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- local DEBUG = false
- print('hare ver 4')
- -- A utility module for ComputerCraft's turtles that adds several functions
- -- TODO switch from return values to exceptions for errors
- -- TODO call hasFuelFor for various events
- -- TODO come up with a better name than "direction"
- --[[
- Directions:
- -z UP +y
- N
- -x W E +x
- S
- +z DOWN -y
- ]]
- function split(str)
- -- splits a string up into an array of strings
- str = string.lower(str)
- local actions = {}
- local word
- for word in str:gmatch("%w+") do table.insert(actions, word) end
- return actions
- end
- local VALID_ACTIONS = {'f', 'forward', 'b', 'back', 'l', 'left', 'r', 'right', 'up', 'dn', 'down', 'fn', 'fs', 'fe', 'fw', 'facenorth', 'facesouth', 'faceeast', 'facewest', 'no', 'north', 'so', 'south', 'ea', 'east', 'we', 'west', 'd', 'dig', 'du', 'digup', 'dd', 'digdown', 'i', 'inspect', 'iu', 'inspectup', 'id', 'inspectdown', 'sel', 'select', 's', 'suck', 'su', 'suckup', 'sd', 'suckdown', 'p', 'place', 'pu', 'placeup', 'pd', 'placedown', 'dr', 'drop', 'dru', 'dropup', 'drd', 'dropdown', 'c', 'craft'}
- local direction = 'north'
- --local x, y, z = gps.locate()
- local x = 0
- local y = 0
- local z = 0
- local positionStack = {}
- local recordingNow = false
- local recordedMoves = {}
- local recipes = {}
- local MAX_STACK_SIZE = 64
- -- TODO add fuel checks!!!! Also, if not enough fuel for, say, forward(9999), should we stop at first?
- function forward(steps)
- -- TODO record new position to a file for reloading
- local success, errMsg, i
- if steps == nil then steps = 1 end
- if steps < 0 then
- return back(math.abs(steps)) -- edge case for negative steps
- end
- for i=1,steps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.forward()
- if not success then return false, errMsg end
- if recordingNow then recordMove('f') end
- -- track location
- if direction == 'north' then
- z = z - 1
- elseif direction == 'south' then
- z = z + 1
- elseif direction == 'west' then
- x = x - 1
- elseif direction == 'east' then
- x = x + 1
- end
- end
- if DEBUG then print('Moved forward ' .. steps .. ' steps') end
- gpsx, gpsy, gpsz = gps.locate()
- if DEBUG and gpsx ~= nil and (gpsx ~= x or gpsy ~= y or gpsz ~= z) then
- print('Pos out of sync with GPS!')
- print('!!! Pos: ' .. x .. ' ' .. y .. ' ' .. z)
- print('!!! GPS: ' .. gpsx .. ' ' .. gpsy .. ' ' .. gpsz)
- end
- return true
- end
- function back(steps)
- -- TODO record new position to a file for reloading
- local success, errMsg, i
- if steps == nil then steps = 1 end
- if steps < 0 then
- return forward(math.abs(steps)) -- edge case for negative steps
- end
- for i=1,steps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.back()
- if not success then return false, errMsg end
- if recordingNow then recordMove('b') end
- -- track location
- if direction == 'north' then
- z = z + 1
- elseif direction == 'south' then
- z = z - 1
- elseif direction == 'west' then
- x = x + 1
- elseif direction == 'east' then
- x = x - 1
- end
- end
- if DEBUG then print('Moved back ' .. steps .. ' steps') end
- gpsx, gpsy, gpsz = gps.locate()
- if DEBUG and gpsx ~= nil and (gpsx ~= x or gpsy ~= y or gpsz ~= z) then
- print('Pos out of sync with GPS!')
- print('!!! Pos: ' .. x .. ' ' .. y .. ' ' .. z)
- print('!!! GPS: ' .. gpsx .. ' ' .. gpsy .. ' ' .. gpsz)
- end
- return true
- end
- function turnLeft(turns)
- local success, i
- if turns == nil then turns = 1 end
- for i=1,turns do
- success = turtle.turnLeft()
- if not success then return false end
- if recordingNow then recordMove('l') end
- -- track location
- if direction == 'north' then
- direction = 'west'
- elseif direction == 'south' then
- direction = 'east'
- elseif direction == 'west' then
- direction = 'south'
- elseif direction == 'east' then
- direction = 'north'
- end
- end
- if DEBUG then print('Turned left ' .. turns .. ' turns') end
- return true
- end
- function turnRight(turns)
- local success, i
- if turns == nil then turns = 1 end
- for i=1,turns do
- success = turtle.turnRight()
- if not success then return false end
- if recordingNow then recordMove('r') end
- -- track location
- if direction == 'north' then
- direction = 'east'
- elseif direction == 'east' then
- direction = 'south'
- elseif direction == 'south' then
- direction = 'west'
- elseif direction == 'west' then
- direction = 'north'
- end
- end
- if DEBUG then print('Turned right ' .. turns .. ' turns') end
- return true
- end
- function up(steps)
- local success, errMsg, i
- if steps == nil then steps = 1 end
- for i=1,steps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.up()
- if not success then return false, errMsg end
- if recordingNow then recordMove('up') end
- y = y + 1 -- track position
- end
- if DEBUG then print('Moved up ' .. steps .. ' steps') end
- gpsx, gpsy, gpsz = gps.locate()
- if DEBUG and gpsx ~= nil and (gpsx ~= x or gpsy ~= y or gpsz ~= z) then
- print('Pos out of sync with GPS!')
- print('!!! Pos: ' .. x .. ' ' .. y .. ' ' .. z)
- print('!!! GPS: ' .. gpsx .. ' ' .. gpsy .. ' ' .. gpsz)
- end
- return true
- end
- function down(steps)
- local success, errMsg, i
- if steps == nil then steps = 1 end
- for i=1,steps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.down()
- if not success then return false, errMsg end
- if recordingNow then recordMove('dn') end
- y = y - 1 -- track position
- end
- if DEBUG then print('Moved down ' .. steps .. ' steps') end
- gpsx, gpsy, gpsz = gps.locate()
- if DEBUG and gpsx ~= nil and (gpsx ~= x or gpsy ~= y or gpsz ~= z) then
- print('Pos out of sync with GPS!')
