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- Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
- Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset), D - Delta, S - Statistic
- S - Boot Config, 0x000002e1
- B - 201 - PBL, Start
- B - 2736 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
- B - 2883 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
- B - 2887 - elf_loader_entry, Start
- B - 11398 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
- B - 11642 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
- B - 251546 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
- B - 312228 - PBL, End
- B - 330132 - SBL1, Start
- B - 383019 - GCC [RstStat:0x10, RstDbg:0x600000] WDog Stat : 0x4
- B - 389637 - pm_device_init, Start
- B - 513528 - PM_SET_VAL:Skip
- D - 123403 - pm_device_init, Delta
- B - 515968 - pm_driver_init, Start
- D - 5368 - pm_driver_init, Delta
- B - 522312 - clock_init, Start
- D - 2135 - clock_init, Delta
- B - 526277 - boot_flash_init, Start
- D - 3934 - boot_flash_init, Delta
- B - 533933 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
- D - 1006 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (575 Bytes)
- B - 543754 - Boot Setting : 0x00000618
- B - 547597 - CDT version:2,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:8
- B - 554429 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
- B - 558241 - CPR configuration: 0x30c
- B - 561688 - cpr_init, Start
- B - 564555 - Rail:0 Mode: 5 Voltage: 800000
- B - 569679 - CL CPR settled at 752000mV
- B - 572515 - Rail:1 Mode: 5 Voltage: 880000
- B - 576785 - Rail:1 Mode: 7 Voltage: 896000
- D - 16439 - cpr_init, Delta
- B - 583556 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
- B - 587582 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, End
- B - 590968 - DDR Type : PCDDR4
- B - 597678 - do ddr sanity test, Start
- D - 1067 - do ddr sanity test, Delta
- B - 601521 - DDR: Start of HAL DDR Boot Training
- B - 606157 - DDR: End of HAL DDR Boot Training
- B - 611921 - DDR: Checksum to be stored on flash is -699341135
- B - 622230 - Image Load, Start
- D - 334280 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (1371968 Bytes)
- B - 956602 - Image Load, Start
- D - 61 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (0 Bytes)
- B - 964257 - Image Load, Start
- D - 9760 - DEVCFG Image Loaded, Delta - (26088 Bytes)
- B - 974109 - Image Load, Start
- D - 25955 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (86660 Bytes)
- B - 1000156 - Image Load, Start
- D - 133986 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (546630 Bytes)
- B - 1134264 - QSEE Execution, Start
- D - 61 - QSEE Execution, Delta
- B - 1140090 - USB D+ check, Start
- D - 0 - USB D+ check, Delta
- B - 1146464 - SBL1, End
- D - 818650 - SBL1, Delta
- S - Flash Throughput, 4425 KB/s (2032593 Bytes, 459292 us)
- S - DDR Frequency, 600 MHz
- S - Core 0 Frequency, 1651 MHz
- U-Boot 2016.01 (Mar 23 2021 - 11:02:46 +0800)
- DRAM: smem ram ptable found: ver: 1 len: 4
- 1 GiB
- NAND: Could not find nand_gpio in dts, using defaults
- ONFI device found
- ID = 1190aac2
- Vendor = c2
- Device = aa
- qpic_nand: changing oobsize to 80 from 128 bytes
- SF: Detected W25Q64DW with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 8 MiB
- ipq_spi: page_size: 0x100, sector_size: 0x1000, size: 0x800000
- 264 MiB
- MMC: sdhci: Node Not found, skipping initialization
- PCI1 is not defined in the device tree
- In: serial@78B3000
- Out: serial@78B3000
- Err: serial@78B3000
- machid: 8010008
- MMC Device 0 not found
- eth5 MAC Address from ART is not valid
- Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
- Net: MAC0 addr:f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f8
- PHY ID1: 0x4d
- PHY ID2: 0xd0b1
- EDMA ver 1 hw init
- Num rings - TxDesc:1 (0-0) TxCmpl:1 (7-7)
- RxDesc:1 (15-15) RxFill:1 (7-7)
- ipq807x_edma_alloc_rings: successfull
- ipq807x_edma_setup_ring_resources: successfull
- ipq807x_edma_configure_rings: successfull
- ipq807x_edma_hw_init: successfull
- eth0
- IPQ807x#
- IPQ807x# tftpboot OpenWrt.mtd19.bin
- ipq807x_eth_halt: done
- eth0 PHY0 Down Speed :10 Half duplex
- eth0 PHY1 up Speed :1000 Full duplex
- eth0 PHY2 Down Speed :10 Half duplex
- eth0 PHY3 Down Speed :10 Half duplex
- eth0 PHY4 up Speed :10 Full duplex
- eth0 PHY5 up Speed :10 Full duplex
- ipq807x_eth_init: done
- Using eth0 device
- TFTP from server; our IP address is
- Filename 'OpenWrt.mtd19.bin'.
- Load address: 0x44000000
- Loading: *
- Got TFTP_OACK: TFTP remote port: changes from 69 to 50402
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- ##########
- 4.6 MiB/s
- done
- Bytes transferred = 54525952 (3400000 hex)
- ipq807x_eth_halt: done
- IPQ807x# smeminfo
- flash_type: 0x6
- flash_index: 0x0
- flash_chip_select: 0x0
- flash_block_size: 0x10000
- flash_density: 0x1000000
- partition table offset 0x0
- No.: Name Attributes Start Size
- 0: 0:SBL1 0x0000ffff 0x0 0x50000
- 1: 0:MIBIB 0x001040ff 0x50000 0x10000
- 2: 0:BOOTCONFIG 0x001040ff 0x60000 0x20000
- 3: 0:BOOTCONFIG1 0x001040ff 0x80000 0x20000
- 4: 0:QSEE 0x0000ffff 0x220000 0x180000
- 5: 0:QSEE_1 0x0000ffff 0xa0000 0x180000
- 6: 0:DEVCFG 0x0000ffff 0x3b0000 0x10000
- 7: 0:DEVCFG_1 0x0000ffff 0x3a0000 0x10000
- 8: 0:APDP 0x0000ffff 0x3c0000 0x10000
- 9: 0:APDP_1 0x0000ffff 0x3d0000 0x10000
- 10: 0:RPM 0x0000ffff 0x420000 0x40000
- 11: 0:RPM_1 0x0000ffff 0x3e0000 0x40000
- 12: 0:CDT 0x0000ffff 0x470000 0x10000
- 13: 0:CDT_1 0x0000ffff 0x460000 0x10000
- 14: 0:APPSBLENV 0x0000ffff 0x480000 0x10000
- 15: 0:APPSBL 0x0000ffff 0x530000 0xa0000
- 16: 0:APPSBL_1 0x0000ffff 0x490000 0xa0000
- 17: 0:ART 0x0000ffff 0x5d0000 0x40000
- 18: 0:ETHPHYFW 0x0000ffff 0x610000 0x80000
- 19: rootfs 0x0100ffff 0x0 0x3400000
- 20: 0:WIFIFW 0x0100ffff 0x3400000 0x800000
- 21: rootfs_1 0x0100ffff 0x3c00000 0x3400000
- 22: 0:WIFIFW_1 0x0100ffff 0x7000000 0x800000
- IPQ807x# nand erase 0x0 0x3400000
- NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x3400000
- Erasing at 0x33e0000 -- 100% complete.
- OK
- IPQ807x# nand write 0x44000000 0x0 0x3400000
- NAND write: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x3400000
- 54525952 bytes written: OK
- IPQ807x# reset
- resetting ...
- Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
- Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset), D - Delta, S - Statistic
- S - Boot Config, 0x000002e1
- B - 201 - PBL, Start
- B - 2734 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
- B - 2880 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
- B - 2884 - elf_loader_entry, Start
- B - 11373 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
- B - 11615 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
- B - 250713 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
- B - 311398 - PBL, End
- B - 495930 - SBL1, Start
- B - 575474 - GCC [RstStat:0x10, RstDbg:0x600000] WDog Stat : 0x4
- B - 585417 - pm_device_init, Start
- B - 768325 - PM_SET_VAL:Skip
- D - 180956 - pm_device_init, Delta
- B - 770735 - pm_driver_init, Start
- D - 5337 - pm_driver_init, Delta
- B - 777048 - clock_init, Start
- D - 2135 - clock_init, Delta
- B - 781074 - boot_flash_init, Start
- D - 3904 - boot_flash_init, Delta
- B - 788760 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
- D - 1006 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (575 Bytes)
- B - 798581 - Boot Setting : 0x00000618
- B - 802424 - CDT version:2,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:8
- B - 809226 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
- B - 813038 - CPR configuration: 0x30c
- B - 816515 - cpr_init, Start
- B - 819291 - Rail:0 Mode: 5 Voltage: 800000
- B - 824506 - CL CPR settled at 752000mV
- B - 827312 - Rail:1 Mode: 5 Voltage: 880000
- B - 831491 - Rail:1 Mode: 7 Voltage: 896000
- D - 16500 - cpr_init, Delta
- B - 838384 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
- B - 842410 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, End
- B - 845795 - DDR Type : PCDDR4
- B - 852505 - do ddr sanity test, Start
- D - 1067 - do ddr sanity test, Delta
- B - 856226 - DDR: Start of HAL DDR Boot Training
- B - 860954 - DDR: End of HAL DDR Boot Training
- B - 866657 - DDR: Checksum to be stored on flash is -699341135
- B - 877058 - Image Load, Start
- D - 334280 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (1371968 Bytes)
- B - 1211429 - Image Load, Start
- D - 61 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (0 Bytes)
- B - 1219115 - Image Load, Start
- D - 9730 - DEVCFG Image Loaded, Delta - (26088 Bytes)
- B - 1228936 - Image Load, Start
- D - 25986 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (86660 Bytes)
- B - 1255014 - Image Load, Start
- D - 133986 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (546630 Bytes)
- B - 1389122 - QSEE Execution, Start
- D - 61 - QSEE Execution, Delta
- B - 1394917 - USB D+ check, Start
- D - 30 - USB D+ check, Delta
- B - 1401322 - SBL1, End
- D - 907680 - SBL1, Delta
- S - Flash Throughput, 4426 KB/s (2032593 Bytes, 459141 us)
- S - DDR Frequency, 600 MHz
- S - Core 0 Frequency, 1651 MHz
- U-Boot 2016.01 (Mar 23 2021 - 11:02:46 +0800)
- DRAM: smem ram ptable found: ver: 1 len: 4
- 1 GiB
- NAND: Could not find nand_gpio in dts, using defaults
- ONFI device found
- ID = 1190aac2
- Vendor = c2
- Device = aa
- qpic_nand: changing oobsize to 80 from 128 bytes
- SF: Detected W25Q64DW with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 8 MiB
- ipq_spi: page_size: 0x100, sector_size: 0x1000, size: 0x800000
- 264 MiB
- MMC: sdhci: Node Not found, skipping initialization
- PCI1 is not defined in the device tree
- In: serial@78B3000
- Out: serial@78B3000
- Err: serial@78B3000
- machid: 8010008
- MMC Device 0 not found
- eth5 MAC Address from ART is not valid
- Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
- ubi0: attaching mtd2
- ubi0: scanning is finished
- ubi0: attached mtd2 (name "mtd=0", size 52 MiB)
- ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
- ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
- ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
- ubi0: good PEBs: 416, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
- ubi0: user volume: 3, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
- ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 64/25, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 2104314338
- ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 416, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 40
- Read 0 bytes from volume kernel to 44000000
- No size specified -> Using max size (5967872)
- ## Loading kernel from FIT Image at 44000000 ...
- Using 'config@hk09' configuration
- Trying 'kernel@1' kernel subimage
- Description: ARM64 OpenWrt Linux-4.4.60
- Type: Kernel Image
- Compression: gzip compressed
- Data Start: 0x440000e8
- Data Size: 3876619 Bytes = 3.7 MiB
- Architecture: AArch64
- OS: Linux
- Load Address: 0x41080000
- Entry Point: 0x41080000
- Hash algo: crc32
- Hash value: 2f33412b
- Hash algo: sha1
- Hash value: 751efebf8e7bed71fb211837d010a20758fef5ad
- Verifying Hash Integrity ... crc32+ sha1+ OK
- ## Loading fdt from FIT Image at 44000000 ...
- Using 'config@hk09' configuration
- Trying 'fdt@hk09' fdt subimage
- Description: ARM64 OpenWrt qcom-ipq807x-hkxx device tree blob
- Type: Flat Device Tree
- Compression: uncompressed
- Data Start: 0x44443230
- Data Size: 81376 Bytes = 79.5 KiB
- Architecture: AArch64
- Hash algo: crc32
- Hash value: 92f092f3
- Hash algo: sha1
- Hash value: 34f886abbe0c414dbb2e51e5ca688435932275f7
- Verifying Hash Integrity ... crc32+ sha1+ OK
- Booting using the fdt blob at 0x44443230
- Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
- Loading Device Tree to 4a3e9000, end 4a3ffddf ... OK
- Could not find PCI in device tree
- Using machid 0x8010008 from environment
- Starting kernel ...
- Jumping to AARCH64 kernel via monitor
- [ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
- [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.4.60 (compile@ubuntu) (gcc version 5.2.0 (OpenWrt GCC 5.2.0 unknown) ) #179 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 7 18:08:19 CST 2023
- [ 0.000000] Boot CPU: AArch64 Processor [410fd034]
- [ 0.000000] Ignoring memory range 0x40000000 - 0x41000000
- [ 0.000000] Machine: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09
- [ 0.000000] efi: Getting EFI parameters from FDT:
- [ 0.000000] efi: UEFI not found.
- [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: OVERLAP DETECTED!
- [ 0.000000] wifi_dump@51100000 (0x0000000051100000--0x0000000051700000) overlaps with wigig_dump@51300000 (0x0000000051300000--0x0000000051700000)
- [ 0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT.
- [ 0.000000] psci: PSCIv1.0 detected in firmware.
- [ 0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs
- [ 0.000000] psci: MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE not supported.
- [ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 15 pages/cpu @ffffffc03ef4f000 s20736 r8192 d32512 u61440
- [ 0.000000] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU0
- [ 0.000000] CPU features: enabling workaround for ARM erratum 845719
- [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 225036
- [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 ubi.mtd=rootfs root=mtd:ubi_rootfs rootfstype=squashfs rootwait swiotlb=1 coherent_pool=2M
- [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
- [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
- [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
- [ 0.000000] software IO TLB [mem 0x7fe07000-0x7fe47000] (0MB) mapped at [ffffffc03ee07000-ffffffc03ee46fff]
- [ 0.000000] Memory: 886408K/914432K available (5296K kernel code, 606K rwdata, 2300K rodata, 224K init, 461K bss, 28024K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
- [ 0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
- [ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdbfff0000 ( 246 GB)
- [ 0.000000] vmemmap : 0xffffffbdc0000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000 ( 8 GB maximum)
- [ 0.000000] 0xffffffbdc0040000 - 0xffffffbdc1000000 ( 15 MB actual)
- [ 0.000000] fixed : 0xffffffbffa7fd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000 ( 4108 KB)
- [ 0.000000] PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000 ( 16 MB)
- [ 0.000000] modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000 ( 64 MB)
- [ 0.000000] memory : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc03f000000 ( 1008 MB)
- [ 0.000000] .init : 0xffffffc0007ed000 - 0xffffffc000825000 ( 224 KB)
- [ 0.000000] .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc0007ed000 ( 7604 KB)
- [ 0.000000] .data : 0xffffffc000834000 - 0xffffffc0008cb800 ( 606 KB)
- [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
- [ 0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
- [ 0.000000] Build-time adjustment of leaf fanout to 64.
