
xava config

Oct 5th, 2024
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  1. ## Configuration file for XAVA. Default values are commented out. Use either ';' or '#' for commenting.
  4. [general]
  6. # Accepts only non-negative values.
  7. ; framerate = 60
  9. # Keep the application in sync with the monitor to prevent tearing
  10. # It's generally recommended to keep it on, as different framerates may lead to
  11. # unstable frametimes and a weird looking visualizer
  12. # -1 = adaptive Vsync (G-Sync. FreeSync, etc.)
  13. # 0 = off
  14. # 1 up to screen refresh rate = visualizer runs at refresh rate divided by this
  15. # number
  16. ; vsync = 1
  18. # The number of bars. 0 sets it to auto (put as many as you can).
  19. # Bars' width and space between bars in number of pixels on screen.
  20. ; bars = 0
  21. ; bar_width = 13
  22. ; bar_spacing = 5
  25. [window]
  27. # Window width and height (in pixels)
  28.  width = 1100
  29.  height = 90
  31. # Fullscreen toggle
  32. ; fullscreen = false
  34. # Enables or disables window borders
  35. ; border = false
  37. # Window transparency toggle (your system must support transparent windows)
  38. transparency = true
  40. # Keeps the window under any other
  41. ; keep_below = true
  43. # This option aligns the window with a certain part of the screen
  44. # Or if 'hold_size' is enabled, it also aligns the viewport using this rule
  45. # The following positions are supported:
  46. # top_left, top, top_right, left, center, right, bottom_left,
  47. # bottom, bottom_right and none if you don't want manual positioning
  48. alignment = 'bottom'
  50. # Additionally we can further adjust the position if needed (in pixels)
  51. # It moves the window (or viewport) the opposite direction of whats in alignment
  52. # FXP. if alignment is set to right and x_padding is 20,
  53. # it will move the window left 20 pixels and so on for every direction
  54. ; x_padding = 0
  55. y_padding = 65
  57. # This option removes the ability to interact with the window
  58. ; interactable = true
  60. # Create an taskbar icon
  61. ; taskbar_icon = true
  63. # Do or don't hold on to an viewport size specified by width and height
  64. #
  65. # In Layman's terms: The visualizer holds the same size as you're resizing the
  66. # window
  67. #
  68. # NOTE: Works only on "supported" modes, aka cairo or OpenGL
  69. ; hold_size = false
  72. [x11]
  74. # Hacks and options related to X11 output modes
  76. # Draw directly on the root window (or wallpaper) itself
  77. # You need to stop any form of compositing for this to even work properly
  78. ; root_window = false
  80. # Sets the override any redirection by the host WM, that is the window cannot change
  81. # the it's order in the window stack
  82. # This option also disables any form of interaction with the window - same as when:
  83. #    interacable = false
  84. ; override_redirect = false
  86. # This allows XAVA to restart when the display settings are changed
  87. # As this can cause constant reloading (
  88. # it is left off by default (X11 only)
  89.  reload_on_display_configure = true
  91. # This option lets you choose a specific monitor that XAVA should occupy
  92. # The name of the monitor is exactly the same as that of in XRandr
  93. # Examples being: HDMI1, VGA-1
  94. #
  95. # If no value has been specified, XAVA treats the whole display area as a single
  96. # monitor (if that makes sense :\)
  97. ; monitor_name = none
  100. [wayland]
  102. # Hacks and options related to the Wayland output modes
  104. # Run the visualizer at "wallpaper"-level
  105. # This makes sure that the visualizer stays behind every window.
  106. # Enabling this automatically disables all of your inputs since
  107. # it acts like a wallpaper, go figure. Use UNIX (kill code)
  108. # signaling in order to reset or end XAVA.
  109. #
  110. # HOWEVER: This only works for compositors supporting zwlr_layer_shell
  111. # version 1 or above. This mostly includes wlroots-based compositors.
  112. # GNOME and KDE won't cut it here, I believe.