- print('!!! Pos: ' .. x .. ' ' .. y .. ' ' .. z)
- print('!!! GPS: ' .. gpsx .. ' ' .. gpsy .. ' ' .. gpsz)
- end
- return true
- end
- function face(d)
- d = string.lower(d)
- if d == 'north' or d == 'no' then
- return faceNorth()
- elseif d == 'south' or d == 'so' then
- return faceSouth()
- elseif d == 'west' or d == 'we' then
- return faceWest()
- elseif d == 'east' or d == 'ea' then
- return faceEast()
- end
- return false, '"' .. d .. '" is not a valid direction'
- end
- function faceNorth()
- local success
- if direction == 'south' then
- success = turnRight(2)
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'east' then
- success = turnLeft()
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'west' then
- success = turnRight()
- if not success then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- function faceSouth()
- local success
- if direction == 'north' then
- success = turnRight(2)
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'west' then
- success = turnLeft()
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'east' then
- success = turnRight()
- if not success then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- function faceEast()
- local success
- if direction == 'west' then
- success = turnRight(2)
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'south' then
- success = turnLeft()
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'north' then
- success = turnRight()
- if not success then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- function faceWest()
- local success
- if direction == 'east' then
- success = turnRight(2)
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'north' then
- success = turnLeft()
- if not success then return false end
- elseif direction == 'south' then
- success = turnRight()
- if not success then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- function north(steps)
- if not faceNorth() then return false end
- if steps > 0 then
- return forward(steps)
- else
- return back(-steps)
- end
- end
- function south(steps)
- if not faceSouth() then return false end
- if steps > 0 then
- return forward(steps)
- else
- return back(-steps)
- end
- end
- function west(steps)
- if not faceWest() then return false end
- if steps > 0 then
- return forward(steps)
- else
- return back(-steps)
- end
- end
- function east(steps)
- if not faceEast() then return false end
- if steps > 0 then
- return forward(steps)
- else
- return back(-steps)
- end
- end
- function pushPositionSetting()
- table.insert(positionStack, {x=x, y=y, z=z}) -- TODO test
- end
- function popPositionSetting()
- -- TODO test
- local pos = table.remove(positionStack)
- if pos == nil then return nil end
- x = pos['x']
- y = pos['y']
- z = pos['z']
- return pos
- end
- function line(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
- -- returns an array of tables with x & y coordinates of the line between the two given points
- local points = {}
- local dx, dy, dz, xptr, yptr, zptr, sx, sy, sz, errx, erry, errz
- dx = math.abs(x1 - x0)
- dy = math.abs(y1 - y0)
- dz = math.abs(z1 - z0)
- xptr, yptr, zptr = x0, y0, z0
- if x0 > x1 then
- sx = -1
- else
- sx = 1
- end
- if y0 > y1 then
- sy = -1
- else
- sy = 1
- end
- if z0 > z1 then
- sz = -1
- else
- sz = 1
- end
- if dx >= dy and dx >= dz then
- erry = dx / 2
- errz = dx / 2
- while xptr ~= x1 do
- table.insert(points, {x=xptr, y=yptr, z=zptr})
- erry = erry - dy
- if erry < 0 then
- yptr = yptr + sy
- erry = erry + dx
- end
- errz = errz - dz
- if errz < 0 then
- zptr = zptr + sz
- errz = errz + dx
- end
- xptr = xptr + sx
- end
- elseif dy >= dx and dy >= dz then
- errx = dy / 2
- errz = dy / 2
- while yptr ~= y1 do
- table.insert(points, {x=xptr, y=yptr, z=zptr})
- errx = errx - dx
- if errx < 0 then
- xptr = xptr + sx
- errx = errx + dy
- end
- errz = errz - dz
- if errz < 0 then
- zptr = zptr + sz
- errz = errz + dy
- end
- yptr = yptr + sy
- end
- else
- errx = dz / 2
- erry = dz / 2
- while zptr ~= z1 do
- table.insert(points, {x=xptr, y=yptr, z=zptr})
- errx = errx - dx
- if errx < 0 then
- xptr = xptr + sx
- errx = errx + dz
- end
- erry = erry - dy
- if erry < 0 then
- yptr = yptr + sy
- erry = erry + dz
- end
- zptr = zptr + sz
- end
- end
- table.insert(points, {x=xptr, y=yptr, z=zptr})
- -- TODO seems to be a bug where if you move by 1 on x&y or by 1 on y&z then the last point isn't on the final destination. This is a cheap fix.