- [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:64 nr_irqs:64 0
- [ 0.000000] Architected cp15 timer(s) running at 19.20MHz (virt).
- [ 0.000000] clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x46d987e47, max_idle_ns: 440795202767 ns
- [ 0.000005] sched_clock: 56 bits at 19MHz, resolution 52ns, wraps every 4398046511078ns
- [ 0.000430] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 38.40 BogoMIPS (lpj=192000)
- [ 0.000441] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
- [ 0.000529] Mount-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
- [ 0.000538] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
- [ 0.001216] EFI services will not be available.
- [ 0.001242] ASID allocator initialised with 65536 entries
- [ 0.051989] MSM Memory Dump base table set up
- [ 0.052010] MSM Memory Dump apps data table set up
- [ 0.090081] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
- [ 0.090127] CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
- [ 0.120070] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
- [ 0.120098] CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
- [ 0.150097] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
- [ 0.150124] CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
- [ 0.150175] Brought up 4 CPUs
- [ 0.150200] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated.
- [ 0.150209] CPU: All CPU(s) started at EL1
- [ 0.150233] alternatives: patching kernel code
- [ 0.167011] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns
- [ 0.167041] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
- [ 0.167352] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
- [ 0.168267] NET: Registered protocol family 16
- [ 0.190025] cpuidle: using governor ladder
- [ 0.220042] cpuidle: using governor menu
- [ 0.220242] NET: Registered protocol family 42
- [ 0.220347] vdso: 2 pages (1 code @ ffffffc000839000, 1 data @ ffffffc000838000)
- [ 0.220379] hw-breakpoint: found 6 breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
- [ 0.221152] DMA: preallocated 2048 KiB pool for atomic allocations
- [ 0.221281] CPU: IPQ8072A, SoC Version: 2.0
- [ 0.221701] IPC logging disabled
- [ 0.221707] IPC logging disabled
- [ 0.221711] IPC logging disabled
- [ 0.221716] IPC logging disabled
- [ 0.221720] IPC logging disabled
- [ 0.224340] Soc version is not 1, changing clock offsets
- [ 0.233101] irq: no irq domain found for /soc/smp2p-wcss/slave-kernel !
- [ 0.235434] irq: no irq domain found for /soc/smp2p-wcss/slave-kernel !
- [ 0.238670] sps:sps is ready.
- [ 0.244434] spmi spmi-0: PMIC Arb Version-2 (0x20010000)
- [ 0.250860] qcom,cpr4-apss-regulator b018000.cpr4-ctrl: CPR valid fuse count: 4
- [ 0.251158] qcom,cpr3-npu-regulator a4000.npu-cpr: NPU CPR valid fuse count: 2
- [ 0.282011] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
- [ 0.282018] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <[email protected]>
- [ 0.282044] PTP clock support registered
- [ 0.283420] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
- [ 0.284068] clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
- [ 0.287199] NET: Registered protocol family 2
- [ 0.287807] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
- [ 0.287916] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
- [ 0.288101] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
- [ 0.288161] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
- [ 0.288198] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
- [ 0.288365] NET: Registered protocol family 1
- [ 0.288813] hw perfevents: enabled with armv8_cortex_a53 PMU driver, 7 counters available
- [ 0.296289] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
- [ 0.296306] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
- [ 0.299722] Key type asymmetric registered
- [ 0.299739] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered
- [ 0.299771] io scheduler noop registered
- [ 0.299785] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
- [ 0.301947] 20000000.pci supply vdda not found, using dummy regulator
- [ 0.301992] 20000000.pci supply vdda_phy not found, using dummy regulator
- [ 0.302026] 20000000.pci supply vdda_refclk not found, using dummy regulator
- [ 0.302643] PCI host bridge /soc/pci@20000000 ranges:
- [ 0.302669] IO 0x20200000..0x2020ffff -> 0x20200000
- [ 0.302684] MEM 0x20220000..0x2fffffff -> 0x20220000
- [ 1.455724] qcom-pcie 20000000.pci: phy link never came up
- [ 1.457281] qcom-pcie 20000000.pci: hostinit failed
- [ 1.457291] qcom-pcie 20000000.pci: cannot initialize host
- [ 1.457435] qcom-pcie: probe of 20000000.pci failed with error -110
- [ 1.461668] msm_rpm_log_probe: OK
- [ 1.461983] msm-dcc b3000.dcc: DCC XPU is not specified
- [ 1.462226] msm-dcc b3000.dcc: jiffies_64: 0xffff8b61, cntvct_64: 0x81fcc8d
- [ 1.462238] msm-dcc b3000.dcc: gcnt_hi: 0x00000000(0xffffff8000586004)
- [ 1.462249] msm-dcc b3000.dcc: gcnt_lo: 0x081fce5d(0xffffff8000586000)
- [ 1.462800] TZ SMMU State: SMMU Stage2 Enabled
- [ 1.462853] TZ Log : Will warn on Access Violation, as paniconaccessviolation is not set
- [ 1.464494] msm_serial 78b3000.serial: msm_serial: detected port #0
- [ 1.464534] msm_serial 78b3000.serial: uartclk = 3686400
- [ 1.464570] 78b3000.serial: ttyMSM0 at MMIO 0x78b3000 (irq = 78, base_baud = 230400) is a MSM
- [ 1.464591] msm_serial: console setup on port #0
- [ 2.190533] console [ttyMSM0] enabled
- [ 2.195540] msm_serial: driver initialized
- [ 2.199042] msm_serial_hsl_init: driver initialized
- [ 2.210913] brd: module loaded
- [ 2.211520] spi_qup 78b5000.spi: IN:block:16, fifo:64, OUT:block:16, fifo:64
- [ 2.214339] m25p80 spi32766.0: found w25q64dw, expected n25q128a11
- [ 2.220068] m25p80 spi32766.0: w25q64dw (8192 Kbytes)
- [ 2.226157] 19 ofpart partitions found on MTD device spi32766.0
- [ 2.231173] Creating 19 MTD partitions on "spi32766.0":
- [ 2.236946] 0x000000000000-0x000000050000 : "0:SBL1"
- [ 2.242741] 0x000000050000-0x000000060000 : "0:MIBIB"
- [ 2.247927] 0x000000060000-0x000000080000 : "0:BOOTCONFIG"
- [ 2.252850] 0x000000080000-0x0000000a0000 : "0:BOOTCONFIG1"
- [ 2.258242] 0x0000000a0000-0x000000220000 : "0:QSEE_1"
- [ 2.263739] 0x000000220000-0x0000003a0000 : "0:QSEE"
- [ 2.268936] 0x0000003a0000-0x0000003b0000 : "0:DEVCFG_1"
- [ 2.274036] 0x0000003b0000-0x0000003c0000 : "0:DEVCFG"
- [ 2.279331] 0x0000003c0000-0x0000003d0000 : "0:APDP"
- [ 2.284275] 0x0000003d0000-0x0000003e0000 : "0:APDP_1"
- [ 2.289387] 0x0000003e0000-0x000000420000 : "0:RPM_1"
- [ 2.294364] 0x000000420000-0x000000460000 : "0:RPM"
- [ 2.299466] 0x000000460000-0x000000470000 : "0:CDT_1"
- [ 2.304171] 0x000000470000-0x000000480000 : "0:CDT"
- [ 2.309358] 0x000000480000-0x000000490000 : "0:APPSBLENV"
- [ 2.314088] 0x000000490000-0x000000530000 : "0:APPSBL_1"
- [ 2.319605] 0x000000530000-0x0000005d0000 : "0:APPSBL"
- [ 2.324990] 0x0000005d0000-0x000000610000 : "0:ART"
- [ 2.329934] 0x000000610000-0x000000690000 : "0:ETHPHYFW"
- [ 2.335641] QPIC controller hw version Major:1, Minor:5
- [ 2.339994] nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0xc2, Chip ID: 0xaa
- [ 2.344646] nand: ONFI 10-Compliant Macronix MX30UF2G28AD
- [ 2.351226] nand: 256 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 128
- [ 2.356568] 4 ofpart partitions found on MTD device qcom_nand.0
- [ 2.363986] Creating 4 MTD partitions on "qcom_nand.0":
- [ 2.369901] 0x000000000000-0x000003400000 : "rootfs"
- [ 2.415346] mtd: device 19 (rootfs) set to be root filesystem
- [ 2.415607] mtdsplit: no squashfs found in "rootfs"
- [ 2.420067] 0x000003400000-0x000003c00000 : "0:WIFIFW"
- [ 2.431289] 0x000003c00000-0x000007000000 : "rootfs_1"
- [ 2.471425] 0x000007000000-0x000007800000 : "0:WIFIFW_1"
- [ 2.478902] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
- [ 2.699594] qca-mdio 90000.mdio: Could not find phy-reset-gpio
- [ 2.699716] libphy: qca_mdio: probed
- [ 2.705491] qca-mdio 90000.mdio: qca-mdio driver was registered
- [ 2.708240] Unable to create IPC log context!
- [ 2.713930] Skip QCA8074V1 in V2 platform
- [ 2.718473] cnss[2]: INFO: Platform driver probed successfully. plat ffffffc03cd60018 tgt 0xfffe
- [ 2.722413] i2c /dev entries driver
- [ 2.739335] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
- [ 2.739362] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
- [ 2.744447] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
- [ 2.749742]
- [ 2.749742] Version Rollback Feature Disabled
- [ 2.755099] sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 0 for bam 0x0000000008b04000
- [ 2.760209] sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 1 for bam 0x0000000008b04000sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 2 for bam 0x0000000008b04000
- [ 2.777490] sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 3 for bam 0x0000000008b04000sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 4 for bam 0x0000000008b04000
- [ 2.793365] sps:BAM 0x0000000008b04000 is registered.[ 2.803172] remoteproc remoteproc0: releasing cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 2.806623] SPMI VADC - Min ch: 0 Max ch: 15
- [ 2.813788] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/csr@6001000
- [ 2.816404] coresight-csr 6001000.csr: CSR initialized
- [ 2.823798] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6010000
- [ 2.828802] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6011000
- [ 2.836340] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6012000
- [ 2.843678] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6013000
- [ 2.851073] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6014000
- [ 2.858451] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6015000
- [ 2.865833] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6016000
- [ 2.873201] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6017000
- [ 2.880587] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6018000
- [ 2.887967] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6019000
- [ 2.895348] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@601a000
- [ 2.902707] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@601b000
- [ 2.910106] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@601c000
- [ 2.917477] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@601d000
- [ 2.924861] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@601e000
- [ 2.932233] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@601f000
- [ 2.939618] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6198000
- [ 2.947008] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@6199000
- [ 2.954378] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@619a000
- [ 2.961755] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@619b000
- [ 2.969151] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/cti@610c000
- [ 2.976679] sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 0 for bam 0x0000000006044000
- [ 2.983733] sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 1 for bam 0x0000000006044000sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 2 for bam 0x0000000006044000
- [ 3.000842] sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 3 for bam 0x0000000006044000sps_register_bam_device : unable to create IPC Logging 4 for bam 0x0000000006044000
- [ 3.016723] sps:BAM 0x0000000006044000 is registered.[ 3.024491] coresight-tmc 6028000.tmc: TMC initialized
- [ 3.029171] coresight-tmc 6027000.tmc: TMC initialized
- [ 3.034314] coresight-funnel 6021000.funnel: FUNNEL initialized
- [ 3.039332] coresight-funnel 6100000.funnel: FUNNEL initialized
- [ 3.045185] coresight-funnel 6120000.funnel: FUNNEL initialized
- [ 3.051047] coresight-funnel 6130000.funnel: FUNNEL initialized
- [ 3.056988] coresight-funnel 61a1000.funnel: FUNNEL initialized
- [ 3.063336] coresight-etm4x 619c000.etm: ETM 4.0 initialized
- [ 3.069012] coresight-etm4x 619d000.etm: ETM 4.0 initialized
- [ 3.074921] coresight-etm4x 619e000.etm: ETM 4.0 initialized
- [ 3.080565] coresight-etm4x 619f000.etm: ETM 4.0 initialized
- [ 3.085993] coresight-replicator-qcom 6026000.replicator: REPLICATOR 1.0 initialized
- [ 3.091720] coresight-stm 6002000.stm: STM initialized
- [ 3.100281] of_graph_get_next_endpoint(): no port node found in /soc/hwevent@6101000
- [ 3.104156] coresight-hwevent 6101000.hwevent: Hardware Event driver initialized
- [ 3.115122] NET: Registered protocol family 10
- [ 3.120013] NET: Registered protocol family 17
- [ 3.123607] bridge: automatic filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables has been deprecated. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this.
- [ 3.128061] Bridge firewalling registered
- [ 3.140771] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
- [ 3.146009] qcom,cpr4-apss-regulator b018000.cpr4-ctrl: CPR valid fuse count: 4
- [ 3.148846] pmd9655_s3: supplied by e-smps1-reg
- [ 3.156172] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_read_fuse_data: apc_corner: speed bin = 0
- [ 3.160463] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_read_fuse_data: apc_corner: CPR fusing revision = 1
- [ 3.167095] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_read_fuse_data: apc_corner: CPR misc fuse value = 0
- [ 3.174752] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_read_fuse_data: apc_corner: Voltage boost fuse config = 0 boost = disable
- [ 3.182237] cpr3_mem_acc_init: apc: not using memory accelerator regulator
- [ 3.191381] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_open_loop_voltages: apc_corner: fused SVS: open-loop= 704000 uV
- [ 3.198329] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_open_loop_voltages: apc_corner: fused NOM: open-loop= 816000 uV
- [ 3.208311] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_open_loop_voltages: apc_corner: fused TURBO: open-loop= 872000 uV
- [ 3.218118] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_open_loop_voltages: apc_corner: fused STURBO: open-loop= 968000 uV
- [ 3.227985] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_target_quotients: apc_corner: fused SVS: quot[ 7]= 744, quot_offset[ 7]= 0
- [ 3.237741] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_target_quotients: apc_corner: fused NOM: quot[ 7]= 960, quot_offset[ 7]= 215
- [ 3.248591] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_target_quotients: apc_corner: fused TURBO: quot[ 7]=1056, quot_offset[ 7]= 95
- [ 3.259529] cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_target_quotients: apc_corner: fused STURBO: quot[ 7]=1230, quot_offset[ 7]= 170
- [ 3.270591] cpr3_regulator_init_ctrl: apc: Default CPR mode = closed-loop
- [ 3.281903] qcom,cpr3-npu-regulator a4000.npu-cpr: NPU CPR valid fuse count: 2
- [ 3.288256] pmd9655_s4: supplied by e-smps1-reg
- [ 3.295404] cpr3_mem_acc_init: npu: not using memory accelerator regulator
- [ 3.299701] npu_corner: fused NOM: open-loop= 784000 uV
- [ 3.306654] npu_corner: fused TURBO: open-loop= 840000 uV
- [ 3.312496] npu_corner: fused NOM: open-loop= 784000 uV
- [ 3.318111] npu_corner: fused TURBO: open-loop= 840000 uV
- [ 3.323764] npu_corner: Normal and Cold condition init done. Default to normal.
- [ 3.330331] cpufreq: cpufreq_online: CPU0: Running at unlisted freq: 800000 KHz
- [ 3.336596] cpufreq: cpufreq_online: CPU0: Unlisted initial frequency changed to: 1017600 KHz
- [ 3.345226] qcom-q6v5-wcss-pil cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss: ssr registeration success qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 3.352427] remoteproc remoteproc0: cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss is available
- [ 3.361130] ubi0: attaching mtd19
- [ 3.563119] ubi0: scanning is finished
- [ 3.568031] ubi0: attached mtd19 (name "rootfs", size 52 MiB)
- [ 3.568049] ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
- [ 3.572744] ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
- [ 3.579521] ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
- [ 3.586377] ubi0: good PEBs: 416, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
- [ 3.593142] ubi0: user volume: 3, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
- [ 3.599397] ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 64/25, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 2104314338
- [ 3.606433] ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 416, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 40
- [ 3.615727] ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 118
- [ 3.625731] hctosys: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
- [ 3.636089] pmd9655_ldo11: disabling
- [ 3.636564] ALSA device list:
- [ 3.639663] No soundcards found.
