempEntry+$20 ;use as char counter //CHANGE ME
- cmp #$0B
- bne CardLoadDirLongNameLoop2
- ldy #$1C
- CardLoadDirLongNameLoop3:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ; thro 2 chars 1Cx1Ex
- cmp #$FF
- beq CardLoadDirLongNameLoop3FF
- sta tempEntry, x
- CardLoadDirLongNameLoop3FF:
- inx
- iny
- iny
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- cmp #$FF
- beq CardLoadDirLongNameLoop4FF
- sta tempEntry, x
- CardLoadDirLongNameLoop4FF:
- lda #$01
- sta lfnFound
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry
- CardLoadDirCheckShortName:
- ldy #$0B
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ;if flag = volume id, skip
- and #$08
- cmp #$08
- bne CardLoadDirCheckHidden
- jsr CardLoadDirClearEntryName
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry
- CardLoadDirCheckHidden:
- ldy #$0B
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- and #$02
- cmp #$02 ; if flag = 0x02, hidden, skip
- bne CardLoadDirCheckDir
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- jsr CardLoadDirClearEntryName ;clear entry name
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry
- CardLoadDirCheckDir:
- ldy #$0B
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ;if flag = directory, load entry
- and #$10
- cmp #$10
- bne CardLoadDirCheckEx1
- lda #$01
- sta tempEntry+$1B ;$1B = dir flag //CHANGE ME
- jmp CardLoadDirShortName
- CardLoadDirCheckEx1:
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$08
- CardLoadDirCheckEx1Loop:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- cmp exMatch1, x
- beq CardLoadDirCheckEx2
- inx
- cpx #$04
- bne CardLoadDirCheckEx1Loop
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- jsr CardLoadDirClearEntryName
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry ;if extension doesnt match, skip
- CardLoadDirCheckEx2:
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$09
- CardLoadDirCheckEx2Loop:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- cmp exMatch2, x
- beq CardLoadDirCheckEx3
- inx
- cpx #$04
- bne CardLoadDirCheckEx2Loop
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- jsr CardLoadDirClearEntryName
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry ;if extension doesnt match, skip
- CardLoadDirCheckEx3:
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$0A
- CardLoadDirCheckEx3Loop:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- cmp exMatch3, x
- beq CardLoadDirShortName
- inx
- cpx #$04
- bne CardLoadDirCheckEx3Loop
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- jsr CardLoadDirClearEntryName
- jmp CardLoadDirNextEntry ;if extension doesnt match, skip
- CardLoadDirShortName:
- clc
- lda filesInDir ;filesInDir++
- adc #$01
- sta filesInDir
- lda filesInDir+1
- adc #$00
- sta filesInDir+1
- lda lfnFound
- cmp #$01
- beq CardLoadDirLongShortNameFound
- CardLoadDirShortNameFound:
- ldy #$00
- CardLoadDirShortNameLoop: ;if lfnFound = 0, copy short name
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta tempEntry, y
- iny
- cpy #$08
- bne CardLoadDirShortNameLoop
- CardLoadDirShortFileName:
- lda tempEntry+$1B ;$1B = dir flag //CHANGE ME
- cmp #$01
- beq CardLoadDirSaveEntry
- lda #'.'