- if xptr ~= x1 or yptr ~= y1 or zptr ~= z1 then
- table.insert(points, {x=x1, y=y1, z=z1})
- end
- return points
- end
- function goto(destx, desty, destz, facing)
- -- returns false if at some point the turtle can't move along the path
- local startx, starty, startz = getx(), gety(), getz()
- local originalDirection = direction
- if type(destx) == 'table' then
- desty = destx[2]
- destz = destx[3]
- facing = destx[4]
- destx = destx[1]
- end
- if facing == nil then facing = getDirection() end
- if destx == nil then destx = getx() end
- if desty == nil then desty = gety() end
- if destz == nil then destz = getz() end
- if startx == destx and starty == desty and startz == destz then
- if facing ~= false then face(facing) end
- return true -- edge case; we are already at the destination
- end
- --[[
- linePoints = line(startx, starty, startz, destx, desty, destz)
- if DEBUG then
- print('linePoints=')
- for i=1,#linePoints do
- print(' ' .. linePoints[i]['x'] .. ' ' .. linePoints[i]['y'] .. ' ' .. linePoints[i]['z'])
- end
- end
- -- go through all the points and make them relative to the one before it
- for i=#linePoints,2,-1 do
- linePoints[i]['x'] = linePoints[i]['x'] - linePoints[i-1]['x']
- linePoints[i]['y'] = linePoints[i]['y'] - linePoints[i-1]['y']
- linePoints[i]['z'] = linePoints[i]['z'] - linePoints[i-1]['z']
- end
- table.remove(linePoints, 1) -- get rid of the first point; we won't need it
- ]]
- -- came up with this random alg to mostly move to the destination in a straight line
- linePoints = {}
- tempx, tempy, tempz = math.abs(destx-startx), math.abs(desty-starty), math.abs(destz-startz)
- while tempx ~= 0 or tempy ~= 0 or tempz ~= 0 do
- r = math.random(1, tempx+tempy+tempz)
- if r <= tempx then
- if destx > startx then
- table.insert(linePoints, {x=1, y=0, z=0})
- elseif destx < startx then
- table.insert(linePoints, {x=-1, y=0, z=0})
- else
- assert(false, 'tempx should have always been 0, and reaching this should be impossible')
- end
- tempx = tempx - 1
- elseif r <= tempx+tempy then
- if desty > starty then
- table.insert(linePoints, {x=0, y=1, z=0})
- elseif desty < starty then
- table.insert(linePoints, {x=0, y=-1, z=0})
- else
- assert(false, 'tempy should have always been 0, and reaching this should be impossible')
- end
- tempy = tempy - 1
- else
- if destz > startz then
- table.insert(linePoints, {x=0, y=0, z=1})
- elseif destz < startz then
- table.insert(linePoints, {x=0, y=0, z=-1})
- else
- assert(false, 'tempz should have always been 0, and reaching this should be impossible')
- end
- tempz = tempz - 1
- end
- end
- for i=1,#linePoints do
- if DEBUG then print('next step: ' .. linePoints[i]['x'] .. ' ' .. linePoints[i]['y'] .. ' ' .. linePoints[i]['z']) end
- if linePoints[i]['x'] == 1 then
- faceEast()
- if DEBUG then print('goto: moving east') end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- elseif linePoints[i]['x'] == -1 then
- faceWest()
- if DEBUG then print('goto: moving west') end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- end
- if linePoints[i]['y'] == 1 then
- if DEBUG then print('goto: moving up') end
- success, errMsg = up()
- elseif linePoints[i]['y'] == -1 then
- if DEBUG then print('goto: moving down') end
- success, errMsg = down()
- end
- if linePoints[i]['z'] == 1 then
- faceSouth()
- if DEBUG then print('goto: moving south') end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- elseif linePoints[i]['z'] == -1 then
- faceNorth()
- if DEBUG then print('goto: moving north') end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- end
- if not success then return false, errMsg end
- end
- if facing ~= false then face(facing) end
- return true
- end
- function doActions(actionsStr, safeMode)
- --[[
- Complete list of commands:
- f - move forward
- b - move backward
- ]]
- actionsStr = string.lower(actionsStr)
- local actions = split(actionsStr)
- if safeMode == nil then safeMode = false end
- local i, j, k, v, success, errMsg, reps
- -- check that there are no invalid commands
- success, errMsg = isValidActionString(actionsStr)
- if not success then return false, errMsg end
- for i = 1,#actions do
- cmd = actions[i] -- get the command
- if #actions < i + 1 then
- reps = 1 -- end of actions, so set this to 1
- else
- if tonumber(actions[i+1]) ~= nil then -- check if next arg is numeric
- reps = tonumber(actions[i+1]) -- set
- else
- -- "reps" is actually the next command, so set it to 1
- reps = 1
- end
- end
- if actions[i] == 'f' or actions[i] == 'forward' then
- success, errMsg = forward(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'b' or actions[i] == 'back' then
- success, errMsg = back(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'l' or actions[i] == 'left' then
- turnLeft(reps)
- elseif actions[i] == 'r' or actions[i] == 'right' then
- print('type(turnRight) = ' .. type(turnRight))
- print('type(reps) = ' .. type(reps))
- turnRight(reps)
- elseif actions[i] == 'up' then
- success, errMsg = up(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'dn' or actions[i] == 'down' then
- success, errMsg = down(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'fn' or actions[i] == 'facenorth' then
- success = faceNorth()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end -- TODO figure out if there are error messages for turning, I'm assuming there are not.
- elseif actions[i] == 'fs' or actions[i] == 'facesouth' then
- success = faceSouth()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end -- TODO figure out if there are error messages for turning
- elseif actions[i] == 'fe' or actions[i] == 'faceeast' then
- success = faceEast()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end -- TODO figure out if there are error messages for turning
- elseif actions[i] == 'fw' or actions[i] == 'facewest' then
- success = faceWest()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end -- TODO figure out if there are error messages for turning
- elseif actions[i] == 'no' or actions[i] == 'north' then
- success = faceNorth()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'so' or actions[i] == 'south' then
- success = faceSouth()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'we' or actions[i] == 'west' then
- success = faceWest()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'ea' or actions[i] == 'east' then
- success = faceEast()
- if safeMode and not success then return success end
- success, errMsg = forward()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'd' or actions[i] == 'dig' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.dig()
- --print('dig: ' .. tostring(success) .. ' ' .. errMsg)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'du' or actions[i] == 'digup' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.digUp()
- --print('digUp: ' .. tostring(success) .. ' ' .. errMsg)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'dd' or actions[i] == 'digdown' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.digDown()
- --print('digDown: ' .. tostring(success) .. ' ' .. errMsg)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'i' or actions[i] == 'inspect' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, inspectResults = turtle.inspect()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'iu' or actions[i] == 'inspectup' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, inspectResults = turtle.inspectUp()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'id' or actions[i] == 'inspectdown' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, inspectResults = turtle.inspectDown()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'sel' or actions[i] == 'select' then
- -- in this case, reps is the inventory number
- success, errMsg =
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 's' or actions[i] == 'suck' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.suck(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'su' or actions[i] == 'suckup' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.suckUp(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'sd' or actions[i] == 'suckdown' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.suckDown(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'p' or actions[i] == 'place' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, errMsg =
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'pu' or actions[i] == 'placeup' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.placeUp()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'pd' or actions[i] == 'placedown' then
- for j = 1,reps do
- success, errMsg = turtle.placeDown()
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- elseif actions[i] == 'dr' or actions[i] == 'drop' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.drop(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'dru' or actions[i] == 'dropup' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.dropUp(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'drd' or actions[i] == 'dropdown' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.dropDown(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'c' or actions[i] == 'craft' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.craft(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function doReverseMovement(actionsStr, safeMode)
- -- TODO check for fn and other commands that can't be reversed
- actionsStr = string.lower(actionsStr)
- if string.find(actionsStr, 'fn') or string.find(actionsStr, 'fs') or string.find(actionsStr, 'fw') or string.find(actionsStr, 'fe') or
- string.find(actionsStr, 'north') or string.find(actionsStr, 'south') or string.find(actionsStr, 'west') or string.find(actionsStr, 'east') then
- return false, 'Cannot reverse actions that include facing compass directions.'