- [ 3.644730] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:24.
- [ 3.645943] Freeing unused kernel memory: 224K (ffffffc0007ed000 - ffffffc000825000)
- [ 3.653054] Freeing alternatives memory: 40K (ffffffc000825000 - ffffffc00082f000)
- [ 3.785173] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
- [ 3.895574] init: Console is alive
- [ 3.895670] init: - watchdog -
- [ 4.776078] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
- [ 4.776120] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
- [ 4.780511] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
- [ 4.786871] Button Hotplug driver version 0.4.1
- [ 4.793267] SCSI subsystem initialized
- [ 4.799569] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
- [ 4.799844] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver
- [ 4.811513] msm-usb-ssphy-qmp 78000.ssphy: Initializing QMP phy
- [ 4.818179] msm-usb-ssphy-qmp 78000.ssphy: QMP PHY initialization timeout
- [ 4.818200] msm-usb-ssphy-qmp 78000.ssphy: USB3_PHY_PCS_STATUS:68686868
- [ 5.025023] msm-usb-ssphy-qmp 58000.ssphy: Initializing QMP phy
- [ 5.032373] msm-usb-ssphy-qmp 58000.ssphy: QMP PHY initialization timeout
- [ 5.032394] msm-usb-ssphy-qmp 58000.ssphy: USB3_PHY_PCS_STATUS:68686868
- [ 5.240461] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller
- [ 5.240496] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
- [ 5.245016] xhci-hcd hcc params 0x0220fe65 hci version 0x110 quirks 0x00010010
- [ 5.252416] xhci-hcd irq 191, io mem 0x08a00000
- [ 5.261359] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
- [ 5.267331] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
- [ 5.271003] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller
- [ 5.274977] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
- [ 5.280278] usb usb2: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM.
- [ 5.288005] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
- [ 5.296143] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected
- [ 5.299826] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller
- [ 5.303776] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
- [ 5.309194] xhci-hcd hcc params 0x0220fe65 hci version 0x110 quirks 0x00010010
- [ 5.316649] xhci-hcd irq 192, io mem 0x08c00000
- [ 5.325501] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
- [ 5.331553] hub 3-0:1.0: 1 port detected
- [ 5.335214] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller
- [ 5.339189] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4
- [ 5.344514] usb usb4: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM.
- [ 5.352225] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
- [ 5.360378] hub 4-0:1.0: 1 port detected
- [ 5.366668] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
- [ 5.368463] usbcore: registered new interface driver uas
- [ 5.898287] init: - preinit -
- Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode
- Press the [1], [2], [3] or [4] key and hit [enter] to select the debug level
- Before mount_root
- [ 8.048984] mount_root: loading kmods from internal overlay
- [ 8.459596] UBIFS (ubi0:2): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_2" started, PID 157
- [ 8.484528] UBIFS (ubi0:2): recovery needed
- [ 8.571743] UBIFS (ubi0:2): recovery completed
- [ 8.571799] UBIFS (ubi0:2): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 2, name "rootfs_data"
- [ 8.575088] UBIFS (ubi0:2): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
- [ 8.582981] UBIFS (ubi0:2): FS size: 20062208 bytes (19 MiB, 158 LEBs), journal size 1015809 bytes (0 MiB, 8 LEBs)
- [ 8.592882] UBIFS (ubi0:2): reserved for root: 947587 bytes (925 KiB)
- [ 8.603113] UBIFS (ubi0:2): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID DF46C6B4-0D11-45CD-B332-F0B4053252FC, small LPT model
- [ 8.610467] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:26816, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.621319] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:26816, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.632947] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:26816, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.644754] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:26816, read 160 bytes
- [ 8.656162] CPU: 0 PID: 156 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 8.666907] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 8.672638] Call trace:
- [ 8.679583] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 8.682012] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 8.687569] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 8.692603] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 8.697637] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 8.703021] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 8.708664] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 8.714043] [<ffffffc0001fb7c4>] ubifs_read_node+0x17c/0x300
- [ 8.719338] [<ffffffc0001fbad4>] ubifs_read_node_wbuf+0x18c/0x328
- [ 8.725070] [<ffffffc0002177d8>] ubifs_tnc_read_node+0x60/0x1e4
- [ 8.731057] [<ffffffc0001fede4>] ubifs_tnc_locate+0x124/0x1d8
- [ 8.736786] [<ffffffc0001f6a4c>] ubifs_iget+0xc4/0x574
- [ 8.742689] [<ffffffc0001f86d4>] ubifs_mount+0x17d8/0x1864
- [ 8.747724] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 8.753192] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 8.757966] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 8.763522] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 8.768643] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 8.773794] block: attempting to load /tmp/ubifs_cfg/upper/etc/config/fstab
- [ 8.779812] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:61440, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.786080] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:61440, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.797883] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:61440, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.809692] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:61440, read 160 bytes
- [ 8.821090] CPU: 0 PID: 156 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 8.831838] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 8.837569] Call trace:
- [ 8.844506] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 8.846943] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 8.852497] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 8.857532] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 8.862566] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 8.867950] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 8.873592] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 8.878974] [<ffffffc0001fb7c4>] ubifs_read_node+0x17c/0x300
- [ 8.884268] [<ffffffc0001fbad4>] ubifs_read_node_wbuf+0x18c/0x328
- [ 8.889999] [<ffffffc0002177d8>] ubifs_tnc_read_node+0x60/0x1e4
- [ 8.895987] [<ffffffc0001fede4>] ubifs_tnc_locate+0x124/0x1d8
- [ 8.901717] [<ffffffc0001f6a4c>] ubifs_iget+0xc4/0x574
- [ 8.907618] [<ffffffc0001f34f4>] ubifs_lookup+0x180/0x234
- [ 8.912655] [<ffffffc0001460e4>] lookup_real+0x34/0x54
- [ 8.918122] [<ffffffc0001488b0>] __lookup_hash+0x34/0x40
- [ 8.923157] [<ffffffc00014899c>] walk_component+0xe0/0x284
- [ 8.928626] [<ffffffc000148bbc>] link_path_walk+0x7c/0x450
- [ 8.933921] [<ffffffc000149290>] path_lookupat+0x30/0x108
- [ 8.939390] [<ffffffc00014a7ac>] filename_lookup+0x5c/0xb8
- [ 8.944859] [<ffffffc00014a8cc>] user_path_at_empty+0x44/0x54
- [ 8.950240] [<ffffffc000142134>] vfs_fstatat+0x64/0xb0
- [ 8.956056] [<ffffffc0001424e4>] SyS_newfstatat+0x18/0x38
- [ 8.961091] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 8.967408] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:43240, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.972379] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:43240, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.983927] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:43240, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 8.995732] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:43240, read 160 bytes
- [ 9.007117] CPU: 0 PID: 156 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 9.017861] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 9.023592] Call trace:
- [ 9.030529] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 9.032967] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 9.038521] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 9.043555] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 9.048591] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 9.053974] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 9.059616] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 9.064997] [<ffffffc0001fb7c4>] ubifs_read_node+0x17c/0x300
- [ 9.070294] [<ffffffc0001fbad4>] ubifs_read_node_wbuf+0x18c/0x328
- [ 9.076023] [<ffffffc0002177d8>] ubifs_tnc_read_node+0x60/0x1e4
- [ 9.082012] [<ffffffc0001fede4>] ubifs_tnc_locate+0x124/0x1d8
- [ 9.087741] [<ffffffc0001f6a4c>] ubifs_iget+0xc4/0x574
- [ 9.093644] [<ffffffc0001f34f4>] ubifs_lookup+0x180/0x234
- [ 9.098679] [<ffffffc0001460e4>] lookup_real+0x34/0x54
- [ 9.104145] [<ffffffc0001488b0>] __lookup_hash+0x34/0x40
- [ 9.109181] [<ffffffc00014899c>] walk_component+0xe0/0x284
- [ 9.114650] [<ffffffc000148bbc>] link_path_walk+0x7c/0x450
- [ 9.119945] [<ffffffc000149290>] path_lookupat+0x30/0x108
- [ 9.125413] [<ffffffc00014a7ac>] filename_lookup+0x5c/0xb8
- [ 9.130883] [<ffffffc00014a8cc>] user_path_at_empty+0x44/0x54
- [ 9.136265] [<ffffffc000142134>] vfs_fstatat+0x64/0xb0
- [ 9.142080] [<ffffffc0001424e4>] SyS_newfstatat+0x18/0x38
- [ 9.147115] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 9.153633] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:33072, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 9.158407] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:33072, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 9.169952] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:33072, read only 160 bytes, retry
- [ 9.181757] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 160 bytes from PEB 242:33072, read 160 bytes
- [ 9.193137] CPU: 0 PID: 156 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 9.203886] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 9.209617] Call trace:
- [ 9.216554] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 9.218991] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 9.224545] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 9.229580] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 9.234615] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 9.239998] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 9.245639] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 9.251022] [<ffffffc0001fb7c4>] ubifs_read_node+0x17c/0x300
- [ 9.256318] [<ffffffc0001fbad4>] ubifs_read_node_wbuf+0x18c/0x328
- [ 9.262048] [<ffffffc0002177d8>] ubifs_tnc_read_node+0x60/0x1e4
- [ 9.268036] [<ffffffc0001fede4>] ubifs_tnc_locate+0x124/0x1d8
- [ 9.273766] [<ffffffc0001f6a4c>] ubifs_iget+0xc4/0x574
- [ 9.279667] [<ffffffc0001f34f4>] ubifs_lookup+0x180/0x234
- [ 9.284703] [<ffffffc0001460e4>] lookup_real+0x34/0x54
- [ 9.290171] [<ffffffc0001488b0>] __lookup_hash+0x34/0x40
- [ 9.295206] [<ffffffc00014899c>] walk_component+0xe0/0x284
- [ 9.300675] [<ffffffc000148bbc>] link_path_walk+0x7c/0x450
- [ 9.305969] [<ffffffc000149290>] path_lookupat+0x30/0x108
- [ 9.311438] [<ffffffc00014a7ac>] filename_lookup+0x5c/0xb8
- [ 9.316906] [<ffffffc00014a8cc>] user_path_at_empty+0x44/0x54
- [ 9.322290] [<ffffffc000142134>] vfs_fstatat+0x64/0xb0
- [ 9.328103] [<ffffffc0001424e4>] SyS_newfstatat+0x18/0x38
- [ 9.333140] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 9.340102] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 199 bytes from PEB 250:76208, read only 199 bytes, retry
- [ 9.344427] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 199 bytes from PEB 250:76208, read only 199 bytes, retry
- [ 9.355978] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 199 bytes from PEB 250:76208, read only 199 bytes, retry
- [ 9.367785] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 199 bytes from PEB 250:76208, read 199 bytes
- [ 9.379162] CPU: 0 PID: 156 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 9.389910] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 9.395640] Call trace:
- [ 9.402578] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 9.405014] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 9.410569] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 9.415603] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 9.420639] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 9.426022] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 9.431663] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 9.437046] [<ffffffc0001fb7c4>] ubifs_read_node+0x17c/0x300
- [ 9.442342] [<ffffffc0001fbad4>] ubifs_read_node_wbuf+0x18c/0x328
- [ 9.448072] [<ffffffc0002177d8>] ubifs_tnc_read_node+0x60/0x1e4
- [ 9.454060] [<ffffffc0001fede4>] ubifs_tnc_locate+0x124/0x1d8
- [ 9.459790] [<ffffffc0001f1a88>] do_readpage+0x1b8/0x414
- [ 9.465692] [<ffffffc0001f2dbc>] ubifs_readpage+0x3b4/0x3dc
- [ 9.471077] [<ffffffc00010e05c>] generic_file_read_iter+0x298/0x500
- [ 9.476373] [<ffffffc00013de70>] do_iter_readv_writev+0x58/0x78
- [ 9.482620] [<ffffffc00013e3e0>] do_readv_writev+0xc0/0x19c
- [ 9.488522] [<ffffffc00013e4f0>] vfs_readv+0x34/0x48
- [ 9.494077] [<ffffffc00013edc0>] SyS_readv+0x44/0x88
- [ 9.499285] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 9.504339] block: extroot: not configured
- [ 9.534129] UBIFS (ubi0:2): un-mount UBI device 0
- [ 9.534152] UBIFS (ubi0:2): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_2" stops
- [ 9.539992] UBIFS (ubi0:2): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_2" started, PID 158
- [ 9.552703] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 9.565393] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 9.578091] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 9.590771] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read 126976 bytes
- [ 9.590802] CPU: 2 PID: 154 Comm: mount_root Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 9.600690] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 9.607202] Call trace:
- [ 9.613885] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 9.616316] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 9.621872] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 9.626908] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 9.631939] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 9.637324] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 9.642966] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 9.648346] [<ffffffc000201910>] ubifs_start_scan+0xac/0x128
- [ 9.653641] [<ffffffc000201c70>] ubifs_scan+0x3c/0x334
- [ 9.659369] [<ffffffc000200e38>] ubifs_read_master+0x48/0x700
- [ 9.664320] [<ffffffc0001f7d24>] ubifs_mount+0xe28/0x1864
- [ 9.670136] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 9.675516] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 9.680204] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 9.685759] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 9.690882] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 9.708764] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 9.721516] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 9.734261] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 9.747021] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read 126976 bytes
- [ 9.747050] CPU: 2 PID: 154 Comm: mount_root Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 9.756941] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 9.763451] Call trace:
- [ 9.770129] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 9.772564] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 9.778120] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 9.783154] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 9.788189] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 9.793573] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 9.799214] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 9.804596] [<ffffffc000201910>] ubifs_start_scan+0xac/0x128
- [ 9.809891] [<ffffffc000201c70>] ubifs_scan+0x3c/0x334
- [ 9.815619] [<ffffffc000200e9c>] ubifs_read_master+0xac/0x700
- [ 9.820569] [<ffffffc0001f7d24>] ubifs_mount+0xe28/0x1864
- [ 9.826383] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 9.831764] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 9.836453] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 9.842008] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 9.847129] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 9.852774] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read only 11 bytes, retry
- [ 9.857773] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read only 11 bytes, retry
- [ 9.869318] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read only 11 bytes, retry
- [ 9.880948] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read 11 bytes
- [ 9.892284] CPU: 2 PID: 154 Comm: mount_root Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 9.902514] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 9.909111] Call trace:
- [ 9.915788] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 9.918224] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 9.923779] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 9.928813] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 9.933850] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 9.939232] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 9.944874] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 9.950257] [<ffffffc00020e800>] ubifs_lpt_init+0xf4/0x6d0
- [ 9.955550] [<ffffffc0001f7dc8>] ubifs_mount+0xecc/0x1864
- [ 9.960932] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 9.966400] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 9.971089] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 9.976643] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 9.981765] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 9.986819] UBIFS error (ubi0:2 pid 154): ubifs_leb_read: reading 11 bytes from LEB 6:94208 failed, error -74
- [ 9.992104] CPU: 2 PID: 154 Comm: mount_root Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 10.001905] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 10.008329] Call trace:
- [ 10.015007] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 10.017444] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 10.022997] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 10.028033] [<ffffffc0001f9ce8>] ubifs_leb_read+0x88/0xa4
- [ 10.033068] [<ffffffc00020e800>] ubifs_lpt_init+0xf4/0x6d0
- [ 10.038450] [<ffffffc0001f7dc8>] ubifs_mount+0xecc/0x1864
- [ 10.043832] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 10.049299] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 10.053989] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 10.059543] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 10.064664] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 10.069715] UBIFS (ubi0:2): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_2" stops