- sta tempEntry+$8
- ldy #$08
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ;//copy short file name
- sta tempEntry+$9
- iny
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta tempEntry+$A
- iny
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta tempEntry+$B
- jmp CardLoadDirSaveEntry
- CardLoadDirLongShortNameFound:
- CardLoadDirSaveEntry:
- ldy #$1A
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y ;copy clusterhilo to last 4 bytes of entry ///CHANGE ME
- sta tempEntry+$1C
- iny
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta tempEntry+$1D
- ldy #$14
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta tempEntry+$1E
- iny
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta tempEntry+$1F
- lda destBank ;change to entry storage bank
- ldy #$00
- CardLoadDirSaveEntryLoop: ;copy entry to prg ram //CHANGE ME 128 bytes
- lda tempEntry, y
- sta [destEntryLo], y
- iny
- cpy #$20
- bne CardLoadDirSaveEntryLoop
- clc
- lda destEntryLo ;destEntry += 32 //CHANGE ME to 128 bytes
- adc #$20
- sta destEntryLo
- lda destEntryHi
- adc #$00
- sta destEntryHi
- lda destEntryHi ;check if destEntry is overflowing, inc bank, destEntry=6000
- cmp #$80
- bne CardLoadDirClearTempEntryName
- lda #$60
- sta destEntryHi ;reset to $6000
- lda #$00
- sta destEntryLo
- inc destBank ;increment bank num
- CardLoadDirClearTempEntryName:
- ldy #$00
- lda #$00
- sta lfnFound
- CardLoadDirClearTempEntryLoop: ;clear entry name
- sta tempEntry, y
- iny
- cpy #$20
- bne CardLoadDirClearTempEntryLoop
- CardLoadDirNextEntry:
- clc ;increment entry source address
- lda sourceEntryLo ;sourceEntry += 32 in 0200-0400
- adc #$20
- sta sourceEntryLo
- lda sourceEntryHi
- adc #$00
- sta sourceEntryHi
- lda sourceEntryHi ;if source overflows, get next sector
- cmp #$04
- beq CardLoadDirNextSector
- jmp CardLoadDirLoop
- CardLoadDirNextSector:
- clc
- lda sourceSector
- adc #$01
- sta sourceSector ;go to next sector num
- lda sourceSector+1
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda sourceSector+2
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+2
- lda sourceSector+3
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+3
- ; if fat32, goto CardLoadDirSectorInc
- lda fat32Enabled
- cmp #$01
- beq CardLoadDirSectorInc
- lda sourceCluster ;FAT16 check if trying to load root dir
- cmp rootDirCluster
- bne CardLoadDirSectorInc
- lda sourceCluster+1
- cmp rootDirCluster+1
- bne CardLoadDirSectorInc
- lda sourceCluster+2
- cmp rootDirCluster+2
- bne CardLoadDirSectorInc
- lda sourceCluster+3
- cmp rootDirCluster+3
- bne CardLoadDirSectorInc
- clc
- lda sectorCounter ;FAT16 root dir all sequential sectors
- adc #$01
- sta sectorCounter
- ; if sectorCounter = fat16RootSectors
- ; goto CardLoadDirLastEntryFound
- clc
- lda sectorCounter
- cmp fat16RootSectors
- beq CardLoadDirLastEntryFoundJmp
- jmp CardLoadDirLoadNextSector ;FAT16 skip cluster lookup when max root sectors not reached
- CardLoadDirLastEntryFoundJmp:
- jmp CardLoadDirLastEntryFound ;FAT16 max root sectors reached, all root entries found
- CardLoadDirSectorInc:
- clc
- lda sectorCounter ;one more sector
- adc #$01
- sta sectorCounter
- cmp sectorsPerCluster ;make sure cluster isnt overflowing
- bne CardLoadDirLoadNextSector
- ;;;move to next cluster
- jsr NextCluster ;get cluster num into sourceCluster
- CardLoadDirLastEntryCheck:
- lda #$0F
- sta temp
- lda #$FF
- sta temp+1 ;;FAT32 last cluster = 0x0FFFFFFF
- sta temp+2
- sta temp+3
- lda fat32Enabled