- end
- local actions = split(actionsStr)
- if safeMode == nil then safeMode = false end
- local i, j, k, v
- for i = 1,#actions do
- cmd = actions[i] -- get the command
- if #actions < i + 1 then
- reps = 1 -- end of actions, so set this to 1
- else
- if tonumber(actions[i+1]) ~= nil then -- check if next arg is numeric
- reps = tonumber(actions[i+1]) -- set
- else
- -- "reps" is actually the next command, so set it to 1
- reps = 1
- end
- end
- if actions[i] == 'f' or actions[i] == 'forward' then
- success, errMsg = back(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'b' or actions[i] == 'back' then
- success, errMsg = forward(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'l' or actions[i] == 'left' then
- turnRight(reps)
- elseif actions[i] == 'r' or actions[i] == 'right' then
- turnLeft(reps)
- elseif actions[i] == 'up' then
- success, errMsg = down(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- elseif actions[i] == 'dn' or actions[i] == 'down' then
- success, errMsg = up(reps)
- if safeMode and not success then return success, errMsg end
- end
- end
- end
- function doOneAction(actionsStr)
- -- TODO figure this out, does this return (success, errMsg) or (actionsStr)? Should we be using return values for errors?
- local action, reps
- local actions = split(actionsStr)
- -- retrieve the first action and its reps (if given)
- action = actions[1]
- reps = tonumber(actions[2]) -- if not a number then this will be nil
- if reps == nil then
- reps = 1
- else
- table.remove(actions, 2)
- end
- table.remove(actions, 1)
- if DEBUG then print('doing one action: ' .. action .. ' ' .. tostring(reps)) end
- success, errMsg = doActions(action .. ' ' .. tostring(reps)) -- do the first action
- if success == false then return success, errMsg end
- if DEBUG then print('doOneAction returns: ' .. table.concat(actions, ' ')) end
- return table.concat(actions, ' ')
- end
- function hasFuelFor(actionsStr)
- -- TODO returns true if it can do all these steps with the fuel it has
- local actions = split(actionsStr)
- local totalFuelConsumption = 0
- for i = 1,#actions do
- if actions[i] == 'f' or actions[i] == 'forward' or actions[i] == 'b' or actions[i] == 'back' or actions[i] == 'up' or actions[i] == 'dn' or actions[i] == 'down' or
- actions[i] == 'no' or actions[i] == 'north' or actions[i] == 'so' or actions[i] == 'south' or actions[i] == 'we' or actions[i] == 'west' or actions[i] == 'ea' or actions[i] == 'east' then
- reps = tonumber(actions[i+1])
- if reps == nil then reps = 1 end
- totalFuelConsumption = totalFuelConsumption + reps
- end
- end
- return totalFuelConsumption <= turtle.getFuelLevel()
- end
- function doActionsSafely(actions)
- -- TODO (essentially the do program but in a function)
- -- will immediately stop the first time a call fails or if there is not
- -- enough fuel to do all the steps.
- return doActions(actions, true)
- end
- function getAreaCoverActions(forward, right, goHome)
- -- returns a string that can be passed to doActions() and doOneAction()
- -- these actions are for moving the turtle to cover an area
- local r, actions, r_str, l_str, turnRight
- if forward <= 0 or right == 0 then return '' end -- edge case: no movement
- if goHome == nil then goHome = false end
- -- if 'right' was negative, then flip the r_str and l_str actions
- if right < 0 then
- right = math.abs(right)
- r_str = 'l '
- l_str = 'r '
- else
- r_str = 'r '
- l_str = 'l '
- end
- actions = ''
- turnRight = true
- for r=1,(right-1) do
- actions = actions .. string.rep('f ', forward-1) -- go to end of column
- if turnRight then
- actions = actions .. r_str .. 'f ' .. r_str
- else
- actions = actions .. l_str .. 'f ' .. l_str
- end
- turnRight = not turnRight
- end
- -- last column movements
- actions = actions .. string.rep('f ', forward-1)
- -- add "go home" actions if asked for
- if goHome then
- if right % 2 == 1 then
- -- turtle ends up in the far right corner
- actions = actions .. r_str .. r_str .. string.rep('f ', forward-1) .. l_str .. string.rep('f ', right-1) .. r_str
- else
- -- turtle ends up in the near right corner
- actions = actions .. r_str .. string.rep('f ', right-1) .. r_str
- end
- end
- return actions
- end
- function inventoryMatches(recipe)
- -- special case: check if everything is already in the correct spot
- local matches = true
- for i=1,16 do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if (itemData == nil and not (recipe[i] == nil or recipe[i] == '')) or (itemData ~= nil and string.find(string.lower(itemData['name']), recipe[i])) then
- matches = false
- break
- end
- end
- return matches
- end
- function arrange(recipe, discardDirection)
- -- TODO (arranges the turtle's inventory, mostly for making. Can split/combine stacks if needed)
- -- will try to get it as close as possible. '' for blank, nil for "don't care"
- -- turtle will drop unwanted items in direction of dropDir
- -- NOTE: Due to the nature of having to swap, we can't arrange items in the case where all the recipe's items have filled all 16 spaces of the inventory but are in the wrong order.