- [ 10.075199] mount_root: failed to mount -t ubifs /dev/ubi0_2 /tmp/overlay: Bad message
- [ 10.464670] UBIFS (ubi0:2): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_2" started, PID 160
- [ 10.477356] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 10.490061] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 10.502750] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 10.515507] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 244:4096, read 126976 bytes
- [ 10.515538] CPU: 1 PID: 159 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 10.525425] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 10.531244] Call trace:
- [ 10.538189] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 10.540617] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 10.546174] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 10.551210] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 10.556241] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 10.561626] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 10.567270] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 10.572648] [<ffffffc000201910>] ubifs_start_scan+0xac/0x128
- [ 10.577943] [<ffffffc000201c70>] ubifs_scan+0x3c/0x334
- [ 10.583671] [<ffffffc000200e38>] ubifs_read_master+0x48/0x700
- [ 10.588622] [<ffffffc0001f7d24>] ubifs_mount+0xe28/0x1864
- [ 10.594437] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 10.599817] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 10.604505] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 10.610060] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 10.615183] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 10.633058] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 10.645803] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 10.658546] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read only 126976 bytes, retry
- [ 10.671290] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 126976 bytes from PEB 248:4096, read 126976 bytes
- [ 10.671319] CPU: 1 PID: 159 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 10.681208] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 10.687025] Call trace:
- [ 10.693963] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 10.696400] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 10.701954] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 10.706989] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 10.712025] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 10.717408] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 10.723050] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 10.728431] [<ffffffc000201910>] ubifs_start_scan+0xac/0x128
- [ 10.733727] [<ffffffc000201c70>] ubifs_scan+0x3c/0x334
- [ 10.739454] [<ffffffc000200e9c>] ubifs_read_master+0xac/0x700
- [ 10.744405] [<ffffffc0001f7d24>] ubifs_mount+0xe28/0x1864
- [ 10.750219] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 10.755600] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 10.760289] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 10.765843] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 10.770965] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 10.776608] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read only 11 bytes, retry
- [ 10.781603] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read only 11 bytes, retry
- [ 10.793152] ubi0 warning: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read only 11 bytes, retry
- [ 10.804785] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 11 bytes from PEB 240:98304, read 11 bytes
- [ 10.816120] CPU: 1 PID: 159 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 10.826348] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 10.832251] Call trace:
- [ 10.839190] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 10.841625] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 10.847181] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 10.852215] [<ffffffc000385f8c>] ubi_io_read+0x268/0x350
- [ 10.857250] [<ffffffc000383950>] ubi_eba_read_leb+0x2f4/0x3ec
- [ 10.862633] [<ffffffc000382b04>] ubi_leb_read+0xc0/0x124
- [ 10.868275] [<ffffffc0001f9c98>] ubifs_leb_read+0x38/0xa4
- [ 10.873658] [<ffffffc00020e800>] ubifs_lpt_init+0xf4/0x6d0
- [ 10.878952] [<ffffffc0001f7dc8>] ubifs_mount+0xecc/0x1864
- [ 10.884333] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 10.889800] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 10.894490] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 10.900045] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 10.905166] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 10.910214] UBIFS error (ubi0:2 pid 159): ubifs_leb_read: reading 11 bytes from LEB 6:94208 failed, error -74
- [ 10.915511] CPU: 1 PID: 159 Comm: block Not tainted 4.4.60 #179
- [ 10.925306] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09 (DT)
- [ 10.931036] Call trace:
- [ 10.937973] [<ffffffc0000890d8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x128
- [ 10.940410] [<ffffffc000089214>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
- [ 10.945965] [<ffffffc00026f1f8>] dump_stack+0x94/0xb4
- [ 10.951000] [<ffffffc0001f9ce8>] ubifs_leb_read+0x88/0xa4
- [ 10.956036] [<ffffffc00020e800>] ubifs_lpt_init+0xf4/0x6d0
- [ 10.961417] [<ffffffc0001f7dc8>] ubifs_mount+0xecc/0x1864
- [ 10.966800] [<ffffffc0001414dc>] mount_fs+0x1c/0x8c
- [ 10.972267] [<ffffffc000157f4c>] vfs_kern_mount+0x5c/0x10c
- [ 10.976956] [<ffffffc00015aeac>] do_mount+0x938/0xa90
- [ 10.982509] [<ffffffc00015b240>] SyS_mount+0x88/0xc0
- [ 10.987631] [<ffffffc000085db0>] el0_svc_naked+0x24/0x28
- [ 10.992683] UBIFS (ubi0:2): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_2" stops
- [ 10.998404] mount_root: unable to set filesystem state
- [ 11.003965] mount_root: switching to jffs2 overlay
- [ 11.009096] mount_root: switching to jffs2 failed - fallback to ramoverlay
- After mount_root
- 12064+0 records in
- 12064+0 records out
- 12064 bytes (11.8KB) copied, 0.031786 seconds, 370.6KB/s
- 131072+0 records in
- 131072+0 records out
- 131072 bytes (128.0KB) copied, 0.260744 se[ 11.322430] procd: - early -
- [ 11.324649] procd: - watchdog -
- conds, 490.9KB/s
- ln: /lib/firmware/IPQ8074/caldata.bin: No such file or directory
- Failed to connect to ubus
- [ 11.930853] procd: - ubus -
- [ 12.932217] procd: - init -
- Please press Enter to activate this console.
- [ 13.144531] ubi1: attaching mtd20
- [ 13.175772] ubi1: scanning is finished
- [ 13.180545] ubi1: attached mtd20 (name "0:WIFIFW", size 8 MiB)
- [ 13.180563] ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
- [ 13.185268] ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
- [ 13.192116] ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
- [ 13.198979] ubi1: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
- [ 13.205750] ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
- [ 13.211647] ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 5/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 580262540
- [ 13.218949] ubi1: available PEBs: 3, total reserved PEBs: 61, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 40
- [ 13.227898] ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 1057
- WIFI FW mount is successful
- /usr/bin/iotd[1113]: Started iot daemon
- [ 13.695140] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
- [ 13.695166] cfg80211: DFS Master region: unset
- [ 13.699162] cfg80211: (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp), (dfs_cac_time)
- [ 13.703773] cfg80211: (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
- [ 13.713470] cfg80211: (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz, 92000 KHz AUTO), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
- [ 13.721228] cfg80211: (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
- [ 13.724613] ntfs: driver 2.1.32 [Flags: R/O MODULE].
- [ 13.727229] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
- [ 13.727655] NET: Registered protocol family 15
- [ 13.747964] cfg80211: (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz, 160000 KHz AUTO), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
- [ 13.752213] cfg80211: (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz, 160000 KHz AUTO), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (0 s)
- [ 13.761878] cfg80211: (5490000 KHz - 5730000 KHz @ 160000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (0 s)
- [ 13.771323] cfg80211: (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
- [ 13.779386] cfg80211: (57240000 KHz - 63720000 KHz @ 2160000 KHz), (N/A, 0 mBm), (N/A)
- [ 13.854336] ssdk_switch_device_num_init[1108]:INFO:ess-switch dts node number: 1
- [ 13.854392] ssdk_dt_get_switch_node[936]:INFO:ess-switch DT exist!
- [ 13.860792] ssdk_dt_parse_access_mode[837]:INFO:switch_access_mode: local bus
- [ 13.866789] ssdk_dt_parse_access_mode[850]:INFO:switchreg_base_addr: 0x3a000000
- [ 13.873985] ssdk_dt_parse_access_mode[851]:INFO:switchreg_size: 0x1000000
- [ 13.881106] ssdk_dt_parse_mac_mode[289]:INFO:mac mode = 0x0
- [ 13.888047] ssdk_dt_parse_mac_mode[298]:INFO:mac mode1 = 0xff
- [ 13.893428] ssdk_dt_parse_mac_mode[307]:INFO:mac mode2 = 0xff
- [ 13.899355] ssdk_dt_parse_uniphy[326]:INFO:ess-uniphy DT exist!
- [ 13.905145] ssdk_dt_parse_intf_mac[783]:INFO:dp1 MAC f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f8
- [ 13.910807] ssdk_dt_parse_intf_mac[783]:INFO:dp2 MAC f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f9
- [ 13.917407] ssdk_dt_parse_intf_mac[783]:INFO:dp3 MAC f8:5e:3c:4d:18:fa
- [ 13.923914] ssdk_dt_parse_intf_mac[783]:INFO:dp4 MAC f8:5e:3c:4d:18:fb
- [ 13.930428] ssdk_dt_parse_intf_mac[783]:INFO:dp5 MAC f8:5e:3c:4d:18:fc
- [ 13.936951] ssdk_plat_init start
- [ 14.025753] ssdk_gcc_clock_init[938]:INFO:SSDK gcc clock init successfully!
- [ 14.025924] ssdk_probe[1997]:INFO:ess_rst doesn't exist!
- [ 14.032026] HPPE initializing...
- [ 14.037260] malibu_phy_api_ops_init[2849]:INFO:qca probe malibu phy driver succeeded!
- [ 14.043753] regi_init[3525]:INFO:Initializing HPPE!!
- [ 14.264067] ssdk_ppe_reset_init[1169]:INFO:ppe reset successfully!
- [ 14.267084] qca_hppe_tdm_hw_init[674]:INFO:tdm setup num=96
- [ 14.269409] qca_hppe_portctrl_hw_init[105]:INFO:Hawkeye PPE port initializing
- [ 14.490192] ssdk_switch_register[1691]:INFO:Chip version 0x1500
- [ 14.490223] qca_link_polling_select[1307]:INFO:link-polling-required node does not exist
- [ 14.494912] ssdk_switch_register[1717]:INFO:polling is selected
- [ 14.503238] regi_init[3529]:INFO:Initializing HPPE Done!!
- [ 14.508940] regi_init[3589]:INFO:qca-ssdk module init succeeded!
- [ 14.515606] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
- [ 14.520509] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <[email protected]>
- [ 14.527741] EDMA ver 1 hw init
- [ 14.531751] EDMA HW Reset completed succesfully
- [ 14.534622] Num rings - TxDesc:1 (23-23) TxCmpl:1 (7-7)
- [ 14.538998] RxDesc:1 (15-15) RxFill:1 (7-7)
- [ 14.547820] **********************************************************
- [ 14.548377] * NSS Data Plane driver
- [ 14.554991] **********************************************************
- [ 14.565469] l2tp_core: L2TP core driver, V2.0
- [ 14.566035] l2tp_netlink: L2TP netlink interface
- [ 14.668423] qca-nss 39000000.nss: Direct firmware load for qca-nss0.bin failed with error -2
- [ 14.668455] qca-nss 39000000.nss: Falling back to user helper
- /lib/firmware/qca-nss0.bin 37
- [ 14.758460] nss_driver - fw of size 687984 bytes copied to load addr: 40000000, nss_id : 0
- [ 14.760177] Supported Frequencies -
- [ 14.765619] 748.8 MHz 1.4976 GHz
- [ 14.771588] 1.6896 GHz [ 14.772633]
- [ 14.775021] ffffffbffc788b00: set sdma ffffffc03ba84d00
- [ 14.776523] ffffffbffc788b00: meminfo init succeed
- [ 14.808655] qca-nss 39400000.nss: Direct firmware load for qca-nss1.bin failed with error -2
- [ 14.808686] qca-nss 39400000.nss: Falling back to user helper
- [ 14.821957] node size 2 # items 4
- [ 14.821981] memory: 40000000 1073741824 (avl 934617088) items 4 active_cores 2
- [ 14.825116] addr/size storage words 2 2 # words 4 in DTS, ddr size 1000000
- [ 14.832224] ffffffbffc788b00: nss core 0 booted successfully
- /lib/firmware/qca-nss1.bin 37
- [ 14.864808] nss_driver - fw of size 298992 bytes copied to load addr: 40800000, nss_id : 1
- [ 14.865701] Supported Frequencies -
- [ 14.871998] 748.8 MHz 1.4976 GHz
- [ 14.877946] 1.6896 GHz [ 14.878979]
- [ 14.881383] ffffffbffc790e80: set sdma ffffffc038925a00
- [ 14.882862] ffffffbffc790e80: meminfo init succeed
- [ 14.889364] sit: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
- [ 14.895257] gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
- [ 14.897447] node size 2 # items 4
- [ 14.897451] memory: 40000000 1073741824 (avl 934920192) items 4 active_cores 2
- [ 14.897457] addr/size storage words 2 2 # words 4 in DTS, ddr size 1000000
- [ 14.897468] ffffffbffc790e80: nss core 1 booted successfully
- [ 14.920993] ip_gre: GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver
- [ 14.927808] Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)
- [ 14.944250] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
- [ 14.947824] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
- [ 14.949899] ip_set: protocol 6
- [ 14.964279] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (6927 buckets, 27708 max)
- [ 14.976604] diag: IPC Logging disabled
- [ 14.997244] TRACK: P[0] PMask[4]
- [ 14.997264] TRACK: P[1] PMask[4]
- [ 14.999533] TRACK: P[2] PMask[4]
- [ 15.002880] TRACK: P[3] PMask[4]
- [ 15.006184] nik 4097 info->svc_id
- [ 15.013785] QCA multicast snooping installed successfully
- [ 15.015262] <NSS-CRYPTO>:module loaded Build_ID - 06/07/23, 18:07:24 SoC=ipq807x_64
- [ 15.019738] cannot find nss-macsec0 node
- [ 15.025749] cannot find nss-macsec1 node
- [ 15.029803] cannot find nss-macsec2 node
- [ 15.033690] nss_macsec init success
- [ 15.049372] u32 classifier
- [ 15.049390] input device check on
- [ 15.050959] Actions configured
- [ 15.055772] Mirror/redirect action on
- [ 15.068140] fuse init (API version 7.23)
- [ 15.072790] GobiNet: Fibocom_Linux_GobiNet_0930-demo
- [ 15.072859] usbcore: registered new interface driver GobiNet
- [ 15.078147] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
- [ 15.083512] usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan_simcom
- [ 15.089542] GobiNet: Quectel_Linux&Android_GobiNet_Driver_V1.6.3
- [ 15.094563] usbcore: registered new interface driver GobiNet_q
- [ 15.102333] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
- [ 15.107654] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
- [ 15.112018] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
- [ 15.124872] usbcore: registered new interface driver huawei_cdc_ncm
- [ 15.126143] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
- [ 15.218171] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
- [ 15.219918] nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
- [ 15.336671] nf_nat_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
- [ 15.339430] usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
- [ 15.340620] usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host
- [ 15.349187] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
- [ 15.350977] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
- [ 15.356897] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic
- [ 15.377885] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
- [ 15.387628] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
- [ 15.388272] PPP MPPE Compression module registered
- [ 15.392095] NET: Registered protocol family 24
- [ 15.396809] PPTP driver version 0.8.5
- [ 15.404474] l2tp_ppp: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
- [ 15.405404] usbcore: registered new interface driver option
- [ 15.408456] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port)
- qcawifi configuration is disable
- [ 19.599086] mem_manager: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
- [ 19.599112] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
- ***** starting cnssdaemon -i integrated *****
- *****cnssdaemon pid=1596*********
- [ 21.082867] cnss[2]: INFO: Setting daemon_support=1 for instance_id 0x2
- [ 21.084823] cnss[2]: INFO: Setting cold_boot_support=1 for instance_id 0x2
- *********initiating cold boot calibration*************
- [ 21.257479] wlan: [1652:I:ANY] =======ol_if_register_wifi3_0==========
- [ 21.257479]
- [ 21.257515] wlan: [1652:I:ANY] osif_nss_register_module: 708: NSS wifi ops registered for target_type:1 with soc_ops:ffffffbffd58f7e0
- [ 21.264380] wlan: [1652:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 2 bus_type 1
- [ 21.276588] remoteproc remoteproc0: powering up cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 21.297856] remoteproc remoteproc0: Booting fw image IPQ8074/q6_fw.mdt, size 668
- [ 22.181628] Subsystem error monitoring/handling services are up
- [ 22.181944] remoteproc remoteproc0: remote processor cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss is now up
- [ 22.186506] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 22.194553] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 22.198403] wlan: [1652:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 3 bus_type 1
- [ 22.202490] cnss[2]: INFO: Waiting for FW ready. Device: 0xfffe, FW ready timeout: 15 seconds
- [ 22.211212] cnss[2]: INFO: QMI WLFW service connected, state: 0x1
- [ 22.219406] diag: In diag_send_feature_mask_update, control channel is not open, p: 2, ffffffbffc9db248
- [ 22.219506] cnss[2]: INFO: device_id : 65534 mem mode : [0]
- [ 22.220205] cnss[2]: INFO: platform name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09
- [ 22.220205] cnss[2]: INFO: Target capability: chip_id: 0x0, chip_family: 0x0, board_id: 0xff, soc_id: 0xffffffff, fw_version: 0x230b84a5, fw_build_timestamp: 2020-08-23 12:14, otp_version: 0x0 eeprom_caldata_read_timeout 0s
- [ 22.220267] cnss[2]: INFO: Boardid from dts:290,FW:ff
- [ 22.224525] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF location : 0x4b0c0000
- [ 22.224530] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF IPQ8074/bdwlan.b290 size 131072
- [ 22.225169] cnss[2]: INFO: per device BDF location : 0x4b0e0000
- [ 22.225260] cnss[2]: INFO: CALDATA IPQ8074/caldata.bin size 131072 offset 0x20000
- [ 22.314073] cnss[2]: INFO: FW ready received for device 0xfffe
- [ 22.315109] wlan: [1652:I:ANY] pld_ahb_wlan_enable: 697: cnss_mode: Cold boot calibration
- [ 22.318807] cnss[2]: INFO: Sending mode message, mode: COLDBOOT CALIBRATION(7), state: 0xf
- [ 22.406447] wlan: [1652:I:ANY] init_ath_pci_3_0: 183: 6ath_ol_pci_wifi3.0 : (Atheros/multi-bss)
- [ 22.409801] wlan: [1657:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 0 bus_type 1
- [ 22.414347] cnss[2]: INFO: Coldboot Calbration wait started for Device: 0xfffe, timeout: 60 seconds
- [ 24.434178] usb 2-1: new SuperSpeed USB device number 2 using xhci-hcd
- [ 24.456022] usb 2-1: LPM exit latency is zeroed, disabling LPM.