- cmp #$01
- beq CardLoadDirLastEntryCheck2 ;;if FAT32, last cluster mask done
- lda #$00 ;;FAT16 last cluster = 0x0000FFFF
- sta temp
- sta temp+1
- CardLoadDirLastEntryCheck2:
- ;check if cluster = last cluster
- ; if match, jmp to last entry found
- lda temp
- cmp sourceCluster+3
- bne CardLoadDirNextSectorNum
- lda temp+1
- cmp sourceCluster+2
- bne CardLoadDirNextSectorNum
- lda temp+2
- cmp sourceCluster+1
- bne CardLoadDirNextSectorNum
- lda temp+3
- cmp sourceCluster+0
- bne CardLoadDirNextSectorNum
- jmp CardLoadDirLastEntryFound
- CardLoadDirNextSectorNum:
- jsr ClusterToLBA ;sourceCluster -> first sourceSector
- lda #$00
- sta sectorCounter ;reset sector counter
- CardLoadDirLoadNextSector:
- lda #$00
- sta destLo ;reset sector dest
- sta sourceEntryLo ;reset entry source
- lda #$02
- sta destHi
- sta sourceEntryHi
- jsr CardReadSector
- jmp CardLoadDirLoop
- ;-------------------------------------;
- CardLoadModule:
- lda #$60
- sta $0404 ;module not ready, set controller vector to rts
- lda #$00
- sta moduleReady
- lda #'M'
- sta exMatch1
- sta exMatch1+1
- sta exMatch1+2
- sta exMatch1+3
- lda #'A'
- sta exMatch2
- sta exMatch2+1
- sta exMatch2+2
- sta exMatch2+3
- lda #'P'
- sta exMatch3
- sta exMatch3+1
- sta exMatch3+2
- sta exMatch3+3
- lda baseDirCluster
- sta sourceCluster
- lda baseDirCluster+1
- sta sourceCluster+1
- lda baseDirCluster+2
- sta sourceCluster+2
- lda baseDirCluster+3
- sta sourceCluster+3
- jsr CardLoadDir ; powerpak dir
- ;-------------------;
- ; jsr DirPrintDir
- ;--------------------;
- ;findEntry info already loaded
- jsr DirFindEntryNew
- lda tempEntry+$1C
- sta sourceCluster
- sta mapperCluster
- lda tempEntry+$1D
- sta sourceCluster+1
- sta mapperCluster+1
- lda tempEntry+$1E
- sta sourceCluster+2
- sta mapperCluster+2
- lda tempEntry+$1F
- sta sourceCluster+3
- sta mapperCluster+3
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- lda #$04
- sta destHi ;put into module ram
- ;find first sector
- jsr ClusterToLBA ;sourceCluster -> first sourceSector
- jsr RenderingOff ;;DEBUG REMOVE
- jsr CardReadSector
- clc
- lda sourceSector
- adc #$01
- sta sourceSector
- lda sourceSector+1
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+1
- lda sourceSector+2
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+2
- lda sourceSector+3
- adc #$00
- sta sourceSector+3
- lda sectorsPerCluster
- cmp #$01
- bne CardLoadModuleNextSector
- ;only one sector per cluster, go to next cluster
- jsr NextCluster
- jsr ClusterToLBA
- CardLoadModuleNextSector:
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- lda #$06
- sta destHi
- jsr CardReadSector
- ;;;DEBUG
- ; lda $0400
- ; sta temp
- ; lda $0400+1
- ; sta temp+1
- ; lda $0400+2
- ; sta temp+2
- ; lda $0400+3
- ; sta temp+3
- ; jsr Long2Str
- ; jsr PrintLine
- ; jsr ForeverLoop
- ;;;DEBUG
- lda #$00
- sta scrollY
- sta scrollYCounter
- sta scrollYUp
- sta scrollYDown
- sta cursorYCounter
- sta cursorYUp
- sta cursorYDown
- lda #$F8
- sta cursorX
- sta cursorY
- lda #$4C
- sta $0404 ;module ready, set controller vector to jmp
- jmp $0400 ;go to module begin
- ;-------------------------------------;
- DirPrintEntry:
- ;offset = temp * 32 temp << 5
- ;bank num = temp+1 -> temp+2
- lda selectedEntry
- sta sourceEntryLo
- lda #$00
- sta sourceEntryHi
- sta printString
- sta printString+$1 ;replace with dir symbol
- sta printString+$1D ;empty text at end of string
- sta printString+$1E
- sta printString+$1F
- lda selectedEntry+$1