- local origx = getx() -- save original position and direction so it can be reset to this at the end
- local origy = gety()
- local origz = getz()
- local origFace = getDirection()
- local i, j
- -- set item names to lowercase for easier matching
- for i=1,16 do
- recipe[i] = string.lower(recipe[i])
- end
- -- special case: check if everything is already in the correct spot
- if inventoryMatches(recipe) then return true end
- -- there must be at least one empty slot (after getting rid of all non-recipe items)
- emptySlot = selectEmptySlot()
- if emptySlot == false then return false, 'No empty slots' end
- -- loop through inventory and determine if there are items that need to be dropped because they aren't a part of the recipe
- local discardItemsInSlots = {}
- for i=1,16 do
- -- loop through all the inventory slots, note any slots with non-recipe items
- local notInRecipe = true
- if DEBUG then print('#recipe=' .. #recipe) end
- for j=1,#recipe do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(j)
- if (itemData ~= nil and string.find(string.lower(itemData['name']), recipe[i])) or (itemData ~= nil and (recipe[i] == '' or recipe[i] == nil)) then
- notInRecipe = false
- break
- end
- end
- if notInRecipe then table.insert(discardItemsInSlots, i) end
- end
- if #discardItemsInSlots > 0 then
- -- travel to discard area and drop off the to-be-discard items, then return
- dropAt(discardDirection, discardItemsInSlots)
- end
- -- TODO any remaining items that are in the inventory should be swapped to their proper place
- for i=1,15 do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if recipe[i] ~= nil and recipe[i] ~= '' and itemData ~= nil and not string.find(string.lower(itemData['name']), recipe[i]) then
- -- the item in slot i is not the item the recipe dictates. Figure out if the recipe's item is in another slot
- for j=i,16 do
- itemData2 = turtle.getItemDetail(j)
- if string.find(string.lower(itemData2['name'], recipe[i])) then
- -- we've found the item for slot i; it is in slot j. We should move it to slot i
- -- move items in slot i to a free spot
- if DEBUG then
- print('Moving ' .. turtle.getItemDetail(i)['name'] .. ' from slot ' .. tostring(i) .. ' to empty slot ')
- end
- turtle.transferTo(selectEmptySlot(), MAX_STACK_SIZE)
- -- move items in slot i to slot j where they belong
- if DEBUG then
- print('Moving ' .. turtle.getItemDetail(j)['name'] .. ' from slot ' .. tostring(j) .. ' to slot ' .. tostring(i))
- end
- turtle.transferTo(i, MAX_STACK_SIZE)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- special case: check if everything is already in the correct spot
- if inventoryMatches(recipe) then
- goto(origx, origy, origz)
- face(origFace)
- return true
- else
- return false, 'Not all recipe items in inventory'
- end
- end
- function isReversibleActionString(actionsStr)
- -- the movements in a string of commands is not reversible if it contains compass direction commands
- local actions = split(actionsStr)
- for i=1,#actions do
- if actions[i] == 'fn' or actions[i] == 'fs' or actions[i] == 'fe' or actions[i] == 'fw' or
- actions[i] == 'facenorth' or actions[i] == 'facesouth' or actions[i] == 'faceeast' or actions[i] == 'facewest' or
- actions[i] == 'no' or actions[i] == 'so' or actions[i] == 'ea' or actions[i] == 'we' or
- actions[i] == 'north' or actions[i] == 'south' or actions[i] == 'east' or actions[i] == 'west' then
- return false, 'Action "' .. actions[i] .. '" is not a reversible movement'
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function isValidActionString(actionStr)
- local actions = split(actionStr)
- local expectCmd = true -- commands are expected after other commands or rep numbers or at the start
- for i=1,#actions do
- if expectCmd and not table.contains(VALID_ACTIONS, actions[i]) then
- return false, 'Expected a command but found "' .. tostring(actions[i]) .. '"'
- end
- if not expectCmd and (not table.contains(VALID_ACTIONS, actions[i]) and tonumber(actions[i]) == nil) then
- return false, 'Expected a command or reps number but found "' .. tostring(actions[i]) .. '"'
- end
- if expectCmd then
- expectCmd = false -- next action can be a command OR reps number, it doesn't HAVE to be a command
- end
- if tonumber(actions[i]) ~= nil then
- -- the command was a reps number, so the next action MUST be a command
- expectCmd = true
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- --[[
- function suckFrom(suckDirection, amount, faceOriginalDirection) -- TODO add amount param?
- local success, errMsg
- local preSuckDirection = getDirection()
- if faceOriginalDirection == nil then faceOriginalDirection = true end
- if amount == nil then amount = MAX_STACK_SIZE end
- -- move and point turtle to the item source
- if type(suckDirection) == 'string' then
- success, errMsg = doActionsSafely(suckDirection)
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- elseif type(suckDirection) == 'table' then
- if goto(suckDirection[1], suckDirection[2], suckDirection[3], faceOriginalDirection) == false then return false, 'Movement obstructed' end
- face(suckDirection[4])
- end
- -- suck items from the item source
- if suckDirection[4] == 'up' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.suckUp()
- elseif suckDirection[4] == 'down' or suckDirection[4] == 'dn' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.suckDown()
- else
- success, errMsg = turtle.suck()
- end
- if DEBUG then print('sucked item') end
- face(preSuckDirection)
- return success, errMsg
- end
- ]]
- function isValidDirectionValue(direction, requiredCmdType)
- -- a valid "direction value" is either a {x, y, z, compass direction} table or a reversible action string
- -- requiredCmdType can be either 'suck' or 'drop', and checks the action string for this type of command
- if type(direction) == 'string' then
- success, errMsg = isReversibleActionString(direction)
- if not success then return false, errMsg end
- -- check for required command type
- dirAsTable = split(direction)
- if (requiredCmdType == 'suck') and (not (table.contains(dirAsTable, 's') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'sd') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'su') or
- table.contains(dirAsTable, 'suck') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'suckdown') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'suckup'))) then
- return false, 'No suck command in action string'
- elseif (requiredCmdType == 'drop') and (not (table.contains(dirAsTable, 'dr') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'drd') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'dru') or
- table.contains(dirAsTable, 'drop') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'dropdown') or table.contains(dirAsTable, 'dropup'))) then
- return false, 'No drop command in action string'
- end
- elseif type(direction) == 'table' then
- if type(direction[1]) ~= 'number' or type(direction[2]) ~= 'number' or type(direction[3]) ~= 'number' then