- [ 24.497349] option 2-1:1.0: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
- [ 24.497563] usb 2-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0
- [ 24.502879] option 2-1:1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
- [ 24.509571] usb 2-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1
- [ 24.515861] option 2-1:1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
- [ 24.522286] usb 2-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB2
- [ 24.528518] option 2-1:1.3: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
- [ 24.535166] usb 2-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB3
- [ 24.546268] GobiNet_q 2-1:1.4 usb0: register 'GobiNet_q' at, GobiNet Ethernet Device, 02:50:f4:00:00:00
- [ 24.548122] creating qcqmi0
- [ 28.322987] cnss[2]: INFO: Coldboot Calibration completed successfully for device 0xfffe
- [ 28.354070] cnss[2]: INFO: Coldboot Calibration wait ended for device 0xfffe
- [ 28.354106] cnss[2]: INFO: Sending mode message, mode: OFF(4), state: 0x7
- [ 28.361868] cnss[2]: INFO: QMI WLFW service disconnected, state: 0x6
- [ 28.388282] remoteproc remoteproc0: stopped remote processor cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 28.388407] wlan: [1657:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 1 bus_type 1
- [ 28.571715] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] =======ol_if_register_wifi3_0==========
- [ 28.571715]
- [ 28.571752] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_nss_register_module: 708: NSS wifi ops registered for target_type:1 with soc_ops:ffffffbffd7fd7e0
- [ 28.578563] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 2 bus_type 1
- [ 28.590694] remoteproc remoteproc0: powering up cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 28.599366] remoteproc remoteproc0: Booting fw image IPQ8074/q6_fw.mdt, size 668
- [ 28.958604] Subsystem error monitoring/handling services are up
- [ 28.958902] remoteproc remoteproc0: remote processor cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss is now up
- [ 28.959361] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 28.959515] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 28.975460] cnss[2]: INFO: QMI WLFW service connected, state: 0x1
- [ 28.975476] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 3 bus_type 1
- [ 28.975490] cnss[2]: INFO: Waiting for FW ready. Device: 0xfffe, FW ready timeout: 15 seconds
- [ 28.994188] cnss[2]: INFO: device_id : 65534 mem mode : [0]
- [ 29.002338] cnss[2]: INFO: platform name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09
- [ 29.008637] cnss[2]: INFO: Target capability: chip_id: 0x0, chip_family: 0x0, board_id: 0xff, soc_id: 0xffffffff, fw_version: 0x230b84a5, fw_build_timestamp: 2020-08-23 12:14, otp_version: 0x0 eeprom_caldata_read_timeout 0s
- [ 29.015712] cnss[2]: INFO: Boardid from dts:290,FW:ff
- [ 29.035560] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF location : 0x4b0c0000
- [ 29.040494] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF IPQ8074/bdwlan.b290 size 131072
- [ 29.046047] cnss[2]: INFO: per device BDF location : 0x4b0e0000
- [ 29.051225] cnss[2]: INFO: CALDATA IPQ8074/caldata.bin size 131072 offset 0x20000
- [ 29.084071] cnss[2]: INFO: FW ready received for device 0xfffe
- [ 29.084576] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] pld_ahb_wlan_enable: 705: cnss_mode: Mission mode
- [ 29.088994] cnss[2]: INFO: Sending mode message, mode: MISSION(0), state: 0x7
- [ 29.105910] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] qca_napi_create: 373: qca_napi_create: napi instance 0 created on pipe 4
- [ 29.106156] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 3994: Allocated soc ffffffc036200880
- [ 29.114546] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_nss_wifi_soc_setup: 827: nss register id -1 nss config 0 Target Type 18
- [ 29.122104] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4198: dev name soc0
- [ 29.132098] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6421: WMI attached. wmi_handle ffffffc037443400
- [ 29.147742] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5460: HT Create . ffffffc03375f000
- [ 29.147772] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5467: Skipping BMI Done
- [ 29.154125] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5524: host_enable 0 nss_nwifi_offload 0
- [ 29.179800] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_target_init_complete: 5595: CDP soc attach success
- [ 29.179832] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_target_init_complete: 5602: Soc attach success NSS config 0
- [ 29.186735] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] htc_set_async_ep: 428: htc_set_async_ep: htc_handle ffffffc03375f000, ep 2, value 1
- [ 29.195087] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] htc_set_async_ep: 428: htc_set_async_ep: htc_handle ffffffc03375f000, ep 3, value 1
- [ 29.205405] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] htc_set_async_ep: 428: htc_set_async_ep: htc_handle ffffffc03375f000, ep 4, value 1
- [ 29.216097] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_populate_hw_mode_capability: 363: Preferred mode is not set, use mode id 1
- [ 29.216097]
- [ 29.226034] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] HE_CAP Info = 1a08010d
- [ 29.238081] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] Num HW modes = 1
- [ 29.243196] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] Num PHY = 2
- [ 29.247540] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] FW Build Version (Ext.) = 0
- [ 29.251706] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] HDL Version: MajorVersion.MinorVersion = 0.0
- [ 29.257183] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] Preferred HW Mode = 1 Num Radios = 2
- [ 29.264065] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_add_11ax_modes: 2429: hw_mode_id = 1 phy_id = 0 wireless modes = f97f9001
- [ 29.270293] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_add_11ax_modes: 2429: hw_mode_id = 1 phy_id = 1 wireless modes = 680688c
- [ 29.281325] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : wlan_dfs_pdev_obj_create_notification: 431: dfs_offload 1
- [ 29.291220] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_agile_soc_obj_init: 3417: dfs->dfs_psoc_idx: 0
- [ 29.301632] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_agile_soc_obj_init: 3423: dfs_soc_obj->num_dfs_privs: 1
- [ 29.312030] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_alloc_pdevs: 1550: CDP PDEV ATTACH success
- [ 29.321616] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : wlan_dfs_pdev_obj_create_notification: 403: Do not allocate DFS object for 2G, pdev_id = 1
- [ 29.330307] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_alloc_pdevs: 1550: CDP PDEV ATTACH success
- [ 29.342431] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 29.350241] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 29.358054] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 29.366218] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 29.374460] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 29.382354] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 29.390520] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_beaconing_vdevs_for_soc: 598: beacon_tx_offload_max_vdev: 32
- [ 29.398772] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 29.409094] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 29.416907] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 29.425066] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 1
- [ 29.433307] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 29.441213] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 17
- [ 29.449375] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1924: pdev id:0 wmi_handle:ffffffc037443400
- [ 29.467427] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1995: Pdev = 0 Number of peers = 529 vdevs = 17
- [ 29.467604] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1998: CDP PDEV INIT success
- [ 29.477952] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1924: pdev id:1 wmi_handle:ffffffc03ba54400
- [ 29.496019] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1995: Pdev = 1 Number of peers = 529 vdevs = 17
- [ 29.496058] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1998: CDP PDEV INIT success
- [ 29.606610] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] copy_fw_abi_version_tlv: 7216: copy_fw_abi_version_tlv: INIT_CMD version: 1, 0, 0x5f414351, 0x4c4d, 0x0, 0x0
- [ 29.795114] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] ready_extract_init_status_tlv: 9738: ready_extract_init_status_tlv:0
- [ 29.795145] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] dp_peer_map_attach_wifi3: 9582: dp_peer_map_attach_wifi3 max_peers 1109, max_ast_index: 4112
- [ 29.795145]
- [ 29.803185] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_connect_htc: 1250: WMI is ready
- [ 29.815983] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6549: connect HTC
- [ 29.822138] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6550: bypasswmi : 0
- [ 29.828234] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6624: UMAC attach
- [ 29.834873] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4320: pdev_netdev name wifi0
- [ 29.840901] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4369: Skip txrx_pdev_attach_target
- [ 29.848188] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4395: BURSTING enabled by default
- [ 29.855606] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8632: interface_id 0
- [ 29.863117] wlan: [1780:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6785: phy id = 0 Modes supported
- [ 29.869543] wlan: [1780:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6792: 11b = 0 11g = 0 11a = 1 11n = 1 11ac = 1 11ax = 1
- [ 29.877881] wlan: [1780:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6801: Reg cap - phy_id = 0 supp_bnd = 2, modes = 793f9001, lo_2g = 0, hi_2g = 0 lo_g5 = 4900, hi_5g = 5920
- [ 29.888131] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1325: wireless_modes = 793f9001 before update
- [ 29.902444] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1341: Wireless_modes = 793f9001 after update
- [ 29.912168] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_ext_caps: 1933: 11ax 5G supported case
- [ 29.921902] wlan: [1780:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 220: :>
- [ 29.929262] wlan: [1780:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 233: :<
- [ 29.935512] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_resmgr_create: 223: OL Resmgr Init-ed
- [ 29.941644] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] acfg_attach: 3339: acfg_attach: 3339: Netlink socket created:ffffffc03766b000
- [ 29.947879] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_stats_attach: 2294: periodic_chan_stats: 1
- [ 29.958585] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 25
- [ 29.965324] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8948: Set global_ic[1], ptr:ffffffbffd2855e8
- [ 29.972665] wlan: [0:I:RPTR] qca_multi_link_init_module: 245:
- [ 29.972665] ******QCA Repeater Initialization Done***********
- [ 29.972665]
- [ 29.981100] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_soc_enable: 102: pdev(ffffffc03ba54c08) Enabling DBDC Repeater 0
- [ 29.994038] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_pdev_set_primary_radio: 55: pdev(ffffffc03ba54c08) is_primary 0
- [ 30.003469] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_twt_enable_complete_event_handler: 50: twt enabled
- [ 30.004920] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_pri20_cfg_blockchanlist_parse: 606: cfg block channel list is empty
- [ 30.004927] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_configure_cong_ctrl_max_msdus: 3892: pdev_idx = 0 tx_desc_limit = 32768
- [ 30.004945] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 239: osif wrap attached
- [ 30.004945]
- [ 30.004950] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_wrap_devt_init: 201: osif wrap dev table init done
- [ 30.004950]
- [ 30.004956] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 247: Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =ffffffc03766a800 ic->ic_wrap_com=ffffffc03766a800 &wrap_com->wc_devt=ffffffc03766a800
- [ 30.004956]
- [ 30.004976] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4568: needed_headroom reservation 60
- [ 30.005207] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_attach: 13328: ic: 0xffffffc032da0880, wdev: 0xffffffc032db8aa0, wiphy: 0xffffffc037ebf2a0, netdev: 0xffffffc032da0000
- [ 30.005709] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4320: pdev_netdev name wifi1
- [ 30.005727] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4369: Skip txrx_pdev_attach_target
- [ 30.005732] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4395: BURSTING enabled by default
- [ 30.005777] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8632: interface_id 1
- [ 30.005788] wlan: [1780:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6785: phy id = 1 Modes supported
- [ 30.005794] wlan: [1780:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6792: 11b = 1 11g = 1 11a = 0 11n = 1 11ac = 1 11ax = 1
- [ 30.005800] wlan: [1780:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6801: Reg cap - phy_id = 1 supp_bnd = 1, modes = 680680c, lo_2g = 2312, hi_2g = 2732 lo_g5 = 0, hi_5g = 0
- [ 30.005805] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1325: wireless_modes = 680680c before update
- [ 30.005810] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1341: Wireless_modes = 680680c after update
- [ 30.005817] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_ext_caps: 1941: 11ax 2G supported case
- [ 30.005906] wlan: [1780:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 220: :>
- [ 30.005911] wlan: [1780:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 233: :<
- [ 30.005917] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_resmgr_create: 223: OL Resmgr Init-ed
- [ 30.006060] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] acfg_attach: 3314: Offload using existing sock ffffffc03766b000
- [ 30.006072] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_stats_attach: 2294: periodic_chan_stats: 1
- [ 30.006249] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 11
- [ 30.006276] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8948: Set global_ic[2], ptr:ffffffbffd2855e8
- [ 30.006283] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_soc_enable: 102: pdev(ffffffc03ba55c08) Enabling DBDC Repeater 0
- [ 30.006291] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_pdev_set_primary_radio: 55: pdev(ffffffc03ba55c08) is_primary 0
- [ 30.007991] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_pri20_cfg_blockchanlist_parse: 606: cfg block channel list is empty
- [ 30.007997] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ol_ath_configure_cong_ctrl_max_msdus: 3892: pdev_idx = 1 tx_desc_limit = 32768
- [ 30.008012] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 239: osif wrap attached
- [ 30.008012]
- [ 30.008017] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_wrap_devt_init: 201: osif wrap dev table init done
- [ 30.008017]
- [ 30.008023] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 247: Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =ffffffc02ee61000 ic->ic_wrap_com=ffffffc02ee61000 &wrap_com->wc_devt=ffffffc02ee61000
- [ 30.008023]
- [ 30.008041] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4568: needed_headroom reservation 60
- [ 30.008058] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_init: 13145: Number of 2G channels: 11
- [ 30.008195] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_attach: 13328: ic: 0xffffffc032f20880, wdev: 0xffffffc032f38aa0, wiphy: 0xffffffc02ee5aaa0, netdev: 0xffffffc032f20000
- [ 30.008557] wlan: [1780:I:Dynamic Mode Change] ol_ath_check_and_reconfig_hw_mode: 3861: Running with HW mode = 1
- [ 30.008742] wlan: [1780:E:QLD] qld_register: 108: Handle or address is NULL
- [ 30.008757] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 796: num_radios=1, wifi_radios[0].sc = ffffffc032da0880_radio_type = 2
- [ 30.008763] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 796: num_radios=2, wifi_radios[1].sc = ffffffc032f20880_radio_type = 2
- [ 30.008786] wlan: [1780:I:ANY] init_ath_pci_3_0: 183: 6ath_ol_pci_wifi3.0 : (Atheros/multi-bss)
- [ 30.377185] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_twt_enable_complete_event_handler: 50: twt enabled
- [ 30.405752] wlan: [1784:I:ANY] osif_nss_register_module: 708: NSS wifi ops registered for target_type:0 with soc_ops:ffffffbffd8a1ef0
- [ 30.406052] wlan: [1784:I:ANY] init_ath_pci_2_0: 147: 6ath_ol_pci_2_0: (Atheros/multi-bss)
- No Direct-Attach chipsets found.