- ldy #$05
- DirPrintEntryShiftLoop: ;//CHANGE ME temp << 7 = 128 bytes
- clc
- asl sourceEntryLo
- rol sourceEntryHi
- dey
- bne DirPrintEntryShiftLoop
- clc
- lda #$60
- adc sourceEntryHi
- sta sourceEntryHi
- ldy #$00 ;//CHANGE ME set starting char number
- DirPrintEntryCopyLoop:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta printString+2, y
- iny
- cpy #$1B
- bne DirPrintEntryCopyLoop
- ;;; add dir symbol or empty symbol //CHANGE ME dir flag in new place
- ldy #$1B
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- beq DirPrintEntryDone
- lda #'/'
- sta printString+1
- DirPrintEntryDone:
- rts
- DirGetEntry:
- ;offset = selectedEntry * 32 temp << 5
- ;bank num = selectedEntry+1
- lda selectedEntry
- sta sourceEntryLo
- lda #$00
- sta sourceEntryHi
- lda selectedEntry+1
- ldy #$05
- DirGetEntryShiftLoop:
- asl sourceEntryLo
- rol sourceEntryHi
- dey
- bne DirGetEntryShiftLoop
- clc
- lda #$60
- adc sourceEntryHi
- sta sourceEntryHi
- ldy #$00
- DirGetEntryCopyLoop:
- lda [sourceEntryLo], y
- sta tempEntry, y
- iny
- cpy #$20
- bne DirGetEntryCopyLoop
- rts
- DirFindEntry:
- lda #$00
- sta selectedEntry
- sta selectedEntry+1
- DirFindEntryLoop:
- jsr DirGetEntry
- ;;check if entry matches, only look at first 8 chars
- ldy #$00
- DirFindEntryCharLoop:
- lda tempEntry, y
- cmp findEntry, y
- bne DirFindEntryNext
- iny
- cpy #$08
- bne DirFindEntryCharLoop
- rts ;all 8 chars match
- DirFindEntryNext:
- clc
- lda selectedEntry
- adc #$01
- sta selectedEntry
- lda selectedEntry+1 ;increment to next entry index
- adc #$00
- sta selectedEntry+1
- lda selectedEntry
- cmp filesInDir
- bne DirFindEntryLoop
- lda selectedEntry+1
- cmp filesInDir+1
- bne DirFindEntryLoop
- DirFindEntryFailed:
- lda #messageNOTFOUND
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$1A ;FIXME message position
- sta printY
- ; jsr PrintLine ;FIXME change to 3x nops
- jsr FileNotFound
- ; nop
- ; nop
- ; nop
- jmp Forever
- ;---------------------------------;
- DirPrintDir:
- ;turn off rendering
- jsr RenderingOff
- jsr ClearNameTable
- ;loop thro entries 0 to 31 or 0 to filesInDir
- lda #$00
- sta selectedEntry
- sta selectedEntry+1
- sta printY
- sta destBank
- DirPrintDirLoop:
- inc printY ; go to next print line
- jsr DirPrintEntry ;copy dir entry to printString
- jsr PrintLine ;print to name table
- clc
- lda selectedEntry
- adc #$01
- sta selectedEntry
- lda selectedEntry+1 ;increment to next entry index
- adc #$00
- sta selectedEntry+1
- DirPrintDir32Check:
- ;check if printY equal to 29, jump out
- lda printY
- cmp #$1D
- beq DirPrintDirLoopDone
- DirPrintDirFileCheck:
- ;check if temp/temp+1 equal to filesInDir, jump out
- lda selectedEntry
- cmp filesInDir
- bne DirPrintDirLoop
- lda selectedEntry+1
- cmp filesInDir+1
- bne DirPrintDirLoop
- DirPrintDirLoopDone:
- lda #$00
- sta cursorX
- sta scrollY
- sta selectedEntry
- sta selectedEntry+1
- sta scrollYCounter
- sta scrollYUp
- sta scrollYDown
- sta cursorYCounter
- sta cursorYUp
- sta cursorYDown
- sta speedCounter
- sta speedScroll
- sta destBank
- lda #$08
- sta cursorY
- jsr RenderingOn
- rts
- ;------------------------------;
- FPGACopyRom:
- lda #$FF
- sta FPGAPROGRAM ;tell fpga its being reprogrammed
- lda #$00
- sta MAPPERWR ;;;;SWITCH BANK TO 16KB bank 0
- lda #$00
- sta sourceLo ;copy FPGA from $8000 to $BFFF = 16KB
- lda #$80
- sta sourceHi
- ldy #$00 ;256 byte counter
- ldx #$40 ;block counter $40 = 64 * 256 = 16KB
- FPGACopyRomLoop0:
- lda [sourceLo], y
- sta FPGADATA ;fpga data address
- iny
- bne FPGACopyRomLoop0
- inc sourceHi
- dex
- bne FPGACopyRomLoop0
- lda #$01
- sta MAPPERWR ;;;;SWITCH BANK TO 16KB bank 1
- lda #$00
- sta sourceLo ;copy FPGA from $8000 to $BFFF = 16KB
- lda #$80
- sta sourceHi
- ldy #$00 ;256 byte counter
- ldx #$40 ;block counter $40 = 64 * 256 = 16KB
- FPGACopyRomLoop1:
- lda [sourceLo], y
- sta FPGADATA ;fpga data address
- iny
- bne FPGACopyRomLoop1
- inc sourceHi
- dex
- bne FPGACopyRomLoop1
- lda #$02
- sta MAPPERWR ;;;;SWITCH BANK TO 16KB bank 2
- lda #$00
- sta sourceLo ;copy FPGA from $8000 to $8125
- lda #$80
- sta sourceHi
- ldy #$00 ;256 byte counter
- ldx #$25 ;block counter 9328 more bytes= 37 * 256 = $25
- FPGACopyRomLoop2:
- lda [sourceLo], y
- sta FPGADATA ;fpga data address
- iny
- bne FPGACopyRomLoop2
- inc sourceHi
- dex
- bne FPGACopyRomLoop2
- rts
- LoadPRGRam:
- lda #$00
- sta sectorCounter
- sta destLo
- lda #$60
- sta destHi
- lda gameCluster
- sta sourceCluster
- lda gameCluster+1
- sta sourceCluster+1
- lda gameCluster+2
- sta sourceCluster+2
- lda gameCluster+3
- sta sourceCluster+3
- jsr ClusterToLBA
- jsr CardReadSector16 ;get ines header 16bytes
- lda #$00
- sta bankCounter
- sta destLo ;reset to beginning of prgram
- lda #$60
- sta destHi
- LoadPRGRamLoop:
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- jsr CardReadSector496 ;get 496 bytes
- lda destHi
- sta temp
- jsr LoadNextSectorNum ;uses x,y,destHi,destLo
- lda temp
- sta destHi
- lda #$F0
- sta destLo
- jsr CardReadSector16 ;get 16 bytes
- LoadPRGRamLoopCheckBank:
- lda destHi
- cmp #$80
- bne LoadPRGRamLoop ;check if next bank needed, destHi=80
- lda #$60
- sta destHi
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- inc destBank
- inc bankCounter
- LoadPRGRamLoopCheckDone:
- ;check if all prg loaded
- lda bankCounter
- cmp prgSize
- beq LoadPRGRamDone
- lda destBank
- jmp LoadPRGRamLoop
- LoadPRGRamDone:
- rts
- LoadWRam:
- rts
- .org $F51F
- LoadCHRRam:
- lda chrSize ;if no chr, set to chrram
- cmp #$00
- beq LoadCHRRamDone
- LoadCHRRam1:
- lda #$00
- sta destBank
- sta destLo
- sta destHi
- sta bankCounter
- ;16 bytes already read for prg
- LoadCHRRamLoop:
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- lda $2002
- lda destHi
- sta $2006
- lda destLo
- sta $2006
- jsr CardReadSector496Chr ;get 496 bytes
- lda destHi
- sta temp
- jsr LoadNextSectorNum
- lda temp
- sta destHi
- lda #$F0
- sta destLo
- jsr CardReadSector16Chr ;get 16 bytes
- LoadCHRRamLoopCheckBank:
- lda destHi
- cmp #$20
- bne LoadCHRRamLoop ;check if next bank needed, destHi=20
- lda #$00
- sta destHi
- sta destLo
- inc destBank
- inc bankCounter
- lda $2002
- lda destHi
- sta $2006
- lda destLo
- sta $2006
- LoadCHRRamLoopCheckDone:
- ;check if all prg loaded
- lda bankCounter
- cmp chrSize
- beq LoadCHRRamDone
- lda destBank
- jmp LoadCHRRamLoop
- LoadCHRRamDone:
- lda #$02
- sta destHi
- lda #$00
- sta destLo
- jsr CardReadSector496 ;get 496 bytes to finish sector
- lda #$00
- rts
- CardReadSector16Chr:
- jsr CardWaitNotBusy
- jsr CardLoadLBA
- lda #$20
- sta CARDCOMMAND ;send card read sector command
- nop
- nop
- jsr CardCheckError
- jsr CardWaitDataReq
- ldy #$00
- CardReadSector16ChrLoop: ;read 16 bytes into ram
- sta $2007
- iny
- cpy #$10
- bne CardReadSector16ChrLoop
- clc
- lda destLo
- adc #$10
- sta destLo
- lda destHi
- adc #$00
- sta destHi
- rts
- CardReadSector496Chr:
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$00