- return false, 'Only numbers can be passed for XYZ coordinates'
- end
- if direction[4] ~= 'no' and direction[4] ~= 'north' and direction[4] ~= 'so' and direction[4] ~= 'south' and
- direction[4] ~= 'ea' and direction[4] ~= 'east' and direction[4] ~= 'we' and direction[4] ~= 'west' and
- direction[4] ~= 'dn' and direction[4] ~= 'down' and direction[4] ~= 'up' then
- return false, '"' .. direction[4] .. '" is not a valid N-S-E-W-UP-DN direction'
- end
- else
- return false, '"' .. type(direction) .. '" is an invalid type for the `direction` parameter'
- end
- return true
- end
- function suckAt(direction, slots, amount)
- local success, errMsg
- local origx = getx()
- local origy = gety()
- local origz = getz()
- local origDirection = getDirection()
- if slots == nil then slots = {turtle.getSelectedSlot()} end
- if slots == 'craft' then slots = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11} end
- if type(slots) == 'number' then slots = {slots} end
- if amount == nil then amount = MAX_STACK_SIZE end
- --if DEBUG then print('Call: suckAt(' .. table.tostring(direction) .. ', ' .. table.tostring(slots) .. ', ' .. amount .. ')') end
- success, errMsg = isValidDirectionValue(direction, 'suck')
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- if type(direction) == 'string' then
- originalDirectionArg = direction
- while direction ~= '' do
- -- check if this is a suck command
- firstAction = split(direction)[1]
- local isSuckCmd = firstAction == 's' or firstAction == 'suck' or firstAction == 'sd' or firstAction == 'suckdown' or firstAction == 'suckup' or firstAction == 'su'
- if isSuckCmd then
- -- run the suck command for every slot in slots
- for i=1,#slots do
- if DEBUG then print('Sucking to slot #' .. tostring(slots[i])) end
- success, errMsg = doOneAction(firstAction .. ' ' .. amount)
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- direction = success -- assign the remainder of the action string to direction
- end
- else
- -- this is not a suck command, so just do it
- success, errMsg = doOneAction(direction)
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- direction = success -- assign the remainder of the action string to direction
- end
- end
- -- return to original place
- doReverseMovement(originalDirectionArg)
- elseif type(direction) == 'table' then
- -- direction is an xyz coordinate with direction
- if goto(direction[1], direction[2], direction[3], false) == false then return false, 'Movement obstructed' end
- face(direction[4])
- -- suck items at the suck destination
- for i=1,#slots do
- if DEBUG then print('Sucking slot #' .. tostring(slots[i])) end
- if direction[4] == 'up' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.suckUp(amount)
- elseif direction[4] == 'down' or direction[4] == 'dn' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.suckDown(amount)
- else
- success, errMsg = turtle.suck(amount)
- end
- end
- if goto(origx, origy, origz) == false then return false, 'Movement obstructed' end
- face(origDirection)
- end
- if DEBUG then print('done sucking items at suck site') end
- end
- function dropAt(direction, slots, amount)
- local success, errMsg
- local origx = getx()
- local origy = gety()
- local origz = getz()
- local origDirection = getDirection()
- if slots == nil then slots = {turtle.getSelectedSlot()} end
- if slots == 'craft' then slots = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11} end
- if type(slots) == 'number' then slots = {slots} end
- if amount == nil then amount = MAX_STACK_SIZE end
- if DEBUG then print('Call: dropAt(' .. table.tostring(direction) .. ', ' .. table.tostring(slots) .. ', ' .. amount .. ')') end
- success, errMsg = isValidDirectionValue(direction, 'drop')
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- if type(direction) == 'string' then
- originalDirectionArg = direction
- while direction ~= '' do
- -- check if this is a drop command
- firstAction = split(direction)[1]
- local isDropCmd = firstAction == 'dr' or firstAction == 'drop' or firstAction == 'drd' or firstAction == 'dropdown' or firstAction == 'dropup' or firstAction == 'dru'
- if isDropCmd then
- -- run the drop command for every slot in slots
- for i=1,#slots do
- if DEBUG then print('Dropping slot #' .. tostring(slots[i])) end
- success, errMsg = doOneAction(firstAction .. ' ' .. amount)
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- direction = success -- assign the remainder of the action string to direction
- end
- else
- -- this is not a drop command, so just do it
- success, errMsg = doOneAction(direction)
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- direction = success -- assign the remainder of the action string to direction
- end
- end
- -- return to original place
- doReverseMovement(originalDirectionArg)
- elseif type(direction) == 'table' then
- -- direction is an xyz coordinate with direction
- if goto(direction[1], direction[2], direction[3], false) == false then return false, 'Movement obstructed' end
- face(direction[4])
- -- drop items at the drop destination
- for i=1,#slots do
- if DEBUG then print('Dropping slot #' .. tostring(slots[i])) end
- if direction[4] == 'up' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.dropUp(amount)
- elseif direction[4] == 'down' or direction[4] == 'dn' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.dropDown(amount)
- else
- success, errMsg = turtle.drop(amount)
- end
- end
- if goto(origx, origy, origz) == false then return false, 'Movement obstructed' end
- face(origDirection)
- end
- if DEBUG then print('done dropping items at direction') end
- end
- function pickOut(itemName, amount, suckDirection, dropDirection, slot, timeout)
- -- suck/drop directions can be: {x,y,z,nsew} or an action string with suck/drop commands
- -- TODO implement timeout
- while true do
- if selectEmptySlot() == false then return false, 'No empty slots' end
- if DEBUG then print('selected slot #' .. tostring(turtle.getSelectedSlot())) end
- success, errMsg = suckAt(suckDirection, MAX_STACK_SIZE, false)
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end -- nothing left to get
- -- figure out what item it is
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail()
- if itemData ~= nil and string.find(string.lower(itemData['name']), string.lower(itemName)) then
- if DEBUG then print('sucked ' .. tostring(itemData['count']) .. ' ' .. itemData['name']) end
- -- put back excess amount of items
- if itemData['count'] > amount then
- if suckDirection[4] == 'up' or suckDirection[4] == 'u' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.dropUp(amount - itemData['count'])
- elseif suckDirection[4] == 'down' or suckDirection[4] == 'd' then
- success, errMsg = turtle.dropDown(amount - itemData['count'])
- else
- success, errMsg = turtle.drop(amount - itemData['count'])
- end
- end
- return true -- NOTE: like the turtle API's suck functions, this might not have collected the full amount requested.