- [ 33.926833] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 0 bus_type 1
- [ 33.926885] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ol_ath_ahb_remove: 948: Suspending Target - with disable_intr set :soc0 (sc ffffffc03766c000) soc=ffffffc036200880
- [ 33.934367] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 906: disable_target_intr val is 1
- [ 33.947303] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 906: disable_target_intr val is 1
- [ 33.955099] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ol_ath_ahb_remove: 951: waiting for target paused event from target :soc0 (sc ffffffc03766c000)
- [ 33.962898] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ol_ath_ahb_remove: 969: AHB Call to nss detach
- [ 33.974183] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ol_ath_ahb_remove: 972: Call to nss detach ops 0000000000000000
- [ 33.981399] wlan: [1954:E:QLD] qld_register: 108: Handle or address is NULL
- [ 33.990010] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] osif_wrap_devt_detach: 217: osif wrap dev table detached
- [ 33.990010]
- [ 33.996930] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] osif_wrap_detach: 271: osif wrap detached
- [ 33.996930]
- [ 34.031516] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] tgt_cfr_deinit_pdev: 137: Error occurred with exit code 16
- [ 34.031516]
- [ 34.031553] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] cfr_deinitialize_pdev: 176: cfr_deinitialize_pdev status=16
- [ 34.031553]
- [ 34.040104] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 963: soc_txrx_handle ffffffc0362a6000 dp_pdev id 0
- [ 34.049777] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 963: soc_txrx_handle ffffffc0362a6000 dp_pdev id 1
- [ 34.059197] wlan: [1954:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_detach: 240: :>
- [ 34.068360] wlan: [1954:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_detach: 251: :<
- [ 34.074574] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] acfg_detach: 3370: acfg_detach Netlink socket released
- [ 34.080519] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] tgt_cfr_deinit_pdev: 137: Error occurred with exit code 16
- [ 34.080519]
- [ 34.088249] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] cfr_deinitialize_pdev: 176: cfr_deinitialize_pdev status=16
- [ 34.088249]
- [ 34.097799] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_detach: 9582: remove global_ic[1]..gloabl_ic ptr:ffffffbffd2855e8
- [ 34.107432] wlan: [1954:I:RPTR] qca_multi_link_deinit_module: 222:
- [ 34.107432] ******QCA RPtr De-Init Done***********
- [ 34.107432]
- [ 34.117164] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_detach: 13361: ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_detach: ic: 0xffffffc032da0880, wdev: 0xffffffc032db8aa0, netdev: 0xffffffc032da0000
- [ 34.214228] PCIe: User of event deregistration is NULL
- [ 34.264184] wlan: [1954:E:QLD] qld_register: 108: Handle or address is NULL
- [ 34.264310] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] osif_wrap_devt_detach: 217: osif wrap dev table detached
- [ 34.264310]
- [ 34.269950] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] osif_wrap_detach: 271: osif wrap detached
- [ 34.269950]
- [ 34.279721] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] tgt_cfr_deinit_pdev: 137: Error occurred with exit code 16
- [ 34.279721]
- [ 34.287814] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] cfr_deinitialize_pdev: 176: cfr_deinitialize_pdev status=16
- [ 34.287814]
- [ 34.297304] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 963: soc_txrx_handle ffffffc0362a6000 dp_pdev id 1
- [ 34.306982] wlan: [1954:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_detach: 240: :>
- [ 34.316302] wlan: [1954:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_detach: 251: :<
- [ 34.322478] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] tgt_cfr_deinit_pdev: 137: Error occurred with exit code 16
- [ 34.322478]
- [ 34.328460] wlan: [1954:E:CFR] cfr_deinitialize_pdev: 176: cfr_deinitialize_pdev status=16
- [ 34.328460]
- [ 34.337925] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_detach: 9582: remove global_ic[0]..gloabl_ic ptr:ffffffbffd2855e8
- [ 34.347560] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_detach: 13361: ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_detach: ic: 0xffffffc032f20880, wdev: 0xffffffc032f38aa0, netdev: 0xffffffc032f20000
- [ 34.444220] PCIe: User of event deregistration is NULL
- [ 34.524202] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ol_ath_phyerr_detach: 343: 6ol_ath_phyerr_detach: called
- [ 34.531340] cnss[2]: INFO: Sending mode message, mode: OFF(4), state: 0x7
- [ 34.533412] cnss[2]: INFO: QMI WLFW service disconnected, state: 0x6
- [ 34.533748] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] 6ath_ahb_remove
- [ 34.533748]
- [ 34.559514] remoteproc remoteproc0: stopped remote processor cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 34.559570] wlan: [1954:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 1 bus_type 1
- [ 35.069012] cnss[2]: INFO: Setting daemon_support=1 for instance_id 0x2
- [ 35.071170] cnss[2]: INFO: Setting cold_boot_support=1 for instance_id 0x2
- ******Not the first boot. Skip coldboot calibration*****
- [ 35.129571] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] =======ol_if_register_wifi3_0==========
- [ 35.129571]
- [ 35.129607] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_nss_register_module: 708: NSS wifi ops registered for target_type:1 with soc_ops:ffffffbffdbb87e0
- [ 35.136428] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 2 bus_type 1
- [ 35.148552] remoteproc remoteproc0: powering up cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 35.157131] remoteproc remoteproc0: Booting fw image IPQ8074/q6_fw.mdt, size 668
- [ 35.516071] Subsystem error monitoring/handling services are up
- [ 35.516379] remoteproc remoteproc0: remote processor cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss is now up
- [ 35.516811] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 35.516963] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 35.517759] cnss[2]: INFO: QMI WLFW service connected, state: 0x1
- [ 35.517952] cnss[2]: INFO: device_id : 65534 mem mode : [0]
- [ 35.524205] cnss[2]: INFO: platform name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09
- [ 35.524206] cnss[2]: INFO: Target capability: chip_id: 0x0, chip_family: 0x0, board_id: 0xff, soc_id: 0xffffffff, fw_version: 0x230b84a5, fw_build_timestamp: 2020-08-23 12:14, otp_version: 0x0 eeprom_caldata_read_timeout 0s
- [ 35.524217] cnss[2]: INFO: Boardid from dts:290,FW:ff
- [ 35.524414] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF location : 0x4b0c0000
- [ 35.524416] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF IPQ8074/bdwlan.b290 size 131072
- [ 35.524795] cnss[2]: INFO: per device BDF location : 0x4b0e0000
- [ 35.524844] cnss[2]: INFO: CALDATA IPQ8074/caldata.bin size 131072 offset 0x20000
- [ 35.597581] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 3 bus_type 1
- [ 35.605188] cnss[2]: INFO: Waiting for FW ready. Device: 0xfffe, FW ready timeout: 15 seconds
- [ 35.613678] cnss[2]: INFO: FW ready received for device 0xfffe
- [ 35.622476] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] pld_ahb_wlan_enable: 705: cnss_mode: Mission mode
- [ 35.628036] cnss[2]: INFO: Sending mode message, mode: MISSION(0), state: 0x7
- [ 35.644979] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] qca_napi_create: 373: qca_napi_create: napi instance 0 created on pipe 4
- [ 35.645225] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 3994: Allocated soc ffffffc036580880
- [ 35.653615] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_nss_wifi_soc_setup: 827: nss register id -1 nss config 0 Target Type 18
- [ 35.661185] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4198: dev name soc0
- [ 35.671127] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6421: WMI attached. wmi_handle ffffffc03ba56800
- [ 35.686861] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5460: HT Create . ffffffc02efba000
- [ 35.686890] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5467: Skipping BMI Done
- [ 35.693185] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5524: host_enable 0 nss_nwifi_offload 0
- [ 35.717849] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_target_init_complete: 5595: CDP soc attach success
- [ 35.717881] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_target_init_complete: 5602: Soc attach success NSS config 0
- [ 35.724796] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] htc_set_async_ep: 428: htc_set_async_ep: htc_handle ffffffc02efba000, ep 2, value 1
- [ 35.733125] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] htc_set_async_ep: 428: htc_set_async_ep: htc_handle ffffffc02efba000, ep 3, value 1
- [ 35.743834] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] HE_CAP Info = 1a08010d
- [ 35.753739] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] Num HW modes = 1
- [ 35.758854] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] Num PHY = 2
- [ 35.763189] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] FW Build Version (Ext.) = 0
- [ 35.767362] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] HDL Version: MajorVersion.MinorVersion = 0.0
- [ 35.772834] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] Preferred HW Mode = 1 Num Radios = 2
- [ 35.779716] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_add_11ax_modes: 2429: hw_mode_id = 1 phy_id = 0 wireless modes = f97f9001
- [ 35.785951] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_add_11ax_modes: 2429: hw_mode_id = 1 phy_id = 1 wireless modes = 680688c
- [ 35.796987] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : wlan_dfs_pdev_obj_create_notification: 431: dfs_offload 1
- [ 35.806872] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_agile_soc_obj_init: 3417: dfs->dfs_psoc_idx: 0
- [ 35.817284] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_agile_soc_obj_init: 3423: dfs_soc_obj->num_dfs_privs: 1
- [ 35.827489] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_alloc_pdevs: 1550: CDP PDEV ATTACH success
- [ 35.837267] wlan: [1410:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : wlan_dfs_pdev_obj_create_notification: 403: Do not allocate DFS object for 2G, pdev_id = 1
- [ 35.845779] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_alloc_pdevs: 1550: CDP PDEV ATTACH success
- [ 35.858084] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 35.865916] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 35.873704] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 35.881870] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 35.890111] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 35.898011] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 35.906173] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_beaconing_vdevs_for_soc: 598: beacon_tx_offload_max_vdev: 32
- [ 35.914420] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 35.924746] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 35.932556] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 35.940718] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 1
- [ 35.948968] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 35.956865] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 17
- [ 35.965027] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1924: pdev id:0 wmi_handle:ffffffc03ba56800
- [ 35.980530] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1995: Pdev = 0 Number of peers = 529 vdevs = 17
- [ 35.983257] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1998: CDP PDEV INIT success
- [ 35.993607] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1924: pdev id:1 wmi_handle:ffffffc02ee62c00
- [ 36.009609] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1995: Pdev = 1 Number of peers = 529 vdevs = 17
- [ 36.011642] wlan: [1410:I:TIF] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1998: CDP PDEV INIT success
- [ 36.122276] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] copy_fw_abi_version_tlv: 7216: copy_fw_abi_version_tlv: INIT_CMD version: 1, 0, 0x5f414351, 0x4c4d, 0x0, 0x0
- [ 36.310790] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] ready_extract_init_status_tlv: 9738: ready_extract_init_status_tlv:0
- [ 36.310822] wlan: [1410:I:ANY] dp_peer_map_attach_wifi3: 9582: dp_peer_map_attach_wifi3 max_peers 1109, max_ast_index: 4112
- [ 36.310822]
- [ 36.318870] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_connect_htc: 1250: WMI is ready
- [ 36.331619] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6549: connect HTC
- [ 36.337822] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6550: bypasswmi : 0
- [ 36.343905] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_attach: 6624: UMAC attach
- [ 36.350554] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4320: pdev_netdev name wifi0
- [ 36.356582] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4369: Skip txrx_pdev_attach_target
- [ 36.363860] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4395: BURSTING enabled by default
- [ 36.371284] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8632: interface_id 0
- [ 36.378799] wlan: [2101:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6785: phy id = 0 Modes supported
- [ 36.385220] wlan: [2101:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6792: 11b = 0 11g = 0 11a = 1 11n = 1 11ac = 1 11ax = 1
- [ 36.393555] wlan: [2101:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6801: Reg cap - phy_id = 0 supp_bnd = 2, modes = 793f9001, lo_2g = 0, hi_2g = 0 lo_g5 = 4900, hi_5g = 5920
- [ 36.403810] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1325: wireless_modes = 793f9001 before update
- [ 36.418121] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1341: Wireless_modes = 793f9001 after update
- [ 36.427844] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_ext_caps: 1933: 11ax 5G supported case
- [ 36.437573] wlan: [2101:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 220: :>
- [ 36.444939] wlan: [2101:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 233: :<
- [ 36.451183] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_resmgr_create: 223: OL Resmgr Init-ed
- [ 36.457319] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] acfg_attach: 3339: acfg_attach: 3339: Netlink socket created:ffffffc038248c00
- [ 36.463521] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_stats_attach: 2294: periodic_chan_stats: 1
- [ 36.474267] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 25
- [ 36.480995] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8948: Set global_ic[1], ptr:ffffffbffdabb5e8
- [ 36.488345] wlan: [0:I:RPTR] qca_multi_link_init_module: 245:
- [ 36.488345] ******QCA Repeater Initialization Done***********
- [ 36.488345]
- [ 36.496775] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_soc_enable: 102: pdev(ffffffc02ee60c08) Enabling DBDC Repeater 0
- [ 36.509703] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_pdev_set_primary_radio: 55: pdev(ffffffc02ee60c08) is_primary 0
- [ 36.519148] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_twt_enable_complete_event_handler: 50: twt enabled
- [ 36.520603] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_pri20_cfg_blockchanlist_parse: 606: cfg block channel list is empty
- [ 36.520610] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_configure_cong_ctrl_max_msdus: 3892: pdev_idx = 0 tx_desc_limit = 32768
- [ 36.520629] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 239: osif wrap attached
- [ 36.520629]
- [ 36.520635] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_wrap_devt_init: 201: osif wrap dev table init done
- [ 36.520635]
- [ 36.520641] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 247: Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =ffffffc038248800 ic->ic_wrap_com=ffffffc038248800 &wrap_com->wc_devt=ffffffc038248800
- [ 36.520641]
- [ 36.520664] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4568: needed_headroom reservation 60
- [ 36.520874] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_attach: 13328: ic: 0xffffffc030f00880, wdev: 0xffffffc030f18aa0, wiphy: 0xffffffc032f412a0, netdev: 0xffffffc030f00000
- [ 36.521360] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4320: pdev_netdev name wifi1
- [ 36.521377] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4369: Skip txrx_pdev_attach_target
- [ 36.521382] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4395: BURSTING enabled by default
- [ 36.521423] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8632: interface_id 1
- [ 36.521436] wlan: [2101:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6785: phy id = 1 Modes supported
- [ 36.521442] wlan: [2101:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6792: 11b = 1 11g = 1 11a = 0 11n = 1 11ac = 1 11ax = 1