- CardReadSector496ChrLoop: ;read 496 bytes into ram
- sta $2007
- cpy #$EF
- bne CardReadSector496ChrLoopInc
- cpx #$01
- bne CardReadSector496ChrLoopInc
- jmp CardReadSector496ChrLoopDone
- CardReadSector496ChrLoopInc:
- iny
- bne CardReadSector496ChrLoop
- inc destHi
- inx
- jmp CardReadSector496ChrLoop
- CardReadSector496ChrLoopDone:
- jsr CardCheckError
- CardReadSector496ChrDone:
- rts
- LoadFPGA:
- ;get fpga data starting after 2 sectors
- lda mapperCluster
- sta sourceCluster
- lda mapperCluster+1
- sta sourceCluster+1
- lda mapperCluster+2
- sta sourceCluster+2
- lda mapperCluster+3
- sta sourceCluster+3
- lda #$00
- sta sectorCounter
- sta tempEntry
- jsr ClusterToLBA ;cluster->sector#1 into sourceSector
- jsr LoadNextSectorNum ;sector#2
- lda #$FF
- sta FPGAPROGRAM ;fpga program address
- LoadFPGALoop:
- jsr LoadNextSectorNum ;uses x,y,destHi,destLo
- jsr LoadFPGASector
- inc tempEntry
- lda tempEntry
- cmp #$53 ;$53 sectors = 83 sectors = 42496 bytes, fpga = 42096 bytes
- bne LoadFPGALoop
- rts
- LoadFPGASector:
- jsr CardWaitNotBusy
- jsr CardLoadLBA
- lda #$20
- sta CARDCOMMAND ;send card read sector command
- nop
- nop
- jsr CardCheckError
- jsr CardWaitDataReq
- ldy #$00
- ldx #$02
- LoadFPGASectorLoop: ;read 512 bytes into fpga data
- iny
- bne LoadFPGASectorLoop
- dex
- bne LoadFPGASectorLoop
- jsr CardCheckError
- LoadFPGASectorDone:
- rts
- LoadGameGenie:
- ;send 5 game genie codes, newdata/enable8mode/comparedata/addresslo/addresshi
- lda #$00
- sta temp
- sta temp+1
- LoadGameGenieLoop:
- lda temp+1
- sta temp
- inc temp+1
- jsr GameGenieEncode
- lda gameGenieCodes+2
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;new data
- lda gameGenieCodes+4
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;enable8 mode
- lda gameGenieCodes+3
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;compare data
- lda gameGenieCodes+0
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;address lo
- lda gameGenieCodes+1
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;address hi
- lda temp+1
- cmp #$05
- bne LoadGameGenieLoop
- ;;load fpga configured info
- lda useBattery
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;new data
- lda #$00
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;enable8mode
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;compare data
- lda #$08
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;address lo
- lda #$42
- sta GAMEGENIEWR ;address hi
- rts
- LoadPrgChrSize:
- lda prgSize ;4x8KB 0100
- sec
- sbc #$01 ;0011
- and #$7F ;wram disabled
- lda chrSize
- beq LoadPrgChrSizeChrRam
- lda chrSize ;4x8KB 0100
- asl a ;1000
- sec
- sbc #$01 ;0111
- and #$7F ;chrram wr disabled
- rts
- LoadPrgChrSizeChrRam:
- lda #$81
- sta CHRSIZEWR ;chr size = 0, enable chrram wr
- rts
- LoadMirroring:
- ;send mirroring h/v/four
- lda mirroring
- rts
- ;---------------------------:
- RenderingOn:
- ;turn screen on, display screen/sprites
- jsr ClearSpriteRam
- jsr WaitVBlank
- lda #%10001000 ;7 vblank nmi, 4 screen addr, 3 sprite addr, 2 vertical wr, 10 name table addr
- sta $2000
- lda #%00011110 ;567 emphasis color BGR, 4 sprites on, 3 background on, 2 sprite clipping, 1 image clipping
- sta $2001
- ;set scroll registers
- lda $2002 ;clear 2006 latch
- lda #$00 ;;fixme???? was #$20
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- rts
- RenderingOff:
- ;turn screen off
- jsr WaitVBlank
- lda $2002 ;clear 2006 latch