  113. #
  114. # As for when this is disabled, XAVA spawns a XDG window, but a lot of
  115. # features are missing:
  116. #  - keyboard and mouse input
  117. #  - window borders (be it client-side or server-side)
  118. #  - fullscreen mode
  119. #  - non-transparent windows (just use background_opacity instead lol)
  120. #  - any kind of GPU acceleration
  121. #  - window positioning logic
  122. #  - taskbar icon
  123. #
  124. # Also in XDG, XAVA may crash when resizing the window due to buffer
  125. # related issues (If this bothers you, an issue or PR would be appreciated)
  126. ; background_layer = true
  128. # When background_layer is enabled, this options offers you to select
  129. # which monitor XAVA should occupy (examples: eDP-1, HDMI-A-1...)
  130. #
  131. # Specifying an invalid monitor would cause XAVA to fall back onto the
  132. # last monitor available
  133. ; monitor_name = 0
  136. [gl]
  138. # Hacks and options related to the hardware-accelerated OpenGL modes
  140. # Pick and choose which modules to use for drawing the visualizer.
  141. # The order is ascending and starts from 1 and hence is drawn in that
  142. # order. Behaves exactly like Cairo modules do.
  143. # Refer to the README for further details.
  144.   module_1 = bars
  145. ;  module_2 = stars
  146. ; ...
  148. # Specify which post-render shader the visualizer will uses
  149. # This is used to style the visualizer in the same fashion
  150. # as in Minecraft shaderpacks while using Optifine. Basically
  151. # it's the same idea. Use "none" to disable, this does break
  152. # "resolution_scale" so beware.
  153. ; post_shader = default
  155. # Scale the resolution of the rendered visualizer by a floating-point factor
  156. # Works similarly to "render resolution scalers" in modern AAA game engines
  157. ; resolution_scale = 1.0
  160. [cairo]
  162. # Options related to the *_cairo output methods
  163. #
  164. # Here you can specify what modules you'd like to use and in what order,
  165. # however they must start with 1 and increment by 1. The lowest numbers
  166. # get drawn the first, so you might be accidentally overwriting the screen
  167. # if you put a module that draws the entire screen over some other.
  168. #
  169. # Refer to the README for further details.
  170.   module_1 = bars
  171. ; module_2 = stars
  172. ; ...
  174. #
  175. # If you'd like, you can also adjust options (if the module supports it)
  176. # by going into your config directory > cairo > modules > module_name >
  177. # config.ini file
  178. #
  179. # There you will find a configuration similar to this one where you can
  180. # adjust the module's parameters.
  181. #
  183. [input]
  185. # Audio capturing method. Possible methods are the ones listed below.
  186. # If one doesn't work, it might not be supported by your system or it just
  187. # wasn't compiled with it.
  188. #
  189. # All input methods uses the same config variable 'source' to define where it
  190. # should get the audio.
  191. #
  192. # For pulseaudio 'source' will be the source. Default: 'auto', which uses the
  193. # monitor source of the default sink (all pulseaudio sinks(outputs) have
  194. # 'monitor' sources(inputs) associated with them).
  195. #
  196. # For alsa, wasapi and portaudio 'source' will be the capture device.
  197. #
  198. # For fifo 'source' will be the path to fifo-file.
  199. #
  200. # For wasapi 'source', specify 'loopback' to capture audio from the system or
  201. # anything else to capture from an input device, such as a microphone.
  202. #
  203. # For pipewire, the 'source' parameter is ignored and instead the visualizer is
  204. # supposed to be configured using an external tool, such as 'pavucontrol' (works
  205. # on PipeWire too, trust me).
  206. #
  207. # You can also specify 'list' as the source to portaudio to list all available
  208. # audio devices
  209. ; method = pulseaudio
  210. ; source = auto
  212. ; method = portaudio
  213. ; source = auto
  215. ; method = alsa
  216. ; source = hw:Loopback,1
  218. ; method = sndio
  219. ; source =
  221. ; method = shmem
  222. ; source = /squeezelite-00:00:00:00:00:00
  224. ; method = fifo
  225. ; source = /tmp/mpd.fifo
  227. ; method = wasapi
  228. ; source = loopback
  230. ; method = pipewire
  231. ; source = default
  233. # Adjusts the input buffer size (in samples, calculated by 2^input_size)
  234. ; size = 12
  236. # Adjust the sample rate of the input audio (if possible)
  237. ; rate = 44100
  239. # Adjust the capture packets of an input (if possible, in samples)
  240. # A lower value means less latency, although it comes with a high CPU cost
  241. ; latency = 128
  244. [output]
  246. # Refer to for
  247. # further detail
  248. #
  249. # If you don't care about your windowing system, you can just use:
  250. # opengl or cairo - the visualizer will figure out the rest.
  251. #
  252. # In case you still need to fiddle with your backend (possible) modes,
  253. # they are the following:opengl, x11_opengl, x11_cairo, wayland_opengl, wayland_cairo,
  254. #   win_opengl, win_cairo, sdl2_opengl and the "unsupported" ncurses mode
  255.  method = wayland_opengl
  257. # Visual channels. Can be 'stereo' or 'mono'.
  258. # 'stereo' mirrors both channels with low frequencies in center.
  259. # 'mono' averages both channels and outputs left to right lowest to highest
  260. # frequencies.
  261. ; channels = mono
  264. [color]
  266. # Colors can be one of seven predefined: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red,
  267. # white, yellow. Or defined by hex code '#xxxxxx' (hex code must be within '').
  268. #
  269. # Platform specifics:
  270. #  - It can also be 'default' at which point under X11 it reads the color off of
  271. #  Xrdb
  272. #  - Under Windows 'default' uses your system accent color
  273. #  - And on any other 'default' is just black and cyan (the default colorscheme)
  274.  background = default
  275.  foreground = '#5e81ac'
  277. # This adjusts the opacity of the bars (must have transparency for it to work)
  278.  foreground_opacity = 0.6
  280. # And this does the same but for the background (under the same condition as above)
  281.  background_opacity = 0.0
  283. # Gradient mode, only hex defined colors are supported, background must also be
  284. # defined in hex or remain commented out.
  285. # To enable gradients, just change gradient_count to the number of colors you
  286. # have specified (0 = disabled)
  287.  gradient_count = 2
  288.  gradient_color_1 = '#5e81ac'
  289.  gradient_color_2 = '#b48ead'
  292. [filter]
  294. # These are settings related to the audio processing engine, or a audio "filter"
  296. # Pick which "audio filter" to use
  297. ; name = "default"
  299. # Lower and higher cutoff frequencies for lowest and highest bars
  300. # the bandwidth of the visualizer.
  301. # XAVA will automatically increase the higher cutoff if a too low band is specified.
  302. ; lower_cutoff_freq = 26
  303. ; higher_cutoff_freq = 15000
  305. # Percentage value for integral smoothing. Takes values from 0 - 100.
  306. # Higher values means smoother, but less precise. 0 to disable.
  307. ; integral = 85
  309. # Disables or enables the so-called "Monstercat smoothing" with or without "waves".
  310. # Set to 0 to disable (default).
  311. ; monstercat = 1.0
  312. ; waves = 0
  314. # Set gravity percentage for "drop off". Higher values means bars will drop faster.
  315. # Accepts only non-negative values. 50 means half gravity, 200 means double.
  316. # Set to 0 to disable "drop off".
  317. ; gravity = 100
  319. # In bar height, bars that would have been lower that this (in pixels) will not be drawn.
  320. ; ignore = 0
  322. # Adjust the logarithmic scale of the frequency band (the lower the value,
  323. # the less difference between bars in frequency)
  324. ; log = 1.55
  326. # Average out the value of each ~~odd~~ even bar (just like the monstercat visualizer)
  327. ; oddoneout = true
  329. # Balances the eq towards higher or lower frequencies
  330. # lower value->lower frequencies, higher value->higher frequencies
  331. ; eq_balance = 0.67
  333. # Adjusts the FFT buffer size (calculated by 2^fft_size)
  334. ; fft_size = 14
  336. # 'autosens' will attempt to balance the sensitivity to keep the amplitude of the bars
  337. # within a reasonable range
  338. ; autosens = true
  340. # 'overshoot' allows bars to overshoot (in % of display height) without initiating autosens
  341. ; overshoot = 0
  343. # Manual sensitivity in %. Autosens must be turned off for this to take effect.
  344. # 200.0 means double height and so on. Accepts only non-negative values.
  345. ; sensitivity = 100.0
  348. [eq]
  350. # This one is tricky. You can have as much keys as you want.
  351. # Remember to uncomment more then one key! More keys = more precision.
  352. # Look at on github for further explanations and examples.
  353. ; 1 = 1 # bass
  354. ; 2 = 1
  355. ; 3 = 1 # midtone
  356. ; 4 = 1
  357. ; 5 = 1 # treble
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