- [ 36.521448] wlan: [2101:I:TIF] ol_ath_pdev_regdmn_init: 6801: Reg cap - phy_id = 1 supp_bnd = 1, modes = 680680c, lo_2g = 2312, hi_2g = 2732 lo_g5 = 0, hi_5g = 0
- [ 36.521453] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1325: wireless_modes = 680680c before update
- [ 36.521457] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_wireless_modes: 1341: Wireless_modes = 680680c after update
- [ 36.521464] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_update_ext_caps: 1941: 11ax 2G supported case
- [ 36.521560] wlan: [2101:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 220: :>
- [ 36.521565] wlan: [2101:I:MBSSIE] ieee80211_mbss_attach: 233: :<
- [ 36.521570] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_resmgr_create: 223: OL Resmgr Init-ed
- [ 36.521710] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] acfg_attach: 3314: Offload using existing sock ffffffc038248c00
- [ 36.521719] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_stats_attach: 2294: periodic_chan_stats: 1
- [ 36.521898] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 11
- [ 36.521924] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_pdev_attach: 8948: Set global_ic[2], ptr:ffffffbffdabb5e8
- [ 36.521932] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_soc_enable: 102: pdev(ffffffc02ee62808) Enabling DBDC Repeater 0
- [ 36.521939] wlan: [0:I:ANY] dp_lag_pdev_set_primary_radio: 55: pdev(ffffffc02ee62808) is_primary 0
- [ 36.523794] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_pri20_cfg_blockchanlist_parse: 606: cfg block channel list is empty
- [ 36.523801] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ol_ath_configure_cong_ctrl_max_msdus: 3892: pdev_idx = 1 tx_desc_limit = 32768
- [ 36.523819] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 239: osif wrap attached
- [ 36.523819]
- [ 36.523824] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_wrap_devt_init: 201: osif wrap dev table init done
- [ 36.523824]
- [ 36.523830] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] osif_wrap_attach: 247: Wrap Attached: Wrap_com =ffffffc0386da000 ic->ic_wrap_com=ffffffc0386da000 &wrap_com->wc_devt=ffffffc0386da000
- [ 36.523830]
- [ 36.523847] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] __ol_ath_attach: 4568: needed_headroom reservation 60
- [ 36.523867] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_init: 13145: Number of 2G channels: 11
- [ 36.524008] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] ieee80211_cfg80211_radio_attach: 13328: ic: 0xffffffc030fc0880, wdev: 0xffffffc030fd8aa0, wiphy: 0xffffffc0306102a0, netdev: 0xffffffc030fc0000
- [ 36.524420] wlan: [2101:I:Dynamic Mode Change] ol_ath_check_and_reconfig_hw_mode: 3861: Running with HW mode = 1
- [ 36.524611] wlan: [2101:E:QLD] qld_register: 108: Handle or address is NULL
- [ 36.524626] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 796: num_radios=1, wifi_radios[0].sc = ffffffc030f00880_radio_type = 2
- [ 36.524631] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 796: num_radios=2, wifi_radios[1].sc = ffffffc030fc0880_radio_type = 2
- [ 36.524655] wlan: [2101:I:ANY] init_ath_pci_3_0: 183: 6ath_ol_pci_wifi3.0 : (Atheros/multi-bss)
- [ 36.538449] wlan: [2105:I:ANY] osif_nss_register_module: 708: NSS wifi ops registered for target_type:0 with soc_ops:ffffffbffd575ef0
- [ 36.538741] wlan: [2105:I:ANY] init_ath_pci_2_0: 147: 6ath_ol_pci_2_0: (Atheros/multi-bss)
- [ 36.913891] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_twt_enable_complete_event_handler: 50: twt enabled
- acfg_tool: Issuing blocking call to wait for events
- [ 38.554066] NET: Unregistered protocol family 15
- acfg_tool: Issuing blocking call to wait for events
- [ 40.679713] GobiNet::QMIWDASetDataFormat qmap settings qmap_version=9, rx_size=31744, tx_size=8192
- [ 40.679745] GobiNet::QMIWDASetDataFormat qmap settings ul_data_aggregation_max_size=8192, ul_data_aggregation_max_datagrams=11
- lbd: stopping daemon
- [ 42.641010] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 42.642559] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): br-lan: link is not ready
- [ 42.650658] device eth1 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 42.650721] br-lan: port 2(eth1) entered forwarding state
- [ 42.655331] br-lan: port 2(eth1) entered forwarding state
- [ 42.660751] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-lan: link becomes ready
- [ 42.670595] device eth2 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 42.672415] br-lan: port 3(eth2) entered forwarding state
- [ 42.677119] br-lan: port 3(eth2) entered forwarding state
- [ 42.686789] device eth3 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 42.687834] br-lan: port 4(eth3) entered forwarding state
- [ 42.692463] br-lan: port 4(eth3) entered forwarding state
- [ 42.702229] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth4: link is not ready
- lbd: stopping daemon
- [ 42.914318] nss-dp 3a001200.dp2 eth1: PHY Link up speed: 1000
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211 disable radio wifi0
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211 disable radio wifi1
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211: enable radio wifi0
- [ 43.634165] br-lan: port 3(eth2) entered disabled state
- [ 43.634322] br-lan: port 4(eth3) entered disabled state
- [ 43.958797] wlan: [3887:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 13
- [ 43.958930] wlan: [3887:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_init_precac_list: 3188: ieee=50 bw=160
- [ 43.966224] wlan: [3887:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 13
- [ 43.974267] wlan: [3887:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_init_precac_list: 3188: ieee=50 bw=160
- [ 43.981598] wlan: [3887:I:ANY] number of channels: 2G = 0 5G = 13, 6G = 0
- [ 43.990793] wlan: [3887:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_country: 7424: wlan_cfg80211_set_country: Country: CN ret: 0
- [ 43.997300] wlan: [2552:I:ANY] ol_acfg_handle_wifi_ioctl: 447: ol_acfg_handle_wifi_ioctl: req->cmd=76 not valid for radio interface, it's for VAP
- Error received: -22
- Could not send NL command
- [ 44.121635] wlan: [3958:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 2 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 44.121704] wlan: [3958:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 1 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 44.147880] wlan: [3968:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr: 7497: wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr :f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f7 ret: 0
- [ 44.167720] wlan: [3975:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 1650: set TXBF_SND_PERIOD: val 100 stat 0
- [ 44.228587] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2442: Disconnect_timeout value: 10
- [ 44.244564] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2448: Reconfiguration_timeout value:60
- number of vifs: cfg033579
- [ 44.501945] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_add_virtual_intf: 352: proprietary mode 6 for interface: ath0 : clone params: 0x00000001
- [ 44.502025] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] osifp_create_wlan_vap: 9900: VDEV Create f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f7
- [ 44.513154] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] wlan_vap_create: 1644: devhandle=0xffffffc030f00880, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1
- [ 44.513154]
- [ 44.521505] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 1556: Setting SGI value: 1
- [ 44.533785] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2609: VDEV params:HE su_bfee:1|su_bfer:1|mu_bfee:0|mu_bfer:1|dl_muofdma:1|ul_muofdma:1|ul_mumimo:1|dl_muofdma_bfer:0
- [ 44.540802] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2622: he_bf_cap=0x7b
- [ 44.556204] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2637: VDEV params: AC/VHT sounding mode:HE|SU/MU sounding mode:SU|Trig/Non-Trig sounding mode:Non-Trigged
- [ 44.562872] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] MBO Initialized
- [ 44.576950] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] OCE Initialized
- [ 44.581568] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] osif_create_vap_complete: 10120: TX Checksum:1|SG:1|TSO:1|LRO:0
- [ 44.587016] wlan: [4081:I:ANY] VAP device ath0 created osifp: (ffffffc0376bc880) os_if: (ffffffc02d400000)
- [ 44.654091] br-lan: port 2(eth1) entered forwarding state
- [ 44.675437] mc_attach: enabled snooping on br-lan.
- [ 44.950345] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath0
- [ 44.951266] device ath0 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 44.955427] br-lan: port 5(ath0) entered forwarding state
- [ 44.959720] br-lan: port 5(ath0) entered forwarding state
- [ 45.016141] sh (4333): drop_caches: 3
- [ 45.110641] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] DES SSID SET=WIFI6-5G-4D18F8
- [ 45.110705] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_chan_to_phymode: band:1 width: 3 channel_cfreq: 5220 center_freq1: 5210 chandef.center_freq2: 0 flags: 0
- [ 45.115091] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] HT Support:ffffffc03a9d3c6e VHT Support:ffffffc03a9d3ca8 HE Support:ffffffc03a9d3cc3
- [ 45.128642] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] Max supported wireless mode: 3
- [ 45.138841] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] Phymode: 30
- [ 45.138841]
- [ 45.170065] wlan: [0:I:CMN_MLME] vdev[0] ieee chan:44 freq:5220
- [ 45.170365] wlan: [0:I:ANY] vdev[0]: Mgt Rate:6000(kbps)
- [ 45.174904] wlan: [0:I:ANY] vdev[0]: Mgt Rate:6000(kbps)
- [ 45.382134] wlan: [4510:E:ANY] ieee80211_ucfg_set_txpow: 1065: Exceeding Max Tx power of 23
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211: enable radio wifi1
- [ 45.581907] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): usb0: link is not ready
- lbd: stopping daemon
- [ 46.146429] mc_detach: disabled snooping on br-lan.
- [ 46.266868] wlan: [5275:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 11
- [ 46.266945] wlan: [5275:I:ANY] number of channels: 2G = 11 5G = 0, 6G = 0
- [ 46.273346] wlan: [5275:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_country: 7424: wlan_cfg80211_set_country: Country: US ret: 0
- [ 46.372269] wlan: [5287:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 2 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 46.372333] wlan: [5287:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 1 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 46.395095] wlan: [5289:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr: 7497: wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr :f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f6 ret: 0
- [ 46.410714] wlan: [5292:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 1650: set TXBF_SND_PERIOD: val 100 stat 0
- [ 46.467665] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2442: Disconnect_timeout value: 10
- [ 46.493703] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2448: Reconfiguration_timeout value:60
- number of vifs: cfg063579
- [ 46.636194] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_add_virtual_intf: 352: proprietary mode 6 for interface: ath1 : clone params: 0x00000001
- [ 46.636263] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] osifp_create_wlan_vap: 9900: VDEV Create f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f6
- [ 46.647230] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] wlan_vap_create: 1644: devhandle=0xffffffc030fc0880, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1
- [ 46.647230]
- [ 46.655580] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 1556: Setting SGI value: 1
- [ 46.667787] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2609: VDEV params:HE su_bfee:1|su_bfer:1|mu_bfee:0|mu_bfer:1|dl_muofdma:1|ul_muofdma:1|ul_mumimo:1|dl_muofdma_bfer:0
- [ 46.674881] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2622: he_bf_cap=0x7b
- [ 46.690226] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2637: VDEV params: AC/VHT sounding mode:HE|SU/MU sounding mode:SU|Trig/Non-Trig sounding mode:Non-Trigged
- [ 46.696967] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] MBO Initialized
- [ 46.710973] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] OCE Initialized
- [ 46.715665] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] osif_create_vap_complete: 10120: TX Checksum:1|SG:1|TSO:1|LRO:0
- [ 46.720957] wlan: [5355:I:ANY] VAP device ath1 created osifp: (ffffffc0376be880) os_if: (ffffffc02d758000)
- [ 46.954090] br-lan: port 5(ath0) entered forwarding state
- [ 47.040879] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath1
- [ 47.041574] device ath1 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 47.045856] br-lan: port 6(ath1) entered forwarding state
- [ 47.050211] br-lan: port 6(ath1) entered forwarding state
- [ 47.109327] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_do_acs: 4440: vap-1(ath1):ACS Params
- [ 47.109365] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_do_acs: 4443: ht_enabled:1|ht40_enabled:0|vht_enabled:1|hw_mode:29|chwidth:20|
- [ 47.115832] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] ieee80211_autoselect_infra_bss_channel: 4136: ACS started: vap:0xffffffc02d758000
- lbd: stopping daemon
- [ 47.607496] coresight-funnel 6130000.funnel: FUNNEL inport 5 enabled
- [ 47.607617] coresight-funnel 6021000.funnel: FUNNEL inport 6 enabled
- [ 47.613867] coresight-tmc 6028000.tmc: TMC enabled
- [ 47.619403] coresight-replicator-qcom 6026000.replicator: REPLICATOR enabled
- [ 47.623854] coresight-tmc 6027000.tmc: TMC enabled
- [ 47.631108] coresight-funnel 6021000.funnel: FUNNEL inport 7 enabled
- [ 47.635772] coresight-stm 6002000.stm: STM tracing enabled
- ***** QDSS Tracing Configuration completed *******
- ****** Starting QDSS for Integrated ********
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211 disable radio wifi0
- [ 47.752876] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] Skip bcast de-auth reason code 3, handled in VDEV down
- [ 47.774296] device ath0 left promiscuous mode
- [ 47.774355] br-lan: port 5(ath0) entered disabled state
- [ 47.880502] wlan: [5663:I:ANY] ieee80211_mbo_vdetach: MBO terminated
- [ 47.880502]
- [ 47.880545] wlan: [5663:I:ANY] ieee80211_oce_vdetach: OCE terminated
- [ 47.880545]
- [ 47.880749] wlan: [0:E:ANY] ol_peer_delete_response_event_handler: 3081: peer_del_resp: mac: f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f7 vdevid: 0 Unable to find vdev
- [ 47.895899] wlan: [5663:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 13
- [ 47.908137] wlan: [5663:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_init_precac_list: 3188: ieee=50 bw=160
- [ 47.974153] wlan: [2552:I:ANY] ol_acfg_handle_wifi_ioctl: 447: ol_acfg_handle_wifi_ioctl: req->cmd=76 not valid for radio interface, it's for VAP
- Error received: -22
- Could not send NL command
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211 disable radio wifi1
- [ 48.041963] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] Skip bcast de-auth reason code 3, handled in VDEV down
- [ 48.084284] device ath1 left promiscuous mode
- [ 48.084349] br-lan: port 6(ath1) entered disabled state
- [ 48.124427] wlan: [2025:I:ANY] ieee80211_acs_scan_evhandler: 3870: lock held duration: 0(ms)
- [ 48.200529] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] ieee80211_mbo_vdetach: MBO terminated
- [ 48.200529]
- [ 48.200571] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] ieee80211_oce_vdetach: OCE terminated
- [ 48.200571]
- [ 48.200762] wlan: [0:E:ANY] ol_peer_delete_response_event_handler: 3081: peer_del_resp: mac: f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f6 vdevid: 1 Unable to find vdev
- [ 48.215302] wlan: [5705:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 2 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 48.228004] wlan: [5705:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 1 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 48.236793] wlan: [5705:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 2 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 48.245748] wlan: [5705:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 1 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 48.254766] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_stop: 9800: Suspending Target soc=ffffffc036580880
- [ 48.263685] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 906: disable_target_intr val is 1
- [ 48.272391] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] wlan_pdev_operation: 906: disable_target_intr val is 1
- [ 48.280191] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_stop: 9803: waiting for target paused event from target