- lda #%00001000 ;7 vblank nmi, 4 screen addr, 3 sprite addr, 2 vertical wr, 10 name table addr
- sta $2000
- lda #%00000110 ;567 emphasis color BGR, 4 sprites on, 3 background on, 2 sprite clipping, 1 image clipping
- sta $2001
- rts
- ClearRam:
- ;clear ram variable 2KB bytes
- lda #$00
- ldx #$00
- ClearRamLoop:
- sta $0000, x
- sta $0100, x
- sta $0200, x
- sta $0300, x
- sta $0400, x
- sta $0500, x
- sta $0600, x
- sta $0700, x
- inx
- bne ClearRamLoop
- lda #'1'
- sta romVers
- lda #'1'
- sta romVers+1
- lda #'2'
- sta romVers+2
- jmp ClearRamReturn
- CheckCardFormat:
- lda #$00
- sta sourceSector
- sta sourceSector+1
- sta sourceSector+2
- sta sourceSector+3
- sta destLo
- lda #$02
- sta destHi
- jsr CardReadSector ;read sector 0 to internal ram
- lda $03FE
- cmp #$55
- bne CardFormatError ;last word check should be $55AA
- lda $03FF
- cmp #$AA
- bne CardFormatError
- lda #$01
- sta fat32Enabled
- lda $03C2 ;format fat32 = 0x0B FAT32
- cmp #$0B
- beq CardGoodFormat
- lda $03C2 ;format fat32 = 0x0C FAT32 LBA
- cmp #$0C
- beq CardGoodFormat
- lda #$00
- sta fat32Enabled
- lda $03C2 ;format fat16 = 0x06 larger than 32MB
- cmp #$06
- beq CardGoodFormat
- lda $03C2 ;format fat16 = 0x04 smaller than 32MB
- cmp #$04
- beq CardGoodFormat
- lda $03C2 ;format fat16 = 0x0E with LBA
- cmp #$0E
- beq CardGoodFormat
- nop
- nop
- nop
- CardFormatError:
- lda #messageBADFORMAT
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy ;print format error message, stop everything
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- lda $03C2 ;card last word read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- jmp ForeverLoop
- CardGoodFormat: ;fat32/fat16 partition found
- ldx #$00
- CardCopyPartitionLBABegin: ;copy partitionLBABegin from offset 455
- lda $03C6, x
- sta sourceSector, x
- sta partitionLBABegin, x
- inx
- cpx #$04
- bne CardCopyPartitionLBABegin
- jmp GetVolumeID ;;rts
- CheckCardFormatFail:
- lda #$00
- sta sourceSector
- sta sourceSector+1
- sta sourceSector+2
- sta sourceSector+3
- sta destLo
- lda #$02
- sta destHi
- jsr CardReadSector ;read sector 0 to internal ram
- FindCardPartition:
- lda $03FE
- cmp #$55
- bne CardFormatErrorX ;last word check should be $55AA
- lda $03FF
- cmp #$AA
- bne CardFormatErrorX
- ldx #$00 ;;x = partition index 0, 16, 32, 48
- ldy #$00 ;;y = partition number 0, 1, 2, 3
- CardFormatCheckLoop:
- lda #$01
- sta fat32Enabled
- lda $03C2, x ;format fat32 = 0x0B FAT32
- cmp #$0B
- beq CardGoodFormatX
- lda $03C2, x ;format fat32 = 0x0C FAT32 LBA
- cmp #$0C
- beq CardGoodFormatX
- lda #$00
- sta fat32Enabled
- lda $03C2, x ;format fat16 = 0x06 larger than 32MB
- cmp #$06
- beq CardGoodFormatX
- lda $03C2, x ;format fat16 = 0x04 smaller than 32MB
- cmp #$04
- beq CardGoodFormatX
- lda $03C2, x ;format fat16 = 0x0E with LBA
- cmp #$0E
- beq CardGoodFormatX
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- iny
- cpy #$04
- bne CardFormatCheckLoop
- CardFormatErrorX:
- lda #messageBADFORMAT
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy ;print format error message, stop everything
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- lda $03C2 ;card last word read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- jmp ForeverLoop
- CardGoodFormatX: ;fat32/fat16 partition found
- lda #messageBADFORMAT
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy ;print format error message, stop everything
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- lda $03C2,x ;card last word read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- ldy #$00