- end
- success, errMsg = dropAt(dropDirection, MAX_STACK_SIZE, false)
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end -- could not drop in that direction
- end
- end
- function moveAllBetween(suckDirection, dropDirection)
- -- TODO finish, moves all items from one source chest to another
- -- TODO currently this only moves 1 stack at a time
- local success, tempSlots
- local origx = getx() -- save original position and direction so it can be reset to this at the end
- local origy = gety()
- local origz = getz()
- local origFace = getDirection()
- local noMoreItems = false
- local cantDropItems = false
- local finishLastDrop = false
- tempSlots = {}
- for i=1,16 do
- if turtle.getItemDetail(i) == nil then
- table.insert(tempSlots, i)
- end
- end
- if DEBUG then print('temp slots: ' .. table.concat(tempSlots, ',')) end
- if selectEmptySlot() == false then return false, 'No empty slots' end
- while true do
- -- grab items from source
- for i=1,#tempSlots do
- success = suckFrom(suckDirection, MAX_STACK_SIZE, false)
- if success == false then
- if i == 1 then
- noMoreItems = true
- break
- else
- finishLastDrop = true
- end
- end
- end
- if noMoreItems then break end
- -- drop items at drop site
- for i=1,#tempSlots do
- success = dropAt(dropDirection, MAX_STACK_SIZE, false)
- if success == false then
- cantDropItems = true
- break
- end
- end
- if finishLastDrop then break end
- end
- goto(origx, origy, origz)
- face(origFace)
- end
- function getRecipe(itemName)
- -- TODO find recipe by name
- -- TODO where to store the recipes? In a file? How can the user add new recipes?
- -- TODO should recipes be arrays of 9 or 16 items?
- end
- function craft(recipe, amount, suckDirection, dropDirection, slot, timeout)
- -- return value is the slot number where crafted result is
- -- how do we craft multiple items?
- -- what if I want to feed this function a list of "you can find this ingredient in this chest", and let it figure out how to make everything?
- -- when it can't create, it should return an error
- --arrange()
- -- TODO arranges and then crafts item
- -- need to figure out how to handle getting stuff from chests
- -- TODO pickout items still needed for the recipe, and when found put them in the proper slot
- -- TODO craft the item, then place it in the result direction
- end
- function dropItem(itemName, amount)
- if not selectItem(itemName) then return false end
- return turtle.drop(amount)
- end
- function dropItemDown(itemName, amount)
- if not selectItem(itemName) then return false end
- return turtle.dropDown(amount)
- end
- function dropItemUp(itemName, amount)
- if not selectItem(itemName) then return false end
- return turtle.dropUp(amount)
- end
- function dropAllItem(itemName)
- while dropItem(itemName) do end
- end
- function dropAllItemDown(itemName)
- while dropItemDown(itemName) do end
- end
- function dropAllItemUp(itemName)
- while dropItemUp(itemName) do end
- end
- function suckAll()
- while turtle.suck(MAX_STACK_SIZE) do end
- end
- function suckAllDown()
- while turtle.suckDown(MAX_STACK_SIZE) do end
- end
- function suckAllUp()
- while turtle.suckUp(MAX_STACK_SIZE) do end
- end
- function getFuelPercent()
- return 100 * turtle.getFuelLevel() / turtle.getFuelLimit()
- end
- function getFuelSpace()
- -- returns amount of fuel free space there is
- return turtle.getFuelLimit() - turtle.getFuelLevel()
- end
- function getItemNames()
- local i, itemData, names = {}
- for i=1,16 do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- table.insert(names, itemData)
- end
- return names
- end
- function selectEmptySlot()
- local i, itemData
- for i=1,16 do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if itemData == nil then
- return -- TODO is this correct? What does select return?
- end
- end
- return false, 'No empty slots'
- end
- function selectItem(itemName)
- -- selects an item exactly, or the closest match
- local i, itemData
- -- try to find an exact match:
- for i=1,16 do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if itemData ~= nil and itemData['name'] == itemName then
- return
- end
- end
- -- try to find an exact match after the : part of the name:
- for i=1,16 do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if itemData ~= nil then
- local colonPos = string.find(itemData['name'], ':')
- if colonPos ~= nil then
- if itemData ~= nil and string.sub(itemData['name'], colonPos + 1, -1) == itemName then
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- try to find a "like" match:
- for i=1,16 do
- itemData = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if itemData ~= nil and string.find(itemData['name'], itemName) then
- return
- end
- end
- return false -- could not find item
- end
- function table.contains(table, element)
- for _, value in pairs(table) do
- if value == element then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function setDirection(d) -- TODO, shoudl we replace no/so/ea/we with n/s/e/w and change 's' to 'su' for the commands?