- [ 48.288006] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_stop: 9829: disable dp interrupts:: soc: ffffffc0362a2000
- [ 48.325920] wlan: [5705:E:CFR] tgt_cfr_deinit_pdev: 137: Error occurred with exit code 16
- [ 48.325920]
- [ 48.325963] wlan: [5705:E:CFR] cfr_deinitialize_pdev: 176: cfr_deinitialize_pdev status=16
- [ 48.325963]
- [ 48.335135] cnss[2]: INFO: Sending mode message, mode: OFF(4), state: 0x7
- [ 48.346132] cnss[2]: INFO: QMI WLFW service disconnected, state: 0x6
- [ 48.346198] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 0 bus_type 1
- [ 48.372225] remoteproc remoteproc0: stopped remote processor cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 48.372292] wlan: [5705:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 1 bus_type 1
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211: enable radio wifi0
- [ 49.133651] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 2 bus_type 1
- [ 49.133700] remoteproc remoteproc0: powering up cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss
- [ 49.141399] remoteproc remoteproc0: Booting fw image IPQ8074/q6_fw.mdt, size 668
- [ 50.143143] Subsystem error monitoring/handling services are up
- [ 50.143644] remoteproc remoteproc0: remote processor cd00000.qcom_q6v5_wcss is now up
- [ 50.143910] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 50.144122] rpmsg_dev_probe: No pm domain
- [ 50.144693] cnss[2]: INFO: QMI WLFW service connected, state: 0x1
- [ 50.144924] cnss[2]: INFO: device_id : 65534 mem mode : [0]
- [ 50.146298] cnss[2]: INFO: platform name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. IPQ807x/AP-HK09
- [ 50.146298] cnss[2]: INFO: Target capability: chip_id: 0x0, chip_family: 0x0, board_id: 0xff, soc_id: 0xffffffff, fw_version: 0x230b84a5, fw_build_timestamp: 2020-08-23 12:14, otp_version: 0x0 eeprom_caldata_read_timeout 0s
- [ 50.146309] cnss[2]: INFO: Boardid from dts:290,FW:ff
- [ 50.146788] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF location : 0x4b0c0000
- [ 50.146791] cnss[2]: INFO: BDF IPQ8074/bdwlan.b290 size 131072
- [ 50.147419] cnss[2]: INFO: per device BDF location : 0x4b0e0000
- [ 50.147499] cnss[2]: INFO: CALDATA IPQ8074/caldata.bin size 131072 offset 0x20000
- [ 50.224657] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_wifi_ssr: 298: ol_ath_wifi_ssr: SSR event 3 bus_type 1
- [ 50.232261] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_target_start: 10412: subsystem_get success
- [ 50.240764] cnss[2]: INFO: Waiting for FW ready. Device: 0xfffe, FW ready timeout: 15 seconds
- [ 50.248137] cnss[2]: INFO: FW ready received for device 0xfffe
- [ 50.257151] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] pld_ahb_wlan_enable: 705: cnss_mode: Mission mode
- [ 50.262496] cnss[2]: INFO: Sending mode message, mode: MISSION(0), state: 0x7
- [ 50.279438] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] qca_napi_create: 373: qca_napi_create: napi instance 0 created on pipe 4
- [ 50.279490] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5460: HT Create . ffffffc02d6f8000
- [ 50.287639] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5467: Skipping BMI Done
- [ 50.294925] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] htc_wmi_init: 5524: host_enable 0 nss_nwifi_offload 0
- [ 50.321261] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_target_init_complete: 5595: CDP soc attach success
- [ 50.321296] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_target_init_complete: 5602: Soc attach success NSS config 0
- [ 50.328220] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] htc_set_async_ep: 428: htc_set_async_ep: htc_handle ffffffc02d6f8000, ep 2, value 1
- [ 50.336548] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] htc_set_async_ep: 428: htc_set_async_ep: htc_handle ffffffc02d6f8000, ep 3, value 1
- [ 50.347242] wlan: [105:I:TIF] HE_CAP Info = 1a08010d
- [ 50.357187] wlan: [105:I:TIF] Num HW modes = 1
- [ 50.362270] wlan: [105:I:TIF] Num PHY = 2
- [ 50.366548] wlan: [105:I:TIF] FW Build Version (Ext.) = 0
- [ 50.370598] wlan: [105:I:TIF] HDL Version: MajorVersion.MinorVersion = 0.0
- [ 50.376024] wlan: [105:I:TIF] Preferred HW Mode = 1 Num Radios = 2
- [ 50.382779] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_add_11ax_modes: 2429: hw_mode_id = 1 phy_id = 0 wireless modes = f97f9001
- [ 50.388974] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_add_11ax_modes: 2429: hw_mode_id = 1 phy_id = 1 wireless modes = 680688c
- [ 50.399295] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 50.409745] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 50.417597] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 50.425675] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 50.433798] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 50.441655] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 50.449697] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_beaconing_vdevs_for_soc: 598: beacon_tx_offload_max_vdev: 32
- [ 50.457854] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 2
- [ 50.468091] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 50.475817] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 34
- [ 50.483890] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 238: num_radios: 1
- [ 50.492050] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_ema_vaps: 256: ema_max_vap_cnt: 0
- [ 50.499873] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_get_total_num_vdevs_for_soc: 376: num_vdevs: 17
- [ 50.507945] wlan: [105:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1924: pdev id:0 wmi_handle:ffffffc03ba56800
- [ 50.523555] wlan: [105:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1995: Pdev = 0 Number of peers = 529 vdevs = 17
- [ 50.525668] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1998: CDP PDEV INIT success
- [ 50.535721] wlan: [105:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1924: pdev id:1 wmi_handle:ffffffc02ee62c00
- [ 50.551882] wlan: [105:I:ANY] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1995: Pdev = 1 Number of peers = 529 vdevs = 17
- [ 50.553770] wlan: [105:I:TIF] init_deinit_update_pdev_tgt_info: 1998: CDP PDEV INIT success
- [ 50.664331] wlan: [105:I:ANY] copy_fw_abi_version_tlv: 7216: copy_fw_abi_version_tlv: INIT_CMD version: 1, 0, 0x5f414351, 0x4c4d, 0x0, 0x0
- [ 50.852910] wlan: [105:I:ANY] ready_extract_init_status_tlv: 9738: ready_extract_init_status_tlv:0
- [ 50.852947] wlan: [105:I:ANY] dp_peer_map_attach_wifi3: 9582: dp_peer_map_attach_wifi3 max_peers 1109, max_ast_index: 4112
- [ 50.852947]
- [ 50.861001] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_connect_htc: 1250: WMI is ready
- [ 50.873255] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_start: 10098: Skip txrx_pdev_attach_target
- [ 50.879785] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_start: 10136: BURSTING enabled by default
- [ 50.888084] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_twt_enable_complete_event_handler: 50: twt enabled
- [ 50.888664] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_stats_attach: 2294: periodic_chan_stats: 1
- [ 50.889344] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 25
- [ 50.889437] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_configure_cong_ctrl_max_msdus: 3892: pdev_idx = 0 tx_desc_limit = 32768
- [ 50.889450] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] dp_lag_pdev_set_primary_radio: 55: pdev(ffffffc037443808) is_primary 0
- [ 50.889455] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_start: 10098: Skip txrx_pdev_attach_target
- [ 50.889461] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_soc_start: 10136: BURSTING enabled by default
- [ 50.890500] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_stats_attach: 2294: periodic_chan_stats: 1
- [ 50.890669] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 11
- [ 50.890724] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] ol_ath_configure_cong_ctrl_max_msdus: 3892: pdev_idx = 1 tx_desc_limit = 32768
- [ 50.890735] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] dp_lag_pdev_set_primary_radio: 55: pdev(ffffffc037442c08) is_primary 0
- [ 50.890749] wlan: [6241:I:Dynamic Mode Change] ol_ath_check_and_reconfig_hw_mode: 3861: Running with HW mode = 1
- [ 50.986494] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_twt_enable_complete_event_handler: 50: twt enabled
- [ 50.998107] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 13
- [ 51.004274] wlan: [6241:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_init_precac_list: 3188: ieee=50 bw=160
- [ 51.012090] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 13
- [ 51.020465] wlan: [6241:I:dfs] WLAN_DEBUG_DFS_ALWAYS : dfs_init_precac_list: 3188: ieee=50 bw=160
- [ 51.027896] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] number of channels: 2G = 0 5G = 13, 6G = 0
- [ 51.036639] wlan: [6241:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_country: 7424: wlan_cfg80211_set_country: Country: CN ret: 0
- [ 51.044054] wlan: [2552:I:ANY] ol_acfg_handle_wifi_ioctl: 447: ol_acfg_handle_wifi_ioctl: req->cmd=76 not valid for radio interface, it's for VAP
- Error received: -22
- Could not send NL command
- [ 51.082533] mc_attach: enabled snooping on br-lan.
- [ 51.142780] wlan: [6326:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 2 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 51.142852] wlan: [6326:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 1 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 51.165644] wlan: [6328:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr: 7497: wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr :f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f7 ret: 0
- [ 51.180534] wlan: [6330:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 1650: set TXBF_SND_PERIOD: val 100 stat 0
- [ 51.224870] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2442: Disconnect_timeout value: 10
- [ 51.239325] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2448: Reconfiguration_timeout value:60
- number of vifs: cfg033579
- [ 51.303941] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_add_virtual_intf: 352: proprietary mode 6 for interface: ath0 : clone params: 0x00000001
- [ 51.304010] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] osifp_create_wlan_vap: 9900: VDEV Create f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f7
- [ 51.315089] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] wlan_vap_create: 1644: devhandle=0xffffffc030f00880, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1
- [ 51.315089]
- [ 51.323386] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 1556: Setting SGI value: 1
- [ 51.335692] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2609: VDEV params:HE su_bfee:1|su_bfer:1|mu_bfee:0|mu_bfer:1|dl_muofdma:1|ul_muofdma:1|ul_mumimo:1|dl_muofdma_bfer:0
- [ 51.342726] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2622: he_bf_cap=0x7b
- [ 51.357955] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2637: VDEV params: AC/VHT sounding mode:HE|SU/MU sounding mode:SU|Trig/Non-Trig sounding mode:Non-Trigged
- [ 51.364775] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] MBO Initialized
- [ 51.378920] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] OCE Initialized
- [ 51.383433] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] osif_create_vap_complete: 10120: TX Checksum:1|SG:1|TSO:1|LRO:0
- [ 51.389189] wlan: [6369:I:ANY] VAP device ath0 created osifp: (ffffffc0360ea880) os_if: (ffffffc034dc8000)
- [ 51.649857] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath0
- [ 51.650660] device ath0 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 51.654714] br-lan: port 5(ath0) entered forwarding state
- [ 51.659207] br-lan: port 5(ath0) entered forwarding state
- [ 51.705079] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] DES SSID SET=WIFI6-5G-4D18F8
- [ 51.705113] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_chan_to_phymode: band:1 width: 3 channel_cfreq: 5220 center_freq1: 5210 chandef.center_freq2: 0 flags: 0
- [ 51.709468] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] HT Support:ffffffc02d483c6e VHT Support:ffffffc02d483ca8 HE Support:ffffffc02d483cc3
- [ 51.723124] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] Max supported wireless mode: 3
- [ 51.733346] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] Phymode: 30
- [ 51.733346]
- [ 51.764394] wlan: [0:I:CMN_MLME] vdev[0] ieee chan:44 freq:5220
- [ 51.764715] wlan: [0:I:ANY] vdev[0]: Mgt Rate:6000(kbps)
- [ 51.769147] wlan: [0:I:ANY] vdev[0]: Mgt Rate:6000(kbps)
- [ 51.845999] wlan: [6518:E:ANY] ieee80211_ucfg_set_txpow: 1065: Exceeding Max Tx power of 23
- qcawifi qcawificfg80211: enable radio wifi1
- [ 52.414799] wlan: [7003:I:ANY] wlan_scan_update_channel_list: 1138: num_chan: 11
- [ 52.414878] wlan: [7003:I:ANY] number of channels: 2G = 11 5G = 0, 6G = 0
- [ 52.421259] wlan: [7003:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_country: 7424: wlan_cfg80211_set_country: Country: US ret: 0
- [ 52.521336] wlan: [7024:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 2 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 52.521416] wlan: [7024:I:Monitor Filter] dp_mon_ht2_rx_ring_cfg: 119: srng type 1 Max_mac_rings 1
- [ 52.544153] wlan: [7026:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr: 7497: wlan_cfg80211_set_hwaddr :f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f6 ret: 0
- [ 52.558857] wlan: [7028:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 1650: set TXBF_SND_PERIOD: val 100 stat 0
- [ 52.602140] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2442: Disconnect_timeout value: 10
- [ 52.617125] wlan: [0:I:ANY] ol_ath_set_config_param: 2448: Reconfiguration_timeout value:60
- number of vifs: cfg063579
- [ 52.682239] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_add_virtual_intf: 352: proprietary mode 6 for interface: ath1 : clone params: 0x00000001
- [ 52.682311] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] osifp_create_wlan_vap: 9900: VDEV Create f8:5e:3c:4d:18:f6
- [ 52.693363] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] wlan_vap_create: 1644: devhandle=0xffffffc030fc0880, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1
- [ 52.693363]
- [ 52.701707] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 1556: Setting SGI value: 1
- [ 52.713877] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2609: VDEV params:HE su_bfee:1|su_bfer:1|mu_bfee:0|mu_bfer:1|dl_muofdma:1|ul_muofdma:1|ul_mumimo:1|dl_muofdma_bfer:0
- [ 52.720964] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2622: he_bf_cap=0x7b
- [ 52.736219] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] ol_ath_vap_set_param: 2637: VDEV params: AC/VHT sounding mode:HE|SU/MU sounding mode:SU|Trig/Non-Trig sounding mode:Non-Trigged
- [ 52.742996] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] MBO Initialized
- [ 52.757026] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] OCE Initialized
- [ 52.761684] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] osif_create_vap_complete: 10120: TX Checksum:1|SG:1|TSO:1|LRO:0
- [ 52.767206] wlan: [7067:I:ANY] VAP device ath1 created osifp: (ffffffc0376be880) os_if: (ffffffc034f70000)
- [ 53.066153] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device ath1
- [ 53.066959] device ath1 entered promiscuous mode
- [ 53.071032] br-lan: port 6(ath1) entered forwarding state
- [ 53.075546] br-lan: port 6(ath1) entered forwarding state
- [ 53.124577] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_do_acs: 4440: vap-1(ath1):ACS Params
- [ 53.124610] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] wlan_cfg80211_do_acs: 4443: ht_enabled:1|ht40_enabled:0|vht_enabled:1|hw_mode:29|chwidth:20|
- [ 53.131132] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] ieee80211_autoselect_infra_bss_channel: 4136: ACS started: vap:0xffffffc034f70000
- ****** Starting QDSS for Integrated ********
- [ 53.654067] br-lan: port 5(ath0) entered forwarding state
- [ 55.074093] br-lan: port 6(ath1) entered forwarding state
- [ 57.026566] wlan: [2025:I:ANY] vap-1(ath1): ACS result PCH 1 freq 2412, SCH 5 freq 2432, hw_mode 1 chwidth 40, vht_seg0 3 freq 2422, vht_seg1 0 freq 0
- [ 57.026630] wlan: [2025:I:ANY] ieee80211_acs_scan_evhandler: 3870: lock held duration: 0(ms)
- [ 57.027426] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] DES SSID SET=WIFI6-4D18F8
- [ 57.027431] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] desired hw mode: 29
- [ 57.027518] wlan: [2563:I:ANY] ieee80211_ucfg_set_freq_internal: 575:
- [ 57.027518] Channel is configured already!!
- [ 57.069602] wlan: [0:I:CMN_MLME] vdev[1] ieee chan:1 freq:2412
- [ 57.069909] wlan: [0:I:ANY] vdev[1]: Mgt Rate:1000(kbps)
- [ 57.074354] wlan: [0:I:ANY] vdev[1]: Mgt Rate:1000(kbps)
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