- CardCopyPartitionLBABeginX: ;copy partitionLBABegin from offset 455
- lda $03C6, x ;;x = partition index
- sta sourceSector, y
- sta partitionLBABegin, y
- inx
- iny
- cpy #$04
- bne CardCopyPartitionLBABeginX
- jmp GetVolumeID ;;rts
- DirFindEntryNew:
- lda #$00
- sta selectedEntry
- sta selectedEntry+1
- lda selectedEntry
- cmp filesInDir
- bne DirFindEntryNewLoop
- lda selectedEntry+1
- cmp filesInDir+1
- bne DirFindEntryNewLoop
- jmp DirFindEntryNewFailed
- DirFindEntryNewLoop:
- jsr DirGetEntry
- ;;check if entry matches, only look at first 8 chars
- ldy #$00
- DirFindEntryNewCharLoop:
- lda tempEntry, y
- cmp findEntry, y
- bne DirFindEntryNewNext
- iny
- cpy #$08
- bne DirFindEntryNewCharLoop
- rts ;all 8 chars match
- DirFindEntryNewNext:
- clc
- lda selectedEntry
- adc #$01
- sta selectedEntry
- lda selectedEntry+1 ;increment to next entry index
- adc #$00
- sta selectedEntry+1
- lda selectedEntry
- cmp filesInDir
- bne DirFindEntryNewLoop
- lda selectedEntry+1
- cmp filesInDir+1
- bne DirFindEntryNewLoop
- DirFindEntryNewFailed:
- lda #messageNOTFOUND
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- FileNotFound:
- ldy #$00
- FileNotFoundLoop:
- lda findEntry, y
- sta printString, y
- iny
- cpy #$08
- bne FileNotFoundLoop
- jmp Forever
- WaitFrame:
- lda frameCounter
- WaitFrameLoop:
- cmp frameCounter
- beq WaitFrameLoop
- rts
- NewCFBoot:
- NewCFInserted:
- lda CARDSTATUS ;card status read
- cmp #$FF ;compare to 11111111
- bne NewCFResetDone
- jsr WaitFrame
- lda #messageNOCARD ;load message = no card
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$07 ; message position
- sta printY
- jmp ForeverLoop ;stop everything
- NewCFReset:
- ; lda #%00001110
- ; jsr WaitFrame
- ; jsr WaitFrame
- ; lda #%00001010
- ; sta CARDDEVICE ;;do software reset
- lda #$FF
- sta $8000
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- lda #$00
- sta $8000
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- NewCFResetDone
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- jsr WaitFrame
- lda #$00
- sta sourceSector+1 ;use as loop counter
- NewCFBusy:
- lda CARDSTATUS ;card status read
- sta sourceSector ;store somewhere unused
- and #%10000000
- cmp #%10000000 ;check busy bit
- bne NewCFNotBusy
- lda #messageCARDBUSY ;load message = card busy
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- lda sourceSector ;card status read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- jsr WaitFrame
- lda sourceSector+1
- clc
- adc #$01
- sta sourceSector+1
- cmp #30 ;;only check busy bit for 30 frames
- beq NewCFReset
- jmp NewCFBusy
- NewCFNotBusy:
- lda #$00
- sta sourceSector+1 ;use as loop counter
- NewCFReady:
- lda CARDSTATUS ;card status read
- sta sourceSector
- and #%11010000
- cmp #%01010000 ;check busy+ready bit
- beq NewCFDone
- NewCFNotReady:
- lda #messageNOTREADY ;load message = card not ready
- sta temp
- jsr StrCopy
- lda #$1A
- sta printY
- lda sourceSector ;card status read
- sta temp
- jsr Byte2Str
- jsr WaitFrame
- lda sourceSector+1
- clc
- adc #$01
- sta sourceSector+1
- cmp #30 ;;only check ready bit for 30 frames
- bne NewCFReady
- jmp NewCFReset
- NewCFDone:
- jmp CardReady
- ;--------------------End Code--------------------------:
- ;------------------------------------------------------:
- .org $FFFA
- .dw NMI ;FFFa FFFb
- .dw RESET ;FFFc FFFd
- .dw IRQ ;FFFe FFFf
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