- if not table.contains({'north', 'no', 'south', 'so', 'east', 'ea', 'west', 'we'}, d) then
- return false, '"' .. d .. '" is not a valid direction'
- end
- if d == 'no' or d == 'north' then direction = 'north' end
- if d == 'so' or d == 'south' then direction = 'south' end
- if d == 'we' or d == 'west' then direction = 'west' end
- if d == 'ea' or d == 'east' then direction = 'east' end
- return true
- end
- function getDirection()
- return direction
- end
- function setPos(xpos, ypos, zpos)
- if xpos ~= nil then x = xpos end
- if ypos ~= nil then y = ypos end
- if zpos ~= nil then z = zpos end
- return true
- end
- function getPos()
- return {x=x, y=y, z=z}
- end
- function getx()
- return x
- end
- function setx(xpos)
- if tonumber(xpos) == nil then
- return false, 'Non-number passed to setx()'
- end
- return x
- end
- function gety()
- return y
- end
- function sety(ypos)
- if tonumber(ypos) == nil then
- return false, 'Non-number passed to sety()'
- end
- return y
- end
- function getz()
- return z
- end
- function setz(zpos)
- if tonumber(zpos) == nil then
- return false, 'Non-number passed to setz()'
- end
- return z
- end
- function discoverDirection()
- -- requires gps to figure out what direction they're facing
- success, errMsg = useGPS()
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end
- origx, origy, origz = gps.locate()
- if forward() == true then
- newx, newy, newz = gps.locate()
- if newx == origx + 1 then setDirection('east') end
- if newx == origx - 1 then setDirection('west') end
- if newz == origz + 1 then setDirection('south') end
- if newz == origz - 1 then setDirection('north') end
- back()
- useGPS()
- return true
- elseif back() == true then
- newx, newy, newz = gps.locate()
- if newx == origx + 1 then setDirection('west') end
- if newx == origx - 1 then setDirection('east') end
- if newz == origz + 1 then setDirection('north') end
- if newz == origz - 1 then setDirection('south') end
- forward()
- useGPS()
- return true
- else
- -- try turning to the left to see if you can move in that direction
- turnLeft()
- if forward() == true then
- newx, newy, newz = gps.locate()
- if newx == origx + 1 then setDirection('east') end
- if newx == origx - 1 then setDirection('west') end
- if newz == origz + 1 then setDirection('south') end
- if newz == origz - 1 then setDirection('north') end
- back()
- turnRight()
- useGPS()
- return true
- elseif back() == true then
- newx, newy, newz = gps.locate()
- if newx == origx + 1 then setDirection('west') end
- if newx == origx - 1 then setDirection('east') end
- if newz == origz + 1 then setDirection('north') end
- if newz == origz - 1 then setDirection('south') end
- forward()
- turnRight()
- useGPS()
- return true
- end
- turnRight()
- return false -- turtle is completely boxed in (or out of fuel) and can't determine compass direction from gps
- end
- end
- function useGPS()
- local gpsx, gpsy, gpsz = gps.locate()
- if gpsx == nil then
- return false, 'GPS not available'
- else
- x, y, z = gpsx, gpsy, gpsz
- return true, x, y, z
- end
- end
- function matchesGPS()
- local gpsx, gpsy, gpsz = gps.locate()
- if x == nil then
- return false, 'GPS not available'
- else
- if x == gpsx and y == gpsy and z == gpsz then
- return true
- else
- return false, 'Position does not match GPS'
- end
- end
- end
- function recordMove(move)
- if (recordedMoves[#recordedMoves] == move) then
- table.insert(recordedMoves, 2) -- adding a second move of the same type
- elseif (type(recordedMoves[#recordedMoves]) == 'number') and (recordedMoves[#recordedMoves - 1] == move) then
- prevCount = table.remove(recordedMoves, #recordedMoves)
- table.insert(recordedMoves, prevCount + 1) -- increment the existing count
- else
- table.insert(recordedMoves, move) -- this is a new, non-repeated move, so just append it
- end
- end
- function record()
- recordedMoves = {}
- recordingNow = true
- end
- function stopRecording()
- recordingNow = false
- return table.concat(recordedMoves, ' ')
- end
- function getRecording()
- return table.concat(recordedMoves, ' ')
- end
- function table.tostring(tab) -- TODO this doesn't seem to work very well. test with various data types passed for tab
- if type(tab) ~= 'table' then return tostring(tab) end
- result = '{'
- for k, v in pairs(tab) do
- result = result .. tostring(k) .. ': ' .. tostring(v) .. ', '
- end
- return result .. '}'
- end
- function nineSpaceToSixteenSpace(slot)
- if slot <= 3 then return slot end
- if slot <= 6 then return slot + 1 end
- if slot <= 9 then return slot + 2 end
- return false, 'Not a valid nine-space slot'
- end
- function sixteenSpaceToNineSpace(slot)
- if slot <= 3 then return slot end
- if slot >= 5 and slot <= 7 then return slot - 1 end
- if slot >= 9 and slot <= 11 then return slot - 2 end
- return false, 'Cannot convert to valid nine-space slot'
- end
- function manufacture(recipe, amount, sourceDirection, resultDirection, discardDirection)
- local success, errMsg
- if amount == nil then amount = MAX_STACK_SIZE end
- -- recipe is a 9-item array for a 3x3 recipe, it must be converted to a full 4x4 sized recipe
- fullSizeRecipe = {recipe[1], recipe[2], recipe[3], '', recipe[4], recipe[5], recipe[6], '', recipe[7], recipe[8], recipe[9], '', '', '', '', ''}
- -- call arrange to see if the turtle already carries parts for the recipe (discarding any non-recipe items)
- success, errMsg = arrange(fullSizeRecipe, discardDirection)
- if success == false then
- -- if the turtle can't craft the item, then pick out craft items from the source (discarding them if they are non-recipe items)
- for i=1,9 do
- -- (because we ran arrange(), we can assume that if a slot isn't blank then it has the correct recipe item)
- if turtle.getItemDetail(nineSpaceToSixteenSpace(i)) == nil then
- success, errMsg = pickOut(recipe[i], amount, sourceDirection, discardDirection, nineSpaceToSixteenSpace(i))
- if success == false then return false, errMsg end -- TODO test this
- end
- end
- end
- -- (if there isn't enough recipe items, then just return false)
- -- put the resulting crafted item in the result Direction
- end
- function testGoto()
- origx, origy, origz = gps.locate()
- if origx == nil then return false, 'Test requires gps' end
- for changex = -2,2 do
- for changey = -2,2 do
- for changez = -2,2 do
- if goto(origx+changex, origy+changey, origz+changez) == false then return false, 'Could not finish test (1)' end
- actx, acty, actz = gps.locate()
- if actx ~= origx+changex or acty ~= origy+changey or actz ~= origz+changez then
- print('out of sync for test ' .. changex .. ' ' .. changey .. ' ' .. changez)
- print('Expected: ' .. origx+changex .. ' ' .. origy+changey .. ' ' .. origz+changez)
- print('Actual: ' .. actx .. ' ' .. acty .. ' ' .. actz)
- end
- -- go back to original place
- if goto(origx, origy, origz) == false then return false, 'Could not finish test (2)' end
- actx, acty, actz = gps.locate()
- if actx ~= origx or acty ~= origy or actz ~= origz then return false, 'Could not go back to original spot' end
- end
- end
- end
- return true -- "true" here means that the test finished
- end
- -- startup code to run:
- discoverDirection